Volkswagen AG


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12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles 430
37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services 338
35 - Advertising and business services 305
28 - Games; toys; sports equipment 254
09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments 183
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Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 019013854
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-04-15
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 08 - Hand tools and implements
  • 11 - Environmental control apparatus
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 14 - Precious metals and their alloys; jewelry; time-keeping instruments
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 18 - Leather and imitations of leather
  • 20 - Furniture and decorative products
  • 21 - HouseHold or kitchen utensils, containers and materials; glassware; porcelain; earthenware
  • 22 - Rope, netting, tents, awnings, sails and sacks; padding and stuffing materials
  • 24 - Textiles and textile goods
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 27 - Floor and wall coverings
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 43 - Food and drink services, temporary accommodation

Goods & Services

Geräte zur Körper- und Schönheitspflege für Menschen und Tiere; scharfe und stumpfe Hieb- und Stichwaffen; Werkzeuge für die Zubereitung von Lebensmitteln, Küchenmesser und Essbestecke; handbetätigte Geräte und Werkzeuge zur Materialbearbeitung sowie für Bau-, Reparatur und Instandhaltungsarbeiten; Hebewerkzeuge; Handbetätigte Werkzeuge und Geräte für land-, garten- und forstwirtschaftliche Zwecke, für den Maschinen-, Apparate- und Fahrzeugbau sowie für die Bautechnik; Kratzer (Handwerkzeuge); Werkzeugschlüssel; Werkzeuggriffe aus Metall; Messerschmiedewaren; Essbesteck, Gabeln und Löffel, Messer; Gabeln [Handwerkzeuge]; Scheren; Hieb- und Stichwaffen; Schwerter; Rasierer, Rasierapparate; Etuis für Rasierapparate; Maniküreneccessaires; Schleifsteine; Zerstäuber für Insektizide [handbetätigt]; Viehmarkierungsgeräte; Harpunen; handbetätigte Werkzeuge; handbetätigte Wagenheber; Maurerkellen; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Geräte und Anlagen zu Beleuchtungs-, Heizungs-, Kühlungs-, Dampferzeugungs-, Koch-, Trocknungs-, Lüftungs- und Wasserversorgungszwecken sowie zu sanitären Zwecken; Abzüge und Installationen zum Ableiten von Abgasen; Bräunungsapparate; sanitäre Installationen und Einrichtungen; Wasserversorgungseinrichtungen; Brenner, Boiler; Lichtreflektoren; Kamine; Feuerfeste Öfen; Öfen mit Grills; Campingkocher; Grills; Transportable Feuerstellen; Filter für Industrie und Haushalt; industrielle Aufbereitungsanlagen, nämlich Gasfilter und -reiniger; Industrieöfen und Feuerungen [nicht für Nahrungsmittel und Getränke]; Anlagen für chemische Aufbereitung; industrielle Anlagen für die Filterung von Flüssigkeiten; Anlagen zum Sammeln von Gasen; Anlagen zum Sammeln von Flüssigkeiten; Laufrinnen zum Abscheiden von Verunreinigungen in geschmolzenem Metall [Teile von Schmelzöfen]; Biologische Reaktoren zur Klärung von Industrieabwässern; Apparate für die Entwässerung von Lebensmittelabfällen; Trockenanlagen; Kühl- und Gefrierausrüstung; Regelungs- und Sicherheitszubehör für Wasser- und Gasanlagen; kerntechnische Anlagen; Heizungs-, Ventilations-, Klima- und Luftreinigungsgeräte und -anlagen; Beleuchtungsgeräte; Beleuchtungsapparate und -anlagen; Beleuchtungslampen; Beleuchtungsgeräte mit Leuchtdioden [LEDs]; Beleuchtungsanlagen für Luftfahrzeuge; Beleuchtungsgeräte für Fahrzeuge; Lampen für Fahrtrichtungsanzeiger von Fahrzeugen; Beleuchtungsgeräte mit Leuchtdioden [LEDs] für Fahrzeuge; Blendschutzvorrichtungen für Fahrzeuge [Lampenzubehör]; Blendschutzvorrichtungen für Kraftfahrzeuge [Lampenzubehör]; Blitzlichte [Taschenlampen]; Bogenlampen; Campinglaternen; elektrische Kaffeemaschinen; elektrische Lüfter für den persönlichen Gebrauch; Entladungsröhren [elektrisch] für Beleuchtungszwecke; Fahrradleuchten; Fahrzeugleuchten und deren jeweiligen Teile, soweit die jeweiligen Teile in dieser Klasse enthalten; Fahrzeugrückstrahler und deren jeweiligen Teile, soweit die jeweiligen Teile in dieser Klasse enthalten; Fahrzeugscheinwerfer und deren jeweiligen Teile, soweit die jeweiligen Teile in dieser Klasse enthalten; Fassungen für elektrische Lampen; Gasanzünder (Feuerzeuge); Anzünder [Zündgeräte]; Glühbirnen für Beleuchtungszwecke; Glühbirnen [elektrisch]; Glühbrenner; Glühfäden für elektrische Lampen; Grubenlampen; Heizgeräte für feste, flüssige oder gasförmige Brennstoffe; Heizgeräte [elektrisch]; Heizungsanlagen; Heizungsanlagen für Fahrzeuge; Klimaanlagen; Klimaapparate; Kühlanlagen und -maschinen; Kühlapparate; Klimaanlagen für Fahrzeuge; Lampen [elektrisch]; Azetylenerzeuger; Gaslampen; Lampengläser; Lampenglühstrümpfe; Lampenkugeln; Lampenröhren, -zylinder; Lampenschirme; Lampenschirmhalter; Leuchtröhren für Beleuchtungszwecke; Leuchtröhren mit elektrischer Entladung; Lichtverteiler; Lufterhitzer; Luftfilter [Klimatisierung]; Luftfilteranlagen; Filter [Teile von häuslichen oder gewerblichen Anlagen]; Desodorierungsgeräte, nicht für den persönlichen Gebrauch; Entfroster für Fahrzeuge; Lüftungsanlagen [Klimatisierung] für Fahrzeuge; Scheibenheizungen für Fahrzeuge; Luftkühlgeräte; Luftreinigungsapparate und -maschinen; Luftreinigungslampen mit keimtötender Wirkung; Luftsprudelbäder; Luftsterilisatoren; Lufttrockner; Lüftungsgeräte [Klimatisierung]; Reflektoren für Lampen; Sicherheitslampen; Solarkollektoren [Heizung]; Taschenlampen; Ultraviolettlampen, nicht für medizinische Zwecke; Wasserleitungsanlagen; Niveauregelventile für Tanks; elektrische Radiatoren; Polymerisationsanlagen; Elektrische Schokoladenbrunnen; Elektrische Lichterketten; Elektrisch beheizte Kleidung; Speiseeismaschinen; Fahrradblinker; Heiz- und Kühlgeräte zur Ausgabe von heißen und kalten Getränken; USB-betriebene Handwärmer; USB-betriebene Tassenwärmer; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Fahrzeuge und Beförderungsmittel; Fahrzeuge zur Beförderung auf dem Lande, in der Luft, auf dem Wasser oder auf Schienen sowie deren Teile; motorisierte Landfahrzeuge; führerlose Fahrzeuge [autonome Fahrzeuge]; Kraftfahrzeuge; Automobile; Roboterautos; Rennwagen; Lastkraftwagen; Autobusse; Wohnwagen; Traktoren; Omnibusse; Motorräder; Mopeds; Fahrräder; Elektrische Fahrräder; Zweiräder, Roller [Fahrzeuge]; Hoverboards; Selbstbalancierende Einräder; Selbstbalancierende Einrad-Elektroroller; Sessellifte, Seilbahnen; Rollstühle; Kinderwagen; Wägelchen zum Transport von Kindern; Luftfahrzeuge; Boote, Schiffe; Lokomotiven; Kameradrohnen; Kamera-Helikopter; Drahtseilfördergeräte und -anlagen; Karren, Einkaufswagen, Gepäckwagen, Handwagen, mobile Handkarren; Anhänger und Sattelauflieger für Fahrzeuge; Anhängerkupplungen für Fahrzeuge; Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge; Triebwerke für Landfahrzeuge; Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge; Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen; Kupplungen für Landfahrzeuge; Stoßdämpfer für Fahrzeuge; Stoßdämpferfedern für Fahrzeuge; Reifen (Pneus); Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Felgen für Fahrzeugräder; Vollgummireifen für Fahrzeugräder; Fahrzeugräder; Naben für Fahrzeugräder; Radmuttern für Fahrzeugräder; Schläuche für Reifen; Laufmäntel für Luftreifen; Schaumstoffeinlagen für Reifen; Flickzeug für Reifenschläuche, selbstklebende Flickgummis für die Reparatur von Reifenschläuchen; Spikes für Reifen; Schneeketten; Gleitschutzvorrichtungen für Fahrzeugreifen; Fahrzeugsitze; Rückspiegel; Kopfstützen für Fahrzeugsitze; Alarmanlagen für Fahrzeuge, Diebstahlsicherungen für Fahrzeuge; Zigarettenanzünder für Automobile; Clips für die Befestigung von Kraftfahrzeugteilen an Kraftfahrzeugkarosserien; Becherhalter für Fahrzeuge; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Perlen, Edelmetall, und Edelmetalle sowie Imitationen hiervon; Aus Edelsteinen, Perlen oder Edelmetallen sowie Imitationen hiervon hergestellte Gegenstände; Juwelierwaren, Schmuckwaren; Zeitmessgeräte und Uhren; Armbanduhren und Stoppuhren und Taschenuhren, Uhrenetuis; Schmuck- und Uhrenbehältnisse; Armbänder aus besticktem Stoff [Schmuck]; Krawattennadeln; Manschettenknöpfe; Anstecknadeln [Schmuckwaren]; Andere Waren aus Edelmetall und Edelsteinen sowie Imitationen hiervon, nämlich Statuen und Figuren, Verzierungen, Münzen und Wertmarken, Kunstwerke aus Edelmetall, Schlüsselringe [Schmuckstücke oder Schlüsselanhänger]; Schlüsselringe aus Metall; Anhänger für Schlüsselringe; Schmuckkästen; Schmuckanhänger; Hutverzierungen, aus Edelmetall; Schmuckwaren für Schuhe; Rosenkränze; Misbaha [Gebetsperlen]; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Papier, Pappe (Karton); Druckereierzeugnisse; Kunstwerke und Figuren aus Papier oder Pappe sowie Architekturmodelle; Dekorations- und Künstlerbedarfsmaterialien und -mittel; Filtermaterial aus Papier; Taschen, Beutel und Waren für Verpackungs-, Einpack- und Ablagezwecke aus Papier, Pappe oder Kunststoff; Etuis für Schreibwaren; Buchbindeartikel; Photographien; Schreibwaren; Klebstoffe für Papier- und Schreibwaren oder für Haushaltszwecke; Künstlerbedarfsartikel; Pinsel zum Auftragen von Farben; Schreibmaschinen, Schreibgeräte und Büroartikel, ausgenommen Möbel; Lehr- und Unterrichtsmaterial, ausgenommen Apparate; Verpackungsmaterial aus Kunststoff, Drucklettern; Druckstöcke; Atlanten; Kalender; Adventskalender; geographische Karten; Veröffentlichungen (Schriften); gedrucktes Werbematerial und gedruckte Reklame; Notizbücher; Postkarten; Lesezeichen; Notizzettel; Dokumentenhüllen; Stifte (Büromaterial); Kugelschreiber und Bleistifte; Wimpel und Fahnen aus Papier; Servietten aus Papier; Kopierpapier; Toilettenpapier; Handtücher aus Papier; Packpapier; Tinte; Siegelstempel; Zeicheninstrumente; Zeichenmaterialien; Malstaffeleien; Gerahmte oder ungerahmte Bilder [Gemälde]; Modelliermaterial; Banner aus Papier; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Gepäck, Taschen, Brieftaschen und andere Tragebehältnisse; Regen- und Sonnenschirme; Gehstöcke; Reise- und Handkoffer; Taschen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten, insbesondere Sporttaschen, Aktentaschen und Handtaschen; Rucksäcke; Turnbeutel; Beutel mit Zugbändern; Brieftaschen, Geldbörsen; Kulturbeutel; Schlüsseletuis; Verpackungsbeutel, -hüllen, -taschen aus Leder; Etiketten aus Leder; Angepasste Kofferanhänger [Lederwaren]; Satteltaschen; Sattlerwaren, Peitschen und Tierbekleidung; Bekleidungsstücke für Haustiere; Tefillin [Gebetsriemen]; Leder, roh oder teilweise bearbeitet; Häute und Felle; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Möbel und Einrichtungsgegenstände; Spiegel, Bilderrahmen, Betten; Kissen; Bettzeug, ausgenommen Bettwäsche; Briefkästen, nicht aus Metall oder gemauert; Regale; Schränke; Tische, Schreibtische, Stühle, Polstersessel, Sofas, Kinderhochstühle und -lauflerngeräte, Kleiderbügel, Kopfpolster; Campingmöbel, Campingtische, Campingstühle, Campingbetten, Campingmatratzen, Schlafmatten für Campingzwecke; Picknickmöbel, Picknickkörbe; Holzkästen; Kisten aus Kunststoff; Kästen und Kisten, nicht aus Metall; Boxen aus Holz oder Kunststoff; Aufbewahrungskästen [Möbel], Aufbewahrungskisten [Möbel], Aufbewahrungskörbe [Möbel]; Behälter für Aufbewahrungszwecke [ausgenommen für Haushalt und Küche]; Kleiderständer; Ankerbojen nicht aus Metall; Schlösser und Schlüssel nicht aus Metall; Tür-, Tor- und Fensterbeschläge, nicht aus Metall; Ventile, nicht aus Metall; Befestigungsmaterial, nicht aus Metall; Klöppel, nicht aus Metall; Klemmen, nicht aus Metall; Haltegriffe, nicht aus Metall; Haken, nicht aus Metall; Identifikationsarmbänder, nicht aus Metall; Wimpelhalter; Dübel aus Kunststoff, Spulen nicht aus Metall [ausgenommen als Teile von Maschinen und Apparaten], Ringe, Stangen, nicht aus Metall, Sägeböcke, Spülsteinmatten, Treppenbeschläge aus Plastik, Saugnäpfe aus Kunststoff, Spender für Papierhandtücher [ortsfest, nicht aus Metall], Tabletts, nicht aus Metall, Etiketten aus Kunststoff; Tonnen, Fässer nicht aus Metall, Verpackungsbehälter aus Kunststoff, Tanks für flüssige Brennstoffe, nicht aus Metall, aufblasbare Werbeartikel, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Kanister, nicht aus Metall; Leitern aus Holz oder Kunststoff; Bilderrahmen; Bambus; Kunstgegenstände aus Holz, Wachs, Gips oder aus Kunststoff; Anschlagtafeln; Dekorationsartikel aus Kunststoff für Nahrungsmittel; Behausung und Betten für Tiere; Namensarmbänder, nicht aus Metall, zur Verwendung in Krankenhäusern; Särge und Bestattungsurnen; Garderobenhaken; Vorhangringe; Statuen, Figuren, Kunstwerke sowie Verzierungen und Dekorationen aus Materialien wie Holz, Wachs, Gips, Kunststoff, Kork, Rohr, Binsen, Weide, Horn, Knochen, Elfenbein, Fischbein, Schildpatt, Bernstein, Perlmutter, Meerschaum und deren Ersatzstoffen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Leitern, nicht aus Metall; Mobile Treppen, nicht aus Metall; Kunststofframpen für Fahrzeuge; Displays, Ständer und Beschilderungen, nicht aus Metall; Ladelehren, nicht aus Metall, für Eisenbahnwaggons; Ölauffangbehälter, nicht aus Metall; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Statuen, Figuren, Schilder und Kunstwerke aus Materialien wie Porzellan, Keramik, Steingut und Glas, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Gegenstände für die Tierhaltung, nämlich Aquarien und Vivarien, Gegenstände zur Schädlings- und Ungezieferabwehr, Vogelbäder, Käfige, Futter- und Tränkartikel, Fischgläser, Fellpflegeartikel, Nistartikel, Anhängeschilder, Abfallentsorgungsartikel; Geräte und Behälter für Haushalt und Küche; Teller, Tassen, Becher, Trinkgefäße, Kannen und Krüge, Serviergeschirr, Schüsseln, Schalen, Eierbecher, Teeservice; Eiszangen; Salatzangen; Servierkellen; Stößel für die Küche; Mörser für die Küche; Eisportionierer; Spatel für die Küche; Schaufeln für Haushaltszwecke; Schneidbretter für die Küche; Ausgießer; Trinkhalme; Schöpfkellen für Wein; Nussknacker, Zuckerzange; Salz- und Pfefferstreuer; tragbare, nicht elektrische Kühltaschen, Kühlboxen; Picknickkoffer mit Geschirr, Picknickgeschirr, Picknickbehälter; Isoliergefäße für Getränke; Isoliergefäße für Nahrungsmittel; Isolierflaschen; Nicht elektrische Wasserkessel; Grillzangen, Grillgabeln, Grillwender; Ofen- und Grillhandschuhe, Topflappen; Tragbare Campingtöpfe und -pfannen, Grillroste [Küchengeräte] für Campingzwecke; Flaschenöffner; Tischdeckengewichte; Toilettenecessaires; Kämme und Schwämme; Bürsten, Bürstenmachermaterial; Putzzeug; Papierkörbe; Sparbüchsen; Chamoisleder für Reinigungszwecke; Tücher und Pads zur Reinigung von Displays; Glaswaren, Porzellan- und Steingut, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Rohes oder teilweise bearbeitetes Glas mit Ausnahme von Bauglas; Schilder aus Porzellan und Glas; Vasen; Blumenvasen; Glaswaren zum täglichen Gebrauch, einschließlich Becher, Teller, Kessel und Krüge; Kunstgegenstände aus Porzellan, Ton oder Glas; Bürstenwaren; Zahnbürsten; Zahnstocher; Futtertröge; Fliegenfallen. Netze, Zelte, Planen, Seile, Bindfäden, Segel, Säcke, Polsterfüllstoffe und Polstermaterial, ausgenommen aus Papier, Pappe [Karton], Kautschuk oder Kunststoff, rohe Gespinstfasern, Hängematten, Verpackungsbeutel, -hüllen, und -taschen aus textilem Material, Abschleppseile für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugplanen; Zelte, Campingzelte. Stoffe; Textilwaren [Haushaltswaren]; Webstoffe und Textilersatzstoffe; Filtermaterialien aus Textilien; Bett- und Tischdecken; Tischwäsche, nicht aus Papier; Bettwäsche; Handtücher; Kissenbezüge; Wandbekleidungen aus textilem Material; Bordüren aus Textil, Steppdecken, Tagesdecken für Betten, Decken zur Verwendung im Außenbereich; Schlafsäcke; Servietten aus Textil; Moskitonetze, Wimpel und Fahnen nicht aus Papier; Flaggen aus Kunststoff; Vliesstoffe [Textilien]; Filz; Waschhandschuhe; Picknickdecken. Kopfbedeckungen; Bekleidungsstücke; Schuhwaren; Polo-Shirts/-hemden; Overalls; T-Shirts; Mäntel; Jacken; Bandanas [Tücher für Bekleidungszwecke]; Unterhosen; Hosen; Babywäsche; Badeanzüge; Regenmäntel; Theaterkostüme; Schuhe; Fussballschuhe; Hüte; Mützen; Strümpfe; Handschuhe [Bekleidung]; Schals und Stolen; Krawatten; Gürtel [Bekleidung]; Duschhauben; Miederwaren; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Teppiche, Fußmatten, Matten, Linoleum, künstliche Bodenbeläge und andere Bodenbeläge; Automatten; Wand- und Deckenverkleidungen; Tapeten, nicht aus textilem Material, Papiertapeten, Textiltapeten, Tapeten-Bordüren aus Papier; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Spielwaren, Spiele, Spielzeug und Scherzartikel für Partys; Spielzeugautos; Modellbausätze [Spielwaren]; Plüschtiere und sonstiges Plüschspielzeug; verkleinerte Fahrzeugmodelle; Spielzeugfahrzeuge; Automotormodelle als Spielzeug; Roller (Spielzeug); Aufsitzfahrzeuge für Kinder [Spielzeug]; Ferngesteuerte Fahrzeuge [Spielzeuge]; Vierrädrige Kinderfahrzeuge [Spielzeuge]; Spielbälle; Kaleidoskope; Brettspiele; Puzzles; Spielkarten; Spielkugeln; Handschuhe [Zubehör für Spiele]; Spielzeug-Kinderwagen; Drachen; Spielzeug, dargeboten in einem Adventskalender; Knetmasse [Spielzeug]; Autorennbahnen; Artikel für den Golfsport; Videospielgeräte für Spielhallen; Videospielgeräte; Videospielkonsolen; Geräte für Jahrmärkte und Spielplätze; Spielautomaten [Glücksspielautomaten]; Elektronische Spiele; Sportartikel und -ausrüstungen, Turnartikel; Gymnastik- und Turngeräte; Schwimmer [Angelsport]; Tarnschilde [Sportartikel]; Fahrrad-Heimtrainer; Bogenschießgeräte Christbaumschmuck; Künstliche Weihnachtsbäume; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen für den Versandhandel bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Dienstleistungen des Einzel- und Großhandels über das Internet bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen mittels Teleshopping-Sendungen bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzelhandelsdienstleistungen in Bezug auf virtuelle Waren, nämlich Fahrzeuge, Teile und Zubehör für Fahrzeuge, Bekleidungsstücke, Spielzeug, Sportartikel und -ausrüstung sowie Kunstgegenstände zur Verwendung in virtuellen Umgebungen; Bereitstellen eines Online-Marktplatzes für Käufer und Verkäufer von Waren- und Dienstleistungen in Bezug auf Virtual-Reality-Spiele; Einzelhandelsdienstleistungen im Bereich kreativen Arbeiten (Kunstwerke und digitale Kunst) im Bereich Automobilindustrie, Spielwarenindustrie, Sport und Popkultur; Zusammenstellen, ausgenommen deren Transport, verschiedener Kraftfahrzeuge, Kraftfahrzeugteile und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder für Dritte, um den Verbrauchern Ansicht und Erwerb dieser Waren in einer Einzelhandelsverkaufsstelle zu erleichtern; Vermittlung von Verträgen für Dritte über den An- und Verkauf von Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge oder Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Geschäftsführung eines Fuhrparks für Dritte; Erteilung von Auskünften [Information] und Beratung für Verbraucher in Handels- und Geschäftsangelegenheiten [Verbraucherberatung]; Verwaltungstechnische Bearbeitung von Bestellungen; Vermittlung von Verträgen für Dritte über den An- und Verkauf von Waren; Beratung bei der Organisation und Führung von Unternehmen; Hilfe bei der Führung von gewerblichen oder Handelsbetrieben; Werbung; Marketing; Geschäftsführung; Unternehmensverwaltung; Bürodienste; Beratung in Fragen des Personalwesens; Rundfunk- und Fernsehwerbung; Veranstaltung von Messen für wirtschaftliche und Werbezwecke; Sammeln und Zusammenstellen von themenbezogenen Presseartikeln; Präsentation von Waren in Kommunikations-Medien für den Einzelhandel; Öffentlichkeitsarbeit [Public Relations]; Zusammenstellung von Informationsverzeichnissen für Geschäfts- und Werbezwecke; Durchführung von Auktionen und Versteigerungen; Verkaufsförderung [Sales promotion] für Dritte; Werbung für Waren und Dienstleistungen durch Sponsoring von Sportveranstaltungen; Personalanwerbung; Verwaltungsdienstleistungen für Unternehmensverlagerungen; Buchführung; Sponsorensuche; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Transportwesen; Verpacken und Lagerung von Waren; Veranstaltung von Reisen; Reisedienstleistungen und Transport von Reisenden; Abschleppen von Fahrzeugen; Taxidienste; Transport mit Kraftfahrzeugen; Transportlogistik; Vermietung von Fahrzeugen, insbesondere Automobilen; Beförderung von Personen, insbesondere mit Autobussen; Carsharing-Dienstleistungen; Organisation von Passagierbeförderungsdiensten für Dritte mittels einer Online-Anwendung; Frachtmaklerdienste; Auslieferung von Waren und Paketen; Elektrizitätsspeicherung [Lagerung]; Elektrizitätsverteilung; Verkehrsinformationsdienste; Flottensteuerung von Kraftfahrzeugen mittels Navigations- und Ortungsgeräten. Verpflegung von Gästen; Beherbergung von Gästen.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 019011695
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-04-10
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 04 - Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; fuels
  • 08 - Hand tools and implements
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 11 - Environmental control apparatus
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 18 - Leather and imitations of leather
  • 20 - Furniture and decorative products
  • 22 - Rope, netting, tents, awnings, sails and sacks; padding and stuffing materials
  • 24 - Textiles and textile goods
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 27 - Floor and wall coverings
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 30 - Basic staples, tea, coffee, baked goods and confectionery
  • 32 - Beers; non-alcoholic beverages
  • 33 - Alcoholic beverages other than beer
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 43 - Food and drink services, temporary accommodation

Goods & Services

Wachs; Kerzen und Dochte für Beleuchtungszwecke; Technische Öle und Fette, Motorenöl; Öle für technische Zwecke, Olein, Ölgas, Paraffin, Rapsöl für gewerbliche Zwecke; Stearin, Sonnenblumenöl für gewerbliche Zwecke; technische Fette; industrielle Wachse; Schmiermittel, Masut, Riemenfett, Riemengleitschutzmittel, Riemenwachs, Schmierfette, Schmieröle; Entstaubungsmittel, Staubabsorbierungsmittel; Staubbindemittel; Brennstoffe, einschließlich Motorentreibstoffe, Leuchtstoffe, Leuchtgas, Treibstoff, Kraftstoff, Benzin, Brenngas, Brennholz, Brennöle, Brennspiritus; Brennstoff auf Alkoholgrundlage; Gasförmige Brennstoffmischungen, Ethanol, Gasöl, Kerosin; Mineralische Brennstoffe; Naphtha; Nicht chemische Zusätze für Kraftstoff und Treibstoff; Petroleum, roh oder raffiniert; Petroleumäther, Schwachgas, Steinkohlenöl; Verfestigte Gase; Kohlenanzünder; elektrische Energie; Benzolkraftstoffe, Benzenbrennstoffe, Xylenbrennstoffe Zusatzstoffe in Verbindung mit vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Geräte zur Körper- und Schönheitspflege für Menschen und Tiere; scharfe und stumpfe Hieb- und Stichwaffen; Werkzeuge für die Zubereitung von Lebensmitteln, Küchenmesser und Essbestecke; handbetätigte Geräte und Werkzeuge zur Materialbearbeitung sowie für Bau-, Reparatur und Instandhaltungsarbeiten; Hebewerkzeuge; Handbetätigte Werkzeuge und Geräte für land-, garten- und forstwirtschaftliche Zwecke, für den Maschinen-, Apparate- und Fahrzeugbau sowie für die Bautechnik; Kratzer (Handwerkzeuge); Werkzeugschlüssel; Werkzeuggriffe aus Metall; Messerschmiedewaren; Essbesteck, Gabeln und Löffel, Messer; Gabeln [Handwerkzeuge]; Scheren; Hieb- und Stichwaffen; Schwerter; Rasierer, Rasierapparate; Etuis für Rasierapparate; Maniküreneccessaires; Schleifsteine; Zerstäuber für Insektizide [handbetätigt]; Viehmarkierungsgeräte; Harpunen; handbetätigte Werkzeuge; handbetätigte Wagenheber; Maurerkellen; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Wissenschaftliche, Forschungs-, Navigations-, Vermessungs-, fotografische, Film-, audiovisuelle, optische, Wäge-, Mess-, Signal-, Detektions-, Prüf-, Kontroll-, Rettungs- und Unterrichtsapparate und -instrumente; Apparate und Instrumente zum Leiten, Schalten, Umwandeln, Speichern, Regeln oder Kontrollieren der Verteilung oder Nutzung von Elektrizität; Geräte und Instrumente zur Aufzeichnung, Übertragung, Wiedergabe oder Verarbeitung von Ton, Bild oder Daten; Aufgezeichnete und herunterladbare Medien, leere digitale oder analoge Aufzeichnungs- und Speichermedien; informationstechnologische und audiovisuelle Geräte; Magnete, Magnetisierungs- und Entmagnetisierungsvorrichtungen; Apparate, Instrumente und Kabel für Elektrizität; optische Geräte und Ausrüstung, Verstärkungsgeräte und Korrektoren; Sicherungs-, Sicherheits-, Schutz- und Signalgeräte sowie -ausrüstung; Tauchausrüstung; Navigations-, Orientierungs-, Standortverfolgungs-, Zielverfolgungs- und Kartierungsgeräte; Mess-, Erkennungs- und Überwachungsinstrumente, -vorrichtungen sowie -regler; Automatische Druckverlustanzeiger für Fahrzeugreifen; Fahrtenschreiber für Fahrzeuge; Apparate für wissenschaftliche Forschung und Labor, Unterrichtsapparate und Simulatoren; Thermometer; Kontaktlinsen, Brillen, Brillenetuis, Ferngläser, optische Lupen; Sonnenbrillen; Handyhüllen mit Kordel; Handyketten; Hüllen für Smartphones; Warndreiecke für Fahrzeuge; Warnlampen für Fahrzeuge [keine Teile von Fahrzeugen]; Elektrische Batterien und deren Teile; Elektrische Akkumulatoren und deren Teile; Brennstoffzellen und deren Teile; Sonnenbatterien; Elektrische Batterien für Fahrzeuge; Elektrische Akkumulatoren für Fahrzeuge; Ladegeräte für elektrische Batterien; Einbruchalarmgeräte; Feueralarmgeräte; Rauchalarmgeräte; Gaswarngeräte; Diebstahlalarmgeräte; Feuerlöschgeräte; Feuerlöschfahrzeuge; Waagen; Wasserwaagen; Zirkel [Messinstrumente]; Lineale (Messinstrumente); Säuremesser; Mengenmesser; Elektronische Steuergeräte und Strom-/Spannungsversorgungsgeräte für Fahrzeugscheinwerfer und Fahrzeugleuchten und deren jeweilige Teile; Leuchtdioden [LEDs], Elektronische Leistungsregler; Elektrische und elektronische Steuergeräte; Regelgeräte und -instrumente; Simulatoren für die Lenkung und die Kontrolle von Fahrzeugen; Künstliche Intelligenz-Software für Fahrzeuge; Spannungsregler für Fahrzeuge; Geschwindigkeitsanzeiger; Drehzahlmesser; Messgeräte und Messinstrumente; Parkuhren; Rettungsvorrichtungen, nämlich Rettungsflöße, Rettungsleitern, Rettungsnetze, Rettungsplanen, Rettungsringe, Rettungsbojen, Rettungswesten; Elektrische Sicherungen; Elektrische Relais; Laser nicht für medizinische Zwecke, Laserpointer; Fernsteuerungsgeräte, Fernbedienungen; Antennen; Navigationsgeräte für Fahrzeuge; Mobiltelefone; Telefonapparate; Fernsehapparate; Bildtelefone; Radios; Kompasse; Navigationsgeräte; Navigationsinstrumente; Telematikapparate; Telematikendgeräte; Magnetische, elektronische und optische Aufzeichnungsträger, Schallplatten, CDs, DVDs und andere digitale Aufzeichnungsträger; Tonträger, Musikautomaten [geldbetätigt], Compact-Disks [ROM, Festspeicher]; Musikdateien zum Herunterladen; Kopfhörer; Lautsprecher; Lautsprecherboxen; Leuchtschilder; CD-Player; DVD-Player; Videotelefone; Bildfunkgeräte; Projektionsgeräte; Fotoapparate; belichtete Filme; Filmkameras; Fotokopiergeräte; Elektronische Übersetzungsgeräte (Computer); Elektronische Taschenübersetzer; Magnetkarten, Karten mit integrierten Schaltkreisen (Smartcards), codierte Telefonkarten; Mechaniken für geldbetätigte Apparate; Bank-, Geldautomaten; Registrierkassen, Rechenmaschinen; Hardware für die Datenverarbeitung; Computer; Elektronische Terminkalender; Faxgeräte; Monitore (Computerhardware und -programme); Computerperipheriegeräte; Computerprogramme zur Verwendung für das autonome Fahren von Fahrzeugen; Computerprogramme zur Verwendung bei der autonomen Navigation von Fahrzeugen; Computerprogramme zur Verwendung bei der autonomen Steuerung von Fahrzeugen; gespeicherte und herunterladbare Computerprogramme, insbesondere Datensammlungen in elektronischer Form; Gespeicherte oder herunterladbare Software-Plattformen; Computersoftware; Spielsoftware; Herunterladbare, interaktive Unterhaltungssoftware zum Spielen von Videospielen; Videospiele [Computerspiele] in Form von auf Datenträgern gespeicherten Computerprogrammen; Anwendungssoftware; Mobile Apps; Taschenrechner; Elektronische Publikationen [herunterladbar]; Herunterladbare Bilddateien; Herunterladbare virtuelle Waren, nämlich Computerprogramme in Bezug auf Fahrzeuge, Teile und Zubehör für Fahrzeuge, Bekleidungsstücke, Spielzeug, Sportartikel und -ausrüstung sowie Kunstgegenstände zur Verwendung in virtuellen Umgebungen; Herunterladbare virtuelle Waren, nämlich nicht austauschbare Token (NFTs) zum Erstellen und Handeln digitaler Sammlerstücke unter Verwendung Blockchain-basierter Softwaretechnologie für Fahrzeuge, Teile und Zubehör für Fahrzeuge, Bekleidungsstücke, Spielzeug, Sportartikel und -ausrüstung sowie Kunstgegenstände zur Verwendung in virtuellen Umgebungen; Herunterladbare digitale Medien, nämlich mit Blockchain-basierter Softwaretechnologie erstellte digitale Sammlerstücke in Form von personalisierten Fotos, Bildern, Videos und virtuellen Erlebnissen im Bereich Automobilindustrie, Kunst, Unterhaltung, Sport und Popkultur; Digitales Material, nämlich einzigartige Dateneinheiten als einmalige kreative Arbeit im Bereich Automobilindustrie, Kunst, Unterhaltung, Sport und Popkultur; Crashtest-Dummys; Mikroskope; Elektrokabel; Steckdosen; Elektrische Fernzündungsgeräte; Radiologische Apparate für gewerbliche Zwecke; Schutzhelme; Elektrische Schlösser; Elektronische Steuerungen und elektronische Steuerungssysteme; Security-Tokens [Verschlüsselungsgeräte]; Elektronische Zugangskontrollsysteme für Zugangsschleusen; Wärmebildkameras; Waagen mit Body-Mass-Analysegerät; Hüllen für Tablet-Computer; Blackboxes [Datenrekorder]; Digitale Wetterstationen; Ladestationen für elektrische Fahrzeuge; Interaktive Touch-Screen-Terminals; Smart-Ringe; Elektrische und elektronische Effekteinheiten für Musikinstrumente; Audioschnittstellen; Equalizer [Audio Apparate]; Parksensoren für Fahrzeuge; Lehrroboter; Humanoide Roboter mit künstlicher Intelligenz; PDA-Computer [Personal Digital Assistants]; Rückfahrkameras für Fahrzeuge; Elektrokabelbäume für Kraftfahrzeuge; Telekommunikationsgeräte in Form von Schmuckwaren; Datenhandschuhe; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Geräte und Anlagen zu Beleuchtungs-, Heizungs-, Kühlungs-, Dampferzeugungs-, Koch-, Trocknungs-, Lüftungs- und Wasserversorgungszwecken sowie zu sanitären Zwecken; Abzüge und Installationen zum Ableiten von Abgasen; Bräunungsapparate; sanitäre Installationen und Einrichtungen; Wasserversorgungseinrichtungen; Brenner, Boiler; Lichtreflektoren; Kamine; Feuerfeste Öfen; Öfen mit Grills; Campingkocher; Grills; Transportable Feuerstellen; Filter für Industrie und Haushalt; industrielle Aufbereitungsanlagen, nämlich Gasfilter und -reiniger; Industrieöfen und Feuerungen [nicht für Nahrungsmittel und Getränke]; Anlagen für chemische Aufbereitung; industrielle Anlagen für die Filterung von Flüssigkeiten; Anlagen zum Sammeln von Gasen; Anlagen zum Sammeln von Flüssigkeiten; Laufrinnen zum Abscheiden von Verunreinigungen in geschmolzenem Metall [Teile von Schmelzöfen]; Biologische Reaktoren zur Klärung von Industrieabwässern; Apparate für die Entwässerung von Lebensmittelabfällen; Trockenanlagen; Kühl- und Gefrierausrüstung; Regelungs- und Sicherheitszubehör für Wasser- und Gasanlagen; kerntechnische Anlagen; Heizungs-, Ventilations-, Klima- und Luftreinigungsgeräte und -anlagen; Beleuchtungsgeräte; Beleuchtungsapparate und -anlagen; Beleuchtungslampen; Beleuchtungsgeräte mit Leuchtdioden [LEDs]; Beleuchtungsanlagen für Luftfahrzeuge; Beleuchtungsgeräte für Fahrzeuge; Lampen für Fahrtrichtungsanzeiger von Fahrzeugen; Beleuchtungsgeräte mit Leuchtdioden [LEDs] für Fahrzeuge; Blendschutzvorrichtungen für Fahrzeuge [Lampenzubehör]; Blendschutzvorrichtungen für Kraftfahrzeuge [Lampenzubehör]; Blitzlichte [Taschenlampen]; Bogenlampen; Campinglaternen; elektrische Kaffeemaschinen; elektrische Lüfter für den persönlichen Gebrauch; Entladungsröhren [elektrisch] für Beleuchtungszwecke; Fahrradleuchten; Fahrzeugleuchten und deren jeweiligen Teile, soweit die jeweiligen Teile in dieser Klasse enthalten; Fahrzeugrückstrahler und deren jeweiligen Teile, soweit die jeweiligen Teile in dieser Klasse enthalten; Fahrzeugscheinwerfer und deren jeweiligen Teile, soweit die jeweiligen Teile in dieser Klasse enthalten; Fassungen für elektrische Lampen; Gasanzünder (Feuerzeuge); Anzünder [Zündgeräte]; Glühbirnen für Beleuchtungszwecke; Glühbirnen [elektrisch]; Glühbrenner; Glühfäden für elektrische Lampen; Grubenlampen; Heizgeräte für feste, flüssige oder gasförmige Brennstoffe; Heizgeräte [elektrisch]; Heizungsanlagen; Heizungsanlagen für Fahrzeuge; Klimaanlagen; Klimaapparate; Kühlanlagen und -maschinen; Kühlapparate; Klimaanlagen für Fahrzeuge; Lampen [elektrisch]; Azetylenerzeuger; Gaslampen; Lampengläser; Lampenglühstrümpfe; Lampenkugeln; Lampenröhren, -zylinder; Lampenschirme; Lampenschirmhalter; Leuchtröhren für Beleuchtungszwecke; Leuchtröhren mit elektrischer Entladung; Lichtverteiler; Lufterhitzer; Luftfilter [Klimatisierung]; Luftfilteranlagen; Filter [Teile von häuslichen oder gewerblichen Anlagen]; Desodorierungsgeräte, nicht für den persönlichen Gebrauch; Entfroster für Fahrzeuge; Lüftungsanlagen [Klimatisierung] für Fahrzeuge; Scheibenheizungen für Fahrzeuge; Luftkühlgeräte; Luftreinigungsapparate und -maschinen; Luftreinigungslampen mit keimtötender Wirkung; Luftsprudelbäder; Luftsterilisatoren; Lufttrockner; Lüftungsgeräte [Klimatisierung]; Reflektoren für Lampen; Sicherheitslampen; Solarkollektoren [Heizung]; Taschenlampen; Ultraviolettlampen, nicht für medizinische Zwecke; Wasserleitungsanlagen; Niveauregelventile für Tanks; elektrische Radiatoren; Polymerisationsanlagen; Elektrische Schokoladenbrunnen; Elektrische Lichterketten; Elektrisch beheizte Kleidung; Speiseeismaschinen; Fahrradblinker; Heiz- und Kühlgeräte zur Ausgabe von heißen und kalten Getränken; USB-betriebene Handwärmer; USB-betriebene Tassenwärmer; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Fahrzeuge und Beförderungsmittel; Fahrzeuge zur Beförderung auf dem Lande, in der Luft, auf dem Wasser oder auf Schienen sowie deren Teile; motorisierte Landfahrzeuge; führerlose Fahrzeuge [autonome Fahrzeuge]; Kraftfahrzeuge; Automobile; Roboterautos; Rennwagen; Lastkraftwagen; Autobusse; Wohnwagen; Traktoren; Omnibusse; Motorräder; Mopeds; Fahrräder; Elektrische Fahrräder; Zweiräder, Roller [Fahrzeuge]; Hoverboards; Selbstbalancierende Einräder; Selbstbalancierende Einrad-Elektroroller; Sessellifte, Seilbahnen; Rollstühle; Kinderwagen; Wägelchen zum Transport von Kindern; Luftfahrzeuge; Boote, Schiffe; Lokomotiven; Kameradrohnen; Kamera-Helikopter; Drahtseilfördergeräte und -anlagen; Karren, Einkaufswagen, Gepäckwagen, Handwagen, mobile Handkarren; Anhänger und Sattelauflieger für Fahrzeuge; Anhängerkupplungen für Fahrzeuge; Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge; Triebwerke für Landfahrzeuge; Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge; Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen; Kupplungen für Landfahrzeuge; Stoßdämpfer für Fahrzeuge; Stoßdämpferfedern für Fahrzeuge; Reifen (Pneus); Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Felgen für Fahrzeugräder; Vollgummireifen für Fahrzeugräder; Fahrzeugräder; Naben für Fahrzeugräder; Radmuttern für Fahrzeugräder; Schläuche für Reifen; Laufmäntel für Luftreifen; Schaumstoffeinlagen für Reifen; Flickzeug für Reifenschläuche, selbstklebende Flickgummis für die Reparatur von Reifenschläuchen; Spikes für Reifen; Schneeketten; Gleitschutzvorrichtungen für Fahrzeugreifen; Fahrzeugsitze; Rückspiegel; Kopfstützen für Fahrzeugsitze; Alarmanlagen für Fahrzeuge, Diebstahlsicherungen für Fahrzeuge; Zigarettenanzünder für Automobile; Clips für die Befestigung von Kraftfahrzeugteilen an Kraftfahrzeugkarosserien; Becherhalter für Fahrzeuge; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Papier, Pappe (Karton); Druckereierzeugnisse; Kunstwerke und Figuren aus Papier oder Pappe sowie Architekturmodelle; Dekorations- und Künstlerbedarfsmaterialien und -mittel; Filtermaterial aus Papier; Taschen, Beutel und Waren für Verpackungs-, Einpack- und Ablagezwecke aus Papier, Pappe oder Kunststoff; Etuis für Schreibwaren; Buchbindeartikel; Photographien; Schreibwaren; Klebstoffe für Papier- und Schreibwaren oder für Haushaltszwecke; Künstlerbedarfsartikel; Pinsel zum Auftragen von Farben; Schreibmaschinen, Schreibgeräte und Büroartikel, ausgenommen Möbel; Lehr- und Unterrichtsmaterial, ausgenommen Apparate; Verpackungsmaterial aus Kunststoff, Drucklettern; Druckstöcke; Atlanten; Kalender; Adventskalender; geographische Karten; Veröffentlichungen (Schriften); gedrucktes Werbematerial und gedruckte Reklame; Notizbücher; Postkarten; Lesezeichen; Notizzettel; Dokumentenhüllen; Stifte (Büromaterial); Kugelschreiber und Bleistifte; Wimpel und Fahnen aus Papier; Servietten aus Papier; Kopierpapier; Toilettenpapier; Handtücher aus Papier; Packpapier; Tinte; Siegelstempel; Zeicheninstrumente; Zeichenmaterialien; Malstaffeleien; Gerahmte oder ungerahmte Bilder [Gemälde]; Modelliermaterial; Banner aus Papier; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Gepäck, Taschen, Brieftaschen und andere Tragebehältnisse; Regen- und Sonnenschirme; Gehstöcke; Reise- und Handkoffer; Taschen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten, insbesondere Sporttaschen, Aktentaschen und Handtaschen; Rucksäcke; Turnbeutel; Beutel mit Zugbändern; Brieftaschen, Geldbörsen; Kulturbeutel; Schlüsseletuis; Verpackungsbeutel, -hüllen, -taschen aus Leder; Etiketten aus Leder; Angepasste Kofferanhänger [Lederwaren]; Satteltaschen; Sattlerwaren, Peitschen und Tierbekleidung; Bekleidungsstücke für Haustiere; Tefillin [Gebetsriemen]; Leder, roh oder teilweise bearbeitet; Häute und Felle; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Möbel und Einrichtungsgegenstände; Spiegel, Bilderrahmen, Betten; Kissen; Bettzeug, ausgenommen Bettwäsche; Briefkästen, nicht aus Metall oder gemauert; Regale; Schränke; Tische, Schreibtische, Stühle, Polstersessel, Sofas, Kinderhochstühle und -lauflerngeräte, Kleiderbügel, Kopfpolster; Campingmöbel, Campingtische, Campingstühle, Campingbetten, Campingmatratzen, Schlafmatten für Campingzwecke; Picknickmöbel, Picknickkörbe; Holzkästen; Kisten aus Kunststoff; Kästen und Kisten, nicht aus Metall; Boxen aus Holz oder Kunststoff; Aufbewahrungskästen [Möbel], Aufbewahrungskisten [Möbel], Aufbewahrungskörbe [Möbel]; Behälter für Aufbewahrungszwecke [ausgenommen für Haushalt und Küche]; Kleiderständer; Ankerbojen nicht aus Metall; Schlösser und Schlüssel nicht aus Metall; Tür-, Tor- und Fensterbeschläge, nicht aus Metall; Ventile, nicht aus Metall; Befestigungsmaterial, nicht aus Metall; Klöppel, nicht aus Metall; Klemmen, nicht aus Metall; Haltegriffe, nicht aus Metall; Haken, nicht aus Metall; Identifikationsarmbänder, nicht aus Metall; Wimpelhalter; Dübel aus Kunststoff, Spulen nicht aus Metall [ausgenommen als Teile von Maschinen und Apparaten], Ringe, Stangen, nicht aus Metall, Sägeböcke, Spülsteinmatten, Treppenbeschläge aus Plastik, Saugnäpfe aus Kunststoff, Spender für Papierhandtücher [ortsfest, nicht aus Metall], Tabletts, nicht aus Metall, Etiketten aus Kunststoff; Tonnen, Fässer nicht aus Metall, Verpackungsbehälter aus Kunststoff, Tanks für flüssige Brennstoffe, nicht aus Metall, aufblasbare Werbeartikel, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Kanister, nicht aus Metall; Leitern aus Holz oder Kunststoff; Bilderrahmen; Bambus; Kunstgegenstände aus Holz, Wachs, Gips oder aus Kunststoff; Anschlagtafeln; Dekorationsartikel aus Kunststoff für Nahrungsmittel; Behausung und Betten für Tiere; Namensarmbänder, nicht aus Metall, zur Verwendung in Krankenhäusern; Särge und Bestattungsurnen; Garderobenhaken; Vorhangringe; Statuen, Figuren, Kunstwerke sowie Verzierungen und Dekorationen aus Materialien wie Holz, Wachs, Gips, Kunststoff, Kork, Rohr, Binsen, Weide, Horn, Knochen, Elfenbein, Fischbein, Schildpatt, Bernstein, Perlmutter, Meerschaum und deren Ersatzstoffen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Leitern, nicht aus Metall; Mobile Treppen, nicht aus Metall; Kunststofframpen für Fahrzeuge; Displays, Ständer und Beschilderungen, nicht aus Metall; Ladelehren, nicht aus Metall, für Eisenbahnwaggons; Ölauffangbehälter, nicht aus Metall; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Netze, Zelte, Planen, Seile, Bindfäden, Segel, Säcke, Polsterfüllstoffe und Polstermaterial, ausgenommen aus Papier, Pappe [Karton], Kautschuk oder Kunststoff, rohe Gespinstfasern, Hängematten, Verpackungsbeutel, -hüllen, und -taschen aus textilem Material, Abschleppseile für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugplanen; Zelte, Campingzelte. Stoffe; Textilwaren [Haushaltswaren]; Webstoffe und Textilersatzstoffe; Filtermaterialien aus Textilien; Bett- und Tischdecken; Tischwäsche, nicht aus Papier; Bettwäsche; Handtücher; Kissenbezüge; Wandbekleidungen aus textilem Material; Bordüren aus Textil, Steppdecken, Tagesdecken für Betten, Decken zur Verwendung im Außenbereich; Schlafsäcke; Servietten aus Textil; Moskitonetze, Wimpel und Fahnen nicht aus Papier; Flaggen aus Kunststoff; Vliesstoffe [Textilien]; Filz; Waschhandschuhe; Picknickdecken. Kopfbedeckungen; Bekleidungsstücke; Schuhwaren; Polo-Shirts/-hemden; Overalls; T-Shirts; Mäntel; Jacken; Bandanas [Tücher für Bekleidungszwecke]; Unterhosen; Hosen; Babywäsche; Badeanzüge; Regenmäntel; Theaterkostüme; Schuhe; Fussballschuhe; Hüte; Mützen; Strümpfe; Handschuhe [Bekleidung]; Schals und Stolen; Krawatten; Gürtel [Bekleidung]; Duschhauben; Miederwaren; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Teppiche, Fußmatten, Matten, Linoleum, künstliche Bodenbeläge und andere Bodenbeläge; Automatten; Wand- und Deckenverkleidungen; Tapeten, nicht aus textilem Material, Papiertapeten, Textiltapeten, Tapeten-Bordüren aus Papier; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Spielwaren, Spiele, Spielzeug und Scherzartikel für Partys; Spielzeugautos; Modellbausätze [Spielwaren]; Plüschtiere und sonstiges Plüschspielzeug; verkleinerte Fahrzeugmodelle; Spielzeugfahrzeuge; Automotormodelle als Spielzeug; Roller (Spielzeug); Aufsitzfahrzeuge für Kinder [Spielzeug]; Ferngesteuerte Fahrzeuge [Spielzeuge]; Vierrädrige Kinderfahrzeuge [Spielzeuge]; Spielbälle; Kaleidoskope; Brettspiele; Puzzles; Spielkarten; Spielkugeln; Handschuhe [Zubehör für Spiele]; Spielzeug-Kinderwagen; Drachen; Spielzeug, dargeboten in einem Adventskalender; Knetmasse [Spielzeug]; Autorennbahnen; Artikel für den Golfsport; Videospielgeräte für Spielhallen; Videospielgeräte; Videospielkonsolen; Geräte für Jahrmärkte und Spielplätze; Spielautomaten [Glücksspielautomaten]; Elektronische Spiele; Sportartikel und -ausrüstungen, Turnartikel; Gymnastik- und Turngeräte; Schwimmer [Angelsport]; Tarnschilde [Sportartikel]; Fahrrad-Heimtrainer; Bogenschießgeräte Christbaumschmuck; Künstliche Weihnachtsbäume; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Kaffee, Tee, Kakao, Zucker, Reis, Tapioka, Sago, Kaffee-Ersatz; Mehle; Getreidepräparate; Brot, feine Backwaren; Pizza; Getrocknete und frische Teigwaren, Nudeln und Klöße; Honig, Melassesirup; Fruchtsoßen; Hefe, Backpulver; Speisesalz; Senf; Essig, Soßen [Würzen]; Gewürze; Kühleis; Speiseeis; Konservierte Kräuter; Schokolade; Pralinen; Zuckerwaren, Konfekt; Zuckermasse [Süßwaren]; Bonbons; Kuchen; Torten; Cookies; Waffeln. Bier; Mineralwässer [Getränke]; kohlensäurehaltige Wässer; alkoholfreie Getränke; Alkoholfreie Fruchtgetränke; Fruchtsäfte; Smoothies; Sirupe für Getränke, Limonadensirupe; alkoholfreie Präparate für die Zubereitung von Getränken; Tomatensaft [Getränke]; Gemüsesäfte [Getränke]; alkoholfreie Aperitifs; alkoholfreie Cocktails; Isotonische Getränke; Limonaden; Malzbier; Malzwürze; Mandelmilch [Sirup]; Sarsaparilla [alkoholfreies Getränk]; Selterswasser; Sodawasser; Sorbets [Getränke]; Tafelwässer; Wässer [Getränke]; Lithiumwässer. alkoholische Getränke, ausgenommen Bier; Aperitifs; Cocktails; Destillierte Getränke; Liköre; Spirituosen; Weine; Sekt. Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen für den Versandhandel bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Dienstleistungen des Einzel- und Großhandels über das Internet bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen mittels Teleshopping-Sendungen bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzelhandelsdienstleistungen in Bezug auf virtuelle Waren, nämlich Fahrzeuge, Teile und Zubehör für Fahrzeuge, Bekleidungsstücke, Spielzeug, Sportartikel und -ausrüstung sowie Kunstgegenstände zur Verwendung in virtuellen Umgebungen; Bereitstellen eines Online-Marktplatzes für Käufer und Verkäufer von Waren- und Dienstleistungen in Bezug auf Virtual-Reality-Spiele; Einzelhandelsdienstleistungen im Bereich kreativen Arbeiten (Kunstwerke und digitale Kunst) im Bereich Automobilindustrie, Spielwarenindustrie, Sport und Popkultur; Zusammenstellen, ausgenommen deren Transport, verschiedener Kraftfahrzeuge, Kraftfahrzeugteile und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder für Dritte, um den Verbrauchern Ansicht und Erwerb dieser Waren in einer Einzelhandelsverkaufsstelle zu erleichtern; Vermittlung von Verträgen für Dritte über den An- und Verkauf von Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge oder Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Geschäftsführung eines Fuhrparks für Dritte; Erteilung von Auskünften [Information] und Beratung für Verbraucher in Handels- und Geschäftsangelegenheiten [Verbraucherberatung]; Verwaltungstechnische Bearbeitung von Bestellungen; Vermittlung von Verträgen für Dritte über den An- und Verkauf von Waren; Beratung bei der Organisation und Führung von Unternehmen; Hilfe bei der Führung von gewerblichen oder Handelsbetrieben; Werbung; Marketing; Geschäftsführung; Unternehmensverwaltung; Bürodienste; Beratung in Fragen des Personalwesens; Rundfunk- und Fernsehwerbung; Veranstaltung von Messen für wirtschaftliche und Werbezwecke; Sammeln und Zusammenstellen von themenbezogenen Presseartikeln; Präsentation von Waren in Kommunikations-Medien für den Einzelhandel; Öffentlichkeitsarbeit [Public Relations]; Zusammenstellung von Informationsverzeichnissen für Geschäfts- und Werbezwecke; Durchführung von Auktionen und Versteigerungen; Verkaufsförderung [Sales promotion] für Dritte; Werbung für Waren und Dienstleistungen durch Sponsoring von Sportveranstaltungen; Personalanwerbung; Verwaltungsdienstleistungen für Unternehmensverlagerungen; Buchführung; Sponsorensuche; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Bau-, Montage- und Abbrucharbeiten; Installations-, Reinigungs-, Reparatur- und Wartungsarbeiten in Bezug auf Maschinen und Kraftfahrzeuge; Vermietung von Werkzeugen, Baumaschinen und Geräten für Bau-, Abbruch-, Reinigungs- und Wartungsarbeiten; Bergbauarbeiten; Gas- und Ölgewinnungsarbeiten; Schädlingsbekämpfung und -vernichtung [ausgenommen für land-, garten- und forstwirtschaftliche Zwecke] sowie Desinfektion; Umbau, Reparatur, Instandhaltung, Demontage, Wartung, Pflege, Reinigung und Lackierarbeiten von Fahrzeugen, Motoren, Fahrzeugrädern und deren Teilen; Tankdienste für Fahrzeuge; Aufladen von Elektrofahrzeugen, Autobatterien, Mobiltelefonakkus sowie Batterien für Computer und Telefone; Reparatur von Fahrzeugen im Rahmen der Pannenhilfe; Kundenspezifische Durchführung von Umbauten an Karosserie, Fahrwerk und Motor von Kraftfahrzeugen (Tuning), soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Lackieren von Fahrzeugen; Polieren von Fahrzeugen; Rostschutzbehandlung von Fahrzeugen; Fahrzeuginstandhaltung; Reinigung von Fahrzeugen; Runderneuerung von Reifen; Wartung, Reinigung und Reparatur von Dampfkesseln und Brennern; Auskünfte über Reparaturen; Auskünfte in Bauangelegenheiten; Montage von Türen und Fenstern; Steinbrucharbeiten; Installation, Wartung und Reparatur von Maschinen; Wartung und Reparatur von Flugzeugen; Schiffsbau; Reparatur von Fotoapparaten; Reparatur von Uhren; Reparatur von Schlössern; Rostschutzarbeiten; Möbelpflegearbeiten; Instandhaltung, Reinigung und Reparatur von Leder; Desinfektionsarbeiten; Installation und Reparatur von Einbruchalarmanlagen; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Transportwesen; Verpacken und Lagerung von Waren; Veranstaltung von Reisen; Reisedienstleistungen und Transport von Reisenden; Abschleppen von Fahrzeugen; Taxidienste; Transport mit Kraftfahrzeugen; Transportlogistik; Vermietung von Fahrzeugen, insbesondere Automobilen; Beförderung von Personen, insbesondere mit Autobussen; Carsharing-Dienstleistungen; Organisation von Passagierbeförderungsdiensten für Dritte mittels einer Online-Anwendung; Frachtmaklerdienste; Auslieferung von Waren und Paketen; Elektrizitätsspeicherung [Lagerung]; Elektrizitätsverteilung; Verkehrsinformationsdienste; Flottensteuerung von Kraftfahrzeugen mittels Navigations- und Ortungsgeräten. Verlags- und Berichtswesen; Bildung, Erziehung, Unterhaltung und Dienstleistungen im Sport; Übersetzung und Dolmetschen; Ausbildung; sportliche und kulturelle Aktivitäten; Organisation und Durchführung von kulturellen und/oder sportlichen Veranstaltungen; Talent- und Nachwuchsförderung durch Aus- und Fortbildung; Durchführung von Live-Veranstaltungen; Durchführung und Organisation von Online-Veranstaltungen für kulturelle, Unterhaltungs- und sportliche Zwecke; Durchführung von Spielen in Computernetzwerken und im Internet; Bereitstellung virtueller Umgebungen in denen Nutzer zu Erholungs-, Freizeit- oder Unterhaltungszwecken interagieren können; Bereitstellung einer Online-Umgebung für Streaming von Unterhaltungsinhalten und Live-Streaming von Unterhaltungsveranstaltungen; Online-Bereitstellung von nicht herunterladbaren virtuellen Fahrzeugen, Fahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Bekleidungsstücken, Spielzeug, Sportartikeln und -ausrüstungen sowie Kunstgegenständen zur Verwendung in zu Unterhaltungszwecken geschaffenen virtuellen Umgebungen; Bereitstellung von digitalen Online-Veröffentlichungen in Form von nicht austauschbaren Token (NFTs) im Bereich digitaler Kunst über das Internet; Erziehung auf Akademien; Aus- und Fortbildungs- sowie Erziehungsberatung; Veranstaltung von Wettbewerben [Erziehung und Unterhaltung]; Organisation, Veranstaltung und Durchführung von Kolloquien, Konferenzen, Kongressen, Symposien, Seminaren und Workshops [Schulung]; Veranstaltung von Ausstellungen für kulturelle und Unterrichtszwecke; Coaching [Ausbildung]; berufliche Umschulungen; Veranstaltung sportlicher Wettkämpfe; Verleih von Büchern [Leihbücherei]; Veröffentlichung von Büchern; Online Publikation von elektronischen Büchern und Zeitschriften; Betrieb eines Clubs [Unterhaltung]; Tierdressur; Veranstaltung von Lotterien; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. IT-Dienstleistungen; Entwicklung, Programmierung und Implementierung von Software; Entwicklung von Computerhardware; Hosting-Dienste; Software as a Service [SaaS]; Vermietung von Software; Vermietung von Computerhardware und Computeranlagen; IT-Beratungs-, Auskunfts- und Informationsdienstleistungen; IT-Sicherheits-, Schutz- und Instandsetzungsdienste; Datenvervielfältigungsdienste und Datenkonvertierungsdienste; Datenkodierungsdienste; Computeranalyse und Computerdiagnostik; Forschung und Entwicklung sowie Implementierung von Computern und Computersystemen; Computerprojektmanagementdienste; Erstellung digitaler Wasserzeichen; Dienstleistungen in Bezug auf Computernetzwerke; Technologische Dienste in Bezug auf Computer; Computernetzwerkdienste; Online-Computerdienste; Aktualisierung der Speicherbanken von Computersystemen; Datenmigrationsdienste; Aktualisierung von Websites für Dritte; Überwachung von Computersystemen durch Fernzugriff; Dienstleistungen auf dem Gebiet der Datenverschlüsselung; Beratung auf dem Gebiet der Internet- und Datensicherheit; Server-Hosting; Cloud-Computing; Cloud Hosting-Dienste; Bereitstellung von virtuellen Computersystemen durch Cloud-Computing; Bereitstellung von virtuellen Computerumgebungen durch Cloud-Computing; Konzeption und Entwicklung von Software für die virtuelle Realität; Entwurf von virtuellen Fahrzeugfabriken, Fahrzeuggeschäften und -händlern und Fahrzeugverkaufsstellen; Design von virtuellen Fahrzeugen, Teilen und Zubehör von Fahrzeugen, Bekleidungsstücken, Spielzeug, Sportartikeln und -ausrüstungen sowie Kunstgegenständen; Software als Dienstleistung (SaaS) und Plattform als Dienstleistung (PaaS) für Software zur Verwendung im Zusammenhang mit der Bereitstellung einer digitalen Plattform für digitale Kunst, Krypto-Sammelobjekte, nicht austauschbare Token (NFTs) sowie Marktplätze und Auktionen für nicht austauschbare Token (NFTs); Wissenschaftliche und technologische Dienstleistungen; Prüfung, Authentifizierung und Qualitätskontrolle; Designdienstleistungen; industrielle Analyse- und Forschungsdienstleistungen; Styling [industrielles Design]; Entwicklungs- und Recherchedienste bzgl. neuer Produkte für Dritte; Bereitstellung von wissenschaftlicher Information und Beratung zum CO2-Ausgleich; Digitalisieren von Dokumenten [Scannen]; Entwicklung von Fahrzeugen; Dienstleistungen von Ingenieuren; Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der Technik; Erstellung von technischen Gutachten; Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der Chemie; biologische Forschung; Wettervorhersage; physikalische Forschungen; Dienstleistungen eines Architekten; Dienstleistungen eines Modedesigners; Echtheitsbeglaubigungen von Kunstwerken; Impfen von Wolken; Design von Computersoftware; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Verpflegung von Gästen; Beherbergung von Gästen.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 019011650
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-04-10
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 04 - Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; fuels
  • 08 - Hand tools and implements
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 11 - Environmental control apparatus
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 18 - Leather and imitations of leather
  • 20 - Furniture and decorative products
  • 22 - Rope, netting, tents, awnings, sails and sacks; padding and stuffing materials
  • 24 - Textiles and textile goods
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 27 - Floor and wall coverings
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 30 - Basic staples, tea, coffee, baked goods and confectionery
  • 32 - Beers; non-alcoholic beverages
  • 33 - Alcoholic beverages other than beer
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 43 - Food and drink services, temporary accommodation

Goods & Services

Wachs; Kerzen und Dochte für Beleuchtungszwecke; Technische Öle und Fette, Motorenöl; Öle für technische Zwecke, Olein, Ölgas, Paraffin, Rapsöl für gewerbliche Zwecke; Stearin, Sonnenblumenöl für gewerbliche Zwecke; technische Fette; industrielle Wachse; Schmiermittel, Masut, Riemenfett, Riemengleitschutzmittel, Riemenwachs, Schmierfette, Schmieröle; Entstaubungsmittel, Staubabsorbierungsmittel; Staubbindemittel; Brennstoffe, einschließlich Motorentreibstoffe, Leuchtstoffe, Leuchtgas, Treibstoff, Kraftstoff, Benzin, Brenngas, Brennholz, Brennöle, Brennspiritus; Brennstoff auf Alkoholgrundlage; Gasförmige Brennstoffmischungen, Ethanol, Gasöl, Kerosin; Mineralische Brennstoffe; Naphtha; Nicht chemische Zusätze für Kraftstoff und Treibstoff; Petroleum, roh oder raffiniert; Petroleumäther, Schwachgas, Steinkohlenöl; Verfestigte Gase; Kohlenanzünder; elektrische Energie; Benzolkraftstoffe, Benzenbrennstoffe, Xylenbrennstoffe Zusatzstoffe in Verbindung mit vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Geräte zur Körper- und Schönheitspflege für Menschen und Tiere; scharfe und stumpfe Hieb- und Stichwaffen; Werkzeuge für die Zubereitung von Lebensmitteln, Küchenmesser und Essbestecke; handbetätigte Geräte und Werkzeuge zur Materialbearbeitung sowie für Bau-, Reparatur und Instandhaltungsarbeiten; Hebewerkzeuge; Handbetätigte Werkzeuge und Geräte für land-, garten- und forstwirtschaftliche Zwecke, für den Maschinen-, Apparate- und Fahrzeugbau sowie für die Bautechnik; Kratzer (Handwerkzeuge); Werkzeugschlüssel; Werkzeuggriffe aus Metall; Messerschmiedewaren; Essbesteck, Gabeln und Löffel, Messer; Gabeln [Handwerkzeuge]; Scheren; Hieb- und Stichwaffen; Schwerter; Rasierer, Rasierapparate; Etuis für Rasierapparate; Maniküreneccessaires; Schleifsteine; Zerstäuber für Insektizide [handbetätigt]; Viehmarkierungsgeräte; Harpunen; handbetätigte Werkzeuge; handbetätigte Wagenheber; Maurerkellen; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Wissenschaftliche, Forschungs-, Navigations-, Vermessungs-, fotografische, Film-, audiovisuelle, optische, Wäge-, Mess-, Signal-, Detektions-, Prüf-, Kontroll-, Rettungs- und Unterrichtsapparate und -instrumente; Apparate und Instrumente zum Leiten, Schalten, Umwandeln, Speichern, Regeln oder Kontrollieren der Verteilung oder Nutzung von Elektrizität; Geräte und Instrumente zur Aufzeichnung, Übertragung, Wiedergabe oder Verarbeitung von Ton, Bild oder Daten; Aufgezeichnete und herunterladbare Medien, leere digitale oder analoge Aufzeichnungs- und Speichermedien; informationstechnologische und audiovisuelle Geräte; Magnete, Magnetisierungs- und Entmagnetisierungsvorrichtungen; Apparate, Instrumente und Kabel für Elektrizität; optische Geräte und Ausrüstung, Verstärkungsgeräte und Korrektoren; Sicherungs-, Sicherheits-, Schutz- und Signalgeräte sowie -ausrüstung; Tauchausrüstung; Navigations-, Orientierungs-, Standortverfolgungs-, Zielverfolgungs- und Kartierungsgeräte; Mess-, Erkennungs- und Überwachungsinstrumente, -vorrichtungen sowie -regler; Automatische Druckverlustanzeiger für Fahrzeugreifen; Fahrtenschreiber für Fahrzeuge; Apparate für wissenschaftliche Forschung und Labor, Unterrichtsapparate und Simulatoren; Thermometer; Kontaktlinsen, Brillen, Brillenetuis, Ferngläser, optische Lupen; Sonnenbrillen; Handyhüllen mit Kordel; Handyketten; Hüllen für Smartphones; Warndreiecke für Fahrzeuge; Warnlampen für Fahrzeuge [keine Teile von Fahrzeugen]; Elektrische Batterien und deren Teile; Elektrische Akkumulatoren und deren Teile; Brennstoffzellen und deren Teile; Sonnenbatterien; Elektrische Batterien für Fahrzeuge; Elektrische Akkumulatoren für Fahrzeuge; Ladegeräte für elektrische Batterien; Einbruchalarmgeräte; Feueralarmgeräte; Rauchalarmgeräte; Gaswarngeräte; Diebstahlalarmgeräte; Feuerlöschgeräte; Feuerlöschfahrzeuge; Waagen; Wasserwaagen; Zirkel [Messinstrumente]; Lineale (Messinstrumente); Säuremesser; Mengenmesser; Elektronische Steuergeräte und Strom-/Spannungsversorgungsgeräte für Fahrzeugscheinwerfer und Fahrzeugleuchten und deren jeweilige Teile; Leuchtdioden [LEDs], Elektronische Leistungsregler; Elektrische und elektronische Steuergeräte; Regelgeräte und -instrumente; Simulatoren für die Lenkung und die Kontrolle von Fahrzeugen; Künstliche Intelligenz-Software für Fahrzeuge; Spannungsregler für Fahrzeuge; Geschwindigkeitsanzeiger; Drehzahlmesser; Messgeräte und Messinstrumente; Parkuhren; Rettungsvorrichtungen, nämlich Rettungsflöße, Rettungsleitern, Rettungsnetze, Rettungsplanen, Rettungsringe, Rettungsbojen, Rettungswesten; Elektrische Sicherungen; Elektrische Relais; Laser nicht für medizinische Zwecke, Laserpointer; Fernsteuerungsgeräte, Fernbedienungen; Antennen; Navigationsgeräte für Fahrzeuge; Mobiltelefone; Telefonapparate; Fernsehapparate; Bildtelefone; Radios; Kompasse; Navigationsgeräte; Navigationsinstrumente; Telematikapparate; Telematikendgeräte; Magnetische, elektronische und optische Aufzeichnungsträger, Schallplatten, CDs, DVDs und andere digitale Aufzeichnungsträger; Tonträger, Musikautomaten [geldbetätigt], Compact-Disks [ROM, Festspeicher]; Musikdateien zum Herunterladen; Kopfhörer; Lautsprecher; Lautsprecherboxen; Leuchtschilder; CD-Player; DVD-Player; Videotelefone; Bildfunkgeräte; Projektionsgeräte; Fotoapparate; belichtete Filme; Filmkameras; Fotokopiergeräte; Elektronische Übersetzungsgeräte (Computer); Elektronische Taschenübersetzer; Magnetkarten, Karten mit integrierten Schaltkreisen (Smartcards), codierte Telefonkarten; Mechaniken für geldbetätigte Apparate; Bank-, Geldautomaten; Registrierkassen, Rechenmaschinen; Hardware für die Datenverarbeitung; Computer; Elektronische Terminkalender; Faxgeräte; Monitore (Computerhardware und -programme); Computerperipheriegeräte; Computerprogramme zur Verwendung für das autonome Fahren von Fahrzeugen; Computerprogramme zur Verwendung bei der autonomen Navigation von Fahrzeugen; Computerprogramme zur Verwendung bei der autonomen Steuerung von Fahrzeugen; gespeicherte und herunterladbare Computerprogramme, insbesondere Datensammlungen in elektronischer Form; Gespeicherte oder herunterladbare Software-Plattformen; Computersoftware; Spielsoftware; Herunterladbare, interaktive Unterhaltungssoftware zum Spielen von Videospielen; Videospiele [Computerspiele] in Form von auf Datenträgern gespeicherten Computerprogrammen; Anwendungssoftware; Mobile Apps; Taschenrechner; Elektronische Publikationen [herunterladbar]; Herunterladbare Bilddateien; Herunterladbare virtuelle Waren, nämlich Computerprogramme in Bezug auf Fahrzeuge, Teile und Zubehör für Fahrzeuge, Bekleidungsstücke, Spielzeug, Sportartikel und -ausrüstung sowie Kunstgegenstände zur Verwendung in virtuellen Umgebungen; Herunterladbare virtuelle Waren, nämlich nicht austauschbare Token (NFTs) zum Erstellen und Handeln digitaler Sammlerstücke unter Verwendung Blockchain-basierter Softwaretechnologie für Fahrzeuge, Teile und Zubehör für Fahrzeuge, Bekleidungsstücke, Spielzeug, Sportartikel und -ausrüstung sowie Kunstgegenstände zur Verwendung in virtuellen Umgebungen; Herunterladbare digitale Medien, nämlich mit Blockchain-basierter Softwaretechnologie erstellte digitale Sammlerstücke in Form von personalisierten Fotos, Bildern, Videos und virtuellen Erlebnissen im Bereich Automobilindustrie, Kunst, Unterhaltung, Sport und Popkultur; Digitales Material, nämlich einzigartige Dateneinheiten als einmalige kreative Arbeit im Bereich Automobilindustrie, Kunst, Unterhaltung, Sport und Popkultur; Crashtest-Dummys; Mikroskope; Elektrokabel; Steckdosen; Elektrische Fernzündungsgeräte; Radiologische Apparate für gewerbliche Zwecke; Schutzhelme; Elektrische Schlösser; Elektronische Steuerungen und elektronische Steuerungssysteme; Security-Tokens [Verschlüsselungsgeräte]; Elektronische Zugangskontrollsysteme für Zugangsschleusen; Wärmebildkameras; Waagen mit Body-Mass-Analysegerät; Hüllen für Tablet-Computer; Blackboxes [Datenrekorder]; Digitale Wetterstationen; Ladestationen für elektrische Fahrzeuge; Interaktive Touch-Screen-Terminals; Smart-Ringe; Elektrische und elektronische Effekteinheiten für Musikinstrumente; Audioschnittstellen; Equalizer [Audio Apparate]; Parksensoren für Fahrzeuge; Lehrroboter; Humanoide Roboter mit künstlicher Intelligenz; PDA-Computer [Personal Digital Assistants]; Rückfahrkameras für Fahrzeuge; Elektrokabelbäume für Kraftfahrzeuge; Telekommunikationsgeräte in Form von Schmuckwaren; Datenhandschuhe; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Geräte und Anlagen zu Beleuchtungs-, Heizungs-, Kühlungs-, Dampferzeugungs-, Koch-, Trocknungs-, Lüftungs- und Wasserversorgungszwecken sowie zu sanitären Zwecken; Abzüge und Installationen zum Ableiten von Abgasen; Bräunungsapparate; sanitäre Installationen und Einrichtungen; Wasserversorgungseinrichtungen; Brenner, Boiler; Lichtreflektoren; Kamine; Feuerfeste Öfen; Öfen mit Grills; Campingkocher; Grills; Transportable Feuerstellen; Filter für Industrie und Haushalt; industrielle Aufbereitungsanlagen, nämlich Gasfilter und -reiniger; Industrieöfen und Feuerungen [nicht für Nahrungsmittel und Getränke]; Anlagen für chemische Aufbereitung; industrielle Anlagen für die Filterung von Flüssigkeiten; Anlagen zum Sammeln von Gasen; Anlagen zum Sammeln von Flüssigkeiten; Laufrinnen zum Abscheiden von Verunreinigungen in geschmolzenem Metall [Teile von Schmelzöfen]; Biologische Reaktoren zur Klärung von Industrieabwässern; Apparate für die Entwässerung von Lebensmittelabfällen; Trockenanlagen; Kühl- und Gefrierausrüstung; Regelungs- und Sicherheitszubehör für Wasser- und Gasanlagen; kerntechnische Anlagen; Heizungs-, Ventilations-, Klima- und Luftreinigungsgeräte und -anlagen; Beleuchtungsgeräte; Beleuchtungsapparate und -anlagen; Beleuchtungslampen; Beleuchtungsgeräte mit Leuchtdioden [LEDs]; Beleuchtungsanlagen für Luftfahrzeuge; Beleuchtungsgeräte für Fahrzeuge; Lampen für Fahrtrichtungsanzeiger von Fahrzeugen; Beleuchtungsgeräte mit Leuchtdioden [LEDs] für Fahrzeuge; Blendschutzvorrichtungen für Fahrzeuge [Lampenzubehör]; Blendschutzvorrichtungen für Kraftfahrzeuge [Lampenzubehör]; Blitzlichte [Taschenlampen]; Bogenlampen; Campinglaternen; elektrische Kaffeemaschinen; elektrische Lüfter für den persönlichen Gebrauch; Entladungsröhren [elektrisch] für Beleuchtungszwecke; Fahrradleuchten; Fahrzeugleuchten und deren jeweiligen Teile, soweit die jeweiligen Teile in dieser Klasse enthalten; Fahrzeugrückstrahler und deren jeweiligen Teile, soweit die jeweiligen Teile in dieser Klasse enthalten; Fahrzeugscheinwerfer und deren jeweiligen Teile, soweit die jeweiligen Teile in dieser Klasse enthalten; Fassungen für elektrische Lampen; Gasanzünder (Feuerzeuge); Anzünder [Zündgeräte]; Glühbirnen für Beleuchtungszwecke; Glühbirnen [elektrisch]; Glühbrenner; Glühfäden für elektrische Lampen; Grubenlampen; Heizgeräte für feste, flüssige oder gasförmige Brennstoffe; Heizgeräte [elektrisch]; Heizungsanlagen; Heizungsanlagen für Fahrzeuge; Klimaanlagen; Klimaapparate; Kühlanlagen und -maschinen; Kühlapparate; Klimaanlagen für Fahrzeuge; Lampen [elektrisch]; Azetylenerzeuger; Gaslampen; Lampengläser; Lampenglühstrümpfe; Lampenkugeln; Lampenröhren, -zylinder; Lampenschirme; Lampenschirmhalter; Leuchtröhren für Beleuchtungszwecke; Leuchtröhren mit elektrischer Entladung; Lichtverteiler; Lufterhitzer; Luftfilter [Klimatisierung]; Luftfilteranlagen; Filter [Teile von häuslichen oder gewerblichen Anlagen]; Desodorierungsgeräte, nicht für den persönlichen Gebrauch; Entfroster für Fahrzeuge; Lüftungsanlagen [Klimatisierung] für Fahrzeuge; Scheibenheizungen für Fahrzeuge; Luftkühlgeräte; Luftreinigungsapparate und -maschinen; Luftreinigungslampen mit keimtötender Wirkung; Luftsprudelbäder; Luftsterilisatoren; Lufttrockner; Lüftungsgeräte [Klimatisierung]; Reflektoren für Lampen; Sicherheitslampen; Solarkollektoren [Heizung]; Taschenlampen; Ultraviolettlampen, nicht für medizinische Zwecke; Wasserleitungsanlagen; Niveauregelventile für Tanks; elektrische Radiatoren; Polymerisationsanlagen; Elektrische Schokoladenbrunnen; Elektrische Lichterketten; Elektrisch beheizte Kleidung; Speiseeismaschinen; Fahrradblinker; Heiz- und Kühlgeräte zur Ausgabe von heißen und kalten Getränken; USB-betriebene Handwärmer; USB-betriebene Tassenwärmer; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Fahrzeuge und Beförderungsmittel; Fahrzeuge zur Beförderung auf dem Lande, in der Luft, auf dem Wasser oder auf Schienen sowie deren Teile; motorisierte Landfahrzeuge; führerlose Fahrzeuge [autonome Fahrzeuge]; Kraftfahrzeuge; Automobile; Roboterautos; Rennwagen; Lastkraftwagen; Autobusse; Wohnwagen; Traktoren; Omnibusse; Motorräder; Mopeds; Fahrräder; Elektrische Fahrräder; Zweiräder, Roller [Fahrzeuge]; Hoverboards; Selbstbalancierende Einräder; Selbstbalancierende Einrad-Elektroroller; Sessellifte, Seilbahnen; Rollstühle; Kinderwagen; Wägelchen zum Transport von Kindern; Luftfahrzeuge; Boote, Schiffe; Lokomotiven; Kameradrohnen; Kamera-Helikopter; Drahtseilfördergeräte und -anlagen; Karren, Einkaufswagen, Gepäckwagen, Handwagen, mobile Handkarren; Anhänger und Sattelauflieger für Fahrzeuge; Anhängerkupplungen für Fahrzeuge; Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge; Triebwerke für Landfahrzeuge; Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge; Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen; Kupplungen für Landfahrzeuge; Stoßdämpfer für Fahrzeuge; Stoßdämpferfedern für Fahrzeuge; Reifen (Pneus); Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Felgen für Fahrzeugräder; Vollgummireifen für Fahrzeugräder; Fahrzeugräder; Naben für Fahrzeugräder; Radmuttern für Fahrzeugräder; Schläuche für Reifen; Laufmäntel für Luftreifen; Schaumstoffeinlagen für Reifen; Flickzeug für Reifenschläuche, selbstklebende Flickgummis für die Reparatur von Reifenschläuchen; Spikes für Reifen; Schneeketten; Gleitschutzvorrichtungen für Fahrzeugreifen; Fahrzeugsitze; Rückspiegel; Kopfstützen für Fahrzeugsitze; Alarmanlagen für Fahrzeuge, Diebstahlsicherungen für Fahrzeuge; Zigarettenanzünder für Automobile; Clips für die Befestigung von Kraftfahrzeugteilen an Kraftfahrzeugkarosserien; Becherhalter für Fahrzeuge; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Papier, Pappe (Karton); Druckereierzeugnisse; Kunstwerke und Figuren aus Papier oder Pappe sowie Architekturmodelle; Dekorations- und Künstlerbedarfsmaterialien und -mittel; Filtermaterial aus Papier; Taschen, Beutel und Waren für Verpackungs-, Einpack- und Ablagezwecke aus Papier, Pappe oder Kunststoff; Etuis für Schreibwaren; Buchbindeartikel; Photographien; Schreibwaren; Klebstoffe für Papier- und Schreibwaren oder für Haushaltszwecke; Künstlerbedarfsartikel; Pinsel zum Auftragen von Farben; Schreibmaschinen, Schreibgeräte und Büroartikel, ausgenommen Möbel; Lehr- und Unterrichtsmaterial, ausgenommen Apparate; Verpackungsmaterial aus Kunststoff, Drucklettern; Druckstöcke; Atlanten; Kalender; Adventskalender; geographische Karten; Veröffentlichungen (Schriften); gedrucktes Werbematerial und gedruckte Reklame; Notizbücher; Postkarten; Lesezeichen; Notizzettel; Dokumentenhüllen; Stifte (Büromaterial); Kugelschreiber und Bleistifte; Wimpel und Fahnen aus Papier; Servietten aus Papier; Kopierpapier; Toilettenpapier; Handtücher aus Papier; Packpapier; Tinte; Siegelstempel; Zeicheninstrumente; Zeichenmaterialien; Malstaffeleien; Gerahmte oder ungerahmte Bilder [Gemälde]; Modelliermaterial; Banner aus Papier; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Gepäck, Taschen, Brieftaschen und andere Tragebehältnisse; Regen- und Sonnenschirme; Gehstöcke; Reise- und Handkoffer; Taschen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten, insbesondere Sporttaschen, Aktentaschen und Handtaschen; Rucksäcke; Turnbeutel; Beutel mit Zugbändern; Brieftaschen, Geldbörsen; Kulturbeutel; Schlüsseletuis; Verpackungsbeutel, -hüllen, -taschen aus Leder; Etiketten aus Leder; Angepasste Kofferanhänger [Lederwaren]; Satteltaschen; Sattlerwaren, Peitschen und Tierbekleidung; Bekleidungsstücke für Haustiere; Tefillin [Gebetsriemen]; Leder, roh oder teilweise bearbeitet; Häute und Felle; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Möbel und Einrichtungsgegenstände; Spiegel, Bilderrahmen, Betten; Kissen; Bettzeug, ausgenommen Bettwäsche; Briefkästen, nicht aus Metall oder gemauert; Regale; Schränke; Tische, Schreibtische, Stühle, Polstersessel, Sofas, Kinderhochstühle und -lauflerngeräte, Kleiderbügel, Kopfpolster; Campingmöbel, Campingtische, Campingstühle, Campingbetten, Campingmatratzen, Schlafmatten für Campingzwecke; Picknickmöbel, Picknickkörbe; Holzkästen; Kisten aus Kunststoff; Kästen und Kisten, nicht aus Metall; Boxen aus Holz oder Kunststoff; Aufbewahrungskästen [Möbel], Aufbewahrungskisten [Möbel], Aufbewahrungskörbe [Möbel]; Behälter für Aufbewahrungszwecke [ausgenommen für Haushalt und Küche]; Kleiderständer; Ankerbojen nicht aus Metall; Schlösser und Schlüssel nicht aus Metall; Tür-, Tor- und Fensterbeschläge, nicht aus Metall; Ventile, nicht aus Metall; Befestigungsmaterial, nicht aus Metall; Klöppel, nicht aus Metall; Klemmen, nicht aus Metall; Haltegriffe, nicht aus Metall; Haken, nicht aus Metall; Identifikationsarmbänder, nicht aus Metall; Wimpelhalter; Dübel aus Kunststoff, Spulen nicht aus Metall [ausgenommen als Teile von Maschinen und Apparaten], Ringe, Stangen, nicht aus Metall, Sägeböcke, Spülsteinmatten, Treppenbeschläge aus Plastik, Saugnäpfe aus Kunststoff, Spender für Papierhandtücher [ortsfest, nicht aus Metall], Tabletts, nicht aus Metall, Etiketten aus Kunststoff; Tonnen, Fässer nicht aus Metall, Verpackungsbehälter aus Kunststoff, Tanks für flüssige Brennstoffe, nicht aus Metall, aufblasbare Werbeartikel, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Kanister, nicht aus Metall; Leitern aus Holz oder Kunststoff; Bilderrahmen; Bambus; Kunstgegenstände aus Holz, Wachs, Gips oder aus Kunststoff; Anschlagtafeln; Dekorationsartikel aus Kunststoff für Nahrungsmittel; Behausung und Betten für Tiere; Namensarmbänder, nicht aus Metall, zur Verwendung in Krankenhäusern; Särge und Bestattungsurnen; Garderobenhaken; Vorhangringe; Statuen, Figuren, Kunstwerke sowie Verzierungen und Dekorationen aus Materialien wie Holz, Wachs, Gips, Kunststoff, Kork, Rohr, Binsen, Weide, Horn, Knochen, Elfenbein, Fischbein, Schildpatt, Bernstein, Perlmutter, Meerschaum und deren Ersatzstoffen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Leitern, nicht aus Metall; Mobile Treppen, nicht aus Metall; Kunststofframpen für Fahrzeuge; Displays, Ständer und Beschilderungen, nicht aus Metall; Ladelehren, nicht aus Metall, für Eisenbahnwaggons; Ölauffangbehälter, nicht aus Metall; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Netze, Zelte, Planen, Seile, Bindfäden, Segel, Säcke, Polsterfüllstoffe und Polstermaterial, ausgenommen aus Papier, Pappe [Karton], Kautschuk oder Kunststoff, rohe Gespinstfasern, Hängematten, Verpackungsbeutel, -hüllen, und -taschen aus textilem Material, Abschleppseile für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugplanen; Zelte, Campingzelte. Stoffe; Textilwaren [Haushaltswaren]; Webstoffe und Textilersatzstoffe; Filtermaterialien aus Textilien; Bett- und Tischdecken; Tischwäsche, nicht aus Papier; Bettwäsche; Handtücher; Kissenbezüge; Wandbekleidungen aus textilem Material; Bordüren aus Textil, Steppdecken, Tagesdecken für Betten, Decken zur Verwendung im Außenbereich; Schlafsäcke; Servietten aus Textil; Moskitonetze, Wimpel und Fahnen nicht aus Papier; Flaggen aus Kunststoff; Vliesstoffe [Textilien]; Filz; Waschhandschuhe; Picknickdecken. Kopfbedeckungen; Bekleidungsstücke; Schuhwaren; Polo-Shirts/-hemden; Overalls; T-Shirts; Mäntel; Jacken; Bandanas [Tücher für Bekleidungszwecke]; Unterhosen; Hosen; Babywäsche; Badeanzüge; Regenmäntel; Theaterkostüme; Schuhe; Fussballschuhe; Hüte; Mützen; Strümpfe; Handschuhe [Bekleidung]; Schals und Stolen; Krawatten; Gürtel [Bekleidung]; Duschhauben; Miederwaren; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Teppiche, Fußmatten, Matten, Linoleum, künstliche Bodenbeläge und andere Bodenbeläge; Automatten; Wand- und Deckenverkleidungen; Tapeten, nicht aus textilem Material, Papiertapeten, Textiltapeten, Tapeten-Bordüren aus Papier; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Spielwaren, Spiele, Spielzeug und Scherzartikel für Partys; Spielzeugautos; Modellbausätze [Spielwaren]; Plüschtiere und sonstiges Plüschspielzeug; verkleinerte Fahrzeugmodelle; Spielzeugfahrzeuge; Automotormodelle als Spielzeug; Roller (Spielzeug); Aufsitzfahrzeuge für Kinder [Spielzeug]; Ferngesteuerte Fahrzeuge [Spielzeuge]; Vierrädrige Kinderfahrzeuge [Spielzeuge]; Spielbälle; Kaleidoskope; Brettspiele; Puzzles; Spielkarten; Spielkugeln; Handschuhe [Zubehör für Spiele]; Spielzeug-Kinderwagen; Drachen; Spielzeug, dargeboten in einem Adventskalender; Knetmasse [Spielzeug]; Autorennbahnen; Artikel für den Golfsport; Videospielgeräte für Spielhallen; Videospielgeräte; Videospielkonsolen; Geräte für Jahrmärkte und Spielplätze; Spielautomaten [Glücksspielautomaten]; Elektronische Spiele; Sportartikel und -ausrüstungen, Turnartikel; Gymnastik- und Turngeräte; Schwimmer [Angelsport]; Tarnschilde [Sportartikel]; Fahrrad-Heimtrainer; Bogenschießgeräte Christbaumschmuck; Künstliche Weihnachtsbäume; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Kaffee, Tee, Kakao, Zucker, Reis, Tapioka, Sago, Kaffee-Ersatz; Mehle; Getreidepräparate; Brot, feine Backwaren; Pizza; Getrocknete und frische Teigwaren, Nudeln und Klöße; Honig, Melassesirup; Fruchtsoßen; Hefe, Backpulver; Speisesalz; Senf; Essig, Soßen [Würzen]; Gewürze; Kühleis; Speiseeis; Konservierte Kräuter; Schokolade; Pralinen; Zuckerwaren, Konfekt; Zuckermasse [Süßwaren]; Bonbons; Kuchen; Torten; Cookies; Waffeln. Bier; Mineralwässer [Getränke]; kohlensäurehaltige Wässer; alkoholfreie Getränke; Alkoholfreie Fruchtgetränke; Fruchtsäfte; Smoothies; Sirupe für Getränke, Limonadensirupe; alkoholfreie Präparate für die Zubereitung von Getränken; Tomatensaft [Getränke]; Gemüsesäfte [Getränke]; alkoholfreie Aperitifs; alkoholfreie Cocktails; Isotonische Getränke; Limonaden; Malzbier; Malzwürze; Mandelmilch [Sirup]; Sarsaparilla [alkoholfreies Getränk]; Selterswasser; Sodawasser; Sorbets [Getränke]; Tafelwässer; Wässer [Getränke]; Lithiumwässer. alkoholische Getränke, ausgenommen Bier; Aperitifs; Cocktails; Destillierte Getränke; Liköre; Spirituosen; Weine; Sekt. Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen für den Versandhandel bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Dienstleistungen des Einzel- und Großhandels über das Internet bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen mittels Teleshopping-Sendungen bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzelhandelsdienstleistungen in Bezug auf virtuelle Waren, nämlich Fahrzeuge, Teile und Zubehör für Fahrzeuge, Bekleidungsstücke, Spielzeug, Sportartikel und -ausrüstung sowie Kunstgegenstände zur Verwendung in virtuellen Umgebungen; Bereitstellen eines Online-Marktplatzes für Käufer und Verkäufer von Waren- und Dienstleistungen in Bezug auf Virtual-Reality-Spiele; Einzelhandelsdienstleistungen im Bereich kreativen Arbeiten (Kunstwerke und digitale Kunst) im Bereich Automobilindustrie, Spielwarenindustrie, Sport und Popkultur; Zusammenstellen, ausgenommen deren Transport, verschiedener Kraftfahrzeuge, Kraftfahrzeugteile und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder für Dritte, um den Verbrauchern Ansicht und Erwerb dieser Waren in einer Einzelhandelsverkaufsstelle zu erleichtern; Vermittlung von Verträgen für Dritte über den An- und Verkauf von Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge oder Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Geschäftsführung eines Fuhrparks für Dritte; Erteilung von Auskünften [Information] und Beratung für Verbraucher in Handels- und Geschäftsangelegenheiten [Verbraucherberatung]; Verwaltungstechnische Bearbeitung von Bestellungen; Vermittlung von Verträgen für Dritte über den An- und Verkauf von Waren; Beratung bei der Organisation und Führung von Unternehmen; Hilfe bei der Führung von gewerblichen oder Handelsbetrieben; Werbung; Marketing; Geschäftsführung; Unternehmensverwaltung; Bürodienste; Beratung in Fragen des Personalwesens; Rundfunk- und Fernsehwerbung; Veranstaltung von Messen für wirtschaftliche und Werbezwecke; Sammeln und Zusammenstellen von themenbezogenen Presseartikeln; Präsentation von Waren in Kommunikations-Medien für den Einzelhandel; Öffentlichkeitsarbeit [Public Relations]; Zusammenstellung von Informationsverzeichnissen für Geschäfts- und Werbezwecke; Durchführung von Auktionen und Versteigerungen; Verkaufsförderung [Sales promotion] für Dritte; Werbung für Waren und Dienstleistungen durch Sponsoring von Sportveranstaltungen; Personalanwerbung; Verwaltungsdienstleistungen für Unternehmensverlagerungen; Buchführung; Sponsorensuche; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Bau-, Montage- und Abbrucharbeiten; Installations-, Reinigungs-, Reparatur- und Wartungsarbeiten in Bezug auf Maschinen und Kraftfahrzeuge; Vermietung von Werkzeugen, Baumaschinen und Geräten für Bau-, Abbruch-, Reinigungs- und Wartungsarbeiten; Bergbauarbeiten; Gas- und Ölgewinnungsarbeiten; Schädlingsbekämpfung und -vernichtung [ausgenommen für land-, garten- und forstwirtschaftliche Zwecke] sowie Desinfektion; Umbau, Reparatur, Instandhaltung, Demontage, Wartung, Pflege, Reinigung und Lackierarbeiten von Fahrzeugen, Motoren, Fahrzeugrädern und deren Teilen; Tankdienste für Fahrzeuge; Aufladen von Elektrofahrzeugen, Autobatterien, Mobiltelefonakkus sowie Batterien für Computer und Telefone; Reparatur von Fahrzeugen im Rahmen der Pannenhilfe; Kundenspezifische Durchführung von Umbauten an Karosserie, Fahrwerk und Motor von Kraftfahrzeugen (Tuning), soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Lackieren von Fahrzeugen; Polieren von Fahrzeugen; Rostschutzbehandlung von Fahrzeugen; Fahrzeuginstandhaltung; Reinigung von Fahrzeugen; Runderneuerung von Reifen; Wartung, Reinigung und Reparatur von Dampfkesseln und Brennern; Auskünfte über Reparaturen; Auskünfte in Bauangelegenheiten; Montage von Türen und Fenstern; Steinbrucharbeiten; Installation, Wartung und Reparatur von Maschinen; Wartung und Reparatur von Flugzeugen; Schiffsbau; Reparatur von Fotoapparaten; Reparatur von Uhren; Reparatur von Schlössern; Rostschutzarbeiten; Möbelpflegearbeiten; Instandhaltung, Reinigung und Reparatur von Leder; Desinfektionsarbeiten; Installation und Reparatur von Einbruchalarmanlagen; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Transportwesen; Verpacken und Lagerung von Waren; Veranstaltung von Reisen; Reisedienstleistungen und Transport von Reisenden; Abschleppen von Fahrzeugen; Taxidienste; Transport mit Kraftfahrzeugen; Transportlogistik; Vermietung von Fahrzeugen, insbesondere Automobilen; Beförderung von Personen, insbesondere mit Autobussen; Carsharing-Dienstleistungen; Organisation von Passagierbeförderungsdiensten für Dritte mittels einer Online-Anwendung; Frachtmaklerdienste; Auslieferung von Waren und Paketen; Elektrizitätsspeicherung [Lagerung]; Elektrizitätsverteilung; Verkehrsinformationsdienste; Flottensteuerung von Kraftfahrzeugen mittels Navigations- und Ortungsgeräten. Verlags- und Berichtswesen; Bildung, Erziehung, Unterhaltung und Dienstleistungen im Sport; Übersetzung und Dolmetschen; Ausbildung; sportliche und kulturelle Aktivitäten; Organisation und Durchführung von kulturellen und/oder sportlichen Veranstaltungen; Talent- und Nachwuchsförderung durch Aus- und Fortbildung; Durchführung von Live-Veranstaltungen; Durchführung und Organisation von Online-Veranstaltungen für kulturelle, Unterhaltungs- und sportliche Zwecke; Durchführung von Spielen in Computernetzwerken und im Internet; Bereitstellung virtueller Umgebungen in denen Nutzer zu Erholungs-, Freizeit- oder Unterhaltungszwecken interagieren können; Bereitstellung einer Online-Umgebung für Streaming von Unterhaltungsinhalten und Live-Streaming von Unterhaltungsveranstaltungen; Online-Bereitstellung von nicht herunterladbaren virtuellen Fahrzeugen, Fahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Bekleidungsstücken, Spielzeug, Sportartikeln und -ausrüstungen sowie Kunstgegenständen zur Verwendung in zu Unterhaltungszwecken geschaffenen virtuellen Umgebungen; Bereitstellung von digitalen Online-Veröffentlichungen in Form von nicht austauschbaren Token (NFTs) im Bereich digitaler Kunst über das Internet; Erziehung auf Akademien; Aus- und Fortbildungs- sowie Erziehungsberatung; Veranstaltung von Wettbewerben [Erziehung und Unterhaltung]; Organisation, Veranstaltung und Durchführung von Kolloquien, Konferenzen, Kongressen, Symposien, Seminaren und Workshops [Schulung]; Veranstaltung von Ausstellungen für kulturelle und Unterrichtszwecke; Coaching [Ausbildung]; berufliche Umschulungen; Veranstaltung sportlicher Wettkämpfe; Verleih von Büchern [Leihbücherei]; Veröffentlichung von Büchern; Online Publikation von elektronischen Büchern und Zeitschriften; Betrieb eines Clubs [Unterhaltung]; Tierdressur; Veranstaltung von Lotterien; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. IT-Dienstleistungen; Entwicklung, Programmierung und Implementierung von Software; Entwicklung von Computerhardware; Hosting-Dienste; Software as a Service [SaaS]; Vermietung von Software; Vermietung von Computerhardware und Computeranlagen; IT-Beratungs-, Auskunfts- und Informationsdienstleistungen; IT-Sicherheits-, Schutz- und Instandsetzungsdienste; Datenvervielfältigungsdienste und Datenkonvertierungsdienste; Datenkodierungsdienste; Computeranalyse und Computerdiagnostik; Forschung und Entwicklung sowie Implementierung von Computern und Computersystemen; Computerprojektmanagementdienste; Erstellung digitaler Wasserzeichen; Dienstleistungen in Bezug auf Computernetzwerke; Technologische Dienste in Bezug auf Computer; Computernetzwerkdienste; Online-Computerdienste; Aktualisierung der Speicherbanken von Computersystemen; Datenmigrationsdienste; Aktualisierung von Websites für Dritte; Überwachung von Computersystemen durch Fernzugriff; Dienstleistungen auf dem Gebiet der Datenverschlüsselung; Beratung auf dem Gebiet der Internet- und Datensicherheit; Server-Hosting; Cloud-Computing; Cloud Hosting-Dienste; Bereitstellung von virtuellen Computersystemen durch Cloud-Computing; Bereitstellung von virtuellen Computerumgebungen durch Cloud-Computing; Konzeption und Entwicklung von Software für die virtuelle Realität; Entwurf von virtuellen Fahrzeugfabriken, Fahrzeuggeschäften und -händlern und Fahrzeugverkaufsstellen; Design von virtuellen Fahrzeugen, Teilen und Zubehör von Fahrzeugen, Bekleidungsstücken, Spielzeug, Sportartikeln und -ausrüstungen sowie Kunstgegenständen; Software als Dienstleistung (SaaS) und Plattform als Dienstleistung (PaaS) für Software zur Verwendung im Zusammenhang mit der Bereitstellung einer digitalen Plattform für digitale Kunst, Krypto-Sammelobjekte, nicht austauschbare Token (NFTs) sowie Marktplätze und Auktionen für nicht austauschbare Token (NFTs); Wissenschaftliche und technologische Dienstleistungen; Prüfung, Authentifizierung und Qualitätskontrolle; Designdienstleistungen; industrielle Analyse- und Forschungsdienstleistungen; Styling [industrielles Design]; Entwicklungs- und Recherchedienste bzgl. neuer Produkte für Dritte; Bereitstellung von wissenschaftlicher Information und Beratung zum CO2-Ausgleich; Digitalisieren von Dokumenten [Scannen]; Entwicklung von Fahrzeugen; Dienstleistungen von Ingenieuren; Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der Technik; Erstellung von technischen Gutachten; Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der Chemie; biologische Forschung; Wettervorhersage; physikalische Forschungen; Dienstleistungen eines Architekten; Dienstleistungen eines Modedesigners; Echtheitsbeglaubigungen von Kunstwerken; Impfen von Wolken; Design von Computersoftware; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Verpflegung von Gästen; Beherbergung von Gästen.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 018990014
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-04-08
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 04 - Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; fuels
  • 08 - Hand tools and implements
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 11 - Environmental control apparatus
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 18 - Leather and imitations of leather
  • 20 - Furniture and decorative products
  • 22 - Rope, netting, tents, awnings, sails and sacks; padding and stuffing materials
  • 24 - Textiles and textile goods
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 27 - Floor and wall coverings
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 30 - Basic staples, tea, coffee, baked goods and confectionery
  • 32 - Beers; non-alcoholic beverages
  • 33 - Alcoholic beverages other than beer
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 43 - Food and drink services, temporary accommodation

Goods & Services

Wachs; Kerzen und Dochte für Beleuchtungszwecke; Technische Öle und Fette, Motorenöl; Öle für technische Zwecke, Olein, Ölgas, Paraffin, Rapsöl für gewerbliche Zwecke; Stearin, Sonnenblumenöl für gewerbliche Zwecke; technische Fette; industrielle Wachse; Schmiermittel, Masut, Riemenfett, Riemengleitschutzmittel, Riemenwachs, Schmierfette, Schmieröle; Entstaubungsmittel, Staubabsorbierungsmittel; Staubbindemittel; Brennstoffe, einschließlich Motorentreibstoffe, Leuchtstoffe, Leuchtgas, Treibstoff, Kraftstoff, Benzin, Brenngas, Brennholz, Brennöle, Brennspiritus; Brennstoff auf Alkoholgrundlage; Gasförmige Brennstoffmischungen, Ethanol, Gasöl, Kerosin; Mineralische Brennstoffe; Naphtha; Nicht chemische Zusätze für Kraftstoff und Treibstoff; Petroleum, roh oder raffiniert; Petroleumäther, Schwachgas, Steinkohlenöl; Verfestigte Gase; Kohlenanzünder; elektrische Energie; Benzolkraftstoffe, Benzenbrennstoffe, Xylenbrennstoffe Zusatzstoffe in Verbindung mit vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Geräte zur Körper- und Schönheitspflege für Menschen und Tiere; scharfe und stumpfe Hieb- und Stichwaffen; Werkzeuge für die Zubereitung von Lebensmitteln, Küchenmesser und Essbestecke; handbetätigte Geräte und Werkzeuge zur Materialbearbeitung sowie für Bau-, Reparatur und Instandhaltungsarbeiten; Hebewerkzeuge; Handbetätigte Werkzeuge und Geräte für land-, garten- und forstwirtschaftliche Zwecke, für den Maschinen-, Apparate- und Fahrzeugbau sowie für die Bautechnik; Kratzer (Handwerkzeuge); Werkzeugschlüssel; Werkzeuggriffe aus Metall; Messerschmiedewaren; Essbesteck, Gabeln und Löffel, Messer; Gabeln [Handwerkzeuge]; Scheren; Hieb- und Stichwaffen; Schwerter; Rasierer, Rasierapparate; Etuis für Rasierapparate; Maniküreneccessaires; Schleifsteine; Zerstäuber für Insektizide [handbetätigt]; Viehmarkierungsgeräte; Harpunen; handbetätigte Werkzeuge; handbetätigte Wagenheber; Maurerkellen; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Wissenschaftliche, Forschungs-, Navigations-, Vermessungs-, fotografische, Film-, audiovisuelle, optische, Wäge-, Mess-, Signal-, Detektions-, Prüf-, Kontroll-, Rettungs- und Unterrichtsapparate und -instrumente; Apparate und Instrumente zum Leiten, Schalten, Umwandeln, Speichern, Regeln oder Kontrollieren der Verteilung oder Nutzung von Elektrizität; Geräte und Instrumente zur Aufzeichnung, Übertragung, Wiedergabe oder Verarbeitung von Ton, Bild oder Daten; Aufgezeichnete und herunterladbare Medien, leere digitale oder analoge Aufzeichnungs- und Speichermedien; informationstechnologische und audiovisuelle Geräte; Magnete, Magnetisierungs- und Entmagnetisierungsvorrichtungen; Apparate, Instrumente und Kabel für Elektrizität; optische Geräte und Ausrüstung, Verstärkungsgeräte und Korrektoren; Sicherungs-, Sicherheits-, Schutz- und Signalgeräte sowie -ausrüstung; Tauchausrüstung; Navigations-, Orientierungs-, Standortverfolgungs-, Zielverfolgungs- und Kartierungsgeräte; Mess-, Erkennungs- und Überwachungsinstrumente, -vorrichtungen sowie -regler; Automatische Druckverlustanzeiger für Fahrzeugreifen; Fahrtenschreiber für Fahrzeuge; Apparate für wissenschaftliche Forschung und Labor, Unterrichtsapparate und Simulatoren; Thermometer; Kontaktlinsen, Brillen, Brillenetuis, Ferngläser, optische Lupen; Sonnenbrillen; Handyhüllen mit Kordel; Handyketten; Hüllen für Smartphones; Warndreiecke für Fahrzeuge; Warnlampen für Fahrzeuge [keine Teile von Fahrzeugen]; Elektrische Batterien und deren Teile; Elektrische Akkumulatoren und deren Teile; Brennstoffzellen und deren Teile; Sonnenbatterien; Elektrische Batterien für Fahrzeuge; Elektrische Akkumulatoren für Fahrzeuge; Ladegeräte für elektrische Batterien; Einbruchalarmgeräte; Feueralarmgeräte; Rauchalarmgeräte; Gaswarngeräte; Diebstahlalarmgeräte; Feuerlöschgeräte; Feuerlöschfahrzeuge; Waagen; Wasserwaagen; Zirkel [Messinstrumente]; Lineale (Messinstrumente); Säuremesser; Mengenmesser; Elektronische Steuergeräte und Strom-/Spannungsversorgungsgeräte für Fahrzeugscheinwerfer und Fahrzeugleuchten und deren jeweilige Teile; Leuchtdioden [LEDs], Elektronische Leistungsregler; Elektrische und elektronische Steuergeräte; Regelgeräte und -instrumente; Simulatoren für die Lenkung und die Kontrolle von Fahrzeugen; Künstliche Intelligenz-Software für Fahrzeuge; Spannungsregler für Fahrzeuge; Geschwindigkeitsanzeiger; Drehzahlmesser; Messgeräte und Messinstrumente; Parkuhren; Rettungsvorrichtungen, nämlich Rettungsflöße, Rettungsleitern, Rettungsnetze, Rettungsplanen, Rettungsringe, Rettungsbojen, Rettungswesten; Elektrische Sicherungen; Elektrische Relais; Laser nicht für medizinische Zwecke, Laserpointer; Fernsteuerungsgeräte, Fernbedienungen; Antennen; Navigationsgeräte für Fahrzeuge; Mobiltelefone; Telefonapparate; Fernsehapparate; Bildtelefone; Radios; Kompasse; Navigationsgeräte; Navigationsinstrumente; Telematikapparate; Telematikendgeräte; Magnetische, elektronische und optische Aufzeichnungsträger, Schallplatten, CDs, DVDs und andere digitale Aufzeichnungsträger; Tonträger, Musikautomaten [geldbetätigt], Compact-Disks [ROM, Festspeicher]; Musikdateien zum Herunterladen; Kopfhörer; Lautsprecher; Lautsprecherboxen; Leuchtschilder; CD-Player; DVD-Player; Videotelefone; Bildfunkgeräte; Projektionsgeräte; Fotoapparate; belichtete Filme; Filmkameras; Fotokopiergeräte; Elektronische Übersetzungsgeräte (Computer); Elektronische Taschenübersetzer; Magnetkarten, Karten mit integrierten Schaltkreisen (Smartcards), codierte Telefonkarten; Mechaniken für geldbetätigte Apparate; Bank-, Geldautomaten; Registrierkassen, Rechenmaschinen; Hardware für die Datenverarbeitung; Computer; Elektronische Terminkalender; Faxgeräte; Monitore (Computerhardware und -programme); Computerperipheriegeräte; Computerprogramme zur Verwendung für das autonome Fahren von Fahrzeugen; Computerprogramme zur Verwendung bei der autonomen Navigation von Fahrzeugen; Computerprogramme zur Verwendung bei der autonomen Steuerung von Fahrzeugen; gespeicherte und herunterladbare Computerprogramme, insbesondere Datensammlungen in elektronischer Form; Gespeicherte oder herunterladbare Software-Plattformen; Computersoftware; Spielsoftware; Herunterladbare, interaktive Unterhaltungssoftware zum Spielen von Videospielen; Videospiele [Computerspiele] in Form von auf Datenträgern gespeicherten Computerprogrammen; Anwendungssoftware; Mobile Apps; Taschenrechner; Elektronische Publikationen [herunterladbar]; Herunterladbare Bilddateien; Herunterladbare virtuelle Waren, nämlich Computerprogramme in Bezug auf Fahrzeuge, Teile und Zubehör für Fahrzeuge, Bekleidungsstücke, Spielzeug, Sportartikel und -ausrüstung sowie Kunstgegenstände zur Verwendung in virtuellen Umgebungen; Herunterladbare virtuelle Waren, nämlich nicht austauschbare Token (NFTs) zum Erstellen und Handeln digitaler Sammlerstücke unter Verwendung Blockchain-basierter Softwaretechnologie für Fahrzeuge, Teile und Zubehör für Fahrzeuge, Bekleidungsstücke, Spielzeug, Sportartikel und -ausrüstung sowie Kunstgegenstände zur Verwendung in virtuellen Umgebungen; Herunterladbare digitale Medien, nämlich mit Blockchain-basierter Softwaretechnologie erstellte digitale Sammlerstücke in Form von personalisierten Fotos, Bildern, Videos und virtuellen Erlebnissen im Bereich Automobilindustrie, Kunst, Unterhaltung, Sport und Popkultur; Digitales Material, nämlich einzigartige Dateneinheiten als einmalige kreative Arbeit im Bereich Automobilindustrie, Kunst, Unterhaltung, Sport und Popkultur; Crashtest-Dummys; Mikroskope; Elektrokabel; Steckdosen; Elektrische Fernzündungsgeräte; Radiologische Apparate für gewerbliche Zwecke; Schutzhelme; Elektrische Schlösser; Elektronische Steuerungen und elektronische Steuerungssysteme; Security-Tokens [Verschlüsselungsgeräte]; Elektronische Zugangskontrollsysteme für Zugangsschleusen; Wärmebildkameras; Waagen mit Body-Mass-Analysegerät; Hüllen für Tablet-Computer; Blackboxes [Datenrekorder]; Digitale Wetterstationen; Ladestationen für elektrische Fahrzeuge; Interaktive Touch-Screen-Terminals; Smart-Ringe; Elektrische und elektronische Effekteinheiten für Musikinstrumente; Audioschnittstellen; Equalizer [Audio Apparate]; Parksensoren für Fahrzeuge; Lehrroboter; Humanoide Roboter mit künstlicher Intelligenz; PDA-Computer [Personal Digital Assistants]; Rückfahrkameras für Fahrzeuge; Elektrokabelbäume für Kraftfahrzeuge; Telekommunikationsgeräte in Form von Schmuckwaren; Datenhandschuhe; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Geräte und Anlagen zu Beleuchtungs-, Heizungs-, Kühlungs-, Dampferzeugungs-, Koch-, Trocknungs-, Lüftungs- und Wasserversorgungszwecken sowie zu sanitären Zwecken; Abzüge und Installationen zum Ableiten von Abgasen; Bräunungsapparate; sanitäre Installationen und Einrichtungen; Wasserversorgungseinrichtungen; Brenner, Boiler; Lichtreflektoren; Kamine; Feuerfeste Öfen; Öfen mit Grills; Campingkocher; Grills; Transportable Feuerstellen; Filter für Industrie und Haushalt; industrielle Aufbereitungsanlagen, nämlich Gasfilter und -reiniger; Industrieöfen und Feuerungen [nicht für Nahrungsmittel und Getränke]; Anlagen für chemische Aufbereitung; industrielle Anlagen für die Filterung von Flüssigkeiten; Anlagen zum Sammeln von Gasen; Anlagen zum Sammeln von Flüssigkeiten; Laufrinnen zum Abscheiden von Verunreinigungen in geschmolzenem Metall [Teile von Schmelzöfen]; Biologische Reaktoren zur Klärung von Industrieabwässern; Apparate für die Entwässerung von Lebensmittelabfällen; Trockenanlagen; Kühl- und Gefrierausrüstung; Regelungs- und Sicherheitszubehör für Wasser- und Gasanlagen; kerntechnische Anlagen; Heizungs-, Ventilations-, Klima- und Luftreinigungsgeräte und -anlagen; Beleuchtungsgeräte; Beleuchtungsapparate und -anlagen; Beleuchtungslampen; Beleuchtungsgeräte mit Leuchtdioden [LEDs]; Beleuchtungsanlagen für Luftfahrzeuge; Beleuchtungsgeräte für Fahrzeuge; Lampen für Fahrtrichtungsanzeiger von Fahrzeugen; Beleuchtungsgeräte mit Leuchtdioden [LEDs] für Fahrzeuge; Blendschutzvorrichtungen für Fahrzeuge [Lampenzubehör]; Blendschutzvorrichtungen für Kraftfahrzeuge [Lampenzubehör]; Blitzlichte [Taschenlampen]; Bogenlampen; Campinglaternen; elektrische Kaffeemaschinen; elektrische Lüfter für den persönlichen Gebrauch; Entladungsröhren [elektrisch] für Beleuchtungszwecke; Fahrradleuchten; Fahrzeugleuchten und deren jeweiligen Teile, soweit die jeweiligen Teile in dieser Klasse enthalten; Fahrzeugrückstrahler und deren jeweiligen Teile, soweit die jeweiligen Teile in dieser Klasse enthalten; Fahrzeugscheinwerfer und deren jeweiligen Teile, soweit die jeweiligen Teile in dieser Klasse enthalten; Fassungen für elektrische Lampen; Gasanzünder (Feuerzeuge); Anzünder [Zündgeräte]; Glühbirnen für Beleuchtungszwecke; Glühbirnen [elektrisch]; Glühbrenner; Glühfäden für elektrische Lampen; Grubenlampen; Heizgeräte für feste, flüssige oder gasförmige Brennstoffe; Heizgeräte [elektrisch]; Heizungsanlagen; Heizungsanlagen für Fahrzeuge; Klimaanlagen; Klimaapparate; Kühlanlagen und -maschinen; Kühlapparate; Klimaanlagen für Fahrzeuge; Lampen [elektrisch]; Azetylenerzeuger; Gaslampen; Lampengläser; Lampenglühstrümpfe; Lampenkugeln; Lampenröhren, -zylinder; Lampenschirme; Lampenschirmhalter; Leuchtröhren für Beleuchtungszwecke; Leuchtröhren mit elektrischer Entladung; Lichtverteiler; Lufterhitzer; Luftfilter [Klimatisierung]; Luftfilteranlagen; Filter [Teile von häuslichen oder gewerblichen Anlagen]; Desodorierungsgeräte, nicht für den persönlichen Gebrauch; Entfroster für Fahrzeuge; Lüftungsanlagen [Klimatisierung] für Fahrzeuge; Scheibenheizungen für Fahrzeuge; Luftkühlgeräte; Luftreinigungsapparate und -maschinen; Luftreinigungslampen mit keimtötender Wirkung; Luftsprudelbäder; Luftsterilisatoren; Lufttrockner; Lüftungsgeräte [Klimatisierung]; Reflektoren für Lampen; Sicherheitslampen; Solarkollektoren [Heizung]; Taschenlampen; Ultraviolettlampen, nicht für medizinische Zwecke; Wasserleitungsanlagen; Niveauregelventile für Tanks; elektrische Radiatoren; Polymerisationsanlagen; Elektrische Schokoladenbrunnen; Elektrische Lichterketten; Elektrisch beheizte Kleidung; Speiseeismaschinen; Fahrradblinker; Heiz- und Kühlgeräte zur Ausgabe von heißen und kalten Getränken; USB-betriebene Handwärmer; USB-betriebene Tassenwärmer; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Fahrzeuge und Beförderungsmittel; Fahrzeuge zur Beförderung auf dem Lande, in der Luft, auf dem Wasser oder auf Schienen sowie deren Teile; motorisierte Landfahrzeuge; führerlose Fahrzeuge [autonome Fahrzeuge]; Kraftfahrzeuge; Automobile; Roboterautos; Rennwagen; Lastkraftwagen; Autobusse; Wohnwagen; Traktoren; Omnibusse; Motorräder; Mopeds; Fahrräder; Elektrische Fahrräder; Zweiräder, Roller [Fahrzeuge]; Hoverboards; Selbstbalancierende Einräder; Selbstbalancierende Einrad-Elektroroller; Sessellifte, Seilbahnen; Rollstühle; Kinderwagen; Wägelchen zum Transport von Kindern; Luftfahrzeuge; Boote, Schiffe; Lokomotiven; Kameradrohnen; Kamera-Helikopter; Drahtseilfördergeräte und -anlagen; Karren, Einkaufswagen, Gepäckwagen, Handwagen, mobile Handkarren; Anhänger und Sattelauflieger für Fahrzeuge; Anhängerkupplungen für Fahrzeuge; Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge; Triebwerke für Landfahrzeuge; Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge; Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen; Kupplungen für Landfahrzeuge; Stoßdämpfer für Fahrzeuge; Stoßdämpferfedern für Fahrzeuge; Reifen (Pneus); Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Felgen für Fahrzeugräder; Vollgummireifen für Fahrzeugräder; Fahrzeugräder; Naben für Fahrzeugräder; Radmuttern für Fahrzeugräder; Schläuche für Reifen; Laufmäntel für Luftreifen; Schaumstoffeinlagen für Reifen; Flickzeug für Reifenschläuche, selbstklebende Flickgummis für die Reparatur von Reifenschläuchen; Spikes für Reifen; Schneeketten; Gleitschutzvorrichtungen für Fahrzeugreifen; Fahrzeugsitze; Rückspiegel; Kopfstützen für Fahrzeugsitze; Alarmanlagen für Fahrzeuge, Diebstahlsicherungen für Fahrzeuge; Zigarettenanzünder für Automobile; Clips für die Befestigung von Kraftfahrzeugteilen an Kraftfahrzeugkarosserien; Becherhalter für Fahrzeuge; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Papier, Pappe (Karton); Druckereierzeugnisse; Kunstwerke und Figuren aus Papier oder Pappe sowie Architekturmodelle; Dekorations- und Künstlerbedarfsmaterialien und -mittel; Filtermaterial aus Papier; Taschen, Beutel und Waren für Verpackungs-, Einpack- und Ablagezwecke aus Papier, Pappe oder Kunststoff; Etuis für Schreibwaren; Buchbindeartikel; Photographien; Schreibwaren; Klebstoffe für Papier- und Schreibwaren oder für Haushaltszwecke; Künstlerbedarfsartikel; Pinsel zum Auftragen von Farben; Schreibmaschinen, Schreibgeräte und Büroartikel, ausgenommen Möbel; Lehr- und Unterrichtsmaterial, ausgenommen Apparate; Verpackungsmaterial aus Kunststoff, Drucklettern; Druckstöcke; Atlanten; Kalender; Adventskalender; geographische Karten; Veröffentlichungen (Schriften); gedrucktes Werbematerial und gedruckte Reklame; Notizbücher; Postkarten; Lesezeichen; Notizzettel; Dokumentenhüllen; Stifte (Büromaterial); Kugelschreiber und Bleistifte; Wimpel und Fahnen aus Papier; Servietten aus Papier; Kopierpapier; Toilettenpapier; Handtücher aus Papier; Packpapier; Tinte; Siegelstempel; Zeicheninstrumente; Zeichenmaterialien; Malstaffeleien; Gerahmte oder ungerahmte Bilder [Gemälde]; Modelliermaterial; Banner aus Papier; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Gepäck, Taschen, Brieftaschen und andere Tragebehältnisse; Regen- und Sonnenschirme; Gehstöcke; Reise- und Handkoffer; Taschen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten, insbesondere Sporttaschen, Aktentaschen und Handtaschen; Rucksäcke; Turnbeutel; Beutel mit Zugbändern; Brieftaschen, Geldbörsen; Kulturbeutel; Schlüsseletuis; Verpackungsbeutel, -hüllen, -taschen aus Leder; Etiketten aus Leder; Angepasste Kofferanhänger [Lederwaren]; Satteltaschen; Sattlerwaren, Peitschen und Tierbekleidung; Bekleidungsstücke für Haustiere; Tefillin [Gebetsriemen]; Leder, roh oder teilweise bearbeitet; Häute und Felle; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Möbel und Einrichtungsgegenstände; Spiegel, Bilderrahmen, Betten; Kissen; Bettzeug, ausgenommen Bettwäsche; Briefkästen, nicht aus Metall oder gemauert; Regale; Schränke; Tische, Schreibtische, Stühle, Polstersessel, Sofas, Kinderhochstühle und -lauflerngeräte, Kleiderbügel, Kopfpolster; Campingmöbel, Campingtische, Campingstühle, Campingbetten, Campingmatratzen, Schlafmatten für Campingzwecke; Picknickmöbel, Picknickkörbe; Holzkästen; Kisten aus Kunststoff; Kästen und Kisten, nicht aus Metall; Boxen aus Holz oder Kunststoff; Aufbewahrungskästen [Möbel], Aufbewahrungskisten [Möbel], Aufbewahrungskörbe [Möbel]; Behälter für Aufbewahrungszwecke [ausgenommen für Haushalt und Küche]; Kleiderständer; Ankerbojen nicht aus Metall; Schlösser und Schlüssel nicht aus Metall; Tür-, Tor- und Fensterbeschläge, nicht aus Metall; Ventile, nicht aus Metall; Befestigungsmaterial, nicht aus Metall; Klöppel, nicht aus Metall; Klemmen, nicht aus Metall; Haltegriffe, nicht aus Metall; Haken, nicht aus Metall; Identifikationsarmbänder, nicht aus Metall; Wimpelhalter; Dübel aus Kunststoff, Spulen nicht aus Metall [ausgenommen als Teile von Maschinen und Apparaten], Ringe, Stangen, nicht aus Metall, Sägeböcke, Spülsteinmatten, Treppenbeschläge aus Plastik, Saugnäpfe aus Kunststoff, Spender für Papierhandtücher [ortsfest, nicht aus Metall], Tabletts, nicht aus Metall, Etiketten aus Kunststoff; Tonnen, Fässer nicht aus Metall, Verpackungsbehälter aus Kunststoff, Tanks für flüssige Brennstoffe, nicht aus Metall, aufblasbare Werbeartikel, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Kanister, nicht aus Metall; Leitern aus Holz oder Kunststoff; Bilderrahmen; Bambus; Kunstgegenstände aus Holz, Wachs, Gips oder aus Kunststoff; Anschlagtafeln; Dekorationsartikel aus Kunststoff für Nahrungsmittel; Behausung und Betten für Tiere; Namensarmbänder, nicht aus Metall, zur Verwendung in Krankenhäusern; Särge und Bestattungsurnen; Garderobenhaken; Vorhangringe; Statuen, Figuren, Kunstwerke sowie Verzierungen und Dekorationen aus Materialien wie Holz, Wachs, Gips, Kunststoff, Kork, Rohr, Binsen, Weide, Horn, Knochen, Elfenbein, Fischbein, Schildpatt, Bernstein, Perlmutter, Meerschaum und deren Ersatzstoffen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Leitern, nicht aus Metall; Mobile Treppen, nicht aus Metall; Kunststofframpen für Fahrzeuge; Displays, Ständer und Beschilderungen, nicht aus Metall; Ladelehren, nicht aus Metall, für Eisenbahnwaggons; Ölauffangbehälter, nicht aus Metall; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Netze, Zelte, Planen, Seile, Bindfäden, Segel, Säcke, Polsterfüllstoffe und Polstermaterial, ausgenommen aus Papier, Pappe [Karton], Kautschuk oder Kunststoff, rohe Gespinstfasern, Hängematten, Verpackungsbeutel, -hüllen, und -taschen aus textilem Material, Abschleppseile für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugplanen; Zelte, Campingzelte. Stoffe; Textilwaren [Haushaltswaren]; Webstoffe und Textilersatzstoffe; Filtermaterialien aus Textilien; Bett- und Tischdecken; Tischwäsche, nicht aus Papier; Bettwäsche; Handtücher; Kissenbezüge; Wandbekleidungen aus textilem Material; Bordüren aus Textil, Steppdecken, Tagesdecken für Betten, Decken zur Verwendung im Außenbereich; Schlafsäcke; Servietten aus Textil; Moskitonetze, Wimpel und Fahnen nicht aus Papier; Flaggen aus Kunststoff; Vliesstoffe [Textilien]; Filz; Waschhandschuhe; Picknickdecken. Kopfbedeckungen; Bekleidungsstücke; Schuhwaren; Polo-Shirts/-hemden; Overalls; T-Shirts; Mäntel; Jacken; Bandanas [Tücher für Bekleidungszwecke]; Unterhosen; Hosen; Babywäsche; Badeanzüge; Regenmäntel; Theaterkostüme; Schuhe; Fussballschuhe; Hüte; Mützen; Strümpfe; Handschuhe [Bekleidung]; Schals und Stolen; Krawatten; Gürtel [Bekleidung]; Duschhauben; Miederwaren; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Teppiche, Fußmatten, Matten, Linoleum, künstliche Bodenbeläge und andere Bodenbeläge; Automatten; Wand- und Deckenverkleidungen; Tapeten, nicht aus textilem Material, Papiertapeten, Textiltapeten, Tapeten-Bordüren aus Papier; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Spielwaren, Spiele, Spielzeug und Scherzartikel für Partys; Spielzeugautos; Modellbausätze [Spielwaren]; Plüschtiere und sonstiges Plüschspielzeug; verkleinerte Fahrzeugmodelle; Spielzeugfahrzeuge; Automotormodelle als Spielzeug; Roller (Spielzeug); Aufsitzfahrzeuge für Kinder [Spielzeug]; Ferngesteuerte Fahrzeuge [Spielzeuge]; Vierrädrige Kinderfahrzeuge [Spielzeuge]; Spielbälle; Kaleidoskope; Brettspiele; Puzzles; Spielkarten; Spielkugeln; Handschuhe [Zubehör für Spiele]; Spielzeug-Kinderwagen; Drachen; Spielzeug, dargeboten in einem Adventskalender; Knetmasse [Spielzeug]; Autorennbahnen; Artikel für den Golfsport; Videospielgeräte für Spielhallen; Videospielgeräte; Videospielkonsolen; Geräte für Jahrmärkte und Spielplätze; Spielautomaten [Glücksspielautomaten]; Elektronische Spiele; Sportartikel und -ausrüstungen, Turnartikel; Gymnastik- und Turngeräte; Schwimmer [Angelsport]; Tarnschilde [Sportartikel]; Fahrrad-Heimtrainer; Bogenschießgeräte Christbaumschmuck; Künstliche Weihnachtsbäume; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Kaffee, Tee, Kakao, Zucker, Reis, Tapioka, Sago, Kaffee-Ersatz; Mehle; Getreidepräparate; Brot, feine Backwaren; Pizza; Getrocknete und frische Teigwaren, Nudeln und Klöße; Honig, Melassesirup; Fruchtsoßen; Hefe, Backpulver; Speisesalz; Senf; Essig, Soßen [Würzen]; Gewürze; Kühleis; Speiseeis; Konservierte Kräuter; Schokolade; Pralinen; Zuckerwaren, Konfekt; Zuckermasse [Süßwaren]; Bonbons; Kuchen; Torten; Cookies; Waffeln. Bier; Mineralwässer [Getränke]; Kohlensäurehaltige Wässer; alkoholfreie Getränke; Alkoholfreie Fruchtgetränke; Fruchtsäfte; Smoothies; Sirupe für Getränke, Limonadensirupe; alkoholfreie Präparate für die Zubereitung von Getränken; Tomatensaft [Getränke]; Gemüsesäfte [Getränke]; alkoholfreie Aperitifs; alkoholfreie Cocktails; Isotonische Getränke; Limonaden; Malzbier; Malzwürze; Mandelmilch [Sirup]; Sarsaparilla [alkoholfreies Getränk]; Selterswasser; Sodawasser; Sorbets [Getränke]; Tafelwässer; Wässer [Getränke]; Lithiumwässer. alkoholische Getränke, ausgenommen Bier; Aperitifs; Cocktails; Destillierte Getränke; Liköre; Spirituosen; Weine; Sekt. Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen für den Versandhandel bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Dienstleistungen des Einzel- und Großhandels über das Internet bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen mittels Teleshopping-Sendungen bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzelhandelsdienstleistungen in Bezug auf virtuelle Waren, nämlich Fahrzeuge, Teile und Zubehör für Fahrzeuge, Bekleidungsstücke, Spielzeug, Sportartikel und -ausrüstung sowie Kunstgegenstände zur Verwendung in virtuellen Umgebungen; Bereitstellen eines Online-Marktplatzes für Käufer und Verkäufer von Waren- und Dienstleistungen in Bezug auf Virtual-Reality-Spiele; Einzelhandelsdienstleistungen im Bereich kreativen Arbeiten (Kunstwerke und digitale Kunst) im Bereich Automobilindustrie, Spielwarenindustrie, Sport und Popkultur; Zusammenstellen, ausgenommen deren Transport, verschiedener Kraftfahrzeuge, Kraftfahrzeugteile und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder für Dritte, um den Verbrauchern Ansicht und Erwerb dieser Waren in einer Einzelhandelsverkaufsstelle zu erleichtern; Vermittlung von Verträgen für Dritte über den An- und Verkauf von Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge oder Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Geschäftsführung eines Fuhrparks für Dritte; Erteilung von Auskünften [Information] und Beratung für Verbraucher in Handels- und Geschäftsangelegenheiten [Verbraucherberatung]; Verwaltungstechnische Bearbeitung von Bestellungen; Vermittlung von Verträgen für Dritte über den An- und Verkauf von Waren; Beratung bei der Organisation und Führung von Unternehmen; Hilfe bei der Führung von gewerblichen oder Handelsbetrieben; Werbung; Marketing; Geschäftsführung; Unternehmensverwaltung; Bürodienste; Beratung in Fragen des Personalwesens; Rundfunk- und Fernsehwerbung; Veranstaltung von Messen für wirtschaftliche und Werbezwecke; Sammeln und Zusammenstellen von themenbezogenen Presseartikeln; Präsentation von Waren in Kommunikations-Medien für den Einzelhandel; Öffentlichkeitsarbeit [Public Relations]; Zusammenstellung von Informationsverzeichnissen für Geschäfts- und Werbezwecke; Durchführung von Auktionen und Versteigerungen; Verkaufsförderung [Sales promotion] für Dritte; Werbung für Waren und Dienstleistungen durch Sponsoring von Sportveranstaltungen; Personalanwerbung; Verwaltungsdienstleistungen für Unternehmensverlagerungen; Buchführung; Sponsorensuche; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Bau-, Montage- und Abbrucharbeiten; Installations-, Reinigungs-, Reparatur- und Wartungsarbeiten in Bezug auf Maschinen und Kraftfahrzeuge; Vermietung von Werkzeugen, Baumaschinen und Geräten für Bau-, Abbruch-, Reinigungs- und Wartungsarbeiten; Bergbauarbeiten; Gas- und Ölgewinnungsarbeiten; Schädlingsbekämpfung und -vernichtung [ausgenommen für land-, garten- und forstwirtschaftliche Zwecke] sowie Desinfektion; Umbau, Reparatur, Instandhaltung, Demontage, Wartung, Pflege, Reinigung und Lackierarbeiten von Fahrzeugen, Motoren, Fahrzeugrädern und deren Teilen; Tankdienste für Fahrzeuge; Aufladen von Elektrofahrzeugen, Autobatterien, Mobiltelefonakkus sowie Batterien für Computer und Telefone; Reparatur von Fahrzeugen im Rahmen der Pannenhilfe; Kundenspezifische Durchführung von Umbauten an Karosserie, Fahrwerk und Motor von Kraftfahrzeugen (Tuning), soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Lackieren von Fahrzeugen; Polieren von Fahrzeugen; Rostschutzbehandlung von Fahrzeugen; Fahrzeuginstandhaltung; Reinigung von Fahrzeugen; Runderneuerung von Reifen; Wartung, Reinigung und Reparatur von Dampfkesseln und Brennern; Auskünfte über Reparaturen; Auskünfte in Bauangelegenheiten; Montage von Türen und Fenstern; Steinbrucharbeiten; Installation, Wartung und Reparatur von Maschinen; Wartung und Reparatur von Flugzeugen; Schiffsbau; Reparatur von Fotoapparaten; Reparatur von Uhren; Reparatur von Schlössern; Rostschutzarbeiten; Möbelpflegearbeiten; Instandhaltung, Reinigung und Reparatur von Leder; Desinfektionsarbeiten; Installation und Reparatur von Einbruchalarmanlagen; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Transportwesen; Verpacken und Lagerung von Waren; Veranstaltung von Reisen; Reisedienstleistungen und Transport von Reisenden; Abschleppen von Fahrzeugen; Taxidienste; Transport mit Kraftfahrzeugen; Transportlogistik; Vermietung von Fahrzeugen, insbesondere Automobilen; Beförderung von Personen, insbesondere mit Autobussen; Carsharing-Dienstleistungen; Organisation von Passagierbeförderungsdiensten für Dritte mittels einer Online-Anwendung; Frachtmaklerdienste; Auslieferung von Waren und Paketen; Elektrizitätsspeicherung [Lagerung]; Elektrizitätsverteilung; Verkehrsinformationsdienste; Flottensteuerung von Kraftfahrzeugen mittels Navigations- und Ortungsgeräten. Verlags- und Berichtswesen; Bildung, Erziehung, Unterhaltung und Dienstleistungen im Sport; Übersetzung und Dolmetschen; Ausbildung; sportliche und kulturelle Aktivitäten; Organisation und Durchführung von kulturellen und/oder sportlichen Veranstaltungen; Talent- und Nachwuchsförderung durch Aus- und Fortbildung; Durchführung von Live-Veranstaltungen; Durchführung und Organisation von Online-Veranstaltungen für kulturelle, Unterhaltungs- und sportliche Zwecke; Durchführung von Spielen in Computernetzwerken und im Internet; Bereitstellung virtueller Umgebungen in denen Nutzer zu Erholungs-, Freizeit- oder Unterhaltungszwecken interagieren können; Bereitstellung einer Online-Umgebung für Streaming von Unterhaltungsinhalten und Live-Streaming von Unterhaltungsveranstaltungen; Online-Bereitstellung von nicht herunterladbaren virtuellen Fahrzeugen, Fahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Bekleidungsstücken, Spielzeug, Sportartikeln und -ausrüstungen sowie Kunstgegenständen zur Verwendung in zu Unterhaltungszwecken geschaffenen virtuellen Umgebungen; Bereitstellung von digitalen Online-Veröffentlichungen in Form von nicht austauschbaren Token (NFTs) im Bereich digitaler Kunst über das Internet; Erziehung auf Akademien; Aus- und Fortbildungs- sowie Erziehungsberatung; Veranstaltung von Wettbewerben [Erziehung und Unterhaltung]; Organisation, Veranstaltung und Durchführung von Kolloquien, Konferenzen, Kongressen, Symposien, Seminaren und Workshops [Schulung]; Veranstaltung von Ausstellungen für kulturelle und Unterrichtszwecke; Coaching [Ausbildung]; berufliche Umschulungen; Veranstaltung sportlicher Wettkämpfe; Verleih von Büchern [Leihbücherei]; Veröffentlichung von Büchern; Online Publikation von elektronischen Büchern und Zeitschriften; Betrieb eines Clubs [Unterhaltung]; Tierdressur; Veranstaltung von Lotterien; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. IT-Dienstleistungen; Entwicklung, Programmierung und Implementierung von Software; Entwicklung von Computerhardware; Hosting-Dienste; Software as a Service [SaaS]; Vermietung von Software; Vermietung von Computerhardware und Computeranlagen; IT-Beratungs-, Auskunfts- und Informationsdienstleistungen; IT-Sicherheits-, Schutz- und Instandsetzungsdienste; Datenvervielfältigungsdienste und Datenkonvertierungsdienste; Datenkodierungsdienste; Computeranalyse und Computerdiagnostik; Forschung und Entwicklung sowie Implementierung von Computern und Computersystemen; Computerprojektmanagementdienste; Erstellung digitaler Wasserzeichen; Dienstleistungen in Bezug auf Computernetzwerke; Technologische Dienste in Bezug auf Computer; Computernetzwerkdienste; Online-Computerdienste; Aktualisierung der Speicherbanken von Computersystemen; Datenmigrationsdienste; Aktualisierung von Websites für Dritte; Überwachung von Computersystemen durch Fernzugriff; Dienstleistungen auf dem Gebiet der Datenverschlüsselung; Beratung auf dem Gebiet der Internet- und Datensicherheit; Server-Hosting; Cloud-Computing; Cloud Hosting-Dienste; Bereitstellung von virtuellen Computersystemen durch Cloud-Computing; Bereitstellung von virtuellen Computerumgebungen durch Cloud-Computing; Konzeption und Entwicklung von Software für die virtuelle Realität; Entwurf von virtuellen Fahrzeugfabriken, Fahrzeuggeschäften und -händlern und Fahrzeugverkaufsstellen; Design von virtuellen Fahrzeugen, Teilen und Zubehör von Fahrzeugen, Bekleidungsstücken, Spielzeug, Sportartikeln und -ausrüstungen sowie Kunstgegenständen; Software als Dienstleistung (SaaS) und Plattform als Dienstleistung (PaaS) für Software zur Verwendung im Zusammenhang mit der Bereitstellung einer digitalen Plattform für digitale Kunst, Krypto-Sammelobjekte, nicht austauschbare Token (NFTs) sowie Marktplätze und Auktionen für nicht austauschbare Token (NFTs); Wissenschaftliche und technologische Dienstleistungen; Prüfung, Authentifizierung und Qualitätskontrolle; Designdienstleistungen; industrielle Analyse- und Forschungsdienstleistungen; Styling [industrielles Design]; Entwicklungs- und Recherchedienste bzgl. neuer Produkte für Dritte; Bereitstellung von wissenschaftlicher Information und Beratung zum CO2-Ausgleich; Digitalisieren von Dokumenten [Scannen]; Entwicklung von Fahrzeugen; Dienstleistungen von Ingenieuren; Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der Technik; Erstellung von technischen Gutachten; Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der Chemie; biologische Forschung; Wettervorhersage; physikalische Forschungen; Dienstleistungen eines Architekten; Dienstleistungen eines Modedesigners; Echtheitsbeglaubigungen von Kunstwerken; Impfen von Wolken; Design von Computersoftware; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Verpflegung von Gästen; Beherbergung von Gästen.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 019007520
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-04-02
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 04 - Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; fuels
  • 08 - Hand tools and implements
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 11 - Environmental control apparatus
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 18 - Leather and imitations of leather
  • 20 - Furniture and decorative products
  • 22 - Rope, netting, tents, awnings, sails and sacks; padding and stuffing materials
  • 24 - Textiles and textile goods
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 27 - Floor and wall coverings
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 30 - Basic staples, tea, coffee, baked goods and confectionery
  • 32 - Beers; non-alcoholic beverages
  • 33 - Alcoholic beverages other than beer
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 43 - Food and drink services, temporary accommodation

Goods & Services

Wachs; Kerzen und Dochte für Beleuchtungszwecke; Technische Öle und Fette, Motorenöl; Öle für technische Zwecke, Olein, Ölgas, Paraffin, Rapsöl für gewerbliche Zwecke; Stearin, Sonnenblumenöl für gewerbliche Zwecke; technische Fette; industrielle Wachse; Schmiermittel, Masut, Riemenfett, Riemengleitschutzmittel, Riemenwachs, Schmierfette, Schmieröle; Entstaubungsmittel, Staubabsorbierungsmittel; Staubbindemittel; Brennstoffe, einschließlich Motorentreibstoffe, Leuchtstoffe, Leuchtgas, Treibstoff, Kraftstoff, Benzin, Brenngas, Brennholz, Brennöle, Brennspiritus; Brennstoff auf Alkoholgrundlage; Gasförmige Brennstoffmischungen, Ethanol, Gasöl, Kerosin; Mineralische Brennstoffe; Naphtha; Nicht chemische Zusätze für Kraftstoff und Treibstoff; Petroleum, roh oder raffiniert; Petroleumäther, Schwachgas, Steinkohlenöl; Verfestigte Gase; Kohlenanzünder; elektrische Energie; Benzolkraftstoffe, Benzenbrennstoffe, Xylenbrennstoffe Zusatzstoffe in Verbindung mit vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Geräte zur Körper- und Schönheitspflege für Menschen und Tiere; scharfe und stumpfe Hieb- und Stichwaffen; Werkzeuge für die Zubereitung von Lebensmitteln, Küchenmesser und Essbestecke; handbetätigte Geräte und Werkzeuge zur Materialbearbeitung sowie für Bau-, Reparatur und Instandhaltungsarbeiten; Hebewerkzeuge; Handbetätigte Werkzeuge und Geräte für land-, garten- und forstwirtschaftliche Zwecke, für den Maschinen-, Apparate- und Fahrzeugbau sowie für die Bautechnik; Kratzer (Handwerkzeuge); Werkzeugschlüssel; Werkzeuggriffe aus Metall; Messerschmiedewaren; Essbesteck, Gabeln und Löffel, Messer; Gabeln [Handwerkzeuge]; Scheren; Hieb- und Stichwaffen; Schwerter; Rasierer, Rasierapparate; Etuis für Rasierapparate; Maniküreneccessaires; Schleifsteine; Zerstäuber für Insektizide [handbetätigt]; Viehmarkierungsgeräte; Harpunen; handbetätigte Werkzeuge; handbetätigte Wagenheber; Maurerkellen; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Wissenschaftliche, Forschungs-, Navigations-, Vermessungs-, fotografische, Film-, audiovisuelle, optische, Wäge-, Mess-, Signal-, Detektions-, Prüf-, Kontroll-, Rettungs- und Unterrichtsapparate und -instrumente; Apparate und Instrumente zum Leiten, Schalten, Umwandeln, Speichern, Regeln oder Kontrollieren der Verteilung oder Nutzung von Elektrizität; Geräte und Instrumente zur Aufzeichnung, Übertragung, Wiedergabe oder Verarbeitung von Ton, Bild oder Daten; Aufgezeichnete und herunterladbare Medien, leere digitale oder analoge Aufzeichnungs- und Speichermedien; informationstechnologische und audiovisuelle Geräte; Magnete, Magnetisierungs- und Entmagnetisierungsvorrichtungen; Apparate, Instrumente und Kabel für Elektrizität; optische Geräte und Ausrüstung, Verstärkungsgeräte und Korrektoren; Sicherungs-, Sicherheits-, Schutz- und Signalgeräte sowie -ausrüstung; Tauchausrüstung; Navigations-, Orientierungs-, Standortverfolgungs-, Zielverfolgungs- und Kartierungsgeräte; Mess-, Erkennungs- und Überwachungsinstrumente, -vorrichtungen sowie -regler; Automatische Druckverlustanzeiger für Fahrzeugreifen; Fahrtenschreiber für Fahrzeuge; Apparate für wissenschaftliche Forschung und Labor, Unterrichtsapparate und Simulatoren; Thermometer; Kontaktlinsen, Brillen, Brillenetuis, Ferngläser, optische Lupen; Sonnenbrillen; Handyhüllen mit Kordel; Handyketten; Hüllen für Smartphones; Warndreiecke für Fahrzeuge; Warnlampen für Fahrzeuge [keine Teile von Fahrzeugen]; Elektrische Batterien und deren Teile; Elektrische Akkumulatoren und deren Teile; Brennstoffzellen und deren Teile; Sonnenbatterien; Elektrische Batterien für Fahrzeuge; Elektrische Akkumulatoren für Fahrzeuge; Ladegeräte für elektrische Batterien; Einbruchalarmgeräte; Feueralarmgeräte; Rauchalarmgeräte; Gaswarngeräte; Diebstahlalarmgeräte; Feuerlöschgeräte; Feuerlöschfahrzeuge; Waagen; Wasserwaagen; Zirkel [Messinstrumente]; Lineale (Messinstrumente); Säuremesser; Mengenmesser; Elektronische Steuergeräte und Strom-/Spannungsversorgungsgeräte für Fahrzeugscheinwerfer und Fahrzeugleuchten und deren jeweilige Teile; Leuchtdioden [LEDs], Elektronische Leistungsregler; Elektrische und elektronische Steuergeräte; Regelgeräte und -instrumente; Simulatoren für die Lenkung und die Kontrolle von Fahrzeugen; Künstliche Intelligenz-Software für Fahrzeuge; Spannungsregler für Fahrzeuge; Geschwindigkeitsanzeiger; Drehzahlmesser; Messgeräte und Messinstrumente; Parkuhren; Rettungsvorrichtungen, nämlich Rettungsflöße, Rettungsleitern, Rettungsnetze, Rettungsplanen, Rettungsringe, Rettungsbojen, Rettungswesten; Elektrische Sicherungen; Elektrische Relais; Laser nicht für medizinische Zwecke, Laserpointer; Fernsteuerungsgeräte, Fernbedienungen; Antennen; Navigationsgeräte für Fahrzeuge; Mobiltelefone; Telefonapparate; Fernsehapparate; Bildtelefone; Radios; Kompasse; Navigationsgeräte; Navigationsinstrumente; Telematikapparate; Telematikendgeräte; Magnetische, elektronische und optische Aufzeichnungsträger, Schallplatten, CDs, DVDs und andere digitale Aufzeichnungsträger; Tonträger, Musikautomaten [geldbetätigt], Compact-Disks [ROM, Festspeicher]; Musikdateien zum Herunterladen; Kopfhörer; Lautsprecher; Lautsprecherboxen; Leuchtschilder; CD-Player; DVD-Player; Videotelefone; Bildfunkgeräte; Projektionsgeräte; Fotoapparate; belichtete Filme; Filmkameras; Fotokopiergeräte; Elektronische Übersetzungsgeräte (Computer); Elektronische Taschenübersetzer; Magnetkarten, Karten mit integrierten Schaltkreisen (Smartcards), codierte Telefonkarten; Mechaniken für geldbetätigte Apparate; Bank-, Geldautomaten; Registrierkassen, Rechenmaschinen; Hardware für die Datenverarbeitung; Computer; Elektronische Terminkalender; Faxgeräte; Monitore (Computerhardware und -programme); Computerperipheriegeräte; Computerprogramme zur Verwendung für das autonome Fahren von Fahrzeugen; Computerprogramme zur Verwendung bei der autonomen Navigation von Fahrzeugen; Computerprogramme zur Verwendung bei der autonomen Steuerung von Fahrzeugen; gespeicherte und herunterladbare Computerprogramme, insbesondere Datensammlungen in elektronischer Form; Gespeicherte oder herunterladbare Software-Plattformen; Computersoftware; Spielsoftware; Herunterladbare, interaktive Unterhaltungssoftware zum Spielen von Videospielen; Videospiele [Computerspiele] in Form von auf Datenträgern gespeicherten Computerprogrammen; Anwendungssoftware; Mobile Apps; Taschenrechner; Elektronische Publikationen [herunterladbar]; Herunterladbare Bilddateien; Herunterladbare virtuelle Waren, nämlich Computerprogramme in Bezug auf Fahrzeuge, Teile und Zubehör für Fahrzeuge, Bekleidungsstücke, Spielzeug, Sportartikel und -ausrüstung sowie Kunstgegenstände zur Verwendung in virtuellen Umgebungen; Herunterladbare virtuelle Waren, nämlich nicht austauschbare Token (NFTs) zum Erstellen und Handeln digitaler Sammlerstücke unter Verwendung Blockchain-basierter Softwaretechnologie für Fahrzeuge, Teile und Zubehör für Fahrzeuge, Bekleidungsstücke, Spielzeug, Sportartikel und -ausrüstung sowie Kunstgegenstände zur Verwendung in virtuellen Umgebungen; Herunterladbare digitale Medien, nämlich mit Blockchain-basierter Softwaretechnologie erstellte digitale Sammlerstücke in Form von personalisierten Fotos, Bildern, Videos und virtuellen Erlebnissen im Bereich Automobilindustrie, Kunst, Unterhaltung, Sport und Popkultur; Digitales Material, nämlich einzigartige Dateneinheiten als einmalige kreative Arbeit im Bereich Automobilindustrie, Kunst, Unterhaltung, Sport und Popkultur; Crashtest-Dummys; Mikroskope; Elektrokabel; Steckdosen; Elektrische Fernzündungsgeräte; Radiologische Apparate für gewerbliche Zwecke; Schutzhelme; Elektrische Schlösser; Elektronische Steuerungen und elektronische Steuerungssysteme; Security-Tokens [Verschlüsselungsgeräte]; Elektronische Zugangskontrollsysteme für Zugangsschleusen; Wärmebildkameras; Waagen mit Body-Mass-Analysegerät; Hüllen für Tablet-Computer; Blackboxes [Datenrekorder]; Digitale Wetterstationen; Ladestationen für elektrische Fahrzeuge; Interaktive Touch-Screen-Terminals; Smart-Ringe; Elektrische und elektronische Effekteinheiten für Musikinstrumente; Audioschnittstellen; Equalizer [Audio Apparate]; Parksensoren für Fahrzeuge; Lehrroboter; Humanoide Roboter mit künstlicher Intelligenz; PDA-Computer [Personal Digital Assistants]; Rückfahrkameras für Fahrzeuge; Elektrokabelbäume für Kraftfahrzeuge; Telekommunikationsgeräte in Form von Schmuckwaren; Datenhandschuhe; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Geräte und Anlagen zu Beleuchtungs-, Heizungs-, Kühlungs-, Dampferzeugungs-, Koch-, Trocknungs-, Lüftungs- und Wasserversorgungszwecken sowie zu sanitären Zwecken; Abzüge und Installationen zum Ableiten von Abgasen; Bräunungsapparate; sanitäre Installationen und Einrichtungen; Wasserversorgungseinrichtungen; Brenner, Boiler; Lichtreflektoren; Kamine; Feuerfeste Öfen; Öfen mit Grills; Campingkocher; Grills; Transportable Feuerstellen; Filter für Industrie und Haushalt; industrielle Aufbereitungsanlagen, nämlich Gasfilter und -reiniger; Industrieöfen und Feuerungen [nicht für Nahrungsmittel und Getränke]; Anlagen für chemische Aufbereitung; industrielle Anlagen für die Filterung von Flüssigkeiten; Anlagen zum Sammeln von Gasen; Anlagen zum Sammeln von Flüssigkeiten; Laufrinnen zum Abscheiden von Verunreinigungen in geschmolzenem Metall [Teile von Schmelzöfen]; Biologische Reaktoren zur Klärung von Industrieabwässern; Apparate für die Entwässerung von Lebensmittelabfällen; Trockenanlagen; Kühl- und Gefrierausrüstung; Regelungs- und Sicherheitszubehör für Wasser- und Gasanlagen; kerntechnische Anlagen; Heizungs-, Ventilations-, Klima- und Luftreinigungsgeräte und -anlagen; Beleuchtungsgeräte; Beleuchtungsapparate und -anlagen; Beleuchtungslampen; Beleuchtungsgeräte mit Leuchtdioden [LEDs]; Beleuchtungsanlagen für Luftfahrzeuge; Beleuchtungsgeräte für Fahrzeuge; Lampen für Fahrtrichtungsanzeiger von Fahrzeugen; Beleuchtungsgeräte mit Leuchtdioden [LEDs] für Fahrzeuge; Blendschutzvorrichtungen für Fahrzeuge [Lampenzubehör]; Blendschutzvorrichtungen für Kraftfahrzeuge [Lampenzubehör]; Blitzlichte [Taschenlampen]; Bogenlampen; Campinglaternen; elektrische Kaffeemaschinen; elektrische Lüfter für den persönlichen Gebrauch; Entladungsröhren [elektrisch] für Beleuchtungszwecke; Fahrradleuchten; Fahrzeugleuchten und deren jeweiligen Teile, soweit die jeweiligen Teile in dieser Klasse enthalten; Fahrzeugrückstrahler und deren jeweiligen Teile, soweit die jeweiligen Teile in dieser Klasse enthalten; Fahrzeugscheinwerfer und deren jeweiligen Teile, soweit die jeweiligen Teile in dieser Klasse enthalten; Fassungen für elektrische Lampen; Gasanzünder (Feuerzeuge); Anzünder [Zündgeräte]; Glühbirnen für Beleuchtungszwecke; Glühbirnen [elektrisch]; Glühbrenner; Glühfäden für elektrische Lampen; Grubenlampen; Heizgeräte für feste, flüssige oder gasförmige Brennstoffe; Heizgeräte [elektrisch]; Heizungsanlagen; Heizungsanlagen für Fahrzeuge; Klimaanlagen; Klimaapparate; Kühlanlagen und -maschinen; Kühlapparate; Klimaanlagen für Fahrzeuge; Lampen [elektrisch]; Azetylenerzeuger; Gaslampen; Lampengläser; Lampenglühstrümpfe; Lampenkugeln; Lampenröhren, -zylinder; Lampenschirme; Lampenschirmhalter; Leuchtröhren für Beleuchtungszwecke; Leuchtröhren mit elektrischer Entladung; Lichtverteiler; Lufterhitzer; Luftfilter [Klimatisierung]; Luftfilteranlagen; Filter [Teile von häuslichen oder gewerblichen Anlagen]; Desodorierungsgeräte, nicht für den persönlichen Gebrauch; Entfroster für Fahrzeuge; Lüftungsanlagen [Klimatisierung] für Fahrzeuge; Scheibenheizungen für Fahrzeuge; Luftkühlgeräte; Luftreinigungsapparate und -maschinen; Luftreinigungslampen mit keimtötender Wirkung; Luftsprudelbäder; Luftsterilisatoren; Lufttrockner; Lüftungsgeräte [Klimatisierung]; Reflektoren für Lampen; Sicherheitslampen; Solarkollektoren [Heizung]; Taschenlampen; Ultraviolettlampen, nicht für medizinische Zwecke; Wasserleitungsanlagen; Niveauregelventile für Tanks; elektrische Radiatoren; Polymerisationsanlagen; Elektrische Schokoladenbrunnen; Elektrische Lichterketten; Elektrisch beheizte Kleidung; Speiseeismaschinen; Fahrradblinker; Heiz- und Kühlgeräte zur Ausgabe von heißen und kalten Getränken; USB-betriebene Handwärmer; USB-betriebene Tassenwärmer; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Fahrzeuge und Beförderungsmittel; Fahrzeuge zur Beförderung auf dem Lande, in der Luft, auf dem Wasser oder auf Schienen sowie deren Teile; motorisierte Landfahrzeuge; führerlose Fahrzeuge [autonome Fahrzeuge]; Kraftfahrzeuge; Automobile; Roboterautos; Rennwagen; Lastkraftwagen; Autobusse; Wohnwagen; Traktoren; Omnibusse; Motorräder; Mopeds; Fahrräder; Elektrische Fahrräder; Zweiräder, Roller [Fahrzeuge]; Hoverboards; Selbstbalancierende Einräder; Selbstbalancierende Einrad-Elektroroller; Sessellifte, Seilbahnen; Rollstühle; Kinderwagen; Wägelchen zum Transport von Kindern; Luftfahrzeuge; Boote, Schiffe; Lokomotiven; Kameradrohnen; Kamera-Helikopter; Drahtseilfördergeräte und -anlagen; Karren, Einkaufswagen, Gepäckwagen, Handwagen, mobile Handkarren; Anhänger und Sattelauflieger für Fahrzeuge; Anhängerkupplungen für Fahrzeuge; Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge; Triebwerke für Landfahrzeuge; Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge; Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen; Kupplungen für Landfahrzeuge; Stoßdämpfer für Fahrzeuge; Stoßdämpferfedern für Fahrzeuge; Reifen (Pneus); Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Felgen für Fahrzeugräder; Vollgummireifen für Fahrzeugräder; Fahrzeugräder; Naben für Fahrzeugräder; Radmuttern für Fahrzeugräder; Schläuche für Reifen; Laufmäntel für Luftreifen; Schaumstoffeinlagen für Reifen; Flickzeug für Reifenschläuche, selbstklebende Flickgummis für die Reparatur von Reifenschläuchen; Spikes für Reifen; Schneeketten; Gleitschutzvorrichtungen für Fahrzeugreifen; Fahrzeugsitze; Rückspiegel; Kopfstützen für Fahrzeugsitze; Alarmanlagen für Fahrzeuge, Diebstahlsicherungen für Fahrzeuge; Zigarettenanzünder für Automobile; Clips für die Befestigung von Kraftfahrzeugteilen an Kraftfahrzeugkarosserien; Becherhalter für Fahrzeuge; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Papier, Pappe (Karton); Druckereierzeugnisse; Kunstwerke und Figuren aus Papier oder Pappe sowie Architekturmodelle; Dekorations- und Künstlerbedarfsmaterialien und -mittel; Filtermaterial aus Papier; Taschen, Beutel und Waren für Verpackungs-, Einpack- und Ablagezwecke aus Papier, Pappe oder Kunststoff; Etuis für Schreibwaren; Buchbindeartikel; Photographien; Schreibwaren; Klebstoffe für Papier- und Schreibwaren oder für Haushaltszwecke; Künstlerbedarfsartikel; Pinsel zum Auftragen von Farben; Schreibmaschinen, Schreibgeräte und Büroartikel, ausgenommen Möbel; Lehr- und Unterrichtsmaterial, ausgenommen Apparate; Verpackungsmaterial aus Kunststoff, Drucklettern; Druckstöcke; Atlanten; Kalender; Adventskalender; geographische Karten; Veröffentlichungen (Schriften); gedrucktes Werbematerial und gedruckte Reklame; Notizbücher; Postkarten; Lesezeichen; Notizzettel; Dokumentenhüllen; Stifte (Büromaterial); Kugelschreiber und Bleistifte; Wimpel und Fahnen aus Papier; Servietten aus Papier; Kopierpapier; Toilettenpapier; Handtücher aus Papier; Packpapier; Tinte; Siegelstempel; Zeicheninstrumente; Zeichenmaterialien; Malstaffeleien; Gerahmte oder ungerahmte Bilder [Gemälde]; Modelliermaterial; Banner aus Papier; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Gepäck, Taschen, Brieftaschen und andere Tragebehältnisse; Regen- und Sonnenschirme; Gehstöcke; Reise- und Handkoffer; Taschen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten, insbesondere Sporttaschen, Aktentaschen und Handtaschen; Rucksäcke; Turnbeutel; Beutel mit Zugbändern; Brieftaschen, Geldbörsen; Kulturbeutel; Schlüsseletuis; Verpackungsbeutel, -hüllen, -taschen aus Leder; Etiketten aus Leder; Angepasste Kofferanhänger [Lederwaren]; Satteltaschen; Sattlerwaren, Peitschen und Tierbekleidung; Bekleidungsstücke für Haustiere; Tefillin [Gebetsriemen]; Leder, roh oder teilweise bearbeitet; Häute und Felle; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Möbel und Einrichtungsgegenstände; Spiegel, Bilderrahmen, Betten; Kissen; Bettzeug, ausgenommen Bettwäsche; Briefkästen, nicht aus Metall oder gemauert; Regale; Schränke; Tische, Schreibtische, Stühle, Polstersessel, Sofas, Kinderhochstühle und -lauflerngeräte, Kleiderbügel, Kopfpolster; Campingmöbel, Campingtische, Campingstühle, Campingbetten, Campingmatratzen, Schlafmatten für Campingzwecke; Picknickmöbel, Picknickkörbe; Holzkästen; Kisten aus Kunststoff; Kästen und Kisten, nicht aus Metall; Boxen aus Holz oder Kunststoff; Aufbewahrungskästen [Möbel], Aufbewahrungskisten [Möbel], Aufbewahrungskörbe [Möbel]; Behälter für Aufbewahrungszwecke [ausgenommen für Haushalt und Küche]; Kleiderständer; Ankerbojen nicht aus Metall; Schlösser und Schlüssel nicht aus Metall; Tür-, Tor- und Fensterbeschläge, nicht aus Metall; Ventile, nicht aus Metall; Befestigungsmaterial, nicht aus Metall; Klöppel, nicht aus Metall; Klemmen, nicht aus Metall; Haltegriffe, nicht aus Metall; Haken, nicht aus Metall; Identifikationsarmbänder, nicht aus Metall; Wimpelhalter; Dübel aus Kunststoff, Spulen nicht aus Metall [ausgenommen als Teile von Maschinen und Apparaten], Ringe, Stangen, nicht aus Metall, Sägeböcke, Spülsteinmatten, Treppenbeschläge aus Plastik, Saugnäpfe aus Kunststoff, Spender für Papierhandtücher [ortsfest, nicht aus Metall], Tabletts, nicht aus Metall, Etiketten aus Kunststoff; Tonnen, Fässer nicht aus Metall, Verpackungsbehälter aus Kunststoff, Tanks für flüssige Brennstoffe, nicht aus Metall, aufblasbare Werbeartikel, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Kanister, nicht aus Metall; Leitern aus Holz oder Kunststoff; Bilderrahmen; Bambus; Kunstgegenstände aus Holz, Wachs, Gips oder aus Kunststoff; Anschlagtafeln; Dekorationsartikel aus Kunststoff für Nahrungsmittel; Behausung und Betten für Tiere; Namensarmbänder, nicht aus Metall, zur Verwendung in Krankenhäusern; Särge und Bestattungsurnen; Garderobenhaken; Vorhangringe; Statuen, Figuren, Kunstwerke sowie Verzierungen und Dekorationen aus Materialien wie Holz, Wachs, Gips, Kunststoff, Kork, Rohr, Binsen, Weide, Horn, Knochen, Elfenbein, Fischbein, Schildpatt, Bernstein, Perlmutter, Meerschaum und deren Ersatzstoffen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Leitern, nicht aus Metall; Mobile Treppen, nicht aus Metall; Kunststofframpen für Fahrzeuge; Displays, Ständer und Beschilderungen, nicht aus Metall; Ladelehren, nicht aus Metall, für Eisenbahnwaggons; Ölauffangbehälter, nicht aus Metall; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Netze, Zelte, Planen, Seile, Bindfäden, Segel, Säcke, Polsterfüllstoffe und Polstermaterial, ausgenommen aus Papier, Pappe [Karton], Kautschuk oder Kunststoff, rohe Gespinstfasern, Hängematten, Verpackungsbeutel, -hüllen, und -taschen aus textilem Material, Abschleppseile für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugplanen; Zelte, Campingzelte. Stoffe; Textilwaren [Haushaltswaren]; Webstoffe und Textilersatzstoffe; Filtermaterialien aus Textilien; Bett- und Tischdecken; Tischwäsche, nicht aus Papier; Bettwäsche; Handtücher; Kissenbezüge; Wandbekleidungen aus textilem Material; Bordüren aus Textil, Steppdecken, Tagesdecken für Betten, Decken zur Verwendung im Außenbereich; Schlafsäcke; Servietten aus Textil; Moskitonetze, Wimpel und Fahnen nicht aus Papier; Flaggen aus Kunststoff; Vliesstoffe [Textilien]; Filz; Waschhandschuhe; Picknickdecken. Kopfbedeckungen; Bekleidungsstücke; Schuhwaren; Polo-Shirts/-hemden; Overalls; T-Shirts; Mäntel; Jacken; Bandanas [Tücher für Bekleidungszwecke]; Unterhosen; Hosen; Babywäsche; Badeanzüge; Regenmäntel; Theaterkostüme; Schuhe; Fussballschuhe; Hüte; Mützen; Strümpfe; Handschuhe [Bekleidung]; Schals und Stolen; Krawatten; Gürtel [Bekleidung]; Duschhauben; Miederwaren; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Teppiche, Fußmatten, Matten, Linoleum, künstliche Bodenbeläge und andere Bodenbeläge; Automatten; Wand- und Deckenverkleidungen; Tapeten, nicht aus textilem Material, Papiertapeten, Textiltapeten, Tapeten-Bordüren aus Papier; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Spielwaren, Spiele, Spielzeug und Scherzartikel für Partys; Spielzeugautos; Modellbausätze [Spielwaren]; Plüschtiere und sonstiges Plüschspielzeug; verkleinerte Fahrzeugmodelle; Spielzeugfahrzeuge; Automotormodelle als Spielzeug; Roller (Spielzeug); Aufsitzfahrzeuge für Kinder [Spielzeug]; Ferngesteuerte Fahrzeuge [Spielzeuge]; Vierrädrige Kinderfahrzeuge [Spielzeuge]; Spielbälle; Kaleidoskope; Brettspiele; Puzzles; Spielkarten; Spielkugeln; Handschuhe [Zubehör für Spiele]; Spielzeug-Kinderwagen; Drachen; Spielzeug, dargeboten in einem Adventskalender; Knetmasse [Spielzeug]; Autorennbahnen; Artikel für den Golfsport; Videospielgeräte für Spielhallen; Videospielgeräte; Videospielkonsolen; Geräte für Jahrmärkte und Spielplätze; Spielautomaten [Glücksspielautomaten]; Elektronische Spiele; Sportartikel und -ausrüstungen, Turnartikel; Gymnastik- und Turngeräte; Schwimmer [Angelsport]; Tarnschilde [Sportartikel]; Fahrrad-Heimtrainer; Bogenschießgeräte Christbaumschmuck; Künstliche Weihnachtsbäume; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Kaffee, Tee, Kakao, Zucker, Reis, Tapioka, Sago, Kaffee-Ersatz; Mehle; Getreidepräparate; Brot, feine Backwaren; Pizza; Getrocknete und frische Teigwaren, Nudeln und Klöße; Honig, Melassesirup; Fruchtsoßen; Hefe, Backpulver; Speisesalz; Senf; Essig, Soßen [Würzen]; Gewürze; Kühleis; Speiseeis; Konservierte Kräuter; Schokolade; Pralinen; Zuckerwaren, Konfekt; Zuckermasse [Süßwaren]; Bonbons; Kuchen; Torten; Cookies; Waffeln. Bier; Mineralwässer [Getränke]; kohlensäurehaltige Wässer; alkoholfreie Getränke; Alkoholfreie Fruchtgetränke; Fruchtsäfte; Smoothies; Sirupe für Getränke, Limonadensirupe; alkoholfreie Präparate für die Zubereitung von Getränken; Tomatensaft [Getränke]; Gemüsesäfte [Getränke]; alkoholfreie Aperitifs; alkoholfreie Cocktails; Isotonische Getränke; Limonaden; Malzbier; Malzwürze; Mandelmilch [Sirup]; Sarsaparilla [alkoholfreies Getränk]; Selterswasser; Sodawasser; Sorbets [Getränke]; Tafelwässer; Wässer [Getränke]; Lithiumwässer. alkoholische Getränke, ausgenommen Bier; Aperitifs; Cocktails; Destillierte Getränke; Liköre; Spirituosen; Weine; Sekt. Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen für den Versandhandel bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Dienstleistungen des Einzel- und Großhandels über das Internet bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen mittels Teleshopping-Sendungen bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzelhandelsdienstleistungen in Bezug auf virtuelle Waren, nämlich Fahrzeuge, Teile und Zubehör für Fahrzeuge, Bekleidungsstücke, Spielzeug, Sportartikel und -ausrüstung sowie Kunstgegenstände zur Verwendung in virtuellen Umgebungen; Bereitstellen eines Online-Marktplatzes für Käufer und Verkäufer von Waren- und Dienstleistungen in Bezug auf Virtual-Reality-Spiele; Einzelhandelsdienstleistungen im Bereich kreativen Arbeiten (Kunstwerke und digitale Kunst) im Bereich Automobilindustrie, Spielwarenindustrie, Sport und Popkultur; Zusammenstellen, ausgenommen deren Transport, verschiedener Kraftfahrzeuge, Kraftfahrzeugteile und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder für Dritte, um den Verbrauchern Ansicht und Erwerb dieser Waren in einer Einzelhandelsverkaufsstelle zu erleichtern; Vermittlung von Verträgen für Dritte über den An- und Verkauf von Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge oder Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Geschäftsführung eines Fuhrparks für Dritte; Erteilung von Auskünften [Information] und Beratung für Verbraucher in Handels- und Geschäftsangelegenheiten [Verbraucherberatung]; Verwaltungstechnische Bearbeitung von Bestellungen; Vermittlung von Verträgen für Dritte über den An- und Verkauf von Waren; Beratung bei der Organisation und Führung von Unternehmen; Hilfe bei der Führung von gewerblichen oder Handelsbetrieben; Werbung; Marketing; Geschäftsführung; Unternehmensverwaltung; Bürodienste; Beratung in Fragen des Personalwesens; Rundfunk- und Fernsehwerbung; Veranstaltung von Messen für wirtschaftliche und Werbezwecke; Sammeln und Zusammenstellen von themenbezogenen Presseartikeln; Präsentation von Waren in Kommunikations-Medien für den Einzelhandel; Öffentlichkeitsarbeit [Public Relations]; Zusammenstellung von Informationsverzeichnissen für Geschäfts- und Werbezwecke; Durchführung von Auktionen und Versteigerungen; Verkaufsförderung [Sales promotion] für Dritte; Werbung für Waren und Dienstleistungen durch Sponsoring von Sportveranstaltungen; Personalanwerbung; Verwaltungsdienstleistungen für Unternehmensverlagerungen; Buchführung; Sponsorensuche; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Bau-, Montage- und Abbrucharbeiten; Installations-, Reinigungs-, Reparatur- und Wartungsarbeiten in Bezug auf Maschinen und Kraftfahrzeuge; Vermietung von Werkzeugen, Baumaschinen und Geräten für Bau-, Abbruch-, Reinigungs- und Wartungsarbeiten; Bergbauarbeiten; Gas- und Ölgewinnungsarbeiten; Schädlingsbekämpfung und -vernichtung [ausgenommen für land-, garten- und forstwirtschaftliche Zwecke] sowie Desinfektion; Umbau, Reparatur, Instandhaltung, Demontage, Wartung, Pflege, Reinigung und Lackierarbeiten von Fahrzeugen, Motoren, Fahrzeugrädern und deren Teilen; Tankdienste für Fahrzeuge; Aufladen von Elektrofahrzeugen, Autobatterien, Mobiltelefonakkus sowie Batterien für Computer und Telefone; Reparatur von Fahrzeugen im Rahmen der Pannenhilfe; Kundenspezifische Durchführung von Umbauten an Karosserie, Fahrwerk und Motor von Kraftfahrzeugen (Tuning), soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Lackieren von Fahrzeugen; Polieren von Fahrzeugen; Rostschutzbehandlung von Fahrzeugen; Fahrzeuginstandhaltung; Reinigung von Fahrzeugen; Runderneuerung von Reifen; Wartung, Reinigung und Reparatur von Dampfkesseln und Brennern; Auskünfte über Reparaturen; Auskünfte in Bauangelegenheiten; Montage von Türen und Fenstern; Steinbrucharbeiten; Installation, Wartung und Reparatur von Maschinen; Wartung und Reparatur von Flugzeugen; Schiffsbau; Reparatur von Fotoapparaten; Reparatur von Uhren; Reparatur von Schlössern; Rostschutzarbeiten; Möbelpflegearbeiten; Instandhaltung, Reinigung und Reparatur von Leder; Desinfektionsarbeiten; Installation und Reparatur von Einbruchalarmanlagen; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Transportwesen; Verpacken und Lagerung von Waren; Veranstaltung von Reisen; Reisedienstleistungen und Transport von Reisenden; Abschleppen von Fahrzeugen; Taxidienste; Transport mit Kraftfahrzeugen; Transportlogistik; Vermietung von Fahrzeugen, insbesondere Automobilen; Beförderung von Personen, insbesondere mit Autobussen; Carsharing-Dienstleistungen; Organisation von Passagierbeförderungsdiensten für Dritte mittels einer Online-Anwendung; Frachtmaklerdienste; Auslieferung von Waren und Paketen; Elektrizitätsspeicherung [Lagerung]; Elektrizitätsverteilung; Verkehrsinformationsdienste; Flottensteuerung von Kraftfahrzeugen mittels Navigations- und Ortungsgeräten. Verlags- und Berichtswesen; Bildung, Erziehung, Unterhaltung und Dienstleistungen im Sport; Übersetzung und Dolmetschen; Ausbildung; sportliche und kulturelle Aktivitäten; Organisation und Durchführung von kulturellen und/oder sportlichen Veranstaltungen; Talent- und Nachwuchsförderung durch Aus- und Fortbildung; Durchführung von Live-Veranstaltungen; Durchführung und Organisation von Online-Veranstaltungen für kulturelle, Unterhaltungs- und sportliche Zwecke; Durchführung von Spielen in Computernetzwerken und im Internet; Bereitstellung virtueller Umgebungen in denen Nutzer zu Erholungs-, Freizeit- oder Unterhaltungszwecken interagieren können; Bereitstellung einer Online-Umgebung für Streaming von Unterhaltungsinhalten und Live-Streaming von Unterhaltungsveranstaltungen; Online-Bereitstellung von nicht herunterladbaren virtuellen Fahrzeugen, Fahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Bekleidungsstücken, Spielzeug, Sportartikeln und -ausrüstungen sowie Kunstgegenständen zur Verwendung in zu Unterhaltungszwecken geschaffenen virtuellen Umgebungen; Bereitstellung von digitalen Online-Veröffentlichungen in Form von nicht austauschbaren Token (NFTs) im Bereich digitaler Kunst über das Internet; Erziehung auf Akademien; Aus- und Fortbildungs- sowie Erziehungsberatung; Veranstaltung von Wettbewerben [Erziehung und Unterhaltung]; Organisation, Veranstaltung und Durchführung von Kolloquien, Konferenzen, Kongressen, Symposien, Seminaren und Workshops [Schulung]; Veranstaltung von Ausstellungen für kulturelle und Unterrichtszwecke; Coaching [Ausbildung]; berufliche Umschulungen; Veranstaltung sportlicher Wettkämpfe; Verleih von Büchern [Leihbücherei]; Veröffentlichung von Büchern; Online Publikation von elektronischen Büchern und Zeitschriften; Betrieb eines Clubs [Unterhaltung]; Tierdressur; Veranstaltung von Lotterien; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. IT-Dienstleistungen; Entwicklung, Programmierung und Implementierung von Software; Entwicklung von Computerhardware; Hosting-Dienste; Software as a Service [SaaS]; Vermietung von Software; Vermietung von Computerhardware und Computeranlagen; IT-Beratungs-, Auskunfts- und Informationsdienstleistungen; IT-Sicherheits-, Schutz- und Instandsetzungsdienste; Datenvervielfältigungsdienste und Datenkonvertierungsdienste; Datenkodierungsdienste; Computeranalyse und Computerdiagnostik; Forschung und Entwicklung sowie Implementierung von Computern und Computersystemen; Computerprojektmanagementdienste; Erstellung digitaler Wasserzeichen; Dienstleistungen in Bezug auf Computernetzwerke; Technologische Dienste in Bezug auf Computer; Computernetzwerkdienste; Online-Computerdienste; Aktualisierung der Speicherbanken von Computersystemen; Datenmigrationsdienste; Aktualisierung von Websites für Dritte; Überwachung von Computersystemen durch Fernzugriff; Dienstleistungen auf dem Gebiet der Datenverschlüsselung; Beratung auf dem Gebiet der Internet- und Datensicherheit; Server-Hosting; Cloud-Computing; Cloud Hosting-Dienste; Bereitstellung von virtuellen Computersystemen durch Cloud-Computing; Bereitstellung von virtuellen Computerumgebungen durch Cloud-Computing; Konzeption und Entwicklung von Software für die virtuelle Realität; Entwurf von virtuellen Fahrzeugfabriken, Fahrzeuggeschäften und -händlern und Fahrzeugverkaufsstellen; Design von virtuellen Fahrzeugen, Teilen und Zubehör von Fahrzeugen, Bekleidungsstücken, Spielzeug, Sportartikeln und -ausrüstungen sowie Kunstgegenständen; Software als Dienstleistung (SaaS) und Plattform als Dienstleistung (PaaS) für Software zur Verwendung im Zusammenhang mit der Bereitstellung einer digitalen Plattform für digitale Kunst, Krypto-Sammelobjekte, nicht austauschbare Token (NFTs) sowie Marktplätze und Auktionen für nicht austauschbare Token (NFTs); Wissenschaftliche und technologische Dienstleistungen; Prüfung, Authentifizierung und Qualitätskontrolle; Designdienstleistungen; industrielle Analyse- und Forschungsdienstleistungen; Styling [industrielles Design]; Entwicklungs- und Recherchedienste bzgl. neuer Produkte für Dritte; Bereitstellung von wissenschaftlicher Information und Beratung zum CO2-Ausgleich; Digitalisieren von Dokumenten [Scannen]; Entwicklung von Fahrzeugen; Dienstleistungen von Ingenieuren; Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der Technik; Erstellung von technischen Gutachten; Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der Chemie; biologische Forschung; Wettervorhersage; physikalische Forschungen; Dienstleistungen eines Architekten; Dienstleistungen eines Modedesigners; Echtheitsbeglaubigungen von Kunstwerken; Impfen von Wolken; Design von Computersoftware; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Verpflegung von Gästen; Beherbergung von Gästen.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 019007413
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-04-02
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 04 - Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; fuels
  • 08 - Hand tools and implements
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 11 - Environmental control apparatus
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 18 - Leather and imitations of leather
  • 20 - Furniture and decorative products
  • 22 - Rope, netting, tents, awnings, sails and sacks; padding and stuffing materials
  • 24 - Textiles and textile goods
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 27 - Floor and wall coverings
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 30 - Basic staples, tea, coffee, baked goods and confectionery
  • 32 - Beers; non-alcoholic beverages
  • 33 - Alcoholic beverages other than beer
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 43 - Food and drink services, temporary accommodation

Goods & Services

Wachs; Kerzen und Dochte für Beleuchtungszwecke; Technische Öle und Fette, Motorenöl; Öle für technische Zwecke, Olein, Ölgas, Paraffin, Rapsöl für gewerbliche Zwecke; Stearin, Sonnenblumenöl für gewerbliche Zwecke; technische Fette; industrielle Wachse; Schmiermittel, Masut, Riemenfett, Riemengleitschutzmittel, Riemenwachs, Schmierfette, Schmieröle; Entstaubungsmittel, Staubabsorbierungsmittel; Staubbindemittel; Brennstoffe, einschließlich Motorentreibstoffe, Leuchtstoffe, Leuchtgas, Treibstoff, Kraftstoff, Benzin, Brenngas, Brennholz, Brennöle, Brennspiritus; Brennstoff auf Alkoholgrundlage; Gasförmige Brennstoffmischungen, Ethanol, Gasöl, Kerosin; Mineralische Brennstoffe; Naphtha; Nicht chemische Zusätze für Kraftstoff und Treibstoff; Petroleum, roh oder raffiniert; Petroleumäther, Schwachgas, Steinkohlenöl; Verfestigte Gase; Kohlenanzünder; elektrische Energie; Benzolkraftstoffe, Benzenbrennstoffe, Xylenbrennstoffe Zusatzstoffe in Verbindung mit vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Geräte zur Körper- und Schönheitspflege für Menschen und Tiere; scharfe und stumpfe Hieb- und Stichwaffen; Werkzeuge für die Zubereitung von Lebensmitteln, Küchenmesser und Essbestecke; handbetätigte Geräte und Werkzeuge zur Materialbearbeitung sowie für Bau-, Reparatur und Instandhaltungsarbeiten; Hebewerkzeuge; Handbetätigte Werkzeuge und Geräte für land-, garten- und forstwirtschaftliche Zwecke, für den Maschinen-, Apparate- und Fahrzeugbau sowie für die Bautechnik; Kratzer (Handwerkzeuge); Werkzeugschlüssel; Werkzeuggriffe aus Metall; Messerschmiedewaren; Essbesteck, Gabeln und Löffel, Messer; Gabeln [Handwerkzeuge]; Scheren; Hieb- und Stichwaffen; Schwerter; Rasierer, Rasierapparate; Etuis für Rasierapparate; Maniküreneccessaires; Schleifsteine; Zerstäuber für Insektizide [handbetätigt]; Viehmarkierungsgeräte; Harpunen; handbetätigte Werkzeuge; handbetätigte Wagenheber; Maurerkellen; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Wissenschaftliche, Forschungs-, Navigations-, Vermessungs-, fotografische, Film-, audiovisuelle, optische, Wäge-, Mess-, Signal-, Detektions-, Prüf-, Kontroll-, Rettungs- und Unterrichtsapparate und -instrumente; Apparate und Instrumente zum Leiten, Schalten, Umwandeln, Speichern, Regeln oder Kontrollieren der Verteilung oder Nutzung von Elektrizität; Geräte und Instrumente zur Aufzeichnung, Übertragung, Wiedergabe oder Verarbeitung von Ton, Bild oder Daten; Aufgezeichnete und herunterladbare Medien, leere digitale oder analoge Aufzeichnungs- und Speichermedien; informationstechnologische und audiovisuelle Geräte; Magnete, Magnetisierungs- und Entmagnetisierungsvorrichtungen; Apparate, Instrumente und Kabel für Elektrizität; optische Geräte und Ausrüstung, Verstärkungsgeräte und Korrektoren; Sicherungs-, Sicherheits-, Schutz- und Signalgeräte sowie -ausrüstung; Tauchausrüstung; Navigations-, Orientierungs-, Standortverfolgungs-, Zielverfolgungs- und Kartierungsgeräte; Mess-, Erkennungs- und Überwachungsinstrumente, -vorrichtungen sowie -regler; Automatische Druckverlustanzeiger für Fahrzeugreifen; Fahrtenschreiber für Fahrzeuge; Apparate für wissenschaftliche Forschung und Labor, Unterrichtsapparate und Simulatoren; Thermometer; Kontaktlinsen, Brillen, Brillenetuis, Ferngläser, optische Lupen; Sonnenbrillen; Handyhüllen mit Kordel; Handyketten; Hüllen für Smartphones; Warndreiecke für Fahrzeuge; Warnlampen für Fahrzeuge [keine Teile von Fahrzeugen]; Elektrische Batterien und deren Teile; Elektrische Akkumulatoren und deren Teile; Brennstoffzellen und deren Teile; Sonnenbatterien; Elektrische Batterien für Fahrzeuge; Elektrische Akkumulatoren für Fahrzeuge; Ladegeräte für elektrische Batterien; Einbruchalarmgeräte; Feueralarmgeräte; Rauchalarmgeräte; Gaswarngeräte; Diebstahlalarmgeräte; Feuerlöschgeräte; Feuerlöschfahrzeuge; Waagen; Wasserwaagen; Zirkel [Messinstrumente]; Lineale (Messinstrumente); Säuremesser; Mengenmesser; Elektronische Steuergeräte und Strom-/Spannungsversorgungsgeräte für Fahrzeugscheinwerfer und Fahrzeugleuchten und deren jeweilige Teile; Leuchtdioden [LEDs], Elektronische Leistungsregler; Elektrische und elektronische Steuergeräte; Regelgeräte und -instrumente; Simulatoren für die Lenkung und die Kontrolle von Fahrzeugen; Künstliche Intelligenz-Software für Fahrzeuge; Spannungsregler für Fahrzeuge; Geschwindigkeitsanzeiger; Drehzahlmesser; Messgeräte und Messinstrumente; Parkuhren; Rettungsvorrichtungen, nämlich Rettungsflöße, Rettungsleitern, Rettungsnetze, Rettungsplanen, Rettungsringe, Rettungsbojen, Rettungswesten; Elektrische Sicherungen; Elektrische Relais; Laser nicht für medizinische Zwecke, Laserpointer; Fernsteuerungsgeräte, Fernbedienungen; Antennen; Navigationsgeräte für Fahrzeuge; Mobiltelefone; Telefonapparate; Fernsehapparate; Bildtelefone; Radios; Kompasse; Navigationsgeräte; Navigationsinstrumente; Telematikapparate; Telematikendgeräte; Magnetische, elektronische und optische Aufzeichnungsträger, Schallplatten, CDs, DVDs und andere digitale Aufzeichnungsträger; Tonträger, Musikautomaten [geldbetätigt], Compact-Disks [ROM, Festspeicher]; Musikdateien zum Herunterladen; Kopfhörer; Lautsprecher; Lautsprecherboxen; Leuchtschilder; CD-Player; DVD-Player; Videotelefone; Bildfunkgeräte; Projektionsgeräte; Fotoapparate; belichtete Filme; Filmkameras; Fotokopiergeräte; Elektronische Übersetzungsgeräte (Computer); Elektronische Taschenübersetzer; Magnetkarten, Karten mit integrierten Schaltkreisen (Smartcards), codierte Telefonkarten; Mechaniken für geldbetätigte Apparate; Bank-, Geldautomaten; Registrierkassen, Rechenmaschinen; Hardware für die Datenverarbeitung; Computer; Elektronische Terminkalender; Faxgeräte; Monitore (Computerhardware und -programme); Computerperipheriegeräte; Computerprogramme zur Verwendung für das autonome Fahren von Fahrzeugen; Computerprogramme zur Verwendung bei der autonomen Navigation von Fahrzeugen; Computerprogramme zur Verwendung bei der autonomen Steuerung von Fahrzeugen; gespeicherte und herunterladbare Computerprogramme, insbesondere Datensammlungen in elektronischer Form; Gespeicherte oder herunterladbare Software-Plattformen; Computersoftware; Spielsoftware; Herunterladbare, interaktive Unterhaltungssoftware zum Spielen von Videospielen; Videospiele [Computerspiele] in Form von auf Datenträgern gespeicherten Computerprogrammen; Anwendungssoftware; Mobile Apps; Taschenrechner; Elektronische Publikationen [herunterladbar]; Herunterladbare Bilddateien; Herunterladbare virtuelle Waren, nämlich Computerprogramme in Bezug auf Fahrzeuge, Teile und Zubehör für Fahrzeuge, Bekleidungsstücke, Spielzeug, Sportartikel und -ausrüstung sowie Kunstgegenstände zur Verwendung in virtuellen Umgebungen; Herunterladbare virtuelle Waren, nämlich nicht austauschbare Token (NFTs) zum Erstellen und Handeln digitaler Sammlerstücke unter Verwendung Blockchain-basierter Softwaretechnologie für Fahrzeuge, Teile und Zubehör für Fahrzeuge, Bekleidungsstücke, Spielzeug, Sportartikel und -ausrüstung sowie Kunstgegenstände zur Verwendung in virtuellen Umgebungen; Herunterladbare digitale Medien, nämlich mit Blockchain-basierter Softwaretechnologie erstellte digitale Sammlerstücke in Form von personalisierten Fotos, Bildern, Videos und virtuellen Erlebnissen im Bereich Automobilindustrie, Kunst, Unterhaltung, Sport und Popkultur; Digitales Material, nämlich einzigartige Dateneinheiten als einmalige kreative Arbeit im Bereich Automobilindustrie, Kunst, Unterhaltung, Sport und Popkultur; Crashtest-Dummys; Mikroskope; Elektrokabel; Steckdosen; Elektrische Fernzündungsgeräte; Radiologische Apparate für gewerbliche Zwecke; Schutzhelme; Elektrische Schlösser; Elektronische Steuerungen und elektronische Steuerungssysteme; Security-Tokens [Verschlüsselungsgeräte]; Elektronische Zugangskontrollsysteme für Zugangsschleusen; Wärmebildkameras; Waagen mit Body-Mass-Analysegerät; Hüllen für Tablet-Computer; Blackboxes [Datenrekorder]; Digitale Wetterstationen; Ladestationen für elektrische Fahrzeuge; Interaktive Touch-Screen-Terminals; Smart-Ringe; Elektrische und elektronische Effekteinheiten für Musikinstrumente; Audioschnittstellen; Equalizer [Audio Apparate]; Parksensoren für Fahrzeuge; Lehrroboter; Humanoide Roboter mit künstlicher Intelligenz; PDA-Computer [Personal Digital Assistants]; Rückfahrkameras für Fahrzeuge; Elektrokabelbäume für Kraftfahrzeuge; Telekommunikationsgeräte in Form von Schmuckwaren; Datenhandschuhe; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Geräte und Anlagen zu Beleuchtungs-, Heizungs-, Kühlungs-, Dampferzeugungs-, Koch-, Trocknungs-, Lüftungs- und Wasserversorgungszwecken sowie zu sanitären Zwecken; Abzüge und Installationen zum Ableiten von Abgasen; Bräunungsapparate; sanitäre Installationen und Einrichtungen; Wasserversorgungseinrichtungen; Brenner, Boiler; Lichtreflektoren; Kamine; Feuerfeste Öfen; Öfen mit Grills; Campingkocher; Grills; Transportable Feuerstellen; Filter für Industrie und Haushalt; industrielle Aufbereitungsanlagen, nämlich Gasfilter und -reiniger; Industrieöfen und Feuerungen [nicht für Nahrungsmittel und Getränke]; Anlagen für chemische Aufbereitung; industrielle Anlagen für die Filterung von Flüssigkeiten; Anlagen zum Sammeln von Gasen; Anlagen zum Sammeln von Flüssigkeiten; Laufrinnen zum Abscheiden von Verunreinigungen in geschmolzenem Metall [Teile von Schmelzöfen]; Biologische Reaktoren zur Klärung von Industrieabwässern; Apparate für die Entwässerung von Lebensmittelabfällen; Trockenanlagen; Kühl- und Gefrierausrüstung; Regelungs- und Sicherheitszubehör für Wasser- und Gasanlagen; kerntechnische Anlagen; Heizungs-, Ventilations-, Klima- und Luftreinigungsgeräte und -anlagen; Beleuchtungsgeräte; Beleuchtungsapparate und -anlagen; Beleuchtungslampen; Beleuchtungsgeräte mit Leuchtdioden [LEDs]; Beleuchtungsanlagen für Luftfahrzeuge; Beleuchtungsgeräte für Fahrzeuge; Lampen für Fahrtrichtungsanzeiger von Fahrzeugen; Beleuchtungsgeräte mit Leuchtdioden [LEDs] für Fahrzeuge; Blendschutzvorrichtungen für Fahrzeuge [Lampenzubehör]; Blendschutzvorrichtungen für Kraftfahrzeuge [Lampenzubehör]; Blitzlichte [Taschenlampen]; Bogenlampen; Campinglaternen; elektrische Kaffeemaschinen; elektrische Lüfter für den persönlichen Gebrauch; Entladungsröhren [elektrisch] für Beleuchtungszwecke; Fahrradleuchten; Fahrzeugleuchten und deren jeweiligen Teile, soweit die jeweiligen Teile in dieser Klasse enthalten; Fahrzeugrückstrahler und deren jeweiligen Teile, soweit die jeweiligen Teile in dieser Klasse enthalten; Fahrzeugscheinwerfer und deren jeweiligen Teile, soweit die jeweiligen Teile in dieser Klasse enthalten; Fassungen für elektrische Lampen; Gasanzünder (Feuerzeuge); Anzünder [Zündgeräte]; Glühbirnen für Beleuchtungszwecke; Glühbirnen [elektrisch]; Glühbrenner; Glühfäden für elektrische Lampen; Grubenlampen; Heizgeräte für feste, flüssige oder gasförmige Brennstoffe; Heizgeräte [elektrisch]; Heizungsanlagen; Heizungsanlagen für Fahrzeuge; Klimaanlagen; Klimaapparate; Kühlanlagen und -maschinen; Kühlapparate; Klimaanlagen für Fahrzeuge; Lampen [elektrisch]; Azetylenerzeuger; Gaslampen; Lampengläser; Lampenglühstrümpfe; Lampenkugeln; Lampenröhren, -zylinder; Lampenschirme; Lampenschirmhalter; Leuchtröhren für Beleuchtungszwecke; Leuchtröhren mit elektrischer Entladung; Lichtverteiler; Lufterhitzer; Luftfilter [Klimatisierung]; Luftfilteranlagen; Filter [Teile von häuslichen oder gewerblichen Anlagen]; Desodorierungsgeräte, nicht für den persönlichen Gebrauch; Entfroster für Fahrzeuge; Lüftungsanlagen [Klimatisierung] für Fahrzeuge; Scheibenheizungen für Fahrzeuge; Luftkühlgeräte; Luftreinigungsapparate und -maschinen; Luftreinigungslampen mit keimtötender Wirkung; Luftsprudelbäder; Luftsterilisatoren; Lufttrockner; Lüftungsgeräte [Klimatisierung]; Reflektoren für Lampen; Sicherheitslampen; Solarkollektoren [Heizung]; Taschenlampen; Ultraviolettlampen, nicht für medizinische Zwecke; Wasserleitungsanlagen; Niveauregelventile für Tanks; elektrische Radiatoren; Polymerisationsanlagen; Elektrische Schokoladenbrunnen; Elektrische Lichterketten; Elektrisch beheizte Kleidung; Speiseeismaschinen; Fahrradblinker; Heiz- und Kühlgeräte zur Ausgabe von heißen und kalten Getränken; USB-betriebene Handwärmer; USB-betriebene Tassenwärmer; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Fahrzeuge und Beförderungsmittel; Fahrzeuge zur Beförderung auf dem Lande, in der Luft, auf dem Wasser oder auf Schienen sowie deren Teile; motorisierte Landfahrzeuge; führerlose Fahrzeuge [autonome Fahrzeuge]; Kraftfahrzeuge; Automobile; Roboterautos; Rennwagen; Lastkraftwagen; Autobusse; Wohnwagen; Traktoren; Omnibusse; Motorräder; Mopeds; Fahrräder; Elektrische Fahrräder; Zweiräder, Roller [Fahrzeuge]; Hoverboards; Selbstbalancierende Einräder; Selbstbalancierende Einrad-Elektroroller; Sessellifte, Seilbahnen; Rollstühle; Kinderwagen; Wägelchen zum Transport von Kindern; Luftfahrzeuge; Boote, Schiffe; Lokomotiven; Kameradrohnen; Kamera-Helikopter; Drahtseilfördergeräte und -anlagen; Karren, Einkaufswagen, Gepäckwagen, Handwagen, mobile Handkarren; Anhänger und Sattelauflieger für Fahrzeuge; Anhängerkupplungen für Fahrzeuge; Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge; Triebwerke für Landfahrzeuge; Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge; Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen; Kupplungen für Landfahrzeuge; Stoßdämpfer für Fahrzeuge; Stoßdämpferfedern für Fahrzeuge; Reifen (Pneus); Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Felgen für Fahrzeugräder; Vollgummireifen für Fahrzeugräder; Fahrzeugräder; Naben für Fahrzeugräder; Radmuttern für Fahrzeugräder; Schläuche für Reifen; Laufmäntel für Luftreifen; Schaumstoffeinlagen für Reifen; Flickzeug für Reifenschläuche, selbstklebende Flickgummis für die Reparatur von Reifenschläuchen; Spikes für Reifen; Schneeketten; Gleitschutzvorrichtungen für Fahrzeugreifen; Fahrzeugsitze; Rückspiegel; Kopfstützen für Fahrzeugsitze; Alarmanlagen für Fahrzeuge, Diebstahlsicherungen für Fahrzeuge; Zigarettenanzünder für Automobile; Clips für die Befestigung von Kraftfahrzeugteilen an Kraftfahrzeugkarosserien; Becherhalter für Fahrzeuge; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Papier, Pappe (Karton); Druckereierzeugnisse; Kunstwerke und Figuren aus Papier oder Pappe sowie Architekturmodelle; Dekorations- und Künstlerbedarfsmaterialien und -mittel; Filtermaterial aus Papier; Taschen, Beutel und Waren für Verpackungs-, Einpack- und Ablagezwecke aus Papier, Pappe oder Kunststoff; Etuis für Schreibwaren; Buchbindeartikel; Photographien; Schreibwaren; Klebstoffe für Papier- und Schreibwaren oder für Haushaltszwecke; Künstlerbedarfsartikel; Pinsel zum Auftragen von Farben; Schreibmaschinen, Schreibgeräte und Büroartikel, ausgenommen Möbel; Lehr- und Unterrichtsmaterial, ausgenommen Apparate; Verpackungsmaterial aus Kunststoff, Drucklettern; Druckstöcke; Atlanten; Kalender; Adventskalender; geographische Karten; Veröffentlichungen (Schriften); gedrucktes Werbematerial und gedruckte Reklame; Notizbücher; Postkarten; Lesezeichen; Notizzettel; Dokumentenhüllen; Stifte (Büromaterial); Kugelschreiber und Bleistifte; Wimpel und Fahnen aus Papier; Servietten aus Papier; Kopierpapier; Toilettenpapier; Handtücher aus Papier; Packpapier; Tinte; Siegelstempel; Zeicheninstrumente; Zeichenmaterialien; Malstaffeleien; Gerahmte oder ungerahmte Bilder [Gemälde]; Modelliermaterial; Banner aus Papier; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Gepäck, Taschen, Brieftaschen und andere Tragebehältnisse; Regen- und Sonnenschirme; Gehstöcke; Reise- und Handkoffer; Taschen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten, insbesondere Sporttaschen, Aktentaschen und Handtaschen; Rucksäcke; Turnbeutel; Beutel mit Zugbändern; Brieftaschen, Geldbörsen; Kulturbeutel; Schlüsseletuis; Verpackungsbeutel, -hüllen, -taschen aus Leder; Etiketten aus Leder; Angepasste Kofferanhänger [Lederwaren]; Satteltaschen; Sattlerwaren, Peitschen und Tierbekleidung; Bekleidungsstücke für Haustiere; Tefillin [Gebetsriemen]; Leder, roh oder teilweise bearbeitet; Häute und Felle; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Möbel und Einrichtungsgegenstände; Spiegel, Bilderrahmen, Betten; Kissen; Bettzeug, ausgenommen Bettwäsche; Briefkästen, nicht aus Metall oder gemauert; Regale; Schränke; Tische, Schreibtische, Stühle, Polstersessel, Sofas, Kinderhochstühle und -lauflerngeräte, Kleiderbügel, Kopfpolster; Campingmöbel, Campingtische, Campingstühle, Campingbetten, Campingmatratzen, Schlafmatten für Campingzwecke; Picknickmöbel, Picknickkörbe; Holzkästen; Kisten aus Kunststoff; Kästen und Kisten, nicht aus Metall; Boxen aus Holz oder Kunststoff; Aufbewahrungskästen [Möbel], Aufbewahrungskisten [Möbel], Aufbewahrungskörbe [Möbel]; Behälter für Aufbewahrungszwecke [ausgenommen für Haushalt und Küche]; Kleiderständer; Ankerbojen nicht aus Metall; Schlösser und Schlüssel nicht aus Metall; Tür-, Tor- und Fensterbeschläge, nicht aus Metall; Ventile, nicht aus Metall; Befestigungsmaterial, nicht aus Metall; Klöppel, nicht aus Metall; Klemmen, nicht aus Metall; Haltegriffe, nicht aus Metall; Haken, nicht aus Metall; Identifikationsarmbänder, nicht aus Metall; Wimpelhalter; Dübel aus Kunststoff, Spulen nicht aus Metall [ausgenommen als Teile von Maschinen und Apparaten], Ringe, Stangen, nicht aus Metall, Sägeböcke, Spülsteinmatten, Treppenbeschläge aus Plastik, Saugnäpfe aus Kunststoff, Spender für Papierhandtücher [ortsfest, nicht aus Metall], Tabletts, nicht aus Metall, Etiketten aus Kunststoff; Tonnen, Fässer nicht aus Metall, Verpackungsbehälter aus Kunststoff, Tanks für flüssige Brennstoffe, nicht aus Metall, aufblasbare Werbeartikel, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Kanister, nicht aus Metall; Leitern aus Holz oder Kunststoff; Bilderrahmen; Bambus; Kunstgegenstände aus Holz, Wachs, Gips oder aus Kunststoff; Anschlagtafeln; Dekorationsartikel aus Kunststoff für Nahrungsmittel; Behausung und Betten für Tiere; Namensarmbänder, nicht aus Metall, zur Verwendung in Krankenhäusern; Särge und Bestattungsurnen; Garderobenhaken; Vorhangringe; Statuen, Figuren, Kunstwerke sowie Verzierungen und Dekorationen aus Materialien wie Holz, Wachs, Gips, Kunststoff, Kork, Rohr, Binsen, Weide, Horn, Knochen, Elfenbein, Fischbein, Schildpatt, Bernstein, Perlmutter, Meerschaum und deren Ersatzstoffen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Leitern, nicht aus Metall; Mobile Treppen, nicht aus Metall; Kunststofframpen für Fahrzeuge; Displays, Ständer und Beschilderungen, nicht aus Metall; Ladelehren, nicht aus Metall, für Eisenbahnwaggons; Ölauffangbehälter, nicht aus Metall; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Netze, Zelte, Planen, Seile, Bindfäden, Segel, Säcke, Polsterfüllstoffe und Polstermaterial, ausgenommen aus Papier, Pappe [Karton], Kautschuk oder Kunststoff, rohe Gespinstfasern, Hängematten, Verpackungsbeutel, -hüllen, und -taschen aus textilem Material, Abschleppseile für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugplanen; Zelte, Campingzelte. Stoffe; Textilwaren [Haushaltswaren]; Webstoffe und Textilersatzstoffe; Filtermaterialien aus Textilien; Bett- und Tischdecken; Tischwäsche, nicht aus Papier; Bettwäsche; Handtücher; Kissenbezüge; Wandbekleidungen aus textilem Material; Bordüren aus Textil, Steppdecken, Tagesdecken für Betten, Decken zur Verwendung im Außenbereich; Schlafsäcke; Servietten aus Textil; Moskitonetze, Wimpel und Fahnen nicht aus Papier; Flaggen aus Kunststoff; Vliesstoffe [Textilien]; Filz; Waschhandschuhe; Picknickdecken. Kopfbedeckungen; Bekleidungsstücke; Schuhwaren; Polo-Shirts/-hemden; Overalls; T-Shirts; Mäntel; Jacken; Bandanas [Tücher für Bekleidungszwecke]; Unterhosen; Hosen; Babywäsche; Badeanzüge; Regenmäntel; Theaterkostüme; Schuhe; Fussballschuhe; Hüte; Mützen; Strümpfe; Handschuhe [Bekleidung]; Schals und Stolen; Krawatten; Gürtel [Bekleidung]; Duschhauben; Miederwaren; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Teppiche, Fußmatten, Matten, Linoleum, künstliche Bodenbeläge und andere Bodenbeläge; Automatten; Wand- und Deckenverkleidungen; Tapeten, nicht aus textilem Material, Papiertapeten, Textiltapeten, Tapeten-Bordüren aus Papier; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Spielwaren, Spiele, Spielzeug und Scherzartikel für Partys; Spielzeugautos; Modellbausätze [Spielwaren]; Plüschtiere und sonstiges Plüschspielzeug; verkleinerte Fahrzeugmodelle; Spielzeugfahrzeuge; Automotormodelle als Spielzeug; Roller (Spielzeug); Aufsitzfahrzeuge für Kinder [Spielzeug]; Ferngesteuerte Fahrzeuge [Spielzeuge]; Vierrädrige Kinderfahrzeuge [Spielzeuge]; Spielbälle; Kaleidoskope; Brettspiele; Puzzles; Spielkarten; Spielkugeln; Handschuhe [Zubehör für Spiele]; Spielzeug-Kinderwagen; Drachen; Spielzeug, dargeboten in einem Adventskalender; Knetmasse [Spielzeug]; Autorennbahnen; Artikel für den Golfsport; Videospielgeräte für Spielhallen; Videospielgeräte; Videospielkonsolen; Geräte für Jahrmärkte und Spielplätze; Spielautomaten [Glücksspielautomaten]; Elektronische Spiele; Sportartikel und -ausrüstungen, Turnartikel; Gymnastik- und Turngeräte; Schwimmer [Angelsport]; Tarnschilde [Sportartikel]; Fahrrad-Heimtrainer; Bogenschießgeräte Christbaumschmuck; Künstliche Weihnachtsbäume; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Kaffee, Tee, Kakao, Zucker, Reis, Tapioka, Sago, Kaffee-Ersatz; Mehle; Getreidepräparate; Brot, feine Backwaren; Pizza; Getrocknete und frische Teigwaren, Nudeln und Klöße; Honig, Melassesirup; Fruchtsoßen; Hefe, Backpulver; Speisesalz; Senf; Essig, Soßen [Würzen]; Gewürze; Kühleis; Speiseeis; Konservierte Kräuter; Schokolade; Pralinen; Zuckerwaren, Konfekt; Zuckermasse [Süßwaren]; Bonbons; Kuchen; Torten; Cookies; Waffeln. Bier; Mineralwässer [Getränke]; kohlensäurehaltige Wässer; alkoholfreie Getränke; Alkoholfreie Fruchtgetränke; Fruchtsäfte; Smoothies; Sirupe für Getränke, Limonadensirupe; alkoholfreie Präparate für die Zubereitung von Getränken; Tomatensaft [Getränke]; Gemüsesäfte [Getränke]; alkoholfreie Aperitifs; alkoholfreie Cocktails; Isotonische Getränke; Limonaden; Malzbier; Malzwürze; Mandelmilch [Sirup]; Sarsaparilla [alkoholfreies Getränk]; Selterswasser; Sodawasser; Sorbets [Getränke]; Tafelwässer; Wässer [Getränke]; Lithiumwässer. alkoholische Getränke, ausgenommen Bier; Aperitifs; Cocktails; Destillierte Getränke; Liköre; Spirituosen; Weine; Sekt. Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen für den Versandhandel bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Dienstleistungen des Einzel- und Großhandels über das Internet bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen mittels Teleshopping-Sendungen bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzelhandelsdienstleistungen in Bezug auf virtuelle Waren, nämlich Fahrzeuge, Teile und Zubehör für Fahrzeuge, Bekleidungsstücke, Spielzeug, Sportartikel und -ausrüstung sowie Kunstgegenstände zur Verwendung in virtuellen Umgebungen; Bereitstellen eines Online-Marktplatzes für Käufer und Verkäufer von Waren- und Dienstleistungen in Bezug auf Virtual-Reality-Spiele; Einzelhandelsdienstleistungen im Bereich kreativen Arbeiten (Kunstwerke und digitale Kunst) im Bereich Automobilindustrie, Spielwarenindustrie, Sport und Popkultur; Zusammenstellen, ausgenommen deren Transport, verschiedener Kraftfahrzeuge, Kraftfahrzeugteile und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder für Dritte, um den Verbrauchern Ansicht und Erwerb dieser Waren in einer Einzelhandelsverkaufsstelle zu erleichtern; Vermittlung von Verträgen für Dritte über den An- und Verkauf von Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge oder Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Geschäftsführung eines Fuhrparks für Dritte; Erteilung von Auskünften [Information] und Beratung für Verbraucher in Handels- und Geschäftsangelegenheiten [Verbraucherberatung]; Verwaltungstechnische Bearbeitung von Bestellungen; Vermittlung von Verträgen für Dritte über den An- und Verkauf von Waren; Beratung bei der Organisation und Führung von Unternehmen; Hilfe bei der Führung von gewerblichen oder Handelsbetrieben; Werbung; Marketing; Geschäftsführung; Unternehmensverwaltung; Bürodienste; Beratung in Fragen des Personalwesens; Rundfunk- und Fernsehwerbung; Veranstaltung von Messen für wirtschaftliche und Werbezwecke; Sammeln und Zusammenstellen von themenbezogenen Presseartikeln; Präsentation von Waren in Kommunikations-Medien für den Einzelhandel; Öffentlichkeitsarbeit [Public Relations]; Zusammenstellung von Informationsverzeichnissen für Geschäfts- und Werbezwecke; Durchführung von Auktionen und Versteigerungen; Verkaufsförderung [Sales promotion] für Dritte; Werbung für Waren und Dienstleistungen durch Sponsoring von Sportveranstaltungen; Personalanwerbung; Verwaltungsdienstleistungen für Unternehmensverlagerungen; Buchführung; Sponsorensuche; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Bau-, Montage- und Abbrucharbeiten; Installations-, Reinigungs-, Reparatur- und Wartungsarbeiten in Bezug auf Maschinen und Kraftfahrzeuge; Vermietung von Werkzeugen, Baumaschinen und Geräten für Bau-, Abbruch-, Reinigungs- und Wartungsarbeiten; Bergbauarbeiten; Gas- und Ölgewinnungsarbeiten; Schädlingsbekämpfung und -vernichtung [ausgenommen für land-, garten- und forstwirtschaftliche Zwecke] sowie Desinfektion; Umbau, Reparatur, Instandhaltung, Demontage, Wartung, Pflege, Reinigung und Lackierarbeiten von Fahrzeugen, Motoren, Fahrzeugrädern und deren Teilen; Tankdienste für Fahrzeuge; Aufladen von Elektrofahrzeugen, Autobatterien, Mobiltelefonakkus sowie Batterien für Computer und Telefone; Reparatur von Fahrzeugen im Rahmen der Pannenhilfe; Kundenspezifische Durchführung von Umbauten an Karosserie, Fahrwerk und Motor von Kraftfahrzeugen (Tuning), soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Lackieren von Fahrzeugen; Polieren von Fahrzeugen; Rostschutzbehandlung von Fahrzeugen; Fahrzeuginstandhaltung; Reinigung von Fahrzeugen; Runderneuerung von Reifen; Wartung, Reinigung und Reparatur von Dampfkesseln und Brennern; Auskünfte über Reparaturen; Auskünfte in Bauangelegenheiten; Montage von Türen und Fenstern; Steinbrucharbeiten; Installation, Wartung und Reparatur von Maschinen; Wartung und Reparatur von Flugzeugen; Schiffsbau; Reparatur von Fotoapparaten; Reparatur von Uhren; Reparatur von Schlössern; Rostschutzarbeiten; Möbelpflegearbeiten; Instandhaltung, Reinigung und Reparatur von Leder; Desinfektionsarbeiten; Installation und Reparatur von Einbruchalarmanlagen; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Transportwesen; Verpacken und Lagerung von Waren; Veranstaltung von Reisen; Reisedienstleistungen und Transport von Reisenden; Abschleppen von Fahrzeugen; Taxidienste; Transport mit Kraftfahrzeugen; Transportlogistik; Vermietung von Fahrzeugen, insbesondere Automobilen; Beförderung von Personen, insbesondere mit Autobussen; Carsharing-Dienstleistungen; Organisation von Passagierbeförderungsdiensten für Dritte mittels einer Online-Anwendung; Frachtmaklerdienste; Auslieferung von Waren und Paketen; Elektrizitätsspeicherung [Lagerung]; Elektrizitätsverteilung; Verkehrsinformationsdienste; Flottensteuerung von Kraftfahrzeugen mittels Navigations- und Ortungsgeräten. Verlags- und Berichtswesen; Bildung, Erziehung, Unterhaltung und Dienstleistungen im Sport; Übersetzung und Dolmetschen; Ausbildung; sportliche und kulturelle Aktivitäten; Organisation und Durchführung von kulturellen und/oder sportlichen Veranstaltungen; Talent- und Nachwuchsförderung durch Aus- und Fortbildung; Durchführung von Live-Veranstaltungen; Durchführung und Organisation von Online-Veranstaltungen für kulturelle, Unterhaltungs- und sportliche Zwecke; Durchführung von Spielen in Computernetzwerken und im Internet; Bereitstellung virtueller Umgebungen in denen Nutzer zu Erholungs-, Freizeit- oder Unterhaltungszwecken interagieren können; Bereitstellung einer Online-Umgebung für Streaming von Unterhaltungsinhalten und Live-Streaming von Unterhaltungsveranstaltungen; Online-Bereitstellung von nicht herunterladbaren virtuellen Fahrzeugen, Fahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Bekleidungsstücken, Spielzeug, Sportartikeln und -ausrüstungen sowie Kunstgegenständen zur Verwendung in zu Unterhaltungszwecken geschaffenen virtuellen Umgebungen; Bereitstellung von digitalen Online-Veröffentlichungen in Form von nicht austauschbaren Token (NFTs) im Bereich digitaler Kunst über das Internet; Erziehung auf Akademien; Aus- und Fortbildungs- sowie Erziehungsberatung; Veranstaltung von Wettbewerben [Erziehung und Unterhaltung]; Organisation, Veranstaltung und Durchführung von Kolloquien, Konferenzen, Kongressen, Symposien, Seminaren und Workshops [Schulung]; Veranstaltung von Ausstellungen für kulturelle und Unterrichtszwecke; Coaching [Ausbildung]; berufliche Umschulungen; Veranstaltung sportlicher Wettkämpfe; Verleih von Büchern [Leihbücherei]; Veröffentlichung von Büchern; Online Publikation von elektronischen Büchern und Zeitschriften; Betrieb eines Clubs [Unterhaltung]; Tierdressur; Veranstaltung von Lotterien; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. IT-Dienstleistungen; Entwicklung, Programmierung und Implementierung von Software; Entwicklung von Computerhardware; Hosting-Dienste; Software as a Service [SaaS]; Vermietung von Software; Vermietung von Computerhardware und Computeranlagen; IT-Beratungs-, Auskunfts- und Informationsdienstleistungen; IT-Sicherheits-, Schutz- und Instandsetzungsdienste; Datenvervielfältigungsdienste und Datenkonvertierungsdienste; Datenkodierungsdienste; Computeranalyse und Computerdiagnostik; Forschung und Entwicklung sowie Implementierung von Computern und Computersystemen; Computerprojektmanagementdienste; Erstellung digitaler Wasserzeichen; Dienstleistungen in Bezug auf Computernetzwerke; Technologische Dienste in Bezug auf Computer; Computernetzwerkdienste; Online-Computerdienste; Aktualisierung der Speicherbanken von Computersystemen; Datenmigrationsdienste; Aktualisierung von Websites für Dritte; Überwachung von Computersystemen durch Fernzugriff; Dienstleistungen auf dem Gebiet der Datenverschlüsselung; Beratung auf dem Gebiet der Internet- und Datensicherheit; Server-Hosting; Cloud-Computing; Cloud Hosting-Dienste; Bereitstellung von virtuellen Computersystemen durch Cloud-Computing; Bereitstellung von virtuellen Computerumgebungen durch Cloud-Computing; Konzeption und Entwicklung von Software für die virtuelle Realität; Entwurf von virtuellen Fahrzeugfabriken, Fahrzeuggeschäften und -händlern und Fahrzeugverkaufsstellen; Design von virtuellen Fahrzeugen, Teilen und Zubehör von Fahrzeugen, Bekleidungsstücken, Spielzeug, Sportartikeln und -ausrüstungen sowie Kunstgegenständen; Software als Dienstleistung (SaaS) und Plattform als Dienstleistung (PaaS) für Software zur Verwendung im Zusammenhang mit der Bereitstellung einer digitalen Plattform für digitale Kunst, Krypto-Sammelobjekte, nicht austauschbare Token (NFTs) sowie Marktplätze und Auktionen für nicht austauschbare Token (NFTs); Wissenschaftliche und technologische Dienstleistungen; Prüfung, Authentifizierung und Qualitätskontrolle; Designdienstleistungen; industrielle Analyse- und Forschungsdienstleistungen; Styling [industrielles Design]; Entwicklungs- und Recherchedienste bzgl. neuer Produkte für Dritte; Bereitstellung von wissenschaftlicher Information und Beratung zum CO2-Ausgleich; Digitalisieren von Dokumenten [Scannen]; Entwicklung von Fahrzeugen; Dienstleistungen von Ingenieuren; Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der Technik; Erstellung von technischen Gutachten; Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der Chemie; biologische Forschung; Wettervorhersage; physikalische Forschungen; Dienstleistungen eines Architekten; Dienstleistungen eines Modedesigners; Echtheitsbeglaubigungen von Kunstwerken; Impfen von Wolken; Design von Computersoftware; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Verpflegung von Gästen; Beherbergung von Gästen.



Application Number 018995925
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-03-07
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Fahrzeuge und Beförderungsmittel; Fahrzeuge zur Beförderung auf dem Lande, in der Luft, auf dem Wasser sowie deren Teile; motorisierte Landfahrzeuge ausgenommen Schienenfahrzeuge; führerlose Fahrzeuge [autonome Fahrzeuge]; Kraftfahrzeuge; Automobile; Roboterautos; Rennwagen; Lastkraftwagen; Autobusse; Wohnwagen; Traktoren; Omnibusse; Motorräder; Mopeds; Fahrräder; Elektrische Fahrräder; Zweiräder, Roller [Fahrzeuge]; Hoverboards; Selbstbalancierende Einräder; Selbstbalancierende Einrad-Elektroroller; Sessellifte, Seilbahnen; Rollstühle; Kinderwagen; Wägelchen zum Transport von Kindern; Luftfahrzeuge; Boote, Schiffe; Lokomotiven; Kameradrohnen; Kamera-Helikopter; Drahtseilfördergeräte und -anlagen; Karren, Einkaufswagen, Gepäckwagen, Handwagen, mobile Handkarren; Anhänger und Sattelauflieger für Fahrzeuge; Anhängerkupplungen für Fahrzeuge; Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge; Triebwerke für Landfahrzeuge; Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge; Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen; Kupplungen für Landfahrzeuge; Stoßdämpfer für Fahrzeuge; Stoßdämpferfedern für Fahrzeuge; Reifen (Pneus); Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Felgen für Fahrzeugräder; Vollgummireifen für Fahrzeugräder; Fahrzeugräder; Naben für Fahrzeugräder; Radmuttern für Fahrzeugräder; Schläuche für Reifen; Laufmäntel für Luftreifen; Schaumstoffeinlagen für Reifen; Flickzeug für Reifenschläuche, selbstklebende Flickgummis für die Reparatur von Reifenschläuchen; Spikes für Reifen; Schneeketten; Gleitschutzvorrichtungen für Fahrzeugreifen; Fahrzeugsitze; Rückspiegel; Kopfstützen für Fahrzeugsitze; Alarmanlagen für Fahrzeuge, Diebstahlsicherungen für Fahrzeuge; Zigarettenanzünder für Automobile; Clips für die Befestigung von Kraftfahrzeugteilen an Kraftfahrzeugkarosserien; Becherhalter für Fahrzeuge; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Alle vorgenannten Waren nicht im Zusammenhang mit Schienenfahrzeugen. Spielwaren, Spiele, Spielzeug und Scherzartikel für Partys; Spielzeugautos; Modellbausätze [Spielwaren]; Plüschtiere und sonstiges Plüschspielzeug; verkleinerte Fahrzeugmodelle; Spielzeugfahrzeuge; Automotormodelle als Spielzeug; Roller (Spielzeug); Aufsitzfahrzeuge für Kinder [Spielzeug]; Ferngesteuerte Fahrzeuge [Spielzeuge]; Vierrädrige Kinderfahrzeuge [Spielzeuge]; Spielbälle; Kaleidoskope; Brettspiele; Puzzles; Spielkarten; Spielkugeln; Handschuhe [Zubehör für Spiele]; Spielzeug-Kinderwagen; Drachen; Spielzeug, dargeboten in einem Adventskalender; Knetmasse [Spielzeug]; Autorennbahnen; Artikel für den Golfsport; Geräte für Jahrmärkte und Spielplätze; Spielautomaten [Glücksspielautomaten]; Elektronische Spiele; Sportartikel und -ausrüstungen, Turnartikel; Gymnastik- und Turngeräte; Schwimmer [Angelsport]; Tarnschilde [Sportartikel]; Fahrrad-Heimtrainer; Bogenschießgeräte Christbaumschmuck; Künstliche Weihnachtsbäume; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Alle vorgenannten Waren nicht in Verbindung oder im Zusammenhang mit Video- oder Computerspielen oder elektronischer Spielsoftware für Mobiltelefone. Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen für den Versandhandel bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Dienstleistungen des Einzel- und Großhandels über das Internet bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen mittels Teleshopping-Sendungen bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzelhandelsdienstleistungen in Bezug auf virtuelle Waren, nämlich Fahrzeuge, Teile und Zubehör für Fahrzeuge, Bekleidungsstücke, Spielzeug, Sportartikel und -ausrüstung sowie Kunstgegenstände zur Verwendung in virtuellen Umgebungen; Bereitstellen eines Online-Marktplatzes für Käufer und Verkäufer von Waren- und Dienstleistungen in Bezug auf Virtual-Reality-Spiele; Einzelhandelsdienstleistungen im Bereich kreativen Arbeiten (Kunstwerke und digitale Kunst) im Bereich Automobilindustrie, Spielwarenindustrie, Sport und Popkultur; Zusammenstellen, ausgenommen deren Transport, verschiedener Kraftfahrzeuge, Kraftfahrzeugteile und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder für Dritte, um den Verbrauchern Ansicht und Erwerb dieser Waren in einer Einzelhandelsverkaufsstelle zu erleichtern; Vermittlung von Verträgen für Dritte über den An- und Verkauf von Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge oder Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Geschäftsführung eines Fuhrparks für Dritte; Erteilung von Auskünften [Information] und Beratung für Verbraucher in Handels- und Geschäftsangelegenheiten [Verbraucherberatung]; Verwaltungstechnische Bearbeitung von Bestellungen; Vermittlung von Verträgen für Dritte über den An- und Verkauf von Waren; Beratung bei der Organisation und Führung von Unternehmen; Hilfe bei der Führung von gewerblichen oder Handelsbetrieben; Werbung; Marketing; Geschäftsführung; Unternehmensverwaltung; Bürodienste; Beratung in Fragen des Personalwesens; Rundfunk- und Fernsehwerbung; Veranstaltung von Messen für wirtschaftliche und Werbezwecke; Sammeln und Zusammenstellen von themenbezogenen Presseartikeln; Präsentation von Waren in Kommunikations-Medien für den Einzelhandel; Öffentlichkeitsarbeit [Public Relations]; Zusammenstellung von Informationsverzeichnissen für Geschäfts- und Werbezwecke; Durchführung von Auktionen und Versteigerungen; Verkaufsförderung [Sales promotion] für Dritte; Werbung für Waren und Dienstleistungen durch Sponsoring von Sportveranstaltungen; Personalanwerbung; Verwaltungsdienstleistungen für Unternehmensverlagerungen; Buchführung; Sponsorensuche; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Alle vorgenannten Dienstleistungen nicht in Verbindung oder im Zusammenhang mit Video- oder Computerspielen oder elektronischer Spielsoftware für Mobiltelefone. Bau-, Montage- und Abbrucharbeiten; Installations-, Reinigungs-, Reparatur- und Wartungsarbeiten in Bezug auf Maschinen und Kraftfahrzeuge; Vermietung von Werkzeugen, Baumaschinen und Geräten für Bau-, Abbruch-, Reinigungs- und Wartungsarbeiten; Bergbauarbeiten; Gas- und Ölgewinnungsarbeiten; Schädlingsbekämpfung und -vernichtung [ausgenommen für land-, garten- und forstwirtschaftliche Zwecke] sowie Desinfektion; Umbau, Reparatur, Instandhaltung, Demontage, Wartung, Pflege, Reinigung und Lackierarbeiten von Fahrzeugen, Motoren, Fahrzeugrädern und deren Teilen; Tankdienste für Fahrzeuge; Aufladen von Elektrofahrzeugen, Autobatterien, Mobiltelefonakkus sowie Batterien für Computer und Telefone; Reparatur von Fahrzeugen im Rahmen der Pannenhilfe; Kundenspezifische Durchführung von Umbauten an Karosserie, Fahrwerk und Motor von Kraftfahrzeugen (Tuning), soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Lackieren von Fahrzeugen; Polieren von Fahrzeugen; Rostschutzbehandlung von Fahrzeugen; Fahrzeuginstandhaltung; Reinigung von Fahrzeugen; Runderneuerung von Reifen; Wartung, Reinigung und Reparatur von Dampfkesseln und Brennern; Auskünfte über Reparaturen; Auskünfte in Bauangelegenheiten; Montage von Türen und Fenstern; Steinbrucharbeiten; Installation, Wartung und Reparatur von Maschinen; Wartung und Reparatur von Flugzeugen; Schiffsbau; Reparatur von Fotoapparaten; Reparatur von Uhren; Reparatur von Schlössern; Rostschutzarbeiten; Möbelpflegearbeiten; Instandhaltung, Reinigung und Reparatur von Leder; Desinfektionsarbeiten; Installation und Reparatur von Einbruchalarmanlagen; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten.



Application Number 018995959
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-03-07
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Fahrzeuge und Beförderungsmittel; Fahrzeuge zur Beförderung auf dem Lande, in der Luft, auf dem Wasser sowie deren Teile; motorisierte Landfahrzeuge ausgenommen Schienenfahrzeuge; führerlose Fahrzeuge [autonome Fahrzeuge]; Kraftfahrzeuge; Automobile; Roboterautos; Rennwagen; Lastkraftwagen; Autobusse; Wohnwagen; Traktoren; Omnibusse; Motorräder; Mopeds; Fahrräder; Elektrische Fahrräder; Zweiräder, Roller [Fahrzeuge]; Hoverboards; Selbstbalancierende Einräder; Selbstbalancierende Einrad-Elektroroller; Sessellifte, Seilbahnen; Rollstühle; Kinderwagen; Wägelchen zum Transport von Kindern; Luftfahrzeuge; Boote, Schiffe; Lokomotiven; Kameradrohnen; Kamera-Helikopter; Drahtseilfördergeräte und -anlagen; Karren, Einkaufswagen, Gepäckwagen, Handwagen, mobile Handkarren; Anhänger und Sattelauflieger für Fahrzeuge; Anhängerkupplungen für Fahrzeuge; Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge; Triebwerke für Landfahrzeuge; Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge; Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen; Kupplungen für Landfahrzeuge; Stoßdämpfer für Fahrzeuge; Stoßdämpferfedern für Fahrzeuge; Reifen (Pneus); Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Felgen für Fahrzeugräder; Vollgummireifen für Fahrzeugräder; Fahrzeugräder; Naben für Fahrzeugräder; Radmuttern für Fahrzeugräder; Schläuche für Reifen; Laufmäntel für Luftreifen; Schaumstoffeinlagen für Reifen; Flickzeug für Reifenschläuche, selbstklebende Flickgummis für die Reparatur von Reifenschläuchen; Spikes für Reifen; Schneeketten; Gleitschutzvorrichtungen für Fahrzeugreifen; Fahrzeugsitze; Rückspiegel; Kopfstützen für Fahrzeugsitze; Alarmanlagen für Fahrzeuge, Diebstahlsicherungen für Fahrzeuge; Zigarettenanzünder für Automobile; Clips für die Befestigung von Kraftfahrzeugteilen an Kraftfahrzeugkarosserien; Becherhalter für Fahrzeuge; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Alle vorgenannten Waren nicht im Zusammenhang mit Schienenfahrzeugen. Spielwaren, Spiele, Spielzeug und Scherzartikel für Partys; Spielzeugautos; Modellbausätze [Spielwaren]; Plüschtiere und sonstiges Plüschspielzeug; verkleinerte Fahrzeugmodelle; Spielzeugfahrzeuge; Automotormodelle als Spielzeug; Roller (Spielzeug); Aufsitzfahrzeuge für Kinder [Spielzeug]; Ferngesteuerte Fahrzeuge [Spielzeuge]; Vierrädrige Kinderfahrzeuge [Spielzeuge]; Spielbälle; Kaleidoskope; Brettspiele; Puzzles; Spielkarten; Spielkugeln; Handschuhe [Zubehör für Spiele]; Spielzeug-Kinderwagen; Drachen; Spielzeug, dargeboten in einem Adventskalender; Knetmasse [Spielzeug]; Autorennbahnen; Artikel für den Golfsport; Geräte für Jahrmärkte und Spielplätze; Spielautomaten [Glücksspielautomaten]; Elektronische Spiele; Sportartikel und -ausrüstungen, Turnartikel; Gymnastik- und Turngeräte; Schwimmer [Angelsport]; Tarnschilde [Sportartikel]; Fahrrad-Heimtrainer; Bogenschießgeräte Christbaumschmuck; Künstliche Weihnachtsbäume; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Alle vorgenannten Waren nicht in Verbindung oder im Zusammenhang mit Video- oder Computerspielen oder elektronischer Spielsoftware für Mobiltelefone. Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen für den Versandhandel bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Dienstleistungen des Einzel- und Großhandels über das Internet bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen mittels Teleshopping-Sendungen bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzelhandelsdienstleistungen in Bezug auf virtuelle Waren, nämlich Fahrzeuge, Teile und Zubehör für Fahrzeuge, Bekleidungsstücke, Spielzeug, Sportartikel und -ausrüstung sowie Kunstgegenstände zur Verwendung in virtuellen Umgebungen; Bereitstellen eines Online-Marktplatzes für Käufer und Verkäufer von Waren- und Dienstleistungen in Bezug auf Virtual-Reality-Spiele; Einzelhandelsdienstleistungen im Bereich kreativen Arbeiten (Kunstwerke und digitale Kunst) im Bereich Automobilindustrie, Spielwarenindustrie, Sport und Popkultur; Zusammenstellen, ausgenommen deren Transport, verschiedener Kraftfahrzeuge, Kraftfahrzeugteile und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder für Dritte, um den Verbrauchern Ansicht und Erwerb dieser Waren in einer Einzelhandelsverkaufsstelle zu erleichtern; Vermittlung von Verträgen für Dritte über den An- und Verkauf von Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge oder Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Geschäftsführung eines Fuhrparks für Dritte; Erteilung von Auskünften [Information] und Beratung für Verbraucher in Handels- und Geschäftsangelegenheiten [Verbraucherberatung]; Verwaltungstechnische Bearbeitung von Bestellungen; Vermittlung von Verträgen für Dritte über den An- und Verkauf von Waren; Beratung bei der Organisation und Führung von Unternehmen; Hilfe bei der Führung von gewerblichen oder Handelsbetrieben; Werbung; Marketing; Geschäftsführung; Unternehmensverwaltung; Bürodienste; Beratung in Fragen des Personalwesens; Rundfunk- und Fernsehwerbung; Veranstaltung von Messen für wirtschaftliche und Werbezwecke; Sammeln und Zusammenstellen von themenbezogenen Presseartikeln; Präsentation von Waren in Kommunikations-Medien für den Einzelhandel; Öffentlichkeitsarbeit [Public Relations]; Zusammenstellung von Informationsverzeichnissen für Geschäfts- und Werbezwecke; Durchführung von Auktionen und Versteigerungen; Verkaufsförderung [Sales promotion] für Dritte; Werbung für Waren und Dienstleistungen durch Sponsoring von Sportveranstaltungen; Personalanwerbung; Verwaltungsdienstleistungen für Unternehmensverlagerungen; Buchführung; Sponsorensuche; Alle vorgenannten Dienstleistungen nicht in Verbindung oder im Zusammenhang mit Video- oder Computerspielen oder elektronischer Spielsoftware für Mobiltelefone. Bau-, Montage- und Abbrucharbeiten; Installations-, Reinigungs-, Reparatur- und Wartungsarbeiten in Bezug auf Maschinen und Kraftfahrzeuge; Vermietung von Werkzeugen, Baumaschinen und Geräten für Bau-, Abbruch-, Reinigungs- und Wartungsarbeiten; Bergbauarbeiten; Gas- und Ölgewinnungsarbeiten; Schädlingsbekämpfung und -vernichtung [ausgenommen für land-, garten- und forstwirtschaftliche Zwecke] sowie Desinfektion; Umbau, Reparatur, Instandhaltung, Demontage, Wartung, Pflege, Reinigung und Lackierarbeiten von Fahrzeugen, Motoren, Fahrzeugrädern und deren Teilen; Tankdienste für Fahrzeuge; Aufladen von Elektrofahrzeugen, Autobatterien, Mobiltelefonakkus sowie Batterien für Computer und Telefone; Reparatur von Fahrzeugen im Rahmen der Pannenhilfe; Kundenspezifische Durchführung von Umbauten an Karosserie, Fahrwerk und Motor von Kraftfahrzeugen (Tuning), soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Lackieren von Fahrzeugen; Polieren von Fahrzeugen; Rostschutzbehandlung von Fahrzeugen; Fahrzeuginstandhaltung; Reinigung von Fahrzeugen; Runderneuerung von Reifen; Wartung, Reinigung und Reparatur von Dampfkesseln und Brennern; Auskünfte über Reparaturen; Auskünfte in Bauangelegenheiten; Montage von Türen und Fenstern; Steinbrucharbeiten; Installation, Wartung und Reparatur von Maschinen; Wartung und Reparatur von Flugzeugen; Schiffsbau; Reparatur von Fotoapparaten; Reparatur von Uhren; Reparatur von Schlössern; Rostschutzarbeiten; Möbelpflegearbeiten; Instandhaltung, Reinigung und Reparatur von Leder; Desinfektionsarbeiten; Installation und Reparatur von Einbruchalarmanlagen; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten.



Application Number 018995924
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-03-07
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Fahrzeuge und Beförderungsmittel; Fahrzeuge zur Beförderung auf dem Lande, in der Luft, auf dem Wasser sowie deren Teile; motorisierte Landfahrzeuge ausgenommen Schienenfahrzeuge; führerlose Fahrzeuge [autonome Fahrzeuge]; Kraftfahrzeuge; Automobile; Roboterautos; Rennwagen; Lastkraftwagen; Autobusse; Wohnwagen; Traktoren; Omnibusse; Motorräder; Mopeds; Fahrräder; Elektrische Fahrräder; Zweiräder, Roller [Fahrzeuge]; Hoverboards; Selbstbalancierende Einräder; Selbstbalancierende Einrad-Elektroroller; Sessellifte, Seilbahnen; Rollstühle; Kinderwagen; Wägelchen zum Transport von Kindern; Luftfahrzeuge; Boote, Schiffe; Lokomotiven; Kameradrohnen; Kamera-Helikopter; Drahtseilfördergeräte und -anlagen; Karren, Einkaufswagen, Gepäckwagen, Handwagen, mobile Handkarren; Anhänger und Sattelauflieger für Fahrzeuge; Anhängerkupplungen für Fahrzeuge; Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge; Triebwerke für Landfahrzeuge; Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge; Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen; Kupplungen für Landfahrzeuge; Stoßdämpfer für Fahrzeuge; Stoßdämpferfedern für Fahrzeuge; Reifen (Pneus); Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Felgen für Fahrzeugräder; Vollgummireifen für Fahrzeugräder; Fahrzeugräder; Naben für Fahrzeugräder; Radmuttern für Fahrzeugräder; Schläuche für Reifen; Laufmäntel für Luftreifen; Schaumstoffeinlagen für Reifen; Flickzeug für Reifenschläuche, selbstklebende Flickgummis für die Reparatur von Reifenschläuchen; Spikes für Reifen; Schneeketten; Gleitschutzvorrichtungen für Fahrzeugreifen; Fahrzeugsitze; Rückspiegel; Kopfstützen für Fahrzeugsitze; Alarmanlagen für Fahrzeuge, Diebstahlsicherungen für Fahrzeuge; Zigarettenanzünder für Automobile; Clips für die Befestigung von Kraftfahrzeugteilen an Kraftfahrzeugkarosserien; Becherhalter für Fahrzeuge; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Alle vorgenannten Waren nicht im Zusammenhang mit Schienenfahrzeugen. Spielwaren, Spiele, Spielzeug und Scherzartikel für Partys; Spielzeugautos; Modellbausätze [Spielwaren]; Plüschtiere und sonstiges Plüschspielzeug; verkleinerte Fahrzeugmodelle; Spielzeugfahrzeuge; Automotormodelle als Spielzeug; Roller (Spielzeug); Aufsitzfahrzeuge für Kinder [Spielzeug]; Ferngesteuerte Fahrzeuge [Spielzeuge]; Vierrädrige Kinderfahrzeuge [Spielzeuge]; Spielbälle; Kaleidoskope; Brettspiele; Puzzles; Spielkarten; Spielkugeln; Handschuhe [Zubehör für Spiele]; Spielzeug-Kinderwagen; Drachen; Spielzeug, dargeboten in einem Adventskalender; Knetmasse [Spielzeug]; Autorennbahnen; Artikel für den Golfsport; Geräte für Jahrmärkte und Spielplätze; Spielautomaten [Glücksspielautomaten]; Elektronische Spiele; Sportartikel und -ausrüstungen, Turnartikel; Gymnastik- und Turngeräte; Schwimmer [Angelsport]; Tarnschilde [Sportartikel]; Fahrrad-Heimtrainer; Bogenschießgeräte Christbaumschmuck; Künstliche Weihnachtsbäume; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Alle vorgenannten Waren nicht in Verbindung oder im Zusammenhang mit Video- oder Computerspielen oder elektronischer Spielsoftware für Mobiltelefone. Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen für den Versandhandel bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Dienstleistungen des Einzel- und Großhandels über das Internet bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen mittels Teleshopping-Sendungen bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzelhandelsdienstleistungen in Bezug auf virtuelle Waren, nämlich Fahrzeuge, Teile und Zubehör für Fahrzeuge, Bekleidungsstücke, Spielzeug, Sportartikel und -ausrüstung sowie Kunstgegenstände zur Verwendung in virtuellen Umgebungen; Bereitstellen eines Online-Marktplatzes für Käufer und Verkäufer von Waren- und Dienstleistungen in Bezug auf Virtual-Reality-Spiele; Einzelhandelsdienstleistungen im Bereich kreativen Arbeiten (Kunstwerke und digitale Kunst) im Bereich Automobilindustrie, Spielwarenindustrie, Sport und Popkultur; Zusammenstellen, ausgenommen deren Transport, verschiedener Kraftfahrzeuge, Kraftfahrzeugteile und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder für Dritte, um den Verbrauchern Ansicht und Erwerb dieser Waren in einer Einzelhandelsverkaufsstelle zu erleichtern; Vermittlung von Verträgen für Dritte über den An- und Verkauf von Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge oder Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Geschäftsführung eines Fuhrparks für Dritte; Erteilung von Auskünften [Information] und Beratung für Verbraucher in Handels- und Geschäftsangelegenheiten [Verbraucherberatung]; Verwaltungstechnische Bearbeitung von Bestellungen; Vermittlung von Verträgen für Dritte über den An- und Verkauf von Waren; Beratung bei der Organisation und Führung von Unternehmen; Hilfe bei der Führung von gewerblichen oder Handelsbetrieben; Werbung; Marketing; Geschäftsführung; Unternehmensverwaltung; Bürodienste; Beratung in Fragen des Personalwesens; Rundfunk- und Fernsehwerbung; Veranstaltung von Messen für wirtschaftliche und Werbezwecke; Sammeln und Zusammenstellen von themenbezogenen Presseartikeln; Präsentation von Waren in Kommunikations-Medien für den Einzelhandel; Öffentlichkeitsarbeit [Public Relations]; Zusammenstellung von Informationsverzeichnissen für Geschäfts- und Werbezwecke; Durchführung von Auktionen und Versteigerungen; Verkaufsförderung [Sales promotion] für Dritte; Werbung für Waren und Dienstleistungen durch Sponsoring von Sportveranstaltungen; Personalanwerbung; Verwaltungsdienstleistungen für Unternehmensverlagerungen; Buchführung; Sponsorensuche; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Alle vorgenannten Dienstleistungen nicht in Verbindung oder im Zusammenhang mit Video- oder Computerspielen oder elektronischer Spielsoftware für Mobiltelefone. Bau-, Montage- und Abbrucharbeiten; Installations-, Reinigungs-, Reparatur- und Wartungsarbeiten in Bezug auf Maschinen und Kraftfahrzeuge; Vermietung von Werkzeugen, Baumaschinen und Geräten für Bau-, Abbruch-, Reinigungs- und Wartungsarbeiten; Bergbauarbeiten; Gas- und Ölgewinnungsarbeiten; Schädlingsbekämpfung und -vernichtung [ausgenommen für land-, garten- und forstwirtschaftliche Zwecke] sowie Desinfektion; Umbau, Reparatur, Instandhaltung, Demontage, Wartung, Pflege, Reinigung und Lackierarbeiten von Fahrzeugen, Motoren, Fahrzeugrädern und deren Teilen; Tankdienste für Fahrzeuge; Aufladen von Elektrofahrzeugen, Autobatterien, Mobiltelefonakkus sowie Batterien für Computer und Telefone; Reparatur von Fahrzeugen im Rahmen der Pannenhilfe; Kundenspezifische Durchführung von Umbauten an Karosserie, Fahrwerk und Motor von Kraftfahrzeugen (Tuning), soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Lackieren von Fahrzeugen; Polieren von Fahrzeugen; Rostschutzbehandlung von Fahrzeugen; Fahrzeuginstandhaltung; Reinigung von Fahrzeugen; Runderneuerung von Reifen; Wartung, Reinigung und Reparatur von Dampfkesseln und Brennern; Auskünfte über Reparaturen; Auskünfte in Bauangelegenheiten; Montage von Türen und Fenstern; Steinbrucharbeiten; Installation, Wartung und Reparatur von Maschinen; Wartung und Reparatur von Flugzeugen; Schiffsbau; Reparatur von Fotoapparaten; Reparatur von Uhren; Reparatur von Schlössern; Rostschutzarbeiten; Möbelpflegearbeiten; Instandhaltung, Reinigung und Reparatur von Leder; Desinfektionsarbeiten; Installation und Reparatur von Einbruchalarmanlagen; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 018989931
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-02-23
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 04 - Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; fuels
  • 08 - Hand tools and implements
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 11 - Environmental control apparatus
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 18 - Leather and imitations of leather
  • 20 - Furniture and decorative products
  • 22 - Rope, netting, tents, awnings, sails and sacks; padding and stuffing materials
  • 24 - Textiles and textile goods
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 27 - Floor and wall coverings
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 30 - Basic staples, tea, coffee, baked goods and confectionery
  • 32 - Beers; non-alcoholic beverages
  • 33 - Alcoholic beverages other than beer
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 43 - Food and drink services, temporary accommodation

Goods & Services

Wachs; Kerzen und Dochte für Beleuchtungszwecke; Technische Öle und Fette, Motorenöl; Öle für technische Zwecke, Olein, Ölgas, Paraffin, Rapsöl für gewerbliche Zwecke; Stearin, Sonnenblumenöl für gewerbliche Zwecke; technische Fette; industrielle Wachse; Schmiermittel, Masut, Riemenfett, Riemengleitschutzmittel, Riemenwachs, Schmierfette, Schmieröle; Entstaubungsmittel, Staubabsorbierungsmittel; Staubbindemittel; Brennstoffe, einschließlich Motorentreibstoffe, Leuchtstoffe, Leuchtgas, Treibstoff, Kraftstoff, Benzin, Brenngas, Brennholz, Brennöle, Brennspiritus; Brennstoff auf Alkoholgrundlage; Gasförmige Brennstoffmischungen, Ethanol, Gasöl, Kerosin; Mineralische Brennstoffe; Naphtha; Nicht chemische Zusätze für Kraftstoff und Treibstoff; Petroleum, roh oder raffiniert; Petroleumäther, Schwachgas, Steinkohlenöl; Verfestigte Gase; Kohlenanzünder; elektrische Energie; Benzolkraftstoffe, Benzenbrennstoffe, Xylenbrennstoffe Zusatzstoffe in Verbindung mit vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Geräte zur Körper- und Schönheitspflege für Menschen und Tiere; scharfe und stumpfe Hieb- und Stichwaffen; Werkzeuge für die Zubereitung von Lebensmitteln, Küchenmesser und Essbestecke; handbetätigte Geräte und Werkzeuge zur Materialbearbeitung sowie für Bau-, Reparatur und Instandhaltungsarbeiten; Hebewerkzeuge; Handbetätigte Werkzeuge und Geräte für land-, garten- und forstwirtschaftliche Zwecke, für den Maschinen-, Apparate- und Fahrzeugbau sowie für die Bautechnik; Kratzer (Handwerkzeuge); Werkzeugschlüssel; Werkzeuggriffe aus Metall; Messerschmiedewaren; Essbesteck, Gabeln und Löffel, Messer; Gabeln [Handwerkzeuge]; Scheren; Hieb- und Stichwaffen; Schwerter; Rasierer, Rasierapparate; Etuis für Rasierapparate; Maniküreneccessaires; Schleifsteine; Zerstäuber für Insektizide [handbetätigt]; Viehmarkierungsgeräte; Harpunen; handbetätigte Werkzeuge; handbetätigte Wagenheber; Maurerkellen; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Wissenschaftliche, Forschungs-, Navigations-, Vermessungs-, fotografische, Film-, audiovisuelle, optische, Wäge-, Mess-, Signal-, Detektions-, Prüf-, Kontroll-, Rettungs- und Unterrichtsapparate und -instrumente; Apparate und Instrumente zum Leiten, Schalten, Umwandeln, Speichern, Regeln oder Kontrollieren der Verteilung oder Nutzung von Elektrizität; Geräte und Instrumente zur Aufzeichnung, Übertragung, Wiedergabe oder Verarbeitung von Ton, Bild oder Daten; Aufgezeichnete und herunterladbare Medien, leere digitale oder analoge Aufzeichnungs- und Speichermedien; informationstechnologische und audiovisuelle Geräte; Magnete, Magnetisierungs- und Entmagnetisierungsvorrichtungen; Apparate, Instrumente und Kabel für Elektrizität; optische Geräte und Ausrüstung, Verstärkungsgeräte und Korrektoren; Sicherungs-, Sicherheits-, Schutz- und Signalgeräte sowie -ausrüstung; Tauchausrüstung; Navigations-, Orientierungs-, Standortverfolgungs-, Zielverfolgungs- und Kartierungsgeräte; Mess-, Erkennungs- und Überwachungsinstrumente, -vorrichtungen sowie -regler; Automatische Druckverlustanzeiger für Fahrzeugreifen; Fahrtenschreiber für Fahrzeuge; Apparate für wissenschaftliche Forschung und Labor, Unterrichtsapparate und Simulatoren; Thermometer; Kontaktlinsen, Brillen, Brillenetuis, Ferngläser, optische Lupen; Sonnenbrillen; Handyhüllen mit Kordel; Handyketten; Hüllen für Smartphones; Warndreiecke für Fahrzeuge; Warnlampen für Fahrzeuge [keine Teile von Fahrzeugen]; Elektrische Batterien und deren Teile; Elektrische Akkumulatoren und deren Teile; Brennstoffzellen und deren Teile; Sonnenbatterien; Elektrische Batterien für Fahrzeuge; Elektrische Akkumulatoren für Fahrzeuge; Ladegeräte für elektrische Batterien; Einbruchalarmgeräte; Feueralarmgeräte; Rauchalarmgeräte; Gaswarngeräte; Diebstahlalarmgeräte; Feuerlöschgeräte; Feuerlöschfahrzeuge; Waagen; Wasserwaagen; Zirkel [Messinstrumente]; Lineale (Messinstrumente); Säuremesser; Mengenmesser; Elektronische Steuergeräte und Strom-/Spannungsversorgungsgeräte für Fahrzeugscheinwerfer und Fahrzeugleuchten und deren jeweilige Teile; Leuchtdioden [LEDs], Elektronische Leistungsregler; Elektrische und elektronische Steuergeräte; Regelgeräte und -instrumente; Simulatoren für die Lenkung und die Kontrolle von Fahrzeugen; Künstliche Intelligenz-Software für Fahrzeuge; Spannungsregler für Fahrzeuge; Geschwindigkeitsanzeiger; Drehzahlmesser; Messgeräte und Messinstrumente; Parkuhren; Rettungsvorrichtungen, nämlich Rettungsflöße, Rettungsleitern, Rettungsnetze, Rettungsplanen, Rettungsringe, Rettungsbojen, Rettungswesten; Elektrische Sicherungen; Elektrische Relais; Laser nicht für medizinische Zwecke, Laserpointer; Fernsteuerungsgeräte, Fernbedienungen; Antennen; Navigationsgeräte für Fahrzeuge; Mobiltelefone; Telefonapparate; Fernsehapparate; Bildtelefone; Radios; Kompasse; Navigationsgeräte; Navigationsinstrumente; Telematikapparate; Telematikendgeräte; Magnetische, elektronische und optische Aufzeichnungsträger, Schallplatten, CDs, DVDs und andere digitale Aufzeichnungsträger; Tonträger, Musikautomaten [geldbetätigt], Compact-Disks [ROM, Festspeicher]; Musikdateien zum Herunterladen; Kopfhörer; Lautsprecher; Lautsprecherboxen; Leuchtschilder; CD-Player; DVD-Player; Videotelefone; Bildfunkgeräte; Projektionsgeräte; Fotoapparate; belichtete Filme; Filmkameras; Fotokopiergeräte; Elektronische Übersetzungsgeräte (Computer); Elektronische Taschenübersetzer; Magnetkarten, Karten mit integrierten Schaltkreisen (Smartcards), codierte Telefonkarten; Mechaniken für geldbetätigte Apparate; Bank-, Geldautomaten; Registrierkassen, Rechenmaschinen; Hardware für die Datenverarbeitung; Computer; Elektronische Terminkalender; Faxgeräte; Monitore (Computerhardware und -programme); Computerperipheriegeräte; Computerprogramme zur Verwendung für das autonome Fahren von Fahrzeugen; Computerprogramme zur Verwendung bei der autonomen Navigation von Fahrzeugen; Computerprogramme zur Verwendung bei der autonomen Steuerung von Fahrzeugen; gespeicherte und herunterladbare Computerprogramme, insbesondere Datensammlungen in elektronischer Form; Gespeicherte oder herunterladbare Software-Plattformen; Computersoftware; Spielsoftware; Herunterladbare, interaktive Unterhaltungssoftware zum Spielen von Videospielen; Videospiele [Computerspiele] in Form von auf Datenträgern gespeicherten Computerprogrammen; Anwendungssoftware; Mobile Apps; Taschenrechner; Elektronische Publikationen [herunterladbar]; Herunterladbare Bilddateien; Herunterladbare virtuelle Waren, nämlich Computerprogramme in Bezug auf Fahrzeuge, Teile und Zubehör für Fahrzeuge, Bekleidungsstücke, Spielzeug, Sportartikel und -ausrüstung sowie Kunstgegenstände zur Verwendung in virtuellen Umgebungen; Herunterladbare virtuelle Waren, nämlich nicht austauschbare Token (NFTs) zum Erstellen und Handeln digitaler Sammlerstücke unter Verwendung Blockchain-basierter Softwaretechnologie für Fahrzeuge, Teile und Zubehör für Fahrzeuge, Bekleidungsstücke, Spielzeug, Sportartikel und -ausrüstung sowie Kunstgegenstände zur Verwendung in virtuellen Umgebungen; Herunterladbare digitale Medien, nämlich mit Blockchain-basierter Softwaretechnologie erstellte digitale Sammlerstücke in Form von personalisierten Fotos, Bildern, Videos und virtuellen Erlebnissen im Bereich Automobilindustrie, Kunst, Unterhaltung, Sport und Popkultur; Digitales Material, nämlich einzigartige Dateneinheiten als einmalige kreative Arbeit im Bereich Automobilindustrie, Kunst, Unterhaltung, Sport und Popkultur; Crashtest-Dummys; Mikroskope; Elektrokabel; Steckdosen; Elektrische Fernzündungsgeräte; Radiologische Apparate für gewerbliche Zwecke; Schutzhelme; Elektrische Schlösser; Elektronische Steuerungen und elektronische Steuerungssysteme; Security-Tokens [Verschlüsselungsgeräte]; Elektronische Zugangskontrollsysteme für Zugangsschleusen; Wärmebildkameras; Waagen mit Body-Mass-Analysegerät; Hüllen für Tablet-Computer; Blackboxes [Datenrekorder]; Digitale Wetterstationen; Ladestationen für elektrische Fahrzeuge; Interaktive Touch-Screen-Terminals; Smart-Ringe; Elektrische und elektronische Effekteinheiten für Musikinstrumente; Audioschnittstellen; Equalizer [Audio Apparate]; Parksensoren für Fahrzeuge; Lehrroboter; Humanoide Roboter mit künstlicher Intelligenz; PDA-Computer [Personal Digital Assistants]; Rückfahrkameras für Fahrzeuge; Elektrokabelbäume für Kraftfahrzeuge; Telekommunikationsgeräte in Form von Schmuckwaren; Datenhandschuhe; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Geräte und Anlagen zu Beleuchtungs-, Heizungs-, Kühlungs-, Dampferzeugungs-, Koch-, Trocknungs-, Lüftungs- und Wasserversorgungszwecken sowie zu sanitären Zwecken; Abzüge und Installationen zum Ableiten von Abgasen; Bräunungsapparate; sanitäre Installationen und Einrichtungen; Wasserversorgungseinrichtungen; Brenner, Boiler; Lichtreflektoren; Kamine; Feuerfeste Öfen; Öfen mit Grills; Campingkocher; Grills; Transportable Feuerstellen; Filter für Industrie und Haushalt; industrielle Aufbereitungsanlagen, nämlich Gasfilter und -reiniger; Industrieöfen und Feuerungen [nicht für Nahrungsmittel und Getränke]; Anlagen für chemische Aufbereitung; industrielle Anlagen für die Filterung von Flüssigkeiten; Anlagen zum Sammeln von Gasen; Anlagen zum Sammeln von Flüssigkeiten; Laufrinnen zum Abscheiden von Verunreinigungen in geschmolzenem Metall [Teile von Schmelzöfen]; Biologische Reaktoren zur Klärung von Industrieabwässern; Apparate für die Entwässerung von Lebensmittelabfällen; Trockenanlagen; Kühl- und Gefrierausrüstung; Regelungs- und Sicherheitszubehör für Wasser- und Gasanlagen; kerntechnische Anlagen; Heizungs-, Ventilations-, Klima- und Luftreinigungsgeräte und -anlagen; Beleuchtungsgeräte; Beleuchtungsapparate und -anlagen; Beleuchtungslampen; Beleuchtungsgeräte mit Leuchtdioden [LEDs]; Beleuchtungsanlagen für Luftfahrzeuge; Beleuchtungsgeräte für Fahrzeuge; Lampen für Fahrtrichtungsanzeiger von Fahrzeugen; Beleuchtungsgeräte mit Leuchtdioden [LEDs] für Fahrzeuge; Blendschutzvorrichtungen für Fahrzeuge [Lampenzubehör]; Blendschutzvorrichtungen für Kraftfahrzeuge [Lampenzubehör]; Blitzlichte [Taschenlampen]; Bogenlampen; Campinglaternen; elektrische Kaffeemaschinen; elektrische Lüfter für den persönlichen Gebrauch; Entladungsröhren [elektrisch] für Beleuchtungszwecke; Fahrradleuchten; Fahrzeugleuchten und deren jeweiligen Teile, soweit die jeweiligen Teile in dieser Klasse enthalten; Fahrzeugrückstrahler und deren jeweiligen Teile, soweit die jeweiligen Teile in dieser Klasse enthalten; Fahrzeugscheinwerfer und deren jeweiligen Teile, soweit die jeweiligen Teile in dieser Klasse enthalten; Fassungen für elektrische Lampen; Gasanzünder (Feuerzeuge); Anzünder [Zündgeräte]; Glühbirnen für Beleuchtungszwecke; Glühbirnen [elektrisch]; Glühbrenner; Glühfäden für elektrische Lampen; Grubenlampen; Heizgeräte für feste, flüssige oder gasförmige Brennstoffe; Heizgeräte [elektrisch]; Heizungsanlagen; Heizungsanlagen für Fahrzeuge; Klimaanlagen; Klimaapparate; Kühlanlagen und -maschinen; Kühlapparate; Klimaanlagen für Fahrzeuge; Lampen [elektrisch]; Azetylenerzeuger; Gaslampen; Lampengläser; Lampenglühstrümpfe; Lampenkugeln; Lampenröhren, -zylinder; Lampenschirme; Lampenschirmhalter; Leuchtröhren für Beleuchtungszwecke; Leuchtröhren mit elektrischer Entladung; Lichtverteiler; Lufterhitzer; Luftfilter [Klimatisierung]; Luftfilteranlagen; Filter [Teile von häuslichen oder gewerblichen Anlagen]; Desodorierungsgeräte, nicht für den persönlichen Gebrauch; Entfroster für Fahrzeuge; Lüftungsanlagen [Klimatisierung] für Fahrzeuge; Scheibenheizungen für Fahrzeuge; Luftkühlgeräte; Luftreinigungsapparate und -maschinen; Luftreinigungslampen mit keimtötender Wirkung; Luftsprudelbäder; Luftsterilisatoren; Lufttrockner; Lüftungsgeräte [Klimatisierung]; Reflektoren für Lampen; Sicherheitslampen; Solarkollektoren [Heizung]; Taschenlampen; Ultraviolettlampen, nicht für medizinische Zwecke; Wasserleitungsanlagen; Niveauregelventile für Tanks; elektrische Radiatoren; Polymerisationsanlagen; Elektrische Schokoladenbrunnen; Elektrische Lichterketten; Elektrisch beheizte Kleidung; Speiseeismaschinen; Fahrradblinker; Heiz- und Kühlgeräte zur Ausgabe von heißen und kalten Getränken; USB-betriebene Handwärmer; USB-betriebene Tassenwärmer; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Fahrzeuge und Beförderungsmittel; Fahrzeuge zur Beförderung auf dem Lande, in der Luft, auf dem Wasser oder auf Schienen sowie deren Teile; motorisierte Landfahrzeuge; führerlose Fahrzeuge [autonome Fahrzeuge]; Kraftfahrzeuge; Automobile; Roboterautos; Rennwagen; Lastkraftwagen; Autobusse; Wohnwagen; Traktoren; Omnibusse; Motorräder; Mopeds; Fahrräder; Elektrische Fahrräder; Zweiräder, Roller [Fahrzeuge]; Hoverboards; Selbstbalancierende Einräder; Selbstbalancierende Einrad-Elektroroller; Sessellifte, Seilbahnen; Rollstühle; Kinderwagen; Wägelchen zum Transport von Kindern; Luftfahrzeuge; Boote, Schiffe; Lokomotiven; Kameradrohnen; Kamera-Helikopter; Drahtseilfördergeräte und -anlagen; Karren, Einkaufswagen, Gepäckwagen, Handwagen, mobile Handkarren; Anhänger und Sattelauflieger für Fahrzeuge; Anhängerkupplungen für Fahrzeuge; Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge; Triebwerke für Landfahrzeuge; Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge; Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen; Kupplungen für Landfahrzeuge; Stoßdämpfer für Fahrzeuge; Stoßdämpferfedern für Fahrzeuge; Reifen (Pneus); Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Felgen für Fahrzeugräder; Vollgummireifen für Fahrzeugräder; Fahrzeugräder; Naben für Fahrzeugräder; Radmuttern für Fahrzeugräder; Schläuche für Reifen; Laufmäntel für Luftreifen; Schaumstoffeinlagen für Reifen; Flickzeug für Reifenschläuche, selbstklebende Flickgummis für die Reparatur von Reifenschläuchen; Spikes für Reifen; Schneeketten; Gleitschutzvorrichtungen für Fahrzeugreifen; Fahrzeugsitze; Rückspiegel; Kopfstützen für Fahrzeugsitze; Alarmanlagen für Fahrzeuge, Diebstahlsicherungen für Fahrzeuge; Zigarettenanzünder für Automobile; Clips für die Befestigung von Kraftfahrzeugteilen an Kraftfahrzeugkarosserien; Becherhalter für Fahrzeuge; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Papier, Pappe (Karton); Druckereierzeugnisse; Kunstwerke und Figuren aus Papier oder Pappe sowie Architekturmodelle; Dekorations- und Künstlerbedarfsmaterialien und -mittel; Filtermaterial aus Papier; Taschen, Beutel und Waren für Verpackungs-, Einpack- und Ablagezwecke aus Papier, Pappe oder Kunststoff; Etuis für Schreibwaren; Buchbindeartikel; Photographien; Schreibwaren; Klebstoffe für Papier- und Schreibwaren oder für Haushaltszwecke; Künstlerbedarfsartikel; Pinsel zum Auftragen von Farben; Schreibmaschinen, Schreibgeräte und Büroartikel, ausgenommen Möbel; Lehr- und Unterrichtsmaterial, ausgenommen Apparate; Verpackungsmaterial aus Kunststoff, Drucklettern; Druckstöcke; Atlanten; Kalender; Adventskalender; geographische Karten; Veröffentlichungen (Schriften); gedrucktes Werbematerial und gedruckte Reklame; Notizbücher; Postkarten; Lesezeichen; Notizzettel; Dokumentenhüllen; Stifte (Büromaterial); Kugelschreiber und Bleistifte; Wimpel und Fahnen aus Papier; Servietten aus Papier; Kopierpapier; Toilettenpapier; Handtücher aus Papier; Packpapier; Tinte; Siegelstempel; Zeicheninstrumente; Zeichenmaterialien; Malstaffeleien; Gerahmte oder ungerahmte Bilder [Gemälde]; Modelliermaterial; Banner aus Papier; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Gepäck, Taschen, Brieftaschen und andere Tragebehältnisse; Regen- und Sonnenschirme; Gehstöcke; Reise- und Handkoffer; Taschen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten, insbesondere Sporttaschen, Aktentaschen und Handtaschen; Rucksäcke; Turnbeutel; Beutel mit Zugbändern; Brieftaschen, Geldbörsen; Kulturbeutel; Schlüsseletuis; Verpackungsbeutel, -hüllen, -taschen aus Leder; Etiketten aus Leder; Angepasste Kofferanhänger [Lederwaren]; Satteltaschen; Sattlerwaren, Peitschen und Tierbekleidung; Bekleidungsstücke für Haustiere; Tefillin [Gebetsriemen]; Leder, roh oder teilweise bearbeitet; Häute und Felle; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Möbel und Einrichtungsgegenstände; Spiegel, Bilderrahmen, Betten; Kissen; Bettzeug, ausgenommen Bettwäsche; Briefkästen, nicht aus Metall oder gemauert; Regale; Schränke; Tische, Schreibtische, Stühle, Polstersessel, Sofas, Kinderhochstühle und -lauflerngeräte, Kleiderbügel, Kopfpolster; Campingmöbel, Campingtische, Campingstühle, Campingbetten, Campingmatratzen, Schlafmatten für Campingzwecke; Picknickmöbel, Picknickkörbe; Holzkästen; Kisten aus Kunststoff; Kästen und Kisten, nicht aus Metall; Boxen aus Holz oder Kunststoff; Aufbewahrungskästen [Möbel], Aufbewahrungskisten [Möbel], Aufbewahrungskörbe [Möbel]; Behälter für Aufbewahrungszwecke [ausgenommen für Haushalt und Küche]; Kleiderständer; Ankerbojen nicht aus Metall; Schlösser und Schlüssel nicht aus Metall; Tür-, Tor- und Fensterbeschläge, nicht aus Metall; Ventile, nicht aus Metall; Befestigungsmaterial, nicht aus Metall; Klöppel, nicht aus Metall; Klemmen, nicht aus Metall; Haltegriffe, nicht aus Metall; Haken, nicht aus Metall; Identifikationsarmbänder, nicht aus Metall; Wimpelhalter; Dübel aus Kunststoff, Spulen nicht aus Metall [ausgenommen als Teile von Maschinen und Apparaten], Ringe, Stangen, nicht aus Metall, Sägeböcke, Spülsteinmatten, Treppenbeschläge aus Plastik, Saugnäpfe aus Kunststoff, Spender für Papierhandtücher [ortsfest, nicht aus Metall], Tabletts, nicht aus Metall, Etiketten aus Kunststoff; Tonnen, Fässer nicht aus Metall, Verpackungsbehälter aus Kunststoff, Tanks für flüssige Brennstoffe, nicht aus Metall, aufblasbare Werbeartikel, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Kanister, nicht aus Metall; Leitern aus Holz oder Kunststoff; Bilderrahmen; Bambus; Kunstgegenstände aus Holz, Wachs, Gips oder aus Kunststoff; Anschlagtafeln; Dekorationsartikel aus Kunststoff für Nahrungsmittel; Behausung und Betten für Tiere; Namensarmbänder, nicht aus Metall, zur Verwendung in Krankenhäusern; Särge und Bestattungsurnen; Garderobenhaken; Vorhangringe; Statuen, Figuren, Kunstwerke sowie Verzierungen und Dekorationen aus Materialien wie Holz, Wachs, Gips, Kunststoff, Kork, Rohr, Binsen, Weide, Horn, Knochen, Elfenbein, Fischbein, Schildpatt, Bernstein, Perlmutter, Meerschaum und deren Ersatzstoffen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Leitern, nicht aus Metall; Mobile Treppen, nicht aus Metall; Kunststofframpen für Fahrzeuge; Displays, Ständer und Beschilderungen, nicht aus Metall; Ladelehren, nicht aus Metall, für Eisenbahnwaggons; Ölauffangbehälter, nicht aus Metall; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Netze, Zelte, Planen, Seile, Bindfäden, Segel, Säcke, Polsterfüllstoffe und Polstermaterial, ausgenommen aus Papier, Pappe [Karton], Kautschuk oder Kunststoff, rohe Gespinstfasern, Hängematten, Verpackungsbeutel, -hüllen, und -taschen aus textilem Material, Abschleppseile für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugplanen; Zelte, Campingzelte. Stoffe; Textilwaren [Haushaltswaren]; Webstoffe und Textilersatzstoffe; Filtermaterialien aus Textilien; Bett- und Tischdecken; Tischwäsche, nicht aus Papier; Bettwäsche; Handtücher; Kissenbezüge; Wandbekleidungen aus textilem Material; Bordüren aus Textil, Steppdecken, Tagesdecken für Betten, Decken zur Verwendung im Außenbereich; Schlafsäcke; Servietten aus Textil; Moskitonetze, Wimpel und Fahnen nicht aus Papier; Flaggen aus Kunststoff; Vliesstoffe [Textilien]; Filz; Waschhandschuhe; Picknickdecken. Kopfbedeckungen; Bekleidungsstücke; Schuhwaren; Polo-Shirts/-hemden; Overalls; T-Shirts; Mäntel; Jacken; Bandanas [Tücher für Bekleidungszwecke]; Unterhosen; Hosen; Babywäsche; Badeanzüge; Regenmäntel; Theaterkostüme; Schuhe; Fussballschuhe; Hüte; Mützen; Strümpfe; Handschuhe [Bekleidung]; Schals und Stolen; Krawatten; Gürtel [Bekleidung]; Duschhauben; Miederwaren; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Teppiche, Fußmatten, Matten, Linoleum, künstliche Bodenbeläge und andere Bodenbeläge; Automatten; Wand- und Deckenverkleidungen; Tapeten, nicht aus textilem Material, Papiertapeten, Textiltapeten, Tapeten-Bordüren aus Papier; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Spielwaren, Spiele, Spielzeug und Scherzartikel für Partys; Spielzeugautos; Modellbausätze [Spielwaren]; Plüschtiere und sonstiges Plüschspielzeug; verkleinerte Fahrzeugmodelle; Spielzeugfahrzeuge; Automotormodelle als Spielzeug; Roller (Spielzeug); Aufsitzfahrzeuge für Kinder [Spielzeug]; Ferngesteuerte Fahrzeuge [Spielzeuge]; Vierrädrige Kinderfahrzeuge [Spielzeuge]; Spielbälle; Kaleidoskope; Brettspiele; Puzzles; Spielkarten; Spielkugeln; Handschuhe [Zubehör für Spiele]; Spielzeug-Kinderwagen; Drachen; Spielzeug, dargeboten in einem Adventskalender; Knetmasse [Spielzeug]; Autorennbahnen; Artikel für den Golfsport; Videospielgeräte für Spielhallen; Videospielgeräte; Videospielkonsolen; Geräte für Jahrmärkte und Spielplätze; Spielautomaten [Glücksspielautomaten]; Elektronische Spiele; Sportartikel und -ausrüstungen, Turnartikel; Gymnastik- und Turngeräte; Schwimmer [Angelsport]; Tarnschilde [Sportartikel]; Fahrrad-Heimtrainer; Bogenschießgeräte Christbaumschmuck; Künstliche Weihnachtsbäume; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Kaffee, Tee, Kakao, Zucker, Reis, Tapioka, Sago, Kaffee-Ersatz; Mehle; Getreidepräparate; Brot, feine Backwaren; Pizza; Getrocknete und frische Teigwaren, Nudeln und Klöße; Honig, Melassesirup; Fruchtsoßen; Hefe, Backpulver; Speisesalz; Senf; Essig, Soßen [Würzen]; Gewürze; Kühleis; Speiseeis; Konservierte Kräuter; Schokolade; Pralinen; Zuckerwaren, Konfekt; Zuckermasse [Süßwaren]; Bonbons; Kuchen; Torten; Cookies; Waffeln. Bier; Mineralwässer [Getränke]; kohlensäurehaltige Wässer; alkoholfreie Getränke; Alkoholfreie Fruchtgetränke; Fruchtsäfte; Smoothies; Sirupe für Getränke, Limonadensirupe; alkoholfreie Präparate für die Zubereitung von Getränken; Tomatensaft [Getränke]; Gemüsesäfte [Getränke]; alkoholfreie Aperitifs; alkoholfreie Cocktails; Isotonische Getränke; Limonaden; Malzbier; Malzwürze; Mandelmilch [Sirup]; Sarsaparilla [alkoholfreies Getränk]; Selterswasser; Sodawasser; Sorbets [Getränke]; Tafelwässer; Wässer [Getränke]; Lithiumwässer. alkoholische Getränke, ausgenommen Bier; Aperitifs; Cocktails; Destillierte Getränke; Liköre; Spirituosen; Weine; Sekt. Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen für den Versandhandel bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Dienstleistungen des Einzel- und Großhandels über das Internet bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen mittels Teleshopping-Sendungen bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzelhandelsdienstleistungen in Bezug auf virtuelle Waren, nämlich Fahrzeuge, Teile und Zubehör für Fahrzeuge, Bekleidungsstücke, Spielzeug, Sportartikel und -ausrüstung sowie Kunstgegenstände zur Verwendung in virtuellen Umgebungen; Bereitstellen eines Online-Marktplatzes für Käufer und Verkäufer von Waren- und Dienstleistungen in Bezug auf Virtual-Reality-Spiele; Einzelhandelsdienstleistungen im Bereich kreativen Arbeiten (Kunstwerke und digitale Kunst) im Bereich Automobilindustrie, Spielwarenindustrie, Sport und Popkultur; Zusammenstellen, ausgenommen deren Transport, verschiedener Kraftfahrzeuge, Kraftfahrzeugteile und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder für Dritte, um den Verbrauchern Ansicht und Erwerb dieser Waren in einer Einzelhandelsverkaufsstelle zu erleichtern; Vermittlung von Verträgen für Dritte über den An- und Verkauf von Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge oder Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Geschäftsführung eines Fuhrparks für Dritte; Erteilung von Auskünften [Information] und Beratung für Verbraucher in Handels- und Geschäftsangelegenheiten [Verbraucherberatung]; Verwaltungstechnische Bearbeitung von Bestellungen; Vermittlung von Verträgen für Dritte über den An- und Verkauf von Waren; Beratung bei der Organisation und Führung von Unternehmen; Hilfe bei der Führung von gewerblichen oder Handelsbetrieben; Werbung; Marketing; Geschäftsführung; Unternehmensverwaltung; Bürodienste; Beratung in Fragen des Personalwesens; Rundfunk- und Fernsehwerbung; Veranstaltung von Messen für wirtschaftliche und Werbezwecke; Sammeln und Zusammenstellen von themenbezogenen Presseartikeln; Präsentation von Waren in Kommunikations-Medien für den Einzelhandel; Öffentlichkeitsarbeit [Public Relations]; Zusammenstellung von Informationsverzeichnissen für Geschäfts- und Werbezwecke; Durchführung von Auktionen und Versteigerungen; Verkaufsförderung [Sales promotion] für Dritte; Werbung für Waren und Dienstleistungen durch Sponsoring von Sportveranstaltungen; Personalanwerbung; Verwaltungsdienstleistungen für Unternehmensverlagerungen; Buchführung; Sponsorensuche; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Bau-, Montage- und Abbrucharbeiten; Installations-, Reinigungs-, Reparatur- und Wartungsarbeiten in Bezug auf Maschinen und Kraftfahrzeuge; Vermietung von Werkzeugen, Baumaschinen und Geräten für Bau-, Abbruch-, Reinigungs- und Wartungsarbeiten; Bergbauarbeiten; Gas- und Ölgewinnungsarbeiten; Schädlingsbekämpfung und -vernichtung [ausgenommen für land-, garten- und forstwirtschaftliche Zwecke] sowie Desinfektion; Umbau, Reparatur, Instandhaltung, Demontage, Wartung, Pflege, Reinigung und Lackierarbeiten von Fahrzeugen, Motoren, Fahrzeugrädern und deren Teilen; Tankdienste für Fahrzeuge; Aufladen von Elektrofahrzeugen, Autobatterien, Mobiltelefonakkus sowie Batterien für Computer und Telefone; Reparatur von Fahrzeugen im Rahmen der Pannenhilfe; Kundenspezifische Durchführung von Umbauten an Karosserie, Fahrwerk und Motor von Kraftfahrzeugen (Tuning), soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Lackieren von Fahrzeugen; Polieren von Fahrzeugen; Rostschutzbehandlung von Fahrzeugen; Fahrzeuginstandhaltung; Reinigung von Fahrzeugen; Runderneuerung von Reifen; Wartung, Reinigung und Reparatur von Dampfkesseln und Brennern; Auskünfte über Reparaturen; Auskünfte in Bauangelegenheiten; Montage von Türen und Fenstern; Steinbrucharbeiten; Installation, Wartung und Reparatur von Maschinen; Wartung und Reparatur von Flugzeugen; Schiffsbau; Reparatur von Fotoapparaten; Reparatur von Uhren; Reparatur von Schlössern; Rostschutzarbeiten; Möbelpflegearbeiten; Instandhaltung, Reinigung und Reparatur von Leder; Desinfektionsarbeiten; Installation und Reparatur von Einbruchalarmanlagen; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Transportwesen; Verpacken und Lagerung von Waren; Veranstaltung von Reisen; Reisedienstleistungen und Transport von Reisenden; Abschleppen von Fahrzeugen; Taxidienste; Transport mit Kraftfahrzeugen; Transportlogistik; Vermietung von Fahrzeugen, insbesondere Automobilen; Beförderung von Personen, insbesondere mit Autobussen; Carsharing-Dienstleistungen; Organisation von Passagierbeförderungsdiensten für Dritte mittels einer Online-Anwendung; Frachtmaklerdienste; Auslieferung von Waren und Paketen; Elektrizitätsspeicherung [Lagerung]; Elektrizitätsverteilung; Verkehrsinformationsdienste; Flottensteuerung von Kraftfahrzeugen mittels Navigations- und Ortungsgeräten. Verlags- und Berichtswesen; Bildung, Erziehung, Unterhaltung und Dienstleistungen im Sport; Übersetzung und Dolmetschen; Ausbildung; sportliche und kulturelle Aktivitäten; Organisation und Durchführung von kulturellen und/oder sportlichen Veranstaltungen; Talent- und Nachwuchsförderung durch Aus- und Fortbildung; Durchführung von Live-Veranstaltungen; Durchführung und Organisation von Online-Veranstaltungen für kulturelle, Unterhaltungs- und sportliche Zwecke; Durchführung von Spielen in Computernetzwerken und im Internet; Bereitstellung virtueller Umgebungen in denen Nutzer zu Erholungs-, Freizeit- oder Unterhaltungszwecken interagieren können; Bereitstellung einer Online-Umgebung für Streaming von Unterhaltungsinhalten und Live-Streaming von Unterhaltungsveranstaltungen; Online-Bereitstellung von nicht herunterladbaren virtuellen Fahrzeugen, Fahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Bekleidungsstücken, Spielzeug, Sportartikeln und -ausrüstungen sowie Kunstgegenständen zur Verwendung in zu Unterhaltungszwecken geschaffenen virtuellen Umgebungen; Bereitstellung von digitalen Online-Veröffentlichungen in Form von nicht austauschbaren Token (NFTs) im Bereich digitaler Kunst über das Internet; Erziehung auf Akademien; Aus- und Fortbildungs- sowie Erziehungsberatung; Veranstaltung von Wettbewerben [Erziehung und Unterhaltung]; Organisation, Veranstaltung und Durchführung von Kolloquien, Konferenzen, Kongressen, Symposien, Seminaren und Workshops [Schulung]; Veranstaltung von Ausstellungen für kulturelle und Unterrichtszwecke; Coaching [Ausbildung]; berufliche Umschulungen; Veranstaltung sportlicher Wettkämpfe; Verleih von Büchern [Leihbücherei]; Veröffentlichung von Büchern; Online Publikation von elektronischen Büchern und Zeitschriften; Betrieb eines Clubs [Unterhaltung]; Tierdressur; Veranstaltung von Lotterien; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. IT-Dienstleistungen; Entwicklung, Programmierung und Implementierung von Software; Entwicklung von Computerhardware; Hosting-Dienste; Software as a Service [SaaS]; Vermietung von Software; Vermietung von Computerhardware und Computeranlagen; IT-Beratungs-, Auskunfts- und Informationsdienstleistungen; IT-Sicherheits-, Schutz- und Instandsetzungsdienste; Datenvervielfältigungsdienste und Datenkonvertierungsdienste; Datenkodierungsdienste; Computeranalyse und Computerdiagnostik; Forschung und Entwicklung sowie Implementierung von Computern und Computersystemen; Computerprojektmanagementdienste; Erstellung digitaler Wasserzeichen; Dienstleistungen in Bezug auf Computernetzwerke; Technologische Dienste in Bezug auf Computer; Computernetzwerkdienste; Online-Computerdienste; Aktualisierung der Speicherbanken von Computersystemen; Datenmigrationsdienste; Aktualisierung von Websites für Dritte; Überwachung von Computersystemen durch Fernzugriff; Dienstleistungen auf dem Gebiet der Datenverschlüsselung; Beratung auf dem Gebiet der Internet- und Datensicherheit; Server-Hosting; Cloud-Computing; Cloud Hosting-Dienste; Bereitstellung von virtuellen Computersystemen durch Cloud-Computing; Bereitstellung von virtuellen Computerumgebungen durch Cloud-Computing; Konzeption und Entwicklung von Software für die virtuelle Realität; Entwurf von virtuellen Fahrzeugfabriken, Fahrzeuggeschäften und -händlern und Fahrzeugverkaufsstellen; Design von virtuellen Fahrzeugen, Teilen und Zubehör von Fahrzeugen, Bekleidungsstücken, Spielzeug, Sportartikeln und -ausrüstungen sowie Kunstgegenständen; Software als Dienstleistung (SaaS) und Plattform als Dienstleistung (PaaS) für Software zur Verwendung im Zusammenhang mit der Bereitstellung einer digitalen Plattform für digitale Kunst, Krypto-Sammelobjekte, nicht austauschbare Token (NFTs) sowie Marktplätze und Auktionen für nicht austauschbare Token (NFTs); Wissenschaftliche und technologische Dienstleistungen; Prüfung, Authentifizierung und Qualitätskontrolle; Designdienstleistungen; industrielle Analyse- und Forschungsdienstleistungen; Styling [industrielles Design]; Entwicklungs- und Recherchedienste bzgl. neuer Produkte für Dritte; Bereitstellung von wissenschaftlicher Information und Beratung zum CO2-Ausgleich; Digitalisieren von Dokumenten [Scannen]; Entwicklung von Fahrzeugen; Dienstleistungen von Ingenieuren; Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der Technik; Erstellung von technischen Gutachten; Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der Chemie; biologische Forschung; Wettervorhersage; physikalische Forschungen; Dienstleistungen eines Architekten; Dienstleistungen eines Modedesigners; Echtheitsbeglaubigungen von Kunstwerken; Impfen von Wolken; Design von Computersoftware; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Verpflegung von Gästen; Beherbergung von Gästen.



Application Number 018954831
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-11-23
Registration Date 2024-04-13
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorised land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electricbicycles; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Prams; Small wagons for transporting children; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys, Trolleys for hand traction, Trolleys [mobile carts]; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, adhesive rubber patches for repairing inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retail services in relation to the following goods: Virtual goods, Namely vehicles, Parts and accessories for vehicles, Clothing, Toys, Sporting articles, sport equipment, Works of art for use in virtual environments; Provision of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services, in relation to the following fields: virtual reality games; Retailing in the field of creative work (art work and digital arts), in relation to the following fields: automotive industries, Toy industry, Sport and Pop culture; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Building, construction and demolition; Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Mining extraction; Gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Charging of electric vehicles, Vehicle battery charging, Cell phone battery charging services, Computer and telephone battery recharge services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), All the aforesaid services being included in this class; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018954114
Status Pending
Filing Date 2023-11-22
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air or water, and parts therefor; Motorised land vehicles, other than rail vehicles; Autonomous cars; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electricbicycles; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Prams; Small wagons for transporting children; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys, Trolleys for hand traction, Trolleys [mobile carts]; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, adhesive rubber patches for repairing inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class; None of the aforesaid goods in connection with rail vehicles. Toys, Games, Toys and Practical jokes (novelties) for parties; Toy cars; Scale model kits [toys]; Soft toys and other stuffed toys; Scale model vehicles; Toy vehicles; Automobile engine models being toys; Scooters [toys]; Children's riding vehicles [playthings]; Remote-controlled toy vehicles; Children's four-wheeled vehicles [playthings]; Balls for games; Kaleidoscopes; Board games; Jigsaw puzzles; Playing cards; Playing balls; Gloves for games; Toy pushchairs; Kites; Toys presented in an advent calendar; Toy dough; Racing car games; Articles for playing golf; Fairground and playground apparatus; Slot machines [gaming machines]; Electronic games; Sporting articles and equipment, gymnastic articles; Appliances for gymnastics; Floats for fishing; Camouflage screens [sports articles]; Stationary exercise bicycles; Archery implements, Decorations for Christmas trees; Artificial Christmas trees; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class; none of the aforesaid goods in relation to the following goods: video games or Computer games, or Electronic games software for mobile telephones. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retail services in relation to the following goods: Virtual goods, Namely vehicles, Parts and accessories for vehicles, Clothing, Toys, Sporting articles, sport equipment, Works of art for use in virtual environments; Provision of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services, in relation to the following fields: virtual reality games; Retailing in the field of creative work (art work and digital arts), in relation to the following fields: automotive industries, Toy industry, Sport and Pop culture; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class; None of the aforesaid services in connection with or relating to video or computer games or electronic games software for mobile telephones. Building, construction and demolition; Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Mining extraction; Gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Charging of electric vehicles, Vehicle battery charging, Cell phone battery charging services, Computer and telephone battery recharge services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), All the aforesaid services being included in this class; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018931990
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-09-29
Registration Date 2024-02-16
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Scientific, research, navigation, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, audiovisual, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, detecting, testing, inspecting, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; Apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; Recorded and downloadable media, blank digital or analogue recording and memory carriers; Information technology and audiovisual equipment; Magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers; Apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; Optical devices, enhancers and correctors; Safety, security, protection and signalling devices; Diving equipment; Navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; Measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; Automatic indicators of low pressure in vehicle tyres; Mileage recorders for vehicles; Scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators; Contact lenses and eyeglasses, Spectacle cases, Binoculars, optical magnifiers; Sunglasses; Mobile phone cases with lanyards; Mobile phone chains; Covers for smartphones; Vehicle breakdown warning triangles; Warning lamps for vehicles (not parts of vehicles); Electric batteries and parts therefor; Electric accumulators and parts therefor; Fuel cells and parts thereof; Solar batteries; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Chargers for electrical batteries; Burglar alarm apparatus; Fire alarm apparatus; Smoke alarms; Gas escape warning apparatus; Anti-theft warning apparatus; Fire extinguishers; Fire engines; Scales; Spirit levels; Compasses for measuring; Rulers [measuring instruments]; Acid hydrometers; Quantity indicators; Electronic control apparatus and current/voltage supply apparatus for vehicle headlamps and vehicle lights, and all parts therefor; Light-emitting diodes [LED], Electronic power controllers; Electrical and electronic control apparatus; Regulating apparatus and instruments; Simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; Artificial intelligence software for vehicles; Voltage regulators for vehicles; Speed indicators; Revolution counters; Measuring apparatus and instruments; Life-saving equipment, namely life rafts, rescue ladders, safety nets, safety tarpaulins, lifebelts, lifebuoys, lifejackets; Electrical fuses; Relays, electric; Lasers, not for medical purposes, laser pointers; Remote control apparatus, remote controls; Aerials; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Mobile telephones; Telephone apparatus; Television apparatus; Video telephones; Radios; Directional compasses; Apparatus for navigation; Navigational instruments; Telematic apparatus; Telematic terminal apparatus; Magnetic, optical and computer data carriers, Vinyl records, compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; Sound recording carriers, Musical juke boxes, Compact discs [read-only memory]; Downloadable music files; Signs, luminous; Compact disc players; DVD players; Video telephones; Phototelegraphy apparatus; Projection apparatus; Cameras [photography]; Films, exposed; Cinematographic cameras; Photocopiers; Electronic translation apparatus (computers); Electronic pocket translators; Magnetic cards, integrated circuit cards (smart cards), encoded telephone cards; Coin-operated mechanisms; Automatic teller machines; Cash registers, calculating machines; Data processing equipment; Computers; Electronic agendas; Facsimile machines; Monitors (computer hardware and programs); Computer peripheral devices; Computer programs for use in autonomous driving of vehicles; Computer programs for use in the autonomous navigation of vehicles; Computer programs for use in autonomous control of vehicles; Recorded and downloadable computer programs, in particular data files in electronic form; Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; Computer software; Application software; Mobile apps; Pocket calculators; Electronic publications, downloadable; Downloadable image files; downloadable virtual goods, namely Software in relation to the following goods: vehicles, Parts and fittings for vehicles, And clothing, playthings, Sporting articles and equipment, Works of art, all the aforesaid goods for use in virtual environments; downloadable virtual goods, namely Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for creating and trading digital collectibles using blockchain-based software technology for vehicles, parts and fittings for vehicles, clothing, toys, sports articles and equipment and works of art for use in virtual environments; Downloadable digital media, namely, Digital collectibles created using blockchain-based software technology in the form of personalised photographs, images, videos and virtual experiences, in relation to the following fields: automotive industries, Fine art, entertainment, For sports and Pop culture; Digital materials, namely, Unique data units being unique creative work, in relation to the following fields: automotive industries, Fine art, entertainment, For sports and Pop culture; Crash test dummies; Microscopes; Cables, electric; Sockets, plugs and other contacts [electric connections]; Igniting apparatus, electric, for igniting at a distance; Radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; Head protection; Locks, electric; electronic controllers and electronic control systems; Security tokens [encryption devices]; Electronic access control systems for interlocking doors; Thermal imaging cameras; Scales with body mass analysers; Covers for tablet computers; Black boxes [data recorders]; Digital weather stations; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Interactive touch screen terminals; Smart rings; Electric and electronic effects units for musical instruments; Audio interfaces; Equalisers [audio apparatus]; Parking sensors for vehicles; Teaching robots; Humanoid robots with artificial intelligence; Personal digital assistants [PDAs]; Rearview cameras for vehicles; Electric wire harnesses for automobiles; Telecommunication apparatus in the form of jewellery; Data gloves; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorised land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, adhesive rubber patches for repairing inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electricbicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Toys, games and playthings, and novelties for parties, dances (party favours); Soft toys and other stuffed toys; Balls for games; Kaleidoscopes; Board games; Playing cards; Playing balls; Gloves for games; Scale model kits [toys]; Scale model vehicles; Toy vehicles; Scooters [toys]; Children's riding vehicles [playthings]; Toy cars; Remote-controlled toy vehicles; Racing car games; Arcade video game machines; Video game apparatus; Video game consoles; Fairground and playground apparatus; Slot machines [gaming machines], Sporting articles and equipment, gymnastic articles; Appliances for gymnastics; Floats for fishing; Camouflage screens [sports articles]; Stationary exercise bicycles; Archery implements; Decorations for Christmas trees; Artificial Christmas trees; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retail services in relation to: Virtual goods, Namely vehicles, Parts and accessories for vehicles, Clothing, Toys, Sports goods and equipment and objects d'art, The aforesaid goods being for use in virtual environments; Provision of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services, in relation to the following goods: virtual reality games; Retailing in the field of creative work (art work and digital arts), in relation to the following fields: automotive industries, Toy industry, Sport and Pop culture; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Building, construction and demolition; Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Mining extraction; Gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Charging of electric vehicles, Vehicle battery charging, Cell phone battery charging services, Computer and telephone battery recharge services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), All the aforesaid services being included in this class; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018929579
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-09-25
Registration Date 2024-02-07
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 38 - Telecommunications services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 43 - Food and drink services, temporary accommodation

Goods & Services

Scientific, research, navigation, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, audiovisual, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, detecting, testing, inspecting, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; Apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; Recorded and downloadable media, blank digital or analogue recording and memory carriers; Information technology and audiovisual equipment; Magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers; Apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; Optical devices, enhancers and correctors; Safety, security, protection and signalling devices; Diving equipment; Navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; Measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; Automatic indicators of low pressure in vehicle tyres; Mileage recorders for vehicles; Scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators; Contact lenses and eyeglasses, Spectacle cases, Binoculars, optical magnifiers; Sunglasses; Mobile phone cases with lanyards; Mobile phone chains; Covers for smartphones; Vehicle breakdown warning triangles; Warning lamps for vehicles (not parts of vehicles); Electric batteries and parts therefor; Electric accumulators and parts therefor; Fuel cells and parts thereof; Solar batteries; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Chargers for electrical batteries; Burglar alarm apparatus; Fire alarm apparatus; Smoke alarms; Gas escape warning apparatus; Anti-theft warning apparatus; Fire extinguishers; Fire engines; Scales; Spirit levels; Compasses for measuring; Rulers [measuring instruments]; Acid hydrometers; Quantity indicators; Electronic control apparatus and current/voltage supply apparatus for vehicle headlamps and vehicle lights, and all parts therefor; Light-emitting diodes [LED], Electronic power controllers; Electrical and electronic control apparatus; Regulating apparatus and instruments; Simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; Artificial intelligence software for vehicles; Voltage regulators for vehicles; Speed indicators; Revolution counters; Measuring apparatus and instruments; Life-saving equipment, namely life rafts, rescue ladders, safety nets, safety tarpaulins, lifebelts, lifebuoys, lifejackets; Electrical fuses; Relays, electric; Lasers, not for medical purposes, laser pointers; Remote control apparatus, remote controls; Aerials; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Mobile telephones; Telephone apparatus; Television apparatus; Video telephones; Radios; Directional compasses; Apparatus for navigation; Navigational instruments; Telematic apparatus; Telematic terminal apparatus; Magnetic, optical and computer data carriers, Vinyl records, compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; Sound recording carriers, Musical juke boxes, Compact discs [read-only memory]; Downloadable music files; Headphones; Loudspeakers; Cabinets for loudspeakers; Signs, luminous; Compact disc players; DVD players; Video telephones; Phototelegraphy apparatus; Projection apparatus; Cameras [photography]; Films, exposed; Cinematographic cameras; Photocopiers; Electronic translation apparatus (computers); Electronic pocket translators; Magnetic cards, integrated circuit cards (smart cards), encoded telephone cards; Coin-operated mechanisms; Automatic teller machines; Cash registers, calculating machines; Data processing equipment; Computers; Electronic agendas; Facsimile machines; Monitors (computer hardware and programs); Computer peripheral devices; Computer programs for use in autonomous driving of vehicles; Computer programs for use in the autonomous navigation of vehicles; Computer programs for use in autonomous control of vehicles; Recorded and downloadable computer programs, in particular data files in electronic form; Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; Computer software; Application software; Mobile apps; Pocket calculators; Electronic publications, downloadable; Downloadable image files; downloadable virtual goods, namely, Software, in relation to the following goods: vehicles, Parts and fittings for vehicles, And clothing, playthings, Sporting articles and equipment and Works of art, all the aforesaid goods for use in virtual environments; downloadable virtual goods, namely, Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for creating and trading digital collectibles using blockchain-based software technology, in relation to the following goods: vehicles, Parts and fittings for vehicles, And clothing, playthings, Sporting articles and equipment and Works of art, all the aforesaid goods for use in virtual environments; Downloadable digital media, namely, Digital collectibles created using blockchain-based software technology in the form of personalised photographs, images, videos and virtual experiences, in relation to the following fields: automotive industries, Fine art, entertainment, For sports and Pop culture; Digital materials, namely, Unique data units being unique creative work, in relation to the following fields: automotive industries, Fine art, entertainment, For sports and Pop culture; Crash test dummies; Microscopes; Cables, electric; Sockets, plugs and other contacts [electric connections]; Igniting apparatus, electric, for igniting at a distance; Radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; Head protection; Locks, electric; electronic controllers and electronic control systems; Security tokens [encryption devices]; Electronic access control systems for interlocking doors; Thermal imaging cameras; Scales with body mass analysers; Covers for tablet computers; Black boxes [data recorders]; Digital weather stations; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Interactive touch screen terminals; Smart rings; Electric and electronic effects units for musical instruments; Audio interfaces; Equalisers [audio apparatus]; Parking sensors for vehicles; Teaching robots; Humanoid robots with artificial intelligence; Personal digital assistants [PDAs]; Rearview cameras for vehicles; Electric wire harnesses for automobiles; Telecommunication apparatus in the form of jewellery; Data gloves; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorised land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, adhesive rubber patches for repairing inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electricbicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retail services in relation to the following goods: Virtual goods, Namely vehicles, Parts and accessories for vehicles, Clothing, Toys, Sporting articles, sport equipment, Works of art for use in virtual environments; Provision of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services, in relation to the following fields: virtual reality games; Retailing in the field of creative work (art work and digital arts), in relation to the following fields: automotive industries, Toy industry, Sport and Pop culture; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class; all the aforementioned services relating to the following fields: Automotive field. Building, construction and demolition; Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Mining extraction; Gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Charging of electric vehicles, Vehicle battery charging, Cell phone battery charging services, Computer and telephone battery recharge services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), All the aforesaid services being included in this class; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Telecommunication services; Telecommunication services; Collection and delivery of messages by electronic mail; Electronic message collection and transmission; News agency services; Telecommunication services provided via Internet platforms and portals; Providing access to information on the Internet; Electronic exchange of messages via chat lines, chatrooms and Internet forums; Rental of telecommunication equipment; Radio broadcasting; Television broadcasting; Transmission of electronic mail; Information about telecommunication; Providing user access to global computer networks; Providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; Providing user access to computer programmes in data networks; Providing internet chatrooms; Providing video conferencing services; Wireless cellular phone services; Wireless broadcasting; Computer aided transmission of messages and images; Paging services [radio, telephone or other means of electronic communication]; Satellite transmission; Telephone services; Message sending; Rental of telecommunication facilities; Rental of message sending apparatus; Rental of access time to global computer networks; Providing access to databases; Telematics services; Telematic communication services; Telematic data transmission and file transfer; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Transport; Packaging and storage and warehousing of goods; Arranging of transportation for travel tours; Travel and passenger transportation; Towing; Taxi transport; Car transport; Transportation logistics; Rental of vehicles, in particular cars; Passenger transport, in particular by bus; Car sharing services; Arranging of passenger transportation services for others via an online application; Freight brokerage [forwarding (Am.)]; Delivery of goods and parcels; Storage of electricity; Electricity distribution; Traffic information; Controlling of fleet vehicles using navigational and positioning apparatus; all the aforesaid services, in relation to the following fields: Automotive field. Publishing and reporting; Teaching, Educational instruction and Entertainment services in the following fields: sports, Sporting services; Translation and interpretation; Training; Sporting and cultural activities; Arranging and conducting of cultural and/or sports events; Talent promotion through training and further training; Presentation of live performances; conducting, Organising, in relation to the followings fields: Online events, for cultural purposes, For entertainment purposes, For sporting purposes; Playing games on computer networks and on the Internet; Providing of virtual environments enabling users to interact for recreational, leisure or entertainment purposes; providing an online environment featuring streaming of entertainment content and live streaming of entertainment events; Providing of online, non-downloadable virtual vehicles, parts and fittings for vehicles, clothing, sports articles and equipment and works of art for use in virtual environments created for entertainment purposes; Providing of online digital publications in the form of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in the field of digital art via the internet; Academies [education]; Education information; Organization of competitions [education or entertainment]; Organisation, arranging and conducting of colloquiums, conferences, congresses, symposiums, seminars and workshops [training]; Organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; Coaching [training]; Vocational retraining; Organization of sports competitions; Library services; Publication of books; Online publication of electronic books and journals; Provision of club entertainment services; Animal training; Organization of lotteries; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class; all the aforesaid services featuring the following fields: Automotive field. IT services; Software development, programming and implementation; Computer hardware development; Hosting of computer sites (websites); Software as a service [SaaS]; Rental of software; Rental of computer hardware and computer installations; IT consultancy, advisory and information services; IT security, protection and restoration; Data duplication and Data conversion; data coding services; Computer analysis and Computer diagnostic services; Research and development, and implementation of computers and computer systems; Computer project management; Digital watermarking; Computer network services; Technological services relating to computers; Computer network services; On-line computer services; Updating the memory banks of computer systems; Data migration services; Updating of websites, for others; Monitoring of computer systems by remote access; Data encryption services; Consultancy in the field of the internet and data security; Server hosting; Cloud computing; Cloud hosting provider services; Providing virtual computer systems through cloud computing; Providing virtual computer environments through cloud computing; Design and development of virtual reality software; Design of virtual vehicle factories, vehicle shops and dealerships and points of sale for vehicles; Design of virtual vehicles, parts and fittings for vehicles, clothing, sports articles and equipment and works of art; Software as a service (SaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS) for software for use in connection with the providing of a digital platform for digital art, crypto collectibles, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and marketplaces and auctions for non-fungible tokens (NFTs); Science and technology services; Testing, authentication and quality control; Design services; Industrial analysis and research services; Styling [industrial design]; Research and development for others with regard to new products; Provision of scientific information, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon offsetting; Digitization of documents [scanning]; Development of vehicles; Engineering services; Technical research; Surveying; Chemical research; Biological research; Weather forecasting; Physics (research); Architectural services; Dress designing; Authenticating works of art; Cloud seeding; Software design for others; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Provision of food and drink; Temporary accommodation; all the aforesaid services, in relation to the following fields: Automotive field.



Application Number 018881379
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-05-30
Registration Date 2023-09-27
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 43 - Food and drink services, temporary accommodation

Goods & Services

Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorised land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, adhesive rubber patches for repairing inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electricbicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Decorations for Christmas trees; Toys, games, playthings and novelties; Scale model kits [toys]; Soft toys and other stuffed toys; Slot machines [gaming machines], arcade video game machines; Video game apparatus; Video game consoles; Electronic games; Scale model vehicles; Toy vehicles; Automobile engine models being toys; Scooters [toys]; Children's riding vehicles [playthings]; Toy cars; Remote-controlled toy vehicles; Children's four-wheeled vehicles [playthings]; Balls for games; Kaleidoscopes; Board games; Jigsaw puzzles; Playing cards; Playing balls; Stationary exercise bicycles; Archery implements; Appliances for gymnastics; Racing car games; Gloves for games; Floats for fishing; Camouflage screens [sports articles]; Toy pushchairs; Kites; Toys presented in an advent calendar; Toy dough; Articles for playing golf; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retail services in relation to: Virtual goods, Namely vehicles, Parts and accessories for vehicles, Clothing, Toys, Sports goods and equipment and objects d'art, The aforesaid goods being for use in virtual environments; Provision of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services, in relation to the following fields: virtual reality games; Retailing in the field of creative work (art work and digital arts), in relation to the following fields: automotive industries, Toy industry, Sport and Pop culture; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Arranging of exhibitions For commercial or advertising purposes, in relation to the following fields: Motor cars; News clipping services, in relation to the following fields: Motor cars; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services, in relation to the following fields: Motor cars; Sales promotion for others, in relation to the following fields: Motor cars; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Building, construction and demolition; Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Mining extraction; Gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Charging of electric vehicles, Vehicle battery charging, Cell phone battery charging services, Computer and telephone battery recharge services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), All the aforesaid services being included in this class; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Transport; Packaging and storage and warehousing of goods; Arranging of transportation for travel tours; Travel and passenger transportation; Towing; Taxi transport; Car transport; Transportation logistics; Rental of vehicles, in particular cars; Passenger transport, in particular by bus; Car sharing services; Arranging of passenger transportation services for others via an online application; Freight brokerage [forwarding (Am.)]; Delivery of goods and parcels; Storage of electricity; Electricity distribution; Traffic information; Controlling of fleet vehicles using navigational and positioning apparatus. Provision of food and drink; Temporary accommodation.



Application Number 018875922
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-05-17
Registration Date 2023-10-04
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 35 - Advertising and business services

Goods & Services

Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retail services in relation to: Virtual goods, Namely vehicles, Parts and accessories for vehicles, Clothing, Toys, Sports goods and equipment, objects d'art, For use in virtual environments; Provision of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services, in relation to the following goods: virtual reality games; Retailing in the field of creative work (art work and digital arts), in relation to the following fields: automotive industries, Toy industry, Sport and Pop culture; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 018871684
Status Pending
Filing Date 2023-05-08
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 14 - Precious metals and their alloys; jewelry; time-keeping instruments
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 18 - Leather and imitations of leather
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 43 - Food and drink services, temporary accommodation

Goods & Services

Wissenschaftliche, Forschungs-, Navigations-, Vermessungs-, fotografische, Film-, audiovisuelle, optische, Wäge-, Mess-, Signal-, Detektions-, Prüf-, Kontroll-, Rettungs- und Unterrichtsapparate und -instrumente; Apparate und Instrumente zum Leiten, Schalten, Umwandeln, Speichern, Regeln oder Kontrollieren der Verteilung oder Nutzung von Elektrizität; Geräte und Instrumente zur Aufzeichnung, Übertragung, Wiedergabe oder Verarbeitung von Ton, Bild oder Daten; Aufgezeichnete und herunterladbare Medien, leere digitale oder analoge Aufzeichnungs- und Speichermedien; informationstechnologische und audiovisuelle Geräte; Magnete, Magnetisierungs- und Entmagnetisierungsvorrichtungen; Apparate, Instrumente und Kabel für Elektrizität; optische Geräte und Ausrüstung, Verstärkungsgeräte und Korrektoren; Sicherungs-, Sicherheits-, Schutz- und Signalgeräte sowie -ausrüstung; Navigations-, Orientierungs-, Standortverfolgungs-, Zielverfolgungs- und Kartierungsgeräte; Mess-, Erkennungs- und Überwachungsinstrumente, -vorrichtungen sowie -regler; Automatische Druckverlustanzeiger für Fahrzeugreifen; Fahrtenschreiber für Fahrzeuge; Kontaktlinsen, Brillen, Brillenetuis, Ferngläser, optische Lupen; Sonnenbrillen; Handyhüllen mit Kordel; Handyketten; Hüllen für Smartphones; Warndreiecke für Fahrzeuge; Warnlampen für Fahrzeuge [keine Teile von Fahrzeugen]; Elektrische Batterien und deren Teile; Elektrische Akkumulatoren und deren Teile; Brennstoffzellen und deren Teile; Sonnenbatterien; Elektrische Batterien für Fahrzeuge; Elektrische Akkumulatoren für Fahrzeuge; Ladegeräte für elektrische Batterien; Einbruchalarmgeräte; Feueralarmgeräte; Rauchalarmgeräte; Gaswarngeräte; Diebstahlalarmgeräte; Feuerlöschgeräte; Waagen; Wasserwaagen; Elektronische Steuergeräte und Strom-/Spannungsversorgungsgeräte für Fahrzeugscheinwerfer und Fahrzeugleuchten und deren jeweilige Teile; Leuchtdioden [LEDs], Elektronische Leistungsregler; Elektrische und elektronische Steuergeräte; Regelgeräte und -instrumente; Simulatoren für die Lenkung und die Kontrolle von Fahrzeugen; Künstliche Intelligenz-Software für Fahrzeuge; Spannungsregler für Fahrzeuge; Geschwindigkeitsanzeiger; Drehzahlmesser; Thermometer; Parkuhren; Messgeräte und Messinstrumente; Rettungsvorrichtungen, nämlich Rettungsflöße, Rettungsleitern, Rettungsnetze, Rettungsplanen, Rettungsringe, Rettungsbojen, Rettungswesten; Elektrische Sicherungen; Elektrische Relais; Laser nicht für medizinische Zwecke, Laserpointer; Fernsteuerungsgeräte, Fernbedienungen; Antennen; Navigationsgeräte für Fahrzeuge; Mobiltelefone; Telefonapparate; Fernsehapparate; Bildtelefone; Radios; Kompasse; Navigationsgeräte; Navigationsinstrumente; Telematikapparate; Telematikendgeräte; Magnetische, elektronische und optische Aufzeichnungsträger, Schallplatten, CDs, DVDs und andere digitale Aufzeichnungsträger; Tonträger, Musikautomaten [geldbetätigt], Compact-Disks [ROM, Festspeicher]; Musikdateien zum Herunterladen; Kopfhörer; Lautsprecher; Lautsprecherboxen; Leuchtschilder; CD-Player; DVD-Player; Videotelefone; Bildfunkgeräte; Projektionsgeräte; Fotoapparate; belichtete Filme; Filmkameras; Fotokopiergeräte; Elektronische Übersetzungsgeräte (Computer); Elektronische Taschenübersetzer; Magnetkarten, Karten mit integrierten Schaltkreisen (Smartcards), codierte Telefonkarten; Mechaniken für geldbetätigte Apparate; Bank-, Geldautomaten; Registrierkassen, Rechenmaschinen; Hardware für die Datenverarbeitung; Computer; Elektronische Terminkalender; Faxgeräte; Monitore (Computerhardware und -programme); Computerperipheriegeräte; Computerprogramme zur Verwendung für das autonome Fahren von Fahrzeugen; Computerprogramme zur Verwendung bei der autonomen Navigation von Fahrzeugen; Computerprogramme zur Verwendung bei der autonomen Steuerung von Fahrzeugen; gespeicherte und herunterladbare Computerprogramme, insbesondere Datensammlungen in elektronischer Form; Gespeicherte oder herunterladbare Software-Plattformen; Computersoftware; Anwendungssoftware; Mobile Apps; Computerprogramme für Videospiele, Software für elektronische Spiele; Herunterladbare, interaktive Unterhaltungssoftware zum Spielen von Videospielen; Videospiele [Computerspiele] in Form von auf Datenträgern gespeicherten Computerprogrammen; Taschenrechner; Elektronische Publikationen [herunterladbar]; Herunterladbare Bilddateien; Herunterladbare virtuelle Waren, nämlich Computerprogramme in Bezug auf Fahrzeuge, Teile und Zubehör für Fahrzeuge, Bekleidungsstücke, Spielzeug, Sportartikel und -ausrüstung sowie Kunstgegenstände zur Verwendung in virtuellen Umgebungen; Herunterladbare virtuelle Waren, nämlich nicht austauschbare Token (NFTs) zum Erstellen und Handeln digitaler Sammlerstücke unter Verwendung Blockchain-basierter Softwaretechnologie für Fahrzeuge, Teile und Zubehör für Fahrzeuge, Bekleidungsstücke, Spielzeug, Sportartikel und -ausrüstung sowie Kunstgegenstände zur Verwendung in virtuellen Umgebungen; Herunterladbare digitale Medien, nämlich mit Blockchain-basierter Softwaretechnologie erstellte digitale Sammlerstücke in Form von personalisierten Fotos, Bildern, Videos und virtuellen Erlebnissen im Bereich Automobilindustrie, Kunst, Unterhaltung, Sport und Popkultur; Digitales Material, nämlich einzigartige Dateneinheiten als einmalige kreative Arbeit im Bereich Automobilindustrie, Kunst, Unterhaltung, Sport und Popkultur; Crashtest-Dummys; Mikroskope; Elektrokabel; Steckdosen; Elektrische Fernzündungsgeräte; Elektrische Schlösser; Elektronische Steuerungen und elektronische Steuerungssysteme; Security-Tokens [Verschlüsselungsgeräte]; Hüllen für Tablet-Computer; Blackboxes [Datenrekorder]; Digitale Wetterstationen; Ladestationen für elektrische Fahrzeuge; Interaktive Touch-Screen-Terminals; Smart-Ringe; Elektrische und elektronische Effekteinheiten für Musikinstrumente; Audioschnittstellen; Equalizer [Audio Apparate]; Parksensoren für Fahrzeuge; Lehrroboter; Humanoide Roboter mit künstlicher Intelligenz; PDA-Computer [Personal Digital Assistants]; Rückfahrkameras für Fahrzeuge; Elektrokabelbäume für Kraftfahrzeuge; Telekommunikationsgeräte in Form von Schmuckwaren; Datenhandschuhe; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Fahrzeuge und Beförderungsmittel; Fahrzeuge zur Beförderung auf dem Lande, in der Luft, auf dem Wasser oder auf Schienen sowie deren Teile; motorisierte Landfahrzeuge; führerlose Fahrzeuge [autonome Fahrzeuge]; Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge; Triebwerke für Landfahrzeuge; Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge; Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen; Kupplungen für Landfahrzeuge; Stoßdämpfer für Fahrzeuge; Stoßdämpferfedern für Fahrzeuge; Reifen (Pneus); Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Felgen für Fahrzeugräder; Vollgummireifen für Fahrzeugräder; Fahrzeugräder; Naben für Fahrzeugräder; Radmuttern für Fahrzeugräder; Schläuche für Reifen; Laufmäntel für Luftreifen; Schaumstoffeinlagen für Reifen; Flickzeug für Reifenschläuche, selbstklebende Flickgummis für die Reparatur von Reifenschläuchen; Spikes für Reifen; Schneeketten; Gleitschutzvorrichtungen für Fahrzeugreifen; Fahrzeugsitze; Rückspiegel; Kopfstützen für Fahrzeugsitze; Alarmanlagen für Fahrzeuge, Diebstahlsicherungen für Fahrzeuge; Zigarettenanzünder für Automobile; Kraftfahrzeuge; Automobile; Roboterautos; Rennwagen; Lastkraftwagen; Anhänger und Sattelauflieger für Fahrzeuge; Anhängerkupplungen für Fahrzeuge; Omnibusse; Motorräder; Mopeds; Fahrräder; Elektrische Fahrräder; Kameradrohnen; Helikopter-Kameras; Drahtseilfördergeräte und -anlagen; Karren, Einkaufswagen, Gepäckwagen, Handwagen, mobile Handkarren; Luftfahrzeuge; Boote, Schiffe; Lokomotiven; Autobusse; Wohnwagen; Traktoren; Zweiräder, Roller [Fahrzeuge]; Hoverboards; Selbstbalancierende Elektroroller; Selbstbalancierende Einräder; Selbstbalancierende Einrad-Elektroroller; Sessellifte, Seilbahnen; Rollstühle; Kinderwagen; Wägelchen zum Transport von Kindern; Clips für die Befestigung von Kraftfahrzeugteilen an Kraftfahrzeugkarosserien; Becherhalter für Fahrzeuge; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Perlen, Edelmetall, und Edelmetalle sowie Imitationen hiervon; Juwelierwaren, Schmuckwaren; Zeitmessgeräte und Uhren; Armbanduhren und Stoppuhren und Taschenuhren, Uhrenetuis; Schmuck- und Uhrenbehältnisse; Armbänder aus besticktem Stoff [Schmuck]; Krawattennadeln; Manschettenknöpfe; Anstecknadeln [Schmuckwaren]; Andere Waren aus Edelmetall und Edelsteinen sowie Imitationen hiervon, nämlich Statuen und Figuren, Verzierungen, Münzen und Wertmarken, Kunstwerke aus Edelmetall, Schlüsselringe [Schmuckstücke oder Schlüsselanhänger]; Schlüsselringe aus Metall; Anhänger für Schlüsselringe; Schlüsselanhänger aus Metall; Schlüsselanhänger aus Leder und Kunstleder; Schlüsselanhänger, nicht aus Metall; Schmuckkästen; Schmuckanhänger; Hutverzierungen, aus Edelmetall; Schmuckwaren für Schuhe; Rosenkränze; Misbaha [Gebetsperlen]; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Papier, Pappe (Karton); Druckereierzeugnisse; Kunstwerke und Figuren aus Papier oder Pappe sowie Architekturmodelle; Dekorations- und Künstlerbedarfsmaterialien und -mittel; Filtermaterial aus Papier; Taschen, Beutel und Waren für Verpackungs-, Einpack- und Ablagezwecke aus Papier, Pappe oder Kunststoff; Buchbindeartikel; Photographien; Schreibwaren; Klebstoffe für Papier- und Schreibwaren oder für Haushaltszwecke; Künstlerbedarfsartikel; Pinsel zum Auftragen von Farben; Schreibmaschinen, Schreibgeräte und Büroartikel, ausgenommen Möbel; Lehr- und Unterrichtsmaterial, ausgenommen Apparate; Verpackungsmaterial aus Kunststoff, Drucklettern; Druckstöcke; Atlanten; Kalender; Adventskalender; geographische Karten; Veröffentlichungen (Schriften); gedrucktes Werbematerial und gedruckte Reklame; Notizbücher; Postkarten; Lesezeichen; Notizzettel; Dokumentenhüllen; Stifte (Büromaterial); Kugelschreiber und Bleistifte; Wimpel und Fahnen aus Papier; Servietten aus Papier; Kopierpapier; Toilettenpapier; Handtücher aus Papier; Packpapier; Tinte; Siegelstempel; Zeicheninstrumente; Zeichenmaterialien; Malstaffeleien; Gerahmte oder ungerahmte Bilder [Gemälde]; Modelliermaterial; Banner aus Papier; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Gepäck, Taschen, Brieftaschen und andere Tragebehältnisse; Regen- und Sonnenschirme; Gehstöcke; Reise- und Handkoffer; Taschen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten, insbesondere Sporttaschen, Aktentaschen und Handtaschen; Rucksäcke; Brieftaschen, Geldbörsen; Kulturbeutel; Schlüsseletuis; Satteltaschen; Bekleidungsstücke für Haustiere; Sattlerwaren, Peitschen und Tierbekleidung; Verpackungsbeutel, -hüllen, -taschen aus Leder; Etiketten aus Leder; Tefillin [Gebetsriemen]; Leder, roh oder teilweise bearbeitet; Häute und Felle; Angepasste Kofferanhänger [Lederwaren]; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Kopfbedeckungen; Bekleidungsstücke; Schuhwaren; Polo-Shirts/-hemden; Overalls; T-Shirts; Mäntel; Jacken; Bandanas [Tücher für Bekleidungszwecke]; Unterhosen; Hosen; Babywäsche; Badeanzüge; Regenmäntel; Theaterkostüme; Schuhe; Fussballschuhe; Hüte; Mützen; Strümpfe; Handschuhe [Bekleidung]; Schals und Stolen; Krawatten; Gürtel [Bekleidung]; Duschhauben; Miederwaren; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen für den Versandhandel bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Dienstleistungen des Einzel- und Großhandels über das Internet bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen mittels Teleshopping-Sendungen bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Zusammenstellen, ausgenommen deren Transport, verschiedener Kraftfahrzeuge, Kraftfahrzeugteile und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder für Dritte, um den Verbrauchern Ansicht und Erwerb dieser Waren in einer Einzelhandelsverkaufsstelle zu erleichtern; Vermittlung von Verträgen für Dritte über den An- und Verkauf von Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge oder Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Geschäftsführung eines Fuhrparks für Dritte; Erteilung von Auskünften [Information] und Beratung für Verbraucher in Handels- und Geschäftsangelegenheiten [Verbraucherberatung]; Verwaltungstechnische Bearbeitung von Bestellungen; Vermittlung von Verträgen für Dritte über den An- und Verkauf von Waren; Beratung bei der Organisation und Führung von Unternehmen; Hilfe bei der Führung von gewerblichen oder Handelsbetrieben; Werbung; Marketing; Geschäftsführung; Unternehmensverwaltung; Bürodienste; Beratung in Fragen des Personalwesens; Rundfunk- und Fernsehwerbung; Veranstaltung von Messen für wirtschaftliche und Werbezwecke; Sammeln und Zusammenstellen von themenbezogenen Presseartikeln; Präsentation von Waren in Kommunikations-Medien für den Einzelhandel; Öffentlichkeitsarbeit [Public Relations]; Zusammenstellung von Informationsverzeichnissen für Geschäfts- und Werbezwecke; Durchführung von Auktionen und Versteigerungen; Verkaufsförderung [Sales promotion] für Dritte; Werbung für Waren und Dienstleistungen durch Sponsoring von Sportveranstaltungen; Personalanwerbung; Verwaltungsdienstleistungen für Unternehmensverlagerungen; Buchführung; Sponsorensuche. Bau-, Montage- und Abbrucharbeiten; Installations-, Reinigungs-, Reparatur- und Wartungsarbeiten in Bezug auf Maschinen und Kraftfahrzeuge; Vermietung von Werkzeugen, Baumaschinen und Geräten für Bau-, Abbruch-, Reinigungs- und Wartungsarbeiten; Bergbauarbeiten; Gas- und Ölgewinnungsarbeiten; Schädlingsbekämpfung und -vernichtung [ausgenommen für land-, garten- und forstwirtschaftliche Zwecke] sowie Desinfektion; Umbau, Reparatur, Instandhaltung, Demontage, Wartung, Pflege, Reinigung und Lackierarbeiten von Fahrzeugen, Motoren, Fahrzeugrädern und deren Teilen; Tankdienste für Fahrzeuge; Reparatur von Fahrzeugen im Rahmen der Pannenhilfe; Kundenspezifische Durchführung von Umbauten an Karosserie, Fahrwerk und Motor von Kraftfahrzeugen (Tuning), soweit in Klasse 37 enthalten; Lackieren von Fahrzeugen; Polieren von Fahrzeugen; Rostschutzbehandlung von Fahrzeugen; Fahrzeuginstandhaltung; Reinigung von Fahrzeugen; Runderneuerung von Reifen; Wartung, Reinigung und Reparatur von Dampfkesseln und Brennern; Auskünfte über Reparaturen; Auskünfte in Bauangelegenheiten; Montage von Türen und Fenstern; Steinbrucharbeiten; Installation, Wartung und Reparatur von Maschinen; Wartung und Reparatur von Flugzeugen; Schiffsbau; Reparatur von Fotoapparaten; Reparatur von Uhren; Reparatur von Schlössern; Rostschutzarbeiten; Möbelpflegearbeiten; Instandhaltung, Reinigung und Reparatur von Leder; Desinfektionsarbeiten; Installation und Reparatur von Einbruchalarmanlagen; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Transportwesen; Verpacken und Lagerung von Waren; Veranstaltung von Reisen; Reisedienstleistungen und Transport von Reisenden; Abschleppen von Fahrzeugen; Taxidienste; Transport mit Kraftfahrzeugen; Transportlogistik; Vermietung von Fahrzeugen, insbesondere Automobilen; Beförderung von Personen, insbesondere mit Autobussen; Carsharing-Dienstleistungen; Organisation von Passagierbeförderungsdiensten für Dritte mittels einer Online-Anwendung; Frachtmaklerdienste; Auslieferung von Waren und Paketen; Elektrizitätsspeicherung [Lagerung]; Elektrizitätsverteilung; Verkehrsinformationsdienste; Flottensteuerung von Kraftfahrzeugen mittels Navigations- und Ortungsgeräten. Verlags- und Berichtswesen; Bildung, Erziehung, Unterhaltung und Dienstleistungen im Sport; Übersetzung und Dolmetschen; Ausbildung; sportliche und kulturelle Aktivitäten; Organisation und Durchführung von kulturellen und/oder sportlichen Veranstaltungen; Talent- und Nachwuchsförderung durch Aus- und Fortbildung; Durchführung von Live-Veranstaltungen; Durchführung von Spielen in Computernetzwerken und im Internet; Erziehung auf Akademien; Aus- und Fortbildungs- sowie Erziehungsberatung; Veranstaltung von Wettbewerben [Erziehung und Unterhaltung]; Organisation, Veranstaltung und Durchführung von Kolloquien, Konferenzen, Kongressen, Symposien, Seminaren und Workshops [Schulung]; Veranstaltung von Ausstellungen für kulturelle und Unterrichtszwecke; Coaching [Ausbildung]; berufliche Umschulungen; Veranstaltung sportlicher Wettkämpfe; Verleih von Büchern [Leihbücherei]; Veröffentlichung von Büchern; Online Publikation von elektronischen Büchern und Zeitschriften; Betrieb eines Clubs [Unterhaltung oder Unterricht]; Tierdressur; Veranstaltung von Lotterien; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Verpflegung von Gästen; Beherbergung von Gästen.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 018871769
Status Pending
Filing Date 2023-05-08
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
  • 11 - Environmental control apparatus
  • 20 - Furniture and decorative products
  • 21 - HouseHold or kitchen utensils, containers and materials; glassware; porcelain; earthenware
  • 22 - Rope, netting, tents, awnings, sails and sacks; padding and stuffing materials
  • 24 - Textiles and textile goods
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 30 - Basic staples, tea, coffee, baked goods and confectionery
  • 34 - Tobacco; smokers' articles

Goods & Services

Baumaterialien und Bauelemente aus Metall; Kleineisenwaren; Handtaschenhalter aus Metall; Etiketten aus Metall; Türen, Tore, Fenster und Fensterabdeckungen aus Metall; Container sowie Transport- und Verpackungsgegenstände aus Metall; Außenrollläden aus Metall; Bauten und transportable Bauten aus Metall; Statuen und Kunstwerke aus unedlen Metallen; Metallbehälter für den Transport und die Lagerung von Waren; Unedle Metalle und deren Legierungen; Kabel und Drähte aus unedlen Metallen [nicht für elektrische Zwecke]; Schlosserwaren und Kleineisenwaren; Fahrzeugplaketten aus Metall; Fahrzeugschlösser aus Metall; Nummernschilder, aus Metall, für Fahrzeuge; Schilder aus Metall; Radkrallen [Wegfahrsperren]; Leere Werkzeugkästen aus Metall; Leere Werkzeugkoffer aus Metall; Metallrampen für Fahrzeuge; Metallrohre; Geldkassetten [aus Metall oder nicht aus Metall]; Safes [aus Metall oder nicht aus Metall]; Elektronische Safes; Baumaterialien aus Metall; Kisten, Kästen aus Metall; Bronzen für Grabmäler; Flaschenkappen (aus Metall); Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Geräte und Anlagen zu Beleuchtungs-, Heizungs-, Kühlungs-, Dampferzeugungs-, Koch-, Trocknungs-, Lüftungs- und Wasserversorgungszwecken sowie zu sanitären Zwecken; Abzüge und Installationen zum Ableiten von Abgasen; sanitäre Installationen und Einrichtungen; Wasserversorgungseinrichtungen; Brenner, Boiler; Lichtreflektoren; Koch-, Erhitzungs- und Kühlungsgeräte; Kamine; Feuerfeste Öfen, Öfen mit Grills; Campingkocher; Grills; Transportable Feuerstellen; Kühl- und Gefrierausrüstung; Heizungs-, Ventilations-, Klima- und Luftreinigungsgeräte und -anlagen; Beleuchtungsgeräte; Beleuchtungsapparate und -anlagen; Beleuchtungslampen; Beleuchtungsgeräte mit Leuchtdioden [LEDs]; Beleuchtungsanlagen für Luftfahrzeuge; Beleuchtungsgeräte für Fahrzeuge; Lampen für Fahrtrichtungsanzeiger von Fahrzeugen; Beleuchtungsgeräte mit Leuchtdioden [LEDs] für Fahrzeuge; Blendschutzvorrichtungen für Fahrzeuge [Lampenzubehör]; Blendschutzvorrichtungen für Kraftfahrzeuge [Lampenzubehör]; Blitzlichte [Taschenlampen]; Bogenlampen; Campinglaternen; elektrische Kaffeemaschinen; elektrische Lüfter für den persönlichen Gebrauch; Entladungsröhren [elektrisch] für Beleuchtungszwecke; Fahrradleuchten; Fahrzeugleuchten und deren jeweiligen Teile, soweit die jeweiligen Teile in Klasse 11 enthalten; Fahrzeugrückstrahler und deren jeweiligen Teile, soweit die jeweiligen Teile in Klasse 11 enthalten; Fahrzeugscheinwerfer und deren jeweiligen Teile, soweit die jeweiligen Teile in Klasse 11 enthalten; Fassungen für elektrische Lampen; Gasanzünder (Feuerzeuge); Anzünder [Zündgeräte]; Glühbirnen für Beleuchtungszwecke; Glühbirnen [elektrisch]; Glühbrenner; Glühfäden für elektrische Lampen; Grubenlampen; Heizgeräte für feste, flüssige oder gasförmige Brennstoffe; Heizgeräte [elektrisch]; Heizungsanlagen; Heizungsanlagen für Fahrzeuge; Klimaanlagen; Klimaapparate; Kühlanlagen und -maschinen; Kühlapparate; Klimaanlagen für Fahrzeuge; Lampen [elektrisch]; Gaslampen; Lampengläser; Lampenglühstrümpfe; Lampenkugeln; Lampenröhren, -zylinder; Lampenschirme; Lampenschirmhalter; Leuchtröhren für Beleuchtungszwecke; Leuchtröhren mit elektrischer Entladung; Lichtverteiler; Lufterhitzer; Luftfilter [Klimatisierung]; Luftfilteranlagen; Filter [Teile von häuslichen oder gewerblichen Anlagen]; Entfroster für Fahrzeuge; Lüftungsanlagen [Klimatisierung] für Fahrzeuge; Scheibenheizungen für Fahrzeuge; Luftkühlgeräte; Luftreinigungsapparate und -maschinen; Luftreinigungslampen mit keimtötender Wirkung; Luftsprudelbäder; Luftsterilisatoren; Lufttrockner; Lüftungsgeräte [Klimatisierung]; Reflektoren für Lampen; Sicherheitslampen; Solarkollektoren [Heizung]; Taschenlampen; Ultraviolettlampen, nicht für medizinische Zwecke; Wasserleitungsanlagen; Niveauregelventile für Tanks; Elektrische Schokoladenbrunnen; Elektrische Lichterketten; Elektrisch beheizte Kleidung; Speiseeismaschinen; Fahrradblinker; Heiz- und Kühlgeräte zur Ausgabe von heißen und kalten Getränken; USB-betriebene Handwärmer; USB-betriebene Tassenwärmer; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Möbel; Matratzen, Kissen und Polster, Rahmen, Spiegel [versilbertes Glas], Innenjalousien und -rollos sowie Befestigungsteile für Vorhänge und Innenjalousien und –rollos, Kleiderhaken, Badezimmermöbel; Spiegel, Bilderrahmen, Betten; Kissen; Bettzeug, ausgenommen Bettwäsche; Briefkästen, nicht aus Metall oder gemauert; Regale; Schränke; Tische, Schreibtische, Stühle, Polstersessel, Sofas, Hocker, Kinderhochstühle und -lauflerngeräte, Kleiderbügel, Kopfpolster; Campingmöbel, Campingtische, Campingstühle, Campingbetten, Campingmatratzen, Schlafmatten für Campingzwecke, Aufblasbare Matratzen für Campingzwecke; Picknickmöbel, Picknickkörbe; Holzkästen; Kisten aus Kunststoff; Kästen und Kisten, nicht aus Metall; Verschließbare Kisten, nicht aus Metall; Boxen aus Holz oder Kunststoff; Aufbewahrungskästen [Möbel], Aufbewahrungskisten [Möbel], Aufbewahrungsschränke [Möbel] Aufbewahrungskörbe [Möbel]; Kunststoffgefäße zur Aufbewahrung von Waren während des Transports; Behälter für Aufbewahrungszwecke [ausgenommen für Haushalt und Küche]; Schutzbehälter, nicht aus Metall, zur Aufbewahrung von Waren; Verpackungsbehälter aus Kunststoff; Kleiderständer; Ankerbojen nicht aus Metall; Schlösser und Schlüssel nicht aus Metall; Tür-, Tor- und Fensterbeschläge, nicht aus Metall; Ventile, nicht aus Metall; Befestigungsmaterial, nicht aus Metall; Klöppel, nicht aus Metall; Klemmen, nicht aus Metall; Haltegriffe, nicht aus Metall; Haken, nicht aus Metall; Identifikationsarmbänder, nicht aus Metall; Wimpelhalter; Tabletts, nicht aus Metall, Etiketten aus Kunststoff; Tonnen, Fässer nicht aus Metall; Tanks für flüssige Brennstoffe, nicht aus Metall; aufblasbare Werbeartikel, soweit in Klasse 20 enthalten; Kisten, nicht aus Metall; Kanister, nicht aus Metall; Leitern aus Holz oder Kunststoff; Bilderrahmen; Bambus; Kunstgegenstände aus Holz, Wachs, Gips oder aus Kunststoff; Anschlagtafeln; Dekorationsartikel aus Kunststoff für Nahrungsmittel; Behausung und Betten für Tiere; Namensarmbänder, nicht aus Metall, zur Verwendung in Krankenhäusern; Särge und Bestattungsurnen; Garderobenhaken; Vorhangringe; Statuen, Figuren, Kunstwerke sowie Verzierungen und Dekorationen aus Materialien wie Holz, Wachs, Gips, Kunststoff, Kork, Rohr, Binsen, Weide, Horn, Knochen, Elfenbein, Fischbein, Schildpatt, Bernstein, Perlmutter, Meerschaum und deren Ersatzstoffen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Behälter sowie Verschlüsse und Halter hierfür, nicht aus Metall; Leitern, nicht aus Metall; Mobile Treppen, nicht aus Metall; Kunststofframpen für Fahrzeuge; Displays, Ständer und Beschilderungen, nicht aus Metall; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Statuen, Figuren, Schilder und Kunstwerke aus Materialien wie Porzellan, Keramik, Steingut und Glas, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Geräte und Behälter für Haushalt und Küche; Geräte und Behälter für Haushalt und Küche; Teller, Tassen, Becher, Trinkgefäße, Kannen und Krüge, Serviergeschirr, Schüsseln, Schalen, Eierbecher, Teeservice; Eiszangen; Salatzangen; Servierkellen; Stößel für die Küche; Mörser für die Küche; Eisportionierer; Spatel für die Küche; Schaufeln für Haushaltszwecke; Schneidbretter für die Küche; Ausgießer; Schöpfkellen für Wein; Nussknacker, Zuckerzange; Salz- und Pfefferstreuer; tragbare, nicht elektrische Kühltaschen, Kühlboxen; Picknickkoffer mit Geschirr, Picknickgeschirr, Picknickbehälter; Grillzangen, Grillgabeln, Grillwender; Ofen- und Grillhandschuhe, Topflappen; Tragbare Campingtöpfe und -pfannen, Grillroste [Küchengeräte] für Campingzwecke; Toilettenaccessoires; Kämme und Schwämme; Bürsten, Bürstenmachermaterial; Putzzeug; Papierkörbe; Sparbüchsen; Trinkhalme; Chamoisleder für Reinigungszwecke; Tücher und Pads zur Reinigung von Displays; Glaswaren, Porzellan- und Steingut, soweit in Klasse 21 enthalten; rohes oder teilweise bearbeitetes Glas mit Ausnahme von Bauglas; Schilder aus Porzellan und Glas; Vasen; Blumenvasen; Isoliergefäße für Getränke; Isoliergefäße für Nahrungsmittel; Isolierflaschen; Nicht elektrische Wasserkessel; Glaswaren zum täglichen Gebrauch, einschließlich Becher, Teller, Kessel und Krüge; Kunstgegenstände aus Porzellan, Ton oder Glas; Bürstenwaren; Zahnbürsten; Zahnstocher; Flaschenöffner; Tischdeckengewichte. Netze, Zelte, Planen, Seile, Bindfäden, Segel, Säcke, Polsterfüllstoffe und Polstermaterial, ausgenommen aus Papier, Pappe [Karton], Kautschuk oder Kunststoff, rohe Gespinstfasern, Hängematten, Verpackungsbeutel, -hüllen, und -taschen aus textilem Material, Abschleppseile für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugplanen; Zelte, Campingzelte. Stoffe; Webstoffe und Textilersatzstoffe; Filtermaterialien aus Textilien; Bett- und Tischdecken; Tischwäsche, nicht aus Papier; Bettwäsche; Handtücher; Kissenbezüge; Wandbekleidungen aus textilem Material; Bordüren aus Textil, Steppdecken, Tagesdecken für Betten, Decken zur Verwendung im Außenbereich; Schlafsäcke; Servietten aus Textil; Moskitonetze, Wimpel und Fahnen nicht aus Papier; Flaggen aus Kunststoff; Vliesstoffe [Textilien]; Filz; Waschhandschuhe; Picknickdecken. Sportartikel und -ausrüstungen, Turnartikel; Christbaumschmuck; Künstliche Weihnachtsbäume; Geräte für Jahrmärkte und Spielplätze; Spielwaren, Spiele, Spielzeug und Scherzartikel für Partys; Modellbausätze [Spielwaren]; Plüschtiere und sonstiges Plüschspielzeug; Spielautomaten [Glücksspielautomaten], Videospielgeräte für Spielhallen; Videospielgeräte; Videospielkonsolen; Elektronische Spiele; verkleinerte Fahrzeugmodelle; Automotormodelle als Spielzeug; Spielzeugfahrzeuge; Roller (Spielzeug); Aufsitzfahrzeuge für Kinder [Spielzeug]; Spielzeugautos; Ferngesteuerte Fahrzeuge [Spielzeuge]; Vierrädrige Kinderfahrzeuge [Spielzeuge]; Spielbälle; Kaleidoskope; Brettspiele; Puzzles; Spielkarten; Spielkugeln; Fahrrad-Heimtrainer; Bogenschießgeräte; Gymnastik- und Turngeräte; Autorennbahn; Handschuhe [Zubehör für Spiele]; Schwimmer [Angelsport]; Tarnschilde [Sportartikel]; Spielzeug-Kinderwagen; Drachen; Spielzeug, dargeboten in einem Adventskalender; Knetmasse [Spielzeug]; Artikel für den Golfsport; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Kaffee, Tee, Kakao, Zucker, Reis, Tapioka, Sago, Kaffee-Ersatz; Mehle; Getreidepräparate; Brot, feine Backwaren, Konditorwaren auf Mehlbasis; Pizza; Getrocknete und frische Teigwaren, Nudeln und Klöße; Honig, Melassesirup; Fruchtsoßen; Hefe, Backpulver; Speisesalz; Senf; Essig, Soßen [Würzen]; Gewürze; Kühleis; Speiseeis; Konservierte Kräuter; Schokolade; Pralinen; Zuckerwaren, Konfekt; Zuckermasse [Süßwaren]; Bonbons; Kuchen; Torten; Cookies; Waffeln. Tabak; Raucherartikel; Aschenbecher; Feuerzeuge für Raucher; Tabakbeutel; Tabakdosen; Zigarettenetuis, -dosen; Zigarrenetuis, -kästen, -kisten; Streichhölzer.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 018871717
Status Pending
Filing Date 2023-05-08
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 14 - Precious metals and their alloys; jewelry; time-keeping instruments
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 18 - Leather and imitations of leather
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 43 - Food and drink services, temporary accommodation

Goods & Services

Wissenschaftliche, Forschungs-, Navigations-, Vermessungs-, fotografische, Film-, audiovisuelle, optische, Wäge-, Mess-, Signal-, Detektions-, Prüf-, Kontroll-, Rettungs- und Unterrichtsapparate und -instrumente; Apparate und Instrumente zum Leiten, Schalten, Umwandeln, Speichern, Regeln oder Kontrollieren der Verteilung oder Nutzung von Elektrizität; Geräte und Instrumente zur Aufzeichnung, Übertragung, Wiedergabe oder Verarbeitung von Ton, Bild oder Daten; Aufgezeichnete und herunterladbare Medien, leere digitale oder analoge Aufzeichnungs- und Speichermedien; informationstechnologische und audiovisuelle Geräte; Magnete, Magnetisierungs- und Entmagnetisierungsvorrichtungen; Apparate, Instrumente und Kabel für Elektrizität; optische Geräte und Ausrüstung, Verstärkungsgeräte und Korrektoren; Sicherungs-, Sicherheits-, Schutz- und Signalgeräte sowie -ausrüstung; Navigations-, Orientierungs-, Standortverfolgungs-, Zielverfolgungs- und Kartierungsgeräte; Mess-, Erkennungs- und Überwachungsinstrumente, -vorrichtungen sowie -regler; Automatische Druckverlustanzeiger für Fahrzeugreifen; Fahrtenschreiber für Fahrzeuge; Kontaktlinsen, Brillen, Brillenetuis, Ferngläser, optische Lupen; Sonnenbrillen; Handyhüllen mit Kordel; Handyketten; Hüllen für Smartphones; Warndreiecke für Fahrzeuge; Warnlampen für Fahrzeuge [keine Teile von Fahrzeugen]; Elektrische Batterien und deren Teile; Elektrische Akkumulatoren und deren Teile; Brennstoffzellen und deren Teile; Sonnenbatterien; Elektrische Batterien für Fahrzeuge; Elektrische Akkumulatoren für Fahrzeuge; Ladegeräte für elektrische Batterien; Einbruchalarmgeräte; Feueralarmgeräte; Rauchalarmgeräte; Gaswarngeräte; Diebstahlalarmgeräte; Feuerlöschgeräte; Waagen; Wasserwaagen; Elektronische Steuergeräte und Strom-/Spannungsversorgungsgeräte für Fahrzeugscheinwerfer und Fahrzeugleuchten und deren jeweilige Teile; Leuchtdioden [LEDs], Elektronische Leistungsregler; Elektrische und elektronische Steuergeräte; Regelgeräte und -instrumente; Simulatoren für die Lenkung und die Kontrolle von Fahrzeugen; Künstliche Intelligenz-Software für Fahrzeuge; Spannungsregler für Fahrzeuge; Geschwindigkeitsanzeiger; Drehzahlmesser; Thermometer; Parkuhren; Messgeräte und Messinstrumente; Rettungsvorrichtungen, nämlich Rettungsflöße, Rettungsleitern, Rettungsnetze, Rettungsplanen, Rettungsringe, Rettungsbojen, Rettungswesten; Elektrische Sicherungen; Elektrische Relais; Laser nicht für medizinische Zwecke, Laserpointer; Fernsteuerungsgeräte, Fernbedienungen; Antennen; Navigationsgeräte für Fahrzeuge; Mobiltelefone; Telefonapparate; Fernsehapparate; Bildtelefone; Radios; Kompasse; Navigationsgeräte; Navigationsinstrumente; Telematikapparate; Telematikendgeräte; Magnetische, elektronische und optische Aufzeichnungsträger, Schallplatten, CDs, DVDs und andere digitale Aufzeichnungsträger; Tonträger, Musikautomaten [geldbetätigt], Compact-Disks [ROM, Festspeicher]; Musikdateien zum Herunterladen; Kopfhörer; Lautsprecher; Lautsprecherboxen; Leuchtschilder; CD-Player; DVD-Player; Videotelefone; Bildfunkgeräte; Projektionsgeräte; Fotoapparate; belichtete Filme; Filmkameras; Fotokopiergeräte; Elektronische Übersetzungsgeräte (Computer); Elektronische Taschenübersetzer; Magnetkarten, Karten mit integrierten Schaltkreisen (Smartcards), codierte Telefonkarten; Mechaniken für geldbetätigte Apparate; Bank-, Geldautomaten; Registrierkassen, Rechenmaschinen; Hardware für die Datenverarbeitung; Computer; Elektronische Terminkalender; Faxgeräte; Monitore (Computerhardware und -programme); Computerperipheriegeräte; Computerprogramme zur Verwendung für das autonome Fahren von Fahrzeugen; Computerprogramme zur Verwendung bei der autonomen Navigation von Fahrzeugen; Computerprogramme zur Verwendung bei der autonomen Steuerung von Fahrzeugen; gespeicherte und herunterladbare Computerprogramme, insbesondere Datensammlungen in elektronischer Form; Gespeicherte oder herunterladbare Software-Plattformen; Computersoftware; Anwendungssoftware; Mobile Apps; Computerprogramme für Videospiele, Software für elektronische Spiele; Herunterladbare, interaktive Unterhaltungssoftware zum Spielen von Videospielen; Videospiele [Computerspiele] in Form von auf Datenträgern gespeicherten Computerprogrammen; Taschenrechner; Elektronische Publikationen [herunterladbar]; Herunterladbare Bilddateien; Herunterladbare virtuelle Waren, nämlich Computerprogramme in Bezug auf Fahrzeuge, Teile und Zubehör für Fahrzeuge, Bekleidungsstücke, Spielzeug, Sportartikel und -ausrüstung sowie Kunstgegenstände zur Verwendung in virtuellen Umgebungen; Herunterladbare digitale Medien, nämlich mit Blockchain-basierter Softwaretechnologie erstellte digitale Sammlerstücke in Form von personalisierten Fotos, Bildern, Videos und virtuellen Erlebnissen im Bereich Automobilindustrie, Kunst, Unterhaltung, Sport und Popkultur; Digitales Material, nämlich einzigartige Dateneinheiten als einmalige kreative Arbeit im Bereich Automobilindustrie, Kunst, Unterhaltung, Sport und Popkultur; Crashtest-Dummys; Mikroskope; Elektrokabel; Steckdosen; Elektrische Fernzündungsgeräte; Elektrische Schlösser; Elektronische Steuerungen und elektronische Steuerungssysteme; Security-Tokens [Verschlüsselungsgeräte]; Hüllen für Tablet-Computer; Blackboxes [Datenrekorder]; Digitale Wetterstationen; Ladestationen für elektrische Fahrzeuge; Interaktive Touch-Screen-Terminals; Smart-Ringe; Elektrische und elektronische Effekteinheiten für Musikinstrumente; Audioschnittstellen; Equalizer [Audio Apparate]; Parksensoren für Fahrzeuge; Lehrroboter; Humanoide Roboter mit künstlicher Intelligenz; PDA-Computer [Personal Digital Assistants]; Rückfahrkameras für Fahrzeuge; Elektrokabelbäume für Kraftfahrzeuge; Telekommunikationsgeräte in Form von Schmuckwaren; Datenhandschuhe; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Fahrzeuge und Beförderungsmittel; Fahrzeuge zur Beförderung auf dem Lande, in der Luft, auf dem Wasser oder auf Schienen sowie deren Teile; motorisierte Landfahrzeuge; führerlose Fahrzeuge [autonome Fahrzeuge]; Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge; Triebwerke für Landfahrzeuge; Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge; Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen; Kupplungen für Landfahrzeuge; Stoßdämpfer für Fahrzeuge; Stoßdämpferfedern für Fahrzeuge; Reifen (Pneus); Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Felgen für Fahrzeugräder; Vollgummireifen für Fahrzeugräder; Fahrzeugräder; Naben für Fahrzeugräder; Radmuttern für Fahrzeugräder; Schläuche für Reifen; Laufmäntel für Luftreifen; Schaumstoffeinlagen für Reifen; Flickzeug für Reifenschläuche, selbstklebende Flickgummis für die Reparatur von Reifenschläuchen; Spikes für Reifen; Schneeketten; Gleitschutzvorrichtungen für Fahrzeugreifen; Fahrzeugsitze; Rückspiegel; Kopfstützen für Fahrzeugsitze; Alarmanlagen für Fahrzeuge, Diebstahlsicherungen für Fahrzeuge; Zigarettenanzünder für Automobile; Kraftfahrzeuge; Automobile; Roboterautos; Rennwagen; Lastkraftwagen; Anhänger und Sattelauflieger für Fahrzeuge; Anhängerkupplungen für Fahrzeuge; Omnibusse; Motorräder; Mopeds; Fahrräder; Elektrische Fahrräder; Kameradrohnen; Helikopter-Kameras; Drahtseilfördergeräte und -anlagen; Karren, Einkaufswagen, Gepäckwagen, Handwagen, mobile Handkarren; Luftfahrzeuge; Boote, Schiffe; Lokomotiven; Autobusse; Wohnwagen; Traktoren; Zweiräder, Roller [Fahrzeuge]; Hoverboards; Selbstbalancierende Elektroroller; Selbstbalancierende Einräder; Selbstbalancierende Einrad-Elektroroller; Sessellifte, Seilbahnen; Rollstühle; Kinderwagen; Wägelchen zum Transport von Kindern; Clips für die Befestigung von Kraftfahrzeugteilen an Kraftfahrzeugkarosserien; Becherhalter für Fahrzeuge; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Perlen, Edelmetall, und Edelmetalle sowie Imitationen hiervon; Juwelierwaren, Schmuckwaren; Zeitmessgeräte und Uhren; Armbanduhren und Stoppuhren und Taschenuhren, Uhrenetuis; Schmuck- und Uhrenbehältnisse; Armbänder aus besticktem Stoff [Schmuck]; Krawattennadeln; Manschettenknöpfe; Anstecknadeln [Schmuckwaren]; Andere Waren aus Edelmetall und Edelsteinen sowie Imitationen hiervon, nämlich Statuen und Figuren, Verzierungen, Münzen und Wertmarken, Kunstwerke aus Edelmetall, Schlüsselringe [Schmuckstücke oder Schlüsselanhänger]; Schlüsselringe aus Metall; Anhänger für Schlüsselringe; Schlüsselanhänger aus Metall; Schlüsselanhänger aus Leder und Kunstleder; Schlüsselanhänger, nicht aus Metall; Schmuckkästen; Schmuckanhänger; Hutverzierungen, aus Edelmetall; Schmuckwaren für Schuhe; Rosenkränze; Misbaha [Gebetsperlen]; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Papier, Pappe (Karton); Druckereierzeugnisse; Kunstwerke und Figuren aus Papier oder Pappe sowie Architekturmodelle; Dekorations- und Künstlerbedarfsmaterialien und -mittel; Filtermaterial aus Papier; Taschen, Beutel und Waren für Verpackungs-, Einpack- und Ablagezwecke aus Papier, Pappe oder Kunststoff; Buchbindeartikel; Photographien; Schreibwaren; Klebstoffe für Papier- und Schreibwaren oder für Haushaltszwecke; Künstlerbedarfsartikel; Pinsel zum Auftragen von Farben; Schreibmaschinen, Schreibgeräte und Büroartikel, ausgenommen Möbel; Lehr- und Unterrichtsmaterial, ausgenommen Apparate; Verpackungsmaterial aus Kunststoff, Drucklettern; Druckstöcke; Atlanten; Kalender; Adventskalender; geographische Karten; Veröffentlichungen (Schriften); gedrucktes Werbematerial und gedruckte Reklame; Notizbücher; Postkarten; Lesezeichen; Notizzettel; Dokumentenhüllen; Stifte (Büromaterial); Kugelschreiber und Bleistifte; Wimpel und Fahnen aus Papier; Servietten aus Papier; Kopierpapier; Toilettenpapier; Handtücher aus Papier; Packpapier; Tinte; Siegelstempel; Zeicheninstrumente; Zeichenmaterialien; Malstaffeleien; Gerahmte oder ungerahmte Bilder [Gemälde]; Modelliermaterial; Banner aus Papier; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Gepäck, Taschen, Brieftaschen und andere Tragebehältnisse; Regen- und Sonnenschirme; Gehstöcke; Reise- und Handkoffer; Taschen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten, insbesondere Sporttaschen, Aktentaschen und Handtaschen; Rucksäcke; Brieftaschen, Geldbörsen; Kulturbeutel; Schlüsseletuis; Satteltaschen; Bekleidungsstücke für Haustiere; Sattlerwaren, Peitschen und Tierbekleidung; Verpackungsbeutel, -hüllen, -taschen aus Leder; Etiketten aus Leder; Tefillin [Gebetsriemen]; Leder, roh oder teilweise bearbeitet; Häute und Felle; Angepasste Kofferanhänger [Lederwaren]; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Kopfbedeckungen; Bekleidungsstücke; Schuhwaren; Polo-Shirts/-hemden; Overalls; T-Shirts; Mäntel; Jacken; Bandanas [Tücher für Bekleidungszwecke]; Unterhosen; Hosen; Babywäsche; Badeanzüge; Regenmäntel; Theaterkostüme; Schuhe; Fussballschuhe; Hüte; Mützen; Strümpfe; Handschuhe [Bekleidung]; Schals und Stolen; Krawatten; Gürtel [Bekleidung]; Duschhauben; Miederwaren; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen für den Versandhandel bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Dienstleistungen des Einzel- und Großhandels über das Internet bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Einzel- und Großhandelsdienstleistungen mittels Teleshopping-Sendungen bezüglich Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Zusammenstellen, ausgenommen deren Transport, verschiedener Kraftfahrzeuge, Kraftfahrzeugteile und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder für Dritte, um den Verbrauchern Ansicht und Erwerb dieser Waren in einer Einzelhandelsverkaufsstelle zu erleichtern; Vermittlung von Verträgen für Dritte über den An- und Verkauf von Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraftfahrzeugteilen und -zubehör, Motoren und Antriebe für Landfahrzeuge, Fahrwerke für Fahrzeuge oder Fahrzeugaufbauten von Fahrzeugen und Reifen für Fahrzeugräder; Geschäftsführung eines Fuhrparks für Dritte; Erteilung von Auskünften [Information] und Beratung für Verbraucher in Handels- und Geschäftsangelegenheiten [Verbraucherberatung]; Verwaltungstechnische Bearbeitung von Bestellungen; Vermittlung von Verträgen für Dritte über den An- und Verkauf von Waren; Beratung bei der Organisation und Führung von Unternehmen; Hilfe bei der Führung von gewerblichen oder Handelsbetrieben; Werbung; Marketing; Geschäftsführung; Unternehmensverwaltung; Bürodienste; Beratung in Fragen des Personalwesens; Rundfunk- und Fernsehwerbung; Veranstaltung von Messen für wirtschaftliche und Werbezwecke; Sammeln und Zusammenstellen von themenbezogenen Presseartikeln; Präsentation von Waren in Kommunikations-Medien für den Einzelhandel; Öffentlichkeitsarbeit [Public Relations]; Zusammenstellung von Informationsverzeichnissen für Geschäfts- und Werbezwecke; Durchführung von Auktionen und Versteigerungen; Verkaufsförderung [Sales promotion] für Dritte; Werbung für Waren und Dienstleistungen durch Sponsoring von Sportveranstaltungen; Personalanwerbung; Verwaltungsdienstleistungen für Unternehmensverlagerungen; Buchführung; Sponsorensuche. Bau-, Montage- und Abbrucharbeiten; Installations-, Reinigungs-, Reparatur- und Wartungsarbeiten in Bezug auf Maschinen und Kraftfahrzeuge; Vermietung von Werkzeugen, Baumaschinen und Geräten für Bau-, Abbruch-, Reinigungs- und Wartungsarbeiten; Bergbauarbeiten; Gas- und Ölgewinnungsarbeiten; Schädlingsbekämpfung und -vernichtung [ausgenommen für land-, garten- und forstwirtschaftliche Zwecke] sowie Desinfektion; Umbau, Reparatur, Instandhaltung, Demontage, Wartung, Pflege, Reinigung und Lackierarbeiten von Fahrzeugen, Motoren, Fahrzeugrädern und deren Teilen; Tankdienste für Fahrzeuge; Reparatur von Fahrzeugen im Rahmen der Pannenhilfe; Kundenspezifische Durchführung von Umbauten an Karosserie, Fahrwerk und Motor von Kraftfahrzeugen (Tuning), soweit in Klasse 37 enthalten; Lackieren von Fahrzeugen; Polieren von Fahrzeugen; Rostschutzbehandlung von Fahrzeugen; Fahrzeuginstandhaltung; Reinigung von Fahrzeugen; Runderneuerung von Reifen; Wartung, Reinigung und Reparatur von Dampfkesseln und Brennern; Auskünfte über Reparaturen; Auskünfte in Bauangelegenheiten; Montage von Türen und Fenstern; Steinbrucharbeiten; Installation, Wartung und Reparatur von Maschinen; Wartung und Reparatur von Flugzeugen; Schiffsbau; Reparatur von Fotoapparaten; Reparatur von Uhren; Reparatur von Schlössern; Rostschutzarbeiten; Möbelpflegearbeiten; Instandhaltung, Reinigung und Reparatur von Leder; Desinfektionsarbeiten; Installation und Reparatur von Einbruchalarmanlagen; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Transportwesen; Verpacken und Lagerung von Waren; Veranstaltung von Reisen; Reisedienstleistungen und Transport von Reisenden; Abschleppen von Fahrzeugen; Taxidienste; Transport mit Kraftfahrzeugen; Transportlogistik; Vermietung von Fahrzeugen, insbesondere Automobilen; Beförderung von Personen, insbesondere mit Autobussen; Carsharing-Dienstleistungen; Organisation von Passagierbeförderungsdiensten für Dritte mittels einer Online-Anwendung; Frachtmaklerdienste; Auslieferung von Waren und Paketen; Elektrizitätsspeicherung [Lagerung]; Elektrizitätsverteilung; Verkehrsinformationsdienste; Flottensteuerung von Kraftfahrzeugen mittels Navigations- und Ortungsgeräten. Verlags- und Berichtswesen; Bildung, Erziehung, Unterhaltung und Dienstleistungen im Sport; Übersetzung und Dolmetschen; Ausbildung; sportliche und kulturelle Aktivitäten; Organisation und Durchführung von kulturellen und/oder sportlichen Veranstaltungen; Talent- und Nachwuchsförderung durch Aus- und Fortbildung; Durchführung von Live-Veranstaltungen; Durchführung von Spielen in Computernetzwerken und im Internet; Erziehung auf Akademien; Aus- und Fortbildungs- sowie Erziehungsberatung; Veranstaltung von Wettbewerben [Erziehung und Unterhaltung]; Organisation, Veranstaltung und Durchführung von Kolloquien, Konferenzen, Kongressen, Symposien, Seminaren und Workshops [Schulung]; Veranstaltung von Ausstellungen für kulturelle und Unterrichtszwecke; Coaching [Ausbildung]; berufliche Umschulungen; Veranstaltung sportlicher Wettkämpfe; Verleih von Büchern [Leihbücherei]; Veröffentlichung von Büchern; Online Publikation von elektronischen Büchern und Zeitschriften; Betrieb eines Clubs [Unterhaltung oder Unterricht]; Tierdressur; Veranstaltung von Lotterien; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Verpflegung von Gästen; Beherbergung von Gästen.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 018871727
Status Pending
Filing Date 2023-05-08
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
  • 11 - Environmental control apparatus
  • 20 - Furniture and decorative products
  • 21 - HouseHold or kitchen utensils, containers and materials; glassware; porcelain; earthenware
  • 22 - Rope, netting, tents, awnings, sails and sacks; padding and stuffing materials
  • 24 - Textiles and textile goods
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 30 - Basic staples, tea, coffee, baked goods and confectionery
  • 34 - Tobacco; smokers' articles

Goods & Services

Baumaterialien und Bauelemente aus Metall; Eisen- und Metallwaren; Handtaschenhalter aus Metall; Etiketten aus Metall; Türen, Tore, Fenster und Fensterabdeckungen aus Metall; Container sowie Transport- und Verpackungsgegenstände aus Metall; Außenrollläden aus Metall; Bauten und transportable Bauten aus Metall; Statuen und Kunstwerke aus unedlen Metallen; Metallbehälter für den Transport und die Lagerung von Waren; Unedle Metalle und deren Legierungen; Kabel und Drähte aus unedlen Metallen [nicht für elektrische Zwecke]; Schlosserwaren und Kleineisenwaren; Fahrzeugplaketten aus Metall; Fahrzeugschlösser aus Metall; Nummernschilder, aus Metall, für Fahrzeuge; Schilder aus Metall; Radkrallen [Wegfahrsperren]; Leere Werkzeugkästen aus Metall; Leere Werkzeugkoffer aus Metall; Metallrampen für Fahrzeuge; Metallrohre; Geldkassetten [aus Metall oder nicht aus Metall]; Safes [aus Metall oder nicht aus Metall]; Elektronische Safes; Baumaterialien aus Metall; Kisten, Kästen aus Metall; Bronzen für Grabmäler; Flaschenkappen (aus Metall); Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Geräte und Anlagen zu Beleuchtungs-, Heizungs-, Kühlungs-, Dampferzeugungs-, Koch-, Trocknungs-, Lüftungs- und Wasserversorgungszwecken sowie zu sanitären Zwecken; Abzüge und Installationen zum Ableiten von Abgasen; sanitäre Installationen und Einrichtungen; Wasserversorgungseinrichtungen; Brenner, Boiler; Lichtreflektoren; Koch-, Erhitzungs- und Kühlungsgeräte; Kamine; Feuerfeste Öfen, Öfen mit Grills; Campingkocher; Grills; Transportable Feuerstellen; Kühl- und Gefrierausrüstung; Heizungs-, Ventilations-, Klima- und Luftreinigungsgeräte und -anlagen; Beleuchtungsgeräte; Beleuchtungsapparate und -anlagen; Beleuchtungslampen; Beleuchtungsgeräte mit Leuchtdioden [LEDs]; Beleuchtungsanlagen für Luftfahrzeuge; Beleuchtungsgeräte für Fahrzeuge; Lampen für Fahrtrichtungsanzeiger von Fahrzeugen; Beleuchtungsgeräte mit Leuchtdioden [LEDs] für Fahrzeuge; Blendschutzvorrichtungen für Fahrzeuge [Lampenzubehör]; Blendschutzvorrichtungen für Kraftfahrzeuge [Lampenzubehör]; Blitzlichte [Taschenlampen]; Bogenlampen; Campinglaternen; elektrische Kaffeemaschinen; elektrische Lüfter für den persönlichen Gebrauch; Entladungsröhren [elektrisch] für Beleuchtungszwecke; Fahrradleuchten; Fahrzeugleuchten und deren jeweiligen Teile, soweit die jeweiligen Teile in Klasse 11 enthalten; Fahrzeugrückstrahler und deren jeweiligen Teile, soweit die jeweiligen Teile in Klasse 11 enthalten; Fahrzeugscheinwerfer und deren jeweiligen Teile, soweit die jeweiligen Teile in Klasse 11 enthalten; Fassungen für elektrische Lampen; Gasanzünder (Feuerzeuge); Anzünder [Zündgeräte]; Glühbirnen für Beleuchtungszwecke; Glühbirnen [elektrisch]; Glühbrenner; Glühfäden für elektrische Lampen; Grubenlampen; Heizgeräte für feste, flüssige oder gasförmige Brennstoffe; Heizgeräte [elektrisch]; Heizungsanlagen; Heizungsanlagen für Fahrzeuge; Klimaanlagen; Klimaapparate; Kühlanlagen und -maschinen; Kühlapparate; Klimaanlagen für Fahrzeuge; Lampen [elektrisch]; Gaslampen; Lampengläser; Lampenglühstrümpfe; Lampenkugeln; Lampenröhren, -zylinder; Lampenschirme; Lampenschirmhalter; Leuchtröhren für Beleuchtungszwecke; Leuchtröhren mit elektrischer Entladung; Lichtverteiler; Lufterhitzer; Luftfilter [Klimatisierung]; Luftfilteranlagen; Filter [Teile von häuslichen oder gewerblichen Anlagen]; Entfroster für Fahrzeuge; Lüftungsanlagen [Klimatisierung] für Fahrzeuge; Scheibenheizungen für Fahrzeuge; Luftkühlgeräte; Luftreinigungsapparate und -maschinen; Luftreinigungslampen mit keimtötender Wirkung; Luftsprudelbäder; Luftsterilisatoren; Lufttrockner; Lüftungsgeräte [Klimatisierung]; Reflektoren für Lampen; Sicherheitslampen; Solarkollektoren [Heizung]; Taschenlampen; Ultraviolettlampen, nicht für medizinische Zwecke; Wasserleitungsanlagen; Niveauregelventile für Tanks; Elektrische Schokoladenbrunnen; Elektrische Lichterketten; Elektrisch beheizte Kleidung; Speiseeismaschinen; Fahrradblinker; Heiz- und Kühlgeräte zur Ausgabe von heißen und kalten Getränken; USB-betriebene Handwärmer; USB-betriebene Tassenwärmer; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Möbel; Matratzen, Kissen und Polster, Rahmen, Spiegel [versilbertes Glas], Innenjalousien und -rollos sowie Befestigungsteile für Vorhänge und Innenjalousien und –rollos, Kleiderhaken, Badezimmermöbel; Spiegel, Bilderrahmen, Betten; Kissen; Bettzeug, ausgenommen Bettwäsche; Briefkästen, nicht aus Metall oder gemauert; Regale; Schränke; Tische, Schreibtische, Stühle, Polstersessel, Sofas, Hocker, Kinderhochstühle und -lauflerngeräte, Kleiderbügel, Kopfpolster; Campingmöbel, Campingtische, Campingstühle, Campingbetten, Campingmatratzen, Schlafmatten für Campingzwecke, Aufblasbare Matratzen für Campingzwecke; Picknickmöbel, Picknickkörbe; Holzkästen; Kisten aus Kunststoff; Kästen und Kisten, nicht aus Metall; Verschließbare Kisten, nicht aus Metall; Boxen aus Holz oder Kunststoff; Aufbewahrungskästen [Möbel], Aufbewahrungskisten [Möbel], Aufbewahrungsschränke [Möbel] Aufbewahrungskörbe [Möbel]; Kunststoffgefäße zur Aufbewahrung von Waren während des Transports; Behälter für Aufbewahrungszwecke [ausgenommen für Haushalt und Küche]; Schutzbehälter, nicht aus Metall, zur Aufbewahrung von Waren; Verpackungsbehälter aus Kunststoff; Kleiderständer; Ankerbojen nicht aus Metall; Schlösser und Schlüssel nicht aus Metall; Tür-, Tor- und Fensterbeschläge, nicht aus Metall; Ventile, nicht aus Metall; Befestigungsmaterial, nicht aus Metall; Klöppel, nicht aus Metall; Klemmen, nicht aus Metall; Haltegriffe, nicht aus Metall; Haken, nicht aus Metall; Identifikationsarmbänder, nicht aus Metall; Wimpelhalter; Tabletts, nicht aus Metall, Etiketten aus Kunststoff; Tonnen, Fässer nicht aus Metall; Tanks für flüssige Brennstoffe, nicht aus Metall; aufblasbare Werbeartikel, soweit in Klasse 20 enthalten; Kisten, nicht aus Metall; Kanister, nicht aus Metall; Leitern aus Holz oder Kunststoff; Bilderrahmen; Bambus; Kunstgegenstände aus Holz, Wachs, Gips oder aus Kunststoff; Anschlagtafeln; Dekorationsartikel aus Kunststoff für Nahrungsmittel; Behausung und Betten für Tiere; Namensarmbänder, nicht aus Metall, zur Verwendung in Krankenhäusern; Särge und Bestattungsurnen; Garderobenhaken; Vorhangringe; Statuen, Figuren, Kunstwerke sowie Verzierungen und Dekorationen aus Materialien wie Holz, Wachs, Gips, Kunststoff, Kork, Rohr, Binsen, Weide, Horn, Knochen, Elfenbein, Fischbein, Schildpatt, Bernstein, Perlmutter, Meerschaum und deren Ersatzstoffen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Behälter sowie Verschlüsse und Halter hierfür, nicht aus Metall; Leitern, nicht aus Metall; Mobile Treppen, nicht aus Metall; Kunststofframpen für Fahrzeuge; Displays, Ständer und Beschilderungen, nicht aus Metall; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Statuen, Figuren, Schilder und Kunstwerke aus Materialien wie Porzellan, Keramik, Steingut und Glas, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Geräte und Behälter für Haushalt und Küche; Teller, Tassen, Becher, Trinkgefäße, Kannen und Krüge, Serviergeschirr, Schüsseln, Schalen, Eierbecher, Teeservice; Eiszangen; Salatzangen; Servierkellen; Stößel für die Küche; Mörser für die Küche; Eisportionierer; Spatel für die Küche; Schaufeln für Haushaltszwecke; Schneidbretter für die Küche; Ausgießer; Schöpfkellen für Wein; Nussknacker, Zuckerzange; Salz- und Pfefferstreuer; tragbare, nicht elektrische Kühltaschen, Kühlboxen; Picknickkoffer mit Geschirr, Picknickgeschirr, Picknickbehälter; Grillzangen, Grillgabeln, Grillwender; Ofen- und Grillhandschuhe, Topflappen; Tragbare Campingtöpfe und -pfannen, Grillroste [Küchengeräte] für Campingzwecke; Toilettenaccessoires; Kämme und Schwämme; Bürsten, Bürstenmachermaterial; Putzzeug; Papierkörbe; Sparbüchsen; Trinkhalme; Chamoisleder für Reinigungszwecke; Tücher und Pads zur Reinigung von Displays; Glaswaren, Porzellan- und Steingut, soweit in Klasse 21 enthalten; rohes oder teilweise bearbeitetes Glas mit Ausnahme von Bauglas; Schilder aus Porzellan und Glas; Vasen; Blumenvasen; Isoliergefäße für Getränke; Isoliergefäße für Nahrungsmittel; Isolierflaschen; Nicht elektrische Wasserkessel; Glaswaren zum täglichen Gebrauch, einschließlich Becher, Teller, Kessel und Krüge; Kunstgegenstände aus Porzellan, Ton oder Glas; Bürstenwaren; Zahnbürsten; Zahnstocher; Flaschenöffner; Tischdeckengewichte. Netze, Zelte, Planen, Seile, Bindfäden, Segel, Säcke, Polsterfüllstoffe und Polstermaterial, ausgenommen aus Papier, Pappe [Karton], Kautschuk oder Kunststoff, rohe Gespinstfasern, Hängematten, Verpackungsbeutel, -hüllen, und -taschen aus textilem Material, Abschleppseile für Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugplanen; Zelte, Campingzelte. Stoffe; Webstoffe und Textilersatzstoffe; Filtermaterialien aus Textilien; Bett- und Tischdecken; Tischwäsche, nicht aus Papier; Bettwäsche; Handtücher; Kissenbezüge; Wandbekleidungen aus textilem Material; Bordüren aus Textil, Steppdecken, Tagesdecken für Betten, Decken zur Verwendung im Außenbereich; Schlafsäcke; Servietten aus Textil; Moskitonetze, Wimpel und Fahnen nicht aus Papier; Flaggen aus Kunststoff; Vliesstoffe [Textilien]; Filz; Waschhandschuhe; Picknickdecken. Sportartikel und -ausrüstungen, Turnartikel; Christbaumschmuck; Künstliche Weihnachtsbäume; Geräte für Jahrmärkte und Spielplätze; Spielwaren, Spiele, Spielzeug und Scherzartikel für Partys; Modellbausätze [Spielwaren]; Plüschtiere und sonstiges Plüschspielzeug; Spielautomaten [Glücksspielautomaten], Videospielgeräte für Spielhallen; Videospielgeräte; Videospielkonsolen; Elektronische Spiele; verkleinerte Fahrzeugmodelle; Automotormodelle als Spielzeug; Spielzeugfahrzeuge; Roller (Spielzeug); Aufsitzfahrzeuge für Kinder [Spielzeug]; Spielzeugautos; Ferngesteuerte Fahrzeuge [Spielzeuge]; Vierrädrige Kinderfahrzeuge [Spielzeuge]; Spielbälle; Kaleidoskope; Brettspiele; Puzzles; Spielkarten; Spielkugeln; Fahrrad-Heimtrainer; Bogenschießgeräte; Gymnastik- und Turngeräte; Autorennbahn; Handschuhe [Zubehör für Spiele]; Schwimmer [Angelsport]; Tarnschilde [Sportartikel]; Spielzeug-Kinderwagen; Drachen; Spielzeug, dargeboten in einem Adventskalender; Knetmasse [Spielzeug]; Artikel für den Golfsport; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Kaffee, Tee, Kakao, Zucker, Reis, Tapioka, Sago, Kaffee-Ersatz; Mehle; Getreidepräparate; Brot, feine Backwaren, Konditorwaren auf Mehlbasis; Pizza; Getrocknete und frische Teigwaren, Nudeln und Klöße; Honig, Melassesirup; Fruchtsoßen; Hefe, Backpulver; Speisesalz; Senf; Essig, Soßen [Würzen]; Gewürze; Kühleis; Speiseeis; Konservierte Kräuter; Schokolade; Pralinen; Zuckerwaren, Konfekt; Zuckermasse [Süßwaren]; Bonbons; Kuchen; Torten; Cookies; Waffeln. Tabak; Raucherartikel; Aschenbecher; Feuerzeuge für Raucher; Tabakbeutel; Tabakdosen; Zigarettenetuis, -dosen; Zigarrenetuis, -kästen, -kisten; Streichhölzer.



Application Number 018870780
Status Pending
Filing Date 2023-05-05
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorised land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, adhesive rubber patches for repairing inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electricbicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class.



Application Number 018870203
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-05-04
Registration Date 2023-09-27
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; Apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; Recorded and downloadable media, blank digital or analogue recording and memory carriers; Information technology and audiovisual equipment; Magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers; Apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; Navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; Measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; Automatic indicators of low pressure in vehicle tyres; Mileage recorders for vehicles; Contact lenses and eyeglasses, Spectacle cases, Binoculars, optical magnifiers; Sunglasses; Mobile phone cases with lanyards; Mobile phone chains; Covers for smartphones; Vehicle breakdown warning triangles; Warning lamps for vehicles (not parts of vehicles); Electric batteries and parts therefor; Electric accumulators and parts therefor; Fuel cells and parts thereof; Solar batteries; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Chargers for electrical batteries; Burglar alarm apparatus; Fire alarm apparatus; Smoke alarms; Gas escape warning apparatus; Anti-theft warning apparatus; Fire extinguishers; Electronic control apparatus and current/voltage supply apparatus for vehicle headlamps and vehicle lights, and all parts therefor; Light-emitting diodes [LED], Electronic power controllers; Electrical and electronic control apparatus; Regulating apparatus and instruments; Simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; Artificial intelligence software for vehicles; Voltage regulators for vehicles; Speed indicators; Revolution counters; Measuring apparatus and instruments; Electrical fuses; Relays, electric; Lasers, not for medical purposes, laser pointers; Remote control apparatus, remote controls; Aerials; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Mobile telephones; Telephone apparatus; Television apparatus; Video telephones; Radios; Directional compasses; Apparatus for navigation; Navigational instruments; Telematic apparatus; Telematic terminal apparatus; Headphones; Loudspeakers; Cabinets for loudspeakers; Signs, luminous; Compact disc players; DVD players; Video telephones; Phototelegraphy apparatus; Projection apparatus; Electronic translation apparatus (computers); Electronic pocket translators; Data processing equipment; Computers; Electronic agendas; Facsimile machines; Monitors (computer hardware and programs); Computer peripheral devices; Computer programs for use in autonomous driving of vehicles; Computer programs for use in the autonomous navigation of vehicles; Computer programs for use in autonomous control of vehicles; Recorded and downloadable computer programs, in particular data files in electronic form; Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; Computer software; Application software; Mobile apps; Pocket calculators; Electronic publications, downloadable; Downloadable image files; downloadable virtual goods, namely, Computer programs containing the following goods: vehicles, Parts and fittings for vehicles, And clothing, playthings, Sporting articles and equipment and Works of art, all the aforesaid goods for use in virtual environments; downloadable virtual goods, namely Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for creating and trading digital collectibles using blockchain-based software technology, namely, vehicles, Parts and fittings for vehicles, And clothing, playthings, Sporting articles and equipment and Works of art, all the aforesaid goods for use in virtual environments; Downloadable digital media, namely, Digital collectibles created using blockchain-based software technology in the form of personalised photographs, images, videos and virtual experiences, in relation to the following fields: automotive industries, Fine art, entertainment, For sports and Pop culture; Digital materials, namely, Unique data units being unique creative work, in relation to the following fields: automotive industries, Fine art, entertainment, For sports and Pop culture; Covers for tablet computers; Black boxes [data recorders]; Digital weather stations; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Interactive touch screen terminals; Smart rings; Parking sensors for vehicles; Teaching robots; Humanoid robots with artificial intelligence; Personal digital assistants [PDAs]; Rearview cameras for vehicles; Electric wire harnesses for automobiles; Telecommunication apparatus in the form of jewellery; Data gloves; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Motorised land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, adhesive rubber patches for repairing inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electricbicycles; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Sporting articles and equipment, gymnastic articles; Decorations for Christmas trees; Artificial Christmas trees; Fairground and playground apparatus; Toys, games, playthings and novelties; Scale model kits [toys]; Soft toys and other stuffed toys; Slot machines [gaming machines], arcade video game machines; Video game apparatus; Video game consoles; Scale model vehicles; Toy vehicles; Scooters [toys]; Children's riding vehicles [playthings]; Toy cars; Remote-controlled toy vehicles; Balls for games; Kaleidoscopes; Board games; Playing cards; Playing balls; Stationary exercise bicycles; Archery implements; Appliances for gymnastics; Racing car games; Gloves for games; Floats for fishing; Camouflage screens [sports articles]; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retail services in relation to: Virtual goods, Namely vehicles, Parts and accessories for vehicles, Clothing, Toys, Sports goods and equipment and objects d'art, The aforesaid goods being for use in virtual environments; Provision of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services, in relation to the following goods: virtual reality games; Retailing in the field of creative work (art work and digital arts), in relation to the following fields: automotive industries, Toy industry, Sport and Pop culture; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Building, construction and demolition; Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Charging of electric vehicles, Vehicle battery charging, Cell phone battery charging services, Computer and telephone battery recharge services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), All the aforesaid services being included in this class; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Repair information; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018852622
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-03-23
Registration Date 2024-02-27
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 36 - Financial, insurance and real estate services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 38 - Telecommunications services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Scientific, research, navigation, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, audiovisual, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, detecting, testing, inspecting, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; Apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; Recorded and downloadable media, blank digital or analogue recording and memory carriers; Information technology and audiovisual equipment; Magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers; Apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; Optical devices, enhancers and correctors; Safety, security, protection and signalling devices; Diving equipment; Navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; Measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; Automatic indicators of low pressure in vehicle tyres; Mileage recorders for vehicles; Scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators; Contact lenses, Spectacles, spectacle cases, Binoculars, optical magnifiers; Sunglasses; Mobile phone cases with lanyards; Mobile phone chains; Covers for smartphones; Vehicle breakdown warning triangles; Warning lamps for vehicles (not parts of vehicles); Electric batteries and parts therefor; Electric accumulators and parts therefor; Fuel cells and parts thereof; Solar batteries; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Chargers for electrical batteries; Burglar alarm apparatus; Fire alarm apparatus; Smoke alarms; Gas escape warning apparatus; Anti-theft warning apparatus; Fire extinguishers; Scales; Spirit levels; Compasses for measuring; Rulers [measuring instruments]; Acid hydrometers; Quantity indicators; Electronic control apparatus and current/voltage supply apparatus for vehicle headlamps and vehicle lights, and all parts therefor; Light-emitting diodes [LED], Electronic power controllers; Electrical and electronic control apparatus; Regulating apparatus and instruments; Simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; Artificial intelligence software for vehicles; Voltage regulators for vehicles; Speed indicators; Revolution counters; Measuring apparatus and instruments; Life-saving equipment, namely life rafts, rescue ladders, safety nets, safety tarpaulins, lifebelts, lifebuoys, lifejackets; Electrical fuses; Relays, electric; Lasers, not for medical purposes, laser pointers; Remote control apparatus, remote controls; Aerials; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Mobile telephones; Telephone apparatus; Television apparatus; Video telephones; Radios; Directional compasses; Apparatus for navigation; Navigational instruments; Telematic apparatus; Telematic terminal apparatus; Magnetic, optical and computer data carriers, Vinyl records, compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; Sound recording carriers, Musical juke boxes, Compact discs [read-only memory]; Downloadable music files; Headphones; Loudspeakers; Cabinets for loudspeakers; Signs, luminous; Compact disc players; DVD players; Video telephones; Phototelegraphy apparatus; Projection apparatus; Cameras [photography]; Films, exposed; Cinematographic cameras; Photocopiers; Electronic translation apparatus (computers); Electronic pocket translators; Magnetic cards, integrated circuit cards (smart cards), encoded telephone cards; Coin-operated mechanisms; Automatic teller machines; Cash registers, calculating machines; Data processing equipment; Computers; Electronic agendas; Facsimile machines; Monitors (computer hardware and programs); Computer peripheral devices; Computer programs for use in autonomous driving of vehicles; Computer programs for use in the autonomous navigation of vehicles; Computer programs for use in autonomous control of vehicles; Recorded and downloadable computer programs, in particular data files in electronic form; Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; Computer software; Application software; Mobile apps; Pocket calculators; Electronic publications, downloadable; Downloadable image files; downloadable virtual goods, Namely computer programs in relation to the following goods: vehicles, Parts and fittings for vehicles, And clothing, playthings, Sporting articles and equipment, Works of art for use in virtual environments; downloadable virtual goods, namely Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for creating and trading digital collectibles using blockchain-based software technology for vehicles, parts and fittings for vehicles, clothing, toys, sports articles and equipment and works of art for use in virtual environments; Downloadable digital media, namely, Digital collectibles created using blockchain-based software technology in the form of personalised photographs, images, videos and virtual experiences, in relation to the following fields: automotive industries, Fine art, entertainment, For sports and Pop culture; Digital materials, namely, Unique data units being unique creative work, in the following fields: automotive industries, Fine art, entertainment, For sports and Pop culture; Crash test dummies; Microscopes; Cables, electric; Sockets, plugs and other contacts [electric connections]; Igniting apparatus, electric, for igniting at a distance; Radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; Head protection; Locks, electric; electronic controllers and electronic control systems; Security tokens [encryption devices]; Electronic access control systems for interlocking doors; Thermal imaging cameras; Scales with body mass analysers; Covers for tablet computers; Black boxes [data recorders]; Digital weather stations; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Interactive touch screen terminals; Smart rings; Electric and electronic effects units for musical instruments; Audio interfaces; Equalisers [audio apparatus]; Parking sensors for vehicles; Teaching robots; User-programmable humanoid robots, not configured; Personal digital assistants [PDAs]; Rearview cameras for vehicles; Electric wire harnesses for automobiles; Telecommunication apparatus in the form of jewellery; Data gloves; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorised land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, adhesive rubber patches for repairing inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electricbicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Insurance underwriting; Real estate services; Pawnbrokerage; Provision of prepaid cards and tokens; Safe deposit services; Financial and monetary services, and banking; Fundraising and financial sponsorship; Financial evaluation [insurance, banking, real estate]; Insurance brokerage; Insurance underwriting; Finance services; Monetary affairs; Issuance of credit cards; Loans [financing]; Credit brokerage; Credit bureau services; Financial consultancy; Banking; Financing services; Hire-purchase financing; Provision of finance for leasing; Lease purchase financing of vehicles; Financial sponsorship; Repair costs evaluation [financial appraisal]; Instalment loans; Savings bank services; Real estate affairs; Real estate appraisal; Rental of apartments; Real estate procurement for others; Apartment locating services for others [permanent accommodation]; Rental of real estate; Brokerage; Securities brokerage; Brokerage of carbon credits; Insurance consultancy; Medical insurance underwriting; Accident insurance underwriting; Antique appraisal; Real estate brokerage; Real estate management; Apartment house management; Rental of offices [real estate]; Financial guarantees [surety services]; Financial guarantees [surety services]; Charitable fund raising; Factoring; Lending against security; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Building, construction and demolition; Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Mining extraction; Gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), All the aforesaid services being included in this class; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Charging of electric vehicles, Vehicle battery charging, Cell phone battery charging services, Computer and telephone battery recharge services; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Telecommunication services; Telecommunication services; Collection and delivery of messages by electronic mail; Electronic message collection and transmission; News agency services; Telecommunication services provided via Internet platforms and portals; Providing access to information on the Internet; Electronic exchange of messages via chat lines, chatrooms and Internet forums; Rental of telecommunication equipment; Radio broadcasting; Television broadcasting; Transmission of electronic mail; Information about telecommunication; Providing user access to global computer networks; Providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; Providing user access to computer programmes in data networks; Providing internet chatrooms; Providing video conferencing services; Wireless cellular phone services; Wireless broadcasting; Computer aided transmission of messages and images; Paging services [radio, telephone or other means of electronic communication]; Satellite transmission; Telephone services; Message sending; Rental of telecommunication facilities; Rental of message sending apparatus; Rental of access time to global computer networks; Providing access to databases; Telematics services; Telematic communication services; Telematic data transmission and file transfer; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Transport; Packaging and storage and warehousing of goods; Arranging of transportation for travel tours; Travel and passenger transportation; Towing; Taxi transport; Car transport; Transportation logistics; Rental of vehicles, in particular cars; Passenger transport, in particular by bus; Car sharing services; Arranging of passenger transportation services for others via an online application; Freight brokerage [forwarding (Am.)]; Delivery of goods and parcels; Storage of electricity; Electricity distribution; Traffic information; Controlling of fleet vehicles using navigational and positioning apparatus. IT services; Software development, programming and implementation; Computer hardware development; Hosting of computer sites (websites); Software as a service [SaaS]; Rental of software; Rental of computer hardware and computer installations; IT consultancy, advisory and information services; IT security, protection and restoration; Data duplication and Data conversion; data coding services; Computer analysis and Computer diagnostic services; Research and development, and implementation of computers and computer systems; Computer project management; Digital watermarking; Computer network services; Technological services relating to computers; Computer network services; On-line computer services; Updating the memory banks of computer systems; Data migration services; Updating of websites, for others; Monitoring of computer systems by remote access; Data encryption services; Consultancy in the field of the internet and data security; Server hosting; Cloud computing; Cloud hosting provider services; Providing virtual computer systems through cloud computing; Providing virtual computer environments through cloud computing; Design and development of virtual reality software; Design of virtual vehicle factories, vehicle shops and dealerships and points of sale for vehicles; Design of virtual vehicles, parts and fittings for vehicles, clothing, sports articles and equipment and works of art; Software as a service (SaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS) for software for use in connection with the providing of a digital platform for digital art, crypto collectibles, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and marketplaces and auctions for non-fungible tokens (NFTs); Science and technology services; Testing, authentication and quality control; Design services; Industrial analysis and research services; Styling [industrial design]; Research and development for others with regard to new products; Provision of scientific information, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon offsetting; Digitization of documents [scanning]; Development of vehicles; Engineering services; Technical research; Surveying; Chemical research; Biological research; Weather forecasting; Physics (research); Architectural services; Dress designing; Authenticating works of art; Cloud seeding; Software design for others; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018844280
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-03-06
Registration Date 2023-08-01
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles: Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes; Adhesive rubber patches for repairing tyre inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Security systems for vehicles [other than locks]; Anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electric bicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts; Shopping trolleys; baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats; Ships; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles; Scooters [vehicles]; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chairlifts; Ropeway; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Sporting articles and equipment; Appliances for gymnastics; Festive decorations and artificial Christmas trees; Fairground and playground apparatus; Toys, games and playthings, and novelties for parties, dances (party favours); Scale model kits [toys]; Plush toys; Stuffed toys; Slot machines [gaming machines]; Scale model vehicles; Toy vehicles; Scooters [toys]; Toy cars; Remote-controlled toy vehicles; Balls for games; Kaleidoscopes; Board games; Playing cards; Playing balls; Stationary exercise bike; Archery implements; Appliances for gymnastics; Racing car games; Gloves for games; Floats for fishing; Camouflage screens [sports articles]; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Retail and wholesale services in relation to: Motor vehicles, Automotive parts and accessories, motors, engines and drives for land vehicles, Chassis for land vehicles, Vehicle bodies and tyres for vehicle wheels; retail and wholesale services for mail order services, in relation to the following goods: Motor vehicles, Automotive parts and accessories, motors, engines and drives for land vehicles, Undercarriages for vehicles, Vehicle superstructures for vehicles and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing/wholesaling provided via the internet, in relation to the following goods: Motor vehicles, Automotive parts and accessories, motors, engines and drives for land vehicles, Chassis for vehicles, Vehicle superstructures for vehicles and tyres for vehicle wheels; Wholesaling and retailing by means of teleshopping programmes, in relation to the following goods: Motor vehicles, Automotive parts and accessories, motors, engines and drives for land vehicles, Chassis for vehicles, Vehicle superstructures for vehicles and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retail services in relation to: Virtual goods, Namely vehicles, Parts and accessories for vehicles, Clothing, Playthings, Sports goods and equipment, objects d'art For use in virtual environments; Provision of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services, in relation to the following goods: virtual reality games; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; None of the aforesaid services in connection with or relating to video or computer games or electronic games software for mobile telephones. Building, construction and demolition; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Mining extraction; Gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom installation of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines [tuning], All the aforesaid services included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018841736
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-02-28
Registration Date 2023-12-06
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services

Goods & Services

Teaching; Training services in the automotive industry; Training services relating to the repair of vehicles; Instructional services relating to the maintenance of vehicles; Training services relating to the selling of vehicles; Providing training in motor vehicle driving; Education and training in the field of automotive engineering; Conducting of exhibitions for educational purposes; Planning of lectures for educational purposes; Arranging of lectures; Arranging of conferences relating to trade; Arranging of conferences relating to business; Education and training services in relation to business management; Personal development courses; Provision of training courses in personal development; Teaching services for communication skills; Providing training courses on business management; Courses (Training -) relating to management; Courses (Training -) relating to customer services; Training courses in strategic planning relating to advertising, promotion, marketing and business; all the aforesaid services only in relation to the following fields: Providing of training in the automotive sector, Expressly excluding services of any kind in the field of human resources and finance.



Application Number 018839680
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-02-23
Registration Date 2023-09-29
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Scientific, research, navigation, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, audiovisual, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, detecting, testing, inspecting, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; Apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; Blank digital or analogue recording and storage media; Information technology and audiovisual equipment; Magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers; Apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; Optical devices, enhancers and correctors; Safety, security, protection and signalling devices; Diving equipment; Navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; Measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; Automatic indicators of low pressure in vehicle tyres; Mileage recorders for vehicles; Scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators; Contact lenses, Spectacles, spectacle cases, Binoculars, optical magnifiers; Sunglasses; Mobile phone cases with lanyards; Mobile phone chains; Covers for smartphones; Vehicle breakdown warning triangles; Warning lamps for vehicles (not parts of vehicles); Electric batteries and parts therefor; Electric accumulators and parts therefor; Fuel cells and parts thereof; Solar batteries; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Chargers for electrical batteries; Burglar alarm apparatus; Fire alarm apparatus; Smoke alarms; Gas escape warning apparatus; Anti-theft warning apparatus; Fire extinguishers; Scales; Spirit levels; Compasses for measuring; Rulers [measuring instruments]; Acid hydrometers; Quantity indicators; Electronic control apparatus and current/voltage supply apparatus for vehicle headlamps and vehicle lights, and all parts therefor; Light-emitting diodes [LED], Electronic power controllers; Electrical and electronic control apparatus; Regulating apparatus and instruments; Simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; Artificial intelligence software for vehicles; Voltage regulators for vehicles; Speed indicators; Revolution counters; Measuring apparatus and instruments; Life-saving equipment, namely life rafts, rescue ladders, safety nets, safety tarpaulins, lifebelts, lifebuoys, lifejackets; Electrical fuses; Relays, electric; Lasers, not for medical purposes, laser pointers; Remote control apparatus, remote controls; Aerials; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Mobile telephones; Telephone apparatus; Television apparatus; Video telephones; Radios; Directional compasses; Apparatus for navigation; Navigational instruments; Telematic apparatus; Telematic terminal apparatus; Magnetic, optical and computer data carriers, Vinyl records, compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; Sound recording carriers, Musical juke boxes, Compact discs [read-only memory]; Downloadable music files; Headphones; Loudspeakers; Cabinets for loudspeakers; Signs, luminous; Compact disc players; DVD players; Video telephones; Phototelegraphy apparatus; Projection apparatus; Cameras [photography]; Films, exposed; Cinematographic cameras; Photocopiers; Electronic translation apparatus (computers); Electronic pocket translators; Magnetic cards, integrated circuit cards (smart cards), encoded telephone cards; Coin-operated mechanisms; Automatic teller machines; Cash registers, calculating machines; Data processing equipment; Computers; Electronic agendas; Facsimile machines; Monitors (computer hardware and programs); Computer peripheral devices; Computer programs for use in autonomous driving of vehicles; Computer programs for use in the autonomous navigation of vehicles; Computer programs for use in autonomous control of vehicles; Recorded and downloadable computer programs, in particular data files in electronic form; Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; Computer software; Application software; Mobile apps; Pocket calculators; downloadable virtual goods, namely, computer programs for the following goods: vehicles, Parts and fittings for vehicles, And clothing, playthings, Sporting articles and equipment, Works of art, all the aforesaid goods for use in virtual environments; downloadable virtual goods, namely vehicles, Parts and fittings for vehicles, And clothing, playthings, Sporting articles and equipment, Works of art, The aforesaid goods for use in virtual environments, authenticated by non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for creating and trading digital collectibles using blockchain-based software technology; Downloadable digital media, namely Digital collectibles created using blockchain-based software technology in the form of personalised photographs, images and videos in relation to the following fields: automotive industries; Digital materials, namely Unique data units being unique creative work in the form of art in relation to the following fields: automotive industries; Crash test dummies; Microscopes; Cables, electric; Sockets, plugs and other contacts [electric connections]; Igniting apparatus, electric, for igniting at a distance; Radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; Head protection; Locks, electric; electronic controllers and electronic control systems; Security tokens [encryption devices]; Electronic access control systems for interlocking doors; Thermal imaging cameras; Scales with body mass analysers; Covers for tablet computers; Black boxes [data recorders]; Digital weather stations; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Interactive touch screen terminals; Smart rings; Electric and electronic effects units for musical instruments; Audio interfaces; Equalisers [audio apparatus]; Parking sensors for vehicles; Teaching robots; Humanoid robots with artificial intelligence; Personal digital assistants [PDAs]; Rearview cameras for vehicles; Electric wire harnesses for automobiles; Telecommunication apparatus in the form of jewellery; Data gloves; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class.


ID. 2all

Application Number 018838138
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-02-20
Registration Date 2023-08-12
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, adhesive rubber patches for repairing inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electric bicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Sporting articles and equipment, gymnastic articles; Decorations for Christmas trees; Artificial Christmas trees; Fairground and playground apparatus; Toys, games, playthings and novelties; Scale model kits [toys]; Soft toys and other stuffed toys; Slot machines [gaming machines], arcade video game machines; Video game apparatus; Video game consoles; Scale model vehicles; Toy vehicles; Scooters [toys]; Children's riding vehicles [playthings]; Toy cars; Remote-controlled toy vehicles; Balls for games; Kaleidoscopes; Board games; Playing cards; Playing balls; Stationary exercise bicycles; Archery implements; Appliances for gymnastics; Racing car games; Gloves for games; Floats for fishing; Camouflage screens [sports articles]; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; retail store services for virtual goods, Namely vehicles, Parts and accessories for vehicles, Clothing, Toys, Sports goods and equipment, objects d'art, all the aforesaid goods for use in virtual environments; Provision of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services, in relation to the following goods: virtual reality games; Retail services in relation to: Creative works (works of art and digital art) with topics in the field of the automotive industry, the toy industry, sports and pop culture; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search; None of the aforesaid services in connection with or relating to video or computer games or electronic games software for mobile telephones. Building, construction and demolition; Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Mining extraction; Gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), All the aforesaid services being included in this class; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 018808101
Status Pending
Filing Date 2022-12-12
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment

Goods & Services

Sportartikel und -ausrüstungen, Turnartikel; Christbaumschmuck; Künstliche Weihnachtsbäume; Geräte für Jahrmärkte und Spielplätze; Spielwaren, Spiele, Spielzeug; Kuriositäten, nämlich Scherzartikel; Modellbausätze [Spielwaren]; Plüschtiere und sonstiges Plüschspielzeug; Spielautomaten [Glücksspielautomaten], Videospielgeräte für Spielhallen; Videospielgeräte; Videospielkonsolen; verkleinerte Fahrzeugmodelle; Spielzeugfahrzeuge; Roller (Spielzeug); Aufsitzfahrzeuge für Kinder [Spielzeug]; Spielzeugautos; Ferngesteuerte Fahrzeuge [Spielzeuge]; Spielbälle; Kaleidoskope; Brettspiele; Spielkarten; Spielkugeln; Fahrrad-Heimtrainer; Bogenschießgeräte; Gymnastik- und Turngeräte; Autorennbahnen; Handschuhe [Zubehör für Spiele]; Schwimmer [Angelsport]; Tarnschilde [Sportartikel]; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten.



Application Number 018808064
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-12-12
Registration Date 2023-05-05
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 36 - Financial, insurance and real estate services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 38 - Telecommunications services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Scientific, research, navigation, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, audiovisual, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, detecting, testing, inspecting, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; Apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; Recorded and downloadable media, blank digital or analogue recording and memory carriers; Information technology and audiovisual equipment; Magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers; Apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; Optical devices, enhancers and correctors; Safety, security, protection and signalling devices; Diving equipment; Navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; Measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; Automatic indicators of low pressure in vehicle tyres; Mileage recorders for vehicles; Scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators; Contact lenses and eyeglasses, Spectacle cases, Binoculars, optical magnifiers; Sunglasses; Mobile phone cases with lanyards; Mobile phone chains; Covers for smartphones; Vehicle breakdown warning triangles; Warning lamps for vehicles (not parts of vehicles); Electric batteries and parts therefor; Electric accumulators and parts therefor; Fuel cells and parts thereof; Solar batteries; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Chargers for electrical batteries; Burglar alarm apparatus; Fire alarm apparatus; Smoke alarms; Gas escape warning apparatus; Anti-theft warning apparatus; Fire extinguishers; Scales; Spirit levels; Compasses for measuring; Rulers [measuring instruments]; Acid hydrometers; Quantity indicators; Electronic control apparatus and current/voltage supply apparatus for vehicle headlamps and vehicle lights, and all parts therefor; Light-emitting diodes [LED], Electronic power controllers; Electrical and electronic control apparatus; Regulating apparatus and instruments; Simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; Artificial intelligence software for vehicles; Voltage regulators for vehicles; Speed indicators; Revolution counters; Measuring apparatus and instruments; Life-saving equipment, namely life rafts, rescue ladders, safety nets, safety tarpaulins, lifebelts, lifebuoys, lifejackets; Electrical fuses; Relays, electric; Lasers, not for medical purposes, laser pointers; Remote control apparatus, remote controls; Aerials; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Mobile telephones; Telephone apparatus; Television apparatus; Video telephones; Radios; Directional compasses; Apparatus for navigation; Navigational instruments; Telematic apparatus; Telematic terminal apparatus; Magnetic, optical and computer data carriers, Vinyl records, compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; Sound recording carriers, Musical juke boxes, Compact discs [read-only memory]; Downloadable music files; Headphones; Loudspeakers; Cabinets for loudspeakers; Signs, luminous; Compact disc players; DVD players; Video telephones; Phototelegraphy apparatus; Projection apparatus; Cameras [photography]; Films, exposed; Cinematographic cameras; Photocopiers; Electronic translation apparatus (computers); Electronic pocket translators; Magnetic cards, integrated circuit cards (smart cards), encoded telephone cards; Coin-operated mechanisms; Automatic teller machines; Cash registers, calculating machines; Data processing equipment; Computers; Electronic agendas; Facsimile machines; Monitors (computer hardware and programs); Computer peripheral devices; Computer programs for use in autonomous driving of vehicles; Computer programs for use in the autonomous navigation of vehicles; Computer programs for use in autonomous control of vehicles; Recorded and downloadable computer programs, in particular data files in electronic form; Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; Computer software; Application software; Mobile apps; Pocket calculators; Electronic publications, downloadable; Downloadable image files; Crash test dummies; Microscopes; Cables, electric; Sockets, plugs and other contacts [electric connections]; Igniting apparatus, electric, for igniting at a distance; Radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; Head protection; Locks, electric; electronic controllers and electronic control systems; Security tokens [encryption devices]; Electronic access control systems for interlocking doors; Thermal imaging cameras; Scales with body mass analysers; Covers for tablet computers; Black boxes [data recorders]; Digital weather stations; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Interactive touch screen terminals; Smart rings; Electric and electronic effects units for musical instruments; Audio interfaces; Equalisers [audio apparatus]; Parking sensors for vehicles; Teaching robots; Humanoid robots with artificial intelligence for use in scientific research; Personal digital assistants [PDAs]; Rearview cameras for vehicles; Electric wire harnesses for automobiles; Telecommunication apparatus in the form of jewellery; Data gloves; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, adhesive rubber patches for repairing inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electric bicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Insurance underwriting; Real estate services; Pawnbrokerage; Provision of prepaid cards and tokens; Safe deposit services; Financial and monetary services, and banking; Fundraising and financial sponsorship; Financial evaluation [insurance, banking, real estate]; Insurance brokerage; Insurance underwriting; Finance services; Monetary affairs; Issuance of credit cards; Loans [financing]; Credit brokerage; Credit bureau services; Financial consultancy; Banking; Financing services; Hire-purchase financing; Provision of finance for leasing; Lease purchase financing of vehicles; Financial sponsorship; Repair costs evaluation [financial appraisal]; Instalment loans; Savings bank services; Real estate affairs; Real estate appraisal; Rental of apartments; Real estate procurement for others; Apartment locating services for others [permanent accommodation]; Rental of real estate; Brokerage; Securities brokerage; Brokerage of carbon credits; Insurance consultancy; Medical insurance underwriting; Accident insurance underwriting; Antique appraisal; Real estate brokerage; Real estate management; Apartment house management; Rental of offices [real estate]; Financial guarantees [surety services]; Financial guarantees [surety services]; Charitable fund raising; Factoring; Lending against security; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Building, construction and demolition; Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Mining extraction; Gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), All the aforesaid services being included in this class; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Telecommunication services; Telecommunication services; Collection and delivery of messages by electronic mail; Electronic message collection and transmission; News agency services; Telecommunication services provided via Internet platforms and portals; Providing access to information on the Internet; Electronic exchange of messages via chat lines, chatrooms and Internet forums; Rental of telecommunication equipment; Radio broadcasting; Television broadcasting; Transmission of electronic mail; Information about telecommunication; Providing user access to global computer networks; Providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; Providing user access to computer programmes in data networks; Providing internet chatrooms; Providing video conferencing services; Wireless cellular phone services; Wireless broadcasting; Computer aided transmission of messages and images; Paging services [radio, telephone or other means of electronic communication]; Satellite transmission; Telephone services; Telephone exchange services; Message sending; Rental of telecommunication facilities; Rental of message sending apparatus; Rental of access time to global computer networks; Providing access to databases; Telematics services; Telematic communication services; Telematic data transmission and file transfer; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Transport; Packaging and storage and warehousing of goods; Arranging of transportation for travel tours; Travel and passenger transportation; Towing; Taxi transport; Car transport; Transportation logistics; Rental of vehicles, in particular cars; Passenger transport, in particular by bus; Car sharing services; Arranging of passenger transportation services for others via an online application; Freight brokerage [forwarding (Am.)]; Delivery of goods and parcels; Storage of electricity; Electricity distribution; Traffic information; Controlling of fleet vehicles using navigational and positioning apparatus. IT services; Software development, programming and implementation; Computer hardware development; Hosting of computer sites (websites); Software as a service [SaaS]; Rental of software; Rental of computer hardware and computer installations; IT consultancy, advisory and information services; IT security, protection and restoration; Data duplication and Data conversion; data coding services; Computer analysis services and Computer diagnostic services; Research and development, and implementation of computers and computer systems; Computer project management; Digital watermarking; Computer network services; Technological services relating to computers; Computer network services; On-line computer services; Updating the memory banks of computer systems; Data migration services; Updating of websites, for others; Monitoring of computer systems by remote access; Data encryption services; Consultancy in the field of the internet and data security; Server hosting; Cloud computing; Cloud hosting provider services; Providing virtual computer systems through cloud computing; Providing virtual computer environments through cloud computing; Design and development of virtual reality software; Science and technology services; Testing, authentication and quality control; Design services; Industrial analysis and research services; Styling [industrial design]; Research and development for others with regard to new products; Provision of scientific information, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon offsetting; Digitization of documents [scanning]; Development of vehicles; Engineering services; Technical research; Surveying; Chemical research; Biological research; Weather forecasting; Research physics; Architectural services; Dress designing; Authenticating works of art; Cloud seeding; Software design for others; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018794726
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-11-16
Registration Date 2023-04-13
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Paper cardboard; Printed matter; Works of art and figurines of paper and cardboard, and architects' models; Decoration and art materials and media; Filtering materials of paper; Bags and articles for packaging, wrapping and storage of paper, cardboard or plastics; Bookbinding material; Photographs [printed]; Stationery; Adhesives for stationery or household purposes; Artists' materials; Brushes for the application of paints; Typewriters, writing implements and office requisites, except furniture; Instructional and teaching material (expect apparatus); Plastic materials for packaging , printers' type; Printing blocks; Atlases; Calendars; Geographical maps; Printed publications; Printed advertising matter and printed publicity; Document holders [stationery]; Pencils (stationery); Ball point pens and pencils; Banners and flags of paper; Table napkins of paper; Copying paper [stationery]; Toilet paper; Paper handtowels; Packing paper; Ink; Stamps [seals]; Drawing instruments; Drawing materials; Modelling materials; Banners of paper; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Publishing and reporting; Teaching, Educational instruction and Entertainment services in the following fields: sports, Sporting services; Translation and interpretation; Training; Sporting and cultural activities; Arranging and conducting of cultural and/or sports events; Talent promotion through training and further training; Presentation of live performances; Playing games on computer networks and on the Internet; Academies [education]; Education information; Organization of competitions [education or entertainment]; Organisation, arranging and conducting of colloquiums, conferences, congresses, symposiums, seminars and workshops [training]; Organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; Coaching [training]; Vocational retraining; Organization of sports competitions; Library services; Publication of books; Online publication of electronic books and journals; Club services [entertainment or education]; Animal training; Organization of lotteries; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. IT services; Software development, programming and implementation; Computer hardware development; Hosting of computer sites (websites); Software as a service [SaaS]; Rental of software; Rental of computer hardware and computer installations; IT consultancy, advisory and information services; IT security, protection and restoration; Data duplication and Data conversion; data coding services; Computer analysis services and Computer diagnostic services; Research and development, and implementation of computers and computer systems; Computer project management; Digital watermarking; Computer network services; Technological services relating to computers; Computer network services; On-line computer services; Updating the memory banks of computer systems; Data migration services; Updating of websites, for others; Monitoring of computer systems by remote access; Data encryption services; Consultancy in the field of the internet and data security; Server hosting; Cloud computing; Cloud hosting provider services; Providing virtual computer systems through cloud computing; Providing virtual computer environments through cloud computing; Design and development of virtual reality software; Science and technology services; Testing, authentication and quality control; Design services; Industrial analysis and research services; Styling [industrial design]; Research and development for others with regard to new products; Provision of scientific information, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon offsetting; Digitization of documents [scanning]; Development of vehicles; Engineering services; Technical research; Surveying; Chemical research; Biological research; Weather forecasting; Research physics; Architectural services; Dress designing; Authenticating works of art; Cloud seeding; Software design for others; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018794095
Status Pending
Filing Date 2022-11-14
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 36 - Financial, insurance and real estate services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 40 - Treatment of materials; recycling, air and water treatment,

Goods & Services

Optische Geräte und Ausrüstung, Verstärkungsgeräte und Korrektoren; Sicherungs-, Sicherheit-, Schutz- und Signalgeräte sowie -ausrüstung; Navigations-, Orientierungs-, Standortverfolgungs-, Zielverfolgungs und Kartierungsgeräte; Mess-, Erkennungs- und Überwachungsinstrumente, -vorrichtungen sowie -regler; Leuchtdioden [LEDs]; Simulatoren für die Lenkung und die Kontrolle von Fahrzeugen; Geschwindigkeitsanzeiger; Drehzahlmesser; Messgeräte und Messinstrumente; Navigationsgeräte für Fahrzeuge; Computerprogramme zur Verwendung für das autonome Fahren von Fahrzeugen; Computerprogramme zur Verwendung bei der autonomen Navigation von Fahrzeugen; Computerprogramme zur Verwendung bei der autonomen Steuerung von Fahrzeugen; gespeicherte und herunterladbare Computerprogramme, insbesondere Datensammlungen in elektronischer Form; Computersoftware; Anwendungssoftware; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Kopfbedeckungen; Bekleidungsstücke; Schuhwaren; Polo-Shirts/-hemden; Overalls; T-Shirts; Mäntel; Jacken; Bandanas [Tücher für Bekleidungszwecke]; Unterhosen; Hosen; Babywäsche; Badeanzüge; Regenmäntel; Theaterkostüme; Schuhe; Fussballschuhe; Hüte; Mützen; Strümpfe; Handschuhe [Bekleidung]; Schals und Stolen; Krawatten; Gürtel [Bekleidung]; Duschhauben; Miederwaren; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Erteilung von Auskünften [Information] und Beratung für Verbraucher in Handels- und Geschäftsangelegenheiten [Verbraucherberatung]; verwaltungstechnische Bearbeitung von Bestellungen [Büroarbeiten]; Vermittlung von Verträgen für Dritte über den An- und Verkauf von Waren; Beratung und Hilfe bei der Organisation und Führung von Handels- und Geschäftsbetrieben; Werbung; Geschäftsführung; Unternehmensverwaltung; Büroarbeiten; Beratung in Fragen des Personalwesens; Unternehmensberatung; Rundfunk- und Fernsehwerbung; Veranstaltung von Messen für wirtschaftliche und Werbezwecke; Sammeln und Zusammenstellen von themenbezogenen Presseartikeln; Präsentation von Waren in Kommunikations-Medien für den Einzelhandel; Öffentlichkeitsarbeit; Durchführung von Auktionen und Versteigerungen; Verkaufsförderung für Dritte; Personalanwerbung; Durchführung von Unternehmensverlagerungen; Verwaltungstechnische Bearbeitung von Bestellungen; Buchprüfung; Sponsorensuche. Immobiliendienstleistungen; Leasing; Finanzierungsleasing; Finanzierungsleasing von Fahrzeugen; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Auskünfte über Reparaturen. Transportwesen; Verpackung und Lagerung von Waren; Veranstaltung von Reisen; Abschleppen von Fahrzeugen; Taxidienste; Transporte mit Kraftfahrzeugen; Transportlogistik; Vermietung von Fahrzeugen, insbesondere Automobilen; Beförderung von Personen, insbesondere mit Autobussen; Dienstleistungen eines Frachtmaklers; Auslieferung von Waren und Paketen; Verkehrsinformationsdienste; Flottensteuerung von Kraftfahrzeugen mittels Navigations- und Ortungsgeräten. Materialbearbeitung durch Abscheiden, Zentrifugieren, Vulkanisieren, mit Chemikalien sowie Oberflächenveredelung durch Materialbearbeitung; Abfallbearbeitung [Umwandlung]; Metallbearbeitung; Auftragsfertigung von Fahrzeugen, Motoren und deren jeweiligen Teilen für Dritte; Lohnfertigung von Fahrzeugen, Motoren und deren jeweiligen Teilen für Dritte.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 018793126
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-11-11
Registration Date 2024-01-06
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 11 - Environmental control apparatus
  • 18 - Leather and imitations of leather
  • 21 - HouseHold or kitchen utensils, containers and materials; glassware; porcelain; earthenware
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear

Goods & Services

Apparatus and installations for lighting, heating, cooling, steam generating, cooking, drying, ventilating and water supply and sanitary purposes; Flues and installations for conveying exhaust gases; Sun tanning appliances; Sanitary installations and devices; Water supply devices; Burners, Boilers; Light reflectors; Food and beverage cooking, heating, cooling and treatment equipment; Fireplaces; Filters for industrial and household use; Industrial processing installations, namely gas filters and purifiers; Industrial ovens and furnaces (not for food or beverages); Chemical processing equipment; Industrial installations for the filtration of liquids; Installations for the collection of gases; Installations for the collection of liquids; Launders for trapping impurities in molten metal; Biological reactors for clarifying industrial effluents; Apparatus for draining food waste; Drying installations; Refrigerating and freezing equipment; Regulating and safety accessories for water and gas installations; Nuclear installations; Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning and purification equipment (ambient); Lighting apparatus; Lighting apparatus and installations; Lamps; Light-emitting diodes [LED] lighting apparatus; Lighting installations for air vehicles; Lighting apparatus for vehicles; Light bulbs for directional signals for vehicles; light-emitting diodes [LED] lighting apparatus for vehicles; Anti-glare devices for vehicles [lamp fittings]; Anti-dazzle devices for automobiles [lamp fittings]; Searchlights; Arc lamps; Coffee machines, electric; Electric fans for personal use; Discharge tubes, electric, for lighting; Bicycle lights; Vehicle lights and all parts therefor, All parts included in this class; Vehicle reflectors and all parts therefor, All parts included in this class; Vehicle headlights and all parts therefor, All parts included in this class; Sockets for electric lights; Friction lighters for igniting gas; Igniters; Light bulbs; Light bulbs, electric; Incandescent burners; Filaments for electric lamps; Miners' lamps; Heating apparatus for solid, liquid or gaseous fuels; Heating apparatus, electric; Heating installations; Heaters for vehicles; Air-conditioning installations; Air-conditioning apparatus; Cooling installations and machines; Refrigerators; Air conditioners for vehicles; Electric lamps; Acetylene generators; Gas lamps; Lamp glasses; Lamp mantles; Lamp globes; Lamp chimneys; Lamp shades; Lampshade holders; Luminous tubes for lighting; Discharge tubes , electric, for lighting; Light diffusers; Air reheaters; Filters for air conditioning; Air filtering installations; Filters [parts of household or industrial installations]; Deodorizing apparatus, not for personal use; Defrosters for vehicles; Ventilation [air-conditioning] installations for vehicles; Heating apparatus for defrosting vehicle windows; Air cooling apparatus; Air purifying apparatus and machines; Germicidal lamps for purifying air; Spa baths [vessels]; Air sterilizers; Air dryers; Ventilation [air-conditioning] installations and apparatus; Lamp reflectors; Safety lamps; Solar collectors [hearing]; Electric torches; Ultraviolet ray lamps, not for medical purposes; Water conduits installations; Level controlling valves in tanks; Radiators, electric; Polymerisation installations; Chocolate fountains, electric; Fairy lights for festive decoration; Electrically heated clothing; Ice-cream making machines; Directional lights for bicycles; Heating and cooling apparatus for dispensing hot and cold beverages; USB-powered hand warmers; USB-powered cup heaters; Garden lighting; Solar lamps; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Luggage, bags, wallets and other carriers; Umbrellas and parasols; Walking sticks; Trunks and suitcases; Bags, included in this class, Especially sports bags and briefcases; Wallets, purses; Key cases; Saddlebags; Clothing for pets; Handbags; Bags [envelopes, pouches] of leather, for packaging; Labels of leather; Tefillin [phylacteries]; Leather, unworked or semi-worked; Rucksacks; Animal skins, hides; saddlery, whips and animal apparel; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Articles for animal husbandry, namely aquariums and vivariums, pest and vermin repellents, bird baths, cages, feeding and drinking articles, fish bowls, grooming articles, nesting articles, swing tags, waste disposal articles; Household articles for maintaining clothing and footwear, namely boot jacks and shoe horns, buttonhooks, clothing stretchers, irons and clothes wringers, shoe polishing apparatus, shoe trees and stretchers; Household or kitchen utensils and containers; Ice tongs; Salad tongs; Serving ladles; Pestles for kitchen use; Mortars for kitchen use; Ice cream scoops; Spatulas for kitchen use; Scoops for household purposes; Pouring spouts; Ladles for serving wine; nut crackers, sugar tongs; Portable isothermic bags and coolboxes, non-electric; Picnic baskets (fitted -) (including dishes); toilet accessories, boxes of metal for dispensing paper towels; Combs and sponges; brushes, brush-making materials; Cleaning articles; Glass, unworked or semi-worked, except building glass; Waste paper baskets; Coin banks; Straws for drinking; Chamois leather for cleaning; Dustings, Cushions and pads for cleaning displays; Porcelain and glass signs; Vases; Flower vases; Heat-insulated containers for beverages; Thermally insulated containers for food; Glassware for everyday use, including cups, table plates, kettles and jugs; Oven mitts; Potholders; Tea services [tableware]; Brush goods; Toothbrushes; Toothpicks; Insulating flasks; Mangers for animals; Fly traps. Headgear; Clothing; Footwear; Polo shirts/blouses; Combinations [clothing]; Tee-shirts; Coats; Jackets [clothing]; Bandanas [neckerchiefs]; Underpants; Trousers; Layettes [clothing]; Bathing suits; Raincoats; Theatrical costumes; Shoes; Soccer shoes; Hats; Caps being headwear; Stockings; Gloves [clothing]; Shawls and stoles; Neckties; Belts [clothing]; Shower caps; Foundation garments; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class.



Application Number 018764327
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-09-20
Registration Date 2023-02-15
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 11 - Environmental control apparatus
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear

Goods & Services

Scientific, research, navigation, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, audiovisual, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, detecting, testing, inspecting, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; Apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; Recorded and downloadable media, blank digital or analogue recording and memory carriers; Information technology and audiovisual equipment; Magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers; Apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; Optical devices, enhancers and correctors; Safety, security, protection and signalling devices; Diving equipment; Navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; Measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; Automatic indicators of low pressure in vehicle tyres; Mileage recorders for vehicles; Scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators; Contact lenses and eyeglasses, Spectacle cases, Binoculars, optical magnifiers; Sunglasses; Mobile phone cases with lanyards; Mobile phone chains; Covers for smartphones; Vehicle breakdown warning triangles; Warning lamps for vehicles (not parts of vehicles); Electric batteries and parts therefor; Electric accumulators and parts therefor; Fuel cells and parts thereof; Solar batteries; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Chargers for electrical batteries; Burglar alarm apparatus; Fire alarm apparatus; Smoke alarms; Gas escape warning apparatus; Anti-theft warning apparatus; Fire extinguishers; Scales; Spirit levels; Compasses for measuring; Rulers [measuring instruments]; Acid hydrometers; Quantity indicators; Electronic control apparatus and current/voltage supply apparatus for vehicle headlamps and vehicle lights, and all parts therefor; Light-emitting diodes [LED], Electronic power controllers; Electrical and electronic control apparatus; Regulating apparatus and instruments; Simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; Artificial intelligence software for vehicles; Voltage regulators for vehicles; Speed indicators; Revolution counters; Measuring apparatus and instruments; Life-saving equipment, namely life rafts, rescue ladders, safety nets, safety tarpaulins, lifebelts, lifebuoys, lifejackets; Electrical fuses; Relays, electric; Lasers, not for medical purposes, laser pointers; Remote control apparatus, remote controls; Aerials; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Mobile telephones; Telephone apparatus; Television apparatus; Video telephones; Radios; Directional compasses; Apparatus for navigation; Navigational instruments; Telematic apparatus; Telematic terminal apparatus; Magnetic, optical and computer data carriers, Vinyl records, compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; Sound recording carriers, Musical juke boxes, Compact discs [read-only memory]; Downloadable music files; Headphones; Loudspeakers; Cabinets for loudspeakers; Signs, luminous; Compact disc players; DVD players; Video telephones; Phototelegraphy apparatus; Projection apparatus; Cameras [photography]; Films, exposed; Cinematographic cameras; Photocopiers; Electronic translation apparatus (computers); Electronic pocket translators; Magnetic cards, integrated circuit cards (smart cards), encoded telephone cards; Coin-operated mechanisms; Automatic teller machines; Cash registers, calculating machines; Data processing equipment; Computers; Electronic agendas; Facsimile machines; Monitors (computer hardware and programs); Computer peripheral devices; Computer programs for use in autonomous driving of vehicles; Computer programs for use in the autonomous navigation of vehicles; Computer programs for use in autonomous control of vehicles; Recorded and downloadable computer programs, in particular data files in electronic form; Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; Computer software; Application software; Mobile apps; Pocket calculators; Electronic publications, downloadable; Downloadable image files; Crash test dummies; Microscopes; Cables, electric; Sockets, plugs and other contacts [electric connections]; Igniting apparatus, electric, for igniting at a distance; Radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; Head protection; Locks, electric; electronic controllers and electronic control systems; Security tokens [encryption devices]; Electronic access control systems for interlocking doors; Thermal imaging cameras; Scales with body mass analysers; Covers for tablet computers; Black boxes [data recorders]; Digital weather stations; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Interactive touchscreen terminals; Smart rings; Electric and electronic effects units for musical instruments; Audio interfaces; Equalisers [audio apparatus]; Parking sensors for vehicles; Teaching robots; Humanoid robots with artificial intelligence; Personal digital assistants [PDAs]; Rearview cameras for vehicles; Electric wire harnesses for automobiles; Telecommunication apparatus in the form of jewellery; Data gloves; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Apparatus and installations for lighting, heating, cooling, steam generating, cooking, drying, ventilating and water supply and sanitary purposes; Flues and installations for conveying exhaust gases; Sun tanning appliances; Sanitary installations and devices; Water supply devices; Burners, Boilers; Light reflectors; Food and beverage cooking, heating, cooling and treatment equipment; Fireplaces; Filters for industrial and household use; Industrial processing installations, namely gas filters and purifiers; Industrial ovens and furnaces (not for food or beverages); Chemical processing equipment; Industrial installations for the filtration of liquids; Installations for the collection of gases; Installations for the collection of liquids; Launders for trapping impurities in molten metal; Biological reactors for clarifying industrial effluents; Apparatus for draining food waste; Drying installations; Refrigerating and freezing equipment; Regulating and safety accessories for water and gas installations; Nuclear installations; Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning and purification equipment (ambient); Lighting apparatus; Lighting apparatus and installations; Lamps; Light-emitting diodes [LED] lighting apparatus; Lighting installations for air vehicles; Lighting apparatus for vehicles; Light bulbs for directional signals for vehicles; light-emitting diodes [LED] lighting apparatus for vehicles; Anti-glare devices for vehicles [lamp fittings]; Anti-dazzle devices for automobiles [lamp fittings]; Searchlights; Arc lamps; Coffee machines, electric; Electric fans for personal use; Discharge tubes, electric, for lighting; Bicycle lights; Vehicle lights and all parts therefor, All parts included in class 11; Vehicle reflectors and all parts therefor, All parts included in class 11; Vehicle headlights and all parts therefor, All parts included in class 11; Sockets for electric lights; Friction lighters for igniting gas; Igniters; Light bulbs; Light bulbs, electric; Incandescent burners; Filaments for electric lamps; Miners' lamps; Heating apparatus for solid, liquid or gaseous fuels; Heating apparatus, electric; Heating installations; Heaters for vehicles; Air-conditioning installations; Air-conditioning apparatus; Cooling installations and machines; Refrigerators; Air conditioners for vehicles; Electric lamps; Acetylene generators; Gas lamps; Lamp glasses; Lamp mantles; Lamp globes; Lamp chimneys; Lamp shades; Lampshade holders; Luminous tubes for lighting; Electric discharge tubes for lighting; Light diffusers; Air reheaters; Filters for air conditioning; Air filtering installations; Filters [parts of household or industrial installations]; Deodorizing apparatus, not for personal use; Defrosters for vehicles; Ventilation [air-conditioning] installations for vehicles; Heating apparatus for defrosting vehicle windows; Air cooling apparatus; Air purifying apparatus and machines; Germicidal lamps for purifying air; Spa baths [vessels]; Air sterilizers; Air dryers; Ventilation [air-conditioning] installations and apparatus; Lamp reflectors; Safety lamps; Solar collectors [hearing]; Electric torches; Ultraviolet ray lamps, not for medical purposes; Water conduits installations; Level controlling valves in tanks; Radiators, electric; Polymerisation installations; Chocolate fountains, electric; Fairy lights for festive decoration; Electrically heated clothing; Ice-cream making machines; Directional lights for bicycles; Heating and cooling apparatus for dispensing hot and cold beverages; USB-powered hand warmers; USB-powered cup heaters; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, adhesive rubber patches for repairing inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electric bicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Headgear; Clothing; Footwear; Polo shirts/blouses; Combinations [clothing]; Tee-shirts; Coats; Jackets [clothing]; Bandanas [neckerchiefs]; Pants; Trousers; Layettes [clothing]; Bathing suits; Raincoats; Theatrical costumes; Shoes; Soccer shoes; Hats; Caps being headwear; Stockings; Gloves [clothing]; Shawls and stoles; Neckties; Belts [clothing]; Shower caps; Foundation garments; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class.



Application Number 018764330
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-09-20
Registration Date 2023-02-14
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 11 - Environmental control apparatus
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear

Goods & Services

Scientific, research, navigation, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, audiovisual, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, detecting, testing, inspecting, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; Apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; Recorded and downloadable media, blank digital or analogue recording and memory carriers; Information technology and audiovisual equipment; Magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers; Apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; Optical devices, enhancers and correctors; Safety, security, protection and signalling devices; Diving equipment; Navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; Measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; Automatic indicators of low pressure in vehicle tyres; Mileage recorders for vehicles; Scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators; Contact lenses and eyeglasses, Spectacle cases, Binoculars, optical magnifiers; Sunglasses; Mobile phone cases with lanyards; Mobile phone chains; Covers for smartphones; Vehicle breakdown warning triangles; Warning lamps for vehicles (not parts of vehicles); Electric batteries and parts therefor; Electric accumulators and parts therefor; Fuel cells and parts thereof; Solar batteries; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Chargers for electrical batteries; Burglar alarm apparatus; Fire alarm apparatus; Smoke alarms; Gas escape warning apparatus; Anti-theft warning apparatus; Fire extinguishers; Scales; Spirit levels; Compasses for measuring; Rulers [measuring instruments]; Acid hydrometers; Quantity indicators; Electronic control apparatus and current/voltage supply apparatus for vehicle headlamps and vehicle lights, and all parts therefor; Light-emitting diodes [LED], Electronic power controllers; Electrical and electronic control apparatus; Regulating apparatus and instruments; Simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; Artificial intelligence software for vehicles; Voltage regulators for vehicles; Speed indicators; Revolution counters; Measuring apparatus and instruments; Life-saving equipment, namely life rafts, rescue ladders, safety nets, safety tarpaulins, lifebelts, lifebuoys, lifejackets; Electrical fuses; Relays, electric; Lasers, not for medical purposes, laser pointers; Remote control apparatus, remote controls; Aerials; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Mobile telephones; Telephone apparatus; Television apparatus; Video telephones; Radios; Directional compasses; Apparatus for navigation; Navigational instruments; Telematic apparatus; Telematic terminal apparatus; Magnetic, optical and computer data carriers, Vinyl records, compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; Sound recording carriers, Musical juke boxes, Compact discs [read-only memory]; Downloadable music files; Headphones; Loudspeakers; Cabinets for loudspeakers; Signs, luminous; Compact disc players; DVD players; Video telephones; Phototelegraphy apparatus; Projection apparatus; Cameras [photography]; Films, exposed; Cinematographic cameras; Photocopiers; Electronic translation apparatus (computers); Electronic pocket translators; Magnetic cards, integrated circuit cards (smart cards), encoded telephone cards; Coin-operated mechanisms; Automatic teller machines; Cash registers, calculating machines; Data processing equipment; Computers; Electronic agendas; Facsimile machines; Monitors (computer hardware and programs); Computer peripheral devices; Computer programs for use in autonomous driving of vehicles; Computer programs for use in the autonomous navigation of vehicles; Computer programs for use in autonomous control of vehicles; Recorded and downloadable computer programs, in particular data files in electronic form; Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; Computer software; Application software; Mobile apps; Pocket calculators; Electronic publications, downloadable; Downloadable image files; Crash test dummies; Microscopes; Cables, electric; Sockets, plugs and other contacts [electric connections]; Igniting apparatus, electric, for igniting at a distance; Radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; Head protection; Locks, electric; electronic controllers and electronic control systems; Security tokens [encryption devices]; Electronic access control systems for interlocking doors; Thermal imaging cameras; Scales with body mass analysers; Covers for tablet computers; Black boxes [data recorders]; Digital weather stations; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Interactive touchscreen terminals; Smart rings; Electric and electronic effects units for musical instruments; Audio interfaces; Equalisers [audio apparatus]; Parking sensors for vehicles; Teaching robots; Humanoid robots with artificial intelligence; Personal digital assistants [PDAs]; Rearview cameras for vehicles; Electric wire harnesses for automobiles; Telecommunication apparatus in the form of jewellery; Data gloves; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Apparatus and installations for lighting, heating, cooling, steam generating, cooking, drying, ventilating and water supply and sanitary purposes; Flues and installations for conveying exhaust gases; Sun tanning appliances; Sanitary installations and devices; Water supply devices; Burners, Boilers; Light reflectors; Food and beverage cooking, heating, cooling and treatment equipment; Fireplaces; Filters for industrial and household use; Industrial processing installations, namely gas filters and purifiers; Industrial ovens and furnaces (not for food or beverages); Chemical processing equipment; Industrial installations for the filtration of liquids; Installations for the collection of gases; Installations for the collection of liquids; Launders for trapping impurities in molten metal; Biological reactors for clarifying industrial effluents; Apparatus for draining food waste; Drying installations; Refrigerating and freezing equipment; Regulating and safety accessories for water and gas installations; Nuclear installations; Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning and purification equipment (ambient); Lighting apparatus; Lighting apparatus and installations; Lamps; Light-emitting diodes [LED] lighting apparatus; Lighting installations for air vehicles; Lighting apparatus for vehicles; Light bulbs for directional signals for vehicles; light-emitting diodes [LED] lighting apparatus for vehicles; Anti-glare devices for vehicles [lamp fittings]; Anti-dazzle devices for automobiles [lamp fittings]; Searchlights; Arc lamps; Coffee machines, electric; Electric fans for personal use; Discharge tubes, electric, for lighting; Bicycle lights; Vehicle lights and all parts therefor, All parts included in class 11; Vehicle reflectors and all parts therefor, All parts included in class 11; Vehicle headlights and all parts therefor, All parts included in class 11; Sockets for electric lights; Friction lighters for igniting gas; Igniters; Light bulbs; Light bulbs, electric; Incandescent burners; Filaments for electric lamps; Miners' lamps; Heating apparatus for solid, liquid or gaseous fuels; Heating apparatus, electric; Heating installations; Heaters for vehicles; Air-conditioning installations; Air-conditioning apparatus; Cooling installations and machines; Refrigerators; Air conditioners for vehicles; Electric lamps; Acetylene generators; Gas lamps; Lamp glasses; Lamp mantles; Lamp globes; Lamp chimneys; Lamp shades; Lampshade holders; Luminous tubes for lighting; Electric discharge tubes for lighting; Light diffusers; Air reheaters; Filters for air conditioning; Air filtering installations; Filters [parts of household or industrial installations]; Deodorizing apparatus, not for personal use; Defrosters for vehicles; Ventilation [air-conditioning] installations for vehicles; Heating apparatus for defrosting vehicle windows; Air cooling apparatus; Air purifying apparatus and machines; Germicidal lamps for purifying air; Spa baths [vessels]; Air sterilizers; Air dryers; Ventilation [air-conditioning] installations and apparatus; Lamp reflectors; Safety lamps; Solar collectors [hearing]; Electric torches; Ultraviolet ray lamps, not for medical purposes; Water conduits installations; Level controlling valves in tanks; Radiators, electric; Polymerisation installations; Chocolate fountains, electric; Fairy lights for festive decoration; Electrically heated clothing; Ice-cream making machines; Directional lights for bicycles; Heating and cooling apparatus for dispensing hot and cold beverages; USB-powered hand warmers; USB-powered cup heaters; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, adhesive rubber patches for repairing inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electric bicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Headgear; Clothing; Footwear; Polo shirts/blouses; Combinations [clothing]; Tee-shirts; Coats; Jackets [clothing]; Bandanas [neckerchiefs]; Pants; Trousers; Layettes [clothing]; Bathing suits; Raincoats; Theatrical costumes; Shoes; Soccer shoes; Hats; Caps being headwear; Stockings; Gloves [clothing]; Shawls and stoles; Neckties; Belts [clothing]; Shower caps; Foundation garments; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 018762572
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-09-16
Registration Date 2023-08-17
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 21 - HouseHold or kitchen utensils, containers and materials; glassware; porcelain; earthenware
  • 24 - Textiles and textile goods

Goods & Services

Statues, figurines, plaques and works of art, made of materials such as porcelain, terra-cotta or glass, included in the class; Household articles for maintaining clothing and footwear, namely boot jacks and shoe horns, buttonhooks, clothing stretchers, irons and clothes wringers, shoe polishing apparatus, shoe trees and stretchers; Household or kitchen utensils and containers; Ice tongs; Salad tongs; Serving ladles; Pestles for kitchen use; Mortars for kitchen use; Ice cream scoops; Spatulas for kitchen use; Scoops for household purposes; Pouring spouts; Ladles for serving wine; nut crackers, sugar tongs; salt and peppershakers, salt and pepper mills; Reusable ice cubes; Ice cube moulds; Kitchen paper holders; Kitchen paper dispensers; Kitchen paper racks; Tablecloth weights; Portable isothermic bags and coolboxes, non-electric; Picnic baskets (fitted -) (including dishes); lunch boxes; Food storage containers; Cookware and tableware, except forks, knives and spoons; Glasses, drinking vessels and barware; Bottle openers, electric and non-electric; Mugs; Coffee cups; Saucers; Table plates; Egg cups; tankards, drinking vessels, drinking glasses, cups, drinking bottles for sports; coasters [tableware], oven heat‑resistant pads; Heat-insulated containers for beverages; Thermally insulated containers for food; Insulating flasks; Metal boxes for dispensing paper towels; Combs and sponges; brushes, brush-making materials; Brush goods; Toothbrushes; Cleaning articles; Glass, unworked or semi-worked, except building glass; Waste paper baskets; Coin banks; Straws for drinking; Chamois leather for cleaning; Dustings, Cushions and pads for cleaning displays; Glassware, porcelain and earthenware (included in Class 21); Porcelain and glass signs; Vases; Flower vases; Glassware for everyday use, including cups, table plates, kettles and jugs; Works of art of porcelain, ceramic, earthenware or glass; Oven mitts; Potholders; Tea services [tableware]; Toothpicks. Textile material; Textile goods, and substitutes for textile goods; Filtering materials of textile; Bed and table covers; Table linen, not of paper; Bed linen; Pillow shams; Towels of textile; cloths being textile piece goods; Wall hangings of textile; Edgings of textile, quilted blankets, bed covers; Sleeping bags; Picnic blankets; Napkins of textile; Mosquito nets, banners and flags, not of paper; Plastic flags; Non-woven textile fabrics; Felt; Bath mitts.



Application Number 018754312
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-08-31
Registration Date 2023-01-12
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Scientific, research, navigation, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, audiovisual, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, detecting, testing, inspecting, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; Apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; Recorded and downloadable media, blank digital or analogue recording and memory carriers; Information technology and audiovisual equipment; Magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers; Apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; Optical devices, enhancers and correctors; Safety, security, protection and signalling devices; Diving equipment; Navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; Measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; Automatic indicators of low pressure in vehicle tyres; Mileage recorders for vehicles; Scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators; Contact lenses and eyeglasses, Spectacle cases, Binoculars, optical magnifiers; Sunglasses; Mobile phone cases with lanyards; Mobile phone chains; Covers for smartphones; Vehicle breakdown warning triangles; Warning lamps for vehicles (not parts of vehicles); Electric batteries and parts therefor; Electric accumulators and parts therefor; Fuel cells and parts thereof; Solar batteries; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Chargers for electrical batteries; Burglar alarm apparatus; Fire alarm apparatus; Smoke alarms; Gas escape warning apparatus; Anti-theft warning apparatus; Fire extinguishers; Scales; Spirit levels; Compasses for measuring; Rulers [measuring instruments]; Acid hydrometers; Quantity indicators; Electronic control apparatus and current/voltage supply apparatus for vehicle headlamps and vehicle lights, and all parts therefor; Light-emitting diodes [LED], Electronic power controllers; Electrical and electronic control apparatus; Regulating apparatus and instruments; Simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; Artificial intelligence software for vehicles; Voltage regulators for vehicles; Speed indicators; Revolution counters; Measuring apparatus and instruments; Life-saving equipment, namely life rafts, rescue ladders, safety nets, safety tarpaulins, lifebelts, lifebuoys, lifejackets; Electrical fuses; Relays, electric; Lasers, not for medical purposes, laser pointers; Remote control apparatus, remote controls; Aerials; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Mobile telephones; Telephone apparatus; Television apparatus; Video telephones; Radios; Directional compasses; Apparatus for navigation; Navigational instruments; Telematic apparatus; Telematic terminal apparatus; Magnetic, optical and computer data carriers, Vinyl records, compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; Sound recording carriers, Musical juke boxes, Compact discs [read-only memory]; Downloadable music files; Headphones; Loudspeakers; Cabinets for loudspeakers; Signs, luminous; Compact disc players; DVD players; Video telephones; Phototelegraphy apparatus; Projection apparatus; Cameras [photography]; Films, exposed; Cinematographic cameras; Photocopiers; Electronic translation apparatus (computers); Electronic pocket translators; Magnetic cards, integrated circuit cards (smart cards), encoded telephone cards; Coin-operated mechanisms; Automatic teller machines; Cash registers, calculating machines; Data processing equipment; Computers; Electronic agendas; Facsimile machines; Monitors (computer hardware and programs); Computer peripheral devices; Computer programs for use in autonomous driving of vehicles; Computer programs for use in the autonomous navigation of vehicles; Computer programs for use in autonomous control of vehicles; Recorded and downloadable computer programs, in particular data files in electronic form; Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; Computer software; Application software; Mobile apps; Pocket calculators; Electronic publications, downloadable; Downloadable image files; Crash test dummies; Microscopes; Cables, electric; Sockets, plugs and other contacts [electric connections]; Igniting apparatus, electric, for igniting at a distance; Radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; Head protection; Locks, electric; electronic controllers and electronic control systems; Security tokens [encryption devices]; Electronic access control systems for interlocking doors; Thermal imaging cameras; Scales with body mass analysers; Covers for tablet computers; Black boxes [data recorders]; Digital weather stations; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Interactive touchscreen terminals; Smart rings; Electric and electronic effects units for musical instruments; Audio interfaces; Equalisers [audio apparatus]; Parking sensors for vehicles; Teaching robots; Humanoid robots with artificial intelligence; Personal digital assistants [PDAs]; Rearview cameras for vehicles; Electric wire harnesses for automobiles; Telecommunication apparatus in the form of jewellery; Data gloves; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. IT services; Software development, programming and implementation; Computer hardware development; Hosting of computer sites (websites); Software as a service [SaaS]; Rental of software; Rental of computer hardware and computer installations; IT consultancy, advisory and information services; IT security, protection and restoration; Data duplication and Data conversion; data coding services; Computer analysis services and Computer diagnostic services; Research and development, and implementation of computers and computer systems; Computer project management; Digital watermarking; Computer network services; Technological services relating to computers; Computer network services; On-line computer services; Updating the memory banks of computer systems; Data migration services; Updating of websites, for others; Monitoring of computer systems by remote access; Data encryption services; Consultancy in the field of the internet and data security; Server hosting; Cloud computing; Cloud hosting provider services; Providing virtual computer systems through cloud computing; Providing virtual computer environments through cloud computing; Design and development of virtual reality software; Science and technology services; Testing, authentication and quality control; Design services; Industrial analysis and research services; Styling [industrial design]; Research and development for others with regard to new products; Provision of scientific information, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon offsetting; Digitization of documents [scanning]; Development of vehicles; Engineering services; Technical research; Surveying; Chemical research; Biological research; Weather forecasting; Research physics; Architectural services; Dress designing; Authenticating works of art; Cloud seeding; Software design for others; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018750428
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-08-23
Registration Date 2023-02-03
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tires for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Wheeled vehicles; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tires; Casings for pneumatic tires [tyres]; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, adhesive rubber patches for repairing inner tubes; Spikes for tires [tyres]; Snow chains; Tires (Non-skid devices for vehicle -); Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorbikes; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electric bicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); hoverboards; Self balancing electric scooters; Self balancing unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs for transporting invalids; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup-holding devices for vehicle; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Consumers (Commercial information and advice for -) [consumer advice shop]; Administrative order processing; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing services; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consulting; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Administrative services for the relocation of businesses; Accounting; Sponsorship search. Building, construction and demolition; Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Mining extraction; Gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Tyre repair; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 018741189
Status Pending
Filing Date 2022-08-04
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment

Goods & Services

Sportartikel und -ausrüstungen; Turnartikel; Festschmuck; künstliche Weihnachtsbäume; Spiele; Plüschtiere; sonstige Plüschspielzeugartikel; Spielautomaten [geldbetätigte Maschinen]; Videospielgeräte für Spielhallen; Videospielgeräte; Roller [Kinderfahrzeuge]; Spielbälle; Kaleidoskope; Brettspiele; Spielkarten; Spielkugeln; Fahrrad-Heimtrainer; Bogenschießgeräte; Gymnastik- und Turngeräte; Handschuhe [Zubehör für Spiele]; Schwimmer [Angelsport]; Tarnschilde [Sportartikel]; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten.



Application Number 018739497
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-07-29
Registration Date 2022-12-22
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Scientific, research, navigation, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, audiovisual, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, detecting, testing, inspecting, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; Apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; Recorded and downloadable media, blank digital or analogue recording and memory carriers; Information technology and audiovisual equipment; Magnets; Magnetising and demagnetising apparatus; Apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; Optical equipment and apparatus; Amplifiers and emphasisers; Safety, security, protection and signalling devices; Diving equipment; Navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; Measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; Automatic indicators of low pressure in vehicle tyres; Mileage recorders for vehicles; Apparatus for scientific research and laboratories; Teaching apparatus and simulators; Contact lenses; Spectacles; Spectacle cases; Binoculars; optical magnifiers; Sunglasses; Mobile phone cases with lanyards; Mobile phone chains; Covers for smartphones; Vehicle breakdown warning triangles; Warning lamps for vehicles (not parts of vehicles); Electric batteries and parts therefor; Electric accumulators and parts therefor; Fuel cells and parts thereof; Solar batteries; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Chargers for electrical batteries; Burglar alarm apparatus; Fire alarm apparatus; Smoke alarms; Gas escape warning apparatus; Anti-theft warning apparatus; Fire extinguishers; Scales; Spirit levels; Compasses for measuring; Rulers [measuring instruments]; Acid hydrometers; Quantity indicators; Electronic control apparatus and current/voltage supply apparatus for vehicle headlamps and vehicle lights, and all parts therefor; Light-emitting diodes [LED]; Electronic power controllers; Electrical and electronic control apparatus; Regulating apparatus and instruments; Simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; Artificial intelligence software for vehicles; Voltage regulators for vehicles; Speed indicators; Revolution counters; Measuring apparatus and instruments; Life-saving equipment, namely life rafts, rescue ladders, safety nets, safety tarpaulins, lifebelts, lifebuoys, lifejackets; Electrical fuses; Relays, electric; Lasers, not for medical purposes; Laser pointers; Remote control apparatus; Remote controls; Aerials; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Mobile telephones; Telephone apparatus; Television apparatus; Video telephones; Radios; Directional compasses; Apparatus for navigation; Navigational instruments; Telematic apparatus; Telematic terminal apparatus; Magnetic, optical and computer data carriers; Phonograph records; Compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; Sound recording carriers; Musical juke boxes; Compact discs [read-only memory]; Downloadable music files; Headphones; Loudspeakers; Cabinets for loudspeakers; Signs, luminous; Compact disc players; DVD players; Video telephones; Phototelegraphy apparatus; Projection apparatus; Cameras [photography]; Films, exposed; Cinematographic cameras; Photocopiers; Electronic translation apparatus (computers); Electronic pocket translators; Magnetic strip cards; Integrated circuit cards [smart cards]; Coded telephone cards; Coin-operated mechanisms; Automatic teller machines; Cash registers; Calculators; Data processing equipment; Computers; Electronic agendas; Facsimile machines; Monitors (computer hardware and programs); Computer peripheral devices; Computer programs for use in autonomous driving of vehicles; Computer programs for use in the autonomous navigation of vehicles; Computer programs for use in autonomous control of vehicles; Recorded and downloadable computer programs, in particular data files in electronic form; Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; Computer software; Application software; Mobile apps; Pocket calculators; Electronic publications, downloadable; Downloadable image files; downloadable virtual goods, namely, Software, for use in relation to the following goods: vehicles, Parts and fittings for vehicles, And clothing, playthings, Sporting articles and equipment and Works of art, all the aforesaid goods for use in virtual environments; downloadable virtual goods, namely Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for creating and trading digital collectibles using blockchain-based software technology for vehicles, parts and fittings for vehicles, clothing, toys, sports articles and equipment and works of art for use in virtual environments; Downloadable digital media, namely, Digital collectibles created using blockchain-based software technology in the form of personalised photographs, images, videos and virtual experiences, in relation to the following fields: automotive industries, Fine art, entertainment, For sports and Pop culture; Digital materials, namely, Unique data units being unique creative work, in relation to the following fields: automotive industries, Fine art, entertainment, For sports and Pop culture; Crash test dummies; Microscopes; Cables, electric; Sockets, plugs and other contacts [electric connections]; Igniting apparatus, electric, for igniting at a distance; Radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; Head protection; Locks, electric; electronic controllers and electronic control systems; Security tokens [encryption devices]; Electronic access control systems for interlocking doors; Thermal imaging cameras; Scales with body mass analysers; Covers for tablet computers; Black boxes [data recorders]; Digital weather stations; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Interactive touch screen terminals; Smart rings; Electric and electronic effects units for musical instruments; Audio interfaces; Equalisers [audio apparatus]; Parking sensors for vehicles; Teaching robots; Humanoid robots with artificial intelligence for use in scientific research; Personal digital assistants [PDAs]; Rearview cameras for vehicles; Electric wire harnesses for automobiles; Telecommunication apparatus in the form of jewellery; Data gloves; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class; all the aforesaid goods, not in relation to the following goods: Video- and Game software, Electronic game software for mobile phones, Computer game software, Computer game hardware, Video game software and video game hardware, Interactive games software, Interactive games hardware and goods or fittings adapted for use with or through computer and/or video game software and/or hardware; including the aforesaid goods, not in relation to the following goods: Model-vehicle batteries, model-vehicle battery chargers or electrical adapter/plug-in components for model vehicles. Motorised land vehicles, other than rail vehicles; Driverless vehicles (autonomous vehicles), other than rail vehicles; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, adhesive rubber patches for repairing inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electricbicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class; None of the aforesaid goods in connection with rail vehicles. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retail services in relation to the following goods: Virtual goods, Namely vehicles, Parts and accessories for vehicles, Clothing, Toys, Sports goods and equipment and objects d'art, The aforesaid goods being for use in virtual environments; Provision of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services, in relation to the following goods: virtual reality games; Retailing in the field of creative work (art work and digital arts), in relation to the following fields: automotive industries, Toy industry, Sport and Pop culture; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search; None of the aforesaid services in connection with or relating to video or computer games or electronic games software for mobile telephones. Building, construction and demolition; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction and demolition; Mining and gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Modification, repair, disassembly, maintenance and care of vehicles; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class; None of the aforesaid services in connection with rail vehicles.



Application Number 018737024
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-07-21
Registration Date 2023-04-05
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, adhesive rubber patches for repairing inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electric bicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Sporting articles and equipment, gymnastic articles; Decorations for Christmas trees; Artificial Christmas trees; Fairground and playground apparatus; Toys, games and playthings, and novelties for parties, dances (party favours); Scale model kits [toys]; Soft toys and other stuffed toys; Slot machines [gaming machines], arcade video game machines; Video game apparatus; Video game consoles; Scale model vehicles; Toy vehicles; Scooters [toys]; Children's riding vehicles [playthings]; Toy cars; Remote-controlled toy vehicles; Balls for games; Kaleidoscopes; Board games; Playing cards; Playing balls; Stationary exercise bicycles; Archery implements; Appliances for gymnastics; Racing car games; Gloves for games; Floats for fishing; Camouflage screens [sports articles]; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search. Building, construction and demolition; Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Mining extraction; Gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018735296
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-07-20
Registration Date 2023-02-22
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 40 - Treatment of materials; recycling, air and water treatment,
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Scientific, research, navigation, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, audiovisual, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, detecting, testing, inspecting, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; Apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; Recorded and downloadable media, blank digital or analogue recording and memory carriers; Information technology and audiovisual equipment; Magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers; Apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; Optical devices, enhancers and correctors; Safety, security, protection and signalling devices; Diving equipment; Navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; Measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; Automatic indicators of low pressure in vehicle tyres; Mileage recorders for vehicles; Scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators; Contact lenses and eyeglasses, Spectacle cases, Binoculars, optical magnifiers; Sunglasses; Mobile phone cases with lanyards; Mobile phone chains; Covers for smartphones; Vehicle breakdown warning triangles; Warning lamps for vehicles (not parts of vehicles); Electric batteries and parts therefor; Electric accumulators and parts therefor; Fuel cells and parts thereof; Solar batteries; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Chargers for electrical batteries; Burglar alarm apparatus; Fire alarm apparatus; Smoke alarms; Gas escape warning apparatus; Anti-theft warning apparatus; Fire extinguishers; Scales; Spirit levels; Compasses for measuring; Rulers [measuring instruments]; Acid hydrometers; Quantity indicators; Electronic control apparatus and current/voltage supply apparatus for vehicle headlamps and vehicle lights, and all parts therefor; Light-emitting diodes [LED], Electronic power controllers; Electrical and electronic control apparatus; Regulating apparatus and instruments; Simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; Artificial intelligence software for vehicles; Voltage regulators for vehicles; Speed indicators; Revolution counters; Measuring apparatus and instruments; Life-saving equipment, namely life rafts, rescue ladders, safety nets, safety tarpaulins, lifebelts, lifebuoys, lifejackets; Electrical fuses; Relays, electric; Lasers, not for medical purposes, laser pointers; Remote control apparatus, remote controls; Aerials; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Mobile telephones; Telephone apparatus; Television apparatus; Video telephones; Radios; Directional compasses; Apparatus for navigation; Navigational instruments; Telematic apparatus; Telematic terminal apparatus; Magnetic, optical and computer data carriers, Vinyl records, compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; Sound recording carriers, Musical juke boxes, Compact discs [read-only memory]; Downloadable music files; Headphones; Loudspeakers; Cabinets for loudspeakers; Signs, luminous; Compact disc players; DVD players; Video telephones; Phototelegraphy apparatus; Projection apparatus; Cameras [photography]; Films, exposed; Cinematographic cameras; Photocopiers; Electronic translation apparatus (computers); Electronic pocket translators; Magnetic cards, integrated circuit cards (smart cards), encoded telephone cards; Coin-operated mechanisms; Automatic teller machines; Cash registers, calculating machines; Data processing equipment; Computers; Electronic agendas; Facsimile machines; Monitors (computer hardware and programs); Computer peripheral devices; Computer programs for use in autonomous driving of vehicles; Computer programs for use in the autonomous navigation of vehicles; Computer programs for use in autonomous control of vehicles; Recorded and downloadable computer programs, in particular data files in electronic form; Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; Computer software; Application software; Mobile apps; Pocket calculators; Electronic publications, downloadable; Downloadable image files; Crash test dummies; Microscopes; Cables, electric; Sockets, plugs and other contacts [electric connections]; Igniting apparatus, electric, for igniting at a distance; Radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; Head protection; Locks, electric; electronic controllers and electronic control systems; Security tokens [encryption devices]; Electronic access control systems for interlocking doors; Thermal imaging cameras; Scales with body mass analysers; Covers for tablet computers; Black boxes [data recorders]; Digital weather stations; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Interactive touchscreen terminals; Smart rings; Electric and electronic effects units for musical instruments; Audio interfaces; Equalisers [audio apparatus]; Parking sensors for vehicles; Teaching robots; Humanoid robots with artificial intelligence for use in scientific research; Personal digital assistants [PDAs]; Rearview cameras for vehicles; Electric wire harnesses for automobiles; Telecommunication apparatus in the form of jewellery; Data gloves; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search. Building, construction and demolition; Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Mining extraction; Gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Waste treatment [transformation]; Metal treating; Contract manufacturing in connection with motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, undercarriages for land vehicles, vehicle bodies and tyres for vehicle wheels; Electricity generating; Electricity generating; Rental of generators; Air purification; Air regeneration; Air freshening; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. IT services; Software development, programming and implementation; Computer hardware development; Hosting of computer sites (websites); Software as a service [SaaS]; Rental of software; Rental of computer hardware and computer installations; IT consultancy, advisory and information services; IT security, protection and restoration; Data duplication and Data conversion; data coding services; Computer analysis services and Computer diagnostic services; Research and development, and implementation of computers and computer systems; Computer project management; Digital watermarking; Computer network services; Technological services relating to computers; Computer network services; IT services, namely, On-line computer services; Updating of memory banks of computer systems; Data migration services; Updating of websites, for others; Monitoring of computer systems by remote access; Data encryption services; Consultancy in the field of the internet and data security; Server hosting; Cloud computing; Cloud hosting provider services; Providing virtual computer systems through cloud computing; Providing virtual computer environments through cloud computing; Design and development of virtual reality software; Science and technology services; Testing, authentication and quality control; Design services; Industrial analysis and research services; Styling [industrial design]; Research and development for others with regard to new products; Provision of scientific information, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon offsetting; Digitization of documents [scanning]; Development of vehicles; Engineering services; Technical research; Surveying; Chemical research; Biological research; Weather forecasting; Research physics; Architectural services; Dress designing; Authenticating works of art; Cloud seeding; Software design for others; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018726388
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-06-30
Registration Date 2022-12-10
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tires for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Wheeled vehicles; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tires; Casings for pneumatic tires [tyres]; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, adhesive rubber patches for repairing inner tubes; Spikes for tires [tyres]; Snow chains; Tires (Non-skid devices for vehicle -); Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorbikes; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electric bicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); hoverboards; Self balancing electric scooters; Self balancing unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs for transporting invalids; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup-holding devices for vehicle; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class.



Application Number 018725681
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-06-29
Registration Date 2023-03-31
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Vehicles and conveyances; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes; Adhesive rubber patches for repairing tyre inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers for vehicles; Semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Sporting articles and equipment, gymnastic articles; Toys, games and playthings, and novelties for parties, dances (party favours); Scale model kits [toys]; Soft toys and other stuffed toys; Slot machines [gaming machines], arcade video game machines; Video game apparatus; Video game consoles; Scale model vehicles; Toy vehicles; Scooters [toys]; Toy cars; Remote-controlled toy vehicles; Balls for games; Kaleidoscopes; Board games; Playing cards; Playing balls; Stationary exercise bicycles; Archery implements; Appliances for gymnastics; Racing car games; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]. Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018703388
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-05-17
Registration Date 2022-10-12
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, adhesive rubber patches for repairing inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electric bicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Sporting articles and equipment, gymnastic articles; Decorations for Christmas trees; Artificial Christmas trees; Fairground and playground apparatus; Toys, games, playthings and novelties; Scale model kits [toys]; Soft toys and other stuffed toys; Scale model vehicles; Toy vehicles; Scooters [toys]; Children's riding vehicles [playthings]; Toy cars; Remote-controlled toy vehicles; Balls for games; Kaleidoscopes; Board games; Playing cards; Playing balls; Stationary exercise bicycles; Archery implements; Appliances for gymnastics; Racing car games; Gloves for games; Floats for fishing; Camouflage screens [sports articles]; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retail services in relation to: Virtual goods, Namely vehicles, Parts and accessories for vehicles, Clothing, Playthings, Sports goods and equipment, objects d'art, for use in the following fields: Virtual environments; Online marketplace services in relation to the following goods: virtual reality games; Sale of digital art and creative works in the following fields: automotive industries, Toy industry, Sport and Pop culture; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search; None of the aforesaid services in connection with or relating to video or computer games or electronic games software for mobile telephones. Building, construction and demolition; Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Mining extraction; Gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 018704030
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-05-17
Registration Date 2022-11-18
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Recorded and downloadable media, blank digital or analogue recording and memory carriers; Information technology and audiovisual equipment; Computer programs for use in autonomous driving of vehicles; Computer programs for use in the autonomous navigation of vehicles; Computer programs for use in autonomous control of vehicles; Recorded and downloadable computer programs, in particular data files in electronic form; Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; Computer software; Application software; Mobile apps; Electronic publications, downloadable; Downloadable image files; downloadable virtual goods, namely, Software, for use in relation to the following goods: vehicles, Parts and fittings for vehicles, And clothing, playthings, Sporting articles and equipment, Works of art, for use in the following fields: Virtual environments; downloadable virtual goods, namely, Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for creating and trading digital collectibles using blockchain-based software technology, for use in relation to the following goods: vehicles, Parts and fittings for vehicles, And clothing, playthings, Sporting articles and equipment, Works of art, for use in the following fields: Virtual environments; Downloadable digital media, namely, Digital collectibles created using blockchain-based software technology in the form of personalised photographs, images, videos and virtual experiences, in relation to the following fields: automotive industries, Fine art, entertainment, For sports and Pop culture; Digital materials, namely, Unique data units being unique creative work, in relation to the following fields: automotive industries, Fine art, entertainment, For sports and Pop culture. Retail services in relation to: Virtual goods, Namely of, Vehicles, Parts and accessories for vehicles, Ready-made clothing, Playthings and sporting goods and equipment, objects of art, for use in the following fields: Virtual environments; Online marketplace services in relation to the following goods: virtual reality games; Sale of digital art and creative works in the following fields: automotive industries, Toy industry, Sport and Pop culture. conducting, Organising, in relation to the following fields: Online events, for cultural purposes, For entertainment purposes, For sporting purposes; Playing games on computer networks and on the Internet; Providing virtual environments in which users can interact for recreational, leisure or entertainment purposes; providing an online environment featuring streaming of entertainment content and live streaming of entertainment events; Providing of online, non-downloadable virtual vehicles, parts and fittings for vehicles, clothing, sports articles and equipment and works of art for use in virtual environments created for entertainment purposes; Providing of online digital publications in the form of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in the field of digital art via the internet. Software development, programming and implementation; Software as a service [SaaS]; Rental of software; Cloud computing; Cloud hosting provider services; Providing virtual computer systems through cloud computing; Providing virtual computer environments through cloud computing; Design and development of virtual reality software; Design of virtual vehicle factories, vehicle shops and dealerships and points of sale for vehicles; Design of virtual vehicles, parts and fittings for vehicles, clothing, sports articles and equipment and works of art; Software as a service (SaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS) for software for use in connection with the providing of a digital platform for digital art, crypto collectibles, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and marketplaces and auctions for non-fungible tokens (NFTs).



Application Number 018702071
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-05-11
Registration Date 2023-10-18
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 40 - Treatment of materials; recycling, air and water treatment,
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Scientific, research, navigation, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, audiovisual, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, detecting, testing, inspecting, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; Apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; Apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; Optical devices, enhancers and correctors; Safety, security, protection and signalling devices; Navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; Measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; Automatic indicators of low pressure in vehicle tyres; Mileage recorders for vehicles; Sunglasses; Mobile phone cases with lanyards; Mobile phone chains; Covers for smartphones; Vehicle breakdown warning triangles; Warning lamps for vehicles (not parts of vehicles); Electric batteries and parts therefor; Electric accumulators and parts therefor; Fuel cells and parts thereof; Solar batteries; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Chargers for electrical batteries; Burglar alarm apparatus; Fire alarm apparatus; Smoke alarms; Gas escape warning apparatus; Anti-theft warning apparatus; Fire extinguishers; Scales; Spirit levels; Compasses for measuring; Rulers [measuring instruments]; Acid hydrometers; Quantity indicators; Electronic control apparatus and current/voltage supply apparatus for vehicle headlamps and vehicle lights, and all parts therefor; Light-emitting diodes [LED], Electronic power controllers; Electrical and electronic control apparatus; Regulating apparatus and instruments; Simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; Artificial intelligence software for vehicles; Voltage regulators for vehicles; Speed indicators; Revolution counters; Measuring apparatus and instruments; Life-saving equipment, namely life rafts, rescue ladders, safety nets, safety tarpaulins, lifebelts, lifebuoys, lifejackets; Electrical fuses; Relays, electric; Lasers, not for medical purposes, laser pointers; Remote control apparatus, remote controls; Aerials; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Mobile telephones; Telephone apparatus; Television apparatus; Video telephones; Radios; Directional compasses; Apparatus for navigation; Navigational instruments; Telematic apparatus; Telematic terminal apparatus; Magnetic, optical and computer data carriers, Vinyl records, compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; Sound recording carriers, Musical juke boxes, Compact discs [read-only memory]; Downloadable music files; Headphones; Loudspeakers; Cabinets for loudspeakers; Signs, luminous; Compact disc players; DVD players; Video telephones; Phototelegraphy apparatus; Projection apparatus; Cameras [photography]; Films, exposed; Cinematographic cameras; Photocopiers; Electronic translation apparatus (computers); Electronic pocket translators; Magnetic cards, integrated circuit cards (smart cards), encoded telephone cards; Coin-operated mechanisms; Automatic teller machines; Cash registers, calculating machines; Data processing equipment; Computers; Electronic agendas; Facsimile machines; Monitors (computer hardware and programs); Computer peripheral devices; Computer programs for use in autonomous driving of vehicles; Computer programs for use in the autonomous navigation of vehicles; Computer programs for use in autonomous control of vehicles; Recorded and downloadable computer programs, in particular data files in electronic form; Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; Computer software; Application software; Mobile apps; Pocket calculators; Electronic publications, downloadable; Downloadable image files; Crash test dummies; Microscopes; Cables, electric; Sockets, plugs and other contacts [electric connections]; Igniting apparatus, electric, for igniting at a distance; Radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; Head protection; Locks, electric; electronic controllers and electronic control systems; Security tokens [encryption devices]; Electronic access control systems for interlocking doors; Thermal imaging cameras; Scales with body mass analysers; Covers for tablet computers; Black boxes [data recorders]; Digital weather stations; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Interactive touch screen terminals; Smart rings; Electric and electronic effects units for musical instruments; Audio interfaces; Equalisers [audio apparatus]; Parking sensors for vehicles; Teaching robots; Humanoid robots with artificial intelligence; Personal digital assistants [PDAs]; Rearview cameras for vehicles; Electric wire harnesses for automobiles; Telecommunication apparatus in the form of jewellery; Data gloves; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retail and wholesale services in relation to: Batteries; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search. Building, construction and demolition; Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Repair information; Charging of batteries and power storage devices, and rental of equipment therefore; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Metal treating; Contract manufacturing in connection with motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, undercarriages for land vehicles, vehicle bodies and tyres for vehicle wheels; Battery recycling; Air purification; Air regeneration; Air freshening; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. IT services; Software development, programming and implementation; Computer hardware development; Hosting of computer sites (websites); Software as a service [SaaS]; Rental of software; Rental of computer hardware and computer installations; IT consultancy, advisory and information services; IT security, protection and restoration; Data duplication and Data conversion; data coding services; Computer analysis and Computer diagnostic services; Research and development, and implementation of computers and computer systems; Computer project management; Digital watermarking; Computer network services; Technological services relating to computers; Computer network services; On-line computer services; Updating the memory banks of computer systems; Data migration services; Updating of websites, for others; Monitoring of computer systems by remote access; Data encryption services; Consultancy in the field of the internet and data security; Server hosting; Cloud computing; Cloud hosting provider services; Providing virtual computer systems through cloud computing; Providing virtual computer environments through cloud computing; Design and development of virtual reality software; Science and technology services; Testing, authentication and quality control; Design services; Industrial analysis and research services; Styling [industrial design]; Research and development for others with regard to new products; Provision of scientific information, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon offsetting; Digitization of documents [scanning]; Development of vehicles; Engineering services; Technical research; Surveying; Software design for others; Technical control services in relation to the following goods: Wirelessly connected electric battery apparatus incorporating firmware and software for the storage and supply of electricity to ensure proper function and programming to meet electricity requirements and usage goals; Design in relation to the following goods: Electric battery systems, consisting of wirelessly connected electrical battery apparatus and supporting software, all for the storage and discharge of stored electricity, to optimise the design efficiency, programming and configuration of the aforesaid systems and consultancy connected therewith; Software as a service [SaaS] containing software for monitoring, optimising, and regulating the storage and discharge of stored energy to and from wirelessly connected electric battery apparatus; Online providing, in relation to the following goods: Non-downloadable software for monitoring, optimising, and regulating the storage and discharge of stored energy to and from wirelessly connected electric battery apparatus; Maintenance services of: Software and firmware embedded in wirelessly connected electric battery apparatus for the storage and discharge of stored electricity, through programming and configuration of software for electric battery apparatus; Installation services, maintenance, repair, upgrading Relating to the following sectors: Remote-updated computer software and firmware embedded in wirelessly connected electric battery apparatus, and consultancy connected therewith for the storage and discharge of stored electricity to stabilise and meet electricity requirements and usage goals; Installation, integration, maintenance and repair and upgrading of computer software, and consultancy relating thereto, in relation to the storage, discharge, supply, transmission and stabilisation of electricity; Leasing in relation to computer software for the storage, discharge, supply, transmission and stabilisation of electricity; Operation, maintenance and regulation of computer software for the storage, discharge, supply, transmission and stabilisation of electricity, and consultancy relating theret; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018686582
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-04-13
Registration Date 2022-09-23
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Scientific, research, navigation, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, audiovisual, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, detecting, testing, inspecting, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; Apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; Recorded and downloadable media, blank digital or analogue recording and memory carriers; Information technology and audiovisual equipment; Magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers; Apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; Optical devices, enhancers and correctors; Safety, security, protection and signalling devices; Diving equipment; Navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; Measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; Automatic indicators of low pressure in vehicle tyres; Mileage recorders for vehicles; Scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators; Contact lenses and eyeglasses, Spectacle cases, Binoculars, optical magnifiers; Sunglasses; Mobile phone cases with lanyards; Mobile phone chains; Covers for smartphones; Vehicle breakdown warning triangles; Warning lamps for vehicles (not parts of vehicles); Electric batteries and parts therefor; Electric accumulators and parts therefor; Fuel cells and parts thereof; Solar batteries; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Chargers for electrical batteries; Burglar alarm apparatus; Fire alarm apparatus; Smoke alarms; Gas escape warning apparatus; Anti-theft warning apparatus; Fire extinguishers; Scales; Spirit levels; Compasses for measuring; Rulers [measuring instruments]; Acid hydrometers; Quantity indicators; Electronic control apparatus and current/voltage supply apparatus for vehicle headlamps and vehicle lights, and all parts therefor; Light-emitting diodes [LED], Electronic power controllers; Electrical and electronic control apparatus; Regulating apparatus and instruments; Simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; Artificial intelligence software for vehicles; Voltage regulators for vehicles; Speed indicators; Revolution counters; Measuring apparatus and instruments; Life-saving equipment, namely life rafts, rescue ladders, safety nets, safety tarpaulins, lifebelts, lifebuoys, lifejackets; Electrical fuses; Relays, electric; Lasers, not for medical purposes, laser pointers; Remote control apparatus, remote controls; Aerials; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Mobile telephones; Telephone apparatus; Television apparatus; Video telephones; Radios; Directional compasses; Apparatus for navigation; Navigational instruments; Telematic apparatus; Telematic terminal apparatus; Magnetic, optical and computer data carriers, Vinyl records, compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; Sound recording carriers, Musical juke boxes, Compact discs [read-only memory]; Downloadable music files; Headphones; Loudspeakers; Cabinets for loudspeakers; Signs, luminous; Compact disc players; DVD players; Video telephones; Phototelegraphy apparatus; Projection apparatus; Cameras [photography]; Films, exposed; Cinematographic cameras; Photocopiers; Electronic translation apparatus (computers); Electronic pocket translators; Magnetic cards, integrated circuit cards (smart cards), encoded telephone cards; Coin-operated mechanisms; Automatic teller machines; Cash registers, calculating machines; Data processing equipment; Computers; Electronic agendas; Facsimile machines; Monitors (computer hardware and programs); Computer peripheral devices; Computer programs for use in autonomous driving of vehicles; Computer programs for use in the autonomous navigation of vehicles; Computer programs for use in autonomous control of vehicles; Recorded and downloadable computer programs, in particular data files in electronic form; Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; Computer software; Application software; Mobile apps; Pocket calculators; Electronic publications, downloadable; Downloadable image files; Crash test dummies; Microscopes; Cables, electric; Sockets, plugs and other contacts [electric connections]; Igniting apparatus, electric, for igniting at a distance; Radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; Head protection; Locks, electric; electronic controllers and electronic control systems; Security tokens [encryption devices]; Electronic access control systems for interlocking doors; Thermal imaging cameras; Scales with body mass analysers; Covers for tablet computers; Black boxes [data recorders]; Digital weather stations; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Interactive touch screen terminals; Smart rings; Electric and electronic effects units for musical instruments; Audio interfaces; Equalisers [audio apparatus]; Parking sensors for vehicles; Teaching robots; Humanoid robots with artificial intelligence for use in scientific research; Personal digital assistants [PDAs]; Rearview cameras for vehicles; Electric wire harnesses for automobiles; Telecommunication apparatus in the form of jewellery; Data gloves; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, adhesive rubber patches for repairing inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electric bicycles; Camera drones; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Sporting articles and equipment, gymnastic articles; Decorations for Christmas trees; Artificial Christmas trees; Fairground and playground apparatus; Toys, games, playthings and novelties; Scale model kits [toys]; Soft toys and other stuffed toys; Slot machines [gaming machines], arcade video game machines; Video game apparatus; Video game consoles; Scale model vehicles; Toy vehicles; Scooters [toys]; Children's riding vehicles [playthings]; Toy cars; Remote-controlled toy vehicles; Balls for games; Kaleidoscopes; Board games; Playing cards; Playing balls; Stationary exercise bicycles; Archery implements; Appliances for gymnastics; Racing car games; Gloves for games; Floats for fishing; Camouflage screens [sports articles]; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search. Building, construction and demolition; Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Mining extraction; Gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018683047
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-04-06
Registration Date 2023-06-28
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
  • 18 - Leather and imitations of leather
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment

Goods & Services

Building and construction materials and elements of metal; Metal hardware; Bag hangers of metal; Labels of metal; Doors, gates, windows and window coverings of metal; Containers, and transportation and packaging articles, of metal; Outdoor blinds of metal; Structures and transportable buildings of metal; Statues and works of art of common metals; Metal containers for the storage and transportation of goods; Common metals and their alloys; Railway material of metal; Non-electric cables and wires of common metal; Ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; Badges of metal for vehicles; Locks of metal for vehicles; Registration plates of metal; Signboards of metal; Wheel clamps [boots]; Tool boxes of metal, empty; Tool chests of metal, empty; Metal ramps for use with vehicles; Pipes and tubes of metal; Cashboxes [metal or non-metal]; Safes [metal or non-metal]; Safes, electronic; Ores of metal; Foils of metal for wrapping and packaging; Ducts of metal for ventilating and air-conditioning installations; Building materials of metal; Materials of metal for funicular railway permanent ways; Steel wire; Binding screws of metal for cables; Shims; Door closers of metal, non-electric; Chests of metal; Cattle chains; Rods of metal for brazing and welding; Anchors; Handcuffs; Weather- or wind-vanes of metal; Tree protectors of metal; Traps for wild animals; Bronzes for tombstones; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Luggage, bags, wallets and other carriers; Umbrellas and parasols; Walking sticks; Trunks and suitcases; Bags, included in this class, Especially sports bags and briefcases; Wallets, purses; Key cases; Saddlebags; Clothing for pets; Handbags; Bags [envelopes, pouches] of leather, for packaging; Labels of leather; Tefillin [phylacteries]; Leather, unworked or semi-worked; Rucksacks; Animal skins, hides; saddlery, whips and animal apparel; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Headgear; Clothing; Footwear; Polo shirts/blouses; Combinations [clothing]; Tee-shirts; Coats; Jackets [clothing]; Bandanas [neckerchiefs]; Pants; Trousers; Layettes [clothing]; Bathing suits; Raincoats; Theatrical costumes; Shoes; Soccer shoes; Hats; Caps being headwear; Stockings; Gloves [clothing]; Shawls and stoles; Neckties; Belts [clothing]; Shower caps; Foundation garments; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Toys presented in an advent calendar, in particular Model cars and model car kits being replicas of the motor cars Volkswagen Transporter, Volkswagen Bus, Volkswagen Multivan; Stuffed toys in the form of vehicles being replicas of the motor cars Volkswagen Transporter, Volkswagen Bus, Volkswagen Multivan; Scale model vehicles, in particular Model cars being replicas of the motor cars Volkswagen Transporter, Volkswagen Bus, Volkswagen Multivan; Children's riding vehicles [playthings] being replicas of the motor cars Volkswagen Transporter, Volkswagen Bus, Volkswagen Multivan; Toy cars being replicas of the motor cars Volkswagen Transporter, Volkswagen Bus, Volkswagen Multivan; Remote-controlled toy vehicles being replicas of the motor cars Volkswagen Transporter, Volkswagen Bus, Volkswagen Multivan; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 018667798
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-03-08
Registration Date 2022-08-12
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 21 - HouseHold or kitchen utensils, containers and materials; glassware; porcelain; earthenware
  • 24 - Textiles and textile goods

Goods & Services

Statues, figurines, plaques and works of art, made of materials such as porcelain, terra-cotta or glass, included in the class; Household articles for maintaining clothing and footwear, namely boot jacks and shoe horns, buttonhooks, clothing stretchers, irons and clothes wringers, shoe polishing apparatus, shoe trees and stretchers; Household or kitchen utensils and containers; Ice tongs; Salad tongs; Serving ladles; Pestles for kitchen use; Mortars for kitchen use; Ice cream scoops; Spatulas for kitchen use; Scoops for household purposes; Pouring spouts; Ladles for serving wine; Nutcrackers, Sugar tongs; salt and peppershakers, salt and pepper mills; Reusable ice cubes; Ice cube moulds; Kitchen paper holders; Kitchen paper dispensers; Kitchen paper racks; Tablecloth weights; Portable isothermic bags and coolboxes, non-electric; Picnic baskets (fitted -) (including dishes); Lunch boxes, Lunch boxes; Food storage containers; Cookware and tableware, except forks, knives and spoons; Glasses, drinking vessels and barware; Bottle openers, electric and non-electric; Mugs; Coffee cups; Saucers; Table plates; Egg cups; Tankards, Drinking vessels, Drinking glasses, mugs, Drinking bottles for sports; Coasters (tableware), Oven heat resistant pads; Heat-insulated containers for beverages; Thermally insulated containers for food; Insulating flasks; Toilet accessories, Metal boxes for dispensing paper towels; Combs and sponges; Brushes and brush making materials; Brush goods; Toothbrushes; Cleaning articles; Glass, unworked or semi-worked, except building glass; Waste paper baskets; Coin banks; Straws for drinking; Chamois leather for cleaning; Dustings, Cushions and pads for cleaning displays; Glassware, porcelain and earthenware (included in Class 21); Porcelain and glass signs; Vases; Flower vases; Glassware for everyday use, including cups, table plates, kettles and jugs; Works of art of porcelain, ceramic, earthenware or glass; Oven mitts; Potholders; Tea services [tableware]; Toothpicks. Textile material; Textile goods, and substitutes for textile goods; Filtering materials of textile; Bed and table covers; Table linen, not of paper; Bed linen; Pillow shams; Towels of textile; Tissues being textile piece goods; Wall hangings of textile; Edgings of textile, quilted blankets, bed covers; Sleeping bags; Picnic blankets; Napkins of textile; Mosquito nets, banners and flags, not of paper; Plastic flags; Non-woven textile fabrics; Felt; Bath mitts.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 018667948
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-03-07
Registration Date 2022-08-03
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 21 - HouseHold or kitchen utensils, containers and materials; glassware; porcelain; earthenware
  • 27 - Floor and wall coverings

Goods & Services

Statues, figurines, plaques and works of art, made of materials such as porcelain, terra-cotta or glass, included in the class; Household articles for maintaining clothing and footwear, namely boot jacks and shoe horns, buttonhooks, clothing stretchers, irons and clothes wringers, shoe polishing apparatus, shoe trees and stretchers; Household or kitchen utensils and containers; Ice tongs; Salad tongs; Serving ladles; Pestles for kitchen use; Mortars for kitchen use; Ice cream scoops; Spatulas for kitchen use; Scoops for household purposes; Pouring spouts; Ladles for serving wine; Nutcrackers, Sugar tongs; salt and peppershakers, salt and pepper mills; Reusable ice cubes; Ice cube moulds; Kitchen paper holders; Kitchen paper dispensers; Kitchen paper racks, Tablecloth weights; Portable isothermic bags and coolboxes, non-electric; Picnic baskets (fitted -) (including dishes); Lunch boxes, Lunch boxes; Food storage containers; Cookware and tableware, except forks, knives and spoons; Glasses, drinking vessels and barware; Bottle openers, electric and non-electric; Mugs; Coffee cups; Saucers; Table plates; Egg cups; Tankards, Drinking vessels, Drinking glasses, mugs, Drinking bottles for sports; Coasters (tableware), Oven heat resistant pads; Heat-insulated containers for beverages; Thermally insulated containers for food; Insulating flasks; Toilet accessories, Metal boxes for dispensing paper towels; Combs and sponges; Brushes and brush making materials; Brush goods; Toothbrushes; Cleaning articles; Glass, unworked or semi-worked, except building glass; Waste paper baskets; Coin banks; Straws for drinking; Chamois leather for cleaning; Dustings, Cushions and pads for cleaning displays; Glassware, porcelain and earthenware (included in Class 21); Porcelain and glass signs; Vases; Flower vases; Glassware for everyday use, including cups, table plates, kettles and jugs; Works of art of porcelain, ceramic, earthenware or glass; Oven mitts; Potholders; Tea services [tableware]; Toothpicks. Carpets, rugs, mats, Carpets, Linoleum, Artificial ground coverings and Other materials for covering floors; Carpets for automobiles; Bath mats; Beach mats; Wall and ceiling coverings; Wall hangings (non-textile), wallpaper, wall hangings of textile, wall hanging borders of paper; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class.


ID. Buzz Home

Application Number 018666805
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-03-04
Registration Date 2022-11-15
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 18 - Leather and imitations of leather
  • 21 - HouseHold or kitchen utensils, containers and materials; glassware; porcelain; earthenware
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 38 - Telecommunications services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 43 - Food and drink services, temporary accommodation

Goods & Services

Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, adhesive rubber patches for repairing inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electric bicycles; Camera drones; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Paper cardboard; Printed matter; Works of art and figurines of paper and cardboard, and architects' models; Decoration and art materials and media; Filtering materials of paper; Bags and articles for packaging, wrapping and storage, of paper, cardboard or plastics; Bookbinding material; Photographs [printed]; Stationery; Adhesives for stationery or household purposes; Artists' materials; Brushes for the application of paints; Typewriters, writing implements and office requisites, except furniture; Instructional and teaching material (expect apparatus); Plastic materials for packaging , printers' type; Printing blocks; Atlases; Calendars; Geographical maps; Printed publications; Printed advertising matter and printed publicity; Document holders [stationery]; Pencils (stationery); Ball point pens and pencils; Banners and flags of paper; Table napkins of paper; Copying paper [stationery]; Toilet paper; Paper handtowels; Packing paper; Ink; Stamps [seals]; Drawing instruments; Drawing materials; Modelling materials; Banners of paper; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Luggage, bags, wallets and other carriers; Umbrellas and parasols; Walking sticks; Trunks and suitcases; Bags, included in this class, Especially sports bags and briefcases; Wallets, purses; Key cases; Saddlebags; Clothing for pets; Handbags; Bags [envelopes, pouches] of leather, for packaging; Labels of leather; Tefillin [phylacteries]; Leather, unworked or semi-worked; Rucksacks; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Statues, figurines, plaques and works of art, made of materials such as porcelain, terra-cotta or glass, included in the class; Household or kitchen utensils and containers; Ice tongs; Salad tongs; Serving ladles; Pestles for kitchen use; Mortars for kitchen use; Ice cream scoops; Spatulas for kitchen use; Scoops for household purposes; Pouring spouts; Ladles for serving wine; Nutcrackers, Sugar tongs; Portable isothermic bags and coolboxes, non-electric; Picnic baskets (fitted -) (including dishes); Toilet accessories, Metal boxes for dispensing paper towels; Combs and sponges; Brushes, Material for brush-making; Cleaning articles; Glass, unworked or semi-worked, except building glass; Waste paper baskets; Coin banks; Straws for drinking; Chamois leather for cleaning; Dustings, Cushions and pads for cleaning displays; Glassware, porcelain and earthenware (included in Class 21); Porcelain and glass signs; Vases; Flower vases; Heat-insulated containers for beverages; Thermally insulated containers for food; Glassware for everyday use, including cups, table plates, kettles and jugs; Works of art of porcelain, ceramic, earthenware or glass; Oven mitts; Potholders; Tea services [tableware]; Brush goods; Toothbrushes; Insulating flasks. Headgear; Clothing; Footwear; Polo shirts/blouses; Combinations [clothing]; Tee-shirts; Coats; Jackets [clothing]; Bandanas [neckerchiefs]; Pants; Trousers; Layettes [clothing]; Bathing suits; Raincoats; Theatrical costumes; Shoes; Soccer shoes; Hats; Caps being headwear; Stockings; Gloves [clothing]; Shawls and stoles; Neckties; Belts [clothing]; Shower caps; Foundation garments; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Building, construction and demolition; Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Rustproofing; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Telecommunication services; Telecommunication services; Collection and delivery of messages by electronic mail; Electronic message collection and transmission; News agency services; Telecommunication services provided via Internet platforms and portals; Providing access to information on the Internet; Electronic exchange of messages via chat lines, chatrooms and Internet forums; Rental of telecommunication equipment; Radio broadcasting; Television broadcasting; Transmission of electronic mail; Information about telecommunication; Provision of access to content, websites and portals; Provision of access to an electronic marketplace [portal] on computer networks; Providing user access to global computer networks; Providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; Providing user access to computer programmes in data networks; Providing internet chatrooms; Providing video conferencing services; Wireless cellular phone services; Wireless broadcasting; Computer aided transmission of messages and images; Paging services [radio, telephone or other means of electronic communication]; Satellite transmission; Telephone services; Telephone exchange services; Message sending; Rental of telecommunication facilities; Rental of message sending apparatus; Rental of access time to global computer networks; Providing access to databases; Telematics services; Telematic communication services; Telematic data transmission and file transfer; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class; none of the aforesaid services, in the following fields: eSports, Interactive games, Video games and computer games. Transport; Packaging and storage and warehousing of goods; Arranging of transportation for travel tours; Travel and passenger transportation; Towing; Taxi transport; Car transport; Transportation logistics; Rental of vehicles, in particular cars; Passenger transport, in particular by bus; Car sharing services; Arranging of passenger transportation services for others via an online application; Freight brokerage [forwarding (Am.)]; Delivery of goods and parcels; Storage of electricity; Electricity distribution; Traffic information; Controlling of fleet vehicles using navigational and positioning apparatus. Publishing and reporting; Providing of training, education, entertainment and Sporting services; Translation and interpretation; Training; Sporting and cultural activities; Arranging and conducting of cultural and/or sports events; Talent promotion through training and further training; Presentation of live performances; Academies [education]; Education information; Organization of competitions [education or entertainment]; Organisation, arranging and conducting of colloquiums, conferences, congresses, symposiums, seminars and workshops [training]; Organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; Coaching [training]; Vocational retraining; Organization of sports competitions; Library services; Publication of books; Online publication of electronic books and journals; Club services [entertainment or education]; Fan clubs; Club recreation facilities (Provision of -); Organization of lotteries; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class; none of the aforesaid services, in the following fields: eSports, Interactive gaming, video games and computer games, Software for electronic games, for use in relation to the following goods: mobile phones. IT services; Software development, programming and implementation; Computer hardware development; Programming of software for Internet platforms; Constructing an internet platform for electronic commerce; Hosting of computer sites (websites); Software as a service [SaaS]; Rental of software; Rental of computer hardware and computer installations; IT consultancy, advisory and information services; IT security, protection and restoration; Data duplication and Data conversion; data coding services; Computer analysis services and Computer diagnostic services; Research and development, and implementation of computers and computer systems; Computer network services; Technological services relating to computers; Computer network services; On-line computer services; Updating the memory banks of computer systems; Data migration services; Updating of websites, for others; Monitoring of computer systems by remote access; Data encryption services; Consultancy in the field of the internet and data security; Server hosting; Cloud computing; Cloud hosting provider services; Providing virtual computer systems through cloud computing; Providing virtual computer environments through cloud computing; Design and development of virtual reality software; Science and technology services; Testing, authentication and quality control; Design services; Styling [industrial design]; Research and development for others with regard to new products; Provision of scientific information, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon offsetting; Development of vehicles; Software design for others; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class; none of the aforesaid services, in the following fields: eSports, Interactive games, Video game and Computer games programs, Electronic game software, for use in relation to the following goods: Cell phones. Provision of food and drink; Temporary accommodation.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 018666810
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-03-04
Registration Date 2023-08-15
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 18 - Leather and imitations of leather
  • 21 - HouseHold or kitchen utensils, containers and materials; glassware; porcelain; earthenware
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 38 - Telecommunications services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 43 - Food and drink services, temporary accommodation

Goods & Services

Paper cardboard; Printed matter; Works of art and figurines of paper and cardboard, and architects' models; Decoration and art materials and media; Filtering materials of paper; Bags and articles for packaging, wrapping and storage, of paper, cardboard or plastics; Bookbinding material; Photographs [printed]; Stationery; Adhesives for stationery or household purposes; Artists' materials; Brushes for the application of paints; Typewriters, writing implements and office requisites, except furniture; Instructional and teaching material (expect apparatus); Plastic materials for packaging , printers' type; Printing blocks; Atlases; Calendars; Geographical maps; Printed publications; Printed advertising matter and printed publicity; Document holders [stationery]; Pencils (stationery); Ball point pens and pencils; Banners and flags of paper; Table napkins of paper; Copying paper [stationery]; Toilet paper; Paper handtowels; Packing paper; Ink; Stamps [seals]; Drawing instruments; Drawing materials; Modelling materials; Banners of paper; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Luggage, bags, wallets and other carriers; Umbrellas and parasols; Walking sticks; Trunks and suitcases; Bags, included in this class, Especially sports bags and briefcases; Wallets, purses; Key cases; Saddlebags; Clothing for pets; Goods of leather and imitations of leather (included in this class); Handbags; Bags [envelopes, pouches] of leather, for packaging; Labels of leather; Tefillin [phylacteries]; Leather, unworked or semi-worked; Rucksacks; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Statues, figurines, plaques and works of art, made of materials such as porcelain, terra-cotta or glass, included in the class; Household or kitchen utensils and containers; Ice tongs; Salad tongs; Serving ladles; Pestles for kitchen use; Mortars for kitchen use; Ice cream scoops; Spatulas for kitchen use; Scoops for household purposes; Pouring spouts; Ladles for serving wine; nut crackers, sugar tongs; Portable isothermic bags and coolboxes, non-electric; Picnic baskets (fitted -) (including dishes); toilet accessories, boxes of metal for dispensing paper towels; Combs and sponges; brushes, brush-making materials; Cleaning articles; Glass, unworked or semi-worked, except building glass; Waste paper baskets; Coin banks; Straws for drinking; Chamois leather for cleaning; Dustings, Cushions and pads for cleaning displays; Glassware, porcelain and earthenware (included in Class 21); Porcelain and glass signs; Vases; Flower vases; Heat-insulated containers for beverages; Thermally insulated containers for food; Glassware for everyday use, including cups, table plates, kettles and jugs; Works of art of porcelain, ceramic, earthenware or glass; Oven mitts; Potholders; Tea services [tableware]; Brush goods; Toothbrushes; Insulating flasks. Headgear; Clothing; Footwear; Polo shirts/blouses; Combinations [clothing]; Tee-shirts; Coats; Jackets [clothing]; Bandanas [neckerchiefs]; Pants; Trousers; Layettes [clothing]; Bathing suits; Raincoats; Theatrical costumes; Shoes; Soccer shoes; Hats; Caps being headwear; Stockings; Gloves [clothing]; Shawls and stoles; Neckties; Belts [clothing]; Shower caps; Foundation garments; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Building, construction and demolition; Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Rustproofing; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Telecommunication services; Telecommunication services; Collection and delivery of messages by electronic mail; Electronic message collection and transmission; News agency services; Telecommunication services provided via Internet platforms and portals; Providing access to information on the Internet; Electronic exchange of messages via chat lines, chatrooms and Internet forums; Rental of telecommunication equipment; Radio broadcasting; Television broadcasting; Transmission of electronic mail; Information about telecommunication; Provision of access to content, websites and portals; Provision of access to an electronic marketplace [portal] on computer networks; Providing user access to global computer networks; Providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; Providing user access to computer programmes in data networks; Providing internet chatrooms; Providing video conferencing services; Wireless cellular phone services; Wireless broadcasting; Computer aided transmission of messages and images; Paging services [radio, telephone or other means of electronic communication]; Satellite transmission; Telephone services; Telephone exchange services; Message sending; Rental of telecommunication facilities; Rental of message sending apparatus; Rental of access time to global computer networks; Providing access to databases; Telematics services; Telematic communication services; Telematic data transmission and file transfer; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Transport; Packaging and storage and warehousing of goods; Arranging of transportation for travel tours; Travel and passenger transportation; Towing; Taxi transport; Car transport; Transportation logistics; Rental of vehicles, in particular cars; Passenger transport, in particular by bus; Car sharing services; Arranging of passenger transportation services for others via an online application; Freight brokerage [forwarding (Am.)]; Delivery of goods and parcels; Storage of electricity; Electricity distribution; Traffic information; Controlling of fleet vehicles using navigational and positioning apparatus. Publishing and reporting; Teaching, Educational instruction and Entertainment services in the following fields: sports, Sporting services; Translation and interpretation; Training; Sporting and cultural activities; Arranging and conducting of cultural and/or sports events; Talent promotion through training and further training; Presentation of live performances; Playing games on computer networks and on the Internet; Academies [education]; Education information; Organization of competitions [education or entertainment]; Organisation, arranging and conducting of colloquiums, conferences, congresses, symposiums, seminars and workshops [training]; Organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; Coaching [training]; Vocational retraining; Organization of sports competitions; Library services; Publication of books; Online publication of electronic books and journals; Club services [entertainment or education]; Fan clubs; Club recreation facilities (Provision of -); Organization of lotteries; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. IT services; Software development, programming and implementation; Computer hardware development; Programming of software for Internet platforms; Constructing an internet platform for electronic commerce; Hosting of computer sites (websites); Software as a service [SaaS]; Rental of software; Rental of computer hardware and computer installations; IT consultancy, advisory and information services; IT security, protection and restoration; Data duplication and Data conversion; data coding services; Computer analysis services and Computer diagnostic services; Research and development, and implementation of computers and computer systems; Computer network services; Technological services relating to computers; Computer network services; On-line computer services; Updating the memory banks of computer systems; Data migration services; Updating of websites, for others; Monitoring of computer systems by remote access; Data encryption services; Consultancy in the field of the internet and data security; Server hosting; Cloud computing; Cloud hosting provider services; Providing virtual computer systems through cloud computing; Providing virtual computer environments through cloud computing; Design and development of virtual reality software; Science and technology services; Testing, authentication and quality control; Design services; Styling [industrial design]; Research and development for others with regard to new products; Provision of scientific information, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon offsetting; Development of vehicles; Software design for others; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Provision of food and drink; Temporary accommodation.



Application Number 018658929
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-02-22
Registration Date 2022-06-25
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Scientific, research, navigation, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, audiovisual, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, detecting, testing, inspecting, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; Apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; Recorded and downloadable media, blank digital or analogue recording and memory carriers; Information technology and audiovisual equipment; Magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers; Apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; Optical devices, enhancers and correctors; Safety, security, protection and signalling devices; Diving equipment; Navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; Measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; Automatic indicators of low pressure in vehicle tyres; Mileage recorders for vehicles; Scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators; Contact lenses, Spectacles, spectacle cases, Binoculars, optical magnifiers; Sunglasses; Mobile phone cases with lanyards; Mobile phone chains; Covers for smartphones; Vehicle breakdown warning triangles; Warning lamps for vehicles (not parts of vehicles); Electric batteries and parts therefor; Electric accumulators and parts therefor; Fuel cells and parts thereof; Solar batteries; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Chargers for electrical batteries; Burglar alarm apparatus; Fire alarm apparatus; Smoke alarms; Gas escape warning apparatus; Anti-theft warning apparatus; Fire extinguishers; Scales; Spirit levels; Compasses for measuring; Rulers [measuring instruments]; Acid hydrometers; Quantity indicators; Electronic control apparatus and current/voltage supply apparatus for vehicle headlamps and vehicle lights, and all parts therefor; Light-emitting diodes [LED], Electronic power controllers; Electrical and electronic control apparatus; Regulating apparatus and instruments; Simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; Artificial intelligence software for vehicles; Voltage regulators for vehicles; Speed indicators; Revolution counters; Measuring apparatus and instruments; Life-saving equipment, namely life rafts, rescue ladders, safety nets, safety tarpaulins, lifebelts, lifebuoys, lifejackets; Electrical fuses; Relays, electric; Lasers, not for medical purposes, laser pointers; Remote control apparatus, remote controls; Aerials; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Mobile telephones; Telephone apparatus; Television apparatus; Video telephones; Radios; Directional compasses; Apparatus for navigation; Navigational instruments; Telematic apparatus; Telematic terminal apparatus; Magnetic, optical and computer data carriers, Vinyl records, compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; Sound recording carriers, Musical juke boxes, Compact discs [read-only memory]; Downloadable music files; Headphones; Loudspeakers; Cabinets for loudspeakers; Signs, luminous; Compact disc players; DVD players; Video telephones; Phototelegraphy apparatus; Projection apparatus; Cameras [photography]; Films, exposed; Cinematographic cameras; Photocopiers; Electronic translation apparatus (computers); Electronic pocket translators; Magnetic cards, integrated circuit cards (smart cards), encoded telephone cards; Coin-operated mechanisms; Automatic teller machines; Cash registers, calculating machines; Data processing equipment; Computers; Electronic agendas; Facsimile machines; Monitors (computer hardware and programs); Computer peripheral devices; Computer programs for use in autonomous driving of vehicles; Computer programs for use in the autonomous navigation of vehicles; Computer programs for use in autonomous control of vehicles; Recorded and downloadable computer programs, In particular data files in electronic form; Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; Computer software; Application software; Mobile apps; Pocket calculators; Electronic publications, downloadable; Downloadable image files; Crash test dummies; Microscopes; Cables, electric; Sockets, plugs and other contacts [electric connections]; Igniting apparatus, electric, for igniting at a distance; Radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; Head protection; Locks, electric; electronic controllers and electronic control systems; Security tokens [encryption devices]; Electronic access control systems for interlocking doors; Thermal imaging cameras; Scales with body mass analysers; Covers for tablet computers; Black boxes [data recorders]; Digital weather stations; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Interactive touch screen terminals; Smart rings; Electric and electronic effects units for musical instruments; Audio interfaces; Equalisers [audio apparatus]; Parking sensors for vehicles; Teaching robots; Humanoid robots with artificial intelligence; Personal digital assistants [PDAs]; Rearview cameras for vehicles; Electric wire harnesses for automobiles; Telecommunication apparatus in the form of jewellery; Data gloves; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class; All the aforesaid goods included in class 9 other than such for or relating to fire detection, satellite communication or radio transmission. Vehicles and conveyances; vehicles for locomotion by land, air or rail, related parts; Motorised land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, adhesive rubber patches for repairing inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electricbicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class; None of the aforesaid goods being parts or fittings for boats, ships or water vehicles.



Application Number 018655690
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-02-16
Registration Date 2022-06-07
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 38 - Telecommunications services

Goods & Services

Scientific, research, navigation, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, audiovisual, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, detecting, testing, inspecting, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; Apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; Recorded and downloadable media, blank digital or analogue recording and memory carriers; Information technology and audiovisual equipment; Magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers; Apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; Optical devices, enhancers and correctors; Safety, security, protection and signalling devices; Diving equipment; Navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; Measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; Automatic indicators of low pressure in vehicle tyres; Mileage recorders for vehicles; Scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators; Contact lenses and eyeglasses, Spectacle cases, Binoculars, optical magnifiers; Sunglasses; Mobile phone cases with lanyards; Mobile phone chains; Covers for smartphones; Vehicle breakdown warning triangles; Warning lamps for vehicles (not parts of vehicles); Electric batteries and parts therefor; Electric accumulators and parts therefor; Fuel cells and parts thereof; Solar batteries; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Chargers for electrical batteries; Burglar alarm apparatus; Fire alarm apparatus; Smoke alarms; Gas escape warning apparatus; Anti-theft warning apparatus; Fire extinguishers; Scales; Spirit levels; Compasses for measuring; Rulers [measuring instruments]; Acid hydrometers; Quantity indicators; Electronic control apparatus and current/voltage supply apparatus for vehicle headlamps and vehicle lights, and all parts therefor; Light-emitting diodes [LED], Electronic power controllers; Electrical and electronic control apparatus; Regulating apparatus and instruments; Simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; Artificial intelligence software for vehicles; Voltage regulators for vehicles; Speed indicators; Revolution counters; Measuring apparatus and instruments; Life-saving equipment, namely life rafts, rescue ladders, safety nets, safety tarpaulins, lifebelts, lifebuoys, lifejackets; Electrical fuses; Relays, electric; Lasers, not for medical purposes, laser pointers; Remote control apparatus, remote controls; Aerials; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Mobile telephones; Telephone apparatus; Television apparatus; Video telephones; Radios; Directional compasses; Apparatus for navigation; Navigational instruments; Telematic apparatus; Telematic terminal apparatus; Magnetic, optical and computer data carriers, Vinyl records, compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; Sound recording carriers, Musical juke boxes, Compact discs [read-only memory]; Downloadable music files; Headphones; Loudspeakers; Cabinets for loudspeakers; Signs, luminous; Compact disc players; DVD players; Video telephones; Phototelegraphy apparatus; Projection apparatus; Cameras [photography]; Films, exposed; Cinematographic cameras; Photocopiers; Electronic translation apparatus (computers); Electronic pocket translators; Magnetic cards, integrated circuit cards (smart cards), encoded telephone cards; Coin-operated mechanisms; Automatic teller machines; Cash registers, calculating machines; Data processing equipment; Computers; Electronic agendas; Facsimile machines; Monitors (computer hardware and programs); Computer peripheral devices; Computer programs for use in autonomous driving of vehicles; Computer programs for use in the autonomous navigation of vehicles; Computer programs for use in autonomous control of vehicles; Recorded and downloadable computer programs, In particular data files in electronic form; Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; Computer software; Application software; Mobile apps; Pocket calculators; Electronic publications, downloadable; Downloadable image files; Crash test dummies; Microscopes; Cables, electric; Sockets, plugs and other contacts [electric connections]; Igniting apparatus, electric, for igniting at a distance; Radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; Head protection; Locks, electric; electronic controllers and electronic control systems; Security tokens [encryption devices]; Electronic access control systems for interlocking doors; Thermal imaging cameras; Scales with body mass analysers; Covers for tablet computers; Black boxes [data recorders]; Digital weather stations; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Interactive touch screen terminals; Smart rings; Electric and electronic effects units for musical instruments; Audio interfaces; Equalisers [audio apparatus]; Parking sensors for vehicles; Teaching robots; Humanoid robots with artificial intelligence; Personal digital assistants [PDAs]; Rearview cameras for vehicles; Electric wire harnesses for automobiles; Telecommunication apparatus in the form of jewellery; Data gloves; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Telecommunication services; Telecommunication services; Collection and delivery of messages by electronic mail; Electronic message collection and transmission; News agency services; Telecommunication services provided via Internet platforms and portals; Providing access to information on the Internet; Electronic exchange of messages via chat lines, chatrooms and Internet forums; Rental of telecommunication equipment; Radio broadcasting; Television broadcasting; Transmission of electronic mail; Information about telecommunication; Providing user access to global computer networks; Providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; Providing user access to computer programmes in data networks; Providing internet chatrooms; Providing video conferencing services; Wireless cellular phone services; Wireless broadcasting; Computer aided transmission of messages and images; Paging services [radio, telephone or other means of electronic communication]; Satellite transmission; Telephone services; Telephone exchange services; Message sending; Rental of telecommunication facilities; Rental of message sending apparatus; Rental of access time to global computer networks; Providing access to databases; Telematics services; Telematic communication services; Telematic data transmission and file transfer; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018655834
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-02-15
Registration Date 2022-06-16
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 20 - Furniture and decorative products

Goods & Services

Furniture and furnishings; Mirrors, picture frames, Beds; Cushions; Bedding, except linen; Letter boxes, Non-metallic panels, Letter boxes, not of masonry; Racks [furniture]; Cupboards; Tables, desks, chairs, Armchairs, Sofas, High chairs for babies and infant walkers, Coat hangers, Bolsters; Boxes of wood; Boxes made of plastic; Bins, not of metal; Non-metal lock boxes; Boxes of wood or plastic; Storage drawers [furniture], Storage drawers [furniture], Cupboards, Storage baskets [furniture]; Receptacles of plastic for storing goods for transportation; Containers (non-metallic -) for storage purposes [other than household or kitchen use]; Protective containers of non-metallic materials for storing goods; Packaging containers of plastic; Clothes stands; Fasteners, non-metallic; Non-metallic grab rails; Non-metal hooks; Holders for pennants; Paper towel dispensers [fixed, not of metal]; Trays, not of metal; Labels of plastic; Casks, not of metal; Containers, not of metal, for liquid fuel; Inflatable advertising articles, included in class 20; Jerrycans, not of metal; Ladders of wood or of plastic; Picture frames; Works of art of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; Display boards; Decorations of plastic for foodstuffs; Animal housing and beds; Hooks for clothes rails; Statues, figurines, Works of art, Decorative trim, Decorations, For example, Of the following materials: Wood, Wax, Plaster, plastic, Cork, teed, Cane, wicker, Horn bone, Ivory, whalebone, Shell amber, Mother-of-pearl, Meerschaum, Replacement parts for the aforesaid goods, as far as the aforesaid goods are included in this class; Containers, and closures and holders therefor, non-metallic; Mobile steps, not of metal; Plastic ramps for use with vehicles; Displays, stands and signage, not of metal; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class.



Application Number 018642347
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-01-21
Registration Date 2022-06-11
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Bicycles; Tandems (bicycles); Motorised bicycles; Electric bicycles; Folding bikes; Rickshaws; Bicycle trailers; Structural parts of bicycles; Toeclips for use on bicycles; Puncture repair outfits for bicycle tyres; Hydraulic disc brakes; Sissy bars [seat backs]; Trailers for transporting bicycles; Fittings for bicycles for carrying luggage; Brakes for cycles; Disk wheels [bicycle parts]; Drive trains [bicycle parts]; Gear wheels [bicycle parts]; Gear wheels [bicycle parts]; Forks [bicycle parts]; Drive chains [bicycle parts]; Pedicabs; Nets, Horns, Hubs, Wheels, Baskets, Forks, beams, Chains, Wheel rims, tyres, Pumps, Saddles, Pedals, Frames, bags, Bells, Brakes, Cranks, Stands, Motors, Spokes, Bells, Inner tubes, Handlebars, Luggage racks, Saddle covers, Saddlebags, gearshifts, Covers for handgrips, Brake shoes, Structural parts, Bicycle carriers, toe clips, Pack frames, Water bottle holders, Stabilisers, Child's seats, Panniers, Pet carriers, dress guards, Mudguards, audible warning systems, Covers (shaped -); All of the aforesaid goods for bicycles.



Application Number 018577295
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-10-14
Registration Date 2022-02-15
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 35 - Advertising and business services

Goods & Services

Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management consultancy and advisory services; Planning and development of business strategies; Consultancy and advisory services in the field of business strategy; Business planning and management consultancy services; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Business analysis and information services, and market research; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search.



Application Number 018566199
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-09-27
Registration Date 2022-01-20
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 29 - Meat, dairy products, prepared or preserved foods
  • 30 - Basic staples, tea, coffee, baked goods and confectionery
  • 32 - Beers; non-alcoholic beverages
  • 33 - Alcoholic beverages other than beer

Goods & Services

albumen for culinary purposes; seaweed extracts for food; gelatine; edible fats; anchovy, not live; peanut butter; butter; cocoa butter for food; coconut butter; buttercream; white of eggs; black pudding; blood sausage; broth; bouillon; preparations for making bouillon; caviar; fruit, preserved; charcuterie; potato crisps; sauerkraut; coconut, desiccated; rape oil for food; colza oil for food; broth concentrates; bouillon concentrates; jams; frozen fruits; soups; raisins; gherkins; vegetables, preserved; vegetables, cooked; vegetables, dried; oils for food; cream [dairy products]; cheese; crystallized fruits; frosted fruits; croquettes; crustaceans, not live; dates; milk; crayfish, not live; fish fillets; rennet; fruit, stewed; fruit jellies; fruit pulp; meat; meat substitutes made of seitan, tofu, pea- or soja protein; fish, not live; jellies for food; meat jellies; game, not live; ginger jam; soya beans, preserved, for food; fatty substances for the manufacture of edible fats; fat-containing mixtures for bread slices; herrings, not live; lobsters, not live; maize oil for food; corn oil for food; palm kernel oil for food; sesame oil for food; oysters, not live; isinglass for food; ham; yolk of eggs; yoghurt; vegetable soup preparations; vegetable juices for cooking; meat extracts; kefir; koumiss; kumys; milk beverages, milk predominating; whey; milk products; spiny lobsters, not live; bacon; lentils, preserved; margarine; marmalade; animal marrow for food; shellfish, not live; mussels, not live; palm oil for food; nuts, prepared; eggs; powdered eggs; liver pâté; liver pastes; onions, preserved; olives, preserved; olive oil for food; bone oil for food; pectin for culinary purposes; pickles; peas, preserved; sausages; curry sausages; vegertarian sausages made of made of seitan, tofu, pea- or soja protein; salted meats; preparations for making soup; tomato purée; vegetable salads; lard; fruit salads; sardines, not live; salmon, not live; suet for food; tuna, not live; tomato juice for cooking; sunflower oil for food; tripe; truffles, preserved; poultry, not live; fruit peel; alginates for culinary purposes; almonds, ground; peanuts, prepared; mushrooms, preserved; coconut fat; coconut oil for food; beans, preserved; liver; fish-based foodstuffs; fruit chips; clams, not live; fruit preserved in alcohol; pollen prepared as foodstuff; prawns, not live; fish, preserved; meat, preserved; shrimps, not live; snail eggs for consumption; seitan; tofu; whipped cream; pork; edible birds' nests; fish, tinned; fish meal for human consumption; fruits, tinned; meat, tinned; potato fritters; salted fish; sea-cucumbers, not live; silkworm chrysalis for human consumption; vegetables, tinned; sausages in batter; potato flakes; apple purée; cranberry compote; tahini; hummus; laver, preserved; fruit-based snack food; curd; kimchi; soya milk; milk shakes; preserved peppers; sunflower seeds, prepared; fish mousses; non-alcoholic eggnog; vegetable mousses; fish roe, prepared; seeds, prepared; aloe vera prepared for human consumption; preserved garlic; protein milk; linseed oil for food; low-fat potato crisps; lecithin for culinary purposes; milk ferments for culinary purposes; compotes; condensed milk; smetana; fermented baked milk; soured milk; tomato paste; vegetable marrow paste; aubergine paste; eggplant paste; peanut milk for culinary purposes; almond milk for culinary purposes; rice milk; artichokes, preserved; arrangements of processed fruit; powdered milk; yakitori; bulgogi; candied nuts; flavoured nuts; flavored nuts; hazelnuts, prepared; berries, preserved; guacamole; onion rings; falafel; lemon juice for culinary purposes; freeze-dried meat; lyophilised meat; oat milk; vegetable-based cream; freeze-dried vegetables; lyophilised vegetables; lyophilized vegetables; extra virgin olive oil for food; edible ant larvae, prepared; edible insects, not live; sweet corn, processed; nut-based spreads; potato-based dumplings; hot dog sausages; corn dogs; soya bean oil for food; milk substitutes; almond milk; peanut milk; coconut milk; coconut milk for culinary purposes; coconut milk-based beverages; rice milk for culinary purposes; almond milk-based beverages; peanut milk-based beverages; sausage casings, natural or artificial; klipfish [salted and dried cod]; cottage cheese fritters; pressed fruit paste; tofu skin; soya patties; tofu patties; tajine [prepared meat, fish or vegetable dish]; tempeh; satay; vegetables, processed; fruit, processed; ratatouille; duck confits; andouillettes; white pudding; cassoulet; choucroute garnie; hash browns; omelettes; cabbage rolls stuffed with meat; vegetable-based concentrate for cooking; fruit-based concentrate for cooking; meat-based spreads; vegetable-based spreads; agar-agar for culinary purposes; molluscs, not live; mollusks, not live; quark; cottage cheese; lactic acid drinks; edible flowers, dried; crystallized ginger; ginger, preserved; pickled ginger. seaweed [condiment]; pasta; almond paste; aniseed; star aniseed; confectionery for decorating Christmas trees; infusions, not medicinal; coffee flavourings; aromatic preparations for food; seasonings; unleavened bread; salt for preserving foodstuffs; rusks; biscuits; cookies; malt biscuits; peppermint sweets; candies; waffles; buns; cocoa; coffee; unroasted coffee; vegetal preparations for use as coffee substitutes; cakes; cinnamon [spice]; capers; caramels [sweets]; caramels [candies]; curry [spice]; cereal preparations; chewing gum; chicory [coffee substitute]; tea; chocolate; marzipan; cloves [spice]; condiments; confectionery; sugar confectionery; corn flakes; maize flakes; popcorn; preparations for stiffening whipped cream; ice cream; pancakes; essences for foodstuffs, except etheric essences and essential oils; cooking salt; thickening agents for cooking foodstuffs; turmeric; natural sweeteners; spices; gingerbread; allspice; flour; bean meal; corn flour; mustard meal; barley meal; soya flour; wheat flour; starch for food; ferments for pastes; fondants [confectionery]; petits fours; sugar; flavourings, other than essential oils, for cakes; cake powder; cake batter; cake dough; ground ginger; binding agents for ice cream; ice, natural or artificial; ice for refreshment; glucose for culinary purposes; gluten prepared as foodstuff; groats for human food; vinegar; ketchup [sauce]; cocoa beverages with milk; coffee beverages with milk; chocolate beverages with milk; leaven; yeast; sausage binding materials; macarons; macaroni; corn, milled; maize, milled; corn, roasted; bread; maltose; molasses for food; golden syrup; mint for confectionery; honey; husked barley; mustard; nutmegs; noodles; pies; crushed barley; sandwiches; lozenges [confectionery]; pastilles [confectionery]; pastries; petit-beurre biscuits; bread rolls; peppers [seasonings]; pizzas; pepper; potato flour; puddings; pralines; ravioli; liquorice [confectionery]; rice; saffron [seasoning]; sago; sauces [condiments]; celery salt; semolina; sorbets [ices]; spaghetti; tapioca; tapioca flour; tarts; vanilla flavourings for culinary purposes; vanillin [vanilla substitute]; vermicelli; meat pies; pâtés en croûte; meat tenderizers for household purposes; edible ices; powders for making ice cream; almond confectionery; peanut confectionery; food flavourings, other than essential oils; flavourings, other than essential oils, for beverages; crushed oats; husked oats; oat-based food; oat flakes; oatmeal; stick liquorice [confectionery]; beer vinegar; coffee-based beverages; cocoa-based beverages; chocolate-based beverages; artificial coffee; crystallized rock sugar; chips [cereal products]; chow-chow [condiment]; couscous; malt extract for food; malt for human consumption; bee glue; relish [condiment]; royal jelly; seawater for cooking; sushi; tomato sauce; mayonnaise; crackers; custard; fruit jellies [confectionery]; muesli; rice cakes; soya sauce; frozen yoghurt [confectionery ices]; chutneys [condiments]; spring rolls; tacos; tortillas; iced tea; tea-based beverages; dressings for salad; breadcrumbs; tabbouleh; halvah; quiches; meat gravies; miso; cereal-based snack food; rice-based snack food; hominy; hominy grits; baking powder; baking soda [bicarbonate of soda for cooking purposes]; garden herbs, preserved [seasonings]; noodle-based prepared meals; cake frosting [icing]; chocolate mousses; dessert mousses [confectionery]; fruit coulis [sauces]; marinades; cheeseburgers [sandwiches]; pesto; ham glaze; linseed for culinary purposes [seasoning]; wheat germ for human consumption; high-protein cereal bars; cream of tartar for culinary purposes; gluten additives for culinary purposes; pasta sauce; cereal bars; palm sugar; dough; flowers or leaves for use as tea substitutes; pastry dough; pelmeni; chocolate decorations for cakes; candy decorations for cakes; chocolate-coated nuts; rice pudding; nut flours; minced garlic [condiment]; baozi; rice pulp for culinary purposes; jiaozi; ramen; savoury pancakes; savoury pancake mixes; burritos; prepared rice rolled in seaweed; edible paper; edible rice paper; chocolate-based spreads; chocolate spreads containing nuts; flour-based dumplings; agave syrup [natural sweetener]; mirror icing [mirror glaze]; lyophilised dishes with the main ingredient being rice; freeze-dried dishes with the main ingredient being pasta; chamomile-based beverages; dulce de leche; bibimbap [rice mixed with vegetables and beef]; onigiri; instant rice; hot dog sandwiches; ice cubes; processed seeds for use as a seasoning; sesame seeds [seasonings]; piccalilli; quinoa, processed; bulgur; buckwheat, processed; buckwheat flour; cranberry sauce [condiment]; apple sauce [condiment]; croûtons; potato-based flatbreads; fruit confectionery; rice crackers; kimchi pancakes; shaved ice with sweetened red beans; mints for breath freshening; chewing gum for breath freshening; udon noodles; soba noodles; gluten-free bread; tamarind [condiment]; laksa; profiteroles; croissants; pains au chocolat; chocolatines; kelp tea; crème brûlée; batter mixes; edible paper wafers; coconut macaroons; coffee capsules, filled; orange blossom water for culinary purposes; ice pops; nougat; harissa [condiment]; ginger paste [seasoning]; tea beverages with milk. non-alcoholic fruit extracts; beer; ginger beer; malt beer; beer wort; non-alcoholic fruit juice beverages; whey beverages; non-alcoholic preparations for making beverages; non-alcoholic essences for making beverages; fruit juices; syrups for beverages; waters [beverages]; preparations for making carbonated water; preparations for making aerated water; lithia water; mineral water [beverages]; seltzer water; table waters; must; lemonades; extracts of hops for making beer; vegetable juices [beverages]; syrups for lemonade; malt wort; grape must, unfermented; orgeat; soda water; sherbets [beverages]; sorbets [beverages]; tomato juice [beverage]; non-alcoholic beverages; pastilles for effervescing beverages; powders for effervescing beverages; carbonated water; aerated water; sarsaparilla [non-alcoholic beverage]; aperitifs, non-alcoholic; cocktails, non-alcoholic; fruit nectars, non-alcoholic; isotonic beverages; cider, non-alcoholic; kvass; non-alcoholic honey-based beverages; smoothies; aloe vera drinks, non-alcoholic; beer-based cocktails; soya-based beverages, other than milk substitutes; protein-enriched sports beverages; rice-based beverages, other than milk substitutes; non-alcoholic beverages flavoured with coffee; non-alcoholic beverages flavoured with tea; soft drinks; barley wine [beer]; energy drinks; non-alcoholic dried fruit beverages; shandy. peppermint liqueurs; fruit extracts, alcoholic; bitters; anise [liqueur]; anisette [liqueur]; aperitifs; arrack [arak]; arak [arrack]; distilled beverages; cider; cocktails; curacao; digestifs [liqueurs and spirits]; wine; gin; liqueurs; hydromel [mead]; kirsch; spirits [beverages]; brandy; piquette; perry; sake; whisky; alcoholic essences; alcoholic extracts; alcoholic beverages, except beer; alcoholic beverages containing fruit; rice alcohol; rum; vodka; pre-mixed alcoholic beverages, other than beer-based; sugarcane-based alcoholic beverages; grain-based distilled alcoholic beverages.



Application Number 018561633
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-09-17
Registration Date 2022-01-19
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 43 - Food and drink services, temporary accommodation

Goods & Services

Vehicles and conveyances; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, Adhesive rubber patches for repairing tyre inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electric bicycles; Motor buses; Caravans; Camper vans, Mobile homes [caravans], Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Sporting articles and equipment, gymnastic articles; Decorations for Christmas trees; Toys, games, playthings and novelties; Scale model kits [toys]; Soft toys and other stuffed toys; Slot machines [gaming machines], Arcade video game machines; Video game apparatus; Video game consoles; Scale model vehicles; Toy vehicles; Scooters [toys]; Toy cars; Remote-controlled toy vehicles; Toy camping apparatus; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes. Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance in relation to motor vehicles; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance and repair of camping equipment; Repair information; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Arranging of transportation for travel tours, in relation to the following fields: Camping, Hiking trips; Travel services, Transport of travellers, in relation to the following fields: Camping, Hiking trips; Rental of recreational vehicles; Passenger transport, in particular by bus; Car sharing services; Arranging of passenger transportation services for others via an online application; Controlling of fleet vehicles using navigational and positioning apparatus. Services for providing food and drink on a campsite; Accommodation in tourist campsites; Provision of caravan park facilities and equipment; Providing campground facilities; Providing temporary trailer park facilities; Booking of campground accommodation.



Application Number 018561699
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-09-17
Registration Date 2022-01-12
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 38 - Telecommunications services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Scientific, research, navigation, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, audiovisual, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, detecting, testing, inspecting, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; Apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; Recorded media and downloadable media, Blank digital or analogue recording and storage media; Information technology and audiovisual equipment; Magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers; Apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; Optical devices, enhancers and correctors; Safety, security, protection and signalling devices; Diving equipment; Navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; Measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; Automatic indicators of low pressure in vehicle tyres; Mileage recorders for vehicles; Scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators; Contact lenses and eyeglasses, Spectacle cases, Binoculars, optical magnifiers; Sunglasses; Mobile phone cases with lanyards; Mobile phone chains; Vehicle breakdown warning triangles; Warning lamps for vehicles (not parts of vehicles); Electric batteries and parts therefor, electric accumulators and parts therefor, fuel cells and parts therefor, solar batteries; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Chargers for electrical batteries; Burglar alarm apparatus, Fire alarm apparatus, Smoke alarms, Gas escape warning apparatus; Anti-theft warning apparatus; Fire extinguishers; Scales; Spirit levels; Compasses for measuring; Rulers [measuring instruments], Acid hydrometers; Quantity indicators; Electronic control apparatus and power/voltage supply apparatus for vehicle headlights and vehicle lights and respective parts therefor, light-emitting diodes (LED), electronic power regulators; Electrical and electronic control apparatus and instruments; Simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; Artificial intelligence software for vehicles; Voltage regulators for vehicles; Speed indicators; Revolution counters; Measuring apparatus and instruments; Life-saving equipment, namely life rafts, rescue ladders, safety nets, safety tarpaulins, lifebelts, lifebuoys, lifejackets; Electrical fuses, Relays, electric; Lasers, not for medical purposes, laser pointers; Remote control apparatus, remote controls; Aerials; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Mobile telephones; Telephone apparatus; Television apparatus; Video telephones; Radios; Directional compasses, navigation apparatus, navigation instruments; Telematic apparatus; Telematic terminal apparatus; Magnetic, optical and computer data carriers, Vinyl records, compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media, Sound recording carriers, Musical juke boxes, Compact discs [read-only memory], Downloadable music files, Earphones, loudspeakers, Cabinets for loudspeakers, Signs, luminous, CD players and DVD players, Video telephones, Phototelegraphy apparatus; Projection apparatus, Cameras [photography]; Films, exposed; Cinematographic cameras, Photocopiers, Electronic translation apparatus (computers), Electronic pocket translators; Magnetic cards, integrated circuit cards (smart cards), encoded telephone cards; Coin-operated mechanisms; Automatic teller machines; Cash registers, calculating machines; Data processing equipment; Computers; Electronic agendas; Facsimile machines; Monitors (computer hardware and programs); Computer peripheral devices; Computer programs for use in autonomous driving of vehicles; Computer programs for use in the autonomous navigation of vehicles; Computer programs for use in autonomous control of vehicles; Recorded and downloadable computer programs, In particular data files in electronic form; Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; Computer software; Application software; Pocket calculators; Electronic publications, downloadable; Downloadable image files; Crash test dummies; Microscopes; Cables, electric; Sockets, plugs and other contacts [electric connections]; Igniting apparatus, electric, for igniting at a distance; Radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; Head protection; Locks, electric; electronic controllers and electronic control systems; Security tokens [encryption devices]; Electronic access control systems for interlocking doors; Thermal imaging cameras; Scales with body mass analysers; Covers for tablet computers; Black boxes [data recorders]; Digital weather stations; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Interactive touch screen terminals; Smart rings; Electric and electronic effects units for musical instruments; Audio interfaces; Equalisers [audio apparatus]; Parking sensors for vehicles; Teaching robots; Humanoid robots with artificial intelligence; Personal digital assistants [PDAs]; Rearview cameras for vehicles; Electric wire harnesses for automobiles; Telecommunication apparatus in the form of jewellery; Data gloves; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, Adhesive rubber patches for repairing tyre inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electric bicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search. Building, construction and demolition; Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Mining extraction; Gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Telecommunication services; Telecommunication services; Collection and delivery of messages by electronic mail; Electronic message collection and transmission; News agency services; Telecommunication services provided via Internet platforms and portals; Providing access to information on the Internet; Electronic exchange of messages via chat lines, chatrooms and Internet forums; Rental of telecommunication equipment; Radio broadcasting; Television broadcasting; Transmission of electronic mail; Information about telecommunication; Providing user access to global computer networks; Providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; Providing user access to computer programmes in data networks; Providing internet chatrooms; Providing video conferencing services; Wireless cellular phone services; Wireless broadcasting; Computer aided transmission of messages and images; Paging services [radio, telephone or other means of electronic communication]; Satellite transmission; Telephone services; Telephone exchange services; Message sending; Rental of telecommunication facilities; Rental of message sending apparatus; Rental of access time to global computer networks; Providing access to databases; Telematics services; Telematic communication services; Telematic data transmission and file transfer; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. IT services, namely development, programming and implementation of software; Computer hardware development; Hosting of computer sites (websites); Software as a service (SaaS) and rental of software; Rental of computer hardware and facilities; IT consultancy, advisory and information services; IT security, protection and restoration; data duplication and conversion services; data coding services; Computer analysis and diagnostics; Research and Development and Implementation in relation to the following goods: Computer programs; Computer project management; Digital water-marking; Computer network services; Technological services relating to computers, computer networking, On-line computer services; Updating the memory banks of computer systems; Data migration services; Updating of websites, for others; Monitoring of computer systems by remote access; Data encryption services; Consultancy in the field of the internet and data security; Science and technology services; Testing, authentication and quality control; Design services; Industrial analysis and research services; Styling [industrial design]; Research and development for others with regard to new products; Provision of scientific information, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon offsetting; Digitization of documents [scanning]; Development of vehicles; Engineering services; Technical research; Surveying; Chemical research; Biological research; Weather forecasting; Research physics; Architectural services; Dress designing; Authenticating works of art; Cloud seeding; Software design for others.



Application Number 018560229
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-09-16
Registration Date 2022-03-22
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 14 - Precious metals and their alloys; jewelry; time-keeping instruments
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 18 - Leather and imitations of leather
  • 21 - HouseHold or kitchen utensils, containers and materials; glassware; porcelain; earthenware
  • 24 - Textiles and textile goods
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 38 - Telecommunications services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 43 - Food and drink services, temporary accommodation

Goods & Services

Precious stones, pearls and precious metals and imitations thereof and objets d'art made of these materials, included in class 14; Jewellery; Chronometric instruments, clocks and watches; Wristwatches and stopwatches and watches, Cases for clock- and watchmaking; Jewellery boxes and watch boxes; Bracelets made of embroidered textile [jewellery]; Tie pins, cuff links, pins, other goods of precious metals and precious stones and imitations thereof, namely statues and figurines, decorations, coins and tokens, works of art of precious metal, rings for keys (jewellery or key rings); Key rings of metal; Charms for key rings; Jewel cases; Jewellery charms; Hat jewellery; Shoe jewellery; Rosaries; Misbaha [prayer beads]; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Paper cardboard; Printed matter; Works of art and figurines of paper and cardboard, and architects' models; Decoration and art materials and media; Filtering materials of paper; Bags and articles for packaging, wrapping and storage, of paper, cardboard or plastics; Bookbinding material; Photographs [printed]; Stationery; Adhesives for stationery or household purposes; Artists' materials; Brushes for the application of paints; Typewriters, writing implements and office requisites, except furniture; Instructional and teaching material (expect apparatus); Plastic materials for packaging , printers' type; Printing blocks; Atlases; Calendars; Geographical maps; Printed publications; Printed advertising matter and printed publicity; Document holders [stationery]; Pencils (stationery); Ball point pens and pencils; Banners and flags of paper; Table napkins of paper; Copying paper [stationery]; Hygienic papers; Packing paper; Ink; Stamps [seals]; Drawing instruments; Drawing materials; Modelling materials; Banners of paper; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Luggage, bags, wallets and other carriers; Umbrellas and parasols; Walking sticks; Trunks and suitcases; Bags, included in class 18, in particular bags for sports and briefcases; Wallets, purses; Key cases; Saddlebags; Clothing for pets; Goods made from leather and imitations of leather (included in class 18), Namely handbags, Bags [envelopes, pouches] of leather, for packaging, Labels of leather, Tefillin [phylacteries]; Leather, unworked or semi-worked; Rucksacks; Animal skins, hides; saddlery, whips and animal apparel; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Statues, figurines, plaques and works of art, made of materials such as porcelain, terra-cotta or glass, included in the class; Articles for animal husbandry, namely aquariums and vivariums, pest and vermin repellents, bird baths, cages, feeding and drinking articles, fish bowls, grooming articles, nesting articles, swing tags, waste disposal articles; Household articles for clothing and footwear, namely boot jacks and shoe horns, buttonhooks, clothing stretchers, irons and mangles, shoe polishing apparatus, shoe trees and stretchers; Household or kitchen utensils and containers; Ice tongs; Salad tongs; Serving ladles; Pestles for kitchen use; Mortars for kitchen use; Ice cream scoops; Spatulas for kitchen use; Scoops for household purposes; Pouring spouts; Ladles for serving wine; Nutcrackers, Sugar tongs; Portable isothermic bags and coolboxes, non-electric; Picnic baskets (fitted -) (including dishes); Toilet accessories, namely toilet brushes, Water closet brush holders, Toilet sponges, Toilet plungers, Metal boxes for dispensing paper towels; Combs and sponges; Brushes, Material for brush-making; Cleaning articles; Glass, unworked or semi-worked, except building glass; Waste paper baskets; Coin banks; Straws for drinking; Chamois leather for cleaning; Dustings, Cushions and pads for cleaning displays; Glassware, porcelain and earthenware (included in Class 21); Porcelain and glass signs; Vases; Flower vases; Heat-insulated containers for beverages; Thermally insulated containers for food; Glassware for everyday use, including cups, table plates, kettles and jugs; Works of art of porcelain, ceramic, earthenware or glass; Tea services [tableware]; Brush goods; Toothbrushes; Toothpicks; Insulating flasks; Mangers for animals; Fly traps. Textile material; Textile goods, and substitutes for textile goods; Filtering materials of textile; Bed and table covers; Table linen, not of paper; Bed linen; Towels of textile; Wall hangings of textile; Edgings of textile, quilted blankets, bed covers; Sleeping bags; Napkins of textile; Mosquito nets, banners and flags, not of paper; Plastic flags; Non-woven textile fabrics; Felt; Bath mitts. Headgear; Clothing; Footwear; Polo shirts/blouses; Combinations [clothing]; Tee-shirts; Coats; Jackets [clothing]; Bandanas [neckerchiefs]; Pants; Trousers; Layettes [clothing]; Bathing suits; Raincoats; Theatrical costumes; Shoes; Soccer shoes; Hats; Caps being headwear; Stockings; Gloves [clothing]; Shawls and stoles; Neckties; Belts [clothing]; Shower caps; Foundation garments; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Telecommunication services; Telecommunication services; Collection and delivery of messages by electronic mail; Electronic message collection and transmission; News agency services; Telecommunication services provided via Internet platforms and portals; Providing access to information on the Internet; Electronic exchange of messages via chat lines, chatrooms and Internet forums; Rental of telecommunication equipment; Radio broadcasting; Television broadcasting; Transmission of electronic mail; Information about telecommunication; Providing user access to global computer networks; Providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; Providing user access to computer programmes in data networks; Providing internet chatrooms; Providing video conferencing services; Wireless cellular phone services; Wireless broadcasting; Computer aided transmission of messages and images; Paging services [radio, telephone or other means of electronic communication]; Satellite transmission; Telephone services; Telephone exchange services; Message sending; Rental of telecommunication facilities; Rental of message sending apparatus; Rental of access time to global computer networks; Providing access to databases; Telematics services; Telematic communication services; Telematic data transmission and file transfer; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class; none of the aforesaid being for or in relation to eSports, interactive games, video games and computer games. Transport; Packaging and storage and warehousing of goods; Arranging of transportation for travel tours; Travel and passenger transportation; Towing; Taxi transport; Car transport; Transportation logistics; Rental of vehicles, in particular cars; Passenger transport, in particular by bus; Car sharing services; Arranging of passenger transportation services for others via an online application; Freight brokerage [forwarding (Am.)]; Delivery of goods and parcels; Storage of electricity; Electricity distribution; Traffic information; Controlling of fleet vehicles using navigational and positioning apparatus. Publishing and reporting; Education, entertainment and sports; Translation and interpretation; Training; Sporting and cultural activities; Arranging and conducting of cultural and/or sports events; Talent promotion through training and further training; Presentation of live performances; Academies [education]; Education information; Organization of competitions [education or entertainment]; Organisation, arranging and conducting of colloquiums, conferences, congresses, symposiums, seminars and workshops (training); Organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; Coaching [training]; Vocational retraining; Organization of sports competitions; Lending library services; Publication of books; Online publication of electronic books and journals; Club services [entertainment or education]; Animal training; Organization of lotteries; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class; none of the aforesaid being for or in relation to eSports, interactive games, video games and computer games or Software for electronic games, for use in relation to the following goods: mobile phones. IT services, namely development, programming and implementation of software; Computer hardware development; Hosting web sites; Software as a service (SaaS) and rental of software; Rental of computer hardware and facilities; IT consultancy, advisory and information services; IT security, protection and restoration; data duplication and conversion services; data coding services; Computer analysis and diagnostics; research and development services and Implementation, in relation to the followig goods: Computer programs; Computer project management; Digital water-marking; Computer network services; technological services relating to computers, computer network services and online computer services; Updating the memory banks of computer systems; Data migration services; Updating of websites, for others; Monitoring of computer systems by remote access; Data encryption services; Consultancy in the field of the internet and data security; Science and technology services; Testing, authentication and quality control; Design services; Industrial analysis and research services; Styling [industrial design]; Research and development for others with regard to new products; Provision of scientific information, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon offsetting; Digitization of documents [scanning]; Development of vehicles; Engineering services; Technical research; Surveying; Chemical research; Biological research; Weather forecasting; Research in the field of physics; Architectural services; Dress designing; Authenticating works of art; Cloud seeding; Software design for others; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class; none of the aforesaid being for or in relation to eSports, interactive games, video games and computer games or Electronic game software, for use in relation to the following goods: Cell phones. Provision of food and drink; Temporary accommodation.



Application Number 018557302
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-09-13
Registration Date 2022-01-06
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 38 - Telecommunications services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Scientific, research, navigation, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, audiovisual, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, detecting, testing, inspecting, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; Apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; Recorded and downloadable media, blank digital or analogue recording and memory carriers; Information technology and audiovisual equipment; Magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers; Apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; Optical devices, enhancers and correctors; Safety, security, protection and signalling devices; Diving equipment; Navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; Measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; Automatic indicators of low pressure in vehicle tyres; Mileage recorders for vehicles; Scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators; Contact lenses, Spectacles, spectacle cases, Binoculars, optical magnifiers; Sunglasses; Mobile phone cases with lanyards; Mobile phone chains; Vehicle breakdown warning triangles; Warning lamps for vehicles (not parts of vehicles); Electric batteries and parts therefor, electric accumulators and parts therefor, fuel cells and parts therefor, solar batteries; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Chargers for electrical batteries; Burglar alarm apparatus, Fire alarm apparatus, Smoke alarms, Gas escape warning apparatus; Anti-theft warning apparatus; Fire extinguishers; Scales; Spirit levels; Compasses for measuring; Rulers [measuring instruments], Acid hydrometers; Quantity indicators; Electronic control apparatus and power/voltage supply apparatus for vehicle headlights and vehicle lights and respective parts therefor, light-emitting diodes (LED), electronic power regulators; Electrical and electronic control apparatus and instruments; Simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; Artificial intelligence software for vehicles; Voltage regulators for vehicles; Speed indicators; Revolution counters; Measuring apparatus and instruments; Life-saving equipment, namely life rafts, rescue ladders, safety nets, safety tarpaulins, lifebelts, lifebuoys, lifejackets; Electrical fuses, Relays, electric; Lasers, not for medical purposes, laser pointers; Remote control apparatus, remote controls; Aerials; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Mobile telephones; Telephone apparatus; Television apparatus; Video telephones; Radios; Directional compasses, navigation apparatus, navigation instruments; Telematic apparatus; Telematic terminal apparatus; Magnetic, optical and computer data carriers, Vinyl records, compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media, Sound recording carriers, Musical juke boxes, Compact discs [read-only memory], Downloadable music files, Headphones, Loudspeakers, loudspeaker cabinets, Signs, luminous, CD players and DVD players, Video telephones, Phototelegraphy apparatus; Projection apparatus, Cameras [photography]; Films, exposed; Cinematographic cameras, Photocopiers, Electronic translation apparatus (computers), Electronic pocket translators; Magnetic cards, integrated circuit cards (smart cards), encoded telephone cards; Coin-operated mechanisms; Automatic teller machines; Cash registers, calculating machines; Data processing equipment; Computers; Electronic agendas; Facsimile machines; Monitors (computer hardware and programs); Computer peripheral devices; Computer programs for use in autonomous driving of vehicles; Computer programs for use in the autonomous navigation of vehicles; Computer programs for use in autonomous control of vehicles; Recorded and downloadable computer programs, In particular data files in electronic form; Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; Computer software; Application software; Pocket calculators; Electronic publications, downloadable; Downloadable image files; Crash test dummies; Microscopes; Cables, electric; Sockets, plugs and other contacts [electric connections]; Igniting apparatus, electric, for igniting at a distance; Radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; Head protection; Locks, electric; electronic controllers and electronic control systems; Security tokens [encryption devices]; Electronic access control systems for interlocking doors; Thermal imaging cameras; Scales with body mass analysers; Covers for tablet computers; Black boxes [data recorders]; Digital weather stations; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Interactive touch screen terminals; Smart rings; Electric and electronic effects units for musical instruments; Audio interfaces; Equalisers [audio apparatus]; Parking sensors for vehicles; Teaching robots; Humanoid robots with artificial intelligence; Personal digital assistants [PDAs]; Rearview cameras for vehicles; Electric wire harnesses for automobiles; Telecommunication apparatus in the form of jewellery; Data gloves; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, Vehicles for travel by air or Vehicles for travel by rail and Parts for the aforesaid goods; Motorised land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, adhesive rubber patches for repairing inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electricbicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class; None of the aforesaid goods being parts or fittings for boats, ships or water vehicles. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search. Building, construction and demolition; Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Mining extraction; Gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Telecommunication services; Telecommunication services; Collection and delivery of messages by electronic mail; Electronic message collection and transmission; News agency services; Telecommunication services provided via Internet platforms and portals; Providing access to information on the Internet; Electronic exchange of messages via chat lines, chatrooms and Internet forums; Rental of telecommunication equipment; Radio broadcasting; Television broadcasting; Transmission of electronic mail; Information about telecommunication; Providing user access to global computer networks; Providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; Providing user access to computer programmes in data networks; Providing internet chatrooms; Providing video conferencing services; Wireless cellular phone services; Wireless broadcasting; Computer aided transmission of messages and images; Paging services [radio, telephone or other means of electronic communication]; Satellite transmission; Telephone services; Telephone exchange services; Message sending; Rental of telecommunication facilities; Rental of message sending apparatus; Rental of access time to global computer networks; Providing access to databases; Telematics services; Telematic communication services; Telematic data transmission and file transfer; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. IT services, namely development, programming and implementation of software; Computer hardware development; Hosting of computer sites (websites); Software as a service [SaaS]; Rental of software; Rental of computer hardware and facilities; IT consultancy, advisory and information services; IT security, protection and restoration; data duplication and conversion services, Data encoding, computer analysis and diagnostics; Research and development, and implementation of computers and computer systems; Computer project management, Digital water-marking, Computer network services, Technological services relating to computers, computer networking, On-line computer services, Updating of computer system memory banks, and data migration, Updating of websites, for others, Monitoring of computer systems by remote access; Data encryption services; Consultancy in the field of the internet and data security; Science and technology services; Testing, authentication and quality control; Design services; Industrial analysis and research services; Styling [industrial design]; Research and development for others with regard to new products; Provision of scientific information, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon offsetting; Digitization of documents [scanning]; Development of vehicles; Engineering services; Technical research; Surveying; Chemical research; Biological research; Weather forecasting; Physics (research); Architectural services; Dress designing; Authenticating works of art; Cloud seeding; Software design for others; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018545029
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-08-31
Registration Date 2022-01-06
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 35 - Advertising and business services

Goods & Services

Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management consultancy and advisory services; Planning and development of business strategies; Consultancy and advisory services in the field of business strategy; Business planning and management consultancy services; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Business analysis and information services, and market research; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search.



Application Number 018542812
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-08-30
Registration Date 2022-01-14
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, adhesive rubber patches for repairing inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electric bicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Sporting articles and equipment, gymnastic articles; Decorations for Christmas trees; Artificial Christmas trees; Fairground and playground apparatus; Toys, games, playthings and novelties; Scale model kits [toys]; Soft toys and other stuffed toys; Slot machines [gaming machines], arcade video game machines; Video game apparatus; Video game consoles; Scale model vehicles; Toy vehicles; Scooters [toys]; Toy cars; Remote-controlled toy vehicles; Balls for games; Kaleidoscopes; Board games; Playing cards; Playing balls; Stationary exercise bicycles; Archery implements; Appliances for gymnastics; Racing car games; Gloves for games; Floats for fishing; Camouflage screens [sports articles]; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search. Building, construction and demolition; Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Mining extraction; Gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018522040
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-07-28
Registration Date 2021-11-26
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services

Goods & Services

apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; Apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; Recorded media and downloadable media, Blank digital or analogue recording and storage media; Information technology and audiovisual equipment; Magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers; Apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; Optical devices, enhancers and correctors; Navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; Measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; Automatic indicators of low pressure in vehicle tyres; Mileage recorders for vehicles; Mobile phone cases with lanyards; Mobile phone chains; Vehicle breakdown warning triangles; Warning lamps for vehicles (not parts of vehicles); Burglar alarm apparatus, Fire alarm apparatus, Smoke alarms, Gas escape warning apparatus; Anti-theft warning apparatus; Fire extinguishers; Electronic control apparatus and power/voltage supply apparatus for vehicle headlights and vehicle lights and respective parts therefor, light-emitting diodes (LED), electronic power regulators; Electrical and electronic control apparatus and instruments; Simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; Artificial intelligence software for vehicles; Voltage regulators for vehicles; Speed indicators; Revolution counters; Measuring apparatus and instruments; Electrical fuses, Relays, electric; Lasers, not for medical purposes, laser pointers; Remote control apparatus, remote controls; Aerials; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Mobile telephones; Directional compasses, navigation apparatus, navigation instruments; Telematic apparatus; Telematic terminal apparatus; Electronic translation apparatus (computers), Electronic pocket translators; Data processing equipment; Computers; Electronic agendas; Facsimile machines; Monitors (computer hardware and programs); Computer peripheral devices; Computer programs for use in autonomous driving of vehicles; Computer programs for use in the autonomous navigation of vehicles; Computer programs for use in autonomous control of vehicles; Recorded and downloadable computer programs, In particular data files in electronic form; Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; Computer software; Application software; Pocket calculators; Electronic publications, downloadable; Downloadable image files; Mobile apps; Igniting apparatus, electric, for igniting at a distance; Locks, electric; electronic controllers and electronic control systems; Security tokens [encryption devices]; Electronic access control systems for interlocking doors; Covers for tablet computers; Black boxes [data recorders]; Interactive touch screen terminals; Smart rings; Parking sensors for vehicles; Teaching robots; Humanoid robots with artificial intelligence; Personal digital assistants [PDAs]; Rearview cameras for vehicles; Electric wire harnesses for automobiles; Telecommunication apparatus in the form of jewellery; Data gloves; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Placement of staff; Arranging and conducting recruitment fairs; Event marketing; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search. Publishing and reporting; Education, entertainment and sports; Translation and interpretation; Training; Sporting and cultural activities; Arranging and conducting of cultural and/or sports events; Talent promotion through training and further training; Presentation of live performances; Playing games on computer networks and on the Internet; Academies [education]; Education information; Organization of competitions [education or entertainment]; Organisation, arranging and conducting of colloquiums, conferences, congresses, symposiums, seminars and workshops [training]; Organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; Coaching [training]; Vocational retraining; Organization of sports competitions; Library services; Publication of books; Online publication of electronic books and journals; Club services [entertainment or education]; Animal training; Organization of lotteries; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018523089
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-07-27
Registration Date 2021-11-24
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services

Goods & Services

Vehicles and conveyances; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, Adhesive rubber patches for repairing tyre inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Headgear; Clothing; Footwear; Shirts, polo shirts, Combinations [clothing], Tee-shirts, Coats, Jackets [clothing], Bandanas [neckerchiefs], Pants, Trousers, Layettes [clothing], Bathing suits, Raincoats, Theatrical costumes, Shoes, Soccer shoes, Hats, caps, Stockings, Gloves [clothing], Shawls and stoles, Neckties, Belts [clothing], Shower caps; Foundation garments; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search. Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Transport; Packaging and storage and warehousing of goods; Arranging of transportation for travel tours; Travel and passenger transportation; Towing; Taxi transport; Car transport; Transportation logistics; Rental, in relation to the following goods: Vehicles, Especially, Cars, Motor homes, mobile homes, transport of persons, in particular by car and coach; Car sharing services; Arranging of passenger transportation services for others via an online application; Freight brokerage [forwarding (Am.)]; Delivery of goods and parcels; Storage of electricity; Electricity distribution; Traffic information; Controlling of fleet vehicles using navigational and positioning apparatus.


California Centre

Application Number 018523086
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-07-27
Registration Date 2021-11-24
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services

Goods & Services

Vehicles and conveyances; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, Adhesive rubber patches for repairing tyre inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Headgear; Clothing; Footwear; Shirts, polo shirts, Combinations [clothing], Tee-shirts, Coats, Jackets [clothing], Bandanas [neckerchiefs], Pants, Trousers, Layettes [clothing], Bathing suits, Raincoats, Theatrical costumes, Shoes, Soccer shoes, Hats, caps, Stockings, Gloves [clothing], Shawls and stoles, Neckties, Belts [clothing], Shower caps; Foundation garments; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search. Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Transport; Packaging and storage and warehousing of goods; Arranging of transportation for travel tours; Travel and passenger transportation; Towing; Taxi transport; Car transport; Transportation logistics; Rental, in relation to the following goods: Vehicles, Especially, Cars, Motor homes, mobile homes, transport of persons, in particular by car and coach; Car sharing services; Arranging of passenger transportation services for others via an online application; Freight brokerage [forwarding (Am.)]; Delivery of goods and parcels; Storage of electricity; Electricity distribution; Traffic information; Controlling of fleet vehicles using navigational and positioning apparatus.



Application Number 018517064
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-07-20
Registration Date 2023-10-06
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Motorised vehicles, other than rail vehicles; Motors, engines and drives for motor vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for automobiles; Chassis for motor vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for motor vehicles; Clutch mechanisms for motor cars; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Shock absorbing springs for motor cars; Tyres for motor vehicle wheels; Rims for motor vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for motor vehicle wheels; automotive wheels; Hubs for motor vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Repair outfits for inner tubes; Adhesive rubber patches for repairing tyre inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; non-skid devices for automobile tires; Car seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for car seats; Alarm systems for motor vehicles; Vehicle anti-theft locks; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for motor vehicles; Trailer hitches for motor vehicles; Omnibuses; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles; Scooters [vehicles]; Chairlifts; Ropeway; Wheelchairs; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class; None of the aforesaid goods in connection with rail vehicles. Sporting articles and equipment, gymnastic articles; Festive decorations and artificial Christmas trees; Fairground and playground apparatus; Toys, games, playthings and novelties; Scale model kits [toys]; Soft toys and other stuffed toys; Slot machines [gaming machines], Scale model vehicles; Toy vehicles; Scooters [toys]; Toy cars; Balls for games; Kaleidoscopes; Board games; Playing cards; Playing balls; Stationary exercise bicycles; Archery implements; Appliances for gymnastics; Racing car games; Gloves for games; Floats for fishing; Camouflage screens [sports articles]; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class; none of the aforesaid goods in relation to the following goods: video games or Computer games, or Electronic games software for mobile telephones; All the aforesaid goods other than motorised model and toy vehicles and parts and fittings therefor. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures for vehicles and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the Internet relating to motor vehicles, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures for vehicles and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures for vehicles and tyres for vehicle wheels; Bringing together, for others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures for vehicles and tyres for vehicle wheels, excluding the transport thereof, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods in a retail sales outlet; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures for vehicles and tyres for vehicle wheels; Business administration and organisational administration of vehicle fleets, for others; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of orders (office functions); Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Consultancy and assistance with regard to the management and organisation of commercial and business enterprises; Advertising; Business management; Business administration; Office functions; Personnel management consultancy; Business consultancy and advisory services; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search; None of the aforesaid goods in connection with rail vehicles; None of the aforesaid services in connection with or relating to video or computer games or electronic games software for mobile telephones. Building, construction and demolition; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction and demolition; Mining and gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Modification, repair, disassembly, maintenance and care of vehicles; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class; None of the aforesaid services in connection with rail vehicles.



Application Number 018517928
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-07-20
Registration Date 2021-11-09
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, Adhesive rubber patches for repairing tyre inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electric bicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Sporting articles and equipment, gymnastic articles; Decorations for Christmas trees; Artificial Christmas trees; Fairground and playground apparatus; Toys, games, playthings and novelties; Scale model kits [toys]; Soft toys and other stuffed toys; Slot machines [gaming machines], Arcade video game machines; Video game apparatus; Video game consoles; Scale model vehicles; Toy vehicles; Scooters [toys]; Toy cars; Remote-controlled toy vehicles; Balls for games; Kaleidoscopes; Board games; Playing cards; Playing balls; Stationary exercise bicycles; Archery implements; Appliances for gymnastics; Racing car games; Gloves for games; Floats for fishing; Camouflage screens [sports articles]; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search. Building, construction and demolition; Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Mining extraction; Gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018517931
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-07-20
Registration Date 2021-11-05
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, Adhesive rubber patches for repairing tyre inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electric bicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Sporting articles and equipment, gymnastic articles; Decorations for Christmas trees; Artificial Christmas trees; Fairground and playground apparatus; Toys, games, playthings and novelties; Scale model kits [toys]; Soft toys and other stuffed toys; Slot machines [gaming machines], Arcade video game machines; Video game apparatus; Video game consoles; Scale model vehicles; Toy vehicles; Scooters [toys]; Toy cars; Remote-controlled toy vehicles; Balls for games; Kaleidoscopes; Board games; Playing cards; Playing balls; Stationary exercise bicycles; Archery implements; Appliances for gymnastics; Racing car games; Gloves for games; Floats for fishing; Camouflage screens [sports articles]; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search. Building, construction and demolition; Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Mining extraction; Gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018513626
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-07-14
Registration Date 2022-06-29
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Recorded and downloadable media, blank digital or analogue recording and memory carriers; Data processing equipment; Computers; Facsimile machines; Monitors (computer hardware and programs); Computer programs for use in autonomous driving of vehicles; Computer programs for use in the autonomous navigation of vehicles; Computer programs for use in autonomous control of vehicles; Recorded and downloadable computer programs, in particular data files in electronic form; Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; Computer software; Application software; Pocket calculators; Electronic publications, downloadable; Interactive touch screen terminals; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class; None of the aforesaid goods in connection with aircraft and/or optical checking apparatus; None of the aforesaid goods being connected to financial service; None of the aforesaid goods in connection with the processing, verification, authorisation, transmission or authentication of payments, funds or credit, debit or prepaid cards, and not being in connection with financial technology software, solutions, platforms, services or consultancy. Printed matter; Stationery; Instructional and teaching material (expect apparatus); Printed publications; Printed advertising matter and printed publicity; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class; All aforesaid goods, Not in connection with aircraft. Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Development of concepts for business economy; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; News clipping services; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search; none of the aforesaid services, in relation to the following goods: aircraft; none of the aforesaid services, in relation to the following fields: financial services; None of the aforesaid services in connection with the processing, verification, authorisation, transmission or authentication of payments, funds or credit, debit or prepaid cards, and not being in connection with financial technology software, solutions, platforms, services or consultancy. Publishing and reporting; Education, entertainment and sports; Training; Sporting and cultural activities; Arranging and conducting of cultural and/or sports events; Talent promotion through training and further training; Playing games on computer networks and on the Internet; Education information; Organization of competitions [education or entertainment]; Organisation, arranging and conducting of colloquiums, conferences, congresses, symposiums, seminars and workshops [training]; Organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; Coaching [training]; Vocational retraining; Library services; Publication of books; Online publication of electronic books and journals; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class; all the aforesaid services, Not in connection with aircraft. Software development, programming and implementation; Computer hardware development; Hosting of computer sites (websites); Software as a service [SaaS]; Rental of software, rental of computer hardware and computer installations; IT consultancy, advisory and information services; IT security, protection and restoration; Data replication and data conversion; data coding services; Computer analysis services and Computer diagnostic services; Research and development, and implementation of computers and computer systems; Computer project management; Computer network services; Technological services relating to computers, computer networking, On-line computer services; Updating the memory banks of computer systems; Data migration services; Updating of websites, for others; Monitoring of computer systems by remote access; Data encryption services; Consultancy in the field of the internet and data security; Science and technology services; Testing, authentication and quality control; Certification [quality control]; Digitization of documents [scanning]; Development of vehicles; Engineering services; Technical research; Surveying; Software design for others; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class; none of the aforesaid services, In relation to the following goods: Aircrafts; none of the aforesaid services, Relating to the following sectors: Provision of financial services; None of the aforesaid services in connection with the processing, verification, authorisation, transmission or authentication of payments, funds or credit, debit or prepaid cards, and not being in connection with financial technology software, solutions, platforms, services or consultancy.



Application Number 018500010
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-06-23
Registration Date 2021-10-22
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Festive decorations and artificial Christmas trees; Toys, games, playthings and novelties; Scale model kits [toys]; Soft toys and other stuffed toys; Slot machines [gaming machines], Arcade video game machines; Video game apparatus; Video game consoles; Scale model vehicles; Toy vehicles; Scooters [toys]; Toy cars; Remote-controlled toy vehicles; Balls for games; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018500009
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-06-23
Registration Date 2021-10-22
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Festive decorations and artificial Christmas trees; Toys, games, playthings and novelties; Scale model kits [toys]; Soft toys and other stuffed toys; Slot machines [gaming machines], Arcade video game machines; Video game apparatus; Video game consoles; Scale model vehicles; Toy vehicles; Scooters [toys]; Toy cars; Remote-controlled toy vehicles; Balls for games; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018500012
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-06-23
Registration Date 2021-10-22
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Festive decorations and artificial Christmas trees; Toys, games, playthings and novelties; Scale model kits [toys]; Soft toys and other stuffed toys; Slot machines [gaming machines], Arcade video game machines; Video game apparatus; Video game consoles; Scale model vehicles; Toy vehicles; Scooters [toys]; Toy cars; Remote-controlled toy vehicles; Balls for games; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018495392
Status Pending
Filing Date 2021-06-17
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Transportwesen; Verpacken und Lagerung von Waren; Veranstaltung von Reisen; Reisedienstleistungen und Transport von Reisenden; Abschleppen von Fahrzeugen; Taxidienste; Transport mit Kraftfahrzeugen; Transportlogistik; Vermietung von Fahrzeugen, insbesondere Automobilen; Beförderung von Personen, insbesondere mit Autobussen; Carsharing-Dienstleistungen; Organisation von Passagierbeförderungsdiensten für Dritte mittels einer Online-Anwendung; Frachtmaklerdienste; Auslieferung von Waren und Paketen; Elektrizitätsspeicherung [Lagerung]; Elektrizitätsverteilung; Verkehrsinformationsdienste; Flottensteuerung von Kraftfahrzeugen mittels Navigations- und Ortungsgeräten. Entwicklung, Programmierung und Implementierung von Software; Entwicklung von Computerhardware; Hosting-Dienste; Software as a Service [SaaS] und Vermietung von Software; Vermietung von Computerhardware und -anlagen; IT-Beratungs-, Auskunfts- und Informationsdienstleistungen; IT-Sicherheits-, Schutz- und -Instandsetzungsdienste; Datenvervielfältigungs- und -konvertierungsdienste; Datenkodierungsdienste; Computeranalyse und -diagnostik; Implementierung von Computern; Implementierung von Computersystemen; Computerprojektmanagementdienste; digitale Wasserzeichen; Dienstleistungen in Bezug auf Computernetzwerke, technologische Dienste in Bezug auf Computer, Computernetzwerkdienste, Online-Computerdienste, Aktualisierung der Speicherbanken von Computersystemen, Datenmigrationsdienste, Aktualisierung von Websites für Dritte, Überwachung von Computersystemen durch Fernzugriff; Dienstleistungen auf dem Gebiet der Datenverschlüsselung; Beratung auf dem Gebiet der Internet- und Datensicherheit; Cloud-Computing, Cloud-Server, Cloud Hosting-Dienste, Bereitstellung von virtuellen Computersystemen durch Cloud-Computing, Bereitstellung von virtuellen Computerumgebungen durch Cloud-Computing; Konzeption und Entwicklung von Software für die virtuelle Realität; wissenschaftliche und technologische Dienstleistungen; Prüfung, Authentifizierung und Qualitätskontrolle; Designdienstleistungen; industrielle Analyse- und Forschungsdienstleistungen; Styling [industrielles Design]; Entwicklungs- und Recherchedienste bzgl. neuer Produkte für Dritte; Bereitstellung von wissenschaftlicher Information und Beratung zum CO2-Ausgleich; Digitalisieren von Dokumenten [Scannen]; Entwicklung von Fahrzeugen; Dienstleistungen von Ingenieuren; Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der Technik; Erstellung von technischen Gutachten; Design von Computersoftware; Beratung und Information in Bezug auf vorgenannte Dienstleistungen, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten.



Application Number 018470387
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-05-11
Registration Date 2024-02-23
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 14 - Precious metals and their alloys; jewelry; time-keeping instruments
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 18 - Leather and imitations of leather
  • 21 - HouseHold or kitchen utensils, containers and materials; glassware; porcelain; earthenware
  • 24 - Textiles and textile goods
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment

Goods & Services

Apparatus and instruments for recording, Recorded and downloadable media, blank digital or analogue recording and memory carriers; Information technology and audiovisual equipment; Magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers; Optical devices, enhancers and correctors; Safety, security, protection and signalling devices; Navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; Contact lenses and eyeglasses, Spectacle cases, Binoculars, optical magnifiers; Sunglasses; Mobile phone cases with lanyards; Mobile phone chains; Vehicle breakdown warning triangles; Warning lamps for vehicles (not parts of vehicles); Electric batteries and parts therefor, electric accumulators and parts therefor, fuel cells and parts therefor, solar batteries; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Chargers for electrical batteries; Scales; Spirit levels; Quantity indicators; Electrical and electronic control apparatus and instruments; Voltage regulators for vehicles; Electrical fuses, Relays, electric; Lasers, not for medical purposes, laser pointers; Remote control apparatus, remote controls; Aerials; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Mobile telephones; Telephone apparatus; Television apparatus; Video telephones; Radios; Directional compasses, navigation apparatus, navigation instruments; Magnetic, optical and computer data carriers, Vinyl records, compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media, Sound recording carriers, Compact discs [read-only memory], Downloadable music files, Headphones, Loudspeakers, loudspeaker cabinets, Signs, luminous, CD players and DVD players, Video telephones, Phototelegraphy apparatus; Projection apparatus, Cameras [photography]; Films, exposed; Cinematographic cameras, Photocopiers, Electronic translation apparatus (computers), Electronic pocket translators; Magnetic cards, integrated circuit cards (smart cards), encoded telephone cards; Coin-operated mechanisms; Cash registers, calculating machines; Data processing equipment; Computers; Electronic agendas; Facsimile machines; Monitors (computer hardware and programs); Computer peripheral devices; Recorded and downloadable computer programs, in particular data files in electronic form; Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; Computer software; Application software; Pocket calculators; Downloadable image files; Microscopes; Cables, electric; Sockets, plugs and other contacts [electric connections]; Igniting apparatus, electric, for igniting at a distance; Head protection; Locks, electric; electronic controllers and electronic control systems; Security tokens [encryption devices]; Electronic access control systems for interlocking doors; Thermal imaging cameras; Scales with body mass analysers; Covers for tablet computers; Black boxes [data recorders]; Digital weather stations; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Interactive touch screen terminals; Smart rings; Electric and electronic effects units for musical instruments; Audio interfaces; Equalisers [audio apparatus]; Personal digital assistants [PDAs]; Rearview cameras for vehicles; Telecommunication apparatus in the form of jewellery; Data gloves; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Precious stones, pearls and precious metals and imitations thereof and objets d'art made of these materials, included in class 14; Jewellery; Chronometric instruments, clocks and watches; Wristwatches and stopwatches and watches, Cases for clock- and watchmaking; Jewellery boxes and watch boxes; Bracelets made of embroidered textile [jewellery]; Tie pins, cuff links, pins, other goods of precious metals and precious stones and imitations thereof, namely statues and figurines, decorations, coins and tokens, works of art of precious metal, rings for keys (jewellery or key rings); Key rings of metal; Charms for key rings; Jewel cases; Jewellery charms; Hat jewellery; Shoe jewellery; Rosaries; Misbaha [prayer beads]; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Paper cardboard; Works of art and figurines of paper and cardboard, and architects' models; Decoration and art materials and media; Filtering materials of paper; Bags and articles for packaging, wrapping and storage, of paper, cardboard or plastics; Bookbinding material; Stationery; Adhesives for stationery or household purposes; Artists' materials; Brushes for the application of paints; Typewriters, writing implements and office requisites, except furniture; Instructional and teaching material (expect apparatus); Plastic materials for packaging , printers' type; Printing blocks; Atlases; Geographical maps; Printed publications; Document holders [stationery]; Pencils (stationery); Ball point pens and pencils; Banners and flags of paper; Table napkins of paper; Copying paper [stationery]; Hygienic papers; Packing paper; Ink; Stamps [seals]; Drawing instruments; Drawing materials; Modelling materials; Banners of paper; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Luggage, bags, wallets and other carriers; Umbrellas and parasols; Walking sticks; Trunks and suitcases; Bags, included in class 18, in particular bags for sports and briefcases; Wallets, purses; Key cases; Saddlebags; Clothing for pets; Goods made from leather and imitations of leather (included in class 18), Namely handbags, Bags [envelopes, pouches] of leather, for packaging, Labels of leather, Tefillin [phylacteries]; Leather, unworked or semi-worked; Rucksacks; Animal skins, hides; saddlery, whips and animal apparel; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Statues, figurines, plaques and works of art, made of materials such as porcelain, terra-cotta or glass, included in the class; Articles for animal husbandry, namely aquariums and vivariums, pest and vermin repellents, bird baths, cages, feeding and drinking articles, fish bowls, grooming articles, nesting articles, swing tags, waste disposal articles; Household articles for clothing and footwear, namely boot jacks and shoe horns, buttonhooks, clothing stretchers, irons and mangles, shoe polishing apparatus, shoe trees and stretchers; Household or kitchen utensils and containers; Ice tongs; Salad tongs; Serving ladles; Pestles for kitchen use; Mortars for kitchen use; Ice cream scoops; Spatulas for kitchen use; Scoops for household purposes; Pouring spouts; Ladles for serving wine; nut crackers, sugar tongs; Portable isothermic bags and coolboxes, non-electric; Picnic baskets (fitted -) (including dishes); Toilet cases, metal boxes for dispensing paper towels; Combs and sponges; brushes, brush-making materials; Cleaning articles; Glass, unworked or semi-worked, except building glass; Waste paper baskets; Coin banks; Straws for drinking; Chamois leather for cleaning; Dustings, Cushions and pads for cleaning displays; Glassware, porcelain and earthenware (included in Class 21); Porcelain and glass signs; Vases; Flower vases; Heat-insulated containers for beverages; Thermally insulated containers for food; Glassware for everyday use, including cups, table plates, kettles and jugs; Works of art of porcelain, ceramic, earthenware or glass; Tea services [tableware]; Brush goods; Toothbrushes; Toothpicks; Insulating flasks; Mangers for animals; Fly traps. Textile material; Textile goods, and substitutes for textile goods; Filtering materials of textile; Bed and table covers; Table linen, not of paper; Bed linen; Towels of textile; Wall hangings of textile; Edgings of textile, quilted blankets, bed covers; Sleeping bags; Napkins of textile; Mosquito nets, banners and flags, not of paper; Plastic flags; Non-woven textile fabrics; Felt; Bath mitts. Headgear; Clothing; Footwear; Polo shirts/blouses; Combinations [clothing]; Tee-shirts; Coats; Jackets [clothing]; Bandanas [neckerchiefs]; Underpants; Trousers; Layettes [clothing]; Bathing suits; Raincoats; Theatrical costumes; Shoes; Soccer shoes; Hats; Caps being headwear; Stockings; Gloves [clothing]; Shawls and stoles; Neckties; Belts [clothing]; Shower caps; Foundation garments; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Sporting articles and equipment, gymnastic articles; Festive decorations and artificial Christmas trees; Fairground and playground apparatus; Soft toys and other stuffed toys; Slot machines [gaming machines], arcade video game machines; Video game apparatus; Video game consoles; Balls for games; Kaleidoscopes; Board games; Playing cards; Playing balls; Stationary exercise bicycles; Archery implements; Appliances for gymnastics; Racing car games; Gloves for games; Floats for fishing; Camouflage screens [sports articles]; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class.



Application Number 018466438
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-05-05
Registration Date 2021-10-22
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 14 - Precious metals and their alloys; jewelry; time-keeping instruments
  • 15 - Musical instruments
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 18 - Leather and imitations of leather
  • 20 - Furniture and decorative products
  • 21 - HouseHold or kitchen utensils, containers and materials; glassware; porcelain; earthenware
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 27 - Floor and wall coverings
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 30 - Basic staples, tea, coffee, baked goods and confectionery
  • 34 - Tobacco; smokers' articles
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 36 - Financial, insurance and real estate services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 38 - Telecommunications services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 43 - Food and drink services, temporary accommodation
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services

Goods & Services

Scientific, research, navigation, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, audiovisual, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, detecting, testing, inspecting, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; Apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; Recorded media and downloadable media, Blank digital or analogue recording and storage media; Information technology and audiovisual equipment; Magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers; Apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; Optical devices, enhancers and correctors; Safety, security, protection and signalling devices; Diving equipment; Navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; Measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; Automatic indicators of low pressure in vehicle tyres; Mileage recorders for vehicles; Scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators; Contact lenses and eyeglasses, Spectacle cases, Binoculars, optical magnifiers; Sunglasses; Mobile phone cases with lanyards; Mobile phone chains; Vehicle breakdown warning triangles; Warning lamps for vehicles (not parts of vehicles); Electric batteries and parts therefor, electric accumulators and parts therefor, fuel cells and parts therefor, solar batteries; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Chargers for electrical batteries; Burglar alarm apparatus, Fire alarm apparatus, Smoke alarms, Gas escape warning apparatus; Anti-theft warning apparatus; Fire extinguishers; Scales; Spirit levels; Compasses for measuring; Rulers [measuring instruments], Acid hydrometers; Quantity indicators; Electronic control apparatus and power/voltage supply apparatus for vehicle headlights and vehicle lights and respective parts therefor, light-emitting diodes (LED), electronic power regulators; Electrical and electronic control apparatus and instruments; Simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; Voltage regulators for vehicles; Speed indicators; Revolution counters; Measuring apparatus and instruments; Life-saving equipment, namely life rafts, rescue ladders, safety nets, safety tarpaulins, lifebelts, lifebuoys, lifejackets; Electrical fuses, Relays, electric; Lasers, not for medical purposes, laser pointers; Remote control apparatus, remote controls; Aerials; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Mobile telephones; Telephone apparatus; Television apparatus; Video telephones; Radios; Directional compasses, navigation apparatus, navigation instruments; Telematic apparatus; Telematic terminal apparatus; Magnetic, optical and computer data carriers, Vinyl records, compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media, Sound recording carriers, Musical juke boxes, Compact discs [read-only memory], Downloadable music files, Earphones, loudspeakers, Cabinets for loudspeakers, Signs, luminous, CD players and DVD players, Video telephones, Phototelegraphy apparatus; Projection apparatus, Cameras [photography]; Films, exposed; Cinematographic cameras, Photocopiers, Electronic translation apparatus (computers), Electronic pocket translators; Magnetic cards, integrated circuit cards (smart cards), encoded telephone cards; Coin-operated mechanisms; Automatic teller machines; Cash registers, calculating machines; Data processing equipment; Computers; Electronic agendas; Facsimile machines; Monitors (computer hardware and programs); Computer peripheral devices; Computer programs for use in autonomous driving of vehicles; Computer programs for use in the autonomous navigation of vehicles; Computer programs for use in autonomous control of vehicles; Recorded and downloadable computer programs, In particular data files in electronic form; Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; Computer software; Application software; Pocket calculators; Electronic publications, downloadable; Downloadable image files; Crash test dummies; Microscopes; Cables, electric; Sockets, plugs and other contacts [electric connections]; Igniting apparatus, electric, for igniting at a distance; Radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; Head protection; Locks, electric; electronic controllers and electronic control systems; Security tokens [encryption devices]; Electronic access control systems for interlocking doors; Thermal imaging cameras; Scales with body mass analysers; Covers for tablet computers; Black boxes [data recorders]; Digital weather stations; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Interactive touch screen terminals; Smart rings; Electric and electronic effects units for musical instruments; Audio interfaces; Equalisers [audio apparatus]; Parking sensors for vehicles; Teaching robots; Humanoid robots with artificial intelligence; Personal digital assistants [PDAs]; Rearview cameras for vehicles; Electric wire harnesses for automobiles; Telecommunication apparatus in the form of jewellery; Data gloves; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, Adhesive rubber patches for repairing tyre inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electric bicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Precious stones, pearls and precious metals and imitations thereof and objets d'art made of these materials, included in class 14; Jewellery; Chronometric instruments, clocks and watches; Wristwatches and stopwatches and watches, Cases for clock- and watchmaking; Jewellery boxes and watch boxes; Bracelets made of embroidered textile [jewellery]; Tie pins, cuff links, pins, other goods of precious metals and precious stones and imitations thereof, namely statues and figurines, decorations, coins and tokens, works of art of precious metal, rings for keys (jewellery or key rings); Key rings of metal; Charms for key rings; Jewel cases; Jewellery charms; Hat jewellery; Shoe jewellery; Rosaries; Misbaha [prayer beads]; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Musical instruments; Guitars; Trumpets; Saxophones. Paper cardboard; Printed matter; Works of art and figurines of paper and cardboard, and architects' models; Decoration and art materials and media; Filtering materials of paper; Bags and articles for packaging, wrapping and storage of paper, cardboard or plastics; Bookbinding material; Photographs [printed]; Stationery; Adhesives for stationery or household purposes; Artists' materials; Brushes for the application of paints; Typewriters, writing implements and office requisites, except furniture; Instructional and teaching material (expect apparatus); Plastic materials for packaging , printers' type; Printing blocks; Atlases; Calendars; Geographical maps; Printed publications; Printed advertising matter and printed publicity; Document holders [stationery]; Pencils (stationery); Ball point pens and pencils; Banners and flags of paper; Table napkins of paper; Copying paper [stationery]; Hygienic papers; Packing paper; Ink; Stamps [seals]; Drawing instruments; Drawing materials; Modelling materials; Banners of paper; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Luggage, bags, wallets and other carriers; Umbrellas and parasols; Walking sticks; Trunks and suitcases; Bags, included in class 18, in particular bags for sports and briefcases; Wallets, purses; Key cases; Saddlebags; Clothing for pets; Goods made from leather and imitation leather, Included in class 18, Namely handbags, Bags [envelopes, pouches] of leather, for packaging, Labels of leather, Tefillin [phylacteries]; Leather, unworked or semi-worked; Rucksacks; Animal skins, hides; saddlery, whips and animal apparel; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Furniture and furnishings; Mirrors, picture frames, Beds; Cushions; Bedding, except linen; Letter boxes, Not of metal or masonry; Racks [furniture]; Cupboards; Tables, desks, chairs, Armchairs, Sofas, High chairs for babies and infant walkers, Coat hangers, Bolsters; Boxes of wood; Boxes made of plastic; Clothes stands; Mooring buoys, non-metallic; Locks and keys, non-metallic; Door, gate and window fittings, non-metallic; Valves, Fixing materials, Clappers, Clips, Grab handles, Hooks and Identification bracelets; Holders for pennants; Plugs (dowels) of plastic, Spools (non-metallic -) [other than parts of machines or apparatus], Rings, rods, Not of metal, Saw horses, Mats, removable, for sinks, Stair fittings of plastics, Plastic suction cups, Paper towel dispensers [fixed, not of metal], Trays, not of metal,labels of plastic; Casks, not of metal, Packaging containers of plastic, containers for liquid fuel, not of metal, inflatable publicity objects, included in class 20; Crates (Non-metallic -); Jerrycans, not of metal; Ladders of wood or of plastic; Picture frames; Bamboo; Works of art of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; Display boards; Decorations of plastic for foodstuffs; Animal housing and beds; Identification bracelets, not of metal; Coffins and funerary urns; Hooks for clothes rails; Curtain rings; Statues, figurines, Works of art and ornaments and Decorations, For example, of the following materials, Wood, Wax, Plaster, plastic, Cork, teed, Cane, wicker, Horn bone, Ivory, whalebone, Shell amber, Mother-of-pearl, Meerschaum, Substitutes therefor, Included in this class; Containers, as well as lids and holders therefor; Stairs and escalators; Plastic ramps for use with vehicles; Displays, stands and signage; Loading gauge rods, not of metal, for railway wagons; Oil drainage containers, not of metal; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Statues, figurines, plaques and works of art, made of materials such as porcelain, terra-cotta or glass, included in the class; Articles for animal husbandry, namely aquariums and vivariums, pest and vermin repellents, bird baths, cages, feeding and drinking articles, fish bowls, grooming articles, nesting articles, swing tags, waste disposal articles; Household articles for clothing and footwear, namely boot jacks and shoe horns, buttonhooks, clothing stretchers, irons and mangles, shoe polishing apparatus, shoe trees and stretchers; Household or kitchen utensils and containers; Ice tongs; Salad tongs; Serving ladles; Pestles for kitchen use; Mortars for kitchen use; Ice cream scoops; Spatulas for kitchen use; Scoops for household purposes; Pouring spouts; Ladles for serving wine; Nutcrackers, Sugar tongs; Portable isothermic bags and coolboxes, non-electric; Picnic baskets (fitted -) (including dishes); Toilet accessories, Metal boxes for dispensing paper towels; Combs and sponges; Brushes and brush making materials; Cleaning articles; Glass, unworked or semi-worked, except building glass; Waste paper baskets; Coin banks; Straws for drinking; Chamois leather for cleaning; Dustings, Cushions and pads for cleaning displays; Glassware, porcelain and earthenware (included in Class 21); Porcelain and glass signs; Vases; Flower vases; Heat-insulated containers for beverages; Thermally insulated containers for food; Glassware for everyday use, including cups, table plates, kettles and jugs; Works of art of porcelain, ceramic, earthenware or glass; Tea services [tableware]; Brush goods; Toothbrushes; Toothpicks; Insulating flasks; Mangers for animals; Fly traps. Headgear; Clothing; Footwear; Polo shirts/blouses; Combinations [clothing]; Tee-shirts; Coats; Jackets [clothing]; Bandanas [neckerchiefs]; Pants; Trousers; Layettes [clothing]; Bathing suits; Raincoats; Theatrical costumes; Shoes; Football shoes; Hats; Caps being headwear; Stockings; Gloves [clothing]; Shawls and stoles; Neckties; Belts [clothing]; Shower caps; Foundation garments; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum, artificial floor coverings and other materials for covering existing floors; Carpets for automobiles; Wall and ceiling coverings; Wall hangings (non-textile), wallpaper, wall hangings of textile, wall hanging borders of paper; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Sporting articles and equipment, gymnastic articles; Festive decorations and artificial Christmas trees; Fairground and playground apparatus; Toys, games, playthings and novelties; Scale model kits [toys]; Soft toys and other stuffed toys; Slot machines [gaming machines], Arcade video game machines; Video game apparatus; Video game consoles; Scale model vehicles; Toy vehicles; Scooters [toys]; Toy cars; Remote-controlled toy vehicles; Balls for games; Kaleidoscopes; Board games; Playing cards; Playing balls; Stationary exercise bicycles; Archery implements; Appliances for gymnastics; Racing car games; Gloves for games; Floats for fishing; Camouflage screens [sports articles]; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, coffee replacement; Flour; Cereal preparations; Bread, pastries, Edible ices; Honey, treacles; Fruit sauces; Yeast, baking-powder; Edible salt; Mustard; Vinegar, sauces (condiments); Spices; Ice for refreshment. Tobacco; Articles for use with tobacco; Ashtrays; Lighters for smokers; Tobacco pouches; Tobacco jars; Cigarette cases; Cigar cases; Matches. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search. Insurance services; Real estate services; Pawnbrokerage; Provision of prepaid cards and tokens; Safe deposit services; Financial and monetary services, and banking; Fundraising and financial sponsorship; Financial evaluation [insurance, banking, real estate]; Insurance brokerage; Insurance underwriting; Finance services; Monetary affairs; Issuance of credit cards; Loans [financing]; Credit brokerage; Credit bureau services; Financial consultancy; Banking; Financing services; Hire-purchase financing; Provision of finance for leasing; Lease purchase financing of vehicles; Financial sponsorship; Repair costs evaluation [financial appraisal]; Instalment loans; Savings bank services; Real estate affairs; Real estate appraisal; Rental of apartments; Real estate procurement for others; Apartment locating services for others [permanent accommodation]; Rental of real estate; Brokerage; Securities brokerage; Brokerage of carbon credits; Insurance consultancy; Medical insurance underwriting; Accident insurance underwriting; Antique appraisal; Real estate brokerage; Real estate management; Apartment house management; Rental of offices [real estate]; Financial guarantees [surety services]; Financial guarantees [surety services]; Charitable fund raising; Factoring; Lending against security; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Building, construction and demolition; Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Mining extraction; Gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Telecommunication services; Telecommunication services; Collection and delivery of messages by electronic mail; Electronic message collection and transmission; News agency services; Telecommunication services provided via Internet platforms and portals; Providing access to information on the Internet; Electronic exchange of messages via chat lines, chatrooms and Internet forums; Rental of telecommunication equipment; Radio broadcasting; Television broadcasting; Transmission of electronic mail; Information about telecommunication; Providing user access to global computer networks; Providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; Providing user access to computer programmes in data networks; Providing internet chatrooms; Providing video conferencing services; Wireless cellular phone services; Wireless broadcasting; Computer aided transmission of messages and images; Paging services [radio, telephone or other means of electronic communication]; Satellite transmission; Telephone services; Telephone exchange services; Message sending; Rental of telecommunication facilities; Rental of message sending apparatus; Rental of access time to global computer networks; Providing access to databases; Telematics services; Telematic communication services; Telematic data transmission and file transfer; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Transport; Packaging and storage and warehousing of goods; Arranging of transportation for travel tours; Travel and passenger transportation; Towing; Taxi transport; Car transport; Transportation logistics; Rental of vehicles, in particular cars; Passenger transport, in particular by bus; Car sharing services; Arranging of passenger transportation services for others via an online application; Freight brokerage [forwarding (Am.)]; Delivery of goods and parcels; Storage of electricity; Electricity distribution; Traffic information; Controlling of fleet vehicles using navigational and positioning apparatus. Publishing and reporting; Education, entertainment and sports; Translation and interpretation; Training; Sporting and cultural activities; Arranging and conducting of cultural and/or sports events; Talent promotion through training and further training; Presentation of live performances; Playing games on computer networks and on the Internet; Academies [education]; Education information; Organization of competitions [education or entertainment]; Organisation, arranging and conducting of colloquiums, conferences, congresses, symposiums, seminars and workshops [training]; Organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; Coaching [training]; Vocational retraining; Organization of sports competitions; Library services; Publication of books; Online publication of electronic books and journals; Club services [entertainment or education]; Animal training; Organization of lotteries; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. IT services, namely development, programming and implementation of software, development of computer hardware, hosting, software as a service (SaaS) and rental of software, rental of computer hardware and installations, IT consultancy and information, IT security, protection and repair, data duplication and conversion, data coding, computer analysis and diagnostics; Research and development, and implementation of computers and computer systems, Computer project management, Digital water-marking, Computer network services, Technological services relating to computers, computer networking, On-line computer services, Updating of computer system memory banks, and data migration, Updating of websites, for others, Monitoring of computer systems by remote access; Data encryption services; Consultancy in the field of the internet and data security; Science and technology services; Testing, authentication and quality control; Design services; Industrial analysis and research services; Styling [industrial design]; Research and development for others with regard to new products; Provision of scientific information, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon offsetting; Digitization of documents [scanning]; Development of vehicles; Engineering services; Technical research; Surveying; Chemical research; Biological research; Weather forecasting; Research physics; Architectural services; Dress designing; Authenticating works of art; Cloud seeding; Software design for others; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Provision of food and drink; Temporary accommodation. Medical services; Medical assistance; Animal healthcare services; Human hygiene and beauty care; Hygienic and beauty care for animals; Agriculture, horticulture and forestry services; Tree planting for carbon offsetting purposes.



Application Number 018466456
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-05-05
Registration Date 2022-05-11
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 14 - Precious metals and their alloys; jewelry; time-keeping instruments
  • 15 - Musical instruments
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 18 - Leather and imitations of leather
  • 20 - Furniture and decorative products
  • 21 - HouseHold or kitchen utensils, containers and materials; glassware; porcelain; earthenware
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 27 - Floor and wall coverings
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 30 - Basic staples, tea, coffee, baked goods and confectionery
  • 34 - Tobacco; smokers' articles
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 36 - Financial, insurance and real estate services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 38 - Telecommunications services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 43 - Food and drink services, temporary accommodation
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services

Goods & Services

Scientific, research, navigation, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, audiovisual, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, detecting, testing, inspecting, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; Apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; Recorded media and downloadable media, Blank digital or analogue recording and storage media; Information technology and audiovisual equipment; Magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers; Apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; Optical devices, enhancers and correctors; Safety, security, protection and signalling devices; Diving equipment; Navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; Measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; Automatic indicators of low pressure in vehicle tyres; Mileage recorders for vehicles; Scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators; Contact lenses and eyeglasses, Spectacle cases, Binoculars, optical magnifiers; Sunglasses; Mobile phone cases with lanyards; Mobile phone chains; Vehicle breakdown warning triangles; Warning lamps for vehicles (not parts of vehicles); Electric batteries and parts therefor, electric accumulators and parts therefor, fuel cells and parts therefor, solar batteries; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Chargers for electrical batteries; Burglar alarm apparatus, Fire alarm apparatus, Smoke alarms, Gas escape warning apparatus; Anti-theft warning apparatus; Fire extinguishers; Scales; Spirit levels; Compasses for measuring; Rulers [measuring instruments], Acid hydrometers; Quantity indicators; Electronic control apparatus and power/voltage supply apparatus for vehicle headlights and vehicle lights and respective parts therefor, light-emitting diodes (LED), electronic power regulators; Electrical and electronic control apparatus and instruments; Simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; Voltage regulators for vehicles; Speed indicators; Revolution counters; Measuring apparatus and instruments; Life-saving equipment, namely life rafts, rescue ladders, safety nets, safety tarpaulins, lifebelts, lifebuoys, lifejackets; Electrical fuses, Relays, electric; Lasers, not for medical purposes, laser pointers; Remote control apparatus, remote controls; Aerials; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Mobile telephones; Telephone apparatus; Television apparatus; Video telephones; Radios; Directional compasses, navigation apparatus, navigation instruments; Telematic apparatus; Telematic terminal apparatus; Magnetic, optical and computer data carriers, Vinyl records, compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media, Sound recording carriers, Musical juke boxes, Compact discs [read-only memory], Downloadable music files, Earphones, loudspeakers, Cabinets for loudspeakers, Signs, luminous, CD players and DVD players, Video telephones, Phototelegraphy apparatus; Projection apparatus, Cameras [photography]; Films, exposed; Cinematographic cameras, Photocopiers, Electronic translation apparatus (computers), Electronic pocket translators; Magnetic cards, integrated circuit cards (smart cards), encoded telephone cards; Coin-operated mechanisms; Automatic teller machines; Cash registers, calculating machines; Data processing equipment; Computers; Electronic agendas; Facsimile machines; Monitors (computer hardware and programs); Computer peripheral devices; Computer programs for use in autonomous driving of vehicles; Computer programs for use in the autonomous navigation of vehicles; Computer programs for use in autonomous control of vehicles; Recorded and downloadable computer programs, In particular data files in electronic form; Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; Computer software; Application software; Pocket calculators; Electronic publications, downloadable; Downloadable image files; Crash test dummies; Microscopes; Cables, electric; Sockets, plugs and other contacts [electric connections]; Igniting apparatus, electric, for igniting at a distance; Radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; Head protection; Locks, electric; electronic controllers and electronic control systems; Security tokens [encryption devices]; Electronic access control systems for interlocking doors; Thermal imaging cameras; Scales with body mass analysers; Covers for tablet computers; Black boxes [data recorders]; Digital weather stations; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Interactive touch screen terminals; Smart rings; Electric and electronic effects units for musical instruments; Audio interfaces; Equalisers [audio apparatus]; Parking sensors for vehicles; Teaching robots; Humanoid robots with artificial intelligence; Personal digital assistants [PDAs]; Rearview cameras for vehicles; Electric wire harnesses for automobiles; Telecommunication apparatus in the form of jewellery; Data gloves; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, Adhesive rubber patches for repairing tyre inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electric bicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Precious stones, pearls and precious metals and imitations thereof and objets d'art made of these materials, included in class 14; Jewellery; Chronometric instruments, clocks and watches; Wristwatches and stopwatches and watches, Cases for clock- and watchmaking; Jewellery boxes and watch boxes; Bracelets made of embroidered textile [jewellery]; Tie pins, cuff links, pins, other goods of precious metals and precious stones and imitations thereof, namely statues and figurines, decorations, coins and tokens, works of art of precious metal, rings for keys (jewellery or key rings); Key rings of metal; Charms for key rings; Jewel cases; Jewellery charms; Hat jewellery; Shoe jewellery; Rosaries; Misbaha [prayer beads]; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Musical instruments; Guitars; Trumpets; Saxophones. Paper cardboard; Printed matter; Works of art and figurines of paper and cardboard, and architects' models; Decoration and art materials and media; Filtering materials of paper; Bags and articles for packaging, wrapping and storage of paper, cardboard or plastics; Bookbinding material; Photographs [printed]; Stationery; Adhesives for stationery or household purposes; Artists' materials; Brushes for the application of paints; Typewriters, writing implements and office requisites, except furniture; Instructional and teaching material (expect apparatus); Plastic materials for packaging , printers' type; Printing blocks; Atlases; Calendars; Geographical maps; Printed publications; Printed advertising matter and printed publicity; Document holders [stationery]; Pencils (stationery); Ball point pens and pencils; Banners and flags of paper; Table napkins of paper; Copying paper [stationery]; Hygienic papers; Packing paper; Ink; Stamps [seals]; Drawing instruments; Drawing materials; Modelling materials; Banners of paper; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Luggage, bags, wallets and other carriers; Umbrellas and parasols; Walking sticks; Trunks and suitcases; Bags, included in class 18, in particular bags for sports and briefcases; Wallets, purses; Key cases; Saddlebags; Clothing for pets; Goods made from leather and imitation leather, Included in class 18, Namely handbags, Bags [envelopes, pouches] of leather, for packaging, Labels of leather, Tefillin [phylacteries]; Leather, unworked or semi-worked; Rucksacks; Animal skins, hides; saddlery, whips and animal apparel; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Furniture and furnishings; Mirrors, picture frames, Beds; Cushions; Bedding, except linen; Letter boxes, non-metallic or Masonry; Racks [furniture]; Cupboards; Tables, desks, chairs, Armchairs, Sofas, High chairs for babies and infant walkers, Coat hangers, Bolsters; Boxes of wood; Boxes made of plastic; Clothes stands; Mooring buoys, non-metallic; Locks and keys, non-metallic; Door, gate and window fittings, non-metallic; Valves, Fixing materials, Clappers, Clips, Grab handles, Hooks and Identification bracelets; Holders for pennants; Plugs (dowels) of plastic, Spools (non-metallic -) [other than parts of machines or apparatus], Rings, rods, Not of metal, Saw horses, Mats, removable, for sinks, Stair fittings of plastics, Plastic suction cups, Paper towel dispensers [fixed, not of metal], Trays, not of metal,labels of plastic; Casks, not of metal, Packaging containers of plastic, containers for liquid fuel, not of metal, inflatable publicity objects, included in class 20; Crates (Non-metallic -); Jerrycans, not of metal; Ladders of wood or of plastic; Picture frames; Bamboo; Works of art of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; Display boards; Decorations of plastic for foodstuffs; Animal housing and beds; Identification bracelets, not of metal; Coffins and funerary urns; Hooks for clothes rails; Curtain rings; Statues, figurines, Works of art and ornaments and Decorations, For example, of the following materials, Wood, Wax, Plaster, plastic, Cork, teed, Cane, wicker, Horn bone, Ivory, whalebone, Shell amber, Mother-of-pearl, Meerschaum, Substitutes therefor, Included in this class; Containers, as well as lids and holders therefor; Stairs and escalators; Plastic ramps for use with vehicles; Displays, stands and signage; Loading gauge rods, not of metal, for railway wagons; Oil drainage containers, not of metal; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Statues, figurines, plaques and works of art, made of materials such as porcelain, terra-cotta or glass, included in the class; Articles for animal husbandry, namely aquariums and vivariums, pest and vermin repellents, bird baths, cages, feeding and drinking articles, fish bowls, grooming articles, nesting articles, swing tags, waste disposal articles; Household articles for clothing and footwear, namely boot jacks and shoe horns, buttonhooks, clothing stretchers, irons and mangles, shoe polishing apparatus, shoe trees and stretchers; Household or kitchen utensils and containers; Ice tongs; Salad tongs; Serving ladles; Pestles for kitchen use; Mortars for kitchen use; Ice cream scoops; Spatulas for kitchen use; Scoops for household purposes; Pouring spouts; Ladles for serving wine; Nutcrackers, Sugar tongs; Portable isothermic bags and coolboxes, non-electric; Picnic baskets (fitted -) (including dishes); Toilet accessories, Metal boxes for dispensing paper towels; Combs and sponges; Brushes and brush making materials; Cleaning articles; Glass, unworked or semi-worked, except building glass; Waste paper baskets; Coin banks; Straws for drinking; Chamois leather for cleaning; Dustings, Cushions and pads for cleaning displays; Glassware, porcelain and earthenware (included in Class 21); Porcelain and glass signs; Vases; Flower vases; Heat-insulated containers for beverages; Thermally insulated containers for food; Glassware for everyday use, including cups, table plates, kettles and jugs; Works of art of porcelain, ceramic, earthenware or glass; Tea services [tableware]; Brush goods; Toothbrushes; Toothpicks; Insulating flasks; Mangers for animals; Fly traps. Headgear; Clothing; Footwear; Polo shirts/blouses; Combinations [clothing]; Tee-shirts; Coats; Jackets [clothing]; Bandanas [neckerchiefs]; Pants; Trousers; Layettes [clothing]; Bathing suits; Raincoats; Theatrical costumes; Shoes; Football shoes; Hats; Caps being headwear; Stockings; Gloves [clothing]; Shawls and stoles; Neckties; Belts [clothing]; Shower caps; Foundation garments; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum, artificial floor coverings and other materials for covering existing floors; Carpets for automobiles; Wall and ceiling coverings; Wall hangings (non-textile), wallpaper, wall hangings of textile, wall hanging borders of paper; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Sporting articles and equipment, gymnastic articles; Festive decorations and artificial Christmas trees; Fairground and playground apparatus; Toys, games, playthings and novelties; Scale model kits [toys]; Soft toys and other stuffed toys; Slot machines [gaming machines], Arcade video game machines; Video game apparatus; Video game consoles; Scale model vehicles; Toy vehicles; Scooters [toys]; Toy cars; Remote-controlled toy vehicles; Balls for games; Kaleidoscopes; Board games; Playing cards; Playing balls; Stationary exercise bicycles; Archery implements; Appliances for gymnastics; Racing car games; Gloves for games; Floats for fishing; Camouflage screens [sports articles]; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, coffee replacement; Flour; Cereal preparations; Bread, pastries, Edible ices; Honey, treacles; Fruit sauces; Yeast, baking-powder; Edible salt; Mustard; Vinegar, sauces (condiments); Spices; Ice for refreshment. Tobacco; Articles for use with tobacco; Ashtrays; Lighters for smokers; Tobacco pouches; Tobacco jars; Cigarette cases; Cigar cases; Matches. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search. Insurance services; Real estate services; Pawnbrokerage; Provision of prepaid cards and tokens; Safe deposit services; Financial and monetary services, and banking; Fundraising and financial sponsorship; Financial evaluation [insurance, banking, real estate]; Insurance brokerage; Insurance underwriting; Finance services; Monetary affairs; Issuance of credit cards; Loans [financing]; Credit brokerage; Credit bureau services; Financial consultancy; Banking; Financing services; Hire-purchase financing; Provision of finance for leasing; Lease purchase financing of vehicles; Financial sponsorship; Repair costs evaluation [financial appraisal]; Instalment loans; Savings bank services; Real estate affairs; Real estate appraisal; Rental of apartments; Real estate procurement for others; Apartment locating services for others [permanent accommodation]; Rental of real estate; Brokerage; Securities brokerage; Brokerage of carbon credits; Insurance consultancy; Medical insurance underwriting; Accident insurance underwriting; Antique appraisal; Real estate brokerage; Real estate management; Apartment house management; Rental of offices [real estate]; Financial guarantees [surety services]; Financial guarantees [surety services]; Charitable fund raising; Factoring; Lending against security; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Building, construction and demolition; Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Mining extraction; Gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Telecommunication services; Telecommunication services; Collection and delivery of messages by electronic mail; Electronic message collection and transmission; News agency services; Telecommunication services provided via Internet platforms and portals; Providing access to information on the Internet; Electronic exchange of messages via chat lines, chatrooms and Internet forums; Rental of telecommunication equipment; Radio broadcasting; Television broadcasting; Transmission of electronic mail; Information about telecommunication; Providing user access to global computer networks; Providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; Providing user access to computer programmes in data networks; Providing internet chatrooms; Providing video conferencing services; Wireless cellular phone services; Wireless broadcasting; Computer aided transmission of messages and images; Paging services [radio, telephone or other means of electronic communication]; Satellite transmission; Telephone services; Telephone exchange services; Message sending; Rental of telecommunication facilities; Rental of message sending apparatus; Rental of access time to global computer networks; Providing access to databases; Telematics services; Telematic communication services; Telematic data transmission and file transfer; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Transport; Packaging and storage and warehousing of goods; Arranging of transportation for travel tours; Travel and passenger transportation; Towing; Taxi transport; Car transport; Transportation logistics; Rental of vehicles, in particular cars; Passenger transport, in particular by bus; Car sharing services; Arranging of passenger transportation services for others via an online application; Freight brokerage [forwarding (Am.)]; Delivery of goods and parcels; Storage of electricity; Electricity distribution; Traffic information; Controlling of fleet vehicles using navigational and positioning apparatus. Publishing and reporting; Education, entertainment and sports; Translation and interpretation; Training; Sporting and cultural activities; Arranging and conducting of cultural and/or sports events; Talent promotion through training and further training; Presentation of live performances; Playing games on computer networks and on the Internet; Academies [education]; Education information; Organization of competitions [education or entertainment]; Organisation, arranging and conducting of colloquiums, conferences, congresses, symposiums, seminars and workshops [training]; Organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; Coaching [training]; Vocational retraining; Organization of sports competitions; Library services; Publication of books; Online publication of electronic books and journals; Club services [entertainment or education]; Animal training; Organization of lotteries; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. IT services, namely development, programming and implementation of software, development of computer hardware, hosting, software as a service (SaaS) and rental of software, rental of computer hardware and installations, IT consultancy and information, IT security, protection and repair, data duplication and conversion, data coding, computer analysis and diagnostics; Research and development, and implementation of computers and computer systems; Computer project management; Digital watermarking; Computer network services, Technological services relating to computers, computer networking, On-line computer services, Updating of computer system memory banks, and data migration, Updating of websites, for others, Monitoring of computer systems by remote access; Data encryption services; Consultancy in the field of the internet and data security; Science and technology services; Testing, authentication and quality control; Design services; Industrial analysis and research services; Styling [industrial design]; Research and development for others with regard to new products; Provision of scientific information, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon offsetting; Digitization of documents [scanning]; Development of vehicles; Engineering services; Technical research; Surveying; Chemical research; Biological research; Weather forecasting; Research physics; Architectural services; Dress designing; Authenticating works of art; Cloud seeding; Software design for others; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Provision of food and drink; Temporary accommodation. Medical services; Medical assistance; Animal healthcare services; Human hygiene and beauty care; Hygienic and beauty care for animals; Agriculture, horticulture and forestry services; Tree planting for carbon offsetting purposes.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 018461070
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-04-27
Registration Date 2021-08-14
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 08 - Hand tools and implements
  • 11 - Environmental control apparatus
  • 20 - Furniture and decorative products
  • 21 - HouseHold or kitchen utensils, containers and materials; glassware; porcelain; earthenware
  • 22 - Rope, netting, tents, awnings, sails and sacks; padding and stuffing materials
  • 24 - Textiles and textile goods
  • 43 - Food and drink services, temporary accommodation

Goods & Services

Hygienic and beauty implements for humans and animals; Edged and blunt weapons; Food preparation implements, kitchen knives and cutlery; Hand-operated tools and implements for treatment of materials, and for construction, repair and maintenance; Lifting tools; Hand tools and implements used in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, mechanical engineering and the construction of apparatus and vehicles, and for structural engineering; Hand-operated hand tools (multitools); Pocket knives with multi-purpose attachments; Scraping tools [hand tools]; Tool wrenches; tool handles of metal; Cutlery; table services [knives, forks and spoons]; Forks; Scissors; Side arms, other than firearms; Swords; Razors, Razors; Razor cases; Manicure sets; Sharpening stones; Manually operated tools; Lifting jacks, hand-operated; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Apparatus and installations for lighting, heating, cooling, steam generating, cooking, drying, ventilating and water supply and sanitary purposes; Burners, Boilers; Food and beverage cooking, heating, cooling and treatment equipment; Fireplaces; Refractory furnaces, Cookers incorporating grills; Camping stoves; Barbecues; Coffee machines, electric; Refrigerating and freezing equipment; Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning and purification equipment (ambient); Lighting apparatus; Lighting apparatus and installations; Lamps; Light-emitting diodes [LED] lighting apparatus; Lighting apparatus for vehicles; Light bulbs for directional signals for vehicles; light-emitting diodes [LED] lighting apparatus for vehicles; Anti-glare devices for vehicles [lamp fittings]; Anti-dazzle devices for automobiles [lamp fittings]; Searchlights; Arc lamps; Camping lanterns; Electric torches; Bicycle lights; Vehicle lights and all parts therefor; Vehicle reflectors and all parts therefor; Vehicle headlights and all parts therefor; Sockets for electric lights; Light bulbs; Light bulbs, electric; Incandescent burners; Filaments for electric lamps; Miners' lamps; Discharge tubes, electric, for lighting; Electric lamps; Gas lamps; Lamp glasses; Lamp mantles; Lamp globes; Lamp chimneys; Lamp shades; Lampshade holders; Luminous tubes for lighting; Electric discharge tubes for lighting; Light diffusers; Light reflectors; Lamp reflectors; Safety lamps; Electric fans for personal use; Friction lighters for igniting gas; Igniters; Heating apparatus for solid, liquid or gaseous fuels; Heating apparatus, electric; Heating installations; Heaters for vehicles; Solar collectors [hearing]; Air-conditioning installations; Air-conditioning apparatus; Cooling installations and machines; Refrigerators; Air conditioners for vehicles; Air reheaters; Filters for air conditioning; Air filtering installations; Filters [parts of household or industrial installations]; Defrosters for vehicles; Ventilation [air-conditioning] installations for vehicles; Heating apparatus for defrosting vehicle windows; Air cooling apparatus; Air purifying apparatus and machines; Germicidal lamps for purifying air; Spa baths [vessels]; Air sterilizers; Air dryers; Ventilation [air-conditioning] installations and apparatus; Chocolate fountains, electric; Fairy lights for festive decoration; Electrically heated clothing; Ice-cream making machines; Directional lights for bicycles; Heating and cooling apparatus for dispensing hot and cold beverages; USB-powered hand warmers; USB-powered cup heaters; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Furniture and furnishings; Mirrors, picture frames, Beds; Racks [furniture]; Cupboards; Tables, desks, chairs, Armchairs, Sofas, High chairs for babies and infant walkers, Coat hangers, Bolsters; Furniture for camping, Camping tables, Camping chairs, Camp beds, Camping mattresses, Sleeping mats for camping, Inflatable mattresses for use when camping; Picnic units [furniture], Picnic baskets; Boxes of wood; Boxes made of plastic; Mooring buoys, non-metallic; Locks and keys, non-metallic; Door, gate and window fittings, non-metallic; Valves, Fixing materials, Clappers, Clips, Grab handles, Hooks and Identification bracelets; Holders for pennants; Rings, rods, Not of metal, Plastic suction cups, Paper towel dispensers [fixed, not of metal], Trays, not of metal,labels of plastic; Casks, not of metal, Packaging containers of plastic, containers for liquid fuel, not of metal, inflatable publicity objects, included in class 20; Crates (Non-metallic -); Jerrycans, not of metal; Ladders of wood or of plastic; Picture frames; Bamboo; Works of art of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; Display boards; Decorations of plastic for foodstuffs; Animal housing and beds; Hooks for clothes rails; Curtain rings; Statues, figurines, works of art, ornaments and decorations made from materials including wood, wax, plaster and plastic, included in this class; Containers, as well as lids and holders therefor; Plastic ramps for use with vehicles; Displays, stands and signage; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Statues, figurines, plaques and works of art, made of materials such as porcelain, terra-cotta or glass, included in the class; Household articles for clothing and footwear, namely boot jacks and shoehorns, button hooks, coatstands, stretchers for clothing, presses and mangles for clothing, shoe polishers, shoe trees (stretchers) and shapers; Household or kitchen utensils and containers; Ice tongs; Salad tongs; Serving ladles; Pestles for kitchen use; Mortars for kitchen use; Ice cream scoops; Spatulas for kitchen use; Scoops for household purposes; Pouring spouts; Ladles for serving wine; Nutcrackers, Sugar tongs; Portable isothermic bags and coolboxes, non-electric; Picnic baskets (fitted -) (including dishes), Picnic crockery, Picnic boxes; Insulating flasks; Heat-insulated containers for beverages; Thermally insulated containers for food; Tea services [tableware]; Barbecue tongs, Barbecue forks, Barbecue turners; oven and barbacue mitts and gloves; Portable pots and pans for camping, Camping grills; Toilet cases, metal boxes for dispensing paper towels; Combs and sponges; Brushes and brush making materials; Brush goods; Toothbrushes; Toothpicks; Cleaning articles; Waste paper baskets; Coin banks; Straws for drinking; Chamois leather for cleaning; Dustings, Cushions and pads for cleaning displays; Glassware, porcelain and earthenware (included in Class 21); Porcelain and glass signs; Vases; Flower vases; Glassware for everyday use, including cups, table plates, kettles and jugs; Works of art of porcelain, ceramic, earthenware or glass. Nets, Tents, awnings, Rope, string, Sails, sacks, flock stuffing and Stuffing materials, except of paper, cardboard, rubber or plastics, Hammocks, Bags (envelopes, pouches) of textile for packaging, Car towing ropes, Vehicle covers, not fitted; Tents, Tents for camping. Textile material; Textile goods, and substitutes for textile goods; Filtering materials of textile; Bed and table covers; Table linen, not of paper; Bed linen; Towels of textile; Wall hangings of textile; Edgings of textile, Bed covers; Sleeping bags; Sleeping bags for camping; Napkins of textile; Mosquito nets, Banners and flags not of paper; Plastic flags; Non-woven textile fabrics; Felt; Bath mitts; Picnic blankets. Provision of food and drink; Temporary accommodation.



Application Number 018430059
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-03-16
Registration Date 2022-12-16
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 08 - Hand tools and implements
  • 11 - Environmental control apparatus
  • 20 - Furniture and decorative products
  • 21 - HouseHold or kitchen utensils, containers and materials; glassware; porcelain; earthenware
  • 22 - Rope, netting, tents, awnings, sails and sacks; padding and stuffing materials
  • 24 - Textiles and textile goods
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services

Goods & Services

Hygienic and beauty implements for humans and animals; Edged and blunt weapons; Food preparation implements, kitchen knives and cutlery; Hand-operated tools and implements for treatment of materials, and for construction, repair and maintenance; Lifting tools; Hand tools and implements used in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, mechanical engineering and the construction of apparatus and vehicles, and for structural engineering; Hand-operated hand tools (multitools); Pocket knives with multi-purpose attachments; Scraping tools [hand tools]; Shovels [hand tools]; Tool wrenches; tool handles of metal; Cutlery; table services [knives, forks and spoons]; Forks; Scissors; Side arms, other than firearms; Swords; Razors, Razors; Razor cases; Manicure sets; Sharpening stones; Manually operated tools; Lifting jacks, hand-operated; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Apparatus and installations for lighting, heating, cooling, steam generating, cooking, drying, ventilating and water supply and sanitary purposes; Burners, Boilers; Fireplaces; Food and beverage cooking, heating, cooling and treatment equipment; Refractory furnaces, Cookers incorporating grills; Camping stoves; Barbecues; Coffee machines, electric; Refrigerating and freezing equipment; Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning and purification equipment (ambient); Lighting apparatus; Lighting apparatus and installations; Lamps; Light-emitting diodes [LED] lighting apparatus; Lighting apparatus for vehicles; Light bulbs for directional signals for vehicles; light-emitting diodes [LED] lighting apparatus for vehicles; Anti-glare devices for vehicles [lamp fittings]; Anti-dazzle devices for automobiles [lamp fittings]; Searchlights; Arc lamps; Camping lanterns; Electric torches; Bicycle lights; Vehicle lights and all parts therefor; Vehicle reflectors and all parts therefor; Vehicle headlights and all parts therefor; Sockets for electric lights; Light bulbs; Light bulbs, electric; Incandescent burners; Filaments for electric lamps; Miners' lamps; Discharge tubes, electric, for lighting; Electric lamps; Gas lamps; Lamp glasses; Lamp mantles; Lamp globes; Lamp chimneys; Lamp shades; Lampshade holders; Luminous tubes for lighting; Electric discharge tubes for lighting; Light diffusers; Light reflectors; Lamp reflectors; Safety lamps; Friction lighters for igniting gas; Igniters; Heating apparatus for solid, liquid or gaseous fuels; Heating apparatus, electric; Heating installations; Heaters for vehicles; Heating apparatus for defrosting vehicle windows; Defrosters for vehicles; Solar collectors [hearing]; Air-conditioning installations; Air-conditioning apparatus; Cooling installations and machines; Refrigerators; Air conditioners for vehicles; Electric fans for personal use; Air reheaters; Filters for air conditioning; Air filtering installations; Ventilation [air-conditioning] installations for vehicles; Air cooling apparatus; Air purifying apparatus and machines; Spa baths [vessels]; Air sterilizers; Air dryers; Ventilation [air-conditioning] installations and apparatus; Chocolate fountains, electric; Electric fairy lights; Electrically heated clothing; Ice-cream making machines; Directional lights for bicycles; Heating and cooling apparatus for dispensing hot and cold beverages; USB-powered hand warmers; USB-powered cup heaters; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Furniture and furnishings; Mirrors, picture frames, Beds; Racks [furniture]; Cupboards; Tables, desks, chairs, Armchairs, Sofas, High chairs for babies and infant walkers, Coat hangers, Bolsters; Furniture for camping, Camping tables, Camping chairs, Camp beds, Camping mattresses, Sleeping mats for camping, Inflatable mattresses for use when camping; Picnic units [furniture], Picnic baskets; Boxes of wood; Boxes made of plastic; Mooring buoys, non-metallic; Locks and keys, non-metallic; Door, gate and window fittings, non-metallic; Valves, Fixing materials, Clappers, Clips, Grab handles, Hooks and Identification bracelets; Holders for pennants; Rings, rods, Non-metallic panels, Plastic suction cups, Paper towel dispensers [fixed, not of metal], Trays, not of metal,labels of plastic; Casks, not of metal, Packaging containers of plastic, containers for liquid fuel, not of metal, inflatable publicity objects, included in class 20; Crates (Non-metallic -); Jerrycans, not of metal; Ladders of wood or of plastic; Picture frames; Bamboo; Works of art of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; Display boards; Decorations of plastic for foodstuffs; Animal housing and beds; Hooks for clothes rails; Curtain rings; Statues, figurines, works of art, ornaments and decorations made from materials including wood, wax, plaster and plastic, included in this class; Containers, as well as lids and holders therefor; Stairs and escalators; Plastic ramps for use with vehicles; Displays, stands and signage; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Statues, figurines, plaques and works of art, made of materials such as porcelain, terra-cotta or glass, included in the class; Household articles for clothing and footwear, namely boot jacks and shoehorns, button hooks, coatstands, stretchers for clothing, presses and mangles for clothing, shoe polishers, shoe trees (stretchers) and shapers; Household or kitchen utensils and containers; Ice tongs; Salad tongs; Serving ladles; Pestles for kitchen use; Mortars for kitchen use; Ice cream scoops; Spatulas for kitchen use; Scoops for household purposes; Pouring spouts; Ladles for serving wine; Nutcrackers, Sugar tongs; Portable isothermic bags and coolboxes, non-electric; Picnic baskets (fitted -) (including dishes), Picnic crockery, Picnic boxes; Insulating flasks; Heat-insulated containers for beverages; Thermally insulated containers for food; Tea services [tableware]; Barbecue tongs, Barbecue forks, Barbecue turners; oven and barbacue mitts and gloves; Portable pots and pans for camping, Camping grills; Vanity cases, Metal boxes for dispensing paper towels; Combs and sponges; Brushes and brush making materials; Brush goods; Toothbrushes; Toothpicks; Cleaning articles; Waste paper baskets; Coin banks; Straws for drinking; Chamois leather for cleaning; Dustings, Cushions and pads for cleaning displays; Glassware, porcelain and earthenware (included in Class 21); Porcelain and glass signs; Vases; Flower vases; Glassware for everyday use, including cups, table plates, kettles and jugs; Works of art of porcelain, ceramic, earthenware or glass. Nets, Tents, awnings, Rope, string, Sails, sacks, flock stuffing and Materials for padding, Excluding the following materials: Paper, Cardboard, rubber or plastic, Hammocks, Bags (envelopes, pouches) of textile for packaging, Car towing ropes, Vehicle covers, not fitted; Tents, Tents for camping. Textile material; Textile goods, and substitutes for textile goods; Filtering materials of textile; Bed and table covers; Table linen, not of paper; Bed linen; Towels of textile; Wall hangings of textile; Edgings of textile, quilted blankets, bed covers; Sleeping bags; Sleeping bags for camping; Napkins of textile; Mosquito nets, banners and flags, not of paper; Plastic flags; Non-woven textile fabrics; Felt; Bath mitts; Picnic blankets. Packaging and storage and warehousing of goods; Towing; Storage of electricity; Electricity distribution; Traffic information; Controlling of fleet vehicles using navigational and positioning apparatus.



Application Number 018429708
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-03-16
Registration Date 2021-07-20
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 08 - Hand tools and implements
  • 11 - Environmental control apparatus
  • 20 - Furniture and decorative products
  • 21 - HouseHold or kitchen utensils, containers and materials; glassware; porcelain; earthenware
  • 22 - Rope, netting, tents, awnings, sails and sacks; padding and stuffing materials
  • 24 - Textiles and textile goods
  • 43 - Food and drink services, temporary accommodation

Goods & Services

Hygienic and beauty implements for humans and animals; Edged and blunt weapons; Food preparation implements, kitchen knives and cutlery; Hand-operated tools and implements for treatment of materials, and for construction, repair and maintenance; Lifting tools; Hand tools and implements used in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, mechanical engineering and the construction of apparatus and vehicles, and for structural engineering; Hand-operated hand tools (multitools); Pocket knives with multi-purpose attachments; Scraping tools [hand tools]; Shovels [hand tools]; Tool wrenches; tool handles of metal; Cutlery; table services [knives, forks and spoons]; Forks; Scissors; Side arms, other than firearms; Swords; Razors, Razors; Razor cases; Manicure sets; Sharpening stones; Manually operated tools; Lifting jacks, hand-operated; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Apparatus and installations for lighting, heating, cooling, steam generating, cooking, drying, ventilating and water supply and sanitary purposes; Burners, Boilers; Fireplaces; Food and beverage cooking, heating, cooling and treatment equipment; Refractory furnaces, Cookers incorporating grills; Camping stoves; Barbecues; Coffee machines, electric; Refrigerating and freezing equipment; Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning and purification equipment (ambient); Lighting apparatus; Lighting apparatus and installations; Lamps; Light-emitting diodes [LED] lighting apparatus; Lighting apparatus for vehicles; Light bulbs for directional signals for vehicles; light-emitting diodes [LED] lighting apparatus for vehicles; Anti-glare devices for vehicles [lamp fittings]; Anti-dazzle devices for automobiles [lamp fittings]; Searchlights; Arc lamps; Camping lanterns; Electric torches; Bicycle lights; Vehicle lights and all parts therefor; Vehicle reflectors and all parts therefor; Vehicle headlights and all parts therefor; Sockets for electric lights; Light bulbs; Light bulbs, electric; Incandescent burners; Filaments for electric lamps; Miners' lamps; Discharge tubes, electric, for lighting; Electric lamps; Gas lamps; Lamp glasses; Lamp mantles; Lamp globes; Lamp chimneys; Lamp shades; Lampshade holders; Luminous tubes for lighting; Electric discharge tubes for lighting; Light diffusers; Light reflectors; Lamp reflectors; Safety lamps; Friction lighters for igniting gas; Igniters; Heating apparatus for solid, liquid or gaseous fuels; Heating apparatus, electric; Heating installations; Heaters for vehicles; Heating apparatus for defrosting vehicle windows; Defrosters for vehicles; Solar collectors [hearing]; Air-conditioning installations; Air-conditioning apparatus; Cooling installations and machines; Refrigerators; Air conditioners for vehicles; Electric fans for personal use; Air reheaters; Filters for air conditioning; Air filtering installations; Ventilation [air-conditioning] installations for vehicles; Air cooling apparatus; Air purifying apparatus and machines; Spa baths [vessels]; Air sterilizers; Air dryers; Ventilation [air-conditioning] installations and apparatus; Chocolate fountains, electric; Electric fairy lights; Electrically heated clothing; Ice cream freezers; Directional lights for bicycles; Heating and cooling apparatus for dispensing hot and cold beverages; USB-powered hand warmers; USB-powered cup heaters; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Furniture and furnishings; Mirrors, picture frames, Beds; Racks [furniture]; Cupboards; Tables, desks, chairs, Armchairs, Sofas, High chairs for babies and infant walkers, Coat hangers, Bolsters; Furniture for camping, Camping tables, Camping chairs, Camp beds, Camping mattresses, Sleeping mats for camping, Inflatable mattresses for use when camping; Picnic units [furniture], Picnic baskets; Boxes of wood; Boxes made of plastic; Mooring buoys, non-metallic; Locks and keys, non-metallic; Door, gate and window fittings, non-metallic; Valves, Fixing materials, Clappers, Clips, Grab handles, Hooks and Identification bracelets; Holders for pennants; Rings, rods, Not of metal, Plastic suction cups, Paper towel dispensers [fixed, not of metal], Trays, not of metal,labels of plastic; Casks, not of metal, Packaging containers of plastic, containers for liquid fuel, not of metal, inflatable publicity objects, included in class 20; Crates (Non-metallic -); Jerrycans, not of metal; Ladders of wood or of plastic; Picture frames; Bamboo; Works of art of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; Display boards; Decorations of plastic for foodstuffs; Animal housing and beds; Hooks for clothes rails; Curtain rings; Statues, figurines, works of art and ornaments and decorations, made of materials such as wood, wax, plaster or plastic, included in the class; Containers, as well as lids and holders therefor; Stairs and escalators; Plastic ramps for use with vehicles; Displays, stands and signage; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Statues, figurines, plaques and works of art, made of materials such as porcelain, terra-cotta or glass, included in the class; Household articles for clothing and footwear, namely boot jacks and shoehorns, button hooks, coatstands, stretchers for clothing, presses and mangles for clothing, shoe polishers, shoe trees (stretchers) and shapers; Household or kitchen utensils and containers; Ice tongs; Salad tongs; Serving ladles; Pestles for kitchen use; Mortars for kitchen use; Ice cream scoops; Spatulas for kitchen use; Scoops for household purposes; Pouring spouts; Ladles for serving wine; Nutcrackers, Sugar tongs; Portable isothermic bags and coolboxes, non-electric; Picnic baskets (fitted -) (including dishes), Picnic crockery, Picnic boxes; Insulating flasks; Heat-insulated containers for beverages; Thermally insulated containers for food; Tea services [tableware]; Barbecue tongs, Barbecue forks, Barbecue turners; oven and barbacue mitts and gloves; Portable pots and pans for camping, Camping grills; Toilet cases, metal boxes for dispensing paper towels; Combs and sponges; Brushes and brush making materials; Brush goods; Toothbrushes; Toothpicks; Cleaning articles; Waste paper baskets; Coin banks; Straws for drinking; Chamois leather for cleaning; Dustings, Cushions and pads for cleaning displays; Glassware, porcelain and earthenware (included in Class 21); Porcelain and glass signs; Vases; Flower vases; Glassware for everyday use, including cups, table plates, kettles and jugs; Works of art of porcelain, ceramic, earthenware or glass. Nets, Tents, awnings, Rope, string, Sails, sacks, flock stuffing and Stuffing materials, except of paper, cardboard, rubber or plastics, Hammocks, Bags (envelopes, pouches) of textile for packaging, Car towing ropes, Vehicle covers, not fitted; Tents, Tents for camping. Textile material; Textile goods, and substitutes for textile goods; Filtering materials of textile; Bed and table covers; Table linen, not of paper; Bed clothes and blankets; Towels of textile; Wall hangings of textile; Edgings of textile, Bed covers; Sleeping bags; Sleeping bags for camping; Napkins of textile; Mosquito nets, Banners and flags not of paper; Plastic flags; Non-woven textile fabrics; Felt; Bath mitts; Picnic blankets. Provision of food and drink; Temporary accommodation.


We Drive Family

Application Number 018424010
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-03-11
Registration Date 2021-07-16
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Scientific, research, navigation, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, audiovisual, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, detecting, testing, inspecting, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; Apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; Recorded media and downloadable media, Blank digital or analogue recording and storage media; Information technology and audiovisual equipment; Magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers; Apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; Optical devices, enhancers and correctors; Safety, security, protection and signalling devices; Diving equipment; Navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; Measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; Automatic indicators of low pressure in tyres; Mileage recorders for vehicles; Scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators; Contact lenses and eyeglasses, Spectacle cases, Binoculars, optical magnifiers; Sunglasses; Mobile phone cases with lanyards; Mobile phone chains; Vehicle breakdown warning triangles; Warning lamps for vehicles (not parts of vehicles); Electric batteries and parts therefor, electric accumulators and parts therefor, fuel cells and parts therefor, solar batteries; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Chargers for electrical batteries; Burglar alarm apparatus, Fire alarm apparatus, Smoke alarms, Gas escape warning apparatus; Burglar alarms; Fire extinguishers; Scales; Spirit levels; Compasses for measuring; Rulers [measuring instruments], Acid hydrometers; Quantity indicators; Electronic control apparatus and power/voltage supply apparatus for vehicle headlights and vehicle lights and respective parts therefor, light-emitting diodes (LED), electronic power regulators; Electrical and electronic control apparatus and instruments; Simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; Voltage regulators for vehicles; Speed indicators; Revolution counters; Measuring apparatus and instruments; Life-saving equipment, namely life rafts, rescue ladders, safety nets, safety tarpaulins, lifebelts, lifebuoys, lifejackets; Electrical fuses, Relays, electric; Lasers, not for medical purposes, laser pointers; Remote control apparatus, remote controls; Aerials; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Mobile telephones; Telephone apparatus; Television apparatus; Video telephones; Radios; Directional compasses, navigation apparatus, navigation instruments; Telematic apparatus; Telematic terminal apparatus; Magnetic, optical and computer data carriers, Vinyl records, compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media, Sound recording carriers, Musical juke boxes, Compact discs [read-only memory], Downloadable music files, Earphones, loudspeakers, Cabinets for loudspeakers, Signs, luminous, CD players and DVD players, Video telephones, Phototelegraphy apparatus; Projection apparatus, Cameras [photography]; Films, exposed; Film cameras, Photocopiers, Electronic translation apparatus (computers), Electronic pocket translators; Magnetic cards, integrated circuit cards (smart cards), encoded telephone cards; Coin-operated mechanisms; Automatic teller machines; Cash registers, calculating machines; Data processing equipment; Computers; Electronic agendas; Facsimile machines; Monitors (computer hardware and programs); Computer peripheral devices; Computer programs for use in autonomous driving of vehicles; Computer programs for use in the autonomous navigation of vehicles; Computer programs for use in autonomous control of vehicles; Recorded and downloadable computer programs, In particular data files in electronic form; Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; Computer software; Application software; Pocket calculators; Electronic publications, downloadable; Downloadable image files; Crash test dummies; Microscopes; Cables, electric; Sockets, plugs and other contacts [electric connections]; Igniting apparatus, electric, for igniting at a distance; Radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; Head protection; Locks, electric; electronic controllers and electronic control systems; Security tokens [encryption devices]; Electronic access control systems for interlocking doors; Thermal imaging cameras; Scales with body mass analysers; Covers for tablet computers; Black boxes [data recorders]; Digital weather stations; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Interactive touch screen terminals; Smart rings; Electric and electronic effects units for musical instruments; Audio interfaces; Equalisers [audio apparatus]; Parking sensors for vehicles; Teaching robots; Humanoid robots with artificial intelligence; Personal digital assistants [PDAs]; Rearview cameras for vehicles; Electric wire harnesses for automobiles; Telecommunication apparatus in the form of jewellery; Data gloves; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class; Artificial intelligence software for vehicles.



Application Number 018386941
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-02-01
Registration Date 2021-06-17
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
  • 08 - Hand tools and implements
  • 11 - Environmental control apparatus
  • 14 - Precious metals and their alloys; jewelry; time-keeping instruments
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 18 - Leather and imitations of leather
  • 20 - Furniture and decorative products
  • 21 - HouseHold or kitchen utensils, containers and materials; glassware; porcelain; earthenware
  • 27 - Floor and wall coverings

Goods & Services

Building and construction materials and elements of metal; Metal hardware; Bag hangers of metal; Labels of metal; Doors, gates, windows and window coverings of metal; Containers, and transportation and packaging articles, of metal; Outdoor blinds of metal; Structures and transportable buildings of metal; Statues and works of art of common metals; Metal containers for the storage and transportation of goods; Common metals and their alloys; Railway material of metal; Non-electric cables and wires of common metal; Ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; Badges of metal for vehicles; Locks of metal for vehicles; Registration plates of metal; Signboards of metal; Wheel clamps [boots]; Tool boxes of metal, empty; Tool chests of metal, empty; Metal ramps for use with vehicles; Pipes and tubes of metal; Cashboxes [metal or non-metal]; Safes [metal or non-metal]; Safes, electronic; Ores of metal; Foils of metal for wrapping and packaging; Ducts of metal for ventilating and air-conditioning installations; Metal materials for building and construction; Materials of metal for funicular railway permanent ways; Steel wire; Binding screws of metal for cables; Shims; Door closers of metal, non-electric; Chests of metal; Cattle chains; Rods of metal for brazing and welding; Anchors; Handcuffs; Weather- or wind-vanes of metal; Tree protectors of metal; Traps for wild animals; Bronzes for tombstones; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Hygienic and beauty implements for humans and animals; Edged and blunt weapons; Food preparation implements, kitchen knives and cutlery; Hand-operated tools and implements for treatment of materials, and for construction, repair and maintenance; Lifting tools; Hand tools and implements used in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, mechanical engineering and the construction of apparatus and vehicles, and for structural engineering; Scraping tools [hand tools]; Tool wrenches; tool handles of metal; Cutlery; table services [knives, forks and spoons]; Forks; Scissors; Side arms, other than firearms; Swords; Razors, Razors; Razor cases; Manicure sets; Sharpening stones; Insecticides atomizers (hand tools); Livestock marking tools; Harpoons; Manually operated tools; Lifting jacks, hand-operated; Trowels; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Apparatus and installations for lighting, heating, cooling, steam generating, cooking, drying, ventilating and water supply and sanitary purposes; Flues and installations for conveying exhaust gases; Sun tanning appliances; Sanitary installations and devices; Water supply devices; Burners, Boilers; Light reflectors; Food and beverage cooking, heating, cooling and treatment equipment; Fireplaces; Filters for industrial and household use; Industrial processing installations, namely gas filters and purifiers; Industrial ovens and furnaces (not for food or beverages); Chemical processing equipment; Industrial installations for the filtration of liquids; Installations for the collection of gases; Installations for the collection of liquids; Launders for trapping impurities in molten metal; Biological reactors for clarifying industrial effluents; Apparatus for draining food waste; Drying installations; Refrigerating and freezing equipment; Regulating and safety accessories for water and gas installations; Nuclear installations; Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning and purification equipment (ambient); Lighting apparatus; Lighting apparatus and installations; Lamps; Light-emitting diodes [LED] lighting apparatus; Lighting installations for air vehicles; Lighting apparatus for vehicles; Light bulbs for directional signals for vehicles; light-emitting diodes [LED] lighting apparatus for vehicles; Anti-glare devices for vehicles [lamp fittings]; Anti-dazzle devices for automobiles [lamp fittings]; Searchlights; Arc lamps; Coffee machines, electric; Electric fans for personal use; Discharge tubes, electric, for lighting; Bicycle lights; Vehicle lights and all parts therefor; Vehicle reflectors and all parts therefor; Vehicle headlights and all parts therefor; Sockets for electric lights; Friction lighters for igniting gas; Igniters; Light bulbs; Light bulbs, electric; Incandescent burners; Filaments for electric lamps; Miners' lamps; Heating apparatus for solid, liquid or gaseous fuels; Heating apparatus, electric; Heating installations; Heaters for vehicles; Air-conditioning installations; Air-conditioning apparatus; Cooling installations and machines; Refrigerators; Air conditioners for vehicles; Electric lamps; Acetylene generators; Gas lamps; Lamp glasses; Lamp mantles; Lamp globes; Lamp chimneys; Lamp shades; Lampshade holders; Luminous tubes for lighting; Electric discharge tubes for lighting; Light diffusers; Air reheaters; Filters for air conditioning; Air filtering installations; Filters [parts of household or industrial installations]; Deodorizing apparatus, not for personal use; Defrosters for vehicles; Ventilation [air-conditioning] installations for vehicles; Heating apparatus for defrosting vehicle windows; Air cooling apparatus; Air purifying apparatus and machines; Germicidal lamps for purifying air; Spa baths [vessels]; Air sterilizers; Air dryers; Ventilation [air-conditioning] installations and apparatus; Lamp reflectors; Safety lamps; Solar collectors [hearing]; Electric torches; Ultraviolet ray lamps, not for medical purposes; Water conduits installations; Level controlling valves in tanks; Radiators, electric; Polymerisation installations; Chocolate fountains, electric; Fairy lights for festive decoration; Electrically heated clothing; Ice cream freezers; Directional lights for bicycles; Heating and cooling apparatus for dispensing hot and cold beverages, USB-powered hand warmers; USB-powered cup heaters; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Precious stones, pearls and precious metals and imitations thereof and objets d'art made of these materials, included in class 14; Jewellery; Chronometric instruments, clocks and watches; Wristwatches and stopwatches and watches, Cases for clock- and watchmaking; Jewellery boxes and watch boxes; Bracelets made of embroidered textile [jewellery]; Tie pins, cuff links, pins, other goods of precious metals and precious stones and imitations thereof, namely statues and figurines, decorations, coins and tokens, works of art of precious metal, rings for keys (jewellery or key rings); Key rings of metal; Charms for key rings; Jewel cases; Jewel pendants; Hat jewellery; Shoe jewellery; Rosaries; Misbaha [prayer beads]; Key rings [split rings with trinket or decorative fob]; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Paper cardboard; Printed matter; Works of art and figurines of paper and cardboard, and architects' models; Decoration and art materials and media; Filtering materials of paper; Bags and articles for packaging, wrapping and storage of paper, cardboard or plastics; Bookbinding material; Photographs [printed]; Stationery; Gums [adhesives] for stationery or household purposes; Artists' materials; Brushes for the application of paints; Typewriters, writing implements and office requisites, except furniture; Instructional and teaching material (expect apparatus); Plastic materials for packaging , printers' type; Printing blocks; Atlases; Calendars; Geographical maps; Printed publications; Printed advertising matter and printed publicity; Document holders [stationery]; Pencils (stationery); Ball point pens and pencils; Banners and flags of paper; Table napkins of paper; Copying paper [stationery]; Hygienic papers; Packing paper; Ink; Stamps [seals]; Drawing instruments; Drawing materials; Modelling materials; Banners of paper; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Luggage, bags, wallets and other carriers; Umbrellas and parasols; Walking sticks; Trunks and suitcases; Bags, included in class 18, in particular bags for sports and briefcases; Wallets, purses; Key cases; Saddlebags; Clothing for pets; Goods made from leather and imitations of leather (included in class 18), Namely handbags, Bags [envelopes, pouches] of leather, for packaging, Labels of leather, Tefillin [phylacteries]; Leather, unworked or semi-worked; Rucksacks; Animal skins, hides; saddlery, whips and animal apparel; tablet computer cases; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Furniture and furnishings; Mirrors, picture frames, Beds; Racks [furniture]; Cupboards; Tables, desks, chairs, Armchairs, Sofas, High chairs for babies and infant walkers, Coat hangers, Bolsters; Boxes of wood; Boxes made of plastic; Statues, figurines, works of art and ornaments and decorations of materials including wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all the aforesaid materials, or of plastics; Mooring buoys, non-metallic; Locks and keys, non-metallic; Door, gate and window fittings, non-metallic; Valves, Fixing materials, Clappers, Clips, Grab handles, Hooks and Identification bracelets; Holders for pennants; Plugs (dowels) of plastic, Spools (non-metallic -) [other than parts of machines or apparatus], Rings, rods, Not of metal, Saw horses, Mats, removable, for sinks, Stair fittings of plastics, Plastic suction cups, Paper towel dispensers [fixed, not of metal], Trays, not of metal,labels of plastic; Casks, not of metal, Packaging containers of plastic, containers for liquid fuel, not of metal, inflatable publicity objects, included in class 20; Crates (Non-metallic -); Jerrycans, not of metal; Ladders of wood or of plastic; Picture frames; Bamboo; Works of art of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; Display boards; Decorations of plastic for foodstuffs; Animal housing and beds; Identification bracelets, not of metal; Coffins and funerary urns; Hooks for clothes rails; Curtain rings; Statues, figurines, works of art and ornaments and decorations, made of materials such as wood, wax, plaster or plastic, included in the class; Containers, as well as lids and holders therefor; Stairs and escalators; Plastic ramps for use with vehicles; Displays, stands and signage; Loading gauge rods, not of metal, for railway wagons; Oil drainage containers, not of metal; Coat racks; Coat racks; Clothes stands; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Statues, figurines, plaques and works of art, made of materials such as porcelain, terra-cotta or glass, included in the class; Articles for animal husbandry, namely aquariums and vivariums, pest and vermin repellents, bird baths, cages, feeding and drinking articles, fish bowls, grooming articles, nesting articles, swing tags, waste disposal articles; Household articles for clothing and footwear, namely boot jacks and shoe horns, buttonhooks, clothing stretchers, irons and mangles, shoe polishing apparatus, shoe trees and stretchers; Household or kitchen utensils and containers; Ice tongs; Salad tongs; Serving ladles; Pestles for kitchen use; Mortars for kitchen use; Ice cream scoops; Spatulas for kitchen use; Scoops for household purposes; Pouring spouts; Ladles for serving wine; Nutcrackers, Sugar tongs; Portable isothermic bags and coolboxes, non-electric; Picnic baskets (fitted -) (including dishes); Toilet cases, metal boxes for dispensing paper towels; Combs and sponges; Brushes and brush making materials; Cleaning articles; Glass, unworked or semi-worked, except building glass; Waste paper baskets; Coin banks; Straws for drinking; Chamois leather for cleaning; Dustings, Cushions and pads for cleaning displays; Glassware, porcelain and earthenware (included in Class 21); Porcelain and glass signs; Vases; Flower vases; Heat-insulated containers for beverages; Thermally insulated containers for food; Glassware for everyday use, including cups, table plates, kettles and jugs; Works of art of porcelain, ceramic, earthenware or glass; Tea services [tableware]; Brush goods; Toothbrushes; Toothpicks; Insulating flasks; Mangers for animals; Fly traps; Candelabra [candlesticks]. Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum, artificial floor coverings and other materials for covering existing floors; Carpets for automobiles; Wall and ceiling coverings; Wall hangings (non-textile), wallpaper, wall hangings of textile, wall hanging borders of paper; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class.



Application Number 018371328
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-01-07
Registration Date 2024-02-29
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 14 - Precious metals and their alloys; jewelry; time-keeping instruments
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 18 - Leather and imitations of leather
  • 21 - HouseHold or kitchen utensils, containers and materials; glassware; porcelain; earthenware
  • 24 - Textiles and textile goods
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 26 - Small items for dressmaking; artifical flowers; false hair

Goods & Services

Precious stones, pearls and precious metals and imitations thereof and objets d'art made of these materials, included in class 14; Cases for clock- and watchmaking; Jewellery boxes and watch boxes; statues and figurines, Ornamental accessories, Coins and tokens, works of art of precious metal, Jewel cases; Hat jewellery; Shoe jewellery; Rosaries; Misbaha [prayer beads]; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Paper cardboard; Works of art and figurines of paper and cardboard, and architects' models; Decoration and art materials and media; Filtering materials of paper; Bags and articles for packaging, wrapping and storage, of paper, cardboard or plastics; Bookbinding material; Photographs [printed]; Stationery; Note books; Adhesives for stationery or household purposes; Artists' materials; Brushes for the application of paints; Typewriters, writing implements and office requisites, except furniture; Instructional and teaching material (expect apparatus); Plastic materials for packaging , printers' type; Printing blocks; Atlases; Calendars; Geographical maps; Printed publications; Printed advertising matter and printed publicity; Pencils (stationery); Ball point pens and pencils; Banners and flags of paper; Table napkins of paper; Copying paper [stationery]; Hygienic papers; Packing paper; Ink; Stamps [seals]; Drawing instruments; Drawing materials; Modelling materials; Banners of paper; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Luggage, bags, wallets and other carriers; Umbrellas and parasols; Walking sticks; Trunks and suitcases; Bags, included in class 18, in particular bags for sports and briefcases; Wallets, purses; Key cases; Saddlebags; Clothing for pets; Goods made from leather and imitations of leather (included in class 18), Namely handbags, Bags [envelopes, pouches] of leather, for packaging, Labels of leather, Tefillin [phylacteries]; Leather, unworked or semi-worked; Rucksacks; Animal skins, hides; saddlery, whips and animal apparel; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Statues, figurines, plaques and works of art, made of materials such as porcelain, terra-cotta or glass, included in the class; Articles for animal husbandry, namely aquariums and vivariums, pest and vermin repellents, bird baths, cages, feeding and drinking articles, fish bowls, grooming articles, nesting articles, swing tags, waste disposal articles; Household articles for clothing and footwear, namely boot jacks and shoe horns, buttonhooks, clothing stretchers, irons and mangles, shoe polishing apparatus, shoe trees and stretchers; Household or kitchen utensils and containers; Ice tongs; Salad tongs; Serving ladles; Pestles for kitchen use; Mortars for kitchen use; Ice cream scoops; Spatulas for kitchen use; Scoops for household purposes; Pouring spouts; Ladles for serving wine; nut crackers, sugar tongs; Portable isothermic bags and coolboxes, non-electric; Picnic baskets (fitted -) (including dishes); Toilet cases, metal boxes for dispensing paper towels; Combs and sponges; brushes, brush-making materials; Cleaning articles; Glass, unworked or semi-worked, except building glass; Waste paper baskets; Coin banks; Straws for drinking; Chamois leather for cleaning; Dustings, Cushions and pads for cleaning displays; Glassware, porcelain and earthenware (included in Class 21); Porcelain and glass signs; Vases; Flower vases; Heat-insulated containers for beverages; Thermally insulated containers for food; Glassware for everyday use, including cups, table plates, kettles and jugs; Works of art of porcelain, ceramic, earthenware or glass; Tea services [tableware]; Brush goods; Toothbrushes; Toothpicks; Insulating flasks; Mangers for animals; Fly traps. Textile material; Textile goods, and substitutes for textile goods; Filtering materials of textile; Bed and table covers; Table linen, not of paper; Bed linen; Towels of textile; Wall hangings of textile; Edgings of textile, quilted blankets, bed covers; Sleeping bags; Napkins of textile; Mosquito nets, banners and flags, not of paper; Badges made of fabric material; Plastic flags; Non-woven textile fabrics; Felt; Bath mitts. Headgear; Clothing; Footwear; Polo shirts/blouses, Combinations [clothing], Tee-shirts, Coats, Jackets [clothing], Bandanas [neckerchiefs], Underpants, Trousers, Layettes [clothing], Bathing suits, Raincoats, Theatrical costumes, Sportswear; Shoes, Soccer shoes, Hats, caps, Stockings, Gloves [clothing], Shawls and stoles, Neckties, Belts [clothing], Shower caps; Foundation garments; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Accessories for apparel, sewing articles and decorative textile articles; Hair ornaments, hair rollers, hair fastening articles, and false hair; Artificial fruit, flowers and vegetables; Key straps, not of metal; Lace and embroidery, Ribbons of textile materials, Lace; Buttons, hooks and eyes, pins and needles, Sewing kits; Wigs; Shoulder pads for clothing; Heat adhesive patches for repairing textile articles; Patches for clothing; Letters for marking linen.



Application Number 018347867
Status Registered
Filing Date 2020-12-01
Registration Date 2023-06-27
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
  • 08 - Hand tools and implements
  • 11 - Environmental control apparatus
  • 14 - Precious metals and their alloys; jewelry; time-keeping instruments
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 18 - Leather and imitations of leather
  • 20 - Furniture and decorative products
  • 21 - HouseHold or kitchen utensils, containers and materials; glassware; porcelain; earthenware
  • 27 - Floor and wall coverings

Goods & Services

Building and construction materials and elements of metal; Metal hardware; Bag hangers of metal; Labels of metal; Doors, gates, windows and window coverings of metal; Containers, and transportation and packaging articles, of metal; Outdoor blinds of metal; Structures and transportable buildings of metal; Statues and works of art of common metals; Metal containers for the storage and transportation of goods; Common metals and their alloys; Railway material of metal; Non-electric cables and wires of common metal; Ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; Badges of metal for vehicles; Locks of metal for vehicles; Registration plates of metal; Signboards of metal; Wheel clamps [boots]; Tool boxes of metal, empty; Tool chests of metal, empty; Metal ramps for use with vehicles; Pipes and tubes of metal; Cashboxes [metal or non-metal]; Safes [metal or non-metal]; Safes, electronic; Ores of metal; Foils of metal for wrapping and packaging; Ducts of metal for ventilating and air-conditioning installations; Metal materials for building and construction; Materials of metal for funicular railway permanent ways; Steel wire; Binding screws of metal for cables; Shims; Door closers of metal, non-electric; Chests of metal; Cattle chains; Rods of metal for brazing and welding; Anchors; Handcuffs; Weather- or wind-vanes of metal; Tree protectors of metal; Traps for wild animals; Bronzes for tombstones; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Hygienic and beauty implements for humans and animals; Edged and blunt weapons; Food preparation implements, kitchen knives and cutlery; Hand-operated tools and implements for treatment of materials, and for construction, repair and maintenance; Lifting tools; Hand tools and implements used in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, mechanical engineering and the construction of apparatus and vehicles, and for structural engineering; Scraping tools [hand tools]; Tool wrenches; tool handles of metal; Cutlery; table services [knives, forks and spoons]; Forks; Scissors; Side arms, other than firearms; Swords; Razors, Razors; Razor cases; Manicure sets; Sharpening stones; Insecticides atomizers (hand tools); Livestock marking tools; Harpoons; Manually operated tools; Lifting jacks, hand-operated; Trowels; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Apparatus and installations for lighting, heating, cooling, steam generating, cooking, drying, ventilating and water supply and sanitary purposes; Flues and installations for conveying exhaust gases; Sun tanning appliances; Sanitary installations and devices; Water supply devices; Burners, Boilers; Light reflectors; Food and beverage cooking, heating, cooling and treatment equipment; Fireplaces; Filters for industrial and household use; Industrial processing installations, namely gas filters and purifiers; Industrial ovens and furnaces (not for food or beverages); Chemical processing equipment; Industrial installations for the filtration of liquids; Installations for the collection of gases; Installations for the collection of liquids; Launders for trapping impurities in molten metal; Biological reactors for clarifying industrial effluents; Apparatus for draining food waste; Drying installations; Refrigerating and freezing equipment; Regulating and safety accessories for water and gas installations; Nuclear installations; Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning and purification equipment (ambient); Lighting apparatus; Lighting apparatus and installations; Lamps; Light-emitting diodes [LED] lighting apparatus; Lighting installations for air vehicles; Lighting apparatus for vehicles; Light bulbs for directional signals for vehicles; light-emitting diodes [LED] lighting apparatus for vehicles; Anti-glare devices for vehicles [lamp fittings]; Anti-dazzle devices for automobiles [lamp fittings]; Searchlights; Arc lamps; Coffee machines, electric; Electric fans for personal use; Discharge tubes, electric, for lighting; Bicycle lights; Vehicle lights and all parts therefor; Vehicle reflectors and all parts therefor; Vehicle headlights and all parts therefor; Sockets for electric lights; Friction lighters for igniting gas; Igniters; Light bulbs; Light bulbs, electric; Incandescent burners; Filaments for electric lamps; Miners' lamps; Heating apparatus for solid, liquid or gaseous fuels; Heating apparatus, electric; Heating installations; Heaters for vehicles; Air-conditioning installations; Air-conditioning apparatus; Cooling installations and machines; Refrigerators; Air conditioners for vehicles; Electric lamps; Acetylene generators; Gas lamps; Lamp glasses; Lamp mantles; Lamp globes; Lamp chimneys; Lamp shades; Lampshade holders; Luminous tubes for lighting; Electric discharge tubes for lighting; Light diffusers; Air reheaters; Filters for air conditioning; Air filtering installations; Filters [parts of household or industrial installations]; Deodorizing apparatus, not for personal use; Defrosters for vehicles; Ventilation [air-conditioning] installations for vehicles; Heating apparatus for defrosting vehicle windows; Air cooling apparatus; Air purifying apparatus and machines; Germicidal lamps for purifying air; Spa baths [vessels]; Air sterilizers; Air dryers; Ventilation [air-conditioning] installations and apparatus; Lamp reflectors; Safety lamps; Solar collectors [hearing]; Electric torches; Ultraviolet ray lamps, not for medical purposes; Water conduits installations; Level controlling valves in tanks; Radiators, electric; Polymerisation installations; Chocolate fountains, electric; Fairy lights for festive decoration; Electrically heated clothing; Ice cream freezers; Directional lights for bicycles; Heating and cooling apparatus for dispensing hot and cold beverages; USB-powered hand warmers; USB-powered cup heaters; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Precious stones, pearls and precious metals and imitations thereof and art made of these materials, included in class 14; precious metals and precious stones and imitations thereof, namely statues and figurines, decorations, coins and tokens, works of art of precious metal, rings for keys (jewellery or key rings); Key rings of metal; Charms for key rings; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class; all aforesaid goods made from completely or partially recycled materials. Paper cardboard; Printed matter; Works of art and figurines of paper and cardboard, and architects' models; Decoration and art materials and media; Filtering materials of paper; Bags and articles for packaging, wrapping and storage of paper, cardboard or plastics; Bookbinding material; Photographs [printed]; Stationery; Gums [adhesives] for stationery or household purposes; Artists' materials; Brushes for the application of paints; Typewriters, writing implements and office requisites, except furniture; Instructional and teaching material (expect apparatus); Plastic materials for packaging , printers' type; Printing blocks; Atlases; Calendars; Geographical maps; Printed publications; Printed advertising matter and printed publicity; Document holders [stationery]; Pencils (stationery); Ball point pens and pencils; Banners and flags of paper; Table napkins of paper; Copying paper [stationery]; Hygienic papers; Packing paper; Ink; Stamps [seals]; Drawing instruments; Drawing materials; Modelling materials; Banners of paper; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Luggage, bags, wallets and other carriers; Umbrellas and parasols; Walking sticks; Trunks and suitcases; Bags, included in class 18, in particular bags for sports and briefcases; Wallets, purses; Key cases; Saddlebags; Clothing for pets; Goods made from leather and imitations of leather (included in class 18), Namely handbags, Bags [envelopes, pouches] of leather, for packaging, Labels of leather, Tefillin [phylacteries]; Leather, unworked or semi-worked; Rucksacks; Animal skins, hides; saddlery, whips and animal apparel; tablet computer cases; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Furniture and furnishings; Mirrors, picture frames, Beds; Racks [furniture]; Cupboards; Tables, desks, chairs, armchairs, sofas, high chairs for babies and baby walkers, clothes hangers, head rests; Boxes of wood; Boxes made of plastic; Statues, figurines, Works of art, and ornaments and decorations of materials including wood, Cane sugar, Cane, wicker, Horn bone, Ivory, whalebone, Shell amber, Mother-of-pearl, Meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics; Mooring buoys, non-metallic; Locks and keys, non-metallic; Door, gate and window fittings, non-metallic; Valves, Fixing materials, Clappers, Clips, Grab handles, Hooks and Identification bracelets; Holders for pennants; Plugs (dowels) of plastic, Spools (non-metallic -) [other than parts of machines or apparatus], Rings, rods, Not of metal, Saw horses, Mats, removable, for sinks, Stair fittings of plastics, Plastic suction cups, Paper towel dispensers [fixed, not of metal], Trays, not of metal,labels of plastic; Casks, not of metal, Packaging containers of plastic, containers for liquid fuel, not of metal, inflatable publicity objects, included in class 20; Crates (Non-metallic -); Jerrycans, not of metal; Ladders of wood or of plastic; Picture frames; Bamboo; Works of art of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; Display boards; Decorations of plastic for foodstuffs; Animal housing and beds; Identification bracelets, not of metal; Coffins and funerary urns; Hooks for clothes rails; Curtain rings; Statues, figurines, works of art, ornaments and decorations made from materials including wood, wax, plaster and plastic, included in this class; Containers, as well as lids and holders therefor; Stairs and escalators; Plastic ramps for use with vehicles; Displays, stands and signage; Loading gauge rods, not of metal, for railway wagons; Oil drainage containers, not of metal; Coat racks; Coat racks; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class; Clothes stands. Statues, figurines, plaques and works of art, made of materials such as porcelain, terra-cotta or glass, included in the class; Articles for animal husbandry, namely aquariums and vivariums, pest and vermin repellents, bird baths, cages, feeding and drinking articles, fish bowls, grooming articles, nesting articles, swing tags, waste disposal articles; Household articles for clothing and footwear, namely boot jacks and shoe horns, buttonhooks, clothing stretchers, irons and mangles, shoe polishing apparatus, shoe trees and stretchers; Household or kitchen utensils and containers; Ice tongs; Salad tongs; Serving ladles; Pestles for kitchen use; Mortars for kitchen use; Ice cream scoops; Spatulas for kitchen use; Scoops for household purposes; Pouring spouts; Ladles for serving wine; Nutcrackers, Sugar tongs; Portable isothermic bags and coolboxes, non-electric; Picnic baskets (fitted -) (including dishes); Toilet cases, metal boxes for dispensing paper towels; Combs and sponges; Brushes and brush making materials; Cleaning articles; Glass, unworked or semi-worked, except building glass; Waste paper baskets; Coin banks; Straws for drinking; Chamois leather for cleaning; Dustings, Cushions and pads for cleaning displays; Glassware, porcelain and earthenware (included in Class 21); Porcelain and glass signs; Vases; Flower vases; Heat-insulated containers for beverages; Thermally insulated containers for food; Glassware for everyday use, including cups, table plates, kettles and jugs; Works of art of porcelain, ceramic, earthenware or glass; Tea services [tableware]; Brush goods; Toothbrushes; Toothpicks; Insulating flasks; Mangers for animals; Fly traps; Candelabra [candlesticks]. Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum, artificial floor coverings and other materials for covering existing floors; Carpets for automobiles; Wall and ceiling coverings; Wall hangings (non-textile), wallpaper, wall hangings of textile, wall hanging borders of paper; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class.



Application Number 018336897
Status Registered
Filing Date 2020-11-12
Registration Date 2021-05-21
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Metalworking and woodworking machines; Power operated tools; Propulsion mechanisms, other than for land vehicles; Machines for plastics working, for manufacturing, repairing and dismantling of land, air and water vehicles; Electromechanical machines for chemical industry, Agricultural machines, Mineworking machines, Machines for the textile industry, Machines for the food industry, Machines for preparing beverages [industrial], Machines for the construction industry/ Construction machines, Packaging machines; Agricultural, earthmoving, construction, oil and gas extraction and mining equipment; Machine tools; Motors, other than for land vehicles; Motors, electric, other than for land vehicles; Motor and engine parts of all kinds; Parts for electric motors of all kinds; Diesel engines; Glow plugs for Diesel engines; Gas engines; Gasoline engines not for land vehicles; Hydraulic engines and motors; Electronic controllers for machines, motors and engines, internal combustion engines, electric motors, servomotors; Turbocompressors; Turbocompressors; Pumps, compressors and blowers; Industrial robots; Oil pumps for vehicle; Lubricators [parts of machines]; Couplings, other than for land vehicles; Camshafts for vehicle engines; Power transmissions and gearing for machines [not for land vehicles]; Parts for clutches and gearboxes and transmission components, included in class 7; Moving and handling equipment; Electricity generators; Machines and machine tools for treatment of materials and for manufacturing; Motors and engines, drives and general machine parts; Dispensing machines; Sweeping, cleaning, washing and laundering machines; Agricultural machines; Shredders [machines] for industrial use; Lawnmowers [machines]; Agricultural implements, other than hand-operated; Wind turbines; Vending machines; Dispensing machines [other than vending machines]; Woodworking machines; Papermaking machines; Printing machines for use on sheet metal; Friezing machines; Sizing machines; Sausage making machines; Bottle washing machines; Cigarette machines for industrial purposes; Leather-working machines; Rotary steam presses, portable, for fabrics; Bicycle assembling machines; Potters' wheels; Engraving machines; Cord making machines; Adhesive tape dispensers [machines]; Kerb making machines; Mixing machines; Washing apparatus; Disintegrators; Superheaters; Glass-working machines; Electromechanical machines for chemical industry; Rinsing machines; Puddling machines; Oil refining machines; Agitators; Jacks [machines]; Pneumatic jacks; Metalworking machines; Foundry machines; Steam engines; Stitching machines; Screwdrivers, electric; Air brushes for applying colour; Filters for cleaning cooling air, for engines; Welding machines, electric; Washing installations for vehicles; Hydrogen dispensing pumps for service stations; Fuel dispensing pumps for service stations; Incubators for eggs; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, adhesive rubber patches for repairing inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electric bicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Building, construction and demolition; Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Mining extraction; Gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018336335
Status Registered
Filing Date 2020-11-11
Registration Date 2021-03-10
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorised land vehicles; Autonomous cars; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, adhesive rubber patches for repairing inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electricbicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Sporting articles and equipment, gymnastic articles; Festive decorations and artificial Christmas trees; Fairground and playground apparatus; Toys, games, playthings and novelties; Scale model kits [toys]; Soft toys and other stuffed toys; Slot machines [gaming machines], Scale model vehicles; Toy vehicles; Scooters [toys]; Toy cars; Balls for games; Kaleidoscopes; Board games; Playing cards; Playing balls; Stationary exercise bicycles; Archery implements; Appliances for gymnastics; Racing car games; Gloves for games; Floats for fishing; Camouflage screens [sports articles]; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class; none of the aforesaid goods in relation to the following goods: video games or computer games, or Electronic games software for mobile telephones; All the aforesaid goods other than motorised model and toy vehicles and parts and fittings therefor. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search; None of the aforesaid services in connection with or relating to video or computer games or electronic games software for mobile telephones. Building, construction and demolition; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Mining extraction; Gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018331704
Status Registered
Filing Date 2020-11-03
Registration Date 2021-06-25
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, and parts therefor; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, Adhesive rubber patches for repairing tyre inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electric bicycles; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class, But not for the following goods, Apparatus for lighting, Lighting devices, Lighting installations. Toys, games, playthings and novelties; Scale model kits [toys]; Soft toys and other stuffed toys; Slot machines [gaming machines], Arcade video game machines; Video game apparatus; Video game consoles; Scale model vehicles; Toy vehicles; Scooters [toys]; Toy cars; Remote-controlled toy vehicles; Racing car games; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class, Other than for the following goods, Lighting appliances, Lights, luminous devices. Retail and wholesale services, in relation the following goods, Motor vehicles, Automotive parts and accessories, Except for the following goods, Apparatus for lighting, Lighting devices, Lighting and installations, motors, engines and drives for land vehicles, Chassis for land vehicles, Vehicle superstructures, Tyres for vehicle wheels; retail and wholesale services for mail order services, in relation the following goods, Motor vehicles, Automotive parts and accessories, Except for the following goods, Apparatus for lighting, Lighting devices, Lighting and installations, motors, engines and drives for land vehicles, Undercarriages for vehicles, Vehicle superstructures for vehicles, Tyres for vehicle wheels; Retail and wholesale services, Via the Internet, in relation the following goods, Motor vehicles, Automotive parts and accessories, Except for the following goods, Apparatus for lighting, Lighting devices, Lighting and installations, motors, engines and drives for land vehicles, Undercarriages for vehicles, Vehicle superstructures for vehicles, Tyres for vehicle wheels; Wholesaling and retailing by means of teleshopping programmes, in relation the following goods, Motor vehicles, Automotive parts and accessories, Except for the following goods, Apparatus for lighting, Lighting devices, Lighting and installations, motors, engines and drives for land vehicles, Undercarriages for vehicles, Vehicle superstructures for vehicles, Tyres for vehicle wheels; Compiling, in relation the following goods, Other than transport of the following goods, a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and accessories, other than for the following goods, Apparatus for lighting, Lighting devices, Lighting and installations, motors, engines and drives for land vehicles, Chassis for vehicles, Vehicle superstructures for vehicles, Tyres for vehicle wheels, for others, Relating to the following purposes, Enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods in a retail sales outlet; Arranging of contracts, for others, for purchasing and selling, in relation the following goods, Motor vehicles, Automotive parts and accessories, Except for the following goods, Apparatus for lighting, Lighting devices, Lighting and installations, motors, engines and drives for land vehicles, Chassis for vehicles, Vehicle superstructures for vehicles, Tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]. conversion, fix, Maintainance services, Disassembly, Maintenance, Care, Purification, Varnishing, In relation to the following goods, Vehicles, engines, Wheels for vehicles, Parts therefor, other than relating to the following goods, Lighting apparatus, Lighting devices, lighting installation; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Repair information; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018303461
Status Registered
Filing Date 2020-09-04
Registration Date 2021-02-27
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 40 - Treatment of materials; recycling, air and water treatment,

Goods & Services

Scientific, research, navigation, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, audiovisual, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, detecting, testing, inspecting, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; Apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; Recorded media and downloadable media, Blank digital or analogue recording and storage media; Information technology and audiovisual equipment; Magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers; Apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; Optical devices, enhancers and correctors; Security, safety, protective and signalling apparatus and equipment; Diving equipment; Navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; Measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; Automatic indicators of low pressure in tyres; Mileage recorders for vehicles; Scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators; Contact lenses and eyeglasses, Spectacle cases, Binoculars, optical magnifiers; Sunglasses; Vehicle breakdown warning triangles; Warning lamps for vehicles (not parts of vehicles); Electric batteries and parts therefor, electric accumulators and parts therefor, fuel cells and parts therefor, solar batteries; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Chargers for electrical batteries; Burglar alarm apparatus, Fire alarm apparatus, Smoke alarms, Gas escape warning apparatus; Burglar alarms; Fire extinguishers; Scales; Spirit levels; Compasses for measuring; Rulers [measuring instruments], Acid hydrometers; Quantity indicators; Electronic control apparatus and power/voltage supply apparatus for vehicle headlights and vehicle lights and respective parts therefor, light-emitting diodes (LED), electronic power regulators; Electrical and electronic control apparatus and instruments; Simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; Voltage regulators for vehicles; Speed indicators; Revolution counters; Measuring apparatus and instruments; Life-saving equipment, namely life rafts, rescue ladders, safety nets, safety tarpaulins, lifebelts, lifebuoys, lifejackets; Electrical fuses, Relays, electric; Lasers, not for medical purposes, laser pointers; Remote control apparatus, remote controls; Aerials; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Mobile telephones; Telephone apparatus; Television apparatus; Video telephones; Radios; Directional compasses, navigation apparatus, navigation instruments; Telematic apparatus; Telematic terminal apparatus; Magnetic, optical and computer data carriers, Vinyl records, compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media, Sound recording carriers, Musical juke boxes, Compact discs [read-only memory], Downloadable music files, Earphones, loudspeakers, Cabinets for loudspeakers, Signs, luminous, CD players and DVD players, Video telephones, Phototelegraphy apparatus; Projection apparatus, Cameras [photography]; Films, exposed; Film cameras, Photocopiers, Electronic translation apparatus (computers), Electronic pocket translators; Magnetic cards, integrated circuit cards (smart cards), encoded telephone cards; Encoded cards, Cards containing microprocessors, Encoded cards for use in point of sale transactions, Encoded prepaid payment cards, Encoded integrated circuit cards, Encoded cards for use in relation to the electronic transfer of funds, Encoded cards for use in relation to the electronic transfer of financial transactions, Electronic and magnetic ID cards for use in connection with payment for services, Charging cards for electric vehicles, Plastic cards (RFID); Magnetic payment cards; Instruments and cables for electricity, In particular charging stations for electric vehicles; Electronic payment terminals; Coin-operated mechanisms; Automatic teller machines; Cash registers, calculating machines; Data processing equipment; Computers; Electronic agendas; Facsimile machines; Monitors (computer hardware and programs); Computer peripheral devices; Computer programs for use in autonomous driving of vehicles; Computer programs for use in the autonomous navigation of vehicles; Computer programs for use in autonomous control of vehicles; Recorded and downloadable computer programs, In particular data files in electronic form; Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; Data mining software; Software; Application software; Software for card readers, Payment software, E-payment software; Pocket calculators; Electronic publications, downloadable; Downloadable image files; Crash test dummies; Microscopes; Cables, electric; Sockets, plugs and other contacts [electric connections]; Igniting apparatus, electric, for igniting at a distance; Radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; Head protection; Locks, electric; electronic controllers and electronic control systems; Security tokens [encryption devices]; Electronic access control systems for interlocking doors; Thermal imaging cameras; Scales with body mass analysers; Covers for tablet computers; Black boxes [data recorders]; Digital weather stations; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Interactive touch screen terminals; Smart rings; Electric and electronic effects units for musical instruments; Audio interfaces; Equalisers [audio apparatus]; Parking sensors for vehicles; Teaching robots; Humanoid robots with artificial intelligence; Personal digital assistants [PDAs]; Rearview cameras for vehicles; Electric wire harnesses for automobiles; Telecommunication apparatus in the form of jewellery; Data gloves; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Building, construction and demolition; Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance relating to machines and motor vehicles; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Mining extraction; Gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Vehicle battery charging; Charging of electric vehicles; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Waste treatment [transformation]; Metal treating; Contract manufacturing in connection with motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, undercarriages for land vehicles, vehicle bodies and tyres for vehicle wheels; Electricity generating; Electricity generating; Rental of generators; Air purification; Air regeneration; Air freshening; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018299839
Status Registered
Filing Date 2020-08-31
Registration Date 2021-01-08
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Vehicle shock absorbers; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes; Adhesive rubber patches for repairing tyre inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electric bicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search. Building, construction and demolition; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Mining extraction; Gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018297056
Status Registered
Filing Date 2020-08-27
Registration Date 2021-03-31
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 38 - Telecommunications services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Scientific, research, navigation, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, audiovisual, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, detecting, testing, inspecting, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; Apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; Recorded media and downloadable media, Blank digital or analogue recording and storage media; Information technology and audiovisual equipment; Magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers; Apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; Optical devices, enhancers and correctors; Security, safety, protective and signalling apparatus and equipment; Diving equipment; Navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; Measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; Automatic indicators of low pressure in tyres; Mileage recorders for vehicles; Scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators; Contact lenses and eyeglasses, Spectacle cases, Binoculars, optical magnifiers; Sunglasses; Vehicle breakdown warning triangles; Warning lamps for vehicles (not parts of vehicles); Electric batteries and parts therefor, electric accumulators and parts therefor, fuel cells and parts therefor, solar batteries; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Chargers for electrical batteries; Burglar alarm apparatus, Fire alarm apparatus, Smoke alarms, Gas escape warning apparatus; Burglar alarms; Fire extinguishers; Scales; Spirit levels; Compasses for measuring; Rulers [measuring instruments], Acid hydrometers; Quantity indicators; Electronic control apparatus and power/voltage supply apparatus for vehicle headlights and vehicle lights and respective parts therefor, light-emitting diodes (LED), electronic power regulators; Electrical and electronic control apparatus and instruments; Simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; Voltage regulators for vehicles; Speed indicators; Revolution counters; Measuring apparatus and instruments; Life-saving equipment, namely life rafts, rescue ladders, safety nets, safety tarpaulins, lifebelts, lifebuoys, lifejackets; Electrical fuses, Relays, electric; Lasers, not for medical purposes, laser pointers; Remote control apparatus, remote controls; Aerials; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Mobile telephones; Telephone apparatus; Television apparatus; Video telephones; Radios; Directional compasses, navigation apparatus, navigation instruments; Telematic apparatus; Telematic terminal apparatus; Magnetic, optical and computer data carriers, Vinyl records, compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media, Sound recording carriers, Musical juke boxes, Compact discs [read-only memory], Downloadable music files, Earphones, loudspeakers, Cabinets for loudspeakers, Signs, luminous, CD players and DVD players, Video telephones, Phototelegraphy apparatus; Projection apparatus, Cameras [photography]; Films, exposed; Film cameras, Photocopiers, Electronic translation apparatus (computers), Electronic pocket translators; Magnetic cards, integrated circuit cards (smart cards), encoded telephone cards; Coin-operated mechanisms; Automatic teller machines; Cash registers, calculating machines; Data processing equipment; Computers; Electronic agendas; Facsimile machines; Monitors (computer hardware and programs); Computer peripheral devices; Computer programs for use in autonomous driving of vehicles; Computer programs for use in the autonomous navigation of vehicles; Computer programs for use in autonomous control of vehicles; Recorded and downloadable computer programs, In particular data files in electronic form; Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; Software; Application software; Pocket calculators; Electronic publications, downloadable; Downloadable image files; Crash test dummies; Microscopes; Cables, electric; Sockets, plugs and other contacts [electric connections]; Igniting apparatus, electric, for igniting at a distance; Radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; Head protection; Locks, electric; electronic controllers and electronic control systems; Security tokens [encryption devices]; Electronic access control systems for interlocking doors; Thermal imaging cameras; Scales with body mass analysers; Covers for tablet computers; Black boxes [data recorders]; Digital weather stations; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Interactive touch screen terminals; Smart rings; Electric and electronic effects units for musical instruments; Audio interfaces; Equalisers [audio apparatus]; Parking sensors for vehicles; Teaching robots; Humanoid robots with artificial intelligence; Personal digital assistants [PDAs]; Rearview cameras for vehicles; Electric wire harnesses for automobiles; Telecommunication apparatus in the form of jewellery; Data gloves; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class; Personal digital assistants [PDAs]; Computer programs and software for organising, registering, locating, managing, providing and renting parking spaces, parking places [in particular on roads] and energy charging points for vehicles; Computer programs and computer software for providing information relating to parking spaces, parking places [in particular on roads] and energy charging points for vehicles; Data mining software. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search; Information for consumers relating to the providing and rental of parking spaces, parking places [in particular on roads] and energy charging points for vehicles; Arranging of rental and leases relating to parking spaces and parking places [in particular on roads], including with energy charging points for vehicles. Telecommunication services; Telecommunication services; Collection and delivery of messages by electronic mail; Electronic message collection and transmission; News agency services; Telecommunication services provided via Internet platforms and portals; Providing access to information on the Internet; Electronic exchange of messages via chat lines, chatrooms and Internet forums; Transmission of electronic mail; Rental of telecommunication equipment; Radio broadcasting; Television broadcasting; Transmission of electronic mail; Information about telecommunication; Providing user access to global computer networks; Providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; Providing user access to computer programmes in data networks; Providing internet chatrooms; Providing video conferencing services; Wireless cellular phone services; Wireless broadcasting; Computer aided transmission of messages and images; Paging services [radio, telephone or other means of electronic communication]; Satellite transmission; Telephone services; Telephone exchange services; Message sending; Rental of telecommunication facilities; Rental of message sending apparatus; Rental of access time to global computer networks; Providing access to databases; Telematics services; Telematic communication services; Telematic data transmission and file transfer; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Transport; Packaging and storage and warehousing of goods; Arranging of transportation for travel tours; Travel and passenger transportation; Towing; Taxi transport; Car transport; Transportation logistics; Rental of vehicles, in particular cars; Passenger transport, in particular by bus; Car sharing services; Arranging of passenger transportation services for others via an online application; Freight brokerage [forwarding (Am.)]; Delivery of goods and parcels; Storage of electricity; Electricity distribution; Traffic information; Controlling of fleet vehicles using navigational and positioning apparatus; Rental and reservation of parking spaces and parking places [in particular on roads] including with energy charging points for vehicles; Provision of car parks and car parking services; Providing of information relating to the rental of mechanical parking systems [in particular on roads]. IT services, namely development, programming and implementation of software, development of computer hardware, hosting, software as a service (SaaS) and rental of software, rental of computer hardware and installations, IT consultancy and information, IT security, protection and repair, data duplication and conversion, data coding, computer analysis and diagnostics; Research and development, and implementation of computers and computer systems; Computer project management; Digital water-marking; Computer network services, Technological services relating to computers, computer networking, On-line computer services, Updating of computer system memory banks, and data migration, Updating of websites, for others, Monitoring of computer systems by remote access; Data encryption services; Consultancy in the field of the internet and data security; Science and technology services; Testing, authentication and quality control; Design services; Industrial analysis and research services; Styling [industrial design]; Research and development for others with regard to new products; Provision of scientific information, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon offsetting; Digitization of documents [scanning]; Technical research; Surveying; Chemical research; Biological research; Weather forecasting; Research physics; Architecture; Fashion design; Authenticating works of art; Cloud seeding; Software design for others; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class; Development of computer programs and software for organising, registering, locating, managing, providing and rental of parking spaces, parking places and energy charging points for vehicles; Providing of platforms on the internet and on electronic devices for organising, registering, locating, managing, providing and renting parking spaces, parking places and energy charging points for vehicles.



Application Number 018297059
Status Registered
Filing Date 2020-08-27
Registration Date 2021-03-20
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 38 - Telecommunications services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Scientific, research, navigation, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, audiovisual, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, detecting, testing, inspecting, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; Apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; Recorded media and downloadable media, Blank digital or analogue recording and storage media; Information technology and audiovisual equipment; Magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers; Apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; Optical devices, enhancers and correctors; Security, safety, protective and signalling apparatus and equipment; Diving equipment; Navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; Measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; Automatic indicators of low pressure in tyres; Mileage recorders for vehicles; Scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators; Contact lenses and eyeglasses, Spectacle cases, Binoculars, optical magnifiers; Sunglasses; Vehicle breakdown warning triangles; Warning lamps for vehicles (not parts of vehicles); Electric batteries and parts therefor, electric accumulators and parts therefor, fuel cells and parts therefor, solar batteries; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Chargers for electrical batteries; Burglar alarm apparatus, Fire alarm apparatus, Smoke alarms, Gas escape warning apparatus; Burglar alarms; Fire extinguishers; Scales; Spirit levels; Compasses for measuring; Rulers [measuring instruments], Acid hydrometers; Quantity indicators; Electronic control apparatus and power/voltage supply apparatus for vehicle headlights and vehicle lights and respective parts therefor, light-emitting diodes (LED), electronic power regulators; Electrical and electronic control apparatus and instruments; Simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; Voltage regulators for vehicles; Speed indicators; Revolution counters; Measuring apparatus and instruments; Life-saving equipment, namely life rafts, rescue ladders, safety nets, safety tarpaulins, lifebelts, lifebuoys, lifejackets; Electrical fuses, Relays, electric; Lasers, not for medical purposes, laser pointers; Remote control apparatus, remote controls; Aerials; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Mobile telephones; Telephone apparatus; Television apparatus; Video telephones; Radios; Directional compasses, navigation apparatus, navigation instruments; Telematic apparatus; Telematic terminal apparatus; Magnetic, optical and computer data carriers, Vinyl records, compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media, Sound recording carriers, Musical juke boxes, Compact discs [read-only memory], Downloadable music files, Earphones, loudspeakers, Cabinets for loudspeakers, Signs, luminous, CD players and DVD players, Video telephones, Phototelegraphy apparatus; Projection apparatus, Cameras [photography]; Films, exposed; Film cameras, Photocopiers, Electronic translation apparatus (computers), Electronic pocket translators; Magnetic cards, integrated circuit cards (smart cards), encoded telephone cards; Coin-operated mechanisms; Automatic teller machines; Cash registers, calculating machines; Data processing equipment; Computers; Electronic agendas; Facsimile machines; Monitors (computer hardware and programs); Computer peripheral devices; Computer programs for use in autonomous driving of vehicles; Computer programs for use in the autonomous navigation of vehicles; Computer programs for use in autonomous control of vehicles; Recorded and downloadable computer programs, In particular data files in electronic form; Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; Software; Application software; Pocket calculators; Electronic publications, downloadable; Downloadable image files; Crash test dummies; Microscopes; Cables, electric; Sockets, plugs and other contacts [electric connections]; Igniting apparatus, electric, for igniting at a distance; Radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; Head protection; Locks, electric; electronic controllers and electronic control systems; Security tokens [encryption devices]; Electronic access control systems for interlocking doors; Thermal imaging cameras; Scales with body mass analysers; Covers for tablet computers; Black boxes [data recorders]; Digital weather stations; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Interactive touch screen terminals; Smart rings; Electric and electronic effects units for musical instruments; Audio interfaces; Equalisers [audio apparatus]; Parking sensors for vehicles; Teaching robots; Humanoid robots with artificial intelligence; Personal digital assistants [PDAs]; Rearview cameras for vehicles; Electric wire harnesses for automobiles; Telecommunication apparatus in the form of jewellery; Data gloves; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class; Personal digital assistants [PDAs]; Computer programs and software for organising, registering, locating, managing, providing and renting parking spaces, parking places [in particular on roads] and energy charging points for vehicles; Computer programs and computer software for providing information relating to parking spaces, parking places [in particular on roads] and energy charging points for vehicles; Data mining software. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search; Information for consumers relating to the providing and rental of parking spaces, parking places [in particular on roads] and energy charging points for vehicles; Arranging of rental and leases relating to parking spaces and parking places [in particular on roads], including with energy charging points for vehicles. Telecommunication services; Telecommunication services; Collection and delivery of messages by electronic mail; Electronic message collection and transmission; News agency services; Telecommunication services provided via Internet platforms and portals; Providing access to information on the Internet; Electronic exchange of messages via chat lines, chatrooms and Internet forums; Transmission of electronic mail; Rental of telecommunication equipment; Radio broadcasting; Television broadcasting; Transmission of electronic mail; Information about telecommunication; Providing user access to global computer networks; Providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; Providing user access to computer programmes in data networks; Providing internet chatrooms; Providing video conferencing services; Wireless cellular phone services; Wireless broadcasting; Computer aided transmission of messages and images; Paging services [radio, telephone or other means of electronic communication]; Satellite transmission; Telephone services; Telephone exchange services; Message sending; Rental of telecommunication facilities; Rental of message sending apparatus; Rental of access time to global computer networks; Providing access to databases; Telematics services; Telematic communication services; Telematic data transmission and file transfer; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class; Radio broadcasting. Transport; Packaging and storage and warehousing of goods; Arranging of transportation for travel tours; Travel and passenger transportation; Towing; Taxi transport; Car transport; Transportation logistics; Rental of vehicles, in particular cars; Passenger transport, in particular by bus; Car sharing services; Arranging of passenger transportation services for others via an online application; Freight brokerage [forwarding (Am.)]; Delivery of goods and parcels; Storage of electricity; Electricity distribution; Traffic information; Controlling of fleet vehicles using navigational and positioning apparatus; Provision of car parks and car parking services; Providing of information relating to the rental of mechanical parking systems [in particular on roads]; Rental and reservation of parking spaces and parking places [in particular on roads] including with energy charging points for vehicles. IT services, namely development, programming and implementation of software, development of computer hardware, hosting, software as a service (SaaS) and rental of software, rental of computer hardware and installations, IT consultancy and information, IT security, protection and repair, data duplication and conversion, data coding, computer analysis and diagnostics; Research and development, and implementation of computers and computer systems; Computer project management; Digital water-marking; Computer network services, Technological services relating to computers, computer networking, On-line computer services, Updating of computer system memory banks, and data migration, Updating of websites, for others, Monitoring of computer systems by remote access; Data encryption services; Consultancy in the field of the internet and data security; Science and technology services; Testing, authentication and quality control; Design services; Industrial analysis and research services; Styling [industrial design]; Research and development for others with regard to new products; Provision of scientific information, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon offsetting; Digitization of documents [scanning]; Technical research; Surveying; Chemical research; Biological research; Weather forecasting; Research physics; Architecture; Fashion design; Authenticating works of art; Cloud seeding; Software design for others; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class; Development and maintenance of computer software for organising, registering, locating, managing; Providing and rental of parking spaces, Vehicle parking and Providing and renting energy charging points for vehicles; Providing of platforms on the internet and on electronic devices for organising, registering, locating, managing, providing and renting parking spaces, parking places and energy charging points for vehicles.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 018297065
Status Registered
Filing Date 2020-08-27
Registration Date 2021-03-23
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 38 - Telecommunications services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Scientific, research, navigation, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, audiovisual, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, detecting, testing, inspecting, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; Apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; Recorded media and downloadable media, Blank digital or analogue recording and storage media; Information technology and audiovisual equipment; Magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers; Apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; Optical devices, enhancers and correctors; Security, safety, protective and signalling apparatus and equipment; Diving equipment; Navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; Measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; Automatic indicators of low pressure in tyres; Mileage recorders for vehicles; Scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators; Contact lenses and eyeglasses, Spectacle cases, Binoculars, optical magnifiers; Sunglasses; Vehicle breakdown warning triangles; Warning lamps for vehicles (not parts of vehicles); Electric batteries and parts therefor, electric accumulators and parts therefor, fuel cells and parts therefor, solar batteries; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Chargers for electrical batteries; Burglar alarm apparatus, Fire alarm apparatus, Smoke alarms, Gas escape warning apparatus; Burglar alarms; Fire extinguishers; Scales; Spirit levels; Compasses for measuring; Rulers [measuring instruments], Acid hydrometers; Quantity indicators; Electronic control apparatus and power/voltage supply apparatus for vehicle headlights and vehicle lights and respective parts therefor, light-emitting diodes (LED), electronic power regulators; Electrical and electronic control apparatus and instruments; Simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; Voltage regulators for vehicles; Speed indicators; Revolution counters; Measuring apparatus and instruments; Life-saving equipment, namely life rafts, rescue ladders, safety nets, safety tarpaulins, lifebelts, lifebuoys, lifejackets; Electrical fuses, Relays, electric; Lasers, not for medical purposes, laser pointers; Remote control apparatus, remote controls; Aerials; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Mobile telephones; Telephone apparatus; Television apparatus; Video telephones; Radios; Directional compasses, navigation apparatus, navigation instruments; Telematic apparatus; Telematic terminal apparatus; Magnetic, optical and computer data carriers, Vinyl records, compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media, Sound recording carriers, Musical juke boxes, Compact discs [read-only memory], Downloadable music files, Earphones, loudspeakers, Cabinets for loudspeakers, Signs, luminous, CD players and DVD players, Video telephones, Phototelegraphy apparatus; Projection apparatus, Cameras [photography]; Films, exposed; Film cameras, Photocopiers, Electronic translation apparatus (computers), Electronic pocket translators; Magnetic cards, integrated circuit cards (smart cards), encoded telephone cards; Coin-operated mechanisms; Automatic teller machines; Cash registers, calculating machines; Data processing equipment; Computers; Electronic agendas; Facsimile machines; Monitors (computer hardware and programs); Computer peripheral devices; Computer programs for use in autonomous driving of vehicles; Computer programs for use in the autonomous navigation of vehicles; Computer programs for use in autonomous control of vehicles; Recorded and downloadable computer programs, In particular data files in electronic form; Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; Software; Application software; Pocket calculators; Electronic publications, downloadable; Downloadable image files; Crash test dummies; Microscopes; Cables, electric; Sockets, plugs and other contacts [electric connections]; Igniting apparatus, electric, for igniting at a distance; Radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; Head protection; Locks, electric; electronic controllers and electronic control systems; Security tokens [encryption devices]; Electronic access control systems for interlocking doors; Thermal imaging cameras; Scales with body mass analysers; Covers for tablet computers; Black boxes [data recorders]; Digital weather stations; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Interactive touch screen terminals; Smart rings; Electric and electronic effects units for musical instruments; Audio interfaces; Equalisers [audio apparatus]; Parking sensors for vehicles; Teaching robots; Humanoid robots with artificial intelligence; Personal digital assistants [PDAs]; Rearview cameras for vehicles; Electric wire harnesses for automobiles; Telecommunication apparatus in the form of jewellery; Data gloves; Computer programs and software for organising, registering, locating, managing, providing and renting parking spaces, parking places [in particular on roads] and energy charging points for vehicles; Computer programs and computer software for providing information relating to parking spaces, parking places [in particular on roads] and energy charging points for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class; Data mining software. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search; Information for consumers relating to the providing and rental of parking spaces, parking places [in particular on roads] and energy charging points for vehicles; Arranging of rental and leases relating to parking spaces and parking places [in particular on roads], including with energy charging points for vehicles. Telecommunication services; Telecommunication services; Collection and delivery of messages by electronic mail; Electronic message collection and transmission; News agency services; Telecommunication services provided via Internet platforms and portals; Providing access to information on the Internet; Electronic exchange of messages via chat lines, chatrooms and Internet forums; Transmission of electronic mail; Rental of telecommunication equipment; Radio broadcasting; Television broadcasting; Transmission of electronic mail; Information about telecommunication; Providing user access to global computer networks; Providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; Providing user access to computer programmes in data networks; Providing internet chatrooms; Providing video conferencing services; Wireless cellular phone services; Wireless broadcasting; Computer aided transmission of messages and images; Paging services [radio, telephone or other means of electronic communication]; Satellite transmission; Telephone services; Telephone exchange services; Message sending; Rental of telecommunication facilities; Rental of message sending apparatus; Rental of access time to global computer networks; Providing access to databases; Telematics services; Telematic communication services; Telematic data transmission and file transfer; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Transport; Packaging and storage and warehousing of goods; Arranging of transportation for travel tours; Travel and passenger transportation; Towing; Taxi transport; Car transport; Transportation logistics; Rental of vehicles, in particular cars; Passenger transport, in particular by bus; Car sharing services; Arranging of passenger transportation services for others via an online application; Freight brokerage [forwarding (Am.)]; Delivery of goods and parcels; Storage of electricity; Electricity distribution; Traffic information; Controlling of fleet vehicles using navigational and positioning apparatus; Rental and reservation of parking spaces and parking places [in particular on roads] including with energy charging points for vehicles; Provision of car parks and car parking services; Providing of information relating to the rental of mechanical parking systems [in particular on roads]. IT services, namely development, programming and implementation of software, development of computer hardware, hosting, software as a service (SaaS) and rental of software, rental of computer hardware and installations, IT consultancy and information, IT security, protection and repair, data duplication and conversion, data coding, computer analysis and diagnostics; Research and development, and implementation of computers and computer systems; Computer project management; Digital water-marking; Computer network services, Technological services relating to computers, computer networking, On-line computer services, Updating of computer system memory banks, and data migration, Updating of websites, for others, Monitoring of computer systems by remote access; Data encryption services; Consultancy in the field of the internet and data security; Science and technology services; Testing, authentication and quality control; Design services; Industrial analysis and research services; Styling [industrial design]; Research and development for others with regard to new products; Provision of scientific information, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon offsetting; Digitization of documents [scanning]; Technical research; Surveying; Chemical research; Biological research; Weather forecasting; Research physics; Architecture; Fashion design; Authenticating works of art; Cloud seeding; Software design for others; Development and maintenance of computer software for organising, registering, locating, managing, providing and renting parking spaces, parking places and energy charging points for vehicles; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class; Providing of platforms on the internet and on electronic devices for organising, registering, locating, managing, providing and renting parking spaces, parking places and energy charging points for vehicles.



Application Number 018284842
Status Pending
Filing Date 2020-08-06
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Vehicle shock absorbers; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electric bicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles. Paper cardboard; Printed matter; Works of art and figurines of paper and cardboard, and architects' models; Decoration and art materials and media; Filtering materials of paper; Bags and articles for packaging, wrapping and storage of paper, cardboard or plastics; Bookbinding material; Photographs [printed]; Stationery; Gums [adhesives] for stationery or household purposes; Artists' materials; Brushes for the application of paints; Typewriters, writing implements and office requisites, except furniture; Instructional and teaching material (expect apparatus); Plastic materials for packaging , printers' type; Printing blocks; Atlases; Calendars; Geographical maps; Printed publications; Printed advertising matter and printed publicity; Document holders [stationery]; Pencils (stationery); Ball point pens and pencils; Banners and flags of paper; Table napkins of paper; Copying paper [stationery]; Hygienic papers; Packing paper; Ink; Stamps [seals]; Drawing instruments; Drawing materials; Modelling materials; Banners of paper; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class; all of the aforementioned goods solely in connection with environment, in particular reduction of emissions. Headgear; Clothing; Footwear; Polo shirts/blouses, Combinations [clothing], Tee-shirts, Coats, Jackets [clothing], Bandanas [neckerchiefs], Pants, Trousers, Layettes [clothing], Bathing suits, Raincoats, Theatrical costumes, Shoes, Football shoes, Hats, caps, Stockings, Gloves [clothing], Shawls and stoles, Neckties, Belts [clothing], Shower caps; Foundation garments; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class; All the aforesaid goods solely in connection with merchandising and sales promotion and being used for work and trade fair clothing. Retailing and wholesaling in relation to motor vehicles, parts and fittings for motor vehicles, motors and drives for land vehicles, undercarriages for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order in relation to motor vehicles, parts and fittings for motor vehicles, motors and drives for land vehicles, undercarriages, vehicle superstructures; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, parts and fittings for motor vehicles, motors and drives for land vehicles, undercarriages for vehicles, vehicle superstructures (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods in a retail sales outlet; Negotiation of contracts, for others, for the purchase and sale of motor vehicles, parts and fittings for motor vehicles, motors and drives for motor vehicles, undercarriages for vehicles or vehicle superstructures; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search; Advertising services to promote public awareness of environmental issues and initiatives; Advertising services to promote public awareness of environmental matters; all of the aforementioned services solely in connection with environment, in particular reduction of emissions. Transport; Packaging and storage and warehousing of goods; Arranging of transportation for travel tours; Travel and passenger transportation; Towing; Taxi transport; Car transport; Transportation logistics; Rental of vehicles, in particular cars; Passenger transport, in particular by bus; Car sharing services; Arranging of passenger transportation services for others via an online application; Freight brokerage [forwarding (Am.)]; Delivery of goods and parcels; Storage of electricity; Electricity distribution; Traffic information; Controlling of fleet vehicles using navigational and positioning apparatus. Publishing and reporting; Education, entertainment and sports; Translation and interpretation; Training; Sporting and cultural activities; Arranging and conducting of cultural and/or sports events; Talent promotion through training and further training; Presentation of live performances; Playing games on computer networks and on the Internet; Academies [education]; Education information; Organization of competitions [education or entertainment]; Organisation, arranging and conducting of colloquiums, conferences, congresses, symposiums, seminars and workshops [training]; Organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; Coaching [training]; Vocational retraining; Organization of sports competitions; Lending library services; Publication of books; Online publication of electronic books and journals; Club services [entertainment or education]; Animal training; Organization of lotteries; Adult education relating to environmental issues; Education services relating to conservation; Education services relating to conservation; Education and training relating to nature conservation and the environment; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class; all of the aforementioned services solely in connection with environment, in particular reduction of emissions. Science and technology services; Testing, authentication and quality control; Design services; Industrial analysis and research services; Styling [industrial design]; Research and development for others with regard to new products; Provision of scientific information, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon offsetting; Technical research; Surveying; Chemical research; Biological research; Weather forecasting; Research physics; Architecture; Fashion design; Authenticating works of art; Cloud seeding; Environmental monitoring services; Provision of information, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon offsetting; Advisory services relating to pollution control; Research in the field of environmental protection; Environmental consultancy services; Environmental assessment services; Consultancy services relating to environmental planning; Environmental testing of exhaust emissions; Environmental testing with regard to noise pollution; Environmental testing; Environmental surveys; Environmental testing and inspection services; Environmental hazard assessment; Creation of information relating to environmental protection; Environmental monitoring of waste storage areas; Airborne remote monitoring relating to environmental explorations; Measuring the environment within buildings; Research in the field of environmental conservation; Environmental testing relating to vibrations; Airborne remote sensing relating to environmental explorations; Consultation in environment protection; Research in the field of environmental protection; Technical consulting in the field of environmental engineering; Consultation in environment protection; Research in the field of environmental protection; Advisory services relating to environmental pollution; Engineering services in the field of environmental technology; Compilation of information relating to environmental conditions; Advisory services relating to the safety of the environment; Collection of information relating to the environment; Consultancy services relating to research in the field of environmental protection; Providing technological information about environmentally-conscious and green innovations; Environmental testing services to detect contaminants in water; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class; all of the aforementioned services solely in connection with environment, in particular reduction of emissions.



Application Number 018284846
Status Pending
Filing Date 2020-08-06
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Vehicle shock absorbers; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electric bicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles. Paper cardboard; Printed matter; Works of art and figurines of paper and cardboard, and architects' models; Decoration and art materials and media; Filtering materials of paper; Bags and articles for packaging, wrapping and storage of paper, cardboard or plastics; Bookbinding material; Photographs [printed]; Stationery; Gums [adhesives] for stationery or household purposes; Artists' materials; Brushes for the application of paints; Typewriters, writing implements and office requisites, except furniture; Instructional and teaching material (expect apparatus); Plastic materials for packaging , printers' type; Printing blocks; Atlases; Calendars; Geographical maps; Printed publications; Printed advertising matter and printed publicity; Document holders [stationery]; Pencils (stationery); Ball point pens and pencils; Banners and flags of paper; Table napkins of paper; Copying paper [stationery]; Hygienic papers; Packing paper; Ink; Stamps [seals]; Drawing instruments; Drawing materials; Modelling materials; Banners of paper; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class; all of the aforementioned goods solely in connection with environment, in particular reduction of emissions. Headgear; Clothing; Footwear; Shirts, polo shirts, Combinations [clothing], Tee-shirts, Coats, Jackets [clothing], Bandanas [neckerchiefs], Pants, Trousers, Layettes [clothing], Bathing suits, Raincoats, Theatrical costumes, Shoes, Soccer shoes, Hats, caps, Stockings, Gloves [clothing], Shawls and stoles, Neckties, Belts [clothing], Shower caps; Foundation garments; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class; All the aforesaid goods solely in connection with merchandising and sales promotion and being used for work and trade fair clothing. Retailing and wholesaling in relation to motor vehicles, parts and fittings for motor vehicles, motors and drives for land vehicles, undercarriages for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order in relation to motor vehicles, parts and fittings for motor vehicles, motors and drives for land vehicles, undercarriages, vehicle superstructures; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, parts and fittings for motor vehicles, motors and drives for land vehicles, undercarriages for vehicles, vehicle superstructures (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods in a retail sales outlet; Negotiation of contracts, for others, for the purchase and sale of motor vehicles, parts and fittings for motor vehicles, motors and drives for motor vehicles, undercarriages for vehicles or vehicle superstructures; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search; Advertising services to promote public awareness of environmental issues and initiatives; Advertising services to promote public awareness of environmental matters; all of the aforementioned services solely in connection with environment, in particular reduction of emissions. Transport; Packaging and storage and warehousing of goods; Arranging of transportation for travel tours; Travel and passenger transportation; Towing; Taxi transport; Car transport; Transportation logistics; Rental of vehicles, in particular cars; Passenger transport, in particular by bus; Car sharing services; Arranging of passenger transportation services for others via an online application; Freight brokerage [forwarding (Am.)]; Delivery of goods and parcels; Storage of electricity; Electricity distribution; Traffic information; Controlling of fleet vehicles using navigational and positioning apparatus. Publishing and reporting; Education, entertainment and sports; Translation and interpretation; Training; Sporting and cultural activities; Arranging and conducting of cultural and/or sports events; Talent promotion through training and further training; Presentation of live performances; Playing games on computer networks and on the Internet; Academies [education]; Education information; Organization of competitions [education or entertainment]; Organisation, arranging and conducting of colloquiums, conferences, congresses, symposiums, seminars and workshops [training]; Organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; Coaching [training]; Vocational retraining; Organization of sports competitions; Lending library services; Publication of books; Online publication of electronic books and journals; Club services [entertainment or education]; Animal training; Organization of lotteries; Adult education relating to environmental issues; Education services relating to conservation; Education services relating to conservation; Education and training relating to nature conservation and the environment; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class; all of the aforementioned services solely in connection with environment, in particular reduction of emissions. Science and technology services; Testing, authentication and quality control; Design services; Industrial analysis and research services; Styling [industrial design]; Research and development for others with regard to new products; Provision of scientific information, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon offsetting; Technical research; Surveying; Chemical research; Biological research; Weather forecasting; Research physics; Architecture; Fashion design; Authenticating works of art; Cloud seeding; Environmental monitoring services; Provision of information, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon offsetting; Advisory services relating to pollution control; Research in the field of environmental protection; Environmental consultancy services; Environmental assessment services; Consultancy services relating to environmental planning; Environmental testing of exhaust emissions; Environmental testing with regard to noise pollution; Environmental testing; Environmental surveys; Environmental testing and inspection services; Environmental hazard assessment; Creation of information relating to environmental protection; Environmental monitoring of waste storage areas; Airborne remote monitoring relating to environmental explorations; Measuring the environment within buildings; Research in the field of environmental conservation; Environmental testing relating to vibrations; Airborne remote sensing relating to environmental explorations; Consultation in environment protection; Research in the field of environmental protection; Technical consulting in the field of environmental engineering; Consultation in environment protection; Research in the field of environmental protection; Advisory services relating to environmental pollution; Engineering services in the field of environmental technology; Compilation of information relating to environmental conditions; Advisory services relating to the safety of the environment; Collection of information relating to the environment; Consultancy services relating to research in the field of environmental protection; Providing technological information about environmentally-conscious and green innovations; Environmental testing services to detect contaminants in water; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class; all of the aforementioned services solely in connection with environment, in particular reduction of emissions.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 018284847
Status Registered
Filing Date 2020-08-06
Registration Date 2021-02-25
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Vehicle shock absorbers; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, Adhesive rubber patches for repairing tyre inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electric bicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Paper cardboard; Printed matter; Works of art and figurines of paper and cardboard, and architects' models; Decoration and art materials and media; Filtering materials of paper; Bags and articles for packaging, wrapping and storage of paper, cardboard or plastics; Bookbinding material; Photographs [printed]; Stationery; Gums [adhesives] for stationery or household purposes; Artists' materials; Brushes for the application of paints; Typewriters, writing implements and office requisites, except furniture; Instructional and teaching material (expect apparatus); Plastic materials for packaging , printers' type; Printing blocks; Atlases; Calendars; Geographical maps; Printed publications; Printed advertising matter and printed publicity; Document holders [stationery]; Pencils (stationery); Ball point pens and pencils; Banners and flags of paper; Table napkins of paper; Copying paper [stationery]; Hygienic papers; Packing paper; Ink; Stamps [seals]; Drawing instruments; Drawing materials; Modelling materials; Banners of paper; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Headgear; Clothing; Footwear; Shirts, polo shirts, Combinations [clothing], Tee-shirts, Coats, Jackets [clothing], Bandanas [neckerchiefs], Pants, Trousers, Layettes [clothing], Bathing suits, Raincoats, Theatrical costumes, Shoes, Soccer shoes, Hats, caps, Stockings, Gloves [clothing], Shawls and stoles, Neckties, Belts [clothing], Shower caps; Foundation garments; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search; Advertising services to promote public awareness of environmental issues and initiatives; Advertising services to promote public awareness of environmental matters. Transport; Packaging and storage and warehousing of goods; Arranging of transportation for travel tours; Travel and passenger transportation; Towing; Taxi transport; Car transport; Transportation logistics; Rental of vehicles, in particular cars; Passenger transport, in particular by bus; Car sharing services; Arranging of passenger transportation services for others via an online application; Freight brokerage [forwarding (Am.)]; Delivery of goods and parcels; Storage of electricity; Electricity distribution; Traffic information; Controlling of fleet vehicles using navigational and positioning apparatus. Publishing and reporting; Education, entertainment and sports; Translation and interpretation; Training; Sporting and cultural activities; Arranging and conducting of cultural and/or sports events; Talent promotion through training and further training; Presentation of live performances; Playing games on computer networks and on the Internet; Academies [education]; Education information; Organization of competitions [education or entertainment]; Organisation, arranging and conducting of colloquiums, conferences, congresses, symposiums, seminars and workshops [training]; Organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; Coaching [training]; Vocational retraining; Organization of sports competitions; Lending library services; Publication of books; Online publication of electronic books and journals; Club services [entertainment or education]; Animal training; Organization of lotteries; Adult education relating to environmental issues; Education services relating to conservation; Education services relating to conservation; Education and training relating to nature conservation and the environment; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. IT services, namely development, programming and implementation of software, development of computer hardware, hosting, software as a service (SaaS) and rental of software, rental of computer hardware and installations, IT consultancy and information, IT security, protection and repair, data duplication and conversion, data coding, computer analysis and diagnostics; Research and development, and implementation of computers and computer systems; Computer project management; Digital water-marking; Computer network services, Technological services relating to computers, computer networking, On-line computer services, Updating of computer system memory banks, and data migration, Updating of websites, for others, Monitoring of computer systems by remote access; Data encryption services; Consultancy in the field of the internet and data security; Science and technology services; Testing, authentication and quality control; Design services; Industrial analysis and research services; Styling [industrial design]; Research and development for others with regard to new products; Provision of scientific information, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon offsetting; Digitization of documents [scanning]; Technical research; Surveying; Chemical research; Biological research; Weather forecasting; Research physics; Architecture; Fashion design; Authenticating works of art; Cloud seeding; Software design for others; Environmental monitoring services; Provision of information, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon offsetting; Advisory services relating to pollution control; Research in the field of environmental protection; Environmental consultancy services; Environmental assessment services; Consultancy services relating to environmental planning; Environmental testing of exhaust emissions; Environmental testing with regard to noise pollution; Environmental testing; Environmental surveys; Environmental testing and inspection services; Environmental hazard assessment; Creation of information relating to environmental protection; Environmental monitoring of waste storage areas; Airborne remote monitoring relating to environmental explorations; Measuring the environment within buildings; Research in the field of environmental conservation; Environmental testing relating to vibrations; Airborne remote sensing relating to environmental explorations; Consultation in environment protection; Research in the field of environmental protection; Technical consulting in the field of environmental engineering; Consultation in environment protection; Research in the field of environmental protection; Advisory services relating to environmental pollution; Engineering services in the field of environmental technology; Compilation of information relating to environmental conditions; Advisory services relating to the safety of the environment; Collection of information relating to the environment; Consultancy services relating to research in the field of environmental protection; Providing technological information about environmentally-conscious and green innovations; Environmental testing services to detect contaminants in water; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018276771
Status Registered
Filing Date 2020-07-23
Registration Date 2020-12-08
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Vehicle shock absorbers; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, Adhesive rubber patches for repairing tyre inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electric bicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search. Building, construction and demolition; Cleaning services; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Mining extraction; Gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018273653
Status Registered
Filing Date 2020-07-16
Registration Date 2020-12-08
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Vehicle shock absorbers; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, Adhesive rubber patches for repairing tyre inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electric bicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search. Building, construction and demolition; Cleaning services; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Mining extraction; Gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018273917
Status Registered
Filing Date 2020-07-16
Registration Date 2020-12-08
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Vehicle shock absorbers; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, Adhesive rubber patches for repairing tyre inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electric bicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search. Building, construction and demolition; Cleaning services; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Mining extraction; Gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.



Application Number 018273911
Status Registered
Filing Date 2020-07-16
Registration Date 2020-12-08
Owner Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Vehicles and conveyances; Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, and parts therefor; Motorized land vehicles; Driverless cars [autonomous cars]; Motors and drives for land vehicles; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Chassis for vehicles; Vehicle superstructures for vehicles; Couplings for land vehicles; Vehicle shock absorbers; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Tyres for vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Solid rubber tyres for vehicle wheels; Vehicle wheels; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Lug nuts for vehicle wheels; Inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; Casings for pneumatic tyres; Tyre mousse inserts; Repair outfits for inner tubes, Adhesive rubber patches for repairing tyre inner tubes; Spikes for tyres; Snow chains; Non-skid devices for vehicle tyres; Vehicle seats; Rearview mirrors; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; Cigar lighters for automobiles; Automotive vehicles; Cars; Robotic cars; Motor racing cars; Lorries; Trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles; Trailer hitches for vehicles; Omnibuses; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electric bicycles; Camera drones; Helicams; Cable transport apparatus and installations; Carts, shopping trolleys, baggage trolleys; Aircraft; Boats, ships; Locomotives; Motor buses; Caravans; Tractors; Two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing boards; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing one-wheeled electric scooters; Chair lifts, cable cars; Wheelchairs; Clips adapted for fastening automobile parts to automobile bodies; Cup holders for vehicles; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Retailing and wholesaling relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for land vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling for mail order relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling via the internet relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Retailing and wholesaling by means of teleshopping channels relating to motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles, vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and fittings, motors and engines and drives for land vehicles, chassis for vehicles or vehicle superstructures and tyres for vehicle wheels; Transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Arranging of contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods; Business management and organization consultancy; Commercial or industrial management assistance; Advertising; Marketing; Business management; Business administration; Clerical services; Personnel management consultancy; Radio advertising; Organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; News clipping services; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Public relations services; Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; Auctioneering services; Sales promotion for others; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Personnel recruitment; Relocation services for businesses; Book-keeping; Sponsorship search. Building, construction and demolition; Cleaning services; Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance; Mining extraction; Gas and oil extraction; Extermination, disinfection and pest control; Conversion, repair, servicing, stripping, maintenance, care, cleaning and painting of vehicles, motors, wheels for vehicles and parts therefor; Vehicle fueling services; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Custom conversion of motor vehicle bodies, chassis, motors and engines (tuning), included in class 37; Vehicle painting; Vehicle polishing; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle cleaning; Retreading of tyres; Maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and burners; Repair information; Construction information; Installation of doors and windows; Quarrying services; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; Airplane maintenance and repair; Shipbuilding; Photographic apparatus repair; Clock and watch repair; Repair of security locks; Rustproofing; Furniture maintenance; Leather care, cleaning and repair; Disinfecting; Burglar alarm installation and repair; Consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class.
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