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1-100 of 131 for SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG Sort by
Europe - EUIPO
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Aggregations Reset Report
New (last 4 weeks) 2
2024 April (MTD) 2
2024 January 1
2024 (YTD) 3
2023 4
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NICE Class
09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments 105
07 - Machines and machine tools 98
37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services 62
42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design 44
12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles 13
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Pending 3
Registered / In Force 128
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Application Number 019010295
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-04-08
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Elektromotoren; Asynchronmotoren; Synchronmotoren; Linearmotoren; Reluktanzmotoren; Polradscheibenmotor; Wirbelstrommotor; Ultraschallmotor; Elektrohubzylinder; Motoren mit integriertem Umrichter; Kompaktantriebe; Steuergeräte für Maschinen und Motoren; Getriebemotoren; Getriebe; Drehmomentwandler; Reduktionsgetriebe [Maschinenteile]; Servogetriebe; Winkelgetriebe; Verstellgetriebe; Industriegetriebe; Antriebe für Elektrohängebahnen; Antriebe für Elektrobahnen; Zahnräder; Elektrogeneratoren; Windgeneratoren, insbesondere für Stromtankstellen; mechanische Energiespeicher, nämlich Schwungmassenspeicher; Aktoren; Linearaktoren; Regler [Maschinenteile]; Gehäuse für Motoren und Getriebe; Adapter [Maschinenteile]; Statoren [Maschinenteile]; Motorschwingen [Maschinenteile]; Ventilatoren für Maschinen; Kühler für Motoren; Lager [Maschinenteile]; Dichtungen [Maschinenteile]; Dichtungsringe [Maschinenteile]; Kupplungen für Maschinen; Bremsen; Magnetbremsen; Wirbelstrombremsen; Bremsmagnete; Antriebswellen; Teile aller vorgenannten Waren, soweit in Klasse 7 enthalten [alle vorgenannten Waren nicht für Landfahrzeuge]. Apparate und Instrumente zum Leiten, Schalten, Umwandeln, Speichern, Regeln und/oder Steuern von Elektrizität; Umrichter; Wechselrichter; Antriebsumrichter; Stromwandler; Spannungswandler; Frequenzwandler; Wellenleiter; Hohlleiter; Schlitzhohlleiter; elektrische Spulen; Stromspulen zur induktiven Stromversorgung; Energierückspeisegeräte; elektronische Steuerungen; speicherprogrammierbare Steuerungen; Elektrokabel; Elektrostecker; Elektrodrähte; Verteiler für elektrische Energie und/oder Information; elektrische Anlagen für die Fernsteuerung industrieller Arbeitsvorgänge; elektrische Anschlussteile; elektronische Anzeigetafeln; LCD-Displays; LED-Displays; Bedienterminals zur Steuerung von Maschinen; Fernsteuerungsgeräte; elektronische und elektrotechnische Messgeräte; Drehzahlmesser; Geber, nämlich Messumformer; Inkrementalgeber; integrierte Schaltkreise; Halbleiter; elektrische und elektronische Kontrollapparate; Schallsensoren; Ölsensoren; Temperatursensoren; Körperschallsensoren; elektronische Publikationen [herunterladbar]; Positioniersteuerungen; Software zur Steuerung von Maschinen; Software zur Steuerung industrieller Abläufe; Software zur Überwachung industrieller Abläufe; Software zur Projektierung von Antrieben; Software zur Projektierung industrieller Anlagen; Software für Datenkommunikation; Softwareprotokolle für Datenkommunikation; Datenbus-Protokolle [Software]; sicherheitsgerichtete Datenbus-Protokolle [Software]; Parameterboxen [maschinenlesbare Datensammlungen]; Optokoppler; elektro-optische Konverter; Datenbus-Umsetzer; Datenbus-Kabel; Datenbus-Stecker; Feldbus-Umsetzer; Feldbus-Kabel; Feldbus-Stecker; elektronische Typenschilder für Antriebe; PCs; Laptops; Industrie-PCs; Funkvorrichtungen; Netzwerkgeräte; Netzwerkgeräte für drahtlose Netzwerke; Transformatoren; Geräte zur induktiven kontaktlosen Versorgung und/oder Beladung von elektrischen Antrieben; Geräte zum Speichern von Energie und Aufladen von Elektrofahrzeugen mit elektrischer Energie, nämlich Linienleiter, Abnehmerspulen, Stromwandler, Antennen, Receiver, Transceiver, Ladematten; elektrische Ladegeräte zur Beladung von elektrischen Antrieben, zum Speichern von Energie und zum Aufladen von Elektrofahrzeugen; Energiespeicheraggregate; Batterien; Akkumulatoren; Kondensatoren; Kondensatormodule, bestehend aus Kondensator, Gehäuse und Platine; Ladekabel; Ladestecker; Ladestationen aus dem öffentlichen Stromnetz; Ladestationen aus regenerativen Energiequellen gespeiste Stromtankstellen für Elektrofahrzeuge sowie Teile und Zubehör hierfür; Solarzellen, insbesondere für Stromtankstellen; Navigationsgeräte für Fahrzeuge; Navigationsinstrumente und Zubehör; Navigationsinstrumente für den industriellen Einsatz; Zubehör für elektronische Einparkhilfen; Stromschienen; Schallkameras; Teile aller vorgenannten Waren, soweit in Klasse 9 enthalten. Installation, Montage, Wartung, Reparatur und Instandhaltung von elektronischen, elektrischen, mechanischen Antrieben und Antriebskomponenten; Wartung und Austausch von Bremsen; Erstellen von Maschinen-Diagnosen im Rahmen der Wartung, Reparatur, Installation; Durchführen von Schall- und Körperschall-Analysen von Antrieben im Rahmen der der Installation, Montage, Wartung und Reparatur; Montagearbeiten von elektronischen, elektrischen, mechanischen Antrieben und Antriebskomponenten; Inbetriebnahme von Maschinen im Rahmen der Installation; Installationsarbeiten von elektronischen, elektrischen, mechanischen Antrieben und Antriebskomponenten; Schmierstoffkontrolle; Schmierstoffwechsel; Instandhaltung von elektronischen, elektrischen, mechanischen Antrieben und Antriebskomponenten; Projektleitung für Anlagen- und Maschinenbau [Bauaufsicht]; Fahrzeugnachrüstung mit elektrischen Antrieben und Ladeelektronik. Dienstleistungen von Ingenieuren; Konstruktionsplanung; Entwicklungsdienste bezüglich neuer Produkte für Dritte; technische Beratung auf dem Gebiet des Maschinenbaus; technische Beratungsdienstleistungen auf dem Gebiet der industriellen Antriebstechnik; Planung und technische Projektierung von industriellen Anlagen; sicherheitstechnische Projektierung von industriellen Anlagen; Entwicklung von Programmen zur Simulation von industriellen Maschinen und Anlagen; technische Beratung bei der Auswahl und Auslegung von Antriebskomponenten; technische Applikationsprojektierung; technische Inbetriebnahmeunterstützung als Dienstleistung von Ingenieuren; technische Anlagenbetreuung als Dienstleistung von Ingenieuren; technische Montageüberwachung als Dienstleistung von Ingenieuren.



Application Number 019010355
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-04-08
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Elektromotoren; Asynchronmotoren; Synchronmotoren; Linearmotoren; Reluktanzmotoren; Polradscheibenmotor; Wirbelstrommotor; Ultraschallmotor; Elektrohubzylinder; Motoren mit integriertem Umrichter; Kompaktantriebe; Steuergeräte für Maschinen und Motoren; Getriebemotoren; Getriebe; Drehmomentwandler; Reduktionsgetriebe [Maschinenteile]; Servogetriebe; Winkelgetriebe; Verstellgetriebe; Industriegetriebe; Antriebe für Elektrohängebahnen; Antriebe für Elektrobahnen; Zahnräder; Elektrogeneratoren; Windgeneratoren, insbesondere für Stromtankstellen; mechanische Energiespeicher, nämlich Schwungmassenspeicher; Aktoren; Linearaktoren; Regler [Maschinenteile]; Gehäuse für Motoren und Getriebe; Adapter [Maschinenteile]; Statoren [Maschinenteile]; Motorschwingen [Maschinenteile]; Ventilatoren für Maschinen; Kühler für Motoren; Lager [Maschinenteile]; Dichtungen [Maschinenteile]; Dichtungsringe [Maschinenteile]; Kupplungen für Maschinen; Bremsen; Magnetbremsen; Wirbelstrombremsen; Bremsmagnete; Antriebswellen; Teile aller vorgenannten Waren, soweit in Klasse 7 enthalten [alle vorgenannten Waren nicht für Landfahrzeuge]. Apparate und Instrumente zum Leiten, Schalten, Umwandeln, Speichern, Regeln und/oder Steuern von Elektrizität; Umrichter; Wechselrichter; Antriebsumrichter; Stromwandler; Spannungswandler; Frequenzwandler; Wellenleiter; Hohlleiter; Schlitzhohlleiter; elektrische Spulen; Stromspulen zur induktiven Stromversorgung; Energierückspeisegeräte; elektronische Steuerungen; speicherprogrammierbare Steuerungen; Elektrokabel; Elektrostecker; Elektrodrähte; Verteiler für elektrische Energie und/oder Information; elektrische Anlagen für die Fernsteuerung industrieller Arbeitsvorgänge; elektrische Anschlussteile; elektronische Anzeigetafeln; LCD-Displays; LED-Displays; Bedienterminals zur Steuerung von Maschinen; Fernsteuerungsgeräte; elektronische und elektrotechnische Messgeräte; Drehzahlmesser; Geber, nämlich Messumformer; Inkrementalgeber; integrierte Schaltkreise; Halbleiter; elektrische und elektronische Kontrollapparate; Schallsensoren; Ölsensoren; Temperatursensoren; Körperschallsensoren; elektronische Publikationen [herunterladbar]; Positioniersteuerungen; Software zur Steuerung von Maschinen; Software zur Steuerung industrieller Abläufe; Software zur Überwachung industrieller Abläufe; Software zur Projektierung von Antrieben; Software zur Projektierung industrieller Anlagen; Software für Datenkommunikation; Softwareprotokolle für Datenkommunikation; Datenbus-Protokolle [Software]; sicherheitsgerichtete Datenbus-Protokolle [Software]; Parameterboxen [maschinenlesbare Datensammlungen]; Optokoppler; elektro-optische Konverter; Datenbus-Umsetzer; Datenbus-Kabel; Datenbus-Stecker; Feldbus-Umsetzer; Feldbus-Kabel; Feldbus-Stecker; elektronische Typenschilder für Antriebe; PCs; Laptops; Industrie-PCs; Funkvorrichtungen; Netzwerkgeräte; Netzwerkgeräte für drahtlose Netzwerke; Transformatoren; Geräte zur induktiven kontaktlosen Versorgung und/oder Beladung von elektrischen Antrieben; Geräte zum Speichern von Energie und Aufladen von Elektrofahrzeugen mit elektrischer Energie, nämlich Linienleiter, Abnehmerspulen, Stromwandler, Antennen, Receiver, Transceiver, Ladematten; elektrische Ladegeräte zur Beladung von elektrischen Antrieben, zum Speichern von Energie und zum Aufladen von Elektrofahrzeugen; Energiespeicheraggregate; Batterien; Akkumulatoren; Kondensatoren; Kondensatormodule, bestehend aus Kondensator, Gehäuse und Platine; Ladekabel; Ladestecker; Ladestationen aus dem öffentlichen Stromnetz; Ladestationen aus regenerativen Energiequellen gespeiste Stromtankstellen für Elektrofahrzeuge sowie Teile und Zubehör hierfür; Solarzellen, insbesondere für Stromtankstellen; Navigationsgeräte für Fahrzeuge; Navigationsinstrumente und Zubehör; Navigationsinstrumente für den industriellen Einsatz; Zubehör für elektronische Einparkhilfen; Stromschienen; Schallkameras; Teile aller vorgenannten Waren, soweit in Klasse 9 enthalten. Installation, Montage, Wartung, Reparatur und Instandhaltung von elektronischen, elektrischen, mechanischen Antrieben und Antriebskomponenten; Wartung und Austausch von Bremsen; Erstellen von Maschinen-Diagnosen im Rahmen der Wartung, Reparatur, Installation und Montage; Durchführen von Schall-und Körperschall-Analysen von Antrieben im Rahmen der Installation, Montage, Wartung und Reparatur; Montagearbeiten von elektronischen, elektrischen, mechanischen Antrieben und Antriebskomponenten im Rahmen der Installation, Montage, Wartung und Reparatur; Inbetriebnahme von Maschinen im Rahmen der Installation; Installationsarbeiten von elektronischen, elektrischen, mechanischen Antrieben und Antriebskomponenten; Schmierstoffkontrolle; Schmierstoffwechsel; Instandhaltung von elektronischen, elektrischen, mechanischen Antrieben und Antriebskomponenten im Rahmen der Installation, Montage, Wartung und Reparatur; Projektleitung für Anlagen- und Maschinenbau [Bauaufsicht]; Fahrzeugnachrüstung mit elektrischen Antrieben und Ladeelektronik. Dienstleistungen von Ingenieuren; Konstruktionsplanung; Entwicklungsdienste bezüglich neuer Produkte für Dritte; technische Beratung auf dem Gebiet des Maschinenbaus; technische Beratungsdienstleistungen auf dem Gebiet der industriellen Antriebstechnik; Planung und technische Projektierung von industriellen Anlagen; sicherheitstechnische Projektierung von industriellen Anlagen; Entwicklung von Programmen zur Simulation von industriellen Maschinen und Anlagen; technische Beratung bei der Auswahl und Auslegung von Antriebskomponenten; technische Applikationsprojektierung; technische Inbetriebnahmeunterstützung als Dienstleistung von Ingenieuren; technische Anlagenbetreuung als Dienstleistung von Ingenieuren; technische Montageüberwachung als Dienstleistung von Ingenieuren.



Application Number 018979382
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-01-29
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Electric vehicles; Driverless cars; Driverless transporter vehicles; Intralogistics vehicles; Parts of all above goods (included in class 12).



Application Number 018911845
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-08-09
Registration Date 2024-02-21
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Frequency transformers; Electronic controls for motors and engines; Electronic motor regulators; Software for regulating electric motors; Electrical controls; Programmable controllers; Electronic controllers; Electric control apparatus; Electronic control systems; Controllers for servo motors; Electronic controllers for servo motors; Industrial process control software.



Application Number 018826219
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-01-24
Registration Date 2023-08-10
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Converters, electric; Inverter units; Inverters [electricity]; Power frequency converters; Voltage converters; Frequency transformers; Waveguides; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Coils, electric; Current coils for inductive power supply; Feedback apparatus for electrical energy; Electronic controllers; Programmable logic controllers; Cables, electric; Electric plugs; Wires, electric; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Connection units (Electric -); Electronic notice boards; LCD displays; LED display panels; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Signal transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semi-conductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications, downloadable; Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Industrial process control software; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; Personal computers; Laptop computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Transformers [electricity]; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Apparatus for accumulating electricity; Batteries; Storage batteries; Condensers [capacitors]; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; Solar cells, in particular for charging stations; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Navigational instruments and accessories; Navigational instruments, for use in the following fields: Industry; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Humanoid robots with artificial intelligence; Security surveillance robots; Computer programs for 3D printers; Recorded data files, Digital files; Recorded and digital files for additively manufactured machines; Recorded and digital files for 3D printing machines, recorded and digital files for 3D printers; Recorded and digital files for the specification, geometry and description of additively manufactured parts; Recorded or downloadable data files; Recorded or downloadable manufacturing files; Downloadable software applications for use with three dimensional printers; Downloadable computer software for designing and modelling of three dimensional printable products; Application software for robot; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9.



Application Number 018825106
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-01-23
Registration Date 2023-08-02
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 01 - Chemical and biological materials for industrial, scientific and agricultural use
  • 04 - Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; fuels

Goods & Services

Chemicals used in industry; Transmission oil. Industrial oil; Lubricating grease; Lubricants; Lubricating oil; Lubricants being gear oils; Lubricants being gear oils.



Application Number 018825109
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-01-23
Registration Date 2023-08-02
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 07 - Machines and machine tools

Goods & Services

Gears; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Spur gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; epicyclic gears; Couplings; Fans for motors and engines, Cowlings [parts of machines]; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles).



Application Number 018735916
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-07-21
Registration Date 2024-01-30
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity.



Application Number 018735918
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-07-21
Registration Date 2023-01-20
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Electromechanical drive systems; Electrical engines; Inverter-fed electric motors; Brake motors with angle sensors; Electric motors with angle sensors and digital interfaces; Brake motors with angle sensors and digital interfaces; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Data processing apparatus; Data processing systems; Computers; Interfaces for computers; Apparatus for the recording, transmission, reproduction, input and output of data and messages; Electronic data carriers, data memories; Installations composed of a combination of the aforementioned apparatus and devices; Terminal boxes [electrical] for electric motors; Interfaces for computers; Interfaces, Especially digital interfaces, Interface converters and Interface equipment; Inverter units; Power frequency converters; Cables, electric; Electric plugs; Electric plugs; Wires, electric; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Connection units (Electric -); Connections for electric lines; Signal transmitters, Rotary encoders; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semi-conductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Angle sensors; Sensors; Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Interfaces for computers; Industrial process control software; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Computer software for applications that enable interaction and interface between drives and electric apparatus; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Computer hardware; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Coaxial cables; Coaxial connectors; Electrical cabling; Field bus plugs; Cable channels (Electric -); Contacts, electric, Conductors, electric; Electric apparatus for commutation; Electric control panels; Switches, electric; Transmitters of electronic signals; junction parts (electrical); Electrical and electronic connection technology; Inverters for or with electric motors with digital interfaces; Electric motor junction boxes [electricity]; Electric motor terminal boxes; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9.



Application Number 018735919
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-07-21
Registration Date 2024-03-06
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 02 - Paints, varnishes, lacquers
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools

Goods & Services

Anti-corrosive preparations; Anti-rust preparations; Preparations for preserving metal against rust; Rust preservatives in the nature of a coating; Rust preventive substances for application to metal surfaces; Rust preservatives in the nature of a coating; Coating materials for protection of surfaces exposed to galvanic corrosion; Preparations for the treatment of metal surfaces to resist attack by corrosion; Preparations for the treatment of metal surfaces to resist attack by corrosion; Preparations for coating surface to protect against corrosion; Preparations for coating surfaces to protect against abrasion; Preparations for the treatment of metal surfaces to resist attack by corrosion. Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Gear units; Coated gear motors; Coated gears; Coated gear shafts; Coated gear cases; Wheelwork; Gear shafts; Bearings for transmission shafts; Transmission cases; Surface treatment machines; Coated parts of gear cases; Fittings for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles).



Application Number 018722636
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-06-27
Registration Date 2023-01-06
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 07 - Machines and machine tools

Goods & Services

Gears; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; epicyclic gears; Fans for transmissions; Transmission oil pumps; Brakes, for use in relation to the following goods: Gears; Protective shrouds, for use in relation to the following goods: Gears; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7; All the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles.



Application Number 018705187
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-05-19
Registration Date 2022-12-29
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 19 - Non-metallic building materials
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Power frequency converters; Inverters [electricity]; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency transformers; Negative feed apparatus; Electronic controllers; Controllers and regulators; Gyrators; Cables, electric; Electric plugs; Wires, electric; Contactless floor-embedded distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Feeders [electric]; Feed-in regulators [electric]; Electrotechnical apparatus, for use in the following fields: Non-contact transmission of electrical energy, namely Ground and in-floor electrical power sources; Electrotechnical apparatus, for use in the following fields: Non-contact transmission of electrical energy, namely Floor-laid and in-floor electrical primary parts; Electrotechnical apparatus, for use in the following fields: Non-contact transmission of electrical energy, namely Buried and in-floor electric winding wires; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Connection units (Electric -); Measuring and testing apparatus for electrical engineering and electronics; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semi-conductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sensors (parts of machines); Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Transformers [electricity]; Equipment and devices for the non-contact transmission of electrical energy and/or information; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Storage batteries; Condensers [capacitors]; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Conductor rails; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9; None of the aforesaid goods being for or in connection with software and communications programs for artificial intelligence and/or artificial image-processing solutions. Preformed building sections (Non-metallic -); Modular building units (Non-metallic -); Materials, not of metal, for construction; Materials, not of metal, for building and construction; In-floor building components, of plastic; In-floor, traversable covers or distributor covers; None of the aforesaid goods being for or in connection with software and communications programs for artificial intelligence and/or artificial image-processing solutions. Assembling [installation] of machine plant; Construction of parts of buildings; Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Machine diagnosis; Assembly; Commissioning of power generators being part of the installation; Electrical installation services; Advisory services relating to the maintenance and repair of mechanical and electrical equipment; Building construction consultancy, installation, Assembly, Maintenance, fix and Maintainance services, in relation to the following goods: In-floor, contactless distributors and accessories thereof; None of the aforesaid services being for or in connection with software and communications programs for artificial intelligence and/or artificial image-processing solutions.



Application Number 018705171
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-05-19
Registration Date 2022-12-28
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 19 - Non-metallic building materials
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Power frequency converters; Inverters [electricity]; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency transformers; Negative feed apparatus; Electronic controllers; Controllers and regulators; Gyrators; Cables, electric; Electric plugs; Wires, electric; In-floor and contactless distributors, in the following fields: Electrical energy and/or Providing information; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Feeders [electric]; Feed-in regulators [electric]; Electrotechnical apparatus, for use in the following fields: Non-contact transmission of electrical energy, namely Ground and in-floor electrical power sources; Electrotechnical apparatus, for use in the following fields: Non-contact transmission of electrical energy, namely Floor-laid and in-floor electrical primary parts; Electrotechnical apparatus, for use in the following fields: Non-contact transmission of electrical energy, namely Buried and in-floor electric winding wires; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Connection units (Electric -); Electronic test and measurement devices, Electrotechnical testers and meters; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semi-conductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sensors (parts of machines); Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Transformers [electricity]; Equipment and devices for the non-contact transmission of electrical energy and/or information; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Storage batteries; Condensers [capacitors]; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Conductor rails; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Preformed building sections (Non-metallic -); Modular building units (Non-metallic -); Materials, not of metal, for construction; Materials, not of metal, for building and construction; In-floor building components, of plastic; In-floor, traversable covers or distributor covers. Assembling [installation] of machine plant; Construction of parts of buildings; Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Machine diagnosis; Assembly; Commissioning of power generators being part of the installation; Electrical installation services; Advisory services relating to the maintenance and repair of mechanical and electrical equipment; Building construction consultancy, installation, Assembly, Maintenance, fix and Maintainance services, in relation to the following goods: In-floor, contactless distributors and accessories thereof.



Application Number 018705172
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-05-19
Registration Date 2022-12-28
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 19 - Non-metallic building materials
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Power frequency converters; Inverters [electricity]; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency transformers; Negative feed apparatus; Electronic controllers; Controllers and regulators; Gyrators; Cables, electric; Electric plugs; Wires, electric; In-floor and contactless distributors, in the following fields: Electrical energy and/or Providing information; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Feeders [electric]; Feed-in regulators [electric]; Electrotechnical apparatus, for use in the following fields: Non-contact transmission of electrical energy, namely Ground and in-floor electrical power sources; Electrotechnical apparatus, for use in the following fields: Non-contact transmission of electrical energy, namely Floor-laid and in-floor electrical primary parts; Electrotechnical apparatus, for use in the following fields: Non-contact transmission of electrical energy, namely Buried and in-floor electric winding wires; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Connection units (Electric -); Electronic test and measurement devices, Electrotechnical testers and meters; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semi-conductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sensors (parts of machines); Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Transformers [electricity]; Equipment and devices for the non-contact transmission of electrical energy and/or information; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Storage batteries; Condensers [capacitors]; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Conductor rails; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Preformed building sections (Non-metallic -); Modular building units (Non-metallic -); Materials, not of metal, for construction; Materials, not of metal, for building and construction; In-floor building components, of plastic; In-floor, traversable covers or distributor covers. Assembling [installation] of machine plant; Construction of parts of buildings; Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Machine diagnosis; Assembly; Commissioning of power generators being part of the installation; Electrical installation services; Advisory services relating to the maintenance and repair of mechanical and electrical equipment; Building construction consultancy, installation, Assembly, Maintenance, fix and Maintainance services, in relation to the following goods: In-floor, contactless distributors and accessories thereof.



Application Number 018688444
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-04-20
Registration Date 2022-10-29
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Electrical engines; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasound motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, for engines and motors; Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Driving devices for machines, in particular, Drives for overhead electric railways; Wheelwork; Electricity generators; Wind generators, in particular for charging stations; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Actors; Linear actuators; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Couplings; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Transmission shafts; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverters [electricity]; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency transformers; Waveguides; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Coils, electric; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Programmable logic controllers; Cables, electric; Electric plugs; Wires, electric; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Connection units (Electric -); Electronic notice boards; LCD displays; Light emitting diode (LED) displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semi-conductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications, downloadable; Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Industrial process control software; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; Personal computers; Laptop computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Transformers [electricity]; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Storage batteries; Condensers [capacitors]; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; Solar cells, in particular for charging stations; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Navigational instruments and accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories, electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Maintenance and replacement of brakes; Machine diagnosis; Sound and structure-borne noise analyses of drives; Assembly services; Installation services; Installation of technical and industrial installations; Checking of lubricants; Changing of lubricants; Photographing and thermographing of drives; Mobile maintenance services; Construction project management services, Namely in plant engineering and mechanical engineering; Technician placement in the context of arranging repairs; Arranging and organising of servicing and maintenance; Upgrading motor vehicles with electric drives and charging electronics.



Application Number 018688446
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-04-20
Registration Date 2022-10-08
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Electrical engines; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasound motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, for engines and motors; Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Driving devices for machines, in particular, Drives for overhead electric railways; Wheelwork; Electricity generators; Wind generators, in particular for charging stations; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Actors; Linear actuators; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Couplings; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Transmission shafts; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverters [electricity]; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency transformers; Waveguides; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Coils, electric; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Programmable logic controllers; Cables, electric; Electric plugs; Wires, electric; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information, Namely electrical distributors; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Connection units (Electric -); Electronic notice boards; LCD displays; Light emitting diode (LED) displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic meters; Electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Signal transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semi-conductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications, downloadable; Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Industrial process control software; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; Personal computers; Laptop computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus, Namely network cards, Network controlling apparatus, Network controlling apparatus, Optical networks, Network attached storage, Networking servers; Network apparatus for wireless networks, Namely network cards, Network controlling apparatus, Network controlling apparatus, Optical networks, Network attached storage, Networking servers; Transformers [electricity]; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Storage batteries; Condensers [capacitors]; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles, and parts and fittings therefor, included in this class; Solar cells, in particular for charging stations; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Navigational instruments and accessories; Navigational instruments, for use in the following fields: Industry; Electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Maintenance of brakes; Replacement of brakes; Machine diagnosis; Sound and structure-borne noise analyses of drives; Assembly services, in particular Assembly of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Installation services, in particular Commissioning of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Installation of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Checking of lubricants; Changing of lubricants; Photographing and thermographing of drives for maintenance and analysis purposes; Mobile maintenance of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drive units and drive components; Construction project management services, in particular, Project management services, in relation to the following fields: Plant installation, Machinery construction; Upgrading motor vehicles with electric drives and charging electronics.



Application Number 018688447
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-04-20
Registration Date 2022-10-27
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Electrical engines; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasound motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, for engines and motors; Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Driving devices for machines, in particular, Drives for overhead electric railways; Wheelwork; Electricity generators; Wind generators, in particular for charging stations; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Actors; Linear actuators; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Couplings; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Transmission shafts; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverters [electricity]; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency transformers; Waveguides; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Coils, electric; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Programmable logic controllers; Cables, electric; Electric plugs; Wires, electric; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Connection units (Electric -); Electronic notice boards; LCD displays; Light emitting diode (LED) displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semi-conductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications, downloadable; Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Industrial process control software; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; Personal computers; Laptop computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Transformers [electricity]; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Storage batteries; Condensers [capacitors]; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; Solar cells, in particular for charging stations; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Navigational instruments and accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories, electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Maintenance and replacement of brakes; Machine diagnosis; Sound and structure-borne noise analyses of drives; Assembly services; Installation services; Installation of technical and industrial installations; Checking of lubricants; Changing of lubricants; Photographing and thermographing of drives; Mobile maintenance services; Construction project management services, in particular, Project management services, in relation to the following fields: Plant installation, Machinery construction; Technician placement in the context of arranging repairs; Arranging and Organising, in relation to the following fields: Service works, Maintenance services; Upgrading motor vehicles with electric drives and charging electronics.



Application Number 018688448
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-04-20
Registration Date 2022-10-28
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Electrical engines; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasound motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, for engines and motors; Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Driving devices for machines, in particular, Drives for overhead electric railways; Wheelwork; Electricity generators; Wind generators, in particular for charging stations; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Actors; Linear actuators; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Couplings; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Transmission shafts; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverters [electricity]; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency transformers; Waveguides; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Coils, electric; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Programmable logic controllers; Cables, electric; Electric plugs; Wires, electric; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Connection units (Electric -); Electronic notice boards; LCD displays; Light emitting diode (LED) displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semi-conductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications, downloadable; Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Industrial process control software; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; Personal computers; Laptop computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Transformers [electricity]; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Storage batteries; Condensers [capacitors]; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; Solar cells, in particular for charging stations; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Navigational instruments and accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories, electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Maintenance and replacement of brakes; Machine diagnosis; Sound and structure-borne noise analyses of drives; Assembly services; Installation services; Installation of technical and industrial installations; Checking of lubricants; Changing of lubricants; Photographing and thermographing of drives; Mobile maintenance services; Construction project management services, in particular Project management in plant engineering and mechanical engineering; Technician placement in the context of arranging repairs; Arranging and organising of servicing and maintenance; Upgrading motor vehicles with electric drives and charging electronics.



Application Number 018688629
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-04-20
Registration Date 2022-10-27
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Electrical engines; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasound motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, for engines and motors; Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Driving devices for machines, in particular, Drives for overhead electric railways; Wheelwork; Electricity generators; Wind generators, in particular for charging stations; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Actors; Linear actuators; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Couplings; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Transmission shafts; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverters [electricity]; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency transformers; Waveguides; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Coils, electric; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Programmable logic controllers; Cables, electric; Electric plugs; Wires, electric; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Connection units (Electric -); Electronic notice boards; LCD displays; Light emitting diode (LED) displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semi-conductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications, downloadable; Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Industrial process control software; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; Personal computers; Laptop computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Transformers [electricity]; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Storage batteries; Condensers [capacitors]; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; Solar cells, in particular for charging stations; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Navigational instruments and accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories, electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Maintenance and replacement of brakes; Machine diagnosis; Sound and structure-borne noise analyses of drives; Assembly services; Installation services; Installation of technical and industrial installations; Checking of lubricants; Changing of lubricants; Photographing and thermographing of drives; Mobile maintenance services; Construction project management services, in particular Project management in plant engineering and mechanical engineering; Technician placement in the context of arranging repairs; Arranging and Organising, in relation to the following fields: Service works, Maintenance services; Upgrading motor vehicles with electric drives and charging electronics.



Application Number 018620636
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-12-13
Registration Date 2022-06-17
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 07 - Machines and machine tools

Goods & Services

Electrical engines; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasound motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, for engines and motors; Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Drives for overhead electric railways; Drives for electric tracks; Wheelwork; Electricity generators; Wind generators, in particular for charging stations; Actors; Linear actuators; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Couplings; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Transmission shafts; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles).



Application Number 018619260
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-12-13
Registration Date 2022-06-08
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 07 - Machines and machine tools

Goods & Services

Electrical engines; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasound motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, for engines and motors; Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Drives for overhead electric railways; Drives for electric tracks; Wheelwork; Electricity generators; Wind generators, in particular for charging stations; Actors; Linear actuators; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Couplings; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Transmission shafts; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles).



Application Number 018586118
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-10-25
Registration Date 2022-04-19
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Electronic apparatus for status monitoring and diagnosis of industrial installations, motors and gear boxes. Maintenance, repair of machines, in particular, Machine diagnosis. Engineering services; Technical consultancy in the field of mechanical engineering; Computer-based simulations of industrial machines and installations; Technical system management being services provided by engineers; Status monitoring of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components.



Application Number 018577260
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-10-14
Registration Date 2022-04-13
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Data processing apparatus; Optical character readers; Electronic publications, downloadable; Interfaces for computers; Electronic data interfaces (software) for completing electronic purchase orders for goods and services; All the aforesaid goods relating solely to the field of industrial machine fittings, including drive technology, geared motors and frequency converters. Provision of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services; Providing business information via a web site; Providing of an electronic transaction system for completing purchase orders for goods and services; Consultancy in matters relating to procurement; All of the aforesaid services relating solely to the field of industrial machine fittings, including drive technology, geared motors and frequency converters. Conversion of computer programs (other than physical alteration); Electronic data storage; Computer programming; Software as a service [SaaS]; Consultancy relating to technical standards for electronic data [software] for processing online orders for goods and services; All of the aforesaid services relating solely to the field of industrial machine fittings, including drive technology, geared motors and frequency converters.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 018565281
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-09-27
Registration Date 2022-08-02
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Electric driving motors for machines; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Electric motor junction boxes [electricity]; Electric terminal boxes, including for electric motors; Interfaces for computers; Interfaces, Especially digital interfaces, Interface converters and Interface equipment; Inverter units; Power frequency converters; Cables, electric; Electric plugs; Electric plugs; Wires, electric; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Connection units (Electric -); Connections for electric lines; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semi-conductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Angle sensors; Sensors; Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Industrial process control software; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Computer hardware; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Cable channels (Electric -); Electric contacts and electric conductors; Electric apparatus for commutation; Control panels [electricity]; Switches, electric; Transmitters of electronic signals; Connectors [electricity]; Electrical and electronic connection technology; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9; Electric motor junction boxes [electricity]; Connection boxes, for use in relation to the following goods: Electric motors.



Application Number 018518249
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-07-21
Registration Date 2022-02-10
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 40 - Treatment of materials; recycling, air and water treatment,
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Common metals and their alloys, ores; metallic materials; Buildings, transportable, of metal; Non-electric cables and wires of common metal; Small items of metal hardware; Metal containers for storage or transport; Safes; Screws of metal; Casts of metal; Machined metal mouldings; Metal discs; Rings of metal; Metal coils; Shaped metal portions; Metal mouldings; Shims; Packaging containers of metal; Sealing caps of metal; Additively manufactured metal parts; Toothed racks of metal; Bolts of metal; Nails of metal; Beams of metal; Runners of metal, Especially Upward continuous profile casting machines; Binding screws of metal for cables; Tubes of metal; Knobs of metal; Poles of metal; Anchor plates; cables of metal, nonelectric; Iron wire; Casks of metal; Foundry moulds of metal; Latticework of metal; Chains of metal; Frameworks of metal; Metal clamps; Steel tubes; Steel sheets; Cast steel; Pipework of metal; Parts for the aforesaid goods, included in class 6. Electrical engines; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasound motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, for engines and motors; Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Wheelwork; Generators of electricity; Wind generators, in particular for charging stations; Actors; Linear actuators; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Couplings; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Transmission shafts; Roller conveyors; Roller conveyors; Drive rollers; Industrial robots; 3D printers; Robotic handling apparatus; Robotic finishing machines; Robots for machine tools; Gantry cranes; Gantry cranes; Machines using belt kinematics, namely precision drives with high gripping speeds and well-dimensioned guides for industry; Roller portals [machines]; SCARA robots; Roller bridges [machines]; Machines using delta kinematics, namely industrial robots for conducting high-precision assembly and packing work; Industrial cable robots; Industrial robots for use at trade fairs; Heavy duty robots; Processing robots; Cleanroom robots for use in industry; Robotic arms [machines]; painting robots; Sharpening robots; Robots for cleaning; Palletising robots; Handling apparatus; Handling machines; Six-axis robots; Articulated robots; Depalletisers [machines]; Depositors [machines]; Duopods [machines]; Tripods [machines]; Pickers [machines]; Quadropods [machines]; Robotic apparatus for handling materials; Automated robotic handling apparatus for loading and unloading of goods; Self-driving robots, For industrial purposes; Unmanned transportation conveyors being cargo handling machines; Driverless transport conveyors being internal material flow machines; Driverless transport conveyors being factory automation machines; Parallel kinetic machines, namely machines with parallel switched motion axes for use in industry; Handling machines; Hexapods [spatial motion machines]; 3D printers for manufacturing of three-dimensional moulded parts; 3D printing systems, comprising computerised apparatus for the production of three-dimensional moulded parts; Parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; Gears including spline shanks, helical gears, pot hooks of metal; Machines [driving motor systems] for press plants in the automobile industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for car body plants in the automobile industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for painting processes in the automobile industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for powertrain processes in the automobile industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for raw ingredient supply in the beverages industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for filling in the beverages industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for processing and production in the beverages industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for supply of packaging in the beverages industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for raw ingredient supply in the food industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for filling in the food industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for processing and production in the food industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for supply of packaging in the food industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for conveyor belts in the woodworking industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for goods supply in the transport and logistics industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for sorting in the transport and logistics industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for storage and retrieval in the transport and logistics industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for loading and unloading in the transport and logistics industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for luggage check-in at airports; Machines [driving motor systems] for luggage inspection and screening at airports; Machines [driving motor systems] for interim luggage storage at airports; Machines [driving motor systems] for luggage sorting at airports; Machines [driving motor systems] for baggage claim at airports; Machines [driving motor systems] for loading and unloading aircraft; Machines [driving motor systems] for the construction and construction materials industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for the glass industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for the plastics working industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for the metalworking industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for conveyor technology at harbours and railways; Machines [driving motor systems] for conveyor technology in the mining industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for wastewater treatment plants; Moulds [parts of machines] of machines, in particular of driving motor systems, manufactured by means of 3D printers and/or additively manufactured; Fan hoods of machines, in particular of driving motor systems, manufactured by means of 3D printers and/or additively manufactured; Housing parts of machines, in particular of driving motor systems, manufactured by means of 3D printers and/or additively manufactured; Fans of machines, in particular of driving motor systems, manufactured by means of 3D printers and/or additively manufactured; Gear parts, in particular pinions, pinion shafts and sprockets of machines, in particular of driving motor systems, manufactured by means of 3D printers and/or additively manufactured; Sealing rings of machines, in particular of driving motor systems, manufactured by means of 3D printers and/or additively manufactured; Parts of machines manufactured by means of 3D printers and/or additively manufactured, namely parts of machines of driving motor systems; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7; All the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles. Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverters [electricity]; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency transformers; Waveguides; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Coils, electric; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Programmable logic controllers; Cables, electric; Electric plugs; Wires, electric; Distributors for electrical energy and/or electrical distributors for electrical information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Connection units (Electric -); Electronic notice boards; LCD displays; Light emitting diode (LED) displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Signal transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semi-conductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications, downloadable; Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Industrial process control software; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; Personal computers; Laptop computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Computer network equipment; Computer network apparatus for wireless networks; Transformers [electricity]; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Storage batteries; Condensers [capacitors]; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Power charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, namely charging stations for electric vehicles and parts and fittings therefor; Solar cells for electricity generation, Especially, Solar cells for power charging stations; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Navigational instruments and accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories; Electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Humanoid robots with artificial intelligence; Security surveillance robots; Computer programs for 3D printers; Recorded data files, Digital files; Recorded and digital files for additively manufactured machines; Recorded and digital files for 3D printing machines, recorded and digital files for 3D printers; Recorded and digital files for the specification, geometry and description of additively manufactured parts; Recorded or downloadable data files; Recorded or downloadable manufacturing files; Downloadable software applications for use with three dimensional printers; Downloadable computer software for designing and modelling of three dimensional printable products; Application software for robot; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Plotters. Robotic cars; Autonomous vehicles; Autonomous vehicles for processing, transporting and controlling goods; Autonomous rail vehicles; Autonomous rail vehicles for processing, transporting and controlling goods; Electric rail vehicles; Electric vehicles; Driverless cars; Driverless rail vehicles; Driverless transporter vehicles; Driverless rail transport vehicles; Intralogistics vehicles; Intralogistics rail vehicles; Parts of all above goods (included in class 12); Drives for electric suspended railways; Drives for electric railways. Treatment of materials, namely printing and Metal treating; Treatment of materials, in particular 3D print works in 3D printing processes; Material treatment for generating [production] three-dimensional objects; Material treatment for the additive manufacture [production] of metal parts and/or plastic parts and/or composite parts; Heat treatment and coating of steel; Cutting manufacture [metalworking]; Grinding, milling, drilling, roughing, lapping, sizing of metal [metalworking]; Moulding [material treatment]. Engineering in the field of 3D printing; Technical consultancy in the field of design and use of 3D printing; consultancy in the field of design, Technical consultancy, Relating to the use of 3D printing; Computer programming; Engineering services; Services in the field of engineering surveying, technical consultancy, computer-aided design and design of models and prototypes, in particular 3D printing, technical specialist consultancy relating to 3D printing; Technical specialist support by means of technical specialist consultancy and engineering relating to printers for the manufacture of three-dimensional plastic and metal moulds and figures, and relating to software for use in connection with a 3D printer.



Application Number 018518244
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-07-21
Registration Date 2022-02-08
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 40 - Treatment of materials; recycling, air and water treatment,
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Common metals and their alloys, ores; metallic materials; Buildings, transportable, of metal; Non-electric cables and wires of common metal; Small items of metal hardware; Metal containers for storage or transport; Safes; Screws of metal; Casts of metal; Machined metal mouldings; Metal discs; Rings of metal; Metal coils; Shaped metal portions; Metal mouldings; Shims; Packaging containers of metal; Sealing caps of metal; Additively manufactured metal parts; Toothed racks of metal; Bolts of metal; Nails of metal; Beams of metal; Runners of metal, Especially Upward continuous profile casting machines; Binding screws of metal for cables; Tubes of metal; Knobs of metal; Poles of metal; Anchor plates; cables of metal, nonelectric; Iron wire; Casks of metal; Foundry moulds of metal; Latticework of metal; Chains of metal; Frameworks of metal; Metal clamps; Steel tubes; Steel sheets; Cast steel; Pipework of metal; Parts for the aforesaid goods, included in class 6. Electrical engines; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasound motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, for engines and motors; Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Wheelwork; Generators of electricity; Wind generators, in particular for charging stations; Actors; Linear actuators; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Couplings; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Transmission shafts; Roller conveyors; Roller conveyors; Drive rollers; Industrial robots; 3D printers; Robotic handling apparatus; Robotic finishing machines; Robots for machine tools; Gantry cranes; Gantry cranes; Machines using belt kinematics, namely precision drives with high gripping speeds and well-dimensioned guides for industry; Roller portals [machines]; SCARA robots; Roller bridges [machines]; Machines using delta kinematics, namely industrial robots for conducting high-precision assembly and packing work; Industrial cable robots; Industrial robots for use at trade fairs; Heavy duty robots; Processing robots; Cleanroom robots for use in industry; Robotic arms [machines]; painting robots; Sharpening robots; Robots for cleaning; Palletising robots; Handling apparatus; Handling machines; Six-axis robots; Articulated robots; Depalletisers [machines]; Depositors [machines]; Duopods [machines]; Tripods [machines]; Pickers [machines]; Quadropods [machines]; Robotic apparatus for handling materials; Automated robotic handling apparatus for loading and unloading of goods; Self-driving robots, For industrial purposes; Unmanned transportation conveyors being cargo handling machines; Driverless transport conveyors being internal material flow machines; Driverless transport conveyors being factory automation machines; Parallel kinetic machines, namely machines with parallel switched motion axes for use in industry; Handling machines; Hexapods [spatial motion machines]; 3D printers for manufacturing of three-dimensional moulded parts; 3D printing systems, comprising computerised apparatus for the production of three-dimensional moulded parts; Parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; Gears including spline shanks, helical gears, pot hooks of metal; Machines [driving motor systems] for press plants in the automobile industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for car body plants in the automobile industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for painting processes in the automobile industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for powertrain processes in the automobile industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for raw ingredient supply in the beverages industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for filling in the beverages industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for processing and production in the beverages industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for supply of packaging in the beverages industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for raw ingredient supply in the food industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for filling in the food industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for processing and production in the food industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for supply of packaging in the food industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for conveyor belts in the woodworking industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for goods supply in the transport and logistics industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for sorting in the transport and logistics industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for storage and retrieval in the transport and logistics industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for loading and unloading in the transport and logistics industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for luggage check-in at airports; Machines [driving motor systems] for luggage inspection and screening at airports; Machines [driving motor systems] for interim luggage storage at airports; Machines [driving motor systems] for luggage sorting at airports; Machines [driving motor systems] for baggage claim at airports; Machines [driving motor systems] for loading and unloading aircraft; Machines [driving motor systems] for the construction and construction materials industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for the glass industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for the plastics working industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for the metalworking industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for conveyor technology at harbours and railways; Machines [driving motor systems] for conveyor technology in the mining industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for wastewater treatment plants; Moulds [parts of machines] of machines, in particular of driving motor systems, manufactured by means of 3D printers and/or additively manufactured; Fan hoods of machines, in particular of driving motor systems, manufactured by means of 3D printers and/or additively manufactured; Housing parts of machines, in particular of driving motor systems, manufactured by means of 3D printers and/or additively manufactured; Fans of machines, in particular of driving motor systems, manufactured by means of 3D printers and/or additively manufactured; Gear parts, in particular pinions, pinion shafts and sprockets of machines, in particular of driving motor systems, manufactured by means of 3D printers and/or additively manufactured; Sealing rings of machines, in particular of driving motor systems, manufactured by means of 3D printers and/or additively manufactured; Parts of machines manufactured by means of 3D printers and/or additively manufactured, namely parts of machines of driving motor systems; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7; All the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles. Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverters [electricity]; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency transformers; Waveguides; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Coils, electric; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Programmable logic controllers; Cables, electric; Electric plugs; Wires, electric; Distributors for electrical energy and/or electrical distributors for electrical information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Connection units (Electric -); Electronic notice boards; LCD displays; Light emitting diode (LED) displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Signal transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semi-conductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications, downloadable; Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Industrial process control software; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; Personal computers; Laptop computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Computer network equipment; Computer network apparatus for wireless networks; Transformers [electricity]; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Storage batteries; Condensers [capacitors]; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Power charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, namely charging stations for electric vehicles and parts and fittings therefor; Solar cells for electricity generation, Especially, Solar cells for power charging stations; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Navigational instruments and accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories; Electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Humanoid robots with artificial intelligence; Security surveillance robots; Computer programs for 3D printers; Recorded data files, Digital files; Recorded and digital files for additively manufactured machines; Recorded and digital files for 3D printing machines, recorded and digital files for 3D printers; Recorded and digital files for the specification, geometry and description of additively manufactured parts; Recorded or downloadable data files; Recorded or downloadable manufacturing files; Downloadable software applications for use with three dimensional printers; Downloadable computer software for designing and modelling of three dimensional printable products; Application software for robot; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Plotters. Robotic cars; Autonomous vehicles; Autonomous vehicles for processing, transporting and controlling goods; Autonomous rail vehicles; Autonomous rail vehicles for processing, transporting and controlling goods; Electric rail vehicles; Electric vehicles; Driverless cars; Driverless rail vehicles; Driverless transporter vehicles; Driverless rail transport vehicles; Intralogistics vehicles; Intralogistics rail vehicles; Parts of all above goods (included in class 12); Drives for electric suspended railways; Drives for electric railways. Treatment of materials, namely printing and Metal treating; Treatment of materials, in particular 3D print works in 3D printing processes; Material treatment for generating [production] three-dimensional objects; Material treatment for the additive manufacture [production] of metal parts and/or plastic parts and/or composite parts; Heat treatment and coating of steel; Cutting manufacture [metalworking]; Grinding, milling, drilling, roughing, lapping, sizing of metal [metalworking]; Moulding [material treatment]. Engineering in the field of 3D printing; Technical consultancy in the field of design and use of 3D printing; consultancy in the field of design, Technical consultancy, Relating to the use of 3D printing; Computer programming; Engineering services; Services in the field of engineering surveying, technical consultancy, computer-aided design and design of models and prototypes, in particular 3D printing, technical specialist consultancy relating to 3D printing; Technical specialist support by means of technical specialist consultancy and engineering relating to printers for the manufacture of three-dimensional plastic and metal moulds and figures, and relating to software for use in connection with a 3D printer.



Application Number 018518252
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-07-21
Registration Date 2022-02-12
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 40 - Treatment of materials; recycling, air and water treatment,
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Common metals and their alloys, ores; Materials of metal for building and construction; Buildings, transportable, of metal; Non-electric cables and wires of common metal; Small items of metal hardware; Metal containers for storage or transport; Safes; Screws of metal; Casts of metal; Machined metal mouldings; Metal discs; Rings of metal; Metal coils; Shaped metal portions; Metal mouldings; Shims; Packaging containers of metal; Sealing caps of metal; Additively manufactured small items of metal hardware; Toothed racks of metal; Bolts of metal; Nails of metal; Beams of metal; Runners of metal, Especially Upward continuous profile casting machines; Binding screws of metal for cables; Tubes of metal; Knobs of metal; Poles of metal; Anchor plates; cables of metal, nonelectric; Iron wire; Casks of metal; Foundry moulds of metal; Latticework of metal; Chains of metal; Frameworks of metal; Metal clamps; Steel tubes; Steel sheets; Cast steel; Pipework of metal; Parts for the aforesaid goods, included in class 6; Pot hooks of metal. Electrical engines; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasound motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, for engines and motors; Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Wheelwork; Generators of electricity; Wind generators, in particular for charging stations; Actors; Linear actuators; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Couplings; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Transmission shafts; Roller conveyors; Roller conveyors; Drive rollers; Industrial robots; 3D printers; Robotic handling apparatus; Robotic finishing machines; Robots for machine tools; Gantry cranes; Gantry cranes; Machines using belt kinematics, namely precision drives with high gripping speeds and well-dimensioned guides for industry; Roller portals [machines]; SCARA robots; Roller bridges [machines]; Machines using delta kinematics, namely industrial robots for conducting high-precision assembly and packing work; Industrial cable robots; Industrial robots for use at trade fairs; Heavy duty robots; Processing robots; Cleanroom robots for use in industry; Robotic arms [machines]; painting robots; Sharpening robots; Robots for cleaning; Palletising robots; Handling apparatus; Handling machines; Six-axis robots; Articulated robots; Depalletisers [machines]; Depositors [machines]; Duopods [machines]; Tripods [machines]; Pickers [machines]; Quadropods [machines]; Robotic apparatus for handling materials; Automated robotic handling apparatus for loading and unloading of goods; Self-driving robots, For industrial purposes; Unmanned transportation conveyors being cargo handling machines; Driverless transport conveyors being internal material flow machines; Driverless transport conveyors being factory automation machines; Parallel kinetic machines, namely machines with parallel switched motion axes for use in industry; Handling machines; Hexapods [spatial motion machines]; 3D printers for manufacturing of three-dimensional moulded parts; 3D printing systems, comprising computerised apparatus for the production of three-dimensional moulded parts; Parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; Gears including spline shank bits, helical gears; Machines [driving motor systems] for press plants in the automobile industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for car body plants in the automobile industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for painting processes in the automobile industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for powertrain processes in the automobile industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for raw ingredient supply in the beverages industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for filling in the beverages industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for processing and production in the beverages industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for supply of packaging in the beverages industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for raw ingredient supply in the food industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for filling in the food industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for processing and production in the food industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for supply of packaging in the food industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for conveyor belts in the woodworking industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for goods supply in the transport and logistics industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for sorting in the transport and logistics industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for storage and retrieval in the transport and logistics industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for loading and unloading in the transport and logistics industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for luggage check-in at airports; Machines [driving motor systems] for luggage inspection and screening at airports; Machines [driving motor systems] for interim luggage storage at airports; Machines [driving motor systems] for luggage sorting at airports; Machines [driving motor systems] for baggage claim at airports; Machines [driving motor systems] for loading and unloading aircraft; Machines [driving motor systems] for the construction and construction materials industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for the glass industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for the plastics working industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for the metalworking industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for conveyor technology at harbours and railways; Machines [driving motor systems] for conveyor technology in the mining industry; Machines [driving motor systems] for wastewater treatment plants; Moulds [parts of machines] of machines, in particular of driving motor systems, manufactured by means of 3D printers and/or additively manufactured; Fan hoods of machines, in particular of driving motor systems, manufactured by means of 3D printers and/or additively manufactured; Housing parts of machines, in particular of driving motor systems, manufactured by means of 3D printers and/or additively manufactured; Fans of machines, in particular of driving motor systems, manufactured by means of 3D printers and/or additively manufactured; Gear parts, in particular pinions, pinion shafts and sprockets of machines, in particular of driving motor systems, manufactured by means of 3D printers and/or additively manufactured; Sealing rings of machines, in particular of driving motor systems, manufactured by means of 3D printers and/or additively manufactured; Parts of machines manufactured by means of 3D printers and/or additively manufactured, namely parts of machines of driving motor systems; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7; All the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles. Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverters [electricity]; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency transformers; Waveguides; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Coils, electric; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Programmable logic controllers; Cables, electric; Electric plugs; Wires, electric; Distributors for electrical energy and/or electrical distributors for electrical information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Connection units (Electric -); Electronic notice boards; LCD displays; Light emitting diode (LED) displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semi-conductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications, downloadable; Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Industrial process control software; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; Personal computers; Laptop computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Computer network equipment; Computer network apparatus for wireless networks; Transformers [electricity]; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Storage batteries; Condensers [capacitors]; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Power charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, namely charging stations for electric vehicles and parts and fittings therefor; Solar cells for electricity generation, Especially, Solar cells for power charging stations; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Navigational instruments and accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories; Electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Humanoid robots with artificial intelligence; Security surveillance robots; Computer programs for 3D printers; Recorded data files, Digital files; Recorded and digital files for additively manufactured machines; Recorded and digital files for 3D printing machines, recorded and digital files for 3D printers; Recorded and digital files for the specification, geometry and description of additively manufactured parts; Recorded or downloadable data files; Recorded or downloadable manufacturing files; Downloadable software applications for use with three dimensional printers; Downloadable computer software for designing and modelling of three dimensional printable products; Application software for robot; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9; Plotters; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators. Robotic cars; Autonomous vehicles; Autonomous vehicles for processing, transporting and controlling goods; Autonomous rail vehicles; Autonomous rail vehicles for processing, transporting and controlling goods; Electric rail vehicles; Electric vehicles; Driverless cars; Driverless rail vehicles; Driverless transporter vehicles; Driverless rail transport vehicles; Intralogistics vehicles; Intralogistics rail vehicles; Drives for electric suspended railways; Drives for electric railways; Parts of all above goods (included in class 12). Treatment of materials, namely printing and Metal treating; Treatment of materials, in particular 3D print works in 3D printing processes; Material treatment for generating [production] three-dimensional objects; Material treatment for the additive manufacture [production] of metal parts and/or plastic parts and/or composite parts; Heat treatment and coating of steel; Cutting manufacture [metalworking]; Grinding, milling, drilling, roughing, lapping, sizing of metal [metalworking]; Moulding [material treatment]. Engineering in the field of 3D printing; Technological services in the field of design and use of 3D printing; Technical consultancy in the field of design and use of 3D printing; Computer programming; Engineering services; Services in the field of engineering surveying, technical consultancy, computer-aided design and design of models and prototypes, in particular 3D printing, technical specialist consultancy relating to 3D printing; Technical specialist support by means of technical specialist consultancy relating to printers for the manufacture of three-dimensional plastic and metal moulds and figures, and relating to software for use in connection with a 3D printer.



Application Number 018447635
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-04-06
Registration Date 2021-10-06
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Electrical engines; Junction boxes [electricity] for electric motors, namely Machine parts; Terminal boxes for electric motors, namely Machine parts; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Electric motor junction boxes [electricity]; Electric terminal boxes, including for electric motors; Interfaces for computers; Interfaces, Especially digital interfaces, Interface converters and Interface equipment; Inverter units; Power frequency converters; Cables, electric; Electric plugs; Electric plugs; Wires, electric; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Connection units (Electric -); Connections for electric lines; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semi-conductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Angle sensors; Sensors; Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Industrial process control software; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Computer hardware; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electricity conduits; Electric contacts and electric conductors; Electric apparatus for commutation; Control panels [electricity]; Switches, electric; Transmitters of electronic signals; Connectors [electricity]; Electrical and electronic connection technology; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9.



Application Number 018321952
Status Registered
Filing Date 2020-10-15
Registration Date 2021-10-26
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 45 - Legal and security services; personal services for individuals.

Goods & Services

Metal hardware; Labels of metal; Signboards of metal; Flanges of metal; Drawn and polished metal bars; Poles of metal; Screws and nuts of metal; Grease nipples; Machined metal mouldings; Parts for the aforesaid goods, included in this class; Shafts and Poles of metal; Chain wheels of metal; Parts for the aforesaid goods; all of the foregoing goods being marketed and sold exclusively to manufacturing businesses, but not to end consumers for their private use. shafts of metal (machine parts); Machine wheels; all of the foregoing goods being marketed and sold exclusively to manufacturing businesses, but not to end consumers for their private use. Software for the projection and selection of transmissions, including transmissions for industrial drives; Software for the selection of metal parts; Computer programs, downloadable; Electronic publications, downloadable; Electric controls for electric motors and electric gear motors; Regulating apparatus, electric; Measuring devices, electric; Teaching apparatus; all of the foregoing goods being marketed and sold exclusively to manufacturing businesses, but not to end consumers for their private use. Gear boxes for land vehicles; Cars; Electric vehicles; Mobility scooters; Driverless logistics vehicles; Robotic cars; Autonomous driving robotic vehicles for collecting and distributing objects; Driverless transport systems, consisting of self-driving transport vehicles; Automatically controlled vehicles; Toothed wheels for land vehicles; Parts for the aforesaid goods, included in this class; Driverless transport systems; Parts for the aforesaid goods; all of the foregoing goods being marketed and sold exclusively to manufacturing businesses, but not to end consumers for their private use. Exchange, Maintenance and repair of gears; Maintenance of metal parts; Oil changes for transmissions; Charging of electric vehicles; Irrigation devices installation and repair; Advisory services relating to the installation of gearboxes; Repair and maintenance of metal parts; Condition monitoring service for electric drives; Condition monitoring service for transmissions; all of the foregoing services being marketed and sold exclusively to manufacturing businesses, but not to end consumers for their private use. Consulting services in the field of information technology; Engineering services; Creation of software for machines and installations; Electronic data storage; Mechanical research; Technical consulting services in the field of metallurgy; Creating and maintaining web sites for others; Construction drafting; Material testing; Quality control; Material testing and quality control relating to metal parts; Technical control services, Namely condition monitoring services for electric drives; Technical control services, Namely condition monitoring services for transmissions; Consulting services in the field of metallurgy; all of the foregoing services being marketed and sold exclusively to manufacturing businesses, but not to end consumers for their private use. Domain name registration services; Leasing of internet domain names; Licensing of intellectual property; Intellectual property consultancy; all of the foregoing services being marketed and sold exclusively to manufacturing businesses, but not to end consumers for their private use.


IPOS plus

Application Number 018308628
Status Registered
Filing Date 2020-09-16
Registration Date 2021-03-19
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Electronic controllers; Programmable logic controllers; Frequency transformers; Software for controlling engines, machines and industrial installations; Software for PLCs (programmable logic controllers); Software for electronic control systems; Software for frequency converters.



Application Number 018105035
Status Registered
Filing Date 2019-08-08
Registration Date 2020-02-21
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 07 - Machines and machine tools

Goods & Services

Gears; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Spur gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; epicyclic gears; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles).



Application Number 018105039
Status Registered
Filing Date 2019-08-08
Registration Date 2020-02-21
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 07 - Machines and machine tools

Goods & Services

Gears; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Spur gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; epicyclic gears; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles).



Application Number 018020651
Status Registered
Filing Date 2019-02-08
Registration Date 2020-04-02
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 07 - Machines and machine tools

Goods & Services

Gears; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Spur gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; epicyclic gears; Parts of the aforesaid goods, Included in class 7 [none of the aforesaid goods being for land vehicles and marine systems].



Application Number 017997999
Status Registered
Filing Date 2018-12-11
Registration Date 2021-10-27
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 07 - Machines and machine tools

Goods & Services

Gears; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; epicyclic gears; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles); all of the foregoing goods being marketed and sold exclusively to manufacturing businesses, but not to end consumers for their private use.


EC Shell

Application Number 017972222
Status Registered
Filing Date 2018-10-24
Registration Date 2019-10-24
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Motors, electric, other than for land vehicles; Control mechanisms for machines, for engines and motors; Gear motors other than for land vehicles; Gear boxes, other than for land vehicles. Inverter units; Frequency transformers; Software for controlling electric motors and machines; Industrial process control software; Software for energy management in machines and industrial installations; Software for condition monitoring in industrial drives and machines; Software for designing, planning and displaying industrial drives and machines; Operating system software. Technical consultancy in the field of mechanical engineering; Technical consultancy in the field of industrial drive technology; Planning and technical design of industrial installations; Safety-related design of industrial installations; Computerised planning, monitoring, control and display of industrial machines and installations; Technical consultancy in the selection and design of drive components; Technical system management being services provided by engineers.


LT Shell

Application Number 017972038
Status Registered
Filing Date 2018-10-24
Registration Date 2019-10-24
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Motors, electric, other than for land vehicles; Control mechanisms for machines, for engines and motors; Gear motors other than for land vehicles; Gear boxes, other than for land vehicles. Inverter units; Frequency transformers; motor control apparatus; Software for controlling electric motors and machines; Industrial process control software; Software for energy management in machines and industrial installations; Software for condition monitoring in industrial drives and machines; Software for designing, planning and displaying industrial drives and machines; Operating system software. Technical consultancy in the field of mechanical engineering; Technical consultancy in the field of industrial drive technology; Planning and technical design of industrial installations; Safety-related design of industrial installations; Computerised planning, monitoring, control and display of industrial machines and installations; Technical consultancy in the selection and design of drive components; Technical system management being services provided by engineers.



Application Number 017928078
Status Registered
Filing Date 2018-07-09
Registration Date 2019-09-04
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services

Goods & Services

Unmanned transportation conveyors being cargo handling machines; Driverless transport conveyors being internal material flow machines; Driverless transport conveyors being factory automation machines; Electric drive motors for the aforesaid driverless transport conveyors; Parts of the aforesaid goods, Included in class 7, all the aforesaid goods not being for land vehicles. Computer systems for automated vehicle control; Electronic controllers for intralogistics vehicles; Electronic controllers for driverless transport vehicles; Electronic controls for electric vehicles; Remote control apparatus; Positioning controls; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Accumulator batteries; Condensers [capacitors]; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; Electrical tracking; Parts for the aforesaid goods, included in class 9; excluding vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads and excluding parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads, namely: vehicle suspension systems being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; air springs for vehicles being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; dampers for vehicles being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; shock absorbers for vehicles being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; frame hangers for vehicles being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; leaf springs for vehicle suspensions being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; coil springs for vehicle suspension being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; brake pads; brake discs being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; steering arms for vehicle being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; anti roll bars for vehicles being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; V — rods for vehicle suspensions being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; bushes for vehicle suspensions being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; torsion bars for suspensions being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; torque rods for vehicle suspensions being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; ride height control valves for vehicle suspensions being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; progressive load springs for vehicle suspensions being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; equalizing beams for vehicle suspensions being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; connectors for vehicle axles being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; air disc brake systems for vehicles being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; mid lift axle & air suspension systems being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; ball joints for suspension systems being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; king pins for suspension system being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; disc braking systems being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; drum brake system being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; glass fiber reinforced plastic springs being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; composite material springs being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; mono leaf springs being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; multi leaf springs being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; clamps for leaf springs being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; stabiliser bars for vehicle suspensions being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; I beam axles being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; automatic tyre inflation systems being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; rubber torque rod bushings for vehicle suspensions being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; beam bushings for vehicle suspension systems being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; rubber springs for vehicle suspension systems being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; control arms being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; suspension struts being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads. Electric vehicles; Driverless cars; Driverless transporter vehicles; Intralogistics vehicles; Parts of the aforesaid goods, included in class 12; except for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads and excluding parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads namely: vehicle suspension systems being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; air springs for vehicles being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; dampers for vehicles being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; shock absorbers for vehicles being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; frame hangers for vehicles being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; leaf springs for vehicle suspensions being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; coil springs for vehicle suspension being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; brake pads; brake discs being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; steering arms for vehicle being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; anti roll bars for vehicles being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; V- rods for vehicle suspensions being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; bushes for vehicle suspensions being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; torsion bars for suspensions being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; torque rods for vehicle suspensions being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks , tractors and buses for public roads; ride height control valves for vehicle suspensions being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; progressive load springs for vehicle suspensions being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; equalizing beams for vehicle suspensions being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; connectors for vehicle axles being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; air disc brake systems for vehicles being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; mid lift axle & air suspension systems being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; ball joints for suspension systems being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; king pins for suspension system being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; disc braking systems being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; drum brake system being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; glass fiber reinforced plastic springs being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; composite material springs being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; mono leaf springs being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; multi leaf springs being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; clamps for leaf springs being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; stabiliser bars for vehicle suspensions being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; I beam axles being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; automatic tyre inflation systems being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; rubber torque rod bushings for vehicle suspensions being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; beam bushings for vehicle suspension systems being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; rubber springs for vehicle suspension systems being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; control arms being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads; suspension struts being parts and accessories for vehicle axles for trucks, tractors and buses for public roads. Rental of means of transportation; Rental of vehicles equipped with lifting platforms; Rental of transport vehicles; Rental of self-propelled lifting platforms for transportation purposes; Electric vehicle rental; Rental of driverless vehicles; Rental of driverless transport vehicles; Rental of intralogistics vehicles.



Application Number 018009893
Status Registered
Filing Date 2018-06-06
Registration Date 2019-05-03
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication.



Application Number 017872793
Status Registered
Filing Date 2018-03-12
Registration Date 2019-02-14
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 01 - Chemical and biological materials for industrial, scientific and agricultural use
  • 04 - Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; fuels

Goods & Services

Chemicals used in industry; Transmission oil. Industrial oil; Lubricating grease; Lubricants; Lubricating oil; Lubricants being gear oils; Lubricants being gear oils.



Application Number 017872797
Status Registered
Filing Date 2018-03-12
Registration Date 2018-09-14
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 01 - Chemical and biological materials for industrial, scientific and agricultural use
  • 04 - Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; fuels

Goods & Services

Chemicals used in industry; Transmission oil. Industrial oil; Lubricating grease; Lubricants; Lubricating oil; Lubricants being gear oils; Lubricants being gear oils.



Application Number 017872803
Status Registered
Filing Date 2018-03-12
Registration Date 2018-09-14
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 01 - Chemical and biological materials for industrial, scientific and agricultural use
  • 04 - Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; fuels

Goods & Services

Chemicals used in industry; Transmission oil. Industrial oil; Lubricating grease; Lubricants; Lubricating oil; Lubricants being gear oils; Lubricants being gear oils.



Application Number 016817058
Status Registered
Filing Date 2017-06-09
Registration Date 2023-06-28
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 02 - Paints, varnishes, lacquers
  • 06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Anti-rust preparations; Coating compositions in the form of paint; Anti-corrosive preparations; Paints and washes; Coatings; Varnish; Protective preparations for metals; Anti-rust oils; Anti-rust greases; Corrosion resistant coatings, Anti-corrosive products for metals; coatings to protect surfaces; Anti-corrosive preparations for transmissions, motors and engines; Protective surface coatings for transmissions, motors and engines. Alloys of common metal; Tin-nickel alloys; Tin and its alloys. Electric motors; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasound motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, engines or motors; Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Drives for overhead electric railways; Drives for electric tracks; Wheelwork; Current generators; Wind generators, in particular for charging stations; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Actors; Linear actuators; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Couplings; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Transmission shafts; Parts of the aforesaid goods, Included in class 7, all the aforesaid goods not being for land vehicles. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Maintenance and replacement of brakes; Machine diagnosis; Sound and structure-borne noise analyses of drives; Assembly services; Providing of information, in relation to the following fields: Machinery installation, Electric appliance installation and repair; Installation of industrial plant; Advisory services relating to the installation of engines, Advisory services relating to the installation of gearboxes, Information relating to the installation of drive components; Checking of lubricants; Changing of lubricants; Mobile maintenance; Project management for installation and machine construction; Installation, assembly, maintenance, repair and servicing provided by engineers in the field of installation and machine construction; Installation, assembly, maintenance, repair and servicing of drives and drive components; Upgrading motor vehicles with electric drives and charging electronics; Application of surface coatings; Anti-corrosion treatment.



Application Number 016378721
Status Registered
Filing Date 2017-02-17
Registration Date 2017-08-31
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Motors, electric, other than for land vehicles; Control mechanisms for machines, engines or motors; Gear motors other than for land vehicles; Gear boxes, other than for land vehicles. Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverter; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency transformers; Waveguides; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Coils, electric; Current coils for inductive power supply; Electronic and electrotechnical apparatus for the secure monitoring of drives, namely security monitors; Electronic and electrotechnical apparatus for measuring distance; Power frequency converters with integrated monitoring and security functions; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Programmable logic controllers; Electric cables; Electric plugs; Electric wires; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Electrical connecting parts; Electronic notice boards; LCD displays; LED displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters, Namely transducers; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semiconductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications, downloadable; Positioning controls; Security software; Software for controlling machines; Industrial process control software; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols (software); Security-related data bus protocols (software); Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); photocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; Personal computers; Laptop computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Electricity transformers; Apparatus for inductive contactless supply and/or loading of electric drive units; Apparatus for storing energy and charging electric vehicles using electricity, namely line cables, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electric chargers for loading electric drive units, for storing energy and for charging electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Accumulator batteries; Capacitors; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations drawing from the public power grid; Charging stations, electric filling stations powered by renewable energy sources for electric vehicles and accessories therefor; Solar cells, in particular for charging stations; Navigation apparatus for vehicles (on-board computers); Navigational instruments and accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories, electronic parking aids; Electrical tracking; Sound cameras; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9; all the aforementioned goods only adapted for use in industrial machinery, industrial plants and industrial vehicles. Technical consultancy in the field of mechanical engineering; Technical consultancy in the field of industrial drive technology; Planning and technical design of industrial installations; Safety-related design of industrial installations; Computerised planning, monitoring, control and display of industrial machines and installations; Technical consultancy in the selection and design of drive components; Technical system management being services provided by engineers; all the aforementioned services only adapted for use in industrial machinery, industrial plants and industrial vehicles.


SEW PowerSystems

Application Number 015820871
Status Registered
Filing Date 2016-09-12
Registration Date 2017-04-19
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverter; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency transformers; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Programmable logic controllers; Electric cables; Electric plugs; Electric wires; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Electrical connecting parts; Electronic notice boards; LCD displays; Light emitting diode (LED) displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Integrated circuits; Semiconductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications, downloadable; Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Industrial process control software; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; Personal computers; Laptop computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Electricity transformers; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Accumulators; Capacitors; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; Solar cells, in particular for charging stations; Navigational equipment for vehicles; Navigational instruments and accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories, electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Maintenance and replacement of brakes; Machine diagnosis; Sound and structure-borne noise analyses of drives; Commissioning of electric, electronic and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Installation of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Lubricant checking (maintenance/installation); Lubricant changing (maintenance/installation); Retrofitting of vehicles with electric drives, electronic charging devices and energy stores; Installation, assembly, maintenance, repair and servicing of energy stores. Engineering services; Development of new products, for others; Technical consultancy in the field of power and signal electronics; Planning and technical design of industrial installations; Safety-related design of industrial installations; Computer-based simulations of industrial machines and installations; Technical consultancy in the selection and design of drive components; Technical application design (engineering); Technical commissioning support (engineering); Technical installation management (engineering); Technical assembly monitoring (engineering).



Application Number 015599467
Status Registered
Filing Date 2016-07-01
Registration Date 2017-01-10
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Motors, electric, other than for land vehicles. Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Frequency transformers; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Electric cables; Electric plugs; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Accumulators; Capacitors; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components.



Application Number 015285349
Status Registered
Filing Date 2016-03-30
Registration Date 2016-10-04
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Data processing apparatus; Optical character readers; Electronic publications, downloadable; Interfaces for computers; Electronic data interfaces (software) for completing electronic purchase orders for goods and services; All of the aforesaid services relating solely to the field of industrial machine accessories, including drive technology, geared motors and frequency converters. Provision of an on-line marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services; Providing business information via a website; Providing of an electronic transaction system for completing purchase orders for goods and services; Consultancy in matters relating to procurement; All of the aforesaid services relating solely to the field of industrial machine accessories, including drive technology, geared motors and frequency converters. Conversion of computer programs (other than physical alteration); Electronic data storage; Computer programming; Software as a service [SaaS]; Providing of a technical standard for electronic data for processing online purchase orders for goods and services; Consultancy in matters relating to procurement; All of the aforesaid services relating solely to the field of industrial machine accessories, including drive technology, geared motors and frequency converters.



Application Number 015285406
Status Registered
Filing Date 2016-03-30
Registration Date 2016-10-11
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Data processing apparatus; Optical character readers; Electronic publications, downloadable; Interfaces for computers; Electronic data interfaces (software) for completing electronic purchase orders for goods and services; All of the aforesaid services relating solely to the field of industrial machine accessories, including drive technology, geared motors and frequency converters. Provision of an on-line marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services; Providing business information via a website; Providing of an electronic transaction system for completing purchase orders for goods and services; Consultancy in matters relating to procurement; All of the aforesaid services relating solely to the field of industrial machine accessories, including drive technology, geared motors and frequency converters. Conversion of computer programs (other than physical alteration); Electronic data storage; Computer programming; Software as a service [SaaS]; Providing of a technical standard for electronic data for processing online purchase orders for goods and services; All of the aforesaid services relating solely to the field of industrial machine accessories, including drive technology, geared motors and frequency converters.



Application Number 015265168
Status Registered
Filing Date 2016-03-24
Registration Date 2016-09-26
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Gears; Electric motors; Reluctance motors; Synchronous motors. Frequency transformers; Electronic controls for motors and engines; Electronic motor regulators; Software for regulating electric motors. Engineering services; Rental of computers and computer software; Consulting services in the field of information technology; Consultancy in the field of control and regulating technology.



Application Number 014898449
Status Registered
Filing Date 2015-12-10
Registration Date 2016-06-22
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Electric motors; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasound motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, engines or motors; Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Drives for overhead electric railways; Drives for electric tracks; Wheelwork; Current generators; Wind generators, in particular for charging stations; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Actors; Linear actuators; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Clutches; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Transmission shafts; Parts of the aforesaid goods, Included in class 7, all the aforesaid goods not being for land vehicles. Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverter; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency transformers; Waveguides; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Coils, electric; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Programmable logic controllers; Electric cables; Electric plugs; Electric wires; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Electrical connecting parts; Electronic notice boards; LCD displays; Light emitting diode (LED) displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semiconductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications (downloadable); Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Industrial process control software; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; Personal computers; Laptop computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Electricity transformers; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Accumulators; Capacitors; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; Solar cells, in particular for charging stations; Navigational equipment for vehicles; Navigational instruments and accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories, electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Vehicles for use on land, Except bicycles; Rail vehicles; Electric vehicles, Other than electric bicycles; Electric cars; Electrically operated scooters; Motors, engines and gearboxes for land vehicles, Other than for electric bicycles; Electric motors for electric vehicles of all kinds, Other than for electric bicycles; Electromotive wheel hub or direct drives for electric vehicles of all kinds, other than for electric bicycles; Gearboxes for electric vehicles of all kinds, Other than for electric bicycles; Power electronics, communication electronics and/or control electronic apparatus for electric vehicles of all kinds, other than for electric bicycles; Accessories and parts for electric vehicles, Other than for electric bicycles; Driverless transporter vehicles; Unmanned aerial conveyors; Unmanned conveyor tracks; Parts of the aforesaid goods, Other than parts for bicycles, included in class 12. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Maintenance and replacement of brakes; Machine diagnosis; Sound and structure-borne noise analyses of drives; Assembly services; Installation services; Installation of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Checking of lubricants; Changing of lubricants; Photographing of drives; Mobile maintenance services; Project management for installation and machine construction; Providing of technicians; Concluding servicing and maintenance agreements; Collection services for drives and drive components; Upgrading motor vehicles with electric drives and charging electronics. Engineering services; Construction drafting; Development of new products, for others; Technical consultancy in the field of mechanical engineering; Technical consultancy in the field of industrial drive technology; Planning and technical design of industrial installations; Safety-related design of industrial installations; Computer-based simulations of industrial machines and installations; Technical consultancy in the selection and design of drive components; Technical application design; Technical commissioning support being services provided by engineers; Technical system management being services provided by engineers; Technical installation monitoring being services provided by engineers; Thermal imaging of drives.



Application Number 014842157
Status Registered
Filing Date 2015-11-26
Registration Date 2016-06-01
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Electric motors; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasound motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, engines or motors; Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Drives for overhead electric railways; Drives for electric tracks; Wheelwork; Current generators; Wind generators, in particular for charging stations; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Actors; Linear actuators; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Clutches; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Transmission shafts; Parts of the aforesaid goods, Included in class 7, all the aforesaid goods not being for land vehicles. Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverter; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency transformers; Waveguides; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Coils, electric; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Programmable logic controllers; Electric cables; Electric plugs; Electric wires; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Electrical connecting parts; Electronic notice boards; LCD displays; Light emitting diode (LED) displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semiconductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications (downloadable); Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Industrial process control software; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; Personal computers; Laptop computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Electricity transformers; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Accumulators; Capacitors; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; Solar cells, in particular for charging stations; Navigational equipment for vehicles; Navigational instruments and accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories, electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Engineering services; Construction drafting; Development of new products, for others; Technical consultancy in the field of mechanical engineering; Technical consultancy in the field of industrial drive technology; Planning and technical design of industrial installations; Safety-related design of industrial installations; Computer-based simulations of industrial machines and installations; Technical consultancy in the selection and design of drive components; Technical application design; Technical commissioning support being services provided by engineers; Technical system management being services provided by engineers; Technical installation monitoring being services provided by engineers.



Application Number 014804371
Status Registered
Filing Date 2015-11-18
Registration Date 2016-05-26
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Data processing apparatus; Readers (Optical character -); Electronic publications (downloadable); Interfaces for computers; Electronic data interfaces (software) for completing electronic purchase orders for goods and services; All of the aforesaid services relating solely to the field of industrial machine accessories, including drive technology, geared motors and frequency converters. Provision of an on-line marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services; Providing business information via a website; Providing of an electronic transaction system for completing purchase orders for goods and services; Consultancy in matters relating to procurement; All of the aforesaid services relating solely to the field of industrial machine accessories, including drive technology, geared motors and frequency converters. Conversion of computer programs (other than physical alteration); Electronic data storage; Computer programming; Software as a service [SaaS]; Providing of a technical standard for electronic data for processing online purchase orders for goods and services; All of the aforesaid services relating solely to the field of industrial machine accessories, including drive technology, geared motors and frequency converters.



Application Number 014651871
Status Registered
Filing Date 2015-10-07
Registration Date 2016-04-18
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Motors, electric, other than for land vehicles; Control mechanisms for machines, engines or motors; Gear motors other than for land vehicles; Gear boxes other than for land vehicles; Motors, electric, other than for land vehicles; Control mechanisms for machines, engines or motors; Gear motors other than for land vehicles. Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Frequency transformers; motor control apparatus; Software for controlling electric motors and machines; Industrial process control software; Software for energy management in machines and industrial installations; Software for condition monitoring in industrial drives and machines; Software for designing, planning and displaying industrial drives and machines; Operating system software. Technical consultancy in the field of mechanical engineering; Technical consultancy in the field of industrial drive technology; Planning and technical design of industrial installations; Safety-related design of industrial installations; Computerised planning, monitoring, control and display of industrial machines and installations; Technical consultancy in the selection and design of drive components; Technical system management being services provided by engineers.



Application Number 014630727
Status Registered
Filing Date 2015-09-30
Registration Date 2016-04-25
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Motors, electric, other than for land vehicles; Control mechanisms for machines, engines or motors; Gear motors other than for land vehicles; Gear boxes other than for land vehicles; Motors, electric, other than for land vehicles; Control mechanisms for machines, engines or motors; Gear motors other than for land vehicles. Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Frequency transformers; motor control apparatus; Software for controlling electric motors and machines; Industrial process control software; Software for energy management in machines and industrial installations; Software for condition monitoring in industrial drives and machines; Software for designing, planning and displaying industrial drives and machines; Operating system software; Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Frequency transformers; motor control apparatus; Software for controlling electric motors and machines; Industrial process control software; Software for energy management in machines and industrial installations; Software for condition monitoring in industrial drives and machines; Software for designing, planning and displaying industrial drives and machines; Operating system software. Technical consultancy in the field of mechanical engineering; Technical consultancy in the field of industrial drive technology; Planning and technical design of industrial installations; Safety-related design of industrial installations; Computerised planning, monitoring, control and display of industrial machines and installations; Technical consultancy in the selection and design of drive components; Technical system management being services provided by engineers; Technical consultancy in the field of mechanical engineering; Technical consultancy in the field of industrial drive technology; Planning and technical design of industrial installations; Safety-related design of industrial installations; Computerised planning, monitoring, control and display of industrial machines and installations; Technical consultancy in the selection and design of drive components; Technical system management being services provided by engineers.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 014520746
Status Registered
Filing Date 2015-09-01
Registration Date 2016-04-27
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Electric motors; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasound motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, engines or motors; Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Drives for overhead electric railways; Drives for electric tracks; Wheelwork; Current generators; Wind generators, in particular for charging stations; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Actors; Linear actuators; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Clutches; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Transmission shafts; Parts of the aforesaid goods, Included in class 7, all the aforesaid goods not being for land vehicles. Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverter; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency transformers; Waveguides; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Coils, electric; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Programmable logic controllers; Electric cables; Electric plugs; Electric wires; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Electrical connecting parts; Electronic notice boards; LCD displays; Light emitting diode (LED) displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semiconductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications (downloadable); Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Industrial process control software; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; Personal computers; Laptop computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Electricity transformers; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Accumulators; Capacitors; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; Solar cells, in particular for charging stations; Navigational equipment for vehicles; Navigational instruments and accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories, electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Maintenance and replacement of brakes; Assembly, commissioning and installation of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Changing of lubricants; Mobile maintenance of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drive units and drive components; Dispatching of technicians for maintenance and repair work; Upgrading motor vehicles with electric drives and charging electronics. Engineering services; Construction drafting; Development of new products, for others; Technical consultancy in the field of mechanical engineering; Technical consultancy in the field of industrial drive technology; Planning and technical design of industrial installations; Safety-related design of industrial installations; Computer-based simulations of industrial machines and installations; Technical consultancy in the selection and design of drive components; Technical application design; Technical commissioning support being services provided by engineers; Technical system management being services provided by engineers; Technical installation monitoring being services provided by engineers; Machine diagnosis; Sound and structure-borne noise analyses of drives; Checking of lubricants; Photographing and thermal imaging of drive units (technical analysis); Project management for installation and machine construction.



Application Number 014520076
Status Registered
Filing Date 2015-08-31
Registration Date 2016-04-25
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Electric motors; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasound motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, engines or motors; Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Drives for overhead electric railways; Drives for electric tracks; Wheelwork; Current generators; Wind generators, in particular for charging stations; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Actors; Linear actuators; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Clutches; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Transmission shafts; Parts of the aforesaid goods, Included in class 7, all the aforesaid goods not being for land vehicles. Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverter; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency transformers; Waveguides; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Coils, electric; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Programmable logic controllers; Electric cables; Electric plugs; Electric wires; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Electrical connecting parts; Electronic notice boards; LCD displays; Light emitting diode (LED) displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semiconductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications (downloadable); Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Industrial process control software; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; Personal computers; Laptop computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Electricity transformers; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Accumulators; Capacitors; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; Solar cells, in particular for charging stations; Navigational equipment for vehicles; Navigational instruments and accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories, electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Maintenance and replacement of brakes; Assembly, commissioning and installation of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Changing of lubricants; Mobile maintenance of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drive units and drive components; Dispatching of technicians for maintenance and repair work; Upgrading motor vehicles with electric drives and charging electronics. Engineering services; Construction drafting; Development of new products, for others; Technical consultancy in the field of mechanical engineering; Technical consultancy in the field of industrial drive technology; Planning and technical design of industrial installations; Safety-related design of industrial installations; Computer-based simulations of industrial machines and installations; Technical consultancy in the selection and design of drive components; Technical application design; Technical commissioning support being services provided by engineers; Technical system management being services provided by engineers; Technical installation monitoring being services provided by engineers; Machine diagnosis; Sound and structure-borne noise analyses of drives; Checking of lubricants; Photographing and thermal imaging of drive units (technical analysis); Project management for installation and machine construction.



Application Number 014520118
Status Registered
Filing Date 2015-08-31
Registration Date 2016-03-22
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Electric motors; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasound motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, engines or motors; Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Drives for overhead electric railways; Drives for electric tracks; Wheelwork; Current generators; Wind generators, in particular for charging stations; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Actors; Linear actuators; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Clutches; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Transmission shafts; Parts of the aforesaid goods, Included in class 7, all the aforesaid goods not being for land vehicles. Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverter; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency transformers; Waveguides; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Coils, electric; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Programmable logic controllers; Electric cables; Electric plugs; Electric wires; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Electrical connecting parts; Electronic notice boards; LCD displays; Light emitting diode (LED) displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semiconductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications (downloadable); Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Industrial process control software; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; Personal computers; Laptop computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Electricity transformers; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Accumulators; Capacitors; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; Solar cells, in particular for charging stations; Navigational equipment for vehicles; Navigational instruments and accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories, electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Maintenance and replacement of brakes; Assembly services, Installation services, Installation of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Changing of lubricants; Mobile maintenance of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drive units and drive components; Dispatching of technicians for maintenance and repair work; Upgrading motor vehicles with electric drives and charging electronics. Engineering services; Construction drafting; Development of new products, for others; Technical consultancy in the field of mechanical engineering; Technical consultancy in the field of industrial drive technology; Planning and technical design of industrial installations; Safety-related design of industrial installations; Computer-based simulations of industrial machines and installations; Technical consultancy in the selection and design of drive components; Technical application design; Technical commissioning support being services provided by engineers; Technical system management being services provided by engineers; Technical installation monitoring being services provided by engineers; Machine diagnosis; Sound and structure-borne noise analyses of drives; Checking of lubricants; Photographing and thermal imaging of drive units (technical analysis); Project management for installation and machine construction.



Application Number 014401624
Status Registered
Filing Date 2015-07-23
Registration Date 2016-02-10
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Electric motors; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasound motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, engines or motors; Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Drives for overhead electric railways; Drives for electric tracks; Wheelwork; Current generators; Wind generators, in particular for charging stations; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Actors; Linear actuators; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Clutches; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Transmission shafts; Parts of the aforesaid goods, Included in class 7, all the aforesaid goods not being for land vehicles. Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverter; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency transformers; Waveguides; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Coils, electric; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Programmable logic controllers; Electric cables; Electric plugs; Electric wires; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Electrical connecting parts; Electronic notice boards; LCD displays; Light emitting diode (LED) displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semiconductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications (downloadable); Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Industrial process control software; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; Personal computers; Laptop computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Electricity transformers; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Accumulators; Capacitors; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; Solar cells, in particular for charging stations; Navigational equipment for vehicles; Navigational instruments and accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories, electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Maintenance and replacement of brakes; Assembly, commissioning and installation of industrial drive technology products and systems; Changing of lubricants; Dispatching of technicians for repair work; Upgrading motor vehicles with electric drives and charging electronics. Engineering services; Construction drafting; Development of new products, for others; Technical consultancy in the field of mechanical engineering; Technical consultancy in the field of industrial drive technology; Planning and technical design of industrial installations; Safety-related design of industrial installations; Computer-based simulations of industrial machines and installations; Technical consultancy in the selection and design of drive components; Technical application design; Technical commissioning support being services provided by engineers; Technical system management being services provided by engineers; Technical installation monitoring being services provided by engineers.



Application Number 014401616
Status Registered
Filing Date 2015-07-23
Registration Date 2016-02-03
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Electric motors; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasound motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, engines or motors; Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Drives for overhead electric railways; Drives for electric tracks; Wheelwork; Current generators; Wind generators, in particular for charging stations; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Actors; Linear actuators; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Clutches; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Transmission shafts; Parts of the aforesaid goods, Included in class 7, all the aforesaid goods not being for land vehicles. Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverter; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency transformers; Waveguides; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Coils, electric; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Programmable logic controllers; Electric cables; Electric plugs; Electric wires; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Electrical connecting parts; Electronic notice boards; LCD displays; Light emitting diode (LED) displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semiconductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications (downloadable); Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Industrial process control software; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; Personal computers; Laptop computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Electricity transformers; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Accumulators; Capacitors; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; Solar cells, in particular for charging stations; Navigational equipment for vehicles; Navigational instruments and accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories, electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Maintenance and replacement of brakes; Assembly, commissioning and installation of industrial drive technology products and systems; Changing of lubricants; Dispatching of technicians for repair work; Upgrading motor vehicles with electric drives and charging electronics. Engineering services; Construction drafting; Development of new products, for others; Technical consultancy in the field of mechanical engineering; Technical consultancy in the field of industrial drive technology; Planning and technical design of industrial installations; Safety-related design of industrial installations; Computer-based simulations of industrial machines and installations; Technical consultancy in the selection and design of drive components; Technical application design; Technical commissioning support being services provided by engineers; Technical system management being services provided by engineers; Technical installation monitoring being services provided by engineers.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 014401681
Status Registered
Filing Date 2015-07-23
Registration Date 2016-02-10
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Electric motors; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasound motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, engines or motors; Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Drives for overhead electric railways; Drives for electric tracks; Wheelwork; Current generators; Wind generators, in particular for charging stations; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Actors; Linear actuators; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Clutches; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Transmission shafts; Parts of the aforesaid goods, Included in class 7, all the aforesaid goods not being for land vehicles. Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverter; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency transformers; Waveguides; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Coils, electric; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Programmable logic controllers; Electric cables; Electric plugs; Electric wires; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Electrical connecting parts; Electronic notice boards; LCD displays; Light emitting diode (LED) displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semiconductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications (downloadable); Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Industrial process control software; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; Personal computers; Laptop computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Electricity transformers; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Accumulators; Capacitors; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; Solar cells, in particular for charging stations; Navigational equipment for vehicles; Navigational instruments and accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories, electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Maintenance and replacement of brakes; Assembly, commissioning and installation of industrial drive technology products and systems; Changing of lubricants; Dispatching of technicians for repair work; Upgrading motor vehicles with electric drives and charging electronics. Engineering services; Construction drafting; Development of new products, for others; Technical consultancy in the field of mechanical engineering; Technical consultancy in the field of industrial drive technology; Planning and technical design of industrial installations; Safety-related design of industrial installations; Computer-based simulations of industrial machines and installations; Technical consultancy in the selection and design of drive components; Technical application design; Technical commissioning support being services provided by engineers; Technical system management being services provided by engineers; Technical installation monitoring being services provided by engineers.



Application Number 014258461
Status Registered
Filing Date 2015-06-15
Registration Date 2015-12-21
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Electric motors; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasound motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, engines or motors; Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Drives for overhead electric railways; Drives for electric tracks; Wheelwork; Current generators; Wind generators, in particular for charging stations; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Actors; Linear actuators; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Clutches; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Transmission shafts; Parts of the aforesaid goods, Included in class 7, all the aforesaid goods not being for land vehicles. Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverter; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency transformers; Waveguides; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Coils, electric; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Programmable logic controllers; Electric cables; Electric plugs; Electric wires; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Electrical connecting parts; Electronic notice boards; LCD displays; Light emitting diode (LED) displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semiconductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications (downloadable); Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Industrial process control software; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; Personal computers; Laptop computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Electricity transformers; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Accumulators; Capacitors; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; Solar cells, in particular for charging stations; Navigational equipment for vehicles; Navigational instruments and accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories, electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Parts for all the aforesaid goods (included in class 9). Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Maintenance and replacement of brakes; Machine diagnosis; Sound and structure-borne noise analyses of drives; Assembly services; Installation services; Installation servicing; Checking of lubricants; Changing of lubricants; Photographing and thermographing of drives; Mobile maintenance services; Project management for installation and machine construction; Providing of technicians; Concluding servicing and maintenance agreements; Collection services for drives and drive components; Upgrading motor vehicles with electric drives and charging electronics.



Application Number 013473384
Status Registered
Filing Date 2014-11-19
Registration Date 2015-04-20
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Electric motors; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, engines or motors; Gear motors; Gears; Clutches; Brakes; Parts of the aforesaid goods, Included in class 7, all the aforesaid goods not being for land vehicles. Computer software for configuring industrial drives; Downloadable computer programs for configuring industrial drives; Computer programs that can be used online for configuring industrial drives; Inverter units, Controls. Planning and design of industrial drives and installations; Planning and design of industrial drives and installations in the field of technology, in particular safety technology for industry; Assessment, research, testing, monitoring in the field of technology, in particular safety technology for industry; Testing, assessment and consultancy relating to the development and manufacture of products with regard to safety, and issuing of certificates; Auditing, assessment, testing, certification of safety management systems.



Application Number 013426151
Status Registered
Filing Date 2014-11-03
Registration Date 2015-03-16
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Gear units for machines; Electric driving motors for machines; Electric motors; Driving devices for machines; Regulators for engines. Frequency transformers; Electronic controllers; Electronic regulators; Controllers (regulators); Software. Engineering services; Leasing of computer software; Leasing of computer software; Information technology consulting; Control technology consulting services; Engineering consultancy services.



Application Number 013426267
Status Registered
Filing Date 2014-11-03
Registration Date 2015-03-26
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Gears; Electric motors; Reluctance motors; Synchronous motors. Frequency transformers; Electronic controls for motors and engines; Electronic motor regulators; Software for regulating electric motors. Engineering services; Rental of computers and software; Consulting services in the field of information technology; Consultancy in the field of control and regulating technology.



Application Number 012885034
Status Registered
Filing Date 2014-05-19
Registration Date 2015-02-23
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Electric motors; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasound motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, engines or motors; Gear motors; Gearboxes; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Drives for overhead electric railways; Drives for electric tracks; Wheelwork; Generators of electricity; Wind generators, in particular for charging stations; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Actors; Linear actuators; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Clutches; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Transmission shafts; Parts of the aforesaid goods, Included in class 7, all the aforesaid goods not being for land vehicles. Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverters; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency transformers; Waveguides; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Coils, electric; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Memory-programmable controls; Electrical cables; Electric plugs; Electrical cables; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Electrical connecting parts; Electronic display boards; LCD displays; Light emitting diode (LED) displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semiconductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications (downloadable); Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Industrial process control software; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; Personal computers; Laptop computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Electricity transformers; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Accumulators; Capacitors; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; Solar cells, in particular for charging stations; Navigational equipment for vehicles; Navigational instruments and accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories, electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Parts for the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Maintenance and replacement of brakes; Machine diagnostics being part of maintenance and repair; Analyses of the noise and structure-borne noise of drives being part of maintenance and repair; Assembly services; Servicing being part of maintenance and repair; Installation services as part of maintenance and repair; Checking of lubricants; Changing of lubricants; Photography and thermography of drives for the technical diagnosis of drives as part of maintenance; Mobile maintenance services; Dispatching technicians as part of installation, assembly, maintenance, repair and servicing of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Concluding servicing and maintenance agreements; Upgrading motor vehicles with electric drives and charging electronics.



Application Number 012490454
Status Registered
Filing Date 2014-01-10
Registration Date 2014-08-12
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Electric motors; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasound motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, engines or motors; Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Drives for overhead electric railways; Drives for electric tracks; Wheelwork; Generators of electricity; Wind generators, in particular for charging stations; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Actors; Linear actuators; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Clutches; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Transmission shafts; Parts of the aforesaid goods, Included in class 7, all the aforesaid goods not being for land vehicles. Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverters; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency transformers; Waveguides; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Coils, electric; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Memory-programmable controls; Electrical cables; Electric plugs; Electrical cables; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Electrical connecting parts; Electronic display boards; LCD displays; Light emitting diode (LED) displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semiconductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications (downloadable); Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Industrial process control software; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; Personal computers; Laptop computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Electricity transformers; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Accumulators; Capacitors; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; Solar cells, in particular for charging stations; Navigational equipment for vehicles; Navigational instruments and accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories, electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Parts for the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Machine diagnostics being part of maintenance and repair; Analyses of the noise and structure-borne noise of drives being part of maintenance and repair; Assembly services; Servicing being part of maintenance and repair; Installation of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Checking of lubricants; Changing of lubricants; Photography and thermography of drives for the technical diagnosis of drives as part of maintenance; Mobile maintenance services; Project management for installation and machine construction; Dispatching technicians as part of installation, assembly, maintenance, repair and servicing of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Concluding servicing and maintenance agreements; Collection services for drives and drive components; Upgrading motor vehicles with electric drives and charging electronics; Replacement of brakes.



Application Number 012249611
Status Registered
Filing Date 2013-10-24
Registration Date 2014-05-20
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Electric motors; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasound motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, for engines and motors; Gear motors; Reducers (parts of machines); Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Drives for overhead electric railways; Drives for electric tracks; Wheelwork; Generators of electricity; Wind generators, in particular for charging stations; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Actors; Linear actuators; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Clutches; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Drive shafts; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverters; Power frequency converters; Current transformers; Voltage converters; Frequency transformers; Waveguides; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Coils, electric; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Memory-programmable controls; Electrical cables; Electric plugs; Electrical cables; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Connection units (Electric -); Electronic display boards; LCD displays; Light emitting diode (LED) displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semiconductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications (downloadable); Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Industrial process control software; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; Personal computers; Laptop computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Electricity transformers; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Accumulators; Capacitors; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; Solar cells, in particular for charging stations; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Navigational instruments and accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories, electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Maintenance and replacement of brakes; Machine diagnosis; Sound and structure-borne noise analyses of drives; Assembly services; Installation services; Installation servicing; Checking of lubricants; Changing of lubricants; Photographing and thermographing of drives; Mobile maintenance services; Project management for installation and machine construction; Upgrading motor vehicles with electric drives and charging electronics.



Application Number 012249561
Status Registered
Filing Date 2013-10-24
Registration Date 2014-05-20
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Electric motors; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasound motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, for engines and motors; Gear motors; Reducers (parts of machines); Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Drives for overhead electric railways; Drives for electric tracks; Wheelwork; Generators of electricity; Wind generators, in particular for charging stations; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Actors; Linear actuators; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Clutches; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Drive shafts; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverters; Power frequency converters; Current transformers; Voltage converters; Frequency transformers; Waveguides; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Coils, electric; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Memory-programmable controls; Electrical cables; Electric plugs; Electrical cables; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Connection units (Electric -); Electronic display boards; LCD displays; Light emitting diode (LED) displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semiconductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications (downloadable); Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Industrial process control software; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; Personal computers; Laptop computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Electricity transformers; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Accumulators; Capacitors; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; Solar cells, in particular for charging stations; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Navigational instruments and accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories, electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Maintenance and replacement of brakes; Machine diagnosis; Sound and structure-borne noise analyses of drives; Assembly services; Installation services; Installation servicing; Checking of lubricants; Changing of lubricants; Photographing and thermographing of drives; Mobile maintenance services; Project management for installation and machine construction; Upgrading motor vehicles with electric drives and charging electronics.



Application Number 012249637
Status Registered
Filing Date 2013-10-24
Registration Date 2014-05-20
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Electric motors; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasound motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, for engines and motors; Gear motors; Reducers (parts of machines); Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Drives for overhead electric railways; Drives for electric tracks; Wheelwork; Generators of electricity; Wind generators, in particular for charging stations; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Actors; Linear actuators; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Clutches; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Drive shafts; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverters; Power frequency converters; Current transformers; Voltage converters; Frequency transformers; Waveguides; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Coils, electric; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Memory-programmable controls; Electrical cables; Electric plugs; Electrical cables; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Connection units (Electric -); Electronic display boards; LCD displays; Light emitting diode (LED) displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semiconductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications (downloadable); Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Industrial process control software; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; Personal computers; Laptop computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Electricity transformers; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Accumulators; Capacitors; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; Solar cells, in particular for charging stations; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Navigational instruments and accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories, electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Maintenance and replacement of brakes; Machine diagnosis; Sound and structure-borne noise analyses of drives; Assembly services; Installation services; Installation servicing; Checking of lubricants; Changing of lubricants; Photographing and thermographing of drives; Mobile maintenance services; Project management for installation and machine construction; Upgrading motor vehicles with electric drives and charging electronics.



Application Number 012245007
Status Registered
Filing Date 2013-10-23
Registration Date 2014-05-20
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Electric motors; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasound motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, for engines and motors; Gear motors; Reducers (parts of machines); Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Drives for overhead electric railways; Drives for electric tracks; Wheelwork; Generators of electricity; Wind generators, in particular for charging stations; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Actors; Linear actuators; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Clutches; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Drive shafts; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverters; Power frequency converters; Current transformers; Voltage converters; Frequency transformers; Waveguides; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Coils, electric; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Memory-programmable controls; Electrical cables; Electric plugs; Electrical cables; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Connection units (Electric -); Electronic display boards; LCD displays; Light emitting diode (LED) displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semiconductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications (downloadable); Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Industrial process control software; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; Personal computers; Laptop computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Electricity transformers; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Accumulators; Capacitors; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; Solar cells, in particular for charging stations; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Navigational instruments and accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories, electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Maintenance and replacement of brakes; Machine diagnosis; Sound and structure-borne noise analyses of drives; Assembly services; Installation services; Installation servicing; Checking of lubricants; Changing of lubricants; Photographing and thermographing of drives; Mobile maintenance services; Project management for installation and machine construction; Upgrading motor vehicles with electric drives and charging electronics.



Application Number 012065686
Status Registered
Filing Date 2013-08-14
Registration Date 2014-05-16
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Electrical engines; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasonic motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, for engines and motors; Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Drives for overhead electric railways; Drives for electric tracks; Toothed wheels; Generators of electricity; Wind generators, In particular for charging stations; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Actors; Linearaktoren; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Clutches; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Drive shafts; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverters; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency transformers; Waveguides; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Coils, electric; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Memory-programmable controls; Electrical cables; Electric plugs; Electrical cables; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Electrical connecting parts; Electronic display boards; LCD displays; Light emitting diode (LED) displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semiconductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications (downloadable); Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Industrial process control software; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; Personal computers; Laptop computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Electricity transformers; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, electric converters, antennae, receivers, transceivers, charging mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Accumulators; Capacitors; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; Solar cells, in particular for charging stations; Navigational equipment for vehicles; Navigational instruments and accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories, electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Parts for the aforesaid goods, included in class 9; None of the aforesaid goods being for presentation products or packaging solutions or being parts therefor and not being for the telecommunications sector. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Maintenance and replacement of brakes; Machine diagnosis; Sound and structure-borne noise analyses of drives; Assembly services; Installation services; Installation servicing; Checking of lubricants; Changing of lubricants; Photographing and thermographing of drives; Mobile maintenance services; Project management for installation and machine construction; Dispatching technicians (repair and/or breakdown assistance); Upgrading motor vehicles with electric drives and charging electronics.



Application Number 011616828
Status Registered
Filing Date 2013-03-01
Registration Date 2013-10-15
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Electrical engines; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasonic motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, for engines and motors; Gear motors; Gearboxes; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Drives for overhead electric railways; Drives for electric tracks; Toothed wheels; Generators of electricity; Wind generators, In particular for charging stations; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Actors; Linearaktoren; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Clutches; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Drive shafts; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverters; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency converters; Wave guide; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Coils, electric; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Memory-programmable controls; Cables, electric; Electric plugs; Wires, electric; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Electrical connecting parts; Electronic notice boards; LCD displays; LED displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits (ICs); Semi-conductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications (downloadable); Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Software for controlling industrial processes; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; PC's; Laptop computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Industrial modems, industrial W-LAN modems, industrial routers; Transformer; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, Converters, electric, Aerials, Receivers, Transceivers, Power mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Battery; Storage batteries; Condensers; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; Solar cell, In particular for charging stations; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Navigational instruments and Accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories; Electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Engineering; Construction drafting; Development of new products, for others; Technical consultancy in the field of mechanical engineering; Technical consultancy in the field of industrial drive technology; Planning and technical design of industrial installations; Safety-related design of industrial installations; Computer-based simulations of industrial machines and installations; Technical consultancy in the selection and design of drive components; Technical application design; Technical commissioning support being services provided by engineers; Technical system management being services provided by engineers; Technical installation monitoring being services provided by engineers.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 011280591
Status Registered
Filing Date 2012-10-19
Registration Date 2013-03-18
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Electrical engines; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasonic motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, for engines and motors; Gear motors; Gearboxes; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Drives for overhead electric railways; Drives for electric tracks; Toothed wheels; Generators of electricity; Wind generators, In particular for charging stations; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Actors; Linearaktoren; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Clutches; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Drive shafts; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverters; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency converters; Wave guide; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Coils, electric; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Memory-programmable controls; Cables, electric; Electric plugs; Wires, electric; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Electrical connecting parts; Electronic notice boards; LCD displays; LED displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits (ICs); Semi-conductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications (downloadable); Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Software for controlling industrial processes; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; PC's; Laptop computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Transformer; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, Converters, electric, Antennas, Receivers, Transceivers, Power mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Battery; Storage batteries; Condensers; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; Solar cell, In particular for charging stations; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Navigational instruments and Accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories, electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Charge plates for the contactless charging of electric vehicles; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Vehicles for land use; Railway vehicles; Electric vehicles; Electric automobiles; Electric bicycles; Electric tricycles; Electric cycles; Electric scooters; Electric bicycles; Motors, engines and gearboxes for land vehicles; Electric motors for electric vehicles of all kinds; Electric wheel hub drives or direct drives for electric vehicles of all kinds; Gearboxes for electric vehicles of all kinds; Electronic power, communications and/or control devices for electric vehicles of all kinds; Accessories and parts for electric vehicles; Accessories for bicycles; Unmanned transport vehicles; Unmanned aerial conveyors; Unmanned conveyor tracks; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 12.



Application Number 011111812
Status Registered
Filing Date 2012-08-10
Registration Date 2013-02-06
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Electric motors; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasonic motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, for engines and motors; Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Drives for overhead electric railways; Drives for electric tracks; Toothed wheels; Electric generators; Wind generators, In particular for charging stations; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Actors; Linearaktoren; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Couplings; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Drive shafts; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverters; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency converters; Wave guide; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Electrical coils; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Memory-programmable controls; Electric cables; Electric plugs; Electric wires; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Electrical connecting parts; Electronic display boards; LCD displays; LED displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semiconductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications (downloadable); Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Software for controlling industrial processes; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; PC's; Lap-top computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Transformers; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, Converters, electric, Aerials, Receivers, Transceivers, Power mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Storage batteries; Capacitors; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; Solar cells, In particular for charging stations; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Navigational instruments and Accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories, electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Land vehicles; Railway vehicles; Electric vehicles; Electric automobiles; Electric bicycles; Electric tricycles; Electric cycles; Electric scooters; Electric bicycles; Motors, engines and gearboxes for land vehicles; Electric motors for electric vehicles of all kinds; Electric wheel hub drives or direct drives for electric vehicles of all kinds; Gearboxes for electric vehicles of all kinds; Electronic power, communications and/or control devices for electric vehicles of all kinds; Accessories and parts for electric vehicles; Accessories for bicycles; Unmanned transport vehicles; Unmanned aerial conveyors; Unmanned conveyor tracks; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 12. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Maintenance and replacement of brakes; Machine diagnosis; Sound and structure-borne noise analyses of drives; Assembly services; Installation services; Installation servicing; Checking of lubricants; Changing of lubricants; Photographing and thermographing of drives; Mobile maintenance services; Project management for installation and machine construction; Dispatching technicians (repair and/or breakdown assistance); Concluding servicing and maintenance agreements; Upgrading motor vehicles with electric drives and charging electronics. Engineering; Construction drafting; Development of new products, for others; Technical consultancy in the field of mechanical engineering; Technical consultancy in the field of industrial drive technology; Planning and technical design of industrial installations; Safety-related design of industrial installations; Computer-based simulations of industrial machines and installations; Technical consultancy in the selection and design of drive components; Technical application design; Technical commissioning support being services provided by engineers; Technical system management being services provided by engineers; Technical installation monitoring being services provided by engineers.



Application Number 011111861
Status Registered
Filing Date 2012-08-10
Registration Date 2013-02-06
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Electric motors; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasonic motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, for engines and motors; Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Drives for overhead electric railways; Drives for electric tracks; Toothed wheels; Electric generators; Wind generators, In particular for charging stations; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Actors; Linearaktoren; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Couplings; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Drive shafts; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverters; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency converters; Wave guide; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Electrical coils; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Memory-programmable controls; Electric cables; Electric plugs; Electric wires; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Electrical connecting parts; Electronic display boards; LCD displays; LED displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semiconductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications (downloadable); Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Software for controlling industrial processes; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; PC's; Lap-top computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Transformers; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, Converters, electric, Aerials, Receivers, Transceivers, Power mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Storage batteries; Capacitors; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; Solar cells, In particular for charging stations; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Navigational instruments and Accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories, electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Land vehicles; Railway vehicles; Electric vehicles; Electric automobiles; Electric bicycles; Electric tricycles; Electric cycles; Electric scooters; Electric bicycles; Motors, engines and gearboxes for land vehicles; Electric motors for electric vehicles of all kinds; Electric wheel hub drives or direct drives for electric vehicles of all kinds; Gearboxes for electric vehicles of all kinds; Electronic power, communications and/or control devices for electric vehicles of all kinds; Accessories and parts for electric vehicles; Accessories for bicycles; Unmanned transport vehicles; Unmanned aerial conveyors; Unmanned conveyor tracks; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 12. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Maintenance and replacement of brakes; Machine diagnosis; Sound and structure-borne noise analyses of drives; Assembly services; Installation services; Installation servicing; Checking of lubricants; Changing of lubricants; Photographing and thermographing of drives; Mobile maintenance services; Project management for installation and machine construction; Dispatching technicians (repair and/or breakdown assistance); Concluding servicing and maintenance agreements; Upgrading motor vehicles with electric drives and charging electronics. Engineering; Construction drafting; Development of new products, for others; Technical consultancy in the field of mechanical engineering; Technical consultancy in the field of industrial drive technology; Planning and technical design of industrial installations; Safety-related design of industrial installations; Computer-based simulations of industrial machines and installations; Technical consultancy in the selection and design of drive components; Technical application design; Technical commissioning support being services provided by engineers; Technical system management being services provided by engineers; Technical installation monitoring being services provided by engineers.



Application Number 011111945
Status Registered
Filing Date 2012-08-10
Registration Date 2013-02-06
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Electric motors; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasonic motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, for engines and motors; Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Drives for overhead electric railways; Drives for electric tracks; Toothed wheels; Electric generators; Wind generators, In particular for charging stations; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Actors; Linearaktoren; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Couplings; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Drive shafts; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverters; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency converters; Wave guide; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Electrical coils; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Memory-programmable controls; Electric cables; Electric plugs; Electric wires; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Electrical connecting parts; Electronic display boards; LCD displays; LED displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semiconductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications (downloadable); Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Software for controlling industrial processes; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; PC's; Lap-top computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Transformers; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, Converters, electric, Aerials, Receivers, Transceivers, Power mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Storage batteries; Capacitors; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; Solar cells, In particular for charging stations; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Navigational instruments and Accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories, electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Land vehicles; Railway vehicles; Electric vehicles; Electric automobiles; Electric bicycles; Electric tricycles; Electric cycles; Electric scooters; Electric bicycles; Motors, engines and gearboxes for land vehicles; Electric motors for electric vehicles of all kinds; Electric wheel hub drives or direct drives for electric vehicles of all kinds; Gearboxes for electric vehicles of all kinds; Electronic power, communications and/or control devices for electric vehicles of all kinds; Accessories and parts for electric vehicles; Accessories for bicycles; Unmanned transport vehicles; Unmanned aerial conveyors; Unmanned conveyor tracks; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 12. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Maintenance and replacement of brakes; Machine diagnosis; Sound and structure-borne noise analyses of drives; Assembly services; Installation services; Installation servicing; Checking of lubricants; Changing of lubricants; Photographing and thermographing of drives; Mobile maintenance services; Project management for installation and machine construction; Dispatching technicians (repair and/or breakdown assistance); Concluding servicing and maintenance agreements; Upgrading motor vehicles with electric drives and charging electronics. Engineering; Construction drafting; Development of new products, for others; Technical consultancy in the field of mechanical engineering; Technical consultancy in the field of industrial drive technology; Planning and technical design of industrial installations; Safety-related design of industrial installations; Computer-based simulations of industrial machines and installations; Technical consultancy in the selection and design of drive components; Technical application design; Technical commissioning support being services provided by engineers; Technical system management being services provided by engineers; Technical installation monitoring being services provided by engineers.



Application Number 011050176
Status Registered
Filing Date 2012-07-18
Registration Date 2013-02-13
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Electric motors; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasonic motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, for engines and motors; Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Drives for overhead electric railways; Drives for electric tracks; Toothed wheels; Electric generators; Wind generators,In particular for charging stations; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Actors; Linearaktoren; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Couplings; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Drive shafts; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverters; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency converters; Waveguide; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Electrical coils; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Memory-programmable controls; Electric cables; Electric plugs; Electric wires; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Electrical connecting parts; Electronic display boards; LCD displays; LED displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semiconductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications (downloadable); Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Software for controlling industrial processes; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; PC's; Lap-top computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Transformers; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, Converters, electric, Aerials, Receivers, Transceivers,Power mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Storage batteries; Capacitors; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; Solar cells,In particular for charging stations; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Navigational instruments and Accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories, electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Maintenance and replacement of brakes; Machine diagnosis; Sound and structure-borne noise analyses of drives; Assembly services; Installation services; Installation servicing; Checking of lubricants; Changing of lubricants; Mobile maintenance services; Project management for installation and machine construction; Installation, assembly, maintenance, repair and servicing by dispatching engineers; Installation, assembly, maintenance, repair and servicing by delivery and pick-up service for drives and drive components; Upgrading motor vehicles with electric drives and charging electronics.



Application Number 011050267
Status Registered
Filing Date 2012-07-18
Registration Date 2013-02-13
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Electric motors; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Magnet wheel printed armature motors; Eddy current motors; Ultrasonic motors; Electric lifting cylinders; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives; Control mechanisms for machines, for engines and motors; Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Drives for overhead electric railways; Drives for electric tracks; Toothed wheels; Electric generators; Wind generators,In particular for charging stations; Mechanical energy accumulators, namely flywheel mass accumulators; Actors; Linearaktoren; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Motor swing bases (parts of machines); Fans for machinery; Radiators for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Couplings; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Eddy current brakes; Brake magnets; Drive shafts; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and/or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Inverters; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Voltage converters; Frequency converters; Waveguide; Waveguides; Slot waveguides; Electrical coils; Current coils for inductive power supply; Energy recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Memory-programmable controls; Electric cables; Electric plugs; Electric wires; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Electrical connecting parts; Electronic display boards; LCD displays; LED displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semiconductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Sonic sensors; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications (downloadable); Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Software for controlling industrial processes; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Data communication software; Software protocols for data communication; Data bus protocols; Security-related data bus protocols; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Optocouplers; Electro-optical converters; Data bus converters; Data bus cables; Data bus plugs; Fieldbus converters; Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; PC's; Lap-top computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Transformers; Apparatus for inductively and wirelessly supplying and/or charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles with electrical energy, namely line conductors, pickup coils, Converters, electric, Aerials, Receivers, Transceivers,Power mats; Electrical charging apparatus for charging electric drives, energy accumulators and electric vehicles; Energy storage units; Batteries; Storage batteries; Capacitors; Capacitor modules, consisting of capacitors, housings and plates; Charging cables; Charging posts; Charging stations; Charging stations, supplied from the public power network and/or from renewable energy sources, for electric vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; Solar cells,In particular for charging stations; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Navigational instruments and Accessories; Navigational instruments for industrial use and accessories, electronic parking aids; Conductor rails; Sound cameras; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Maintenance and replacement of brakes; Machine diagnosis; Sound and structure-borne noise analyses of drives; Assembly services; Installation services; Installation servicing; Checking of lubricants; Changing of lubricants; Mobile maintenance services; Project management for installation and machine construction; Installation, assembly, maintenance, repair and servicing by dispatching engineers; Installation, assembly, maintenance, repair and servicing by delivery and pick-up service for drives and drive components; Upgrading motor vehicles with electric drives and charging electronics.



Application Number 010319771
Status Registered
Filing Date 2011-10-06
Registration Date 2012-02-15
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; Apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; Magnetic data carriers, recording discs; Automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; Cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; Fire-extinguishing apparatus. Education; Providing of training; Entertainment; Sporting and cultural activities. Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; Industrial analysis and research services; Design and development of computer hardware and software.



Application Number 010184265
Status Registered
Filing Date 2011-08-09
Registration Date 2012-03-21
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Electronic publications (downloadable); Product information in electronic form (downloadable); Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; Inverter units; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Frequency converters; Electronic negative feedback apparatus; Electronic controllers; Electric cables; Electric plugs; Electric wires; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Electrical connecting parts; Electronic display boards; LCD displays; LED displays; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semiconductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Software for controlling industrial processes; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for configuring drives; Downloadable computer software for configuring drives; Computer programs that can be used online for configuring drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; PCs; Lap-top computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Wireless LAN modems; Transformers; Equipment and devices for the non-contact transmission of electrical energy and/or information; Apparatus for inductively supplying electric drives with electric energy; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, Commissioning, Assembly, Maintenance, fix,Maintenance and replacement of engines, transmissions, electronic engine controls and other goods in the industrial drive technology field; Maintenance of brakes, Changing of lubricants; Building site logistics; Construction planning; Construction management services. Packaging, storage and delivery of engines, transmissions, electronic engine controls and other goods in the industrial drive technology field; Just in time delivery service. Engineering; Technological consultancy and technical expertise relating to installation, assembly, upkeep, repair and maintenance of engines, transmissions, electronic engine controls and other goods in the industrial drive technology field; Construction drafting; New product development services; Consultancy in the fields of electric and mechanical drive technology; Planning and construction of industrial installations and machines; Consultancy relating to choice and design of engines, transmissions, electronic engine controls and other goods in the industrial drive technology field; Development of applications; Start-up support; Monitoring of industrial installations; Supervision of assembly; Applying customer-specific product data to identification tags, in particular stickers, signs, RFID chips, barcode labels, electronic, magnetic and optical data carriers, holograms and packaging materials; Demand planning; Data management,Namely electronic data protection; Data standardisation; Optimisation of maintenance data; Technical consultancy in the field of electronic data interchange (EDI).



Application Number 009659764
Status Registered
Filing Date 2011-01-14
Registration Date 2011-08-10
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Electric motors; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Compact gears, namely integrated drives consisting of electric motors, step-down gears and frequency converters in a housing; Drives for overhead electric railways; Toothed wheels; Electric generators; Actors; Linearaktoren; Regulators [parts of machines]; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Adapters (parts of machines); Stators [parts of machines]; Fans for machinery; Radiators for motors and engines; Bearings [parts of machines]; Gaskets (parts of machines); Sealing rings (parts of machines); Couplings; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Brake magnets; Drive shafts; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Converters and power frequency converters, namely frequency converters for electronic speed regulation; Converters, electric; Frequency converters; Apparatus for recirculating electrical energy produced by generators into a power network, namely recirculating apparatus; Electronic controllers; Electric cables; Electric plugs; Electric wires; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electrical connecting parts; Electronic display boards; LCD displays; LED displays; Electronic operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Encoders and incremental encoders (devices for measuring rotary speed and/or position of drives); Integrated circuits; Semiconductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Electronic publications (downloadable); Electronic positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Software for controlling industrial processes; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; PCs; Lap-top computers; Industrial PCs; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Transformers; Equipment and systems for the non-contact transmission of electrical energy and/or information; Electronic and electrotechnical apparatus for the secure monitoring of drives, namely security monitors; Power frequency converters with integrated monitoring and security functions; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Maintenance and replacement of brakes; Changing of lubricants; Assembly and installation services; Mobile maintenance services.



Application Number 009659897
Status Registered
Filing Date 2011-01-14
Registration Date 2011-06-21
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Electric motors; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives, namely drives consisting of electric motors, gearboxes and engine control devices in a housing; Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Drives for overhead electric railways; Toothed wheels; Cogged wheel segments; Electric generators; Actors; Linearaktoren; Machine parts, namely regulators; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Machine parts, namely adapters; Machine parts, namely stators; Machine parts, namely engine swing bases; Fans for machinery; Radiators for motors and engines; Machine parts, namely, bearings; Machine parts, namely gaskets; Machine parts, namely sealing rings; Couplings; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Brake magnets; Drive shafts; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Power converters for direct current drives (reverse drives); Electronic apparatus for controlling and regulating electric motors and test apparatus therefor; Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; Converters, namely, frequency converters for the electronic speed control of electric motors; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Frequency converters; Negative feed apparatus; Electronic controls for motors; Electric cables; Electric plugs; Electric wires; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Electrical connecting parts; Electronic display boards; LCD displays; LED displays; Switch cabinets; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semiconductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Angular sensors; Electronic publications (downloadable); Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Software for controlling industrial processes; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; PCs; Lap-top computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Transformers; Equipment and devices for the non-contact transmission of electrical energy and/or information; Batteries; Storage batteries; Capacitors; Electric chargers for charging electric vehicles; Electric service stations; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Maintenance and replacement of brakes; Machine diagnosis; Structure-borne noise analysis of drives; Assembly services; Installation services; Installation servicing; Checking of lubricants; Changing of lubricants; Collection services for drives and drive components.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 009659871
Status Registered
Filing Date 2011-01-14
Registration Date 2011-11-20
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Electric motors; Asynchronous motors; Synchronous motors; Linear motors; Reluctance motors; Motors and engines with integrated converters; Compact drives, namely drives consisting of electric motors, gearboxes and engine control devices in a housing; Gear motors; Gears; Torque converters; Step-down gears; Servo gears; Angular gears; Adjustable gears; Industrial gears; Drives for overhead electric railways; Toothed wheels and Cogged wheel segments; Electric generators; Actors; Linearaktoren; Machine parts, namely regulators; Casings for motors, engines and gears; Machine parts, namely adapters; Machine parts, namely stators; Machine parts, namely engine swing bases; Fans for machinery; Radiators for motors and engines; Machine parts, namely, bearings; Machine parts, namely gaskets; Machine parts, namely sealing rings; Couplings; Brakes; Magnetic brakes; Brake magnets; Drive shafts; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; Converters, namely, frequency converters for the electronic speed control of electric motors; Power frequency converters; Converters, electric; Frequency converters; Negative feed apparatus; Electronic controls for motors; Electric cables; Electric plugs; Electric wires; Distributors of electrical energy and/or information; Electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; Electrical connecting parts; Electronic display boards; LCD displays; LED displays; Switch cabinets; Operating terminals for controlling machines; Remote control apparatus; Electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; Revolution counters; Transmitters; Incremental transducers; Integrated circuits; Semiconductors; Operating apparatus, electric and electronic; Oil sensors; Temperature sensors; Structure-borne noise sensors; Angular sensors; Electronic publications (downloadable); Positioning controls; Software for controlling machines; Software for controlling industrial processes; Software for monitoring industrial processes; Software for designing drives; Software for designing industrial installations; Parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); Field bus cables; Field bus plugs; Electronic type signs for drives; PCs; Lap-top computers; Industrial PCs; Radio devices; Network apparatus; Network apparatus for wireless networks; Transformers; Equipment and devices for the non-contact transmission of electrical energy and/or information; Batteries; Storage batteries; Capacitors; Electric chargers for charging electric vehicles; Electric service stations; Parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; Maintenance and replacement of brakes; Machine diagnosis; Structure-borne noise analysis of drives; Assembly services; Installation services; Installation servicing; Checking of lubricants; Changing of lubricants; Collection services for drives and drive components.


SEW-EURODRIVE Driving the world

Application Number 009470774
Status Registered
Filing Date 2010-10-08
Registration Date 2011-05-11
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Electric motors; asynchronous motors; synchronous motors; linear motors; reluctance motors; motors and engines with integrated converters; compact drives, namely drives consisting of electric motors, gearboxes and engine control devices in a housing; gear motors; gears; torque converters; step-down gears; servo gears; angular gears; adjustable gears; industrial gears; drives for overhead electric railways; toothed wheels; cogged wheel segments; electric generators; actors; linearaktoren; machine parts, namely regulators; casings for motors, engines and gears; machine parts, namely adapters; machine parts, namely stators; machine parts, namely engine swing bases; fans for machinery; radiators for motors and engines; Machine parts, namely, bearings; machine parts, namely gaskets; machine parts, namely sealing rings; couplings; brakes; magnetic brakes; brake magnets; drive shafts; parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; converters, namely, frequency converters for the electronic speed control of electric motors; power frequency converters; converters, electric; frequency converters; negative feed apparatus; electronic controls for motors; electric cables; electric plugs; electric wires; distributors of electrical energy and/or information; electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; electrical connecting parts; electronic display boards; LCD displays; LED displays; switch cabinets; operating terminals for controlling machines; remote control apparatus; electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; revolution counters; transmitters; incremental transducers; integrated circuits; semiconductors; operating apparatus, electric and electronic; oil sensors; temperature sensors; structure-borne noise sensors; angular sensors; electronic publications (downloadable); positioning controls; software for controlling machines; software for controlling industrial processes; software for monitoring industrial processes; software for designing drives; software for designing industrial installations; parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); field bus cables; field bus plugs; electronic type signs for drives; PCs; lap-top computers; industrial PCs; radio devices; network apparatus; network apparatus for wireless networks; transformers; equipment and devices for the non-contact transmission of electrical energy and/or information; batteries; storage batteries; capacitors; electric chargers for charging electric vehicles; electric service stations; parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; maintenance and replacement of brakes; machine diagnosis; structure-borne noise analysis of drives; assembly services; installation services; installation servicing; checking of lubricants; changing of lubricants.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 008746158
Status Registered
Filing Date 2009-12-10
Registration Date 2012-01-23
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Motors; Pulleys; Pinions; Chains. Software and control systems for machines, machine tools and motors; Electronic components for controlling and monitoring motors, convertors (inverters), and electronic frequency regulators for electric motors. Maintenance and replacement of brakes.



Application Number 008574568
Status Registered
Filing Date 2009-09-07
Registration Date 2010-05-03
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Electric motors; gear motors; gears; compact drives, consisting of electric motors, gearboxes and electronic control devices in a housing; inverter motors. Frequency inverters for electric motors; electronic controls for motors and engines.



Application Number 008574576
Status Registered
Filing Date 2009-09-07
Registration Date 2010-05-03
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Electric motors; gear motors; gears; compact drives consisting of electric motors, gears and electronic controls in housings; inverter motors. Frequency inverters for electric motors; electronic controls for motors and engines.



Application Number 008531428
Status Registered
Filing Date 2009-08-17
Registration Date 2010-03-30
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Electric motors; linear motors; motors and engines with integrated converters; gear motors, gears; adjustable gears; industrial gears; drives for overhead electric railways; electric generators; actors; linearaktoren; regulators [parts of machines]; casings for motors, engines and gears; adapters (parts of machines); radiators for motors and engines; couplings; brakes; magnetic brakes; brake magnets; parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Inverter units; power frequency converters; frequency converters; negative feed apparatus; Electronic controllers; electric cables; electric plugs; distributors of electrical energy and/or information; electric connectors; electronic display boards; operating terminals for controlling machines; remote control apparatus; electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; revolution counters; transmitters; incremental encoders, electric and electronic checking (supervision) apparatus; oil sensors; temperature sensors; structure-borne noise sensors; positioning controls; software for controlling machines; software for controlling industrial processes; software for monitoring industrial processes; software for designing drives; software for designing industrial installations; parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); field bus cables; field bus plugs; electronic type plates; RFID chips; electronic labels; radio frequency identification tags; holograms; electronic, magnetic and optical data memories; transponders; WLAN modems; network apparatus; network apparatus for wireless networks, transformers; equipment and devices for the non-contact transmission of electrical energy and/or information; parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Labels, signs and stickers of paper, cardboard, plastic and metal; barcode stickers, barcode labels; paper, cardboard and plastic materials for packaging; signalling plates. Applying customer-specific equipment data to identification marks, in particular stickers, labels, signs, RFID chips, radio frequency identification tags, barcode labels, electronic, magnetic and optical data memories, holograms and packaging.



Application Number 008384091
Status Registered
Filing Date 2009-06-08
Registration Date 2010-02-01
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Electric motors, other than for land vehicles, motors with integrated frequency converters, other than for land vehicles; servo motors; linear motors; geared motors; gearboxes, other than for land vehicles; torque converters; transmission gears for machines; servo gears; mechanical variable speed gearboxes; heavy industrial gearboxes, compact drives, namely, drives consisting of electric motor, reduction gear and frequency converter in one housing; electric drives for electrified monorails; electric drives for automated guided vehicles; electric drives for rack feeders; electric drives for hoists; electric drives for rotary tables; electric drives for skid conveyors; electric drives for transfer carriages; electrified monorails; automated guided vehicles, rack feeders; hoists; rotary tables; skid conveyors; transfer carriages; speed controllers for machines and motors; controllers for machines and motors; electric generators; linear actuators; couplings, other than for land vehicles; brakes; magnetic brakes; parts of all aforesaid goods, as far as contained in class 07, other than for land vehicles. Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, converting, storing and controlling electricity; converters, namely, frequency converters for the electronic speed control of electric motors; current converters; frequency converters; electronic controls; programmable logic controls (PLCs); electric cables; distributors for electric energy and/or information; operating terminals for controlling machines; electronic und electro-technical measuring instruments; rotary speed sensors; encoders and incremental encoders (devices for measuring rotary speed and/or position of drives); electric and electronic control apparatus; oil level sensors; oil status sensors; oil deterioration sensors; temperature sensors; structure-borne sound sensors; electronic publications (downloadable); electronic positioning controls; computer software for controlling machines; computer software for controlling industrial processes; computer software for monitoring industrial processes; computer software for planning industrial facilities; fieldbus cables; fieldbus switches; network devices, network devices for wireless networks; wireless LAN modems; devices for inductively supplying electric drives with electric energy, namely, line conductors, pick-up coils; current transformers; devices for the contactless supply of electric drives with electric energy, namely, line conductors, pick-up coils; parts of all aforesaid goods, as far as contained in class 09. Engineering services; construction planning services; development services of new products; consulting in the field of mechanical engineering; consulting services in the field of industrial drive technology; planning and design services of industrial facilities; consulting in the connection with the selection and layout of drive components; application development; start-up support; supervision of industrial plants; supervision of assembly.



Application Number 008326654
Status Registered
Filing Date 2009-05-06
Registration Date 2010-04-26
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Electric motors; linear motors; motors and engines with integrated electronic motor and engine controls; gear motors; gears; servo gears; angular gears; adjustable gears; industrial gears; drives for overhead electric railways; linearaktoren; regulators [parts of machines]; brakes for electric motors; parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 [all aforesaid goods not for land vehicles]. Drive inverters for electric motors; frequency converters; negative feed apparatus; Electronic controllers; distributors of electrical energy and/or information; operating terminals for controlling machines; revolution counters; transmitters; incremental transducers; oil sensors; temperature sensors; structure-borne noise sensors; positioning controls; software for controlling machines; software for controlling industrial processes; software for monitoring industrial processes; software for designing drives; software for designing industrial installations; apparatus for the non-contact supplying of electricity to electric motors, namely transformers, consumer coils, line conductors; apparatus for the non-contact transmission of data, namely leakage waveguides, aerials, radio communication apparatus; parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; maintenance and replacement of brakes; machine diagnosis in connection with the conducting of repair and maintenance services; structure-borne noise analysis of drives; assembly services; installation services; checking of lubricants; changing of lubricants; photography and thermography of drives in connection with conducting repair and maintenance services; mobile maintenance services.



Application Number 006478201
Status Registered
Filing Date 2007-11-20
Registration Date 2008-10-30
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Electric motors;electric motors with integrated converters;electric motors with integrated controls;electric motors with integrated electrodynamic brake functions; gear motors; gears; drives for overhead electric railways; electric generators; actors; linearaktoren; regulators [parts of machines]; brakes; magnetic brakes; brake magnets; parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Inverter units;power frequency converters; converters, electric; frequency converters;negative feed apparatus; Electronic controllers;power frequency converters and electronic controls with integrated electrodynamic brake functions; distributors of electrical energy and/or information; operating terminals for controlling machines; revolution counters;transmitters (apparatus for recoding the position and speed of motors or engines); temperature sensors; structure-borne noise sensors; positioning controls; software for controlling machines; software for controlling industrial processes; software for monitoring industrial processes; software for designing drives; software for designing industrial installations; parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); transformers;equipment and devices for the non-contact transmission of electrical energy and/or information; parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; maintenance and replacement of brakes;machine diagnosis;structure-borne noise analysis of drives;assembly services;installation services;installation servicing;checking of lubricants; changing of lubricants; mobile maintenance services.



Application Number 006298293
Status Registered
Filing Date 2007-09-21
Registration Date 2008-08-29
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Electric motors;eddy current motors; linear motors; gear motors; gears; control mechanisms for machines, for engines and motors; brakes; magnetic brakes;eddy current brakes; parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; inverter units; Electronic controllers;memory-programmable controls; electric cables; distributors of electrical energy and/or information;electronic positioning controls;software for controlling vehicles; software for controlling machines;software for monitoring buildings, areas or borders; network apparatus; network apparatus for wireless networks;apparatus for the inductive, non-contact supplying of electric drives with electrical energy, namely track conductors, supply plates, adapter plates, user coils, converters; cameras; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Building construction; repair; installation services.



Application Number 006193361
Status Registered
Filing Date 2007-08-02
Registration Date 2008-07-25
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Electric motors, other than for land vehicles; motors with integrated frequency converters, other than for land vehicles; servo motors; linear motors; geared motors; gearboxes, other than for land vehicles; torque converters; transmission gears for machines; servo gears; mechanical variable speed gearboxes; heavy industrial gearboxes; compact drives, namely, drives consisting of electric motor, reduction gear and frequency converter in one housing; electric drives for electrified monorails; electric drives for automated guided vehicles; electric drives for rack feeders; electric drives for hoists; electric drives for rotary tables; electric drives for skid conveyors; electric drives for transfer carriages; electrified monorails; automated guided vehicles; rack feeders; hoists; rotary tables; skid conveyors; transfer carriages; speed controllers for machines and motors; controllers for machines and motors; electric generators; linear actuators; couplings, other than for land vehicles; brakes; magnetic brakes; parts of all aforesaid goods, as far as contained in class 07, other than for land vehicles. Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, converting, storing and controlling electricity; converters, namely, frequency converters for the electronic speed control of electric motors; current converters; frequency converters; electronic controls; programmable logic controls (PLCs); electric cables; distributors for electric energy and/or information; operating terminals for controlling machines; electronic und electro-technical measuring instruments; rotary speed sensors; encoders and incremental encoders (devices for measuring rotary speed and/or position of drives); electric and electronic control apparatus; oil level sensors; oil status sensors; oil deterioration sensors; temperature sensors; structure-borne sound sensors; electronic publications (downloadable); electronic positioning controls; computer software for controlling machines; computer software for controlling industrial processes; computer software for monitoring industrial processes; computer software for planning industrial facilities; fieldbus cables; fieldbus switches; network devices; network devices for wireless networks; wireless LAN modems; devices for inductively supplying electric drives with electric energy, namely, line conductors, pick-up coils; current transformers; devices for the contactless supply of electric drives with electric energy, namely, line conductors, pick-up coils; current transformers; parts of all aforesaid goods, as far as contained in class 09. Engineering services; construction planning services; development services of new products; consulting in the field of mechanical engineering; consulting services in the field of industrial drive technology; planning and design services of industrial facilities; consulting in the connection with the selection and layout of drive components; application development; start-up support; supervision of industrial plants; supervision of assembly.



Application Number 006020978
Status Registered
Filing Date 2007-06-12
Registration Date 2008-05-15
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Installation, commissioning, assembly, maintenance, repair and servicing of gears, motors and engines, brakes, gear motors, brake motors, linear motors, systems for non-contact energy transmission, inverters, control electronics and local control engineering products; maintenance of brakes, changing of lubricants within the framework of maintenance services, repair and exchange of drives or parts thereof. Transport of passengers and goods by road, rail, water and air, namely delivery of gears, motors and engines, brakes, gear motors, brake motors, linear motors, systems for non-contact energy transmission, inverters, control electronics and local control engineering products and parts thereof, and collection services in connection with the installation, assembly, maintenance, repair and servicing of gears, motors and engines, brakes, gear motors, brake motors, linear motors, systems for non-contact energy transmission, inverters, control electronics and local control engineering products. Technical consultancy and providing of technical expertise in connection with the installation, assembly, maintenance, repair and servicing of gears, motors and engines, brakes, gear motors, brake motors, linear motors, systems for non-contact energy transmission, inverters, control electronics and local control engineering products, and services relating thereto, photography and thermography for drives, gears, motors and engines, brakes, gear motors, brake motors, linear motors, systems for non-contact energy transmission, inverters, control electronics and local control engineering products.


X Series

Application Number 004968772
Status Registered
Filing Date 2006-03-10
Registration Date 2007-04-10
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Electric motors; motors and engines with integrated converters; gear motors; gears; high-torque industrial gears; compact gears, namely integrated drives consisting of electric motors, step-down gears and frequency converters in a housing; casings for motors, engines and gears; adapters (parts of machines); stators [parts of machines]; ventilators for machines; radiators for motors, engines and gears; bearings [parts of machines]; gaskets (parts of machines); sealing rings (parts of machines); couplings; brakes; magnetic brakes; drive shafts; parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 [all aforesaid goods not for land vehicles]. Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity. Installation, assembly, maintenance, repair and servicing of gears and gear motors; maintenance and replacement of brakes; changing of lubricants in gears and gear motors; assembly and installation services.



Application Number 004475158
Status Registered
Filing Date 2005-06-06
Registration Date 2006-06-20
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Electric motors; asynchronous motors; synchronous motors; linear motors; reluctance motors; motors and engines with integrated converters; gear motors; gears; torque converters; step-down gears; servo gears; angular gears; adjustable gears; industrial gears; compact gears, namely integrated drives consisting of electric motors, step-down gears and frequency converters in a housing; electric drives; sprocket; electric generators; actuators; linear actuators; regulators (parts of machines); casings for motors, engines and gears; adapters (parts of machines); stators (parts of machines); fans for machines; radiators for motors and engines; bearings (parts of machines); gaskets (parts of machines); sealing rings (parts of machines); couplings; brakes; magnetic brakes; brake magnets; drive shafts; parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Converters and power frequency converters, namely frequency converters for electronic speed regulation; converters, electric; frequency converters; apparatus for recirculating electrical energy produced by generators into a power network, namely recirculating apparatus; electronic controllers; electric cables; electric plugs; electric wires; distributors of electrical energy and/or information; electrical fittings; electronic display boards; LCD displays; LED displays; electronic operating terminals for controlling machines; remote-control apparatus; electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; revolution counters; transmitters and incremental transducers (speed-recording and/or position locating apparatus for drives); integrated circuits; semiconductors; operating apparatus, electric and electronic; oil sensors; temperature sensors; structure-borne noise sensors; electronic publications (downloadable); electronic positioning controls; software for controlling machines; software for controlling industrial processes; software for monitoring industrial processes; software for designing drives; software for designing industrial installations; parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); field bus cables; field bus plugs; electronic type signs for drives; PC's; lap-top computers; industrial PCs; network apparatus; network apparatus for wireless networks; transformers; equipment and systems for the non-contact transmission of electrical energy and/or information; electronic and electrotechnical apparatus for the secure monitoring of drives, namely security monitors; power frequency converters with integrated monitoring and security functions; motive power field apparatus, namely power frequency converters, electric or electronic distribution boxes and electronic controls for local application; parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components; maintenance and replacement of brakes; changing of lubricants; assembly and installation services; mobile maintenance services;



Application Number 004407508
Status Registered
Filing Date 2005-04-25
Registration Date 2006-05-05
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Electric motors; asynchronous motors;synchronous motors;linear motors;reluctance motors;motors and engines with integrated converters;gear motors; gears; torque converters;step-down gears;servo gears;angular gears;adjustable gears;industrial gears;compact gears, namely integrated drives consisting of electric motors, step-down gears and frequency converters in a housing;drives for electric overhead conveyors;gearwheels; electric generators; regulators (parts of machines); casings for motors, engines and gears;adapters (parts of machines);stators (parts of machines);fans for machines; radiators for motors and engines; bearings (parts of machines);gaskets (parts of machines);sealing rings (parts of machines); couplings; brakes;magnetic brakes;brake magnets;drive shafts;parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles); Electronic controllers;programmable electronic controllers;electronic positioning and sequence controls for drives;software for controlling machines and drives;software for controlling industrial processes;software for monitoring industrial processes;software for designing drives;software for designing industrial installations;software for parametering, diagnosis and/or control for local drive systems;parameter boxes (machine-readable data files);apparatus for the checking (supervision), control and regulating of electric motors and gear motors (included in class 9);power frequency converters, namely frequency converters for electronic speed regulation;power frequency converters with integrated positioning and sequence controls; electric cables; electric plugs; electric wires; distributors (electricity) for electrical energy and/or information;electrical connectors;electronic display boards;LCD displays;LED displays;electronic operating terminals for controlling machines; remote-control apparatus; actuators;linear actuators;electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus;revolution counters;transmitters and incremental transducers (speed-recording and/or position locating apparatus for drives), included in class 9; integrated circuits; semiconductors; electric and electronic checking (supervision) apparatus;oil sensors; temperature sensors; structure-borne noise sensors;electronic publications (downloadable);field bus cables;field bus plugs;electronic type signs for drives;PCs;lap top computers;industrial PCs;network apparatus;network apparatus for wireless networks; transformers; apparatus and systems for the non-contact transmission of electrical energy and/or information (included in class 9), mainly consisting of apparatus for the transmission of energy by means of inductively coupled components, including pick-up units and track conductors, and of electric adapters, electric feed apparatus, electric converters and/or impedance converters;electronic and electrotechnical apparatus for the secure monitoring of drives, namely security monitors;power frequency converters with integrated monitoring and security functions;parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical controls, drives and drive components;maintenance and replacement of brakes;changing of lubricants;assembly and installation services;mobile maintenance services;



Application Number 004355145
Status Registered
Filing Date 2005-03-23
Registration Date 2006-04-18
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Electric motors: asynchronous motors;synchronous motors;linear motors;reluctance motors;motors and engines with integrated converters;gear motors; gears; torque converters;step-down gears;servo gears;angular gears;adjustable gears;industrial gears;compact gears, namely integrated drives consisting of electric motors, step-down gears and frequency converters in a housing;electric drives;sprocket; electric generators; actuators;linear actuators; regulators (parts of machines); casings for motors, engines and gears;adapters (parts of machines);stators (parts of machines);fans for machines; radiators for motors and engines; bearings (parts of machines);gaskets (parts of machines);sealing rings (parts of machines); couplings; brakes;magnetic brakes;brake magnets;drive shafts;parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Converters and power frequency converters, namely frequency converters for electronic speed regulation; converters, electric; frequency converters;apparatus for recirculating electrical energy produced by generators into a power network, namely recirculating apparatus;electronic controllers; electric cables; electric plugs; electric wires; distributors of electrical energy and/or information;electrical fittings;electronic display boards;LCD displays;LED displays;operating terminals for controlling machines; remote-control apparatus; electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus, revolution counters;transmitters and incremental transducers (speed-recording and/or position locating apparatus for drives); integrated circuits; semiconductors; operating apparatus, electric and electronic;oil sensors; temperature sensors; structure-borne noise sensors;electronic publications (downloadable);positioning controls;software for controlling machines;software for controlling industrial processes;software for monitoring industrial processes, software for designing drives;software for designing industrial installations;parameter boxes (machine-readable data files);field bus cables;field bus plugs;electronic type signs for drives;PC's;lap top computers;industrial PCs;network apparatus;network apparatus for wireless networks; transformers; equipment and systems for the non-contact transmission of electrical energy and/or information;parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical drives and drive components;maintenance and replacement of brakes;changing of lubricants;assembly and installation services;mobile maintenance services.



Application Number 004094314
Status Registered
Filing Date 2004-10-25
Registration Date 2006-01-25
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 38 - Telecommunications services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services

Goods & Services

Printed matter; magazines (periodicals); printed publications. Collation of current product and company information to facilitate product choice for customers. Provision of access to a worldwide computer network; provision of portals on the Internet; operating chat rooms, chatlines and forums; hotline services (forwarding of calls); communications by optical fibre networks; computer-aided transmission of messages and images; collection and supply of news; news agencies; message sending; web messaging; forwarding of current product and company information. Publication of periodicals and newspapers in electronic form, including on the Internet; publication of printed matter in electronic format, including on the Internet; online publishing of electronic books and periodicals; presentation of live performances; correspondence courses; personnel development by means of training and further training; arranging and conducting of seminars; arranging and conducting of workshops (training); arranging and conducting of colloquiums; publishing of an online newsletter.



Application Number 004075255
Status Registered
Filing Date 2004-10-14
Registration Date 2006-01-17
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Electric motors; asynchronous motors; synchronous motors; linear motors; reluctance motors; motors and engines with integrated converters; gear motors; gears; torque converters; step-down gears; servo gears; angular gears; adjustable gears; industrial gears; compact gears, namely integrated drives consisting of electric motors, step-down gears and frequency converters in a housing; electric drives; sprockets; generators of electricity; actuators; linear actuators; regulators (parts of machines); casings for motors, engines and gears; adapters (parts of machines); stators (parts of machines); fans for machines; radiators for motors and engines; bearings (parts of machines); gaskets (parts of machines); sealing rings (parts of machines); couplings; brakes; magnetic brakes; brake magnets; drive shafts; parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Electronic controllers; programmable electronic controllers; electronic positioning and sequence controls for drives; software for controlling machines and drives; software for controlling industrial processes; software for monitoring industrial processes; software for designing drives; software for designing industrial installations; parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); apparatus for checking (supervision), controlling and regulating electric motors and gear motors; power frequency converters, namely frequency converters for electronic speed regulation; power frequency converters with integrated positioning and sequence controls; electric cables; electric plugs; electric wires; distributors of electrical energy and/or information; electric fittings; electronic display boards; LCD displays; LED displays; electronic operating terminals for controlling machines; remote-control apparatus; electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; revolution counters; transmitters and incremental transducers (speed-recording and/or position-locating apparatus for drives); integrated circuits; semiconductors; checking (supervision) apparatus, electric and electronic; oil sensors; temperature sensors; structure-borne noise sensors; electronic publications (downloadable); field bus cables; field bus plugs; electronic type signs for drives; PCs; laptop computers; industrial PCs; network apparatus; network apparatus for wireless networks; transformers; equipment and systems for the non-contact transmission of electrical energy and/or information; electronic and electrotechnical apparatus for the secure monitoring of drives, namely security monitors; power frequency converters with integrated monitoring and security functions; parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of electronic, electric and/or mechanical controls, drives and drive components; maintenance and replacement of brakes; changing of lubricants; assembly and installation services; mobile maintenance services.



Application Number 003963584
Status Registered
Filing Date 2004-07-30
Registration Date 2006-01-25
Owner SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services

Goods & Services

Electric motors; asynchronous motors; synchronous motors; linear motors; reluctance motors; motors and engines with integrated converters; compact drives; gear motors; gears; torque converters; step-down gears; servo gears; angular gears; adjustable gears; industrial gears; electric drives; sprocket; generators of electricity; actuators; linear actuators; regulators (parts of machines); casings for motors, engines and gears; adapters (parts of machines); stators (parts of machines); fans for machines; radiators for motors and engines; bearings (parts of machines); gaskets (parts of machines); sealing rings (parts of machines); couplings; brakes; magnetic brakes; brake magnets; drive shafts; parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 7 (all the aforesaid goods except for land vehicles). Converters and power frequency converters, namely frequency converters for electronic speed regulation; converters, electric; frequency converters; apparatus for recirculating electrical energy produced by generators into a power network, namely recirculating apparatus; electronic controllers; electric cables; electric plugs; electric wires; distributors of electrical energy and/or information; electrical fittings; electronic display boards; LCD displays; LED displays; operating terminals for controlling machines; remote-control apparatus; electronic and electrotechnical measuring apparatus; revolution counters; transmitters and incremental transducers (speed-recording and/or position-locating apparatus for drives); integrated circuits; semiconductors; operating apparatus, electric and electronic; oil sensors; temperature sensors; structure-borne noise sensors; electronic publications (downloadable); positioning controls; software for controlling machines; software for controlling industrial processes; software for monitoring industrial processes; software for designing drives; software for designing industrial installations; parameter boxes (machine-readable data files); field bus cables; field bus plugs; electronic type signs for drives; PCs; lap top computers; industrial PCs; network apparatus; network apparatus for wireless networks; transformers; equipment and systems for the non-contact transmission of electrical energy and/or information; parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in class 9. Printed matter; periodicals and newspapers; periodical publications (reports); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus), handbooks (manuals) and pamphlets, photographs, advertising material of paper, cardboard and plastic, namely stickers, posters, placards, stationery, writing paper, business cards, presentation and reference folders, and office requisites (except furniture); tear off calendars; pencils; pencil sharpeners (electric or non electric); pads (stationery); paperweights; brochures; entrance tickets; penholders; forms (printed); graphic representations; calendars; magazines (periodicals); pencil lead holders; jotters; erasers; writing instruments; writing tablets; stamps. Academies (training) (except driving instruction); providing electronic publications (non-downloadable); publication of books; instruction (except driving instruction); correspondence courses (except driving instruction); publication of texts, other than publicity texts; arranging and conducting of colloquiums; arranging and conducting of conferences; arranging and conducting of congresses; online publishing of electronic books and periodicals; arranging and conducting of seminars (except driving instruction); arranging and conducting of workshops (providing of training, except driving instruction); publication of periodicals and newspapers in electronic form, including on the Internet; presentation of live performances; personnel development through the providing of training and further training (except driving instruction); arranging and conducting customer training; arranging and conducting product training courses; all the aforesaid services other than in connection with driving instruction.
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