RENAULT s.a.s.


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Europe - EUIPO
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Aggregations Reset Report
New (last 4 weeks) 4
2024 March 8
2024 February 3
2024 January 4
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NICE Class
12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles 325
09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments 79
35 - Advertising and business services 58
39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services 57
24 - Textiles and textile goods 50
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Pending 30
Registered / In Force 367
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Application Number 019004590
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-03-26
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Videotapes; Downloadable image files; Interfaces for computers; Computer software, recorded; Monitors [computer programs]; Computer peripheral devices; Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; Computer programs, recorded; Computer operating programs, recorded; Computer programs, downloadable; Electronic publications, downloadable. Posters; Pamphlets; Diagrams; Index cards [stationery]; Flyers; Forms, printed; Booklets; Manuals [handbooks]; Document holders [stationery]; Prospectuses; Printed publications; Graphic representations. Academies [education]; Coaching [training]; Arranging and conducting of colloquiums; Arranging and conducting of conferences; Arranging and conducting of congresses; Correspondence courses; Organisation of correspondence courses; Teaching and/or Teaching and/or Teaching; Educational examination; Practical training [demonstration]; Training services provided via simulators; Arranging and conducting of in-person educational forums; Education information; Providing online videos, not downloadable; Arranging and conducting of workshops [training]; Providing online electronic publications, not downloadable; Arranging and conducting of seminars; Arranging and conducting of symposiums. Computer system design; Technological consultancy; Computer software consultancy; Quality control; Updating of computer software.



Application Number 019004120
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-03-25
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Appareils et instruments scientifiques; appareils et instruments nautiques; appareils et instruments géodésiques; appareils et instruments photographiques; appareils cinématographiques; appareils et instruments optiques; appareils et instruments de pesage; instruments et appareils de mesure; appareils et instruments de signalisation; appareils et instruments de vérification (contrôle); appareils et instruments pour l'enseignement; appareils pour l'enregistrement du son; appareils pour la transmission du son; appareils pour la reproduction du son; appareils d'enregistrement d'images; appareils de transmission d'images; appareils de reproduction d'images; supports d'enregistrement numériques; mécanismes pour appareils à prépaiement; caisses enregistreuses; machines à calculer; porte-monnaies électroniques téléchargeables; équipements de traitement de données; ordinateurs; tablettes électroniques; ordiphones [smartphones]; liseuses électroniques; logiciels de jeux; logiciels (programmes enregistrés); périphériques d'ordinateurs; détecteurs; fils électriques; relais électriques; combinaisons de plongée; gants de plongée; masques de plongée; vêtements de protection contre les accidents, les radiations et le feu; dispositifs de protection personnelle contre les accidents; extincteurs; lunettes (optique); lunettes 3d; casques de réalité virtuelle; articles de lunetterie; étuis à lunettes; cartes à mémoire ou à microprocesseur; sacoches conçues pour ordinateurs portables; montres intelligentes; batteries électriques; batteries pour cigarettes électroniques; bornes de recharge pour véhicules électriques; appareils pour le diagnostic non à usage médical. Véhicules, appareils de locomotion par terre, automobiles, leurs éléments constitutifs, à savoir amortisseurs de suspension pour véhicules; amortisseurs pour automobiles; appuie-tête pour sièges de véhicules; arbres de transmission pour véhicules terrestres; boîtes de vitesses pour véhicules terrestres; capotes de véhicules; capots pour automobiles; capots de moteurs pour véhicules; carrosseries pour automobiles; ceintures de sécurité pour sièges de véhicules; châssis pour automobiles; circuits hydrauliques pour véhicules; coussins d'air gonflants [dispositifs de sécurité pour automobiles]; disques de freins pour véhicules; embrayages pour véhicules terrestres; enjoliveurs; essuie-glaces; freins de véhicules; jantes de roues de véhicules; marchepieds de véhicules; moteurs pour véhicules terrestres; pare-brise; pare-chocs pour automobiles; pneus; porte-bagages pour véhicules; portes de véhicules; roues de véhicules; rétroviseurs; sièges de véhicules; vitres de véhicules; volants pour véhicules; housses de véhicules. Vêtements; articles chaussants; chapellerie; chemises; vêtements en cuir; ceintures (habillement); fourrures (vêtements); gants (habillement); foulards; cravates; bonneterie; chaussettes; chaussons; chaussures de plage; chaussures de ski; chaussures de sport; sous-vêtements. Jeux; jouets; jouets pour animaux de compagnie; tapis d'éveil; commandes pour consoles de jeu; décorations et ornements pour arbres de Noël, articles pour fêtes et arbres de noël artificiels; appareils de culture physique; appareils de gymnastique; attirail de pêche; balles et ballons de jeux; tables de billard; queues de billard; billes de billard; jeux de cartes; jeux de table; patins à glace; patins à roulettes; trottinettes [jouets]; planches à voile; planches pour le surf; raquettes; raquettes à neige; skis; rembourrages de protection (parties d'habillement de sport); maquettes [jouets]; figurines [jouets]; robots en tant que jouets. Gestion des affaires commerciales dans le domaine automobile; administration commerciale dans le domaine automobile; aide à la direction d'entreprises commerciales ou industrielles dans le domaine automobile; aide à la direction des affaires dans le domaine automobile; administration commerciale de licences de produits et de services de tiers dans le domaine automobile; services d'agences d'informations commerciales dans le domaine automobile; mise à disposition d'informations commerciales pour les consommateurs et les professionnels concernant des produits et services dans le domaine automobile; information et conseils commerciaux aux consommateurs et aux professionnels par le biais d'un site web dans le domaine automobile; mise à jour et maintenance de données dans des bases de données informatiques; optimisation de moteurs de recherche à des fins de promotion de vente dans le domaine automobile; gestion de fidélisation de clientèle, de primes et de promotions; organisation et gestion d'opérations commerciales de fidélisation de clientèle; organisation d'expositions à buts commerciaux ou de publicité; organisation de présentations commerciales concernant l'achat et à la vente de produits dans le domaine automobile; démonstration de produits automobiles et de pièces détachées automobiles; commande informatisée de stocks; contrôle d'inventaires; promotion des ventes au profit de tiers; services d'approvisionnement pour des tiers dans le domaine automobile à savoir achat de produits de pièces détachées et de services pour d'autres entreprises dans le domaine automobile à savoir mise en relation des fournisseurs et des marchands; services de vente au détail concernant les voitures, pièces détachées et accessoires dans le domaine automobile; services de vente en ligne au détail et en gros de véhicules et d'accessoires automobiles; services de regroupement de véhicules et de véhicules d'occasion, leurs pièces et accessoires permettant aux clients de les voir et de les acheter commodément; présentation de véhicules et de véhicules d'occasion, leurs pièces et accessoires sur tout moyen de communication pour la vente au détail; services de vente au détail et services de vente au détail en ligne de jouets, jeux, peluches, articles de gymnastique et de sport, modèles réduits de véhicules à l'échelle, boules à neige, bougies, gadgets, appareils de jeux vidéo, tentes (de jeux), logiciels de jeux, appareils pour l'enregistrement, la transmission ou la reproduction du son ou des images, équipements pour le traitement d'informations, accessoires et périphériques d'ordinateurs et de téléphones portables, clés USB, casques d'écoute, coques pour smartphones, enceintes, magnets (aimants décoratifs), articles de lunetterie, lunettes de soleil, lunettes de sport, montres, horlogerie et instruments chronométriques, bijouterie fantaisie, porte clé, produits de l'imprimerie, photographies, articles de papeterie, stylos, crayons, articles de bureau (à l'exclusion des meubles), matériel d'instruction et d'enseignement (à l'exclusion des appareils), sacs à dos, sacs à main, sacs cabas, sacs de sport, sacs de plage, sacs de voyage, valises, parapluies, portefeuilles, portes monnaies, trousses de toilettes, lampes, lampes de poche, ustensiles et récipients pour le ménage ou la cuisine, vaisselles, mugs, gourdes, plaques emmaillées, articles d'habillement, vêtements, casquettes, chaussures, articles d'habillement pour bébé, trousses de premiers soins, masques chirurgicaux y compris en tissus, bicyclettes, trottinettes, casques de protection. Services de maintenance, d'entretien et de réparation de véhicules automobiles; services de conseils et d'informations en matière de maintenance, d'entretien et de réparation de véhicules automobiles; assistance en cas de pannes de véhicules (réparation); pose de pièces de remplacement de véhicules; services de remplacement de pare-brise de véhicules; recharge de batteries de véhicule; remplacement de vitres de véhicules; montage et réparation de pneus de véhicules; rechapage, re-gommage, réparation et vulcanisation de pneus; réparation de capitonnages; réparation de systèmes de freinage pour véhicules; services de remplacement d'amortisseurs de chocs; entretien et réparation de parties de châssis et de carrosseries de véhicules; services de peinture pour véhicules; révision de véhicules; remise à neuf de moteurs usés ou partiellement détruits; services de mise à disposition d'informations en matière de réparation et d'entretien du véhicule; entretien de véhicules; entretien et réparation d'appareils de climatisation; nettoyage de véhicules; traitement préventif contre la rouille pour véhicules; installation et réparation d'appareils électriques; installation d'accessoires pour voitures; installation de dispositifs de sécurité pour véhicules; mise à disposition d'information relative à la réparation, installation, entretien et réparation de véhicules; services de conseil et d'information en matière d'entretien et de réparation de véhicules; services de stations-service [remplissage en carburant et entretien]; services d'installation, d'entretien, de maintenance, de dépannage, de réparation et de mise en service d'installations énergétiques.



Application Number 019000287
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-03-18
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].



Application Number 019000303
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-03-18
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 018998813
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-03-14
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Windscreens; Rearview mirrors; Windows for vehicles.



Application Number 018997102
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-03-11
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 43 - Food and drink services, temporary accommodation

Goods & Services

Vehicles; Apparatus for locomotion by land; Cars; Shock absorbers being parts of vehicle suspension; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods [folding roofs] for vehicles; Car boot lids; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Brake discs for vehicles; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windshield wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Engines for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped]. Business management in the automotive field; Business administration in the automotive field; Commercial or industrial business management assistance in the automotive field; Business management assistance in the automotive field; Business administration of licences for the goods and services of others, in the automotive field; Commercial information agency services in the automotive field; Providing commercial information to consumers and Providing of commercial information for professionals in relation to the following goods: Products and Services In the automotive sector; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop] and Business information and consultancy for professionals through web sites In the automotive sector; Updating and maintenance of data in computer databases; Search engine optimisation for sales promotion purposes in the automotive field; Management of customer loyalty, incentive or promotional schemes; Organization and management of business operations to obtain customer loyalty; Organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; Public relations services; Consultancy regarding public relations communication strategies; Commercial intermediation services; Arranging of business introductions, in relation to the following fields: Purchase and sale of goods In the automotive sector; demonstration in relation to the following goods: automotive products and automobile spare parts; Computerised stock ordering; Stock control services; Sales promotion for others; Supply services for others in the automotive field, namely the purchase of spare parts and services for other companies in the automotive field, namely the bringing together of suppliers and dealers; Retail services in relation to the following goods: cars, spare parts In the automotive sector; Online retailing and wholesaling in relation to the following goods: Vehicles; The bringing together of a variety of goods, namely Vehicles and Used vehicles, Parts for the aforesaid goods, Enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Presentation of vehicles and second-hand vehicles and parts and fittings therefor on communication media, for retail purposes. Teaching; Training; Conducting of cultural activities; Arranging and conducting of conferences, congresses and symposiums; Arranging of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; Organising of competitions for education; Teaching; Educational examination; Practical training [demonstration]; Education information; Publishing of instructional books and Publishing of teaching texts; Providing of training and information for a total quality management philosophy; Consultancy not relating to the conducting of business, vocational guidance. Restaurant services; Preparation of food for consumption off the premises; Self-service restaurant services; Snack-bar services; Food and drink catering; Cafés; Cafeteria services; Bar services; Hotel services.


electro pop rnlt

Application Number 018994462
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-03-05
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].


electro pop renault

Application Number 018994431
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-03-05
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].



Application Number 018983665
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-02-07
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].



Application Number 018983307
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-02-06
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Véhicules, appareils de locomotion par terre, automobiles, leurs éléments constitutifs, à savoir amortisseurs de suspension pour véhicules; amortisseurs pour automobiles; appuie-tête pour sièges de véhicules; arbres de transmission pour véhicules terrestres; boites de vitesses pour véhicules terrestres; capotes de véhicules; capots pour automobiles; capots de moteurs pour véhicules; carrosseries pour automobiles; ceintures de sécurité pour sièges de véhicules; châssis pour automobiles; circuits hydrauliques pour véhicules; coussins d'air gonflants [dispositifs de sécurité pour automobiles]; disques de freins pour véhicules; embrayages pour véhicules terrestres; enjoliveurs; essuie-glaces; freins de véhicules; jantes de roues de véhicules; marchepieds de véhicules; moteurs pour véhicules terrestres; pare-brise; pare-chocs pour automobiles; pneus; porte-bagages pour véhicules; portes de véhicules; roues de véhicules; rétroviseurs; sièges de véhicules; vitres de véhicules; volants pour véhicules; housses de véhicules.



Application Number 018983284
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-02-06
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods [folding roofs] for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Brake discs for vehicles; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windshield wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Engines for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped]. Business management; Business administration in the automotive field; Commercial or industrial business management assistance in the automotive field; Business management assistance in the automotive field; Business administration of licences for the goods and services of others, in the automotive field; Commercial information agency services in the automotive field; Arranging of business introductions, in relation to the following fields: Purchase and sale of goods In the automotive sector; Business consultancy, information and enquiries, in relation to the following fields: Sustainable development applied to the automotive sector. Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle breakdown repair services; Retreading of tyres; Vulcanization of tyres [repair]; Machinery installation, maintenance and repair.



Application Number 018980381
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-01-30
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services

Goods & Services

Apparatus and instruments for managing, switching, connecting, transforming, storing and regulating electricity and energy, including electric power supply systems, electric transformers, electric connection networks included in class 9; Electricity measuring instruments; Measuring, signalling, checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments, used in particular in the field of electricity; Accumulators, electric; Chargers for electric batteries; Chargers for electric batteries; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Apparatus, for use in the following fields: Automatic electric current distribution for charging electric vehicle batteries; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Ignition batteries; Anode batteries; Batteries, electric; Terminals [electricity]; Splice boxes [electric]; Housings for electrical apparatus; Plug boxes [electric]; Electrical adapters; Materials for electricity mains [wires, cables]; Circuit breakers; Power distribution panels; Data processing equipment, software and storable computer programs for use in connection with producing, conducting, distributing, connecting, transforming, accumulating and controlling of energy and electricity; Downloadable software applications, for use in the following fields: Electricity distribution and transmission management. Maintenance, repair and maintenance, remotely or not, of electrical installations; Construction services, assembling, nstallation, Maintenance, Repair, Purification, Disassembly, In connection with the following goods: Accumulators, batteries and cells, Battery chargers, Battery treatment systems and energy storage systems; Commissioning, In connection with the following goods: Energy installations; Recharge of electric vehicle batteries; Smart charging of electric vehicles. Storage of electricity; Energy distribution and supply; Information affairs and Consultation, in relation to the following fields: Transport, storage, distribution and supply of energy; storage of energy; Information and advisory services relating to energy distribution; Distribution and transmission of electricity; Electricity distribution and supply; Leasing the use of power lines to third parties for the transmission of electricity; Rental, in relation to the following goods: Electrical transformer substations; Rental, in relation to the following goods: Charging units and charging stations for electric vehicles; Procurement of electricity, for others; Distribution and transmission of electricity between electric vehicle batteries and battery terminals for household use.



Application Number 018979616
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-01-29
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].



Application Number 018979656
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-01-29
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].


the remakers

Application Number 018976754
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-01-22
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 40 - Treatment of materials; recycling, air and water treatment,
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods [folding roofs] for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Brake discs for vehicles; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windshield wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Engines for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped]. Business management in the automotive field; Business administration in the automotive field; Commercial or industrial business management assistance in the automotive field; Business management assistance in the automotive field; Business administration of licences for the goods and services of others, in the automotive field; Commercial information agency services in the automotive field; Updating and maintenance of data in computer databases; Presentation of goods on all communication means for the retailing of goods in the automotive field, new and used motor vehicles and spare parts; Providing commercial information to consumers and Providing of commercial information for professionals in relation to the following goods: Products and Services In the automotive sector; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop] and Business information and consultancy for professionals through web sites In the automotive sector; Management of customer loyalty, incentive or promotional schemes; Supply services for others in the automotive field, namely the purchase of spare parts and services for other companies in the automotive field, namely the bringing together of suppliers and dealers; Computerised stock ordering; Stock control services; Retail services in relation to the following goods: cars, spare parts and accessories In the automotive sector; demonstration in relation to the following goods: automotive products and spare parts; Arranging of business introductions, in relation to the following fields: Purchase and sale of goods In the automotive sector; Business consultancy, information and enquiries, in relation to the following fields: Sustainable development applied to the automotive sector; Business expertise services, in relation to the following fields: Protection of the environment, New energies and Sustainable development; Market studies and research in the field of environmental protection, new energies and sustainable development; Demonstration of goods for improving and controlling energy consumption. Vehicle breakdown repair services; Fitting of replacement vehicle parts; Vehicle windscreen replacement services; Vehicle battery charging; Arranging for the replacement vehicle windows; Vehicle tyre fitting and repair; Retreading of tyres, Repair and vulcanization of tires; Upholstery repair; Repair of brake systems for vehicles; Replacement of shock absorbers; Maintenance and repair of chassis parts and bodies for vehicles; Painting of vehicles; Overhaul of vehicles; Rebuilding engines that have been worn or partially destroyed; Providing of information relating to the state of vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Maintenance and repair of air conditioning apparatus; Vehicle cleaning; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Electric appliance installation and repair; Installation of automobile accessories; Installation of vehicle security devices; Providing of information in relation to the following fields: Repair of vehicles, vehicle installations, Vehicle maintenance and repair; Providing information and advice relating to the repair or maintenance of vehicles; Service station services; Installation services, Maintenance, Maintenance services, Garaging, Repair services and Commissioning services In connection with the following goods: energy installations. Treatment of materials (decontamination of dangerous products) and recycling of vehicles and their parts for the purposes of energy saving and environmental protection in the field of vehicles, and information services relating thereto. Industrial research services in the field of energy saving and ecology applied to motorised land vehicles; Vehicle roadworthiness testing; Inspection of vehicles for roadworthiness and road safety.



Application Number 018967167
Status Pending
Filing Date 2023-12-21
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Four-wheel land motor vehicles, excluding the following goods: parts and fittings relating to the aforesaid.



Application Number 018965193
Status Pending
Filing Date 2023-12-18
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Four-wheel land motor vehicles, excluding the following goods: parts and fittings relating to the aforesaid.



Application Number 018965335
Status Pending
Filing Date 2023-12-18
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Four-wheel land motor vehicles, excluding the following goods: parts and fittings relating to the aforesaid.



Application Number 018956250
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-11-27
Registration Date 2024-03-16
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods [folding roofs] for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Brake discs for vehicles; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windshield wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Engines for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped]; Not including tyres.



Application Number 018943145
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-10-27
Registration Date 2024-02-14
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped]. Education; Providing of training; Entertainment; Sporting and cultural activities.



Application Number 018940086
Status Pending
Filing Date 2023-10-20
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Apparatus for locomotion by land, Cars, Component parts for the aforesaid goods, Namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods [folding roofs] for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Brake discs for vehicles; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windshield wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Engines for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].



Application Number 018935973
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-10-11
Registration Date 2024-02-13
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].



Application Number 018934056
Status Pending
Filing Date 2023-10-05
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].



Application Number 018934078
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-10-05
Registration Date 2024-01-30
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].



Application Number 018924301
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-09-12
Registration Date 2024-01-09
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].



Application Number 018922240
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-09-06
Registration Date 2024-01-13
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 14 - Precious metals and their alloys; jewelry; time-keeping instruments
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 18 - Leather and imitations of leather
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services

Goods & Services

Scientific apparatus and instruments; Nautical apparatus and instruments; Surveying apparatus and instruments; Photographic apparatus and instruments; Cinematographic cameras; Optical apparatus and instruments; Weighing apparatus and instruments; Measuring apparatus and instruments; Signalling apparatus and instruments; Checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments; Teaching apparatus and instruments; Sound recording apparatus; Sound transmitting apparatus; Sound reproduction apparatus; Apparatus for recording images; Apparatus for the transmission of images; Apparatus for the reproduction of images; Digital recording media; Coin-operated mechanisms; Cash registers; Calculators; Downloadable e-wallets; Data processing equipment; Computers; Tablet computers; Smartphones; Electronic book readers; Games software; Computer software, recorded; Computer peripheral devices; Detectors; Wires, electric; Relays, electric; Diving suits; Gloves for divers; Divers' masks; Clothing for protection against accidents, irradiation and fire; Protection devices for personal use against accidents; Fire extinguishers; Spectacles; 3D spectacles; Virtual reality headsets; Eyewear; Covers for glasses; Integrated circuit cards [smart cards]; Bags adapted for laptops; Smartwatches; Batteries, electric; Batteries for electronic cigarettes; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Diagnostic apparatus, not for medical purposes; downloadable virtual goods, namely, Software in relation to the following goods: vehicle carriages and Land automotive vehicles, Land vehicle miniatures, Clothing; Spectacles, sunglasses, Video game programs, Interactive multimedia computer game programs, virtual reality games, Augmented virtual reality games, toy characters, Breadboards, Avatars, Virtual characters, Works of art, any of the aforesaid goods For use online and in online virtual environments. Jewellery; Ornaments [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; Precious stones; Chronometric apparatus and instruments; Precious metals and their alloys; Works of art of precious metal; Jewel cases; Boxes of precious metal; Watches; Watch cases [parts of watches]; Watch bands; Watch chains; Watch springs; Watch glasses; Key rings [split rings with trinket or decorative fob]; Statues of precious metal; Figurines of precious metal; Cases for clock- and watchmaking; Cases for watches [presentation]; Medals. Printed matter; Bookbinding material; Photographs [printed]; Stationery; Adhesives for stationery or household purposes; Artists' materials; Paintbrushes; Office requisites, except furniture; Teaching materials [except apparatus]; Printing type; Paper; Cardboard; Boxes of paper or cardboard; Posters; Albums; Cards; Books; Newspapers; Prospectuses; Pamphlets; Calendars; Writing instruments; Engravings; Lithographic works of art; Paintings [pictures], framed or unframed; Sewing patterns; Graphic prints; Drawing instruments; Handkerchiefs of paper; Face towels of paper; Table linen of paper; Toilet paper; Bags [envelopes, pouches] of paper or plastics, for packaging; Garbage bags of paper or of plastics. Leather and imitations of leather; Animal skins; Trunks and suitcases; Umbrellas and parasols; Walking sticks; Whips; Saddlery; Pocket wallets; Purses; Credit card cases [wallets]; Bags; Bags for sports; Rucksacks; Vanity cases, not fitted; Collars for animals; Clothing for pets. Clothing; Footwear; Headgear; Shirts; Leather dresses; Belts [clothing]; Furs [clothing]; Gloves [clothing]; Scarves; Neckties; Hosiery; Socks; Slippers; Shoes; Beach shoes; Ski boots; Sports shoes; Underwear. Games; Toys; Toys for pets; Miniatures for use in games; Plush toys; Baby gyms; Controllers for game consoles; Festive decorations, party novelties and artificial Christmas trees; Appliances for gymnastics; Appliances for gymnastics; Fishing tackle; Playground balls; Billiard tables; Snooker cues; Billiard balls; Playing cards; Table-top games; Ice skates; Roller skates; Scooters [toys]; Sailboards; Sailboards; Rackets; Snowshoes; Skis; Protective paddings [parts of sports suits]; Toy models; Toy figures; Toy robots; Sporting and physical exercise equipment. Public relations services; Media relations services; Business management; Advertising, marketing and promotional services; Distribution of samples; Demonstration of goods; Development of advertising concepts; Writing of publicity texts; Publication of advertising literature; Shop window dressing; Organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; Provision of business assistance, Amongst others Assistance in sales negotiations in relation to classic vehicles; Assistance in administrative process management, In the automotive sector; Administrative services for business transactions, Business appraisal and valuation In the automotive sector; Assistance in obtaining official administrative documents, In the automotive sector; Updating and maintenance of information in registries; Updating and maintenance of data in computer databases; Commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; Professional business consultancy; Consultancy regarding advertising communication strategies; Assistance (business management –) For collectors, in relation to the following goods: Motor vehicles; Providing of online marketplaces for buyers and sellers, in relation to the following goods: Classic vehicles; Provision of commercial information In the automotive sector, through web sites; Providing of commercial information and consultancy to consumers and collectors relating to the choice of motor vehicles; Negotiation and conclusion of commercial transactions for third parties In the automotive sector; Auctioneering services; Arranging and conducting of commercial events; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Sales promotion for collectors, in relation to the following goods: Motor vehicles; Retail services for works of art provided by art galleries; Retail services in relation to: virtual works of art. Arranging of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; Entertainment information; Teaching; Arranging and conducting of conferences, congresses and symposiums; Providing museum facilities; Presenting museum exhibitions; cultural, educational or entertainment services provided by art galleries and museums; Training; Entertainment services; Sporting and cultural activities; Ticket reservation for cultural events; reservation services for events, For educational purposes, For sporting purposes and For entertainment purposes; Providing online electronic publications, not downloadable; Providing of ratings, reviews and/or user rankings, For cultural and entertainment purposes; Providing online images, not downloadable; Providing online music, not downloadable; Providing online videos, not downloadable; Providing online virtual guided tours; Production of podcasts; Film production, other than advertising films; Production of music; Organization of sports competitions; Organisation of shows; Publishing of books, brochures and museum catalogues, Online publication of electronic books and journals; Photographic reporting; Transfer of business knowledge and know-how [training]; Know-how transfer [training].



Application Number 018921479
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-09-05
Registration Date 2023-12-21
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].



Application Number 018915830
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-08-21
Registration Date 2024-02-03
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 43 - Food and drink services, temporary accommodation

Goods & Services

Vehicles; Apparatus for locomotion by land; Cars; Shock absorbers being parts of vehicle suspension; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods [folding roofs] for vehicles; Car boot lids; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Brake discs for vehicles; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windshield wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Engines for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped]. Business management in the automotive field; Business administration in the automotive field; Commercial or industrial business management assistance in the automotive field; Business management assistance in the automotive field; Business administration of licences for the goods and services of others, in the automotive field; Commercial information agency services in the automotive field; Providing commercial information to consumers and Providing of commercial information for professionals in relation to the following goods: Products and Services In the automotive sector; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop] and Business information and consultancy for professionals through web sites In the automotive sector; Updating and maintenance of data in computer databases; Search engine optimisation for sales promotion purposes in the automotive field; Management of customer loyalty, incentive or promotional schemes; Organization and management of business operations to obtain customer loyalty; Organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; Public relations services; Consultancy regarding public relations communication strategies; Commercial intermediation services; Arranging of business introductions, in relation to the following fields: Purchase and sale of goods In the automotive sector; demonstration in relation to the following goods: automotive products and automobile spare parts; Computerised stock ordering; Stock control services; Sales promotion for others; Supply services for others in the automotive field, namely the purchase of spare parts and services for other companies in the automotive field, namely the bringing together of suppliers and dealers; Retail services in relation to the following goods: cars, spare parts In the automotive sector; Online retailing and wholesaling in relation to the following goods: Vehicles; The bringing together of a variety of goods, That is Vehicles and Used vehicles, Parts for the aforesaid goods, Enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Presentation of vehicles and second-hand vehicles and parts and fittings therefor on communication media, for retail purposes. Teaching; Training; Conducting of cultural activities; Arranging and conducting of conferences, congresses and symposiums; Arranging of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; Organising of competitions for education; Teaching; Educational examination; Practical training [demonstration]; Education information; Publishing of instructional books and Publishing of teaching texts; Providing of training and information for a total quality management philosophy; Consultancy not relating to the conducting of business, vocational guidance. Restaurant services; Preparation of food for consumption off the premises; Self-service restaurant services; Snack-bar services; Food and drink catering; Cafés; Cafeteria services; Bar services; Hotel services.



Application Number 018915848
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-08-21
Registration Date 2024-02-03
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 43 - Food and drink services, temporary accommodation

Goods & Services

Vehicles; Apparatus for locomotion by land; Cars; Shock absorbers being parts of vehicle suspension; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods [folding roofs] for vehicles; Car boot lids; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Brake discs for vehicles; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windshield wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Engines for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped]. Business management in the automotive field; Business administration in the automotive field; Commercial or industrial business management assistance in the automotive field; Business management assistance in the automotive field; Business administration of licences for the goods and services of others, in the automotive field; Commercial information agency services in the automotive field; Providing commercial information to consumers and Providing of commercial information for professionals in relation to the following goods: Products and Services In the automotive sector; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop] and Business information and consultancy for professionals through web sites In the automotive sector; Updating and maintenance of data in computer databases; Search engine optimisation for sales promotion purposes in the automotive field; Management of customer loyalty, incentive or promotional schemes; Organization and management of business operations to obtain customer loyalty; Organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; Public relations services; Consultancy regarding public relations communication strategies; Commercial intermediation services; Arranging of business introductions, in relation to the following fields: Purchase and sale of goods In the automotive sector; demonstration in relation to the following goods: automotive products and automobile spare parts; Computerised stock ordering; Stock control services; Sales promotion for others; Supply services for others in the automotive field, namely the purchase of spare parts and services for other companies in the automotive field, namely the bringing together of suppliers and dealers; Retail services in relation to the following goods: cars, spare parts In the automotive sector; Online retailing and wholesaling in relation to the following goods: Vehicles; The bringing together of a variety of goods, That is Vehicles and Used vehicles, Parts for the aforesaid goods, Enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; Presentation of vehicles and second-hand vehicles and parts and fittings therefor on communication media, for retail purposes. Teaching; Training; Conducting of cultural activities; Arranging and conducting of conferences, congresses and symposiums; Arranging of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; Organising of competitions for education; Teaching; Educational examination; Practical training demonstration; Education information; Publishing of instructional books and Publishing of teaching texts; Providing of training and information for a total quality management philosophy; Consultancy not relating to the conducting of business, vocational guidance. Restaurant services; Preparation of food for consumption off the premises; Self-service restaurant services; Snack-bar services; Food and drink catering; Cafés; Cafeteria services; Bar services; Hotel services.


Dacia. Built True

Application Number 018907163
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-07-27
Registration Date 2023-11-15
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].



Application Number 018906507
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-07-26
Registration Date 2024-01-11
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Automotive vehicles, Component parts for the aforesaid goods, namely Suspension shock absorbers for use in relation to the following goods: Automotive vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; head-rests for vehicle seats, automobiles; Drive shafts, for use in relation to the following goods: Automotive vehicles; Gearboxes for motor cars; Automobile hoods; Engine covers, for use in relation to the following goods: Automotive vehicles; Automobile bodies; Seat safety harnesses for motor cars; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits, for use in relation to the following goods: Automotive vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Brake disks, for use in relation to the following goods: Automotive vehicles; Gears for motor vehicles; Hub caps; Windshield wipers; Brakes, for use in relation to the following goods: Automotive vehicles; Wheel rims [for automobiles]; running boards for motor vehicles; Engines for motor vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Luggage carriers for motor vehicles; Doors, for use in relation to the following goods: Automotive vehicles; Rearview mirrors; Seats, for use in relation to the following goods: Automotive vehicles; Windows, for use in relation to the following goods: Automotive vehicles; fly wheels, for use in relation to the following goods: Automotive vehicles; Shams, for use in relation to the following goods: Automotive vehicles.



Application Number 018906552
Status Pending
Filing Date 2023-07-26
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Automobiles and their structural parts; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Automobile hoods; Automobile bodies; Automobile chassis; Bumpers for automobiles.



Application Number 018906570
Status Pending
Filing Date 2023-07-26
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].



Application Number 018906575
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-07-26
Registration Date 2023-11-15
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].


Dacia YouClip

Application Number 018906424
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-07-26
Registration Date 2023-11-15
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].


Dacia YouFix

Application Number 018906461
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-07-26
Registration Date 2023-11-15
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].


Built True

Application Number 018906465
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-07-26
Registration Date 2023-11-11
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].



Application Number 018906467
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-07-26
Registration Date 2023-11-11
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].



Application Number 018906574
Status Pending
Filing Date 2023-07-26
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Véhicules, appareils de locomotion par terre, automobiles, leurs éléments constitutifs, à savoir amortisseurs de suspension pour véhicules; amortisseurs pour automobiles; appuie-tête pour sièges de véhicules; arbres de transmission pour véhicules terrestres; boites de vitesses pour véhicules terrestres; capotes de véhicules; capots pour automobiles; capots de moteurs pour véhicules; carrosseries pour automobiles; ceintures de sécurité pour sièges de véhicules; châssis pour automobiles; circuits hydrauliques pour véhicules; coussins d'air gonflants [dispositifs de sécurité pour automobiles]; disques de freins pour véhicules; embrayages pour véhicules terrestres; enjoliveurs; essuie-glaces; freins de véhicules; jantes de roues de véhicules; marchepieds de véhicules; moteurs pour véhicules terrestres; pare-brise; pare-chocs pour automobiles; pneus; porte-bagages pour véhicules; portes de véhicules; roues de véhicules; rétroviseurs; sièges de véhicules; vitres de véhicules; volants pour véhicules; housses de véhicules.


Renault MUTE THE HOTROD Restricted B

Application Number 018897498
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-07-05
Registration Date 2023-12-21
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment

Goods & Services

Vehicles; Apparatus for locomotion by land; Cars; Parts therefore, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods [folding roofs] for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Brake discs for vehicles; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windshield wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Engines for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped]; Motorized skateboards; Bicycles, Tricycles, Bicycles, Push scooters, Spare parts and components for the aforesaid goods. Clothing; Footwear; Headgear; Shirts; Leather dresses; Belts [clothing]; Furs [clothing]; Gloves [clothing]; Scarves; Neckties; Hosiery; Socks; Slippers; Beach shoes; Ski boots; Sports shoes; Underwear. Games; Toys; Toy models; Toy vehicles; Toy figures; Toy robots; Plush toys; Electronic games and video games; Controllers for game consoles; Wirelessly controlled toys; Appliances for gymnastics; Appliances for gymnastics; Playground balls; Billiard tables; Playing cards; Table-top games; Ice skates; Roller skates; Scooters [toys]; Children's ride-on vehicles; Sailboards; Sailboards; Skateboards, namely: Skateboards; Rackets; Snowshoes; Skis; Protective paddings [parts of sports suits]; Elbow guards, knee guards, ankle guards, knee pads, elbow pads, shin guards; wagons for children; Tractors for children.



Application Number 018885534
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-06-08
Registration Date 2023-09-23
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].



Application Number 018883829
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-06-05
Registration Date 2023-09-16
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Motor land vehicles; Automobile dashboards.


Dacia Zen

Application Number 018877699
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-05-22
Registration Date 2023-09-15
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 36 - Financial, insurance and real estate services

Goods & Services

Warranty services.



Application Number 018869226
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-05-02
Registration Date 2023-08-29
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].



Application Number 018866461
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-04-24
Registration Date 2023-09-01
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 36 - Financial, insurance and real estate services

Goods & Services

Financing and funding services; Finance services; Payment services and Insurance services relating exclusively to land vehicles, for covering repairs or body harm, for payment protection and for extended warranties.



Application Number 018850774
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-03-20
Registration Date 2023-07-19
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Apparatus and instruments for managing, switching, connecting, transforming and regulating electricity, including electric power supply systems, electric transformers, electric connection networks included in class 9; Electricity measuring instruments; Measuring, signalling, checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments, used in particular in the field of electricity; Chargers for electric batteries; Terminals [electricity]; Plug boxes [electric]; Cable boxes (Electric -); Electricity mains (Materials for -) [wires, cables]; Circuit breakers; Electricity distribution boards, data processing equipment, downloadable computer software and computer programs for use in generating, managing, switching, connecting, transforming, storing and regulating electricity and energy; All the aforesaid goods being used in connection with apparatus for locomotion by land.



Application Number 018850681
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-03-20
Registration Date 2023-07-08
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Apparatus and instruments for managing, switching, connecting, transforming and regulating electricity, including electric power supply systems, electric transformers, electric connection networks included in class 9; Electricity measuring instruments; Measuring, signalling, checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments, used in particular in the field of electricity; Chargers for electric batteries; Terminals [electricity]; Plug boxes [electric]; Cable boxes (Electric -); Electricity mains (Materials for -) [wires, cables]; Circuit breakers; Electricity distribution boards, data processing equipment, downloadable computer software and computer programs for use in generating, managing, switching, connecting, transforming, storing and regulating electricity and energy; All the aforesaid goods being used in connection with apparatus for locomotion by land.



Application Number 018850822
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-03-20
Registration Date 2023-07-19
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Apparatus and instruments for managing, switching, connecting, transforming and regulating electricity, including electric power supply systems, electric transformers, electric connection networks included in class 9; Electricity measuring instruments; Measuring, signalling, checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments, used in particular in the field of electricity; Chargers for electric batteries; Terminals [electricity]; Plug boxes [electric]; Cable boxes (Electric -); Electricity mains (Materials for -) [wires, cables]; Circuit breakers; Electricity distribution boards, data processing equipment, downloadable computer software and computer programs for use in generating, managing, switching, connecting, transforming, storing and regulating electricity and energy; All the aforesaid goods being used in connection with apparatus for locomotion by land.



Application Number 018844514
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-03-06
Registration Date 2024-02-16
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 35 - Advertising and business services

Goods & Services

Administration of loyalty reward programmes; Administration of loyalty rewards programs; Providing business information directory services, via a global computer network; Administrative loyalty card services; Loyalty scheme services.



Application Number 018830997
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-02-01
Registration Date 2023-07-07
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 38 - Telecommunications services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 45 - Legal and security services; personal services for individuals.

Goods & Services

Computer applications (software) for the rental of vehicles with or without drivers, for journeys in shared vehicles and for parking, storage of vehicles and MAAS (Mobility as a Service); Interfaces (computer software), all of the aforesaid goods relating to mobility services (transport); Computer software for the remote payment of motorway tolls, renting parking spaces and all services in connection with transport from mobile telephones, digital tablets and computers; Computer programs and software for the collection, compilation, processing, transmission and dissemination of data from global positioning systems (GPS) for fixed, mobile and portable devices; Electronic databases featuring traffic information, geographical information, information on cards, information on public transport routes, information on public transport schedules; Computer navigation software for calculating and displaying travel routes; Artificial intelligence software for vehicles; Vehicle control assistance software; Computer software to assist with vehicle fleet management; Computer software to assist with scheduling and coordination of autonomous vehicles; Computer software to enable determination of vehicle location; Batteries, electric; Housings for electrical apparatus; Cable boxes (Electric -); Materials for electricity mains [wires, cables]; Electric charging cables for electric land vehicles of all kinds, battery chargers for electric land vehicles of all kinds; Charging stations for electric land vehicles of all kinds; Current plugs, including reinforced, for use in charging electric land vehicles of all kinds; Prepaid or rechargeable payment cards enabling users to acces public chargings stations for electric land vehicles of all kinds; Mobile and tablet applications, enabling reference and monitoring of electricity consumption relating to the charging of electric land vehicles, location of charging stations for electric land vehicles, access to after-sale services (maintenance, servicing and repair) of batteries and charging cables for electric land vehicles; Electricity meters for use in electricity used while charging electric land vehicles. Providing of telecommunications for platforms in connection with mobility services; Providing of user access to mobility and transport platforms on the internet; Telecommunication services; Telecommunication services, Namely transmission of voice data, images, signals and messages in the field of information relating to mobility, motor vehicle diagnostics, maintenance reminders, traffic status and directional guidance information to emergency personnel and vehicle operators; electronic transmission of signals for a global satellite navigation system, Specifically, transmitting signals between a global positioning system and cellular telephones in connection with the dispatch of roadside assistance and autorelated travel services. Rental, booking and providing of vehicles and vehicle accessories, rental of vehicle parking spaces and areas, rental of vehicle car parks, rental of vehicle garages, car sharing, taxi transport, chauffeur services, carpooling services, passenger transport; Vehicle breakdown assistance; Sharing of vehicle fleets; Public transport information; Online advice relating to transport line schedule and route tracking; Providing of online information relating to travel and public transport; Providing of traffic and geographical information, relating to travel, location, navigation, traffic and points of interest via telecommunications networks, mobile telephones, portable devices and wireless navigation devices; Providing of online information offering public transport services, timetables and routes, traffic information, geographical information, in relation to the following fields: Travel, Location tracking, Shipping, Traffic and point-of-interest, Via interactive databases; emergency roadside assistance services, namely, towing, winch-out and key delivery services; providing roadside emergency services, namely voice routing and location assistance services through components integrated into a motor vehicle, namely, transmitters, receivers, microprocessors, software, cellular phones, and electrical architecture all interacting with global position system satellite technology and a customer service center; Navigation services, namely, voice routing, navigation and location assistance, through an integrated in-vehicle communication system; Conducting and transport of electricity; Distribution of energy; Electricity distribution; Distribution of energy for charging electric land vehicles; Delivery of electronic charging cables for electric land vehicles of all kinds, battery chargers for electric land vehicles of all kinds, current plugs, including reinforced, for use in charging electric land vehicles of all kinds; Rental, in relation to the following goods: Charging cables for electric vehicles and Recharging terminals for electric cars; Recovery services [towing and transport], including for emergencies, of electric land vehicles of all kinds. Tracking of vehicles, public transport vehicles and passengers via fixed devices, mobile devices, portable devices or via global positioning systems (GPS).



Application Number 018825089
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-01-20
Registration Date 2023-05-16
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].



Application Number 018811094
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-12-16
Registration Date 2023-04-25
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services

Goods & Services

Rental, booking and providing of vehicles and vehicle accessories, rental of vehicle parking spaces and areas, rental of vehicle car parks, rental of vehicle garages, car sharing, taxi transport, chauffeur services, carpooling services, passenger transport; Vehicle breakdown assistance; Sharing of vehicle fleets; Tracking of vehicles via fixed devices, mobile devices, portable devices or via global positioning systems (GPS); Online advice relating to transport line schedule and route tracking; Providing of information online, in relation to the following services: Travel services; Providing of traffic and geographical information, relating to travel, location, navigation, traffic and points of interest via telecommunications networks, mobile telephones, portable devices and wireless navigation devices; Providing of online interactive databases featuring traffic and geographical services and information, in relation to the following fields: Travel, Location tracking, Shipping, Traffic and point-of-interest; emergency roadside assistance services, namely, towing, winch-out and key delivery services; providing roadside emergency services, namely voice routing and location assistance services through components integrated into a motor vehicle, namely, transmitters, receivers, microprocessors, software, cellular phones, and electrical architecture all interacting with global position system satellite technology and a customer service center; Navigation services, namely, voice routing, navigation and location assistance, through an integrated in-vehicle communication system; Conducting and transport of electricity; Distribution of energy; Electricity distribution; Distribution of energy for charging electric land vehicles; Delivery of electronic charging cables for electric land vehicles of all kinds, battery chargers for electric land vehicles of all kinds, current plugs, including reinforced, for use in charging electric land vehicles of all kinds; Recovery services [towing and transport], including for emergencies, of electric land vehicles of all kinds; None of the aforementioned services, in relation to the following fields: Public transportation.


La lignée Renault

Application Number 018808948
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-12-14
Registration Date 2023-04-25
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped]. Education; Sporting and cultural activities.



Application Number 018799837
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-11-24
Registration Date 2023-09-22
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 35 - Advertising and business services

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped]. Providing of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of encrypted collectibles; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Auctioneering services; retail sales of art.



Application Number 018800773
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-11-24
Registration Date 2023-03-17
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].



Application Number 018795315
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-11-16
Registration Date 2023-03-24
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 36 - Financial, insurance and real estate services

Goods & Services

Insurance services relating exclusively to land vehicles, for covering repairs or body harm, for payment protection and for extended warranties, all the aforesaid services relating to transport and mobility.



Application Number 018795313
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-11-16
Registration Date 2023-03-24
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 36 - Financial, insurance and real estate services

Goods & Services

Insurance services relating exclusively to land vehicles, for covering repairs or body harm, for payment protection and for extended warranties, all the aforesaid services relating to transport and mobility.



Application Number 018784618
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-10-27
Registration Date 2023-02-22
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services

Goods & Services

Rental of vehicles for locomotion by land.



Application Number 018786836
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-10-27
Registration Date 2023-03-03
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 14 - Precious metals and their alloys; jewelry; time-keeping instruments
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 18 - Leather and imitations of leather
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services

Goods & Services

Scientific apparatus and instruments; Nautical apparatus and instruments; Surveying apparatus and instruments; Photographic apparatus and instruments; Cinematographic cameras; Optical apparatus and instruments; Weighing apparatus and instruments; Measuring apparatus and instruments; Signalling apparatus and instruments; Checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments; Teaching apparatus and instruments; Sound recording apparatus; Sound transmitting apparatus; Sound reproduction apparatus; Apparatus for recording images; Apparatus for the transmission of images; Apparatus for the reproduction of images; Digital recording media; Coin-operated mechanisms; Cash registers; Calculators; Downloadable e-wallets; Data processing equipment; Computers; Tablet computers; Smartphones; Electronic book readers; Games software; Computer software, recorded; Computer peripheral devices; Detectors; Wires, electric; Relays, electric; Diving suits; Gloves for divers; Divers' masks; Clothing for protection against accidents, irradiation and fire; Protection devices for personal use against accidents; Fire extinguishers; Spectacles; 3D spectacles; Virtual reality headsets; Eyewear; Covers for glasses; Integrated circuit cards [smart cards]; Bags adapted for laptops; Smartwatches; Batteries, electric; Batteries for electronic cigarettes; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Diagnostic apparatus, not for medical purposes; downloadable virtual goods, namely, Software in relation to the following goods: vehicle carriages and Terrestrial vehicles, Land vehicle miniatures, watches, Key-rings, Pocket wallets, Clothing, Shoes, clothing, Headgear, Caps for wear, Spectacles, Sunglasses, Bags, Sporting bags, Backpacks, Sports equipment, surfboards, Games, Toys, Video games, Interactive multimedia games, Augmented and mixed reality games, miniature games, toys and playthings, toy characters, Breadboards, Toy robots, Avatars, Virtual characters, Plush stuffed toys, Works of art, Works of art Of precious metals or Not of precious metal, All the aforesaid goods for use online and in online virtual environments. Jewellery; Ornaments [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; Precious stones; Chronometric apparatus and instruments; Precious metals and their alloys; Works of art of precious metal; Jewel cases; Boxes of precious metal; Watch cases [parts of watches]; Watch bands; Watch chains; Watch springs; Watch glasses; Key rings [split rings with trinket or decorative fob]; Statues of precious metal; Figurines of precious metal; Cases for clock- and watchmaking; Cases for watches [presentation]; Medals. Printed matter; Bookbinding material; Photographs [printed]; Stationery; Adhesives for stationery or household purposes; Artists' materials; Paintbrushes; Office requisites, except furniture; Teaching materials [except apparatus]; Printing type; Paper; Cardboard; Boxes of paper or cardboard; Posters; Albums; Cards; Books; Newspapers; Prospectuses; Pamphlets; Calendars; Writing instruments; Engravings; Lithographic works of art; Paintings [pictures], framed or unframed; Sewing patterns; Graphic prints; Drawing instruments; Handkerchiefs of paper; Face towels of paper; Table linen of paper; Toilet paper; Bags [envelopes, pouches] of paper or plastics, for packaging; Garbage bags of paper or of plastics. Skins (animal-); Animal skins; Trunks and suitcases; Umbrellas and parasols; Walking sticks; Whips; Saddlery; Pocket wallets; Purses; Credit card cases [wallets]; Bags; Vanity cases, not fitted; Collars for animals; Clothing for pets. Clothing; Footwear; Headgear; Shirts; Leather dresses; Belts [clothing]; Furs [clothing]; Gloves [clothing]; Scarves; Neckties; Hosiery; Socks; Slippers; Beach shoes; Ski boots; Sports shoes; Underwear. Games; Toys; Toys for pets; Baby gyms; Controllers for game consoles; Festive decorations, party novelties and artificial Christmas trees; Appliances for gymnastics; Appliances for gymnastics; Fishing tackle; Playground balls; Billiard tables; Snooker cues; Billiard balls; Playing cards; Table-top games; Ice skates; Roller skates; Scooters [toys]; Sailboards; Sailboards; Rackets; Snowshoes; Skis; Protective paddings [parts of sports suits]; Toy models; Toy figures; Toy robots. Public relations services; Media relations services; Business management, organisation and administration of commercial affairs; Advertising, marketing and promotional services; Distribution of samples; Demonstration of goods; Development of advertising concepts; Drafting and publication of publicity texts; Shop window dressing; Organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; Provision of business assistance, Amongst others Assistance in sales negotiations in relation to classic vehicles; Assistance in administrative process management, In the automotive sector; Administrative services for business transactions, Business appraisal and valuation In the automotive sector; Assistance in obtaining official administrative documents, In the automotive sector; Updating and maintenance of information in registries; Updating and maintenance of data in computer databases; Commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; Professional business consultancy; Communication consultancy; Assistance (business management –) For collectors, in relation to the following goods: Motor vehicles; Providing of online marketplaces for buyers and sellers, in relation to the following goods: Classic vehicles; Provision of commercial information In the automotive sector, through web sites; Providing of commercial information and consultancy to consumers and collectors relating to the choice of motor vehicles; Negotiation and conclusion of commercial transactions for third parties In the automotive sector; Auctioning; Arranging and conducting of commercial events; Promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events; Sales promotion for collectors, in relation to the following goods: Motor vehicles; Retail services for works of art provided by art galleries; Retail services in relation to: virtual works of art; Retail services in relation to: Spectacles (optics), Sunglasses, 3D spectacles, virtual reality headsets, Smartwatches, scientific apparatus and instruments, Apparatus and instruments for photography, cinematographic apparatus and instruments, Optical apparatus and instruments, Measuring instruments and apparatus, signaling apparatus and instruments, Checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments, Apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound, apparatus for the recording, transmission, and reproduction of images, Digital data carriers, computer tablets, Smartphones, Electronic readers, Gambling software, Costume jewellery, Watches, Horological and other chronometric instruments, Works of art of precious metal, Key rings (trinkets or fobs), Figurines (statuettes) of precious metal, Photographs, Stationery items, Catalogues, Posters, Books, newsletters, magazines, pamphlets, and brochures, greeting cards, Lithographic works of art, Valises, bags, athletic bags, Umbrellas, wallets, Purses, Articles of clothing, footwear, headgear, Scarfs, Sashes, games, Toys, Sketches, Toys, games and playthings That is Miniature cars, Toys, games and playthings That is Figurines, Toy robots, downloadable virtual goods, That is, Computer programs in relation to the following goods: cars and land vehicles, toy model land vehicles, Watches, Key fobs, Wallets, Clothing, Footwear, Articles of clothing, Hats, Peaked caps, Spectacles, Sunglasses, bags, athletic bags, Back packs, And equipment, surfboards, games, Toys, Video games, Interactive multimedia games, augmented and mixed virtual reality games, miniature games, toys and playthings, Figurines, Sketches, Toy robots, Avatars, Virtual characters, Plush stuffed toys, Works of art, objects of art Of precious metal or Not of precious metal, The aforesaid goods for use online and in online virtual environments; Providing of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of encrypted collectibles; Online sale of downloadable virtual goods, namely computer programs, in relation to the following goods: cars and land vehicles, toy model land vehicles, Watches, Key fobs, Wallets, Clothing, Footwear, Articles of clothing, Hats, Peaked caps, Spectacles, Sunglasses, Bags, Bags for sports, Back packs, And equipment, surfboards, games, Toys, Video games, Interactive multimedia games, augmented and mixed virtual reality games, miniature games, toys and playthings, Figurines, Sketches, Toy robots, Avatars, Virtual characters, Plush stuffed toys, Works of art, Works of art of precious metal or Not of precious metal, The aforesaid goods for use online and in online virtual environments. Arranging of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; Entertainment information; Teaching; Arranging and conducting of conferences, congresses and symposiums; Providing museum facilities; Presenting museum exhibitions; cultural, educational or entertainment services provided by art galleries and museums; Training; Entertainment services; Sporting and cultural activities; Ticket reservations services; reservation services for events, For educational purposes, For sporting purposes and For entertainment purposes; Providing online electronic publications, not downloadable; Providing of ratings, reviews and/or user rankings, For cultural and entertainment purposes; Providing online images, not downloadable; Providing online music, not downloadable; Providing online videos, not downloadable; Providing online virtual guided tours; Production of podcasts; Film production, other than advertising films; Production of music; Production and organisation of shows and sports competitions; Publishing of books, brochures and museum catalogues, Online publication of electronic books and journals; Photographic reporting; Transfer of business knowledge and know-how [training]; Know-how transfer [training].


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 018776555
Status Pending
Filing Date 2022-10-14
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 14 - Precious metals and their alloys; jewelry; time-keeping instruments
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 18 - Leather and imitations of leather
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 38 - Telecommunications services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

voice command and recognition software, speech to text conversion software; voice-enabled software applications for personal information management; personal assistant software; home automation and home device integration software; personal vehicle integration software; wireless communication software for voice, audio, video, and data transmission; Computer search engine software; computer software used for controlling stand-alone voice controlled information and personal assistant devices; Computer software for personal information management; computer software for accessing, browsing, and searching online databases, audio, video, and multimedia content, games, and software applications, software application marketplaces; computer software for accessing, monitoring, tracking, searching, saving, and sharing information on topics of general interest; computer software for use in providing retail and ordering services for a wide variety of consumer goods; computer software for use to connect and control internet of things (Iot) electronic devices; computer software for connecting, operating, integrating, controlling, and managing networked consumer electronic devices, home climate devices and lighting products via wireless networks; computer software for others to use for the development of software to manage, connect, and operate internet of things (IoT) electronic devices; Computer software for use as an application programming interface (API); software development kits (SDKs) consisting of computer software development tools for the development of voice service delivery and nature language understanding technology across global computer networks, wireless networks, and electronic communications networks; software development kits (SDKs) consisting of computer software for the development, use, and interoperability of APIs that are used by electronic devices, systems, and interchanges that exchange data via communications networks and the internet and that connect with cloud-based data storage and exchange services; software development kits (SDKs) comprising of software development tools and software for use as an application programming interface (API) for creating software and applications related to internet connected consumer electronic devices; Application programming interface (API), namely, software facilitating the development voice service delivery and personal assistant capability tools in connection with consumer electronic devices; computer application software for handheld wireless devices, namely, software for controlling, integrating, operating, connecting, and managing voice controlled information devices, namely, cloud-connected and voice-controlled smart consumer electronic devices and electronic personal assistant devices; Computer software development tools; voice-enabled software that provides users the ability to control features of their motor vehicle, namely, locking and unlocking vehicle doors, and starting and turning off the vehicle; voice-enabled software that provides users the ability to check statuses of motor vehicle systems, namely, engine oil life, fuel level, tire pressure and battery charge; Voice-controlled computer software enabling users to access and control vehicle HVAC, multimedia, communication, infotainment and navigation systems; in-vehicle, voice-enabled software that provides users the ability to connect and control smart home connected and internet of things (IoT) electronic devices; software for transmitting vehicle diagnostic and status information via computer and communications networks; software for receiving traffic status information and providing responsive directional guidance information to vehicle operators; software that enables communication between vehicles and connected devices; None of the aforesaid goods being for professional photographic and cinematographic cameras, including professional photographic and cinematographic accessories and professional photographic and cinematographic software relating thereto; downloadable virtual goods, namely, Software in relation to the following fields: vehicle carriages and Land automotive vehicles, Land vehicle miniatures, watches, Key-rings, Pocket wallets, Clothing, Shoes, clothing, Headgear, Caps for wear, Spectacles, Sunglasses, Bags, Sporting bags, Backpacks, Sports equipment, surfboards, Games, Toys, Video games, Interactive multimedia games, Augmented and mixed reality games, miniatures (games, toys and playthings), toy characters, Breadboards, Toy robots, Avatars, Virtual characters, Plush stuffed toys, Works of fine art, Works of art of precious or non-precious metals, All the aforesaid goods for use online and in online virtual environments. Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods [folding roofs] for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Brake discs for vehicles; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windshield wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Engines for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped]. Jewellery; Ornaments [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; Precious stones; Chronometric apparatus and instruments; Precious metals and their alloys; Works of art of precious metal; Jewel cases; Boxes of precious metal; Watch cases [parts of watches]; Watch bands; Watch chains; Watch springs; Watch glasses; Key rings [split rings with trinket or decorative fob]; Statues of precious metal; Figurines of precious metal; Cases for clock- and watchmaking; Cases for watches [presentation]; Medals. Printed matter; Bookbinding material; Photographs [printed]; Stationery; Adhesives for stationery or household purposes; Artists' materials; Paintbrushes; Office requisites, except furniture; Teaching materials [except apparatus]; Printing type; Paper; Cardboard; Boxes of paper or cardboard; Posters; Albums; Cards; Books; Newspapers; Prospectuses; Pamphlets; Calendars; Writing instruments; Engravings; Lithographic works of art; Paintings [pictures], framed or unframed; Sewing patterns; Graphic prints; Drawing instruments; Handkerchiefs of paper; Face towels of paper; Table linen of paper; Toilet paper; Bags [envelopes, pouches] of paper or plastics, for packaging; Garbage bags of paper or of plastics. Skins (animal-); Animal skins; Trunks and suitcases; Umbrellas and parasols; Walking sticks; Whips; Saddlery; Pocket wallets; Purses; Credit card cases [wallets]; Bags; Vanity cases, not fitted; Collars for animals; Clothing for pets. Clothing; Footwear; Headgear; Shirts; Leather dresses; Belts [clothing]; Furs [clothing]; Gloves [clothing]; Scarves; Neckties; Hosiery; Socks; Slippers; Beach shoes; Ski boots; Sports shoes; Underwear. Games; Toys; Toys for pets; Baby gyms; Controllers for game consoles; Festive decorations, party novelties and artificial Christmas trees; Appliances for gymnastics; Appliances for gymnastics; Fishing tackle; Playground balls; Billiard tables; Snooker cues; Billiard balls; Card games; Table-top games; Ice skates; Roller skates; Scooters [toys]; Sailboards; Sailboards; Rackets; Snowshoes; Skis; Protective paddings [parts of sports suits]; Toy models; Toy figures; Toy robots. administrative order processing for fulfillment services; Providing commercial information about products for the purpose of assisting with choosing consumer goods in general in order to meet consumer needs; Commercial information for consumers and Providing of related news in relation to the following fields: Sports, amusements, Business and Finance, Political and Government, Health and Physical form, Weather, Provision of teaching classes and Technology, Social sciences, Travel, art and Literature, music, Cinemas (audio-visual), Lifestyle and Personal growth, Vehicles and Transportation, Educational development of children; Real estate affairs, Fashion, Appearance, Food, Kitchen containers, Interior architecture and Interior decor design and In the legal field; online business directories featuring restaurants, bars, movie theaters, dance clubs, museums and art galleries; providing online business directory services for telephone numbers, business addresses, electronic mail addresses, network home page addresses, addresses and telephone numbers of people, places, and organizations; Personal concierge services, That is Providing an appointment reminder service, such as for commemorative events and anniversaries, Commercial intermediation services, That is Assistance relating to the provision of goods and services and Commercial intermediation services, That is Services and assistance relating to the provision of personal fashion consultancy; Retail services in relation to the following goods: virtual works of art; Providing of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of encrypted collectibles; Online sales services in relation to the following goods: downloadable virtual goods, That is, Computer programs in relation to the following fields: cars and land vehicles, toy model land vehicles, Watches, Key fobs, Wallets, Clothing, Footwear, Articles of clothing, Hats, Peaked caps, Spectacles, Sunglasses, Bags, Bags for sports, Back packs, And equipment, surfboards, Games, Toys, Video games, Interactive multimedia games, augmented and mixed virtual reality games, miniatures (games, toys and playthings), Figurines, Sketches, Toy robots, Avatars, Virtual characters, Plush stuffed toys, Artworks, Works of art of precious or non-precious metals, All the aforesaid goods for use online and in online virtual environments. Telecommunications access services; Telecommunications, namely, electronic transmission of streamed and downloadable audio files via computer and other communications networks; Webcasting services; telecommunications services, namely, electronic transmission of streamed and downloaded audio, video and multimedia content files via computer and communications networks; Audio broadcasting of spoken word, music, concerts, and radio programs; Electronic transmission of information and data; Providing access to databases; Providing telecommunication connectivity services for the transfer of images, messages, audio, visual and audiovisual content, data, multimedia content and content to on-board multimedia, communication, infotainment and navigation systems; Telecommunication services, namely, transmission of podcasts; telecommunication services, namely, transmission of webcasts; transmission of vehicle diagnostic information via computer and communications networks; transmission of motor vehicle status information via computer and communications networks. Providing information, news, and commentary in the field of travel, available vehicle parking, current vehicle traffic, and transportation; providing traffic status information and responsive directional guidance information to vehicle operators. Providing non-downloadable pre-recorded music and podcasts in relation to the following fields: Motion pictures, Televison programmes, audio-visual works, Music, Audio works, visual works, Lending libraries, theatre, Literary works, Sporting events, Recreational activities, leisure activities, Tournaments, arts, Dancing, Musicals, expositions, sports, Clubs, Radio, Comedy, Competitions, Games; Providing non-downloadable pre-recorded music and podcasts in relation to the following fields: festivals, Museums, parks, Cultural activities, Presentation of concerts, Publishing, Animation, current events and fashion; providing information, news, and commentary in the field of entertainment, education and child educational development, cultural events, historical figures, news about current events, sports, fitness, arts and literature, and music and cinema; News reporters services, namely Publishing, reporting and writing of informational texts, news and commentaries in relation to the following fields: topics of general interest, namely Sport, Entertainment services, Affairs and finance, politics and Government, health and Physical condition, Meteorology, Provision of teaching classes and technology, Travel, arts and literary, Lifestyle and Personal growth, Vehicles and Transport, Educational development of children, Real estate; Writing of news and commentaries relating to topics of general interest, namely in relation to the following fields: fashion and Designing, food items, Cookery, Interior decor design, Music, Cinema, stories, medicine, law and Current affairs; personal concierge services, namely assisting with the procurement and booking of tickets to sporting events, concerts, shows, theatres, cinemas and museums; providing information, news, and commentary in connection with personal development training; Providing of non-downloadable virtual goods namely, Programs for data processing devices in relation to the following fields: Cars and Land vehicles, Land vehicle miniatures, Watches, Key holders, Pocket wallets, Clothing, Foot wear, wearing, Hats, Caps for wear, eyeglasses, Sun lenses, Bags and packs, Bags for sports, Backpacks, Sports equipment, Surfboards, Games, Playthings, video games, Interactive multimedia games, Augmented and mixed reality games, miniatures (games, toys and playthings), Figurines, Scale models, Toy robots, Avatars, Virtual characters, Plush toys, artworks, Works of art of precious or non-precious metals, All the aforesaid goods for use online and in online virtual environments. Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for voice command and recognition software, speech to text conversion software, voice-enabled software applications for personal information management; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for personal assistant software; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for home automation and home device integration software; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for wireless communication software for voice, audio, video, and data transmission; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software used for controlling stand-alone voice controlled information and personal assistant devices; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for personal information management; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for accessing, browsing, and searching online databases, audio, video and multimedia content, games, and software applications, software application marketplaces; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for accessing, monitoring, tracking, searching, saving, and sharing information on topics of general interest; providing online non-downloadable computer software for use in providing retail and ordering services for a wide variety of consumer goods; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for use to connect and control internet of things (Iot) electronic devices; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for connecting, operating, integrating, controlling, and managing networked consumer electronic devices, home climate devices and lighting products via wireless networks; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for others to use for the development of software to manage, connect, and operate internet of things (IoT) electronic devices; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for use as an application programming interface (API); design, development and maintenance of proprietary computer software for others in the field of natural language, speech, language, and voice recognition excluding post-production of picture and sound recordings; technical support and consultation services for developing applications; application service provider (ASP) services featuring software for controlling, integrating, operating, connecting, and managing voice controlled information devices, namely, cloud-connected and voice-controlled smart consumer electronic devices and electronic personal assistant devices; providing customized computer searching services, namely, searching and retrieving information at the user's specific request via the Internet; computer services, namely, providing remote management of devices via computer networks, wireless networks or the Internet; provision of Internet search engine services; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to voice command and recognition software, speech to text conversion software, and voice-enabled software applications, home automation, and internet-of-things software; providing information, news, and commentary in the field of science and technology, home decorating, weather; provision of cloud-based, voice-enabled software that provides users the ability to control features of their motor vehicle, namely, locking and unlocking vehicle doors, and starting and turning off the vehicle; provision of cloud-based, voice-enabled software that provides users the ability to check statuses of motor vehicle systems, namely, engine oil life, fuel level, tire pressure and battery charge; Providing of cloud-based, voice-enabled software enabling users to access and control vehicle HVAC, multimedia, communication, infotainment and navigation systems; provision of cloud-based, in-vehicle, voice-enabled software that provides users the ability to connect and control smart home connected and internet of things (IoT) electronic devices; provision of cloud-based software for transmitting vehicle diagnostic and status information via computer and communications networks; provision of cloud-based software for receiving traffic status information and providing responsive directional guidance information to vehicle operators; provision of cloud-based software that enables communication between vehicles and connected devices; none of the aforesaid for professional photographic and cinematographic cameras including professional photographic and cinematographic specific accessories therefor and professional photographic and cinematographic software; providing information, news, and commentary in connection with fashion designs.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 018776631
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-10-14
Registration Date 2023-04-28
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 14 - Precious metals and their alloys; jewelry; time-keeping instruments
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 18 - Leather and imitations of leather
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 38 - Telecommunications services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

voice command and recognition software, speech to text conversion software; voice-enabled software applications for personal information management; personal assistant software; home automation and home device integration software; personal vehicle integration software; wireless communication software for voice, audio, video, and data transmission; Computer search engine software; computer software used for controlling stand-alone voice controlled information and personal assistant devices; Computer software for personal information management; computer software for accessing, browsing, and searching online databases, audio, video, and multimedia content, games, and software applications, software application marketplaces; computer software for accessing, monitoring, tracking, searching, saving, and sharing information on topics of general interest; computer software for use in providing retail and ordering services for a wide variety of consumer goods; computer software for use to connect and control internet of things (Iot) electronic devices; computer software for connecting, operating, integrating, controlling, and managing networked consumer electronic devices, home climate devices and lighting products via wireless networks; computer software for others to use for the development of software to manage, connect, and operate internet of things (IoT) electronic devices; Computer software for use as an application programming interface (API); software development kits (SDKs) consisting of computer software development tools for the development of voice service delivery and nature language understanding technology across global computer networks, wireless networks, and electronic communications networks; software development kits (SDKs) consisting of computer software for the development, use, and interoperability of APIs that are used by electronic devices, systems, and interchanges that exchange data via communications networks and the internet and that connect with cloud-based data storage and exchange services; software development kits (SDKs) comprising of software development tools and software for use as an application programming interface (API) for creating software and applications related to internet connected consumer electronic devices; Application programming interface (API), namely, software facilitating the development voice service delivery and personal assistant capability tools in connection with consumer electronic devices; computer application software for handheld wireless devices, namely, software for controlling, integrating, operating, connecting, and managing voice controlled information devices, namely, cloud-connected and voice-controlled smart consumer electronic devices and electronic personal assistant devices; Computer software development tools; voice-enabled software that provides users the ability to control features of their motor vehicle, namely, locking and unlocking vehicle doors, and starting and turning off the vehicle; voice-enabled software that provides users the ability to check statuses of motor vehicle systems, namely, engine oil life, fuel level, tire pressure and battery charge; Voice-controlled computer software enabling users to access and control vehicle HVAC, multimedia, communication, infotainment and navigation systems; in-vehicle, voice-enabled software that provides users the ability to connect and control smart home connected and internet of things (IoT) electronic devices; software for transmitting vehicle diagnostic and status information via computer and communications networks; software for receiving traffic status information and providing responsive directional guidance information to vehicle operators; software that enables communication between vehicles and connected devices; None of the aforesaid goods being for professional photographic and cinematographic cameras, including professional photographic and cinematographic accessories and professional photographic and cinematographic software relating thereto; downloadable virtual goods, namely, Software in relation to the following fields: vehicle carriages and Land automotive vehicles, Land vehicle miniatures, watches, Key-rings, Pocket wallets, Clothing, Shoes, clothing, Headgear, Caps for wear, Spectacles, Sunglasses, Bags, Sporting bags, Backpacks, Sports equipment, surfboards, Games, Toys, Video games, Interactive multimedia games, Augmented and mixed reality games, miniatures (games, toys and playthings), toy characters, Breadboards, Toy robots, Avatars, Virtual characters, Plush stuffed toys, Works of fine art, Works of art of precious or non-precious metals, All the aforesaid goods for use online and in online virtual environments. Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods [folding roofs] for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Brake discs for vehicles; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windshield wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Engines for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped]. Jewellery; Ornaments [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; Precious stones; Chronometric apparatus and instruments; Precious metals and their alloys; Works of art of precious metal; Jewel cases; Boxes of precious metal; Watch cases [parts of watches]; Watch bands; Watch chains; Watch springs; Watch glasses; Key rings [split rings with trinket or decorative fob]; Statues of precious metal; Figurines of precious metal; Cases for clock- and watchmaking; Cases for watches [presentation]; Medals. Printed matter; Bookbinding material; Photographs [printed]; Stationery; Adhesives for stationery or household purposes; Artists' materials; Paintbrushes; Office requisites, except furniture; Teaching materials [except apparatus]; Printing type; Paper; Cardboard; Boxes of paper or cardboard; Posters; Albums; Cards; Books; Newspapers; Prospectuses; Pamphlets; Calendars; Writing instruments; Engravings; Lithographic works of art; Paintings [pictures], framed or unframed; Sewing patterns; Graphic prints; Drawing instruments; Handkerchiefs of paper; Face towels of paper; Table linen of paper; Toilet paper; Bags [envelopes, pouches] of paper or plastics, for packaging; Garbage bags of paper or of plastics. Skins (animal-); Animal skins; Trunks and suitcases; Umbrellas and parasols; Walking sticks; Whips; Saddlery; Pocket wallets; Purses; Credit card cases [wallets]; Bags; Vanity cases, not fitted; Collars for animals; Clothing for pets. Clothing; Footwear; Headgear; Shirts; Leather dresses; Belts [clothing]; Furs [clothing]; Gloves [clothing]; Scarves; Neckties; Hosiery; Socks; Slippers; Beach shoes; Ski boots; Sports shoes; Underwear. Games; Toys; Toys for pets; Baby gyms; Controllers for game consoles; Festive decorations, party novelties and artificial Christmas trees; Appliances for gymnastics; Appliances for gymnastics; Fishing tackle; Playground balls; Billiard tables; Snooker cues; Billiard balls; Card games; Table-top games; Ice skates; Roller skates; Scooters [toys]; Sailboards; Sailboards; Rackets; Snowshoes; Skis; Protective paddings [parts of sports suits]; Toy models; Toy figures; Toy robots. administrative order processing for fulfillment services; Providing commercial information about products for the purpose of assisting with choosing consumer goods in general in order to meet consumer needs; Commercial information for consumers and Providing of related news in relation to the following fields: Sports, amusements, Business and Finance, Political and Government, Health and Physical form, Weather, Provision of teaching classes and Technology, Social sciences, Travel, art and Literature, music, Cinemas (audio-visual), Lifestyle and Personal growth, Vehicles and Transportation, Educational development of children; Real estate affairs, Fashion, Appearance, Food, Kitchen containers, Interior architecture and Interior decor design and In the legal field; online business directories featuring restaurants, bars, movie theaters, dance clubs, museums and art galleries; providing online business directory services for telephone numbers, business addresses, electronic mail addresses, network home page addresses, addresses and telephone numbers of people, places, and organizations; Personal concierge services, That is Providing an appointment reminder service, such as for commemorative events and anniversaries, Commercial intermediation services, That is Assistance relating to the provision of goods and services and Commercial intermediation services, That is Services and assistance relating to the provision of personal fashion consultancy; Retail services in relation to the following goods: virtual works of art; Providing of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of encrypted collectibles; Online sales services in relation to the following goods: downloadable virtual goods, That is, Computer programs in relation to the following fields: cars and land vehicles, toy model land vehicles, Watches, Key fobs, Wallets, Clothing, Footwear, Articles of clothing, Hats, Peaked caps, Spectacles, Sunglasses, Bags, Bags for sports, Back packs, And equipment, surfboards, Games, Toys, Video games, Interactive multimedia games, augmented and mixed virtual reality games, miniatures (games, toys and playthings), Figurines, Sketches, Toy robots, Avatars, Virtual characters, Plush stuffed toys, Artworks, Works of art of precious or non-precious metals, All the aforesaid goods for use online and in online virtual environments. Telecommunications access services; Telecommunications, namely, electronic transmission of streamed and downloadable audio files via computer and other communications networks; Webcasting services; telecommunications services, namely, electronic transmission of streamed and downloaded audio, video and multimedia content files via computer and communications networks; Audio broadcasting of spoken word, music, concerts, and radio programs; Electronic transmission of information and data; Providing access to databases; Providing telecommunication connectivity services for the transfer of images, messages, audio, visual and audiovisual content, data, multimedia content and content to on-board multimedia, communication, infotainment and navigation systems; Telecommunication services, namely, transmission of podcasts; telecommunication services, namely, transmission of webcasts; transmission of vehicle diagnostic information via computer and communications networks; transmission of motor vehicle status information via computer and communications networks. Providing information, news, and commentary in the field of travel, available vehicle parking, current vehicle traffic, and transportation; providing traffic status information and responsive directional guidance information to vehicle operators. Providing non-downloadable pre-recorded music and podcasts in relation to the following fields: Motion pictures, Televison programmes, audio-visual works, Music, Audio works, visual works, Lending libraries, theatre, Literary works, Sporting events, Recreational activities, leisure activities, Tournaments, arts, Dancing, Musicals, expositions, sports, Clubs, Radio, Comedy, Competitions, Games; Providing non-downloadable pre-recorded music and podcasts in relation to the following fields: festivals, Museums, parks, Cultural activities, Presentation of concerts, Publishing, Animation, current events and fashion; providing information, news, and commentary in the field of entertainment, education and child educational development, cultural events, historical figures, news about current events, sports, fitness, arts and literature, and music and cinema; News reporters services, namely Publishing, reporting and writing of informational texts, news and commentaries in relation to the following fields: topics of general interest, namely Sport, Entertainment services, Affairs and finance, politics and Government, health and Physical condition, Meteorology, Provision of teaching classes and technology, Travel, arts and literary, Lifestyle and Personal growth, Vehicles and Transport, Educational development of children, Real estate; Writing of news and commentaries relating to topics of general interest, namely in relation to the following fields: fashion and Designing, food items, Cookery, Interior decor design, Music, Cinema, stories, medicine, law and Current affairs; personal concierge services, namely assisting with the procurement and booking of tickets to sporting events, concerts, shows, theatres, cinemas and museums; providing information, news, and commentary in connection with personal development training; Providing of non-downloadable virtual goods namely, Programs for data processing devices in relation to the following fields: Cars and Land vehicles, Land vehicle miniatures, Watches, Key holders, Pocket wallets, Clothing, Foot wear, wearing, Hats, Caps for wear, eyeglasses, Sun lenses, Bags and packs, Bags for sports, Backpacks, Sports equipment, Surfboards, Games, Playthings, video games, Interactive multimedia games, Augmented and mixed reality games, miniatures (games, toys and playthings), Figurines, Scale models, Toy robots, Avatars, Virtual characters, Plush toys, artworks, Works of art of precious or non-precious metals, All the aforesaid goods for use online and in online virtual environments. Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for voice command and recognition software, speech to text conversion software, voice-enabled software applications for personal information management; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for personal assistant software; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for home automation and home device integration software; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for wireless communication software for voice, audio, video, and data transmission; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software used for controlling stand-alone voice controlled information and personal assistant devices; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for personal information management; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for accessing, browsing, and searching online databases, audio, video and multimedia content, games, and software applications, software application marketplaces; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for accessing, monitoring, tracking, searching, saving, and sharing information on topics of general interest; providing online non-downloadable computer software for use in providing retail and ordering services for a wide variety of consumer goods; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for use to connect and control internet of things (Iot) electronic devices; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for connecting, operating, integrating, controlling, and managing networked consumer electronic devices, home climate devices and lighting products via wireless networks; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for others to use for the development of software to manage, connect, and operate internet of things (IoT) electronic devices; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for use as an application programming interface (API); design, development and maintenance of proprietary computer software for others in the field of natural language, speech, language, and voice recognition excluding post-production of picture and sound recordings; technical support and consultation services for developing applications; application service provider (ASP) services featuring software for controlling, integrating, operating, connecting, and managing voice controlled information devices, namely, cloud-connected and voice-controlled smart consumer electronic devices and electronic personal assistant devices; providing customized computer searching services, namely, searching and retrieving information at the user's specific request via the Internet; computer services, namely, providing remote management of devices via computer networks, wireless networks or the Internet; provision of Internet search engine services; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to voice command and recognition software, speech to text conversion software, and voice-enabled software applications, home automation, and internet-of-things software; providing information, news, and commentary in the field of science and technology, home decorating, weather; provision of cloud-based, voice-enabled software that provides users the ability to control features of their motor vehicle, namely, locking and unlocking vehicle doors, and starting and turning off the vehicle; provision of cloud-based, voice-enabled software that provides users the ability to check statuses of motor vehicle systems, namely, engine oil life, fuel level, tire pressure and battery charge; Providing of cloud-based, voice-enabled software enabling users to access and control vehicle HVAC, multimedia, communication, infotainment and navigation systems; provision of cloud-based, in-vehicle, voice-enabled software that provides users the ability to connect and control smart home connected and internet of things (IoT) electronic devices; provision of cloud-based software for transmitting vehicle diagnostic and status information via computer and communications networks; provision of cloud-based software for receiving traffic status information and providing responsive directional guidance information to vehicle operators; provision of cloud-based software that enables communication between vehicles and connected devices; none of the aforesaid for professional photographic and cinematographic cameras including professional photographic and cinematographic specific accessories therefor and professional photographic and cinematographic software; providing information, news, and commentary in connection with fashion designs.



Application Number 018776523
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-10-14
Registration Date 2023-02-07
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment

Goods & Services

Scientific apparatus and instruments; Nautical apparatus and instruments; Surveying apparatus and instruments; Photographic apparatus and instruments; Cinematographic apparatus; Optical apparatus and instruments; Weighing apparatus and instruments; Measuring apparatus and instruments; Signalling apparatus and instruments; Checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments; Teaching apparatus and instruments; Sound recording apparatus; Sound transmitting apparatus; Sound reproduction apparatus; Apparatus for recording images; Apparatus for the transmission of images; Apparatus for the reproduction of images; Digital recording media; Mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; Cash registers; Calculators; Downloadable e-wallets; Data processing equipment; Computers; Tablet computers; Smartphones; Electronic book readers; Games software; Computer software, recorded; Peripherals adapted for use with computers; Detectors; Electric wires; Relays, electric; Diving suits; Gloves for divers; Divers' masks; Clothing for protection against accidents, irradiation and fire; Protection devices for personal use against accidents; Fire-extinguishing apparatus; Spectacles [optics]; 3D spectacles; Virtual reality headsets; Opticians' goods; Spectacle cases; Smart cards [integrated circuit cards]; Bags adapted for laptops; Smartwatches; Batteries, electric; Batteries for electronic cigarettes; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Diagnostic apparatus, not for medical purposes. Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped]. Clothing; Articles of footwear; Headgear; Shirts; Leather clothing; Belts [clothing]; Furs [clothing]; Gloves [clothing]; Scarves; Neckties; Hosiery; Socks; Slippers; Beach shoes; Ski boots; Athletics shoes; Underwear. Games; Toys; Toys for domestic pets; Baby gyms; Controllers for game consoles; Festive decorations, party novelties and artificial Christmas trees; Gymnastic articles; Gymnastic articles; Fishing equipment; Playground balls; Billiard tables; Billiard cues; Billiard balls; Card games; Board games; Ice skates; Roller skates; Scooters [toys]; Sailboards; Surfboards; Rackets; Snow shoes; Skis; Paddings (Protective -) [parts of sports suits]; Models being toys; Toy figurines; Toy robots.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 018776858
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-10-14
Registration Date 2023-04-19
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 14 - Precious metals and their alloys; jewelry; time-keeping instruments
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 18 - Leather and imitations of leather
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 38 - Telecommunications services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

voice command and recognition software, speech to text conversion software; voice-enabled software applications for personal information management; personal assistant software; home automation and home device integration software; personal vehicle integration software; wireless communication software for voice, audio, video, and data transmission; Computer search engine software; computer software used for controlling stand-alone voice controlled information and personal assistant devices; Computer software for personal information management; computer software for accessing, browsing, and searching online databases, audio, video, and multimedia content, games, and software applications, software application marketplaces; computer software for accessing, monitoring, tracking, searching, saving, and sharing information on topics of general interest; computer software for use in providing retail and ordering services for a wide variety of consumer goods; computer software for use to connect and control internet of things (Iot) electronic devices; computer software for connecting, operating, integrating, controlling, and managing networked consumer electronic devices, home climate devices and lighting products via wireless networks; computer software for others to use for the development of software to manage, connect, and operate internet of things (IoT) electronic devices; Computer software for use as an application programming interface (API); software development kits (SDKs) consisting of computer software development tools for the development of voice service delivery and nature language understanding technology across global computer networks, wireless networks, and electronic communications networks; software development kits (SDKs) consisting of computer software for the development, use, and interoperability of APIs that are used by electronic devices, systems, and interchanges that exchange data via communications networks and the internet and that connect with cloud-based data storage and exchange services; software development kits (SDKs) comprising of software development tools and software for use as an application programming interface (API) for creating software and applications related to internet connected consumer electronic devices; Application programming interface (API), namely, software facilitating the development voice service delivery and personal assistant capability tools in connection with consumer electronic devices; computer application software for handheld wireless devices, namely, software for controlling, integrating, operating, connecting, and managing voice controlled information devices, namely, cloud-connected and voice-controlled smart consumer electronic devices and electronic personal assistant devices; Computer software development tools; voice-enabled software that provides users the ability to control features of their motor vehicle, namely, locking and unlocking vehicle doors, and starting and turning off the vehicle; voice-enabled software that provides users the ability to check statuses of motor vehicle systems, namely, engine oil life, fuel level, tire pressure and battery charge; Voice-controlled computer software enabling users to access and control vehicle HVAC, multimedia, communication, infotainment and navigation systems; in-vehicle, voice-enabled software that provides users the ability to connect and control smart home connected and internet of things (IoT) electronic devices; software for transmitting vehicle diagnostic and status information via computer and communications networks; software for receiving traffic status information and providing responsive directional guidance information to vehicle operators; software that enables communication between vehicles and connected devices; downloadable virtual goods, namely, Software in relation to the following fields: vehicle carriages and Land automotive vehicles, Land vehicle miniatures, watches, Key-rings, Pocket wallets, Clothing, Shoes, clothing, Headgear, Caps for wear, Spectacles, Sunglasses, Bags, Sporting bags, Backpacks, Sports equipment, surfboards, Games, Toys, Video games, Interactive multimedia games, Augmented and mixed reality games, miniatures (games, toys and playthings), toy characters, Breadboards, Toy robots, Avatars, Virtual characters, Plush stuffed toys, Works of fine art, Works of art of precious or non-precious metals, All the aforesaid goods for use online and in online virtual environments. Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods [folding roofs] for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Brake discs for vehicles; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windshield wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Engines for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped]. Jewellery; Ornaments [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; Precious stones; Chronometric apparatus and instruments; Precious metals and their alloys; Works of art of precious metal; Jewel cases; Boxes of precious metal; Watch cases [parts of watches]; Watch bands; Watch chains; Watch springs; Watch glasses; Key rings [split rings with trinket or decorative fob]; Statues of precious metal; Figurines of precious metal; Cases for clock- and watchmaking; Cases for watches [presentation]; Medals. Printed matter; Bookbinding material; Photographs [printed]; Stationery; Adhesives for stationery or household purposes; Artists' materials; Paintbrushes; Office requisites, except furniture; Teaching materials [except apparatus]; Printing type; Paper; Cardboard; Boxes of paper or cardboard; Posters; Albums; Cards; Books; Newspapers; Prospectuses; Pamphlets; Calendars; Writing instruments; Engravings; Lithographic works of art; Paintings [pictures], framed or unframed; Sewing patterns; Graphic prints; Drawing instruments; Handkerchiefs of paper; Face towels of paper; Table linen of paper; Toilet paper; Bags [envelopes, pouches] of paper or plastics, for packaging; Garbage bags of paper or of plastics. Skins (animal-); Animal skins; Trunks and suitcases; Umbrellas and parasols; Walking sticks; Whips; Saddlery; Pocket wallets; Purses; Credit card cases [wallets]; Bags; Vanity cases, not fitted; Collars for animals; Clothing for pets. Clothing; Footwear; Headgear; Shirts; Leather dresses; Belts [clothing]; Furs [clothing]; Gloves [clothing]; Scarves; Neckties; Hosiery; Socks; Slippers; Beach shoes; Ski boots; Sports shoes; Underwear. Games; Toys; Toys for pets; Baby gyms; Controllers for game consoles; Festive decorations, party novelties and artificial Christmas trees; Appliances for gymnastics; Appliances for gymnastics; Fishing tackle; Playground balls; Billiard tables; Snooker cues; Billiard balls; Playing cards; Table-top games; Ice skates; Roller skates; Scooters [toys]; Sailboards; Sailboards; Rackets; Snowshoes; Skis; Protective paddings [parts of sports suits]; Toy models; Toy figures; Toy robots. administrative order processing for fulfillment services; Providing commercial information about products for the purpose of assisting with choosing consumer goods in general in order to meet consumer needs; Providing of business information to consumers and news relating thereto, in relation to the following fields: amusements, Business and Finance, Politics and Government, Health and Physical form, Weather, Provision of teaching classes and Technology, Social sciences, Travel, art and Literature, music, Cinemas (audio-visual), Lifestyle and Personal growth, Vehicles and Transportation; Education and child development; Real estate, Fashion; Appearance; Food, Kitchen containers, Interior architecture and Interior decor design; In the legal field; online business directories featuring restaurants, bars, movie theaters, dance clubs, museums and art galleries; providing online business directory services for telephone numbers, business addresses, electronic mail addresses, network home page addresses, addresses and telephone numbers of people, places, and organizations; Personal concierge services, That is Providing of a reminder service for appointments and events such as anniversaries and birthdays; assistance, in relation to the following fields: Procurement of goods and services That is Commercial intermediation services and Services and assistance in relation to the following fields: Personal fashion advice That is Commercial intermediation services; Retail services in relation to the following goods: virtual works of art; Providing of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of encrypted collectibles; Online sale of downloadable virtual goods, namely computer programs in relation to the following goods: cars and land vehicles, Land vehicle miniatures, Watches, Key fobs, Wallets, Clothing, Footwear, Articles of clothing, Hats, Peaked caps, Spectacles, Sunglasses, Bags, Bags for sports, Back packs, And equipment, surfboards, Games, Toys, Video games, Multimedia and interactive games, augmented and mixed virtual reality games, miniature toys, playthings and games, Figurines, Sketches, Toy robots, Avatars, Virtual characters, Plush stuffed toys, Works of art, Works of art of precious or non-precious metals, All the aforesaid goods for use online and in online virtual environments. Telecommunications access services; Telecommunications, namely, electronic transmission of streamed and downloadable audio files via computer and other communications networks; Webcasting services; telecommunications services, namely, electronic transmission of streamed and downloaded audio, video and multimedia content files via computer and communications networks; Audio broadcasting of spoken word, music, concerts, and radio programs; Electronic transmission of information and data; Providing access to databases; Providing telecommunication connectivity services for the transfer of images, messages, audio, visual and audiovisual content, data, multimedia content and content to on-board multimedia, communication, infotainment and navigation systems; Telecommunication services, namely, transmission of podcasts; telecommunication services, namely, transmission of webcasts; transmission of vehicle diagnostic information via computer and communications networks; transmission of motor vehicle status information via computer and communications networks. Providing information, news, and commentary in the field of travel, available vehicle parking, current vehicle traffic, and transportation; providing traffic status information and responsive directional guidance information to vehicle operators. Providing non-downloadable pre-recorded music and podcasts in relation to the following fields: Motion pictures, Televison programmes, audio-visual works, Music, Audio works, visual works, Lending libraries, theatre, Literary works, Sporting events, Recreational activities, leisure activities, Tournaments, arts, Dancing, Musicals, expositions, sports, Clubs, Radio, Comedy, Competitions, Games; Providing non-downloadable pre-recorded music and podcasts in relation to the following fields: festivals, Museums, parks, Cultural activities, Presentation of concerts, Publishing, Animation, current events and fashion; providing information, news, and commentary in the field of entertainment, education and child educational development, cultural events, historical figures, news about current events, sports, fitness, arts and literature, and music and cinema; News reporters services, namely Publishing, Production of reports and Writing of information text, news and commentary, in relation to the following fields: topics of general interest, namely Sport, Entertainment services, Affairs and finance, Politics and Government, health and Physical condition, Meteorology, Provision of teaching classes and technology, Travel, arts and literary, Real estate, Lifestyle and Personal growth, Vehicles and Transport, Educational development of children, writing of news and commentaries in relation to the following fields: topics of general interest, namely fashion and Designing, food items, Cookery, Interior decor design, Music, Cinema, stories, medicine, law and Current affairs; personal concierge services, namely assisting with the procurement and booking of tickets to sporting events, concerts, shows, theatres, cinemas and museums; providing information, news, and commentary in connection with personal development training; Providing of non-downloadable virtual goods namely, Programs for data processing devices in relation to the following fields: Cars and Land vehicles, Land vehicle miniatures, Watches, Key holders, Pocket wallets, Clothing, Foot wear, wearing, Hats, Caps for wear, eyeglasses, Sun lenses, Bags and packs, Bags for sports, Backpacks, Sports equipment, Surfboards, Games, Playthings, video games, Interactive multimedia games, Augmented and mixed reality games, miniatures (games, toys and playthings), Figurines, Toy models, toy robots, Avatars, Virtual characters, Plush toys, Artwork, Works of art of precious or non-precious metals, all the aforesaid goods for use online and in online virtual environments. Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for voice command and recognition software, speech to text conversion software, voice-enabled software applications for personal information management; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for personal assistant software; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for home automation and home device integration software; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for wireless communication software for voice, audio, video, and data transmission; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software used for controlling stand-alone voice controlled information and personal assistant devices; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for personal information management; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for accessing, browsing, and searching online databases, audio, video and multimedia content, games, and software applications, software application marketplaces; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for accessing, monitoring, tracking, searching, saving, and sharing information on topics of general interest; providing online non-downloadable computer software for use in providing retail and ordering services for a wide variety of consumer goods; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for use to connect and control internet of things (Iot) electronic devices; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for connecting, operating, integrating, controlling, and managing networked consumer electronic devices, home climate devices and lighting products via wireless networks; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for others to use for the development of software to manage, connect, and operate internet of things (IoT) electronic devices; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for use as an application programming interface (API); design, development and maintenance of proprietary computer software for others in the field of natural language, speech, language, and voice recognition excluding post-production of picture and sound recordings; technical support and consultation services for developing applications; application service provider (ASP) services featuring software for controlling, integrating, operating, connecting, and managing voice controlled information devices, namely, cloud-connected and voice-controlled smart consumer electronic devices and electronic personal assistant devices; providing customized computer searching services, namely, searching and retrieving information at the user's specific request via the Internet; computer services, namely, providing remote management of devices via computer networks, wireless networks or the Internet; provision of Internet search engine services; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to voice command and recognition software, speech to text conversion software, and voice-enabled software applications, home automation, and internet-of-things software; providing information, news, and commentary in the field of science and technology, home decorating, weather; provision of cloud-based, voice-enabled software that provides users the ability to control features of their motor vehicle, namely, locking and unlocking vehicle doors, and starting and turning off the vehicle; provision of cloud-based, voice-enabled software that provides users the ability to check statuses of motor vehicle systems, namely, engine oil life, fuel level, tire pressure and battery charge; Providing of cloud-based, voice-enabled software enabling users to access and control vehicle HVAC, multimedia, communication, infotainment and navigation systems; provision of cloud-based, in-vehicle, voice-enabled software that provides users the ability to connect and control smart home connected and internet of things (IoT) electronic devices; provision of cloud-based software for transmitting vehicle diagnostic and status information via computer and communications networks; provision of cloud-based software for receiving traffic status information and providing responsive directional guidance information to vehicle operators; provision of cloud-based software that enables communication between vehicles and connected devices; none of the aforesaid for professional photographic and cinematographic cameras including professional photographic and cinematographic specific accessories therefor and professional photographic and cinematographic software; providing information, news, and commentary in connection with fashion designs.



Application Number 018775595
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-10-12
Registration Date 2023-02-18
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, sports cars, apparatus for locomotion by land, cars, components thereof, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].



Application Number 018772959
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-10-06
Registration Date 2023-01-28
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].



Application Number 018772148
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-10-05
Registration Date 2023-01-20
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].



Application Number 018772150
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-10-05
Registration Date 2023-01-19
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].



Application Number 018772145
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-10-05
Registration Date 2023-01-19
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 018770581
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-10-03
Registration Date 2023-01-20
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].



Application Number 018770630
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-10-03
Registration Date 2023-10-24
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles.



Application Number 018769678
Status Pending
Filing Date 2022-09-29
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services

Goods & Services

downloadable virtual goods, namely, Computer programs featuring articles such as vehicles, vehicle equipment, works of art, toys and accessories for use online and in online virtual worlds; downloadable computer software for interactive games for use via a global computer network and through various wireless networks and electronic devices; downloadable software for engaging in social networking and interacting with online communities; downloadable software for accessing and streaming multimedia entertainment content; downloadable software for providing access to an online virtual environment; downloadable computer software for the creation, production and modification of digital animated and non-animated designs and characters, avatars, digital overlays and skins for access and use in online environments, virtual online environments, and extended reality virtual environments. Online marketplace services, in relation to the following services: virtual reality game services; Providing of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of encrypted collectibles; Providing of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of blockchain-based non-fungible assets; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; retail sales of art; Dissemination of advertisements, Via a global computer network. Virtual reality games and interactive games provided online from a global computer network and various wireless networks and electronic devices; Entertainment services namely, providing online, non-downloadable computer games and Providing on-line video games; Entertainment services, namely, providing virtual environments in which users can interact for recreational, leisure or entertainment purposes; Entertainment services namely, providing an online environment featuring streaming of entertainment content and live streaming of entertainment events; Entertainment services, namely organizing, arranging, and hosting virtual performances and social entertainment events.



Application Number 018769097
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-09-28
Registration Date 2023-01-28
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 35 - Advertising and business services

Goods & Services

Subscription to educational, cultural or entertainment programs for others; Arranging subscriptions to telecommunication services for others; Rental of advertising time on communication media; Publication of advertising literature.



Application Number 018768363
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-09-27
Registration Date 2023-01-11
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Motor land vehicles; Automobile dashboards.



Application Number 018745308
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-08-08
Registration Date 2022-12-28
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 38 - Telecommunications services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Motors and engines for land vehicles and components therefor; Electric land vehicles and/or with engines and/or using any propulsion mechanism and Parts for the aforesaid goods namely Anti-glare devices, Anti-theft apparatus, Anti-theft devices, Drive shafts, Vibration dampers, Hoods, Bodies for vehicles, Chassis, Bumper bars, Sun-blinds, Horns, bag carriers, Connecting-rods, Gearboxes, Petrol caps, Windscreens, Crank cases, Driving chains, Hydraulic circuits, Reduction gears, turn signals; Safety seats adapted for use by children in vehicles; Brakes; Windshield wipers; Axles for vehicles; Gears for vehicles; Hub caps; Vehicle covers [shaped]; Seat covers for vehicles; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Hub caps; Transmission chains for land vehicles; Pneumatic tyres; Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; Rearview mirrors, Wheels; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Suspension shock absorbers for motor vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels. Business management in the automotive field; Business administration in the automotive field; Commercial or industrial business management assistance in the automotive field; Business management assistance in the automotive field; Business administration of licences for the goods and services of others, in the automotive field; Commercial information agency services in the automotive field; Updating and maintenance of data in computer databases; Presentation of goods on all communication means for the retailing of goods in the automotive field, new and used motor vehicles and spare parts; Providing commercial information to consumers and Providing of commercial information for professionals in relation to the following goods: Products and Services In the automotive sector; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop] and Business information and consultancy for professionals through web sites In the automotive sector; Management of customer loyalty, incentive or promotional schemes; Supply services for others in the automotive field, namely the purchase of spare parts and services for other companies in the automotive field, namely the bringing together of suppliers and dealers; Computerised stock ordering; Stock control services; Retail services in relation to the following goods: cars, spare parts and accessories In the automotive sector; demonstration in relation to the following goods: automotive products and spare parts; Arranging of business introductions, in relation to the following fields: Purchase and sale of goods In the automotive sector; Business consultancy, information or enquiries, in relation to the following fields: Sustainable development applied to the automotive sector; Efficiency experts in the field of environmental protection, new energies and sustainable development; Market studies and research in the field of environmental protection, new energies and sustainable development; Demonstration of goods for improving and controlling energy consumption. Vehicle breakdown repair services; Fitting of replacement vehicle parts; Vehicle windscreen replacement services; Vehicle battery charging; Arranging for the replacement vehicle windows; Vehicle tyre fitting and repair; Retreading, reconditioning, repair and vulcanisation of tyres; Upholstery repair; Repair of brake systems for vehicles; Replacement of shock absorbers; Maintenance and repair of chassis parts and bodies for vehicles; Painting of vehicles; Overhaul of vehicles; Rebuilding engines that have been worn or partially destroyed; Providing of information relating to the state of vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Maintenance and repair of air conditioning apparatus; Vehicle cleaning; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Electric appliance installation and repair; Installation of automobile accessories; Installation of vehicle security devices; Providing of information in relation to the following fields: Repair of vehicles, vehicle installations, Vehicle maintenance and repair; Providing information and advice relating to the repair or maintenance of vehicles; Service stations for the maintenance of vehicles; Installation services, Maintenance, Maintenance services, Garaging, Repair services and Commissioning In connection with the following goods: energy installations. Telecommunication services; Information about telecommunication; Communications by computer terminals; Communications by fibre optic networks; Radio broadcasting; Communications by telephone; Communications by cellular phones; Providing user access to global computer networks; Providing online forums; Providing access to databases; Electronic bulletin board services [telecommunications services]; Providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; News agency services; News agency services; Rental of telecommunication equipment; Radio broadcasting; Television broadcasting; Teleconferencing services; Videoconferencing services; Electronic messaging; Rental of access time to global computer networks. Packaging and storage of goods; Delivery services; Delivery of goods; Providing information relating to car rental services; Vehicle rental; Rental of motor racing cars; Lending or replacing vehicles; Vehicle breakdown towing services; Recovery services for vehicles; Rental of garage parking places; Garage rental; Rental of vehicle roof racks; Tracking of passenger vehicles by computer or via GPS; Traffic information; Transportation information; Transportation logistics; Transport brokerage; Transport, distribution and supply of energy; Information and consultancy relating to the storage, transport, distribution and supply of energy. Research and engineering; Vehicle roadworthiness testing; Inspection of vehicles for roadworthiness and road safety.



Application Number 018740991
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-08-02
Registration Date 2022-12-07
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].



Application Number 018734875
Status Pending
Filing Date 2022-07-19
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].



Application Number 018730434
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-07-08
Registration Date 2022-12-09
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 38 - Telecommunications services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services

Goods & Services

voice command and recognition software, speech to text conversion software; voice-enabled software applications for personal information management; personal assistant software; home automation and home device integration software; personal vehicle integration software; wireless communication software for voice, audio, video, and data transmission; Computer search engine software; computer software used for controlling stand-alone voice controlled information and personal assistant devices; Computer software for personal information management; computer software for accessing, browsing, and searching online databases, audio, video, and multimedia content, games, and software applications, software application marketplaces; computer software for accessing, monitoring, tracking, searching, saving, and sharing information on topics of general interest; computer software for use in providing retail and ordering services for a wide variety of consumer goods; computer software for use to connect and control internet of things (Iot) electronic devices; computer software for connecting, operating, integrating, controlling, and managing networked consumer electronic devices, home climate devices and lighting products via wireless networks; computer software for others to use for the development of software to manage, connect, and operate internet of things (IoT) electronic devices; Computer software for use as an application programming interface (API); software development kits (SDKs) consisting of computer software development tools for the development of voice service delivery and nature language understanding technology across global computer networks, wireless networks, and electronic communications networks; software development kits (SDKs) consisting of computer software for the development, use, and interoperability of APIs that are used by electronic devices, systems, and interchanges that exchange data via communications networks and the internet and that connect with cloud-based data storage and exchange services; software development kits (SDKs) comprising of software development tools and software for use as an application programming interface (API) for creating software and applications related to internet connected consumer electronic devices; Application programming interface (API), namely, software facilitating the development voice service delivery and personal assistant capability tools in connection with consumer electronic devices; computer application software for handheld wireless devices, namely, software for controlling, integrating, operating, connecting, and managing voice controlled information devices, namely, cloud-connected and voice-controlled smart consumer electronic devices and electronic personal assistant devices; Computer software development tools; voice-enabled software that provides users the ability to control features of their motor vehicle, namely, locking and unlocking vehicle doors, and starting and turning off the vehicle; voice-enabled software that provides users the ability to check statuses of motor vehicle systems, namely, engine oil life, fuel level, tire pressure and battery charge; Voice-controlled computer software enabling users to access and control vehicle HVAC, multimedia, communication, infotainment and navigation systems; in-vehicle, voice-enabled software that provides users the ability to connect and control smart home connected and internet of things (IoT) electronic devices; software for transmitting vehicle diagnostic and status information via computer and communications networks; software for receiving traffic status information and providing responsive directional guidance information to vehicle operators; software that enables communication between vehicles and connected devices; none of the aforesaid for professional photographic and cinematographic cameras including professional photographic and cinematographic specific accessories therefor and professional photographic and cinematographic software; downloadable virtual goods, namely Computer software (downloadable), in relation to the following fields: Mobility services, All the aforesaid goods for use online or in virtual environments. Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Brake discs for vehicles; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windshield wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Engines for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped]. Telecommunications access services; Telecommunications, namely, electronic transmission of streamed and downloadable audio files via computer and other communications networks; Webcasting services; telecommunications services, namely, electronic transmission of streamed and downloaded audio, video and multimedia content files via computer and communications networks; Audio broadcasting of spoken word, music, concerts, and radio programs; Electronic transmission of information and data; Providing access to databases; Providing telecommunication connectivity services for the transfer of images, messages, audio, visual and audiovisual content, data, multimedia content and content to on-board multimedia, communication, infotainment and navigation systems; Telecommunication services, namely, transmission of podcasts; telecommunication services, namely, transmission of webcasts; transmission of vehicle diagnostic information via computer and communications networks; transmission of motor vehicle status information via computer and communications networks. Providing information, news, and commentary in the field of travel, available vehicle parking, current vehicle traffic, and transportation; providing traffic status information and responsive directional guidance information to vehicle operators.



Application Number 018730470
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-07-08
Registration Date 2022-12-09
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 38 - Telecommunications services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services

Goods & Services

voice command and recognition software, speech to text conversion software; voice-enabled software applications for personal information management; personal assistant software; home automation and home device integration software; personal vehicle integration software; wireless communication software for voice, audio, video, and data transmission; Computer search engine software; computer software used for controlling stand-alone voice controlled information and personal assistant devices; Computer software for personal information management; computer software for accessing, browsing, and searching online databases, audio, video, and multimedia content, games, and software applications, software application marketplaces; computer software for accessing, monitoring, tracking, searching, saving, and sharing information on topics of general interest; computer software for use in providing retail and ordering services for a wide variety of consumer goods; computer software for use to connect and control internet of things (Iot) electronic devices; computer software for connecting, operating, integrating, controlling, and managing networked consumer electronic devices, home climate devices and lighting products via wireless networks; computer software for others to use for the development of software to manage, connect, and operate internet of things (IoT) electronic devices; Computer software for use as an application programming interface (API); software development kits (SDKs) consisting of computer software development tools for the development of voice service delivery and nature language understanding technology across global computer networks, wireless networks, and electronic communications networks; software development kits (SDKs) consisting of computer software for the development, use, and interoperability of APIs that are used by electronic devices, systems, and interchanges that exchange data via communications networks and the internet and that connect with cloud-based data storage and exchange services; software development kits (SDKs) comprising of software development tools and software for use as an application programming interface (API) for creating software and applications related to internet connected consumer electronic devices; Application programming interface (API), namely, software facilitating the development voice service delivery and personal assistant capability tools in connection with consumer electronic devices; computer application software for handheld wireless devices, namely, software for controlling, integrating, operating, connecting, and managing voice controlled information devices, namely, cloud-connected and voice-controlled smart consumer electronic devices and electronic personal assistant devices; Computer software development tools; voice-enabled software that provides users the ability to control features of their motor vehicle, namely, locking and unlocking vehicle doors, and starting and turning off the vehicle; voice-enabled software that provides users the ability to check statuses of motor vehicle systems, namely, engine oil life, fuel level, tire pressure and battery charge; Voice-controlled computer software enabling users to access and control vehicle HVAC, multimedia, communication, infotainment and navigation systems; in-vehicle, voice-enabled software that provides users the ability to connect and control smart home connected and internet of things (IoT) electronic devices; software for transmitting vehicle diagnostic and status information via computer and communications networks; software for receiving traffic status information and providing responsive directional guidance information to vehicle operators; software that enables communication between vehicles and connected devices; none of the aforesaid for professional photographic and cinematographic cameras including professional photographic and cinematographic specific accessories therefor and professional photographic and cinematographic software; downloadable virtual goods, namely Computer software (downloadable), in relation to the following fields: Mobility services, All the aforesaid goods for use online or in virtual environments; All the aforesaid goods exclusively in relation to the following services: Mobility services and Transport services. Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Brake discs for vehicles; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windshield wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Engines for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped]. Telecommunications access services; Telecommunication services, namely, electronic transmission of streamed and downloadable audio files via computer and other communications networks; Webcasting services; telecommunications services, namely, electronic transmission of streamed and downloaded audio, video and multimedia content files via computer and communications networks; Audio broadcasting of spoken word, music, concerts, and radio programs; Electronic transmission of information and data; Providing access to databases; Providing telecommunication connectivity services for the transfer of images, messages, audio, visual and audiovisual content, data, multimedia content and content to on-board multimedia, communication, infotainment and navigation systems; Telecommunication services, namely, transmission of podcasts; telecommunication services, namely, transmission of webcasts; transmission of vehicle diagnostic information via computer and communications networks; transmission of motor vehicle status information via computer and communications networks; All the aforesaid services exclusively relating to mobility and transport services. Providing information, news, and commentary in the field of travel, available vehicle parking, current vehicle traffic, and transportation; providing traffic status information and responsive directional guidance information to vehicle operators.



Application Number 018730520
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-07-08
Registration Date 2022-11-04
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services

Goods & Services

Mobile or fixed street furniture primarily of metal namely displaying, signalling, information, communication and advertising panels and columns; Scrolling or non-scrolling video or animated display panels and columns; Identification signs; Information panels; Communication boards; Advertising boards; Mobile or fixed displaying, signalling, information, communication panels and columns of metal; Kiosks; Shelter for travelers mainly out of metal; Bicycle parking installations of metal, in particular Mooring stations of metal for bicycles, hoops of metal for attaching bicycles, benches of metal. Apparatus and instruments for producing, conducting, distributing, connecting, transforming, accumulating and controlling of electricity and energy, including power supply systems, electric transformers, electric distribution networks, included in class 9; Electricity measuring instruments; Measuring, signalling, checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments, used in particular in the field of electricity; Accumulators, electric; Apparatus for recharging electrical accumulators; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Ignition batteries; Anode batteries; Batteries, electric; Electricity terminals; Electrical cabinets; Material for electricity mains (wires, cables); Circuit breakers; Power distribution panels; Data processing equipment, software and storable computer programs for use in connection with producing, conducting, distributing, connecting, transforming, accumulating and controlling of energy and electricity. Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Brake discs for vehicles; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windshield wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Engines for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped]. Building construction management; Repair and maintenance of electricity networks, electric installations, and energy generation facilities; Consultancy and information with regard to all the aforesaid services. Supply and distribution of electric energy; Energy management services, Distribution of energy, Energy connection, storage of energy; Consultancy and information with regard to all the aforesaid services.



Application Number 018729247
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-07-07
Registration Date 2023-03-09
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment

Goods & Services

Scientific apparatus and instruments; Nautical apparatus and instruments; Surveying apparatus and instruments; Photographic apparatus and instruments; Cinematographic cameras; Optical apparatus and instruments; Weighing apparatus and instruments; Measuring apparatus and instruments; Signalling apparatus and instruments; Checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments; Teaching apparatus and instruments; Sound recording apparatus; Sound transmitting apparatus; Sound reproduction apparatus; Apparatus for recording images; Apparatus for the transmission of images; Apparatus for the reproduction of images; Digital recording media; Coin-operated mechanisms; Cash registers; Calculators; Downloadable e-wallets; Data processing equipment; Computers; Tablet computers; Smartphones; Electronic book readers; Games software; Computer software, recorded; Computer peripheral devices; Detectors; Wires, electric; Relays, electric; Diving suits; Gloves for divers; Divers' masks; Clothing for protection against accidents, irradiation and fire; Protection devices for personal use against accidents; Fire extinguishers; Spectacles; 3D spectacles; Virtual reality headsets; Eyewear; Covers for glasses; Integrated circuit cards [smart cards]; Bags adapted for laptops; Smartwatches; Batteries, electric; Batteries for electronic cigarettes; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Diagnostic apparatus, not for medical purposes; downloadable virtual goods, namely, Software in relation to the following fields: vehicle carriages and Land automotive vehicles, Land vehicle miniatures, watches, Key-rings, Pocket wallets, Clothing, Shoes, clothing, Headgear, Caps for wear, Spectacles, Sunglasses, Bags, Sporting bags, Backpacks, Sports equipment, surfboards, Games, Toys, Video games, Interactive multimedia games, Augmented and mixed reality games, miniatures (games, toys and playthings), toy characters, Breadboards, Toy robots, Avatars, Virtual characters, Plush stuffed toys, Works of fine art, Works of art of precious or non-precious metals, All the aforesaid goods for use online and in online virtual environments. Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods [folding roofs] for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Brake discs for vehicles; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windshield wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Engines for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped]. Clothing; Footwear; Headgear; Shirts; Leather dresses; Belts [clothing]; Furs [clothing]; Gloves [clothing]; Scarves; Neckties; Hosiery; Socks; Slippers; Beach shoes; Ski boots; Sports shoes; Underwear; Skull caps; Sports shoes. Games; Toys; Toys for pets; Baby gyms; Controllers for game consoles; Festive decorations, party novelties and artificial Christmas trees; Appliances for gymnastics; Appliances for gymnastics; Fishing tackle; Playground balls; Billiard tables; Snooker cues; Billiard balls; Playing cards; Table-top games; Ice skates; Roller skates; Scooters [toys]; Sailboards; Sailboards; Rackets; Snowshoes; Skis; Protective paddings [parts of sports suits]; Toy models; Toy figures; Toy robots; Skateboards, Sporting articles, namely Skateboards, video games.



Application Number 018728950
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-07-06
Registration Date 2023-01-13
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment

Goods & Services

Scientific apparatus and instruments; Nautical apparatus and instruments; Surveying apparatus and instruments; Photographic apparatus and instruments; Cinematographic cameras; Optical apparatus and instruments; Weighing apparatus and instruments; Measuring apparatus and instruments; Signalling apparatus and instruments; Checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments; Teaching apparatus and instruments; Sound recording apparatus; Sound transmitting apparatus; Sound reproduction apparatus; Apparatus for recording images; Apparatus for the transmission of images; Apparatus for the reproduction of images; Digital recording media; Coin-operated mechanisms; Cash registers; Calculators; Downloadable e-wallets; Data processing equipment; Computers; Tablet computers; Smartphones; Electronic book readers; Games software; Computer software, recorded; Computer peripheral devices; Detectors; Wires, electric; Relays, electric; Diving suits; Gloves for divers; Divers' masks; Clothing for protection against accidents, irradiation and fire; Protection devices for personal use against accidents; Fire extinguishers; Spectacles; 3D spectacles; Virtual reality headsets; Eyewear; Covers for glasses; Integrated circuit cards [smart cards]; Bags adapted for laptops; Smartwatches; Batteries, electric; Batteries for electronic cigarettes; Charging stations for electric vehicles; Diagnostic apparatus, not for medical purposes; downloadable virtual goods, namely, Software in relation to the following fields: vehicle carriages and Terrestrial vehicles, Land vehicle miniatures, watches, Key-rings, Pocket wallets, Clothing, Shoes, clothing, Headgear, Caps for wear, Spectacles, Sunglasses, Bags, Sporting bags, Backpacks, Sports equipment, surfboards, Games, Toys, Video games, Interactive multimedia games, Augmented and mixed reality games, miniatures (games, toys and playthings), toy characters, Breadboards, Toy robots, Avatars, Virtual characters, Plush stuffed toys, Works of fine art, Works of art of precious or non-precious metals, All the aforesaid goods for use online and in online virtual environments. Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Brake discs for vehicles; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windshield wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Engines for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped]. Clothing; Footwear; Headgear; Shirts; Leather dresses; Belts [clothing]; Furs [clothing]; Gloves [clothing]; Scarves; Neckties; Hosiery; Socks; Slippers; Beach shoes; Ski boots; Sports shoes; Underwear; Skull caps; Sports shoes. Games; Toys; Toys for pets; Baby gyms; Controllers for game consoles; Festive decorations, party novelties and artificial Christmas trees; Appliances for gymnastics; Appliances for gymnastics; Fishing tackle; Playground balls; Billiard tables; Snooker cues; Billiard balls; Playing cards; Table-top games; Ice skates; Roller skates; Scooters [toys]; Sailboards; Sailboards; Rackets; Snowshoes; Skis; Protective paddings [parts of sports suits]; Toy models; Toy figures; Toy robots; Skateboards, Sporting articles, namely Skateboards, video games.



Application Number 018727114
Status Pending
Filing Date 2022-07-04
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 14 - Precious metals and their alloys; jewelry; time-keeping instruments
  • 18 - Leather and imitations of leather
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 36 - Financial, insurance and real estate services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 38 - Telecommunications services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services

Goods & Services

Scientific, research, navigation, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, audiovisual, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, detecting, testing, inspecting, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; Apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; Recorded and downloadable media, computer software, blank digital or analogue recording and storage media; Coin-operated mechanisms; Cash registers; Calculators; Computers and computer peripherals; Diving suits, Immersion equipment. Precious metals and their alloys; Semi-precious stones; Jewellery; Precious stones; Chronometric apparatus and instruments; Necklaces [jewellery]. Leather and imitations of leather; Animal skins; Luggage and carrying bags; Umbrellas and parasols; Walking sticks. Clothing, headgear, shoe wear. Games and playthings; Video game apparatus; Gymnastic and sporting articles. Advertising; Business management; Office functions. Financial, monetary and banking services; Insurance services; Real estate services. Construction services; Car equipment installation and Car repair. Telecommunication services. Transport; Packaging and storage of goods; Tour organising. Teaching; Training; Entertainment services; Sporting and cultural activities.



Application Number 018719325
Status Pending
Filing Date 2022-06-20
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 14 - Precious metals and their alloys; jewelry; time-keeping instruments
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 18 - Leather and imitations of leather
  • 25 - Clothing; footwear; headgear
  • 28 - Games; toys; sports equipment
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 38 - Telecommunications services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

voice command and recognition software, speech to text conversion software; voice-enabled software applications for personal information management; personal assistant software; home automation and home device integration software; personal vehicle integration software; wireless communication software for voice, audio, video, and data transmission; Computer search engine software; computer software used for controlling stand-alone voice controlled information and personal assistant devices; Computer software for personal information management; computer software for accessing, browsing, and searching online databases, audio, video, and multimedia content, games, and software applications, software application marketplaces; computer software for accessing, monitoring, tracking, searching, saving, and sharing information on topics of general interest; computer software for use in providing retail and ordering services for a wide variety of consumer goods; computer software for use to connect and control internet of things (Iot) electronic devices; computer software for connecting, operating, integrating, controlling, and managing networked consumer electronic devices, home climate devices and lighting products via wireless networks; computer software for others to use for the development of software to manage, connect, and operate internet of things (IoT) electronic devices; Computer software for use as an application programming interface (API); software development kits (SDKs) consisting of computer software development tools for the development of voice service delivery and nature language understanding technology across global computer networks, wireless networks, and electronic communications networks; software development kits (SDKs) consisting of computer software for the development, use, and interoperability of APIs that are used by electronic devices, systems, and interchanges that exchange data via communications networks and the internet and that connect with cloud-based data storage and exchange services; software development kits (SDKs) comprising of software development tools and software for use as an application programming interface (API) for creating software and applications related to internet connected consumer electronic devices; Application programming interface (API), namely, software facilitating the development voice service delivery and personal assistant capability tools in connection with consumer electronic devices; computer application software for handheld wireless devices, namely, software for controlling, integrating, operating, connecting, and managing voice controlled information devices, namely, cloud-connected and voice-controlled smart consumer electronic devices and electronic personal assistant devices; Computer software development tools; voice-enabled software that provides users the ability to control features of their motor vehicle, namely, locking and unlocking vehicle doors, and starting and turning off the vehicle; voice-enabled software that provides users the ability to check statuses of motor vehicle systems, namely, engine oil life, fuel level, tire pressure and battery charge; Voice-controlled computer software enabling users to access and control vehicle HVAC, multimedia, communication, infotainment and navigation systems; in-vehicle, voice-enabled software that provides users the ability to connect and control smart home connected and internet of things (IoT) electronic devices; software for transmitting vehicle diagnostic and status information via computer and communications networks; software for receiving traffic status information and providing responsive directional guidance information to vehicle operators; software that enables communication between vehicles and connected devices; none of the aforesaid for professional photographic and cinematographic cameras including professional photographic and cinematographic specific accessories therefor and professional photographic and cinematographic software; downloadable virtual goods, namely, Software in relation to the following fields: vehicle carriages and Terrestrial vehicles, Land vehicle miniatures, watches, Key-rings, Pocket wallets, Clothing, Shoes, clothing, Headgear, Caps for wear, Spectacles, Sunglasses, Bags, Sporting bags, Backpacks, Sports equipment, surfboards, Games, Toys, Video games, Interactive multimedia games, Augmented and mixed reality games, miniatures (games, toys and playthings), toy characters, Breadboards, Toy robots, Avatars, Virtual characters, Plush stuffed toys, Works of fine art, Works of art of precious or non-precious metals, All the aforesaid goods for use online and in online virtual environments. Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Brake discs for vehicles; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windshield wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Engines for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped]. Jewellery; Ornaments [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; Precious stones; Chronometric apparatus and instruments; Precious metals and their alloys; Works of art of precious metal; Jewel cases; Boxes of precious metal; Watch cases [parts of watches]; Watch bands; Watch chains; Watch springs; Watch glasses; Key rings [split rings with trinket or decorative fob]; Statues of precious metal; Figurines of precious metal; Cases for clock- and watchmaking; Cases for watches [presentation]; Medals. Printed matter; Bookbinding material; Photographs [printed]; Stationery; Adhesives for stationery or household purposes; Artists' materials; Paintbrushes; Office requisites, except furniture; Teaching materials [except apparatus]; Printing type; Paper; Cardboard; Boxes of paper or cardboard; Posters; Albums; Cards; Books; Newspapers; Prospectuses; Pamphlets; Calendars; Writing instruments; Engravings; Lithographic works of art; Paintings [pictures], framed or unframed; Sewing patterns; Graphic prints; Drawing instruments; Handkerchiefs of paper; Face towels of paper; Table linen of paper; Toilet paper; Bags [envelopes, pouches] of paper or plastics, for packaging; Garbage bags of paper or of plastics. Skins (animal-); Animal skins; Trunks and suitcases; Umbrellas and parasols; Walking sticks; Whips; Saddlery; Pocket wallets; Purses; Credit card cases [wallets]; Bags; Vanity cases, not fitted; Collars for animals; Clothing for pets. Clothing; Footwear; Headgear; Shirts; Leather dresses; Belts [clothing]; Furs [clothing]; Gloves [clothing]; Scarves; Neckties; Hosiery; Socks; Slippers; Beach shoes; Ski boots; Sports shoes; Underwear. Games; Toys; Toys for pets; Baby gyms; Controllers for game consoles; Festive decorations, party novelties and artificial Christmas trees; Appliances for gymnastics; Appliances for gymnastics; Fishing tackle; Playground balls; Billiard tables; Snooker cues; Billiard balls; Playing cards; Table-top games; Ice skates; Roller skates; Scooters [toys]; Sailboards; Sailboards; Rackets; Snowshoes; Skis; Protective paddings [parts of sports suits]; Toy models; Toy figures; Toy robots. administrative order processing for fulfillment services; providing product information for the purpose of assisting with the selection of general consumer merchandise to meet the consumer's needs; Commercial information for consumers and Providing of related news in relation to the following fields: Sports, amusements, Business and Finance, Political and Government, Health and Physical form, Weather, Provision of teaching classes and Technology, Social sciences, Travel, art and Literature, music, Cinemas (audio-visual), Lifestyle and Personal growth, Vehicles and Transportation, Child-rearing and child development, Real estate affairs, Fashion, Appearance, Food, Kitchen containers, Interior architecture and Interior decor design and In the legal field; online business directories featuring restaurants, bars, movie theaters, dance clubs, museums and art galleries; providing online business directory services for telephone numbers, business addresses, electronic mail addresses, network home page addresses, addresses and telephone numbers of people, places, and organizations; Personal concierge services, That is Providing of reminders for appointments and events such as memorials and birthdays, assistance in the providing of goods and services (commercial intermediation services) and services and assistance relating to the providing of personal fashion advice (commercial intermediation services); Retail services in relation to the following goods: virtual works of art; Providing of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of encrypted collectibles; Online sales services in relation to the following goods: downloadable virtual goods, That is, Computer programs in relation to the following fields: cars and land vehicles, toy model land vehicles, Watches, Key fobs, Wallets, Clothing, Footwear, Articles of clothing, Hats, Peaked caps, Spectacles, Sunglasses, Bags, Bags for sports, Back packs, And equipment, surfboards, games, Toys, Video games, Interactive multimedia games, augmented and mixed virtual reality games, miniatures (games, toys and playthings), Figurines, Sketches, Toy robots, Avatars, Virtual characters, Plush stuffed toys, Works of art, Works of art of precious or non-precious metals, The aforesaid goods for use online and in online virtual environments. Telecommunications access services; Telecommunication services, Specifically, electronic transmission of streamed and downloadable audio files via computer and other communications networks; Webcasting services; telecommunications services, namely, electronic transmission of streamed and downloaded audio, video and multimedia content files via computer and communications networks; Audio broadcasting of spoken word, music, concerts, and radio programs; Electronic transmission of information and data; Providing access to databases; Providing telecommunication connectivity services for the transfer of images, messages, audio, visual and audiovisual content, data, multimedia content and content to on-board multimedia, communication, infotainment and navigation systems; Telecommunication services, namely, transmission of podcasts; telecommunication services, namely, transmission of webcasts; transmission of vehicle diagnostic information via computer and communications networks; transmission of motor vehicle status information via computer and communications networks. Providing information, news, and commentary in the field of travel, available vehicle parking, current vehicle traffic, and transportation; providing traffic status information and responsive directional guidance information to vehicle operators. Providing non-downloadable pre-recorded music and podcasts in relation to the following fields: Motion pictures, Televison programmes, audio-visual works, Music, Audio works, visual works, Lending libraries, theatre, Literary works, Sporting events, Recreational activities, leisure activities, Tournaments, arts, Dancing, Musicals, expositions, sports, Clubs, Radio, Comedy, Competitions, Games; Providing non-downloadable pre-recorded music and podcasts in relation to the following fields: festivals, Museums, parks, Cultural activities, Presentation of concerts, Publishing, Animation, current events and fashion; providing information, news, and commentary in the field of entertainment, education and child educational development, cultural events, historical figures, news about current events, sports, fitness, arts and literature, and music and cinema; News reporters services, namely Publishing, reporting and writing of informational texts, news and commentaries relating to topics of general interest, namely in relation to the following fields: Sport, Entertainment services, Affairs and finance, politics and Government, health and Physical condition, Meteorology, Provision of teaching classes and technology, Travel, arts and literary, Lifestyle and Personal growth, Vehicles and Transport, education relating to children and Child development, Real estate; Writing of news and commentaries relating to topics of general interest, namely in relation to the following fields: fashion and Designing, food items, Cookery, Interior decor design, Music, Cinema, stories, medicine, law and Current affairs; personal concierge services, namely assisting with the procurement and booking of tickets to sporting events, concerts, shows, theatres, cinemas and museums; providing information, news, and commentary in connection with personal development training; Providing of non-downloadable virtual goods namely, Programs for data processing devices in relation to the following fields: Cars and Land vehicles, Land vehicle miniatures, Watches, Key holders, Pocket wallets, Clothing, Foot wear, wearing, Hats, Caps for wear, eyeglasses, Sun lenses, Bags and packs, Bags for sports, Backpacks, Sports equipment, Surfboards, Games, Playthings, video games, Interactive multimedia games, Augmented and mixed reality games, miniatures (games, toys and playthings), Figurines, Toy models, toy robots, Avatars, Virtual characters, Plush toys, Artwork, Works of art of precious or non-precious metals, all the aforesaid goods for use online and in online virtual environments. Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for voice command and recognition software, speech to text conversion software, voice-enabled software applications for personal information management; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for personal assistant software; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for home automation and home device integration software; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for wireless communication software for voice, audio, video, and data transmission; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software used for controlling stand-alone voice controlled information and personal assistant devices; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for personal information management; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for accessing, browsing, and searching online databases, audio, video and multimedia content, games, and software applications, software application marketplaces; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for accessing, monitoring, tracking, searching, saving, and sharing information on topics of general interest; providing online non-downloadable computer software for use in providing retail and ordering services for a wide variety of consumer goods; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for use to connect and control internet of things (Iot) electronic devices; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for connecting, operating, integrating, controlling, and managing networked consumer electronic devices, home climate devices and lighting products via wireless networks; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for others to use for the development of software to manage, connect, and operate internet of things (IoT) electronic devices; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for use as an application programming interface (API); design, development and maintenance of proprietary computer software for others in the field of natural language, speech, language, and voice recognition excluding post-production of picture and sound recordings; technical support and consultation services for developing applications; application service provider (ASP) services featuring software for controlling, integrating, operating, connecting, and managing voice controlled information devices, namely, cloud-connected and voice-controlled smart consumer electronic devices and electronic personal assistant devices; providing customized computer searching services, namely, searching and retrieving information at the user's specific request via the Internet; computer services, namely, providing remote management of devices via computer networks, wireless networks or the Internet; provision of Internet search engine services; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to voice command and recognition software, speech to text conversion software, and voice-enabled software applications, home automation, and internet-of-things software; providing information, news, and commentary in the field of science and technology, home decorating, weather; provision of cloud-based, voice-enabled software that provides users the ability to control features of their motor vehicle, namely, locking and unlocking vehicle doors, and starting and turning off the vehicle; provision of cloud-based, voice-enabled software that provides users the ability to check statuses of motor vehicle systems, namely, engine oil life, fuel level, tire pressure and battery charge; Providing of cloud-based, voice-enabled software enabling users to access and control vehicle HVAC, multimedia, communication, infotainment and navigation systems; provision of cloud-based, in-vehicle, voice-enabled software that provides users the ability to connect and control smart home connected and internet of things (IoT) electronic devices; provision of cloud-based software for transmitting vehicle diagnostic and status information via computer and communications networks; provision of cloud-based software for receiving traffic status information and providing responsive directional guidance information to vehicle operators; provision of cloud-based software that enables communication between vehicles and connected devices; none of the aforesaid for professional photographic and cinematographic cameras including professional photographic and cinematographic specific accessories therefor and professional photographic and cinematographic software; providing information, news, and commentary in connection with fashion designs.



Application Number 018711847
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-05-31
Registration Date 2022-09-20
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles namely Apparatus for locomotion by land, Cars, Component parts for the aforesaid goods, namely Suspension shock absorbers for apparatus for locomotion by land, Shock absorbers for automobiles, Head rests for seats on apparatus for locomotion by land, transmission shafts for apparatus for locomotion by land, gearboxes for apparatus for locomotion by land, Hoods for apparatus for locomotion by land, Automobile hoods, Bonnets for apparatus for locomotion by land, Automobile bodies, Safety belts for seats for apparatus for locomotion by land, Automobile chassis, Hydraulic circuits for apparatus for locomotion by land, Safety devices for cars, namely Airbags for apparatus for locomotion by land, brake discs for apparatus for locomotion by land, clutches for apparatus for locomotion by land, hub caps for wheels on apparatus for locomotion by land, windscreen wipers for apparatus for locomotion by land, brakes for apparatus for locomotion by land, wheel rims for apparatus for locomotion by land, running boards for apparatus for locomotion by land, Engines and motors for apparatus for locomotion by land, Windscreens, Bumpers for automobiles, Tyres for apparatus for locomotion by land, luggage carriers for apparatus for locomotion by land, doors for apparatus for locomotion by land, wheels for apparatus for locomotion by land, rearview mirrors for apparatus for locomotion by land, seats for apparatus for locomotion by land, Windows for apparatus for locomotion by land, Steering wheels for apparatus for locomotion by land, covers for apparatus for locomotion by land.



Application Number 018704032
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-05-17
Registration Date 2023-04-20
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Packaging and storage of goods; Providing information relating to car rental services; Vehicle rental; Rental of motor racing cars; Lending or replacing vehicles; Vehicle breakdown towing services; Recovery services for vehicles; Rental of garage parking places; Garage rental; Rental of vehicle roof racks; Tracking of passenger vehicles by computer or via GPS; Traffic information; Transportation information; Transportation logistics; Transport brokerage; Transport, distribution and supply of energy; Information and consultancy relating to the storage, transport, distribution and supply of energy. Industrial research services in the field of energy saving and ecology applied to motorised land vehicles; Vehicle roadworthiness testing; Technical inspection of vehicles for roadworthiness and road safety.



Application Number 018702536
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-05-16
Registration Date 2022-09-29
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 38 - Telecommunications services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services

Goods & Services

Software; computer software for use in the delivery, distribution and transmission of media content; computer software for enabling transmission, storage, sharing, collection, editing, organizing and modifying media content; Apparatus for recording, storing, sharing, transmitting, reproducing sound, data or images. Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Brake discs for vehicles; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windshield wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Engines for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped]. Telecommunication services; Streaming of media content via electronic communication networks, local and global computer networks and wireless communication networks; streaming of media content to users online via a communication network; Webcasting services; Streaming of audio, visual and audiovisual material via a global computer network; Information, consultancy and advisory services relating to telecommunications; Audiovisual communication services; Radio broadcasting; Television broadcasting; Computer-aided transmission and reception of messages and images; Telematics services; Audio and visual data transmission by all means of telecommunications, including the Internet; Providing of online access to musical databases. Entertainment services; Provision of entertainment information relating to media content; Entertainment services, Namely, curating media content; Entertainment services, Namely, a multimedia program series distributed via the internet and other communications networks; information, consultancy and advisory services relating to the aforesaid; Music programming; Online publication of musical works and music videos; Online publication of databases of musical works and music videos; Publishing, Including online, in relation to the following fields: Music and Music publishing services; Music arranging services; Entertainment in the form of audio or radio programmes, streamed entertainment and entertainment in non-downloadable form (podcasts) in the field of music; Digital imaging services, Namely photomontage; Providing of online entertainment featuring the providing of non-downloadable sound and visual recordings in the field of music; Online music services featuring the providing of electronic libraries containing musical sound recordings via an online computer network.



Application Number 018697911
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-05-05
Registration Date 2022-09-24
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 35 - Advertising and business services

Goods & Services

Providing of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of encrypted collectibles; Providing of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of blockchain-based non-fungible assets; Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Auctioneering services; retail sales of art.



Application Number 018697042
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-05-03
Registration Date 2022-09-06
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 40 - Treatment of materials; recycling, air and water treatment,
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Apparatus and instruments for managing, switching, connecting, transforming, storing and regulating electricity and energy, including electric power supply systems, electric transformers, electric connection networks included in class 9; Electricity measuring instruments; Measuring, signalling, checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments, used in particular in the field of electricity; Accumulators, electric; Chargers for electric batteries; Chargers for electric batteries; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Ignition batteries; Anode batteries; Batteries, electric; Terminals [electricity]; Splice boxes [electric]; Housings for electrical apparatus; Plug boxes [electric]; Materials for electricity mains [wires, cables]; Circuit breakers; Electricity distribution boards, data processing equipment, downloadable computer software and computer programs for use in generating, managing, switching, connecting, transforming, storing and regulating electricity and energy. Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Brake discs for vehicles; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windshield wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Engines for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped]. Business management in the automotive field; Business administration in the automotive field; Commercial or industrial business management assistance in the automotive field; Business management assistance in the automotive field; Business administration of licences for the goods and services of others, in the automotive field; Commercial information agency services in the automotive field; Updating and maintenance of data in computer databases; Presentation of goods on all communication means for the retailing of goods in the automotive field, new and used motor vehicles and spare parts; Providing commercial information to consumers and Providing of commercial information for professionals in relation to the following goods: Products and Services In the automotive sector; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop] and Business information and consultancy for professionals through web sites In the automotive sector; Management of customer loyalty, incentive or promotional schemes; Supply services for others in the automotive field, namely the purchase of spare parts and services for other companies in the automotive field, namely the bringing together of suppliers and dealers; Computerised stock ordering; Stock control services; Retail services in relation to the following goods: cars, spare parts and accessories In the automotive sector; demonstration in relation to the following goods: automotive products and spare parts; Arranging of business introductions, in relation to the following fields: Purchase and sale of goods In the automotive sector; Business consultancy, information or enquiries, in relation to the following fields: Sustainable development applied to the automotive sector; Business expertise services, in relation to the following fields: Protection of the environment, New energies and Sustainable development; Market studies and research in the field of environmental protection, new energies and sustainable development; Demonstration of goods for improving and controlling energy consumption. Vehicle breakdown repair services; Fitting of replacement vehicle parts; Vehicle windscreen replacement services; Vehicle battery charging; Arranging for the replacement vehicle windows; Vehicle tyre fitting and repair; Retreading of tyres, Repair and vulcanization of tires; Upholstery repair; Repair of brake systems for vehicles; Replacement of shock absorbers; Maintenance and repair of chassis parts and bodies for vehicles; Painting of vehicles; Overhaul of vehicles; Rebuilding engines that have been worn or partially destroyed; Providing of information relating to the state of vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Maintenance and repair of air conditioning apparatus; Vehicle cleaning; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Electric appliance installation and repair; Installation of automobile accessories; Installation of vehicle security devices; Providing information relating to the repair or maintenance of automobiles; Providing information and advice relating to the repair or maintenance of vehicles; Service station services; Installation services, Maintenance, Maintenance services, Garaging, Repair services and Commissioning In connection with the following goods: energy installations. Packaging and storage of goods; Delivery services; Delivery of goods, in particular Dealerships in the field of vehicles; Providing information relating to car rental services; Vehicle rental; Rental of motor racing cars; Lending or replacing vehicles; Vehicle breakdown towing services; Recovery services for vehicles; Rental of garage parking places; Garage rental; Rental of vehicle roof racks; Tracking of passenger vehicles by computer or via GPS; Traffic information; Transportation information; Transportation logistics; Transport brokerage; Transport, distribution and supply of energy; Information and consultancy relating to the storage, transport, distribution and supply of energy. Treatment of materials (decontamination of dangerous products) and recycling of vehicles and their parts for the purposes of energy saving and environmental protection in the field of vehicles, and information services relating thereto. Industrial research services in the field of energy saving and ecology applied to motorised land vehicles; Vehicle roadworthiness testing; Inspection of vehicles for roadworthiness and road safety.



Application Number 018695956
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-05-02
Registration Date 2022-09-30
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 40 - Treatment of materials; recycling, air and water treatment,
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Apparatus and instruments for managing, switching, connecting, transforming, storing and regulating electricity and energy, including electric power supply systems, electric transformers, electric connection networks included in class 9; Electricity measuring instruments; Measuring, signalling, checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments, used in particular in the field of electricity; Accumulators, electric; Chargers for electric batteries; Chargers for electric batteries; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Ignition batteries; Anode batteries; Batteries, electric; Terminals [electricity]; Splice boxes [electric]; Branch boxes [electricity]; Branch boxes [electricity]; Junction boxes [electricity]; Junction boxes [electricity]; Plug boxes [electric]; Materials for electricity mains [wires, cables]; Circuit breakers; Electricity distribution boards, data processing equipment, downloadable computer software and computer programs for use in generating, managing, switching, connecting, transforming, storing and regulating electricity and energy. Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Brake discs for vehicles; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windshield wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Engines for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped]. Business management in the automotive field; Business administration in the automotive field; Commercial or industrial business management assistance in the automotive field; Business management assistance in the automotive field; Business administration of licences for the goods and services of others, in the automotive field; Commercial information agency services in the automotive field; Updating and maintenance of data in computer databases; Presentation of goods on all communication means for the retailing of goods in the automotive field, new and used motor vehicles and spare parts; Providing commercial information to consumers and Providing of commercial information for professionals in relation to the following goods: Products and Services In the automotive sector; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop] and Business information and consultancy for professionals through web sites In the automotive sector; Arranging and management of loyalty schemes via bonuses and promotions; Supply services for others in the automotive field, namely the purchase of spare parts and services for other companies in the automotive field, namely the bringing together of suppliers and dealers; Computerised stock ordering; Stock control services; Retail services in relation to the following goods: cars, spare parts and accessories In the automotive sector; demonstration in relation to the following goods: automotive products and spare parts; Arranging of business introductions, in relation to the following fields: Purchase and sale of goods, In the automotive sector; Business consultancy, information or enquiries, in relation to the following fields: Sustainable development applied to the automotive sector; Business expertise services, in relation to the following fields: Protection of the environment, New energies and Sustainable development; Market studies and research in the field of environmental protection, new energies and sustainable development; Demonstration of goods for improving and controlling energy consumption. Vehicle breakdown repair services; Fitting of replacement vehicle parts; Vehicle windscreen replacement services; Vehicle battery charging; Arranging for the replacement vehicle windows; Vehicle tyre fitting and repair; Retreading of tyres, Repair and vulcanization of tires; Upholstery repair; Repair of brake systems for vehicles; Replacement of shock absorbers; Maintenance and repair of chassis parts and bodies for vehicles; Painting of vehicles; Overhaul of vehicles; Rebuilding engines that have been worn or partially destroyed; Providing of information relating to the state of vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Maintenance and repair of air conditioning apparatus; Vehicle cleaning; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Electric appliance installation and repair; Installation of automobile accessories; Installation of vehicle security devices; Providing information relating to the repair or maintenance of automobiles; Providing information and advice relating to the repair or maintenance of vehicles; Service station services; nstallation, Maintenance, Maintenance, fix, Repair and Commissioning, in relation to the following fields: energy installations. Packaging and storage of goods; Delivery services; Delivery of goods; Information relating to the rental of vehicles; Vehicle rental; Rental of motor racing cars; Lending or replacing vehicles; Vehicle breakdown towing services; Recovery services for vehicles; Rental of garage parking places; Garage rental; Rental of vehicle roof racks; Tracking of passenger vehicles by computer or via GPS; Traffic information; Transportation information; Transportation logistics; Transport brokerage; Transport, distribution and supply of energy; Information and consultancy relating to the storage, transport, distribution and supply of energy. Treatment of materials (decontamination of dangerous products) and recycling of vehicles and their parts for the purposes of energy saving and environmental protection in the field of vehicles, and information services relating thereto. Industrial research services in the field of energy saving and ecology applied to motorised land vehicles; Vehicle roadworthiness testing; Technical inspection of vehicles for roadworthiness and road safety.



Application Number 018692270
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-04-26
Registration Date 2022-08-30
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 36 - Financial, insurance and real estate services

Goods & Services

Electronic payment processing devices including payment processing devices containing integrated circuits, smart cards, magnetic cards, and RFID devices; Magnetic cards; smartcards including chip cards, memory cards and data cards; Computer hardware; Computer software; Data processing equipment; Charge cards, bank cards; Credit cards; Debit cards; Stored value cards; automated teller machines for banking establishments; cards equipped with microprocessors and integrated circuits; contactless payment systems comprising handheld electronic payment devices and readers capable of reading payment information on the devices when the devices are in the proximity of, but not in contact with, the readers; credit and banking cards including prepaid cards and chip cards configured as payment devices for use in contactless payment systems. Financial and monetary services and banking; Arranging the provision of finance; Credit leasing; All these services relating to transport and mobility.



Application Number 018693350
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-04-26
Registration Date 2022-08-27
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 36 - Financial, insurance and real estate services

Goods & Services

Business management of vehicle fleets; Business assistance, management and administrative services, in relation to the following fields: Mobility, Transportation; Collection of commercial information; Price comparison for goods and services, in relation to the following fields: Mobility, Transportation; Retailing and wholesaling of electric batteries, cables and electrical charging stations for electric land vehicles; Automatic billing from remote readings of electricity consumption relating to the charging of electric land vehicles. Financing and funding services; Finance services; Insurance services; Hire-purchase financing; All these services relating to transport and mobility.



Application Number 018689760
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-04-21
Registration Date 2022-08-30
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Vehicle brake discs; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windscreen wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Motors for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Pneumatic tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].



Application Number 018686970
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-04-12
Registration Date 2022-08-26
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 36 - Financial, insurance and real estate services

Goods & Services

Vehicles; Apparatus for locomotion by land; Automotive vehicles; Vans [vehicles]; Vans [vehicles]; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electric bicycles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Engines for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Vehicle chassis; Bodies for vehicles; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Torque converters for land vehicles; Clutches for land vehicles; Axles for vehicles; Brakes for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Wheel covers [for vehicles]; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Pneumatic tyres; Steering wheels; Vehicle seats; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Safety devices for vehicles, including safety belts and inflatable air cushions; Rearview mirrors; Windshield wipers; Torsion bars for vehicles; Vehicle bumpers; Protective bars; Deflectors; Air flow spoilers for vehicles; Windscreens; Sunshine roofs for vehicles; Windows for vehicles; Gas caps for land vehicles; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Bicycle saddles; Motorcycle saddles; Cycle stands; Motorcycle kickstands; Motorcycle frames; Bicycle frames; Anti-theft devices for vehicles; Drones. Business management of vehicle fleets; Business assistance, management and administrative services, in relation to the following fields: Mobility, Transportation; Collection of commercial information; Price comparison for goods and services, in relation to the following fields: Mobility, Transportation; Retailing and wholesaling of electric batteries, cables and electrical charging stations for electric land vehicles; Automatic billing from remote readings of electricity consumption relating to the charging of electric land vehicles. Financing and funding services; Finance services; Insurance services relating exclusively to land vehicles, for covering repairs or body harm, for payment protection and for extended warranties; Hire-purchase financing; All these services relating to transport and mobility.



Application Number 018680608
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-03-31
Registration Date 2022-08-24
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services

Goods & Services

Apparatus and instruments for managing, switching, connecting, transforming and regulating electricity, including electric power supply systems, electric transformers, electric connection networks included in class 9; Electricity measuring instruments; Measuring, signalling, checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments, used in particular in the field of electricity; Chargers for electric batteries; Terminals [electricity]; Splice boxes [electric]; Plug boxes [electric]; Cable boxes (Electric -); Materials for electricity mains [wires, cables]; Circuit breakers; Electricity distribution boards, data processing equipment, downloadable computer software and computer programs for use in generating, managing, switching, connecting, transforming, storing and regulating electricity and energy; All the aforesaid goods being used in connection with apparatus for locomotion by land. Vehicles; Apparatus for locomotion by land; Bicycles; Bicycles; Motorcycles; Tricycles; Arm rests for vehicles; spare components; Accessories for the aforesaid goods; Anti-theft devices for vehicles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Ashtrays for vehicles; Automobile chains [anti-skid for wheels]; Sun-blinds adapted for automobiles; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Safety seats for children, for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped]; Seat covers for vehicles. Building construction supervision; Repair and maintenance of electricity networks, electric installations, and energy generation facilities; Construction engineering; Consultancy and information services relating to construction; Information and consultancy services relating to vehicle repair. Supply and distribution of electric energy; Distribution and storage of energy; Consultancy and information with regard to all the aforesaid services.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 018677299
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-03-25
Registration Date 2022-08-18
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 11 - Environmental control apparatus
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Lighting apparatus and installations for vehicles; Vehicle headlights; Luminous tubes for lighting; Lights for vehicles; Lighting fittings; Vehicle reflectors; Air conditioning apparatus for vehicles and Air conditioners for vehicles; Electric torches, Electric lamps, Air filtering installations, Air conditioners for vehicles; Heating apparatus for defrosting vehicle windows; Refrigerating appliances and installations; ventilating apparatus and installations for vehicles. Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Brake discs for vehicles; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windshield wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Engines for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped]; Anti-dazzle devices for vehicles.



Application Number 018671970
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-03-15
Registration Date 2022-07-06
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services

Goods & Services

Apparatus and instruments for managing, switching, connecting, transforming and regulating electricity, including electric power supply systems, electric transformers, electric connection networks included in class 9; Electricity measuring instruments; Measuring, signalling, checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments, used in particular in the field of electricity; Chargers for electric batteries; Terminals [electricity]; Plug boxes [electric]; Cable boxes (Electric -); Materials for electricity mains [wires, cables]; Circuit breakers; Electricity distribution boards, data processing equipment, downloadable computer software and computer programs for use in generating, managing, switching, connecting, transforming, storing and regulating electricity and energy; All the aforesaid goods being used in connection with apparatus for locomotion by land. Building construction supervision; Repair and maintenance of electricity networks, electric installations, and energy generation facilities; Construction engineering; Consultancy and information services relating to construction; Information and consultancy services relating to vehicle repair.



Application Number 018669573
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-03-09
Registration Date 2022-08-06
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 36 - Financial, insurance and real estate services
  • 38 - Telecommunications services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services

Goods & Services

Computer applications (software) for the rental of vehicles with or without drivers, for journeys in shared vehicles and for parking, storage of vehicles and MAAS (Mobility as a Service); Interfaces (computer software), all of the aforesaid goods relating to mobility services (transport); Computer software for the remote payment of motorway tolls, renting parking spaces and all services in connection with transport from mobile telephones, digital tablets and computers; Computer programs and software for the collection, compilation, processing, transmission and dissemination of data from global positioning systems (GPS) for fixed, mobile and portable devices; Electronic databases featuring traffic information, geographical information, information on cards, information on public transport routes, information on public transport schedules; Navigation software for calculating and displaying itineraries; Artificial intelligence software for vehicles; Vehicle control assistance software; Computer software to assist with vehicle fleet management; Computer software to assist with scheduling and coordination of autonomous vehicles; Computer software to enable determination of vehicle location; Batteries, electric; Electrical cabinets; Materials for electricity mains [wires, cables]; Electric charging cables for electric land vehicles of all kinds; Battery chargers for electric land vehicles of all kinds; Charging stations for electric land vehicles of all kinds; Current plugs, including reinforced, for use in charging electric land vehicles of all kinds; Prepaid or rechargeable payment cards enabling users to acces public chargings stations for electric land vehicles of all kinds; Mobile and tablet applications, enabling reference and monitoring of electricity consumption relating to the charging of electric land vehicles, location of charging stations for electric land vehicles, access to after-sale services (maintenance, servicing and repair) of batteries and charging cables for electric land vehicles; Electricity meters for use in electricity used while charging electric land vehicles. Vehicles; Apparatus for locomotion by land; Automotive vehicles; Lorries; Vans [vehicles]; Vans [vehicles]; Motorcycles; Mopeds; Bicycles; Electric bicycles; Parts therefore, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Engines for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Vehicle chassis; Bodies for vehicles; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Torque converters for land vehicles; Clutches for land vehicles; Axles for vehicles; Brakes for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rims for vehicle wheels; Wheel covers [for vehicles]; Hubs for vehicle wheels; Pneumatic tyres; Steering wheels; Vehicle seats; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Safety devices for vehicles, including safety belts and inflatable air cushions; Rearview mirrors; Windshield wipers; Torsion bars for vehicles; Vehicle bumpers; Protective bars; Deflectors; Air flow spoilers for vehicles; Windscreens; Sunshine roofs for vehicles; Windows for vehicles; Gas caps for land vehicles; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Bicycle saddles; Motorcycle saddles; Cycle stands; Motorcycle kickstands; Motorcycle frames; Bicycle frames; Anti-theft devices for vehicles; Drones. Vehicle fleet business management services; Sharing of vehicle fleets; Business assistance, management and administrative services, in relation to the following fields: Mobility, Transportation; Collection of commercial information; Price comparison for goods and services, in relation to the following fields: Mobility, Transportation; Retailing and wholesaling of electric batteries, cables and electrical charging stations for electric land vehicles; Automatic billing from remote readings of electricity consumption relating to the charging of electric land vehicles. Financing services, financial services, insurance services, hire-purchase financing, all the aforesaid services in connection with mobility and transport. Providing of telecommunications for platforms in connection with mobility services; Providing of user access to mobility and transport platforms on internet telecommunications; Telecommunication services, Namely transmission of voice data, images, signals and messages in the field of information relating to mobility, motor vehicle diagnostics, maintenance reminders, traffic status and directional guidance information to emergency personnel and vehicle operators; electronic transmission of signals for a global satellite navigation system, Specifically, transmitting signals between a global positioning system and cellular telephones in connection with the dispatch of roadside assistance and autorelated travel services. Rental, booking and providing of vehicles and vehicle fittings, rental of vehicle parking spaces and areas, rental of vehicle car parks, Garage rental for vehicles, Car sharing, Taxi transport, Chauffeur services, Car sharing services, Passenger transport services; Vehicle towing in the case of vehicle breakdowns; Sharing of vehicle fleets; Public transport information; Tracking of vehicles, public transport vehicles and passengers via fixed devices, mobile devices, portable devices or via global positioning systems (GPS); Online advice relating to transport line schedule and route tracking; Providing of online information relating to travel and public transport; Providing of traffic and geographical information, relating to travel, location, navigation, traffic and points of interest via telecommunications networks, mobile telephones, portable devices and wireless navigation devices; Providing of online interactive databases offering services, schedules and public transport lines, traffic and geographical information, relating to travel, location, navigation, traffic and points of interest; emergency roadside assistance services, namely, towing, winch-out and key delivery services; providing roadside emergency services, namely voice routing and location assistance services through components integrated into a motor vehicle, namely, transmitters, receivers, microprocessors, software, cellular phones, and electrical architecture all interacting with global position system satellite technology and a customer service center; Navigation services, namely, voice routing, navigation and location assistance, through an integrated in-vehicle communication system; Conducting and transport of electricity; Distribution of energy; Electricity distribution; Distribution of energy for charging electric land vehicles; Delivery of electronic charging cables for electric land vehicles of all kinds, battery chargers for electric land vehicles of all kinds, current plugs, including reinforced, for use in charging electric land vehicles of all kinds; Rental of electric charging cables for electric land vehicles of all kinds, battery chargers for electric land vehicles of all kinds, current plugs, including reinforced, for use in charging electric land vehicles of all kinds; Recovery services [towing and transport], including for emergencies, of electric land vehicles of all kinds.



Application Number 018666587
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-03-04
Registration Date 2022-07-07
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 40 - Treatment of materials; recycling, air and water treatment,
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Apparatus and instruments for managing, switching, connecting, transforming, storing and regulating electricity and energy, including electric power supply systems, electric transformers, electric connection networks included in class 9; Electricity measuring instruments; Measuring, signalling, checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments, used in particular in the field of electricity; Accumulators, electric; Chargers for electric batteries; Chargers for electric batteries; Batteries, electric, for vehicles; Ignition batteries; Anode batteries; Batteries, electric; Terminals [electricity]; Splice boxes [electric]; Housings for electrical apparatus; Plug boxes [electric]; Materials for electricity mains [wires, cables]; Circuit breakers; Electricity distribution boards, data processing equipment, downloadable computer software and computer programs for use in generating, managing, switching, connecting, transforming, storing and regulating electricity and energy. Motors and engines for land vehicles and components therefor; Electric land vehicles and/or with engines and/or using any propulsion mechanism and Parts for the aforesaid goods, in particular Anti-glare devices, Anti-theft apparatus, Anti-theft devices, Drive shafts, Vibration dampers, Hoods, Bodies for vehicles, Chassis, Bumper bars, Sun-blinds, Horns, bag carriers, Connecting-rods, Gearboxes, Petrol caps, Windscreens, Crank cases, Driving chains, Hydraulic circuits, Reduction gears, turn signals; Car safety seats for children; Brakes; Windshield wipers; Axles for vehicles; Gears for vehicles; Hub caps; Vehicle covers [shaped]; Seat covers for vehicles; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Hub caps, Driving chains, Pneumatic tyres, Propulsion mechanisms, Rearview mirrors, Wheels, Safety belts and safety straps, Suspension shock absorbers, Doors, Windows, fly wheels. Business management in the automotive field; Business administration in the automotive field; Commercial or industrial business management assistance in the automotive field; Business management assistance in the automotive field; Business administration of licences for the goods and services of others, in the automotive field; Commercial information agency services in the automotive field; Updating and maintenance of data in computer databases; Presentation of goods on all communication means for the retailing of goods in the automotive field, new and used motor vehicles and spare parts; Providing commercial information to consumers and Providing of commercial information for professionals in relation to the following goods: Products and Services In the automotive sector; Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop] and Business information and consultancy for professionals through web sites In the automotive sector; Management of customer loyalty, incentive or promotional schemes; Supply services for others in the automotive field, namely the purchase of spare parts and services for other companies in the automotive field, namely the bringing together of suppliers and dealers; Computerised stock ordering; Stock control services; Retail services in relation to the following goods: cars, spare parts and accessories In the automotive sector; demonstration in relation to the following goods: automotive products and spare parts; Arranging of business introductions, in relation to the following fields: Purchase and sale of goods In the automotive sector; Business consultancy, information or enquiries, in relation to the following fields: Sustainable development applied to the automotive sector; Efficiency experts in the field of environmental protection, new energies and sustainable development; Market studies and research in the field of environmental protection, new energies and sustainable development; Demonstration of goods for improving and controlling energy consumption. Vehicle breakdown repair services; Fitting of replacement vehicle parts; Vehicle windscreen replacement services; Vehicle battery charging; Arranging for the replacement vehicle windows; Vehicle tyre fitting and repair; Retreading, reconditioning, repair and vulcanisation of tyres; Upholstery repair; Repair of brake systems for vehicles; Replacement of shock absorbers; Maintenance and repair of chassis parts and bodies for vehicles; Painting of vehicles; Overhaul of vehicles; Rebuilding engines that have been worn or partially destroyed; Providing of information relating to the state of vehicles; Vehicle maintenance; Maintenance and repair of air conditioning apparatus; Vehicle cleaning; Anti-rust treatment for vehicles; Electric appliance installation and repair; Installation of automobile accessories; Installation of vehicle security devices; Providing of information in relation to the following fields: Repair of vehicles, vehicle installations, Vehicle maintenance and repair; Providing information and advice relating to the repair or maintenance of vehicles; Service station services; Installation services, Maintenance, Maintenance services, Garaging, Repair services and Commissioning In connection with the following goods: energy installations. Packaging and storage of goods; Delivery services; Delivery of goods, in particular Dealerships in the field of vehicles; Providing information relating to car rental services; Vehicle rental; Rental of motor racing cars; Lending or replacing vehicles; Vehicle breakdown towing services; Recovery services for vehicles; Rental of garage parking places; Garage rental; Rental of vehicle roof racks; Tracking of passenger vehicles by computer or via GPS; Traffic information; Transportation information; Transportation logistics; Transport brokerage; Transport, distribution and supply of energy; Information and consultancy relating to the storage, transport, distribution and supply of energy. Treatment of materials (decontamination of dangerous products) and recycling of vehicles and their parts for the purposes of energy saving and environmental protection in the field of vehicles, and information services relating thereto. Industrial research services in the field of energy saving and ecology applied to motorised land vehicles; Vehicle roadworthiness testing; inspection of vehicles, For roadworthiness and road safety purposes.



Application Number 018661017
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-02-25
Registration Date 2022-06-23
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Brake discs for vehicles; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windshield wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Engines for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].



Application Number 018656915
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-02-17
Registration Date 2022-06-09
Owner RENAULT s.a.s. (France)
NICE Classes  ? 12 - Land, air and water vehicles; parts of land vehicles

Goods & Services

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, motor vehicles, parts therefor, namely suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Transmission shafts for land vehicles; Gear boxes for land vehicles; Hoods for vehicles; Automobile hoods; Hoods for vehicle engines; Automobile bodies; Safety belts for vehicle seats; Automobile chassis; Hydraulic circuits for vehicles; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; Brake discs for vehicles; Clutches for land vehicles; Hub caps; Windshield wipers; Brakes for vehicles; Rims for vehicle wheels; Vehicle running boards; Engines for land vehicles; Windscreens; Bumpers for automobiles; Tyres; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Doors for vehicles; Vehicle wheels; Rearview mirrors; Vehicle seats; Windows for vehicles; Steering wheels for vehicles; Vehicle covers [shaped].
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